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Preview Haskell'01: proceedings of 2001 ACM SIGPLAN Haskell workshop

Preliminary Proceedings of the 2001 ACM SIGPLAN Haskell Workshop (HW’2001) Firenze, Italy 2nd September 2001 Ralf Hinze (editor) Technical Report UU-CS-2001-23 Institute of Information and Computing Sciences Utrecht University *** Foreword This volume contains the preliminary proceedings of the 2001 ACM SIGPLAN Haskell Work- shop, which was held on 2nd September 2001 in Firenze, Italy. The final proceedings will publishedbyElsevierScienceasanissueofElectronicNotesinTheoreticalComputerScience (Volume 59). TheHaskellWorkshopwassponsoredbyACMSIGPLANandformedpartofthePLI2001 colloquium on Principles, Logics, and Implementations of high-level programming languages, which comprised the ICFP/PPDP conferences and associated workshops. Previous Haskell Workshops have been held in La Jolla (1995), Amsterdam (1997), Paris (1999), and Montr´eal (2000). ThepurposeoftheHaskellWorkshopwastodiscussexperiencewithHaskell, andpossible future developments for the language. The scope of the workshop included all aspects of the design, semantics, theory, application, implementation, and teaching of Haskell. Submissions that discussed limitations of Haskell at present and/or proposed new ideas for future versions ofHaskellwereparticularlyencouraged. AdoptinganideafromICFP2000,theworkshopalso solicitedtwospecialclassesofsubmissions,applicationlettersandfunctionalpearls,described below. Application Letters AnapplicationletterdescribesexperienceusingHaskelltosolvereal- world problems. Such a paper may be shorter than a regular paper (but need not be), and and may be judged by interest of the application and novel use of Haskell. Functional Pearls A functional pearl presents — using Haskell as a vehicle — an idea that is small, rounded, and glows with its own light. Such a paper may be shorter than a regular paper (but need not be), and may be judged by elegance of development and clarity of expression. The workshop received a total of 23 submissions and after careful consideration the pro- gramme committee accepted 10 papers for presentation (6 regular, 4 functional pearls, and no application letters). Each programme committee member reviewed ten papers, possibly with the aid of an outside expert. Each paper was assigned to at least three reviewers. Fi- nal decisions were made during a virtual programme committee meeting. The selection was competitive: several good papers had to be rejected. Ralf Hinze, Organizer and Chair Utrecht, August 2001 Programme Committee Manuel Chakravarty University of New South Wales Jeremy Gibbons University of Oxford Ralf Hinze (chair) University of Utrecht Patrik Jansson Chalmers University Mark Jones Oregon Graduate Institute Ross Paterson City University, London Simon Peyton Jones Microsoft Research Stephanie Weirich Cornell University Acknowledgements The programme committee thanks the following people for their assistance in evaluating the submissions: Pablo Azero Andres L¨oh Dennis Bj¨orklund Clare Martin Magnus Carlsson Shin-Cheng Mu James Cheney Johan Nordlander David Clarke Claudio Russo Iavor Diatchki Silvija Seres J¨orgen Gustavsson Mark Shields Thomas Hallgren Fred Smith Bill Harrison Josef Svenningsson Gabriele Keller Dave Walker David Lacey Steve Zdancewic Peter Ljunglo¨f Special thanks are due to Andres L¨oh for his assistance in preparing the preliminary proceed- ings and to Betti Venneri for her help with organizing the workshop. Contents Session I • 9.00 – 10.30: chaired by Ralf Hinze Functional Pearl: Derivation of a Carry Lookahead Addition Circuit ............... 1 John O’Donnell and Gudula Ru¨nger Functional Pearl: Inverting the Burrows-Wheeler Transform ...................... 33 Richard Bird and Shin-Cheng Mu Genuinely Functional User Interfaces ............................................ 41 Antony Courtney and Conal Elliott 10.30 - 11.00: Coffee break Session II • 11.00 - 12.30: chaired by Patrik Jansson Named Instances for Haskell Type Classes ........................................ 71 Wolfram Kahl and Jan Scheffczyk A Functional Notation for Functional Dependencies ............................. 101 Matthias Neubauer, Peter Thiemann, Martin Gasbichler, and Michael Sperber Report from the program chair and 10-minute talks 12.30 - 14.00: Lunch Session III • 14.00 - 15.30: chaired by Ross Paterson GHood - Graphical Visualisation and Animation of Haskell Object Observations . 121 Claus Reinke Multiple-View Tracing for Haskell: a New Hat .................................. 151 Malcolm Wallace, Olaf Chitil, Thorsten Brehm, and Colin Runciman 10-minute talks 15.30 - 16.00: Coffee break Session IV • 16.00 - 17.30: chaired by Jeremy Gibbons Functional Pearl: Parsing Permutation Phrases ................................. 171 Arthur Baars, Andres L¨oh, and S. Doaitse Swierstra Functional Pearl: Pretty Printing with Lazy Dequeues ........................... 183 Olaf Chitil Playing by the Rules: Rewriting as a practical optimisation technique in GHC ... 203 Simon Peyton Jones, Andrew Tolmach, and Tony Hoare Session V • 17.30 - 18.00: chaired by Manuel Chakravarty Discussion: the future of Haskell *** Functional Pearl Derivation of a Carry Lookahead Addition Circuit John O’Donnell1,2 Computing Science Department University of Glasgow Glasgow, United Kingdom Gudula Ru¨nger3 Fakult¨at fu¨r Informatik Technische Universit¨at Chemnitz Chemnitz, Germany Abstract Using Haskell as a digital circuit description language, we transform a ripple carry adder that requires O(n) time to add two n-bit words into an efficient carry looka- headadderthatrequiresO(logn)time. Thegaininspeedreliesontheuseofparallel scantocalculatethepropagationofcarrybitsefficiently. Themaindifficultyisthat this scan cannot be parallelised directly since it is applied to a non-associative func- tion. Severaladditionaltechniquesareneededtocircumventtheproblem, including partial evaluation and symbolic function representation. The derivation given here provides a formal correctness proof, yet it also makes the solution more intuitive by bringing out explicitly each of the ideas underlying the carry lookahead adder. 1 Introduction In this paper we use Haskell as a digital circuit description language in order to solve an important problem in hardware design: the transformation of a ripple carry adder that requires O(n) time to add two n-bit words into a carry 1 This work was supported in part by the British Council and the Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst under the Academic Research Collaboration program. 2 Email: jtod@dcs.gla.ac.uk Web: www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/∼jtod/ 3 Email: ruenger@informatik.tu-chemnitz.de Web: www.tu-chemnitz.de/informatik/HomePages/PI/index.html 1 O’Donnell and Ru¨nger lookahead adder, which needs only O(logn) time. This problem has great practical importance, since the clock speed of synchronous digital circuits is determined by the critical path depth, and an adder lies on the critical path in typical processor datapath architectures. In other words, by speeding up just an adder, which accounts for a few hundred logic gates, the speed of an entire chip with millions of gates can be improved. The circuit that we design here is not new; it is related to (though different from) a circuit by Ladner and Fischer [7] (1980), and the particular variation that we develop is essentially the same as the one presented in the well known textbook on algorithms by Cormen, Leiserson and Rivest [3]. The original contributions of this paper include the formal specification, the correctness proof, and the derivation: • Our derivation produces a precise specification of the circuit, which can be simulated or fabricated automatically. The earlier presentations give only examples of the circuit at particular word sizes, relying on the reader to figure out other cases. This can be surprisingly difficult, and is unsuitable for modern integrated circuit design, which is highly automated. • The derivation produces a general solution that works on word size n for every natural number n. • The carry lookahead adder is usually presented as a large and very compli- cated circuit, which is quite difficult to understand. In contrast, we explain it by going through a sequence of transformation steps. At each stage there is a specific technical problem to overcome and a clear strategy for solving it. This leads to a better understanding than contemplation of the final design, where several quite distinct ideas are mixed together and buried in a large network of logic gates. • The derivation in this paper provides a correctness proof for the adder. Although we do not claim the circuit derived here to be new, there is a sense in which it actually is new. The adders presented before operate only on fixed size words, but we derive a family of adders defined for every wordsize n ∈ Nat. For example, the adder described in [3] takes two 8-bit words and producesan8-bitsum. It does not work at all for any other word size. Itstime complexity is O(1); indeed, it is meaningless to attribute a time complexity of O(logn) to an algorithm that lacks a parameter n. Clearly the authors of the previous papers could have designed an adder at a different fixed word size, say 16. What they did not do was to design a general adder at size n, and there is a good reason: they did not use a formalism capable of expressing families of parameterised circuits. Inthispaper,weuseHydra[10],acomputerhardwaredescriptionlanguage (CHDL) embedded in Haskell. Two advantages of Hydra are central to the paper: it allows circuit patterns to be defined, allowing n-bit circuits, and it allows formal equational reasoning to be used in transforming circuits. The reader is assumed to be familiar with Haskell but not with Hydra, and the 2 O’Donnell and Ru¨nger essentialmethodsoffunctionalhardwarespecificationwillbeexplainedbelow. Links to further information on Hydra can be found on the web page for this paper: http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/∼jtod/papers/2001 Adder/ A huge benefit of CHDLs is their ability to define families of related cir- cuits. Most CHDLs are based on imperative programming, but functional languages work far better for this application domain. In particular, this pa- per relies on three characteristic features of functional languages: (1) higher order functions express circuit patterns; (2) referential transparency supports equational reasoning; (3) strong typing allows the circuit types to be defined naturally, and also supports the wide variety of software tools provided by Hy- dra. Nonstrict semantics (lazy evaluation) is also essential to Hydra, although it happens not to be needed for the adder. Eveninaformalderivation, examplesarehelpful, andthereaderisencour- aged to experiment with a Haskell 98 program containing all the definitions in this paper. The program contains test drivers that run a number of examples, as well as comments explaining how to run it, and can be downloaded from the web page mentioned above. Athemerunningthroughthispaperisthedistinctionbetweenspecification and implementation. For a number of auxiliary definitions, as well as for the main result, the paper will begin with a clear specification and proceed to derive an efficient implementation. There is no need for the specification to be efficient, or for the implementation to be clear. A related point is the distinction between circuit specifications and com- puter programs. The Hydra language is intended specifically for circuit design, and it is restricted to forms that correspond directly to circuits. The imple- mentation of Hydra provides tools that will convert a circuit specification (including all the adders defined in this paper) into netlists. Hydra is imple- mented by embedding it in Haskell, so circuit specifications have the same syntax as Haskell. However, Hydra is not identical to Haskell, and a designer who forgets this may write a Haskell program that does not specify a digi- tal circuit at all. This form of confusion has nothing to do with the design of Hydra or Haskell; similar problems arise with imperative CHDLs such as VHDL. Section2definespreciselytheproblemtobesolved, givingaformalspecifi- cation of a binary addition circuit and also explaining how we will use Haskell to describe circuits. Section 3 introduces the combinators that will be used to specifycircuitpatterns, andSection 4presentsthestandardripplecarryadder in this style, using a scan combinator to handle the carry propagation. The essential technique for speeding up the adder is parallel scan, which is derived formally in Section 5. However, it turns out that the particular scan used in the ripple carry adder cannot be implemented by the parallel scan algorithm because it uses a non-associative function. Section 6 solves that problem us- 3 O’Donnell and Ru¨nger ing partial evaluation. However, this introduces a new difficulty: the “circuit” now operates on functions as well as signals, and is no longer a circuit at all. Section 7 introduces a symbolic function representation, Section 8 introduces parallelism into the adder, Section 9 takes care of the final hardware details, and Section 10 concludes. 2 The Problem A signal is a bit in a digital circuit; for the purposes of this paper a signal can be thought of as a value of type Bool. The function bit :: Signal a ⇒ a → Nat converts a bit value to its natural value, either 0 or 1. A binary number is represented as a list of signals [x ,...,x ] that con- 0 n−1 stitute an n-bit word, where x is the most significant bit and x the least 0 P n−1 significant. The value represented by this word is bin xs = n−1x 2n−1−i. i=0 i It is assumed throughout this paper that all lists have finite length. Some of the results need to be refined to handle infinite data structures, but issues of strictness are irrelevant to the derivation of the adder. A binary adder takes a pair of n-bit words xs and ys and a carry input bit c, and it produces their sum, represented as a carry output bit c0 and an n-bit sum ss. Instead of giving the adder two separate words xs and ys, it will receive a word zs :: Signal a ⇒ [(a,a)] of pairs. The binary input words are then map fst zs and map snd zs. There are two reasons for choosing this organisation: it avoids the need for stating side conditions that xs and ys have the same length, and it simplifies the circuits we will define later. But we are not cheating—it is a standard technique in hardware design (called “bit slice” organisation) to zip the two words together in this way, because of exactly the same simplification to the design. An adder is now defined to be any circuit with the right type that produces the right answer for arbitrary inputs. Definition 2.1 (Adder) Let a be a signal type. An adder is a function add such that add :: Signal a ⇒ a → [(a,a)] → (a,[a]), ∀c :: a, zs :: [(a,a)] . 2n ·bit c0 +bin ss = bin (map fst zs)+bin (map snd zs)+bit c where (c0,ss) = add c zs n = length zs = length ss. Circuits will be specified in this paper using Hydra [10], a digital circuit specification language embedded within Haskell. Signals are defined as a type class that provides basic operations, such as the constant values zero and one and basic logic gates, including the inverter inv, the two and three input 4

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