ESTATE AGENTS FREE VALUATIONS 421111 THE VOICE OF HARLOW TTHHUURRSSDDAAYY, JANUARY 3, 2008 50p where sold How they’re turning hotspots into beauty spots NNaappppyy nneeww yyeeaarr pages 12,13 MIDWIVES at Harlow’s Princess Alexandra CC OO UU NN CC II LL Hospital were kept busy over the Christmas and New Year period. Pictured, below, are the three ByBENWILKINSON,Chief Reporter babies born to Harlow mums on New Year’s Day, while there were special deliveries to two Harlow THE financial crisis currently en- families on Christmas Day. gulfing Harlow Council was pre- Full story page 5 dicted1188 MMOONNTTHHSSago,according to its former financial director. Martin Hone, who quit his job last February to work in Southend-on-Sea, claims he ‘‘II GG NN OO RR EE DD warned that more than £1m of savings was needed as early as June 2006 but was ignored by senior council- lors and officers. He told the Star a report he wrote highlighting his financial concerns was discussed by the Maria Lindsey and Mark Sanders (RFGDFTRN/ 04) council’s policy and resources committee. But he claims the then-council leader Kevin Brooks, who has WWAARRNNIINNGG since been widely credited for reversing the council’s earlier financial difficulties, refused to accept his advice. “He really kicked off about it, said Mr Hone. “He had influence over many Labour and Liberal Democrat councillors and per- suaded them to block our pro- posals. As a result, we never Manu and Stella Joseph (RFGDFTRN/ 02) really got to grips with the prob- lems.” He added: “When I left in OOFF CCRRIISSIISS’’ February, I could see the writing was on the wall. Harlow Council now has three months to sort out this mess instead of almost two years.” However, Mr Brooks rub- bished the claims and said Mr Hone had made an unsuccessful Continued on page 3 April Richardson (Z7DMGSFY/06) Prospective Conservative MPworking hard for Harlow, Hastingwood, Nazeing, Roydon &Sheering Hugee rangee off Trees, Step into another country Wishing and experience traditional food Shrubss andd Garden and music while relaxing in Plants our beautiful restaurant. a Happy •Superb large Specimen Plants •Vast selection of Perennials New •Giftware Department IRELAND AMERICA £10.95 For only •Garden Furniture Outdoor MEXICO GREECE per person Living SPAIN INDIA enjoy a two course meal, starter Year to •Design and Landscape Service MOROCCO FRANCE and a main course, from our • Coffee Shop ITALY JAMAICA feature country •Delivery service CHINA RUSSIA Desserts and coffee extra everyone Book Now to Save Tel: 01279 419039 Disappointment Promoted by Simon Carter on behalf of Robert Halfon, A414, M11 junction 7 (Chelmsford turn-off) Latton Bush Centre, Harlow CM18 7BL. Nr.Harlow, Essex CM17 9LD 2 January 3, 2008 e-mail: [email protected] LAST days to save! double savings end SUNDAY 5pm on a huge range of great designs, plus choose anything, take 4 years free credit and pay nothing for the first year Save £799 on the Zelia leather corner group, in a choice of 40 colours at no extra cost. Matching 3 seater sofa, 2 seater sofa, chair, manual and power recliner chairs and storage footstool with double savings too. £799 save double HALF PRICE Was£1598. Sale Price £1199. ENFIELD (020) 8364 5404 Great Cambridge Road. ROMFORD (01708) 335588 Gallows Corner Retail Park. STEVENAGE (01438) 745170 Roaring Meg Retail Park. BECKTON (020) 8507 3880 All finance Typical 0% APR at DFS is FREE OPEN: Wed to Fri 9am – 8pm.Sat9am – 6pm.Sun 11am – 5pm.Mon to Fri 9am – 8pm. Credit subject to acceptance. 4 years free credit from date of order. Redhouse Interchange, Doncaster DN6 7NA NEWS January 3, 2008 3 Lubbock dad hopeful about Council ‘ignored’ warning of financial crisis outcome of second inquiry Continued from front page of the items he identified were no relation at all to the items ation of Kier Harlow, the private relevant to the current over- making up the 2007-08 over- company partly owned by the TERRY Lubbock hopes 2008 talised. spend,” he said. spend.” council which carries out many will bring answers about the He maintains there were seri- complaint to the local govern- “His report in June 2006 is a Mr Brooks also said the report of the services previously run in- death of his son following a ous flaws in the original inves- ment watchdog over the dispute. complete red herring. The items had failed to include house. party at Michael Barrymore’s tigation which led the Essex “It’s true he had a forecast for making up his forecast have Government-required efficiency He added: “The man is just former Roydon home. coroner to record an open ver- about a £1.1m shortfall but none been proved erroneous and bear savings or savings from the cre- motivated by malice.” He has been assured by the dict into his death. Independent Police Complaints Speaking to the Star, Mr FFaammiillyy ’’ss ddiissttrreessss Commission that Essex Police Lubbock said: “I am now fully will be ready to reveal the recovered and raring to go and results of a second investigation the new year represents into the death of his son Stuart. renewed hope and a turning The father-of-two died in point. 2001 after being pulled uncon- “There are hopeful signs scious from Mr Barrymore’s ahead that the police have con- pool. A post mortem examina- cluded their second inquiry and aatt ggrraavvee ddaammaaggee tion showed he had suffered have hopefully sent their find- severe internal injuries. ings to the coroner.” Mr Lubbock (63), of Great Mr Lubbock said the IPCC’s Brays, Harlow, has now fully verdict into the first investiga- recovered after suffering an ill- tion should be available in ness last month which left him March and he is also hopeful semi-conscious and hospi- there may be a second inquest. ByCHRIS MOSS [email protected] A GRIEVING woman was dis- traught when she visited her father’s grave, only to find it had been damaged by workmen. Susan Twomey was appalled to dis- cover stone borders surrounding Dennis Harvey’s resting place at Parndon Wood Crematorium and Cemetery had been broken by contractors working for Harlow Council, which runs the facility. In addition, the grave had subsided leaving the headstone sloping and its base exposed. The damage was caused by the digging of a plot which had been squeezed in next to Mr Harvey’s. The complaint from Mrs Twomey, of Chelsea Gardens, Harlow, comes just days after the Star published details of a report of OUTRAGED:Susan Twomey with brother Mark Harvey at the grave (photo: CSXJMX4D/01) a Government health and safety inspector which criticised failures at the cemetery, in as many graves as possible. she said. “It should never have come to this.” including collapsed graves. “I couldn’t believe they could be so insen- The council has since apologised to Mrs Mrs Twomey said she was devastated by sitive as to leave it in such a state. The space Twomey for the situation but claimed present the damage which had ruined plans to have between the graves is now only a matter of ground conditions made a small amount of relatives pay their respects over the New Year inches – it’s disgraceful.” disturbance unavoidable during the excava- period. Cemetery bosses have agreed to carry out tion. “I can’t have family visit him now, it would repair work but Mrs Twomey remains furious A spokeswoman added: “All possible be heartbreaking,” she said. about the proximity of the new plot. short-term repairs and restoration have now “I don’t know why the council has done “My brother is now considering paying out been carried out and, once the ground dries this. I can only imagine it’s a case of trying to £1,600 to buy the adjacent plot, just so they out, full repairs and replacement of top soil make as much money as possible by packing can’t do anything else to my father’s grave,” and grass seed will be implemented.” Rail works hit PCC REPAIRS (cid:2) FREEon-site visits prepareyourself (cid:2) Upgrades (cid:2) Internet / Email setup train services (cid:2) Networking Home/Bus (cid:2) Virus Fix.Laptops Mac Support,Training etc. 012799 316431 WEARY commuters and transfer to the Epping,, Harlow,, B.St’frd faced rail chaos yes- Underground. terday (Wednesday) Rail operator One DOUBLE as Liverpool Street advised commuters station remained shut to avoid travelling GLAZING due to Christmas unless their journey REPAIRS engineering works was absolutely nec- overrunning. essary. Sealed units, Services between Rail users have hinges, locks, Harlow and London already been hit in conservatory were severely dis- the pocket with cleaning.All rupted with travellers above-inflation fare aspects of double forced to disembark rises of up to 11 per glazing repairs. Please at Tottenham Hale cent. telephone for free quote on House fire probed 01279 731663 0800 1692683 Our top-spec kitchens will take POLICE have launched an investigating into a suspected arson attack on a house in your breath away – and they’re Harlow. on your doorstep The victim came back to her Brockles Mead property on New Year’s Eve to find fire damage inside the front door. You don’t need to pay – or travel – the earth to find the kitchen of It is believed the arsonist struck between your dreams. Our range offers a vast menu of styles, from 6.30pm on Sunday and noon on the follow- ing day. traditional to contemporary, created by top designers using the latest CAD technology. Add a good measure of expert fitting, excellent customer service and value for money, all supported by MEDIUM & MIRROROLOGY Cameo’s long-established reputation – and savour the results. Accurate readings with a warm + helpful approach to help you plan your life + future ahead. Visit our showrooms or call 01992 892289 Or do you feel that you need to talk in depth about any problem in your life, no matter how small or large. Open Monday to Friday, 9 to 5.30pm, All calls are dealt in the strictist confidence and Saturday, 10am to 4pm Phone readings, private/group bookings. Home vists available. Hillgrove House, Hillgrove Business Park, 01992 571589 / 07850 776563 Nazeing Road, Nazeing, Essex EN9 2HB ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED 4 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR January 3, 2008 email: [email protected] CCHHIIPPPPIINNGGFFIIEELLDD iiss ssaaiidd ttoo bbee ssoo SSaaffeettyy ffaaiilluurreess aa lliitttteerreedd wwiitthh ppootthhoolleess tthheeyy aarree ttoooo ddeeeepp aanndd ttoooo ffrreeqquueenntt ttoo ccoouunntt.. OOnnee rreessiiddeenntt ccaalllleedd ttoo ssaayy tthhee hhoolleess hhaadd bbeeeenn ffiilllleedd iinn nnuummeerroouuss ttiimmeess,, aaddddiinngg:: “IItt wwoouulldd hhaavvee bbeeeenn cchheeaappeerr jjuusstt ttoo hhaavvee rreessuurrffaacceedd tthhee rrooaadd ttoo ssttaarrtt wwiitthh.."" MMeeaannwwhhiillee,, PPootthhoollee PPaattrrooll hhaass hhaadd iittss ccaauussee ffoorr ccoonncceerrnn ooffffiicciiaall cchhaannnneellss,, wweerree iiggnnoorreedd.. ffiirrsstt ssuucccceessss.. FFiirr PPaarrkk rreessiiddeenntt KK.. TThhaannkk yyoouu.."" DDiixxoonn wwrriitteess:: “TThhee ppootthhoolleess iinn tthhee FFiirr PPaarrkk//DDeeeerr PPaarrkk aarreeaa hhaavvee bbeeeenn (cid:2) IIff yyoouu kknnooww ooff aa ppootthhoollee yyoouu wwaanntt ffiilllleedd iinn jjuusstt oonnee wweeeekk aafftteerr yyoouurr nnaammeedd aanndd sshhaammeedd,, ccaallll ((0011227799)) aarrttiiccllee.. YYoouu hhaadd iimmmmeeddiiaattee ssuucccceessss 440000557777 oorr sseenndd ddeettaaiillss bbyy eemmaaiill ttoo aafftteerr oouurr mmoonntthhss ooff aappppeeaallss ttoo tthhee ssaassssoooonnll@@hheerrttsseesssseexxnneewwss..ccoo..uukk SIR, I am astounded at the taxpayers should fund the disposal Other relatives also used it but felt real wood furniture continuing negilgence of Harlow of the building. Surely the it was not looked after. Since its Council toward the wellbeing of its purchaser who intends to build sudden closure I have wished I had staff and the safety of residents who housing is the one to demolish and complained years ago because it is use its facilities. foot the bill. obvious the deterioration happened The health and safety inspector is Len King well before this year. Just look at biggest ever sale right to have “serious concerns” Church Leys, Harlow the outside of the building and you about how the council manages can see the lack of care. health and safety more widely (Star, Town’s demise Overall, councillors must take December 20). responsibility for years of neglect. Only last month Harlow Council's Again our council has failed the strategic director is quoted as saying SIR, Both the Sportcentre and the public in general who, after all, pay up to 50% off that the council was not legally swimming pool have been left to for councillors and staff through obliged to conduct regular deteriorate over the years, so who is council tax. Yes, the council is maintenance in respect of Harlow to say that the new buildings in 20 improving but it has such a long Pool. That foolhardy approach or 30 years hence won’t have gone catch-up ahead. the same way? contributed toward the early closure We also read The Playhouse was of the town’s swimming baths. What’s so wrong with maintaining £70,000 overspent. Let’s hope all In light of the council’s failure to buildings in a sensible and councillors now focus on better repair a damaged extractor fan unit consistent way? management. at the crematorium, its failure to Does anyone else remember when A. Buckman properly investigate a serious you could go for a swim and then Harlow (full address supplied - Editor) incident of a furnace door blowing pop upstairs to the cafe for a cup of open and its failure to undertake a cocoa and hot buttered toast? Pay the police risk assessment of the site, are we to They were Harlow’s glory days. assume this facility will be Noiw we are heading for Harlow’s SIR, At a time when Essex Police temporarily closed pending a full demise. are losing officers to the health and safety inspection? S. Harrison Metropolitan force by the hundreds I have been instructed by my Long Ley, Harlow – in part because of pay employer to undergo health and differentials – the decision by the oak • rustic • painted safety training on how to sit properly No threat Government to deny Essex Police at work. Not quite dodging flames their pay award as set out by the from a raging furnace or inhaling SIR, Your correspondent Mike independent arbitration panel is potentially harmful substances, I Armsworth (Letters,December 20) both astonishing and foolish. agree, but it does show how simply misses the points I made Recently I met with Tony Rayner, negligent Harlow Council has been previously. chairman elect of the Essex Police under the current administration. Federation, and he informed me The Showground is not the Town Guy Mitchinson that officers had never been so Park, it is an adjacent site that was Joyners Field, Harlow angry. earmarked in Sir Frederick Gibberd’s masterplan for hotel The fact is that police officers Lights out development. The town-wide behaved very properly in agreeing protests about the loss of the Town to abide by the decision of the SIR, Is it any wonder that Harlow Park were simply unjustified; the independent police arbitration panel Council has not managed its budget Town Park was never under threat. – whatever that decision was – and of late when it can’t even find the On action to prolong the life of the it is quite shocking that the ash • pine and more... switch to turn the lights off at the old pool, my understanding is that Government has reneged on that Civic Centre at night. the showstopper is the structural agreement. Every night (except Sundays) problem that would have cost more Arbitration recommended a 2.5 per through the hours of darkness until that £1m to address. This was cent pay rise but the Government dawn, the flood lights on the front of money that we did not have and has made a cynical deal with the the building are blazing away at our would not have been worth Chancellor to cut that to 1.9 per expense. They were on Christmas spending even had it been available. cent by not paying the increase for night and Boxing Day night to no My conscience is very clear. September, October or November. purpose. Even the Labour-dominated Home John Young Affairs Parliamentary Committee We, the public, are exhorted to save Paddock Mead, Harlow has described the decision as a the planet by switching off unwanted travesty. lights and appliances. It’s about time Lack of care someone in the council found the The fact is that our police are at the light switch and turned out the lights frontline of our public services and at close of business each night. SIR, I moved to Harlow from deserve to be paid fairly. If we are outside the district about a decade not to lose more of our officers to John Curry spend and save extra discounts in store Old Orchard, Harlow ago. Being used to a weekly swim I London, it is vital that they get the used the town pool but gave up pay increase that they were Stop the rot after a month or so because I promised. viewed it as a poorly run facility Robert Halfon fantastic savings on the regions finest compared to my previous Harlow Conservative prospective SIR, Recently on television it was experiences. Parliamentary candidate collection of real wood furniture shown that a post-war prefab was still occupied as a home. They were designed to last 10 years but they are BYPOST:Star Letters, 6-8 West Gate, Harlow, Essex CM20 1JW Massive choice • Excellent service still going strong. BY EMAIL:[email protected] (please remember to What a lesson for towns like Harlow include your nameand full postal address) where we build a swimming pool and let it rot and build a sports centre and let it rot. Even the Town THEE GREENMANN HOTEL Hall was allowed to rot. MULBERRY In some towns there are swimming GREEN pools that were built 100 years ago OLD INTRODUCING and are still going strong, so why do HARLOW OUR TRADITIONAL Unit B, St.James Centre, Templefields, Harlow (01279) 450923 towns like Harlow allow their (next door to Tesco and behind the Range) facilities to deteriorate so badly? Is it because they have so much money open: Mon to Fri 10am – 6pm • Sat 9.30am – 6pm they can replace anything or is it the SUNDAY CARVERY dreaded property developer making Sun 10.30am – 4.30pm free parking offers that cannot be refused? (choose from Beef and Pork) Harlow is losing its character very £7.50 fast. A shopping centre split in two with the lion's share of the new part only per person being taken up by a car park and not TO a public toilet in sight. Just loads of BOOK water from which it gets its name. CALLL Chelmsford Colchester Rayleigh Weir Ipswich Cambridge Peterborough Now that the swimming pool is to 012799 442521 (01245) 344711 (01206) 547332 (01268) 777211 (01473) 610878 (01223) 460664 (01733) 577910 close I see no reason why the 5 NEWS January 3, 2008 TTrr uusstt ssoo rrrr yy ff oo rr Three-years in prison for knifepoint robber PPAAHH ‘‘oovveerrssiigghhtt’’ A WOMAN was this week start- her clothing and snatched £180 ing a three-year jail term for rob- from the till. bing a newsagents at knifepoint. The cashier ran off screaming Sarah Patterson (26), of Potter and Patterson helped herself to Street, Harlow, pleaded guilty to confectionary and tobacco before robbery when she appeared at leaving with a haul worth £240. Chelmsford Crown Court. She was arrested when she John Caudle, prosecuting, said walked in to a police station a Patterson went into Martin’s week later and confessed. She said HOSPITAL chiefs have ByBENWILKINSON SSppeecciiaall ddeelliivveerriieess Newsagent on July 29 and asked she committed the robbery apologised to the family of Chief Reporter for two packets of cigarettes but because of a drug debt and had a Harlow woman after [email protected] the cashier was suspicious and been threatened by her dealer. failing to respond to a cat- held them back. The court, sitting on December Patterson left but five minutes 21, was told that a few weeks after alogue of shortcomings Commission agreed to an exten- later returned and selected two the incident the cashier died but highlighted by regulators. sion. Mrs Simpson’s family bars of chocolate and a newspaper her death was not linked to the Bosses at Princess should have been informed of this before moving to a till where a robbery. Alexandra Hospital made an but they weren’t and that was an customer was being served. Ian Boyes, in mitigation, said apologetic telephone call to oversight on the part of the trust, As the customer waked away, Patterson gave herself up and had Guilfords resident Colin for which we apologise.” Patterson grabbed the arm of the expressed contrition from the out- The spokesman added that Mr cashier, pulled a bread knife from set. Simpson (58) on Thursday Simpson would receive a full after admitting they still had written response by the end of not answered a series of com- this week. plaints about the care of his As reported previously, PAH wife as the result of an over- stands charged with a number of sight. serious claims by the family of In a 16-page letter sent to the Mrs Simpson – who is now cared hospital trust on November 9, for at Rivers hospital, in High CHURCHGATE HOTEL LEISURE CLUB Healthcare Commission case Wych – over the care she received manager Stephen Quinn listed a in Locke Ward after she suffered number of apparent failures by a brain stem stroke in February staff to which he wanted answers. 2005. He also set out a number of These include allegations of recommendations to prevent mis- poor staff training, poor manage- takes being repeated and further ment, faulty equipment, bad instructed the trust to contact Mr record-keeping, insensitive com- WELCOME TO THE WORLD:Top, Christoph and Anna Simpson in writing to acknowl- ments from a consultant and a Mrozek with Kacper (photo: LFFQHQQP/07). Below, Nick and edge the letter and then again by cavalier attitude to investigating Leah Jones with Ethan (photo: LFFQHQQP/03) or on December 13 to respond to and responding to complaints. the recommendations. In his letter, Mr Quinn upholds However, a spokesman for the many of these complaints, in trust confirmed this had not been some cases citing expert advice, done. Speaking to the Star, he and criticises PAH for not doing said: “Mr Simpson will be receiv- more to resolve the family’s ini- ing a very apologetic phone call tial complaints. about this. It’s being sorted out as Mr Simpson added: “These we speak. sorts of delaying tactics by the “What happened is that our PAH have been the story through- patient affairs manager spoke to out. It seems to me that they are the Healthcare Commission to just trying to wear me down until buy some more time to get the I give up, but that’s not going to response together and the happen.” THE festive season gave the Ethan Jones was the first best presents ever for five baby born at Princess Harlow mums who gave Alexandra Hospital on birth to healthy babies. Christmas Day,arriving at Maria Lindsey (21),of Great 12.59am to delighted parents Plumtree,gave birth to two- Leah and Nick,of Hart days-overdue Mason on New Road,Old Harlow.Weighing Year’s Day.Weighing 3.4kg 2.8kg (6lb 12oz),he was not (7lb 8oz),he is Maria's due until New Year’s Day. second child with partner Leah said:“He is our first, Mark Sanders after so we are very happy.It was daughter Alexis (2) a lovely surprise.” Stella Joseph (26),of Later that day,Kacper Rivermill,gave birth to Mrozek was born a week late beautiful baby girl Angel, at 10.15pm,weighing 3.3kg who weighed in at 2.8kg (6lb (8lb 10oz).His parents,of 2oz) and is her first child Sycamore Field,had to with husband Manu. abandon their turkey dinner “It was a bit of a shock to so dad Christoph could take give birth on New Year’s Day wife Anna to PAH. as she was due on December “It was the best Christmas 28,” she said. present we could have wished April Richardson also gave for,” said Anna. birth,delivering a baby girl, In all,17 babies were born at as yet unnamed,weighing PAH on Christmas Day and 3.2kg (7lb 5oz). New Year’s Day. Police hunt intruder A BURGLAR who preyed on a The intruder, a tall man vulnerable elderly woman just dressed in dark clothing, two days before Christmas is the demanded money from the target of a police hunt. frightened resident in her 80s Detectives are investigating before turning over the room to the break-in at Gibb Croft, search for money. He found her Harlow, shortly before 5pm on handbag, stole a three-figure December 23 in which the sum of cash and fled. masked raider smashed his way Call (01279) 625412 or through a patio door. Crimestoppers on 0800 555111. 6 January 3, 2008 NOSTALGIA email: [email protected] TYRES • EXHAUSTS • SERVICING • BATTERIES • CLUTCHES • TYRES ! T E Y R E S • E X H A L U S T S WE’LL BEAT • S E R A ANY PRICE V IC IN TOWN! IN G We’ll better any competitor’s • B A substantiated quote for comparable T T S and available products and services E R or if after you’ve purchased from us IE S oyfo mu afiknidn ga yloowure pr uprrcichea sleo,c walley, gwuaitrhainn t7e ed wayes • C L U will refund the difference plus 10%. T C H TYRES ALL LEADING MAKES IN STOCK E WAS NOW S R 165/65r13 T Budget £26.99 £18.45 • T Y 175/70r13 T Budget £26.99 £17.75 R WWhheenn cchhaannggee 165/70r14 T Budget £29.34 £19.75 E S 118855//5650rr1144 HH BBuuddggeett ££3371..5669 ££2260..5905 • E X 185/55r15 V Budget £39.91 £27.99 H 185/65r15 H Budget £32.86 £24.50 A U A 195/50r15 V Budget £35.21 £24.95 S 195/55r15 V Budget £38.74 £26.50 T S 119955//6605rr1155 VV BBuuddggeett ££3387..7546 ££2245..9855 • S ssuuiitteedd aa ssttoorree E 205/50r16 W Budget £38.74 £30.50 R 205/55r16 W Budget £42.26 £31.95 V 215/55r16 W Budget £46.96 £33.95 IC E IN 185/65r15 H Dunlop SP300 £61.06 £36.99 G 119955//5655rr1155 HH FUirneirsotoynale R F575000 ££6469..4311 ££3396..9955 • B A 215/65r15 H Firestone TZ100 £73.99 £50.95 T 205/55r16 V Dunlop SP3000 £70.46 £52.95 TE READERS of our time, you didn’t have to get your 215/55r16 W Firestone TZ100 £88.09 £55.75 R business page will be clothes from the same place as your Y FREE! ALL CAR TYRES FITTED BY FORMULA ONE IES aware of the closure By dad!” ARE COVERREEDPA BIYR SAE FRRVEIEC EPUNCTURE • C on New Year’s Eve of one of BENWILKINSON Mberg aRna vspenec eiaxlpislaininge idn hdoewsi gGnlearnville LU Harlow’s oldest retailers – clothes in 1986. “We were always We trheec owmhmeeel nisd btahlaatn ace nde. wA vcahlvaerg ies fwititlle db et om eaadceh f onre wth tisy rsee ravnicde t.hat TC menswear store Glanville. another copy in much better upmarket, if you like, always W EAXstraH 1.4A/1.6U/1.7SD 9T4-9S9 TUBR(RGEEATMARI2L B6C4OUSXTOESM EFR£IST4 WOT0NEA.LD9YS) 5P RIC£EN2 3O.5W0 HES • TY Tfwihrasest tsfhhloeo oplro, nolagft etteshtre lc yHo tnartraivdneiunyog uC oselnny ttrhee, cMoEofr rnitc hdR eGiat n(i6lel2ess) W ,r neecaaamrlele eaddn adtfh twee rhh fiicoshtuonrdyer snpatvoooetsc rhtkao.ig nMsega ag ytiu onayplly l-w ,q tihuhte aow l cisotuayuvs ltsedotdu mb fuefep, r y sbto ouwu tg ertrehetat’s Corsa 1.0 97-01 TUBGM306 £40.94 £22.95 RE trading business in The High. once also had branches in Ipswich something really good because he Escort hatch 1.4 90-99TUBFE182 £28.01 £19.95 S But this week, 50 years after it and Bury St Edmunds. knew it would wear better and last Fiesta1.1 90-97 TUBFE83 £28.01 £19.95 • E first opened, the shutters were “We had a long history in Harlow longer. Focus 1.8 Hatchback 98 on TUBFE693 £40.94 £26.95 XH pulled down for the last time. but we changed and moved with the “But although the quality remained Mondeo 1.6/1.8 93-96 TUBFE341 £40.94 £24.75 AU GCelanntrvei lilne o2n0l0y4 m –o fvoerd 2 t6o ytehaer sH baervfoerye ttiomlde sN,”o sthtael gOiarc. h“aIrnd t hLea neea rrleys didaeynst govoeord ,t hthe ey setayrlse s– cwehrteanin Il ys tcahrtaendg ietd Peugeot 206 up to1.6 98-00TUBPG543 £53.86 £31.25 ST it was based in West Gate and, we used to do boys’schoolwear and was all suits but from the early ’90s PPeuungtoe o1t. 13 0964 -19.74 /1T.U6/B1F.9TD50 933-97TUBPG409££4606..9749 ££2369..2550 S • S bWeafolkr.e that, from 1957-78 in Little tHhaey mcoacnka,g deer saigt ntheed ttihmee u, nBifilolrm othnew baurdsisn, ejsesa.n”s were a big part of E Rover 216/414/416 95-99 TUBRR257 £53.86 £31.25 ER Our picture shows the store in its colour schemes and school badges Although he mourned Glanville’s V original guise in 1960, the days of most schools in the town. closure, Mr Raven told Nostalgiahe SERVICING IC before the thoroughfare was covered “Later on, when uniforms fell out of felt working in retail had lost its IN over to create the town’s first indoor favour, we got out of that and fun, citing longer hours and the G SSEERRVVIICCEE PDREITCAEISL SIN OCNL URDEQE ULEEASTDING BRAND OIL - • B swhaosp speinntg imn ablyl . GAl adnavmilaleg eedm pprlionytee mweo voepde ninetdo ao tbhoeurt iaqrueaes c. aIlnle tdh eF o’6c0uss,, afadcvteonrst .of Sunday trading as key N MASTER SERVICE MASTER SERVICE AT of 36 years Frank Raven, although in West Gate. These were the days (cid:2)DO Mr Raven’s memories ring up to 1300cc only £79.95 up to 2000cc only £99.95 TE we are grateful to The Museum of before designer wear as we know it any bells with you? Why not share MASTER SERVICE MASTER SERVICE R Harlow for supplying us with today but it meant that, for the first your recollections too? up to 1600cc only £89.95 up to 2500cc only £109.95 IE S AMBAOYV BEE 2 5N0E1CccE CSSAALRLY W IFI TSHEM VIE SHYINCTLEH EDTEITCA /I LSSY. NATNH AEDTIDCITOIOILN ISA RLE CQHUAIRREGDE • C 25 YEARS AGO L MOT TEST U T December 30 , 1982t C 50% OFF* HE S LUNATICS! a ‘nuclear free zone’. XMAS DAY AT PAH WANHYE MN ATASKTEENR TSOEGREVTICHEE R WITH • E Councillor Bill Hanley said: “It *50% OFF MINISTRY FEE XH HARLOW councillors have hit is the attitude of this NINE babies were born at BRAKES AU out angrily at proposals by government to refuse money Princess Alexandra Hospital S the Government to force local for essential housing repairs on Christmas Day. FRONT PADS FITTED TS authorities to prepare for and yet fritter away money to But Christmas was not only a CColiors/Saa/Axsotra FORNOLMY • S nTuhcel eGaorv aetrtnamcekn.t’s list of draft d“Tefheenyd atrhee liunndaetfiecnss!”ible! bdeupsayr ttimmeen fto –r tthhee smtaatffe ronfi ttyhe E Fiesta/Escort/Mondeo £19.95 R regulations includes plans to The government might be casualty department were Rover 25/45 VIC compel councils to carry out trying to con the people but kept on their toes treating 114 IN surveys of underground Harlow Council would not con patients on Christmas Eve, 71 G structures which could serve the residents of Harlow, said on Christmas Day and 77 on HARLOW • B as communal bunkers. councillor Rene Morris. Boxing Day. A If the plans were approved EDINBURGH WAY T DO YOU REMEMBER? T they could also force the 454411 E 01279 R council to provide a wartime IE headquarters and install OPEN: S emergency equipment. Have any of our correspondents’ recollections jogged your memory? MON-FRI 8.30-6.00 But the Government’s (cid:2) Do you recall any famous visitors to Harlow in times past? SAT 8.30-5.00 ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED- BRANCHES NATIONWIDE suggestion met with furious (cid:2)Do you remember the opening or early days of Harlow Market? ALL ADVERTISED PRICES INCLUDE VAT & APPLY TO RETAIL CUSTOMERS ONLY indignation from Harlow SUN 10.00-4.00 THESE OFFERS CANNOT BE TAKEN IN CONJUNCTION WITH ANY OTHER PROMOTION Write to Nostalgia, Harlow Star, 6-8 West Gate, The High, councillors who are so ALL OFFERS SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY Harlow, Essex CM20 1JW or email your memories and old committed to peace that PLEASE NOTE THAT CALLS MAY BE MONITORED AND RECORDED FOR TRAINING PURPOSES photographs to us at [email protected] Harlow has now been declared NEWS January 3, 2008 7 SScchhooooll pprrootteessttoorrss Mugger broke finger of OAP as he grabbed her handbag A MAN who snatched the hand- from her left hand. ttoo ccoonnttiinnuuee ffiigghhtt bag of a pensioner as she Nneka Akudolu, prosecuting returned home from a doctor’s said the contents of the bag were appointment has been jailed. valued at £60. O’Mahoney was The 78-year-old victim was later arrested and made a full walking in Pittman’s Field, admission, telling police he took Harlow, when Benjamin the bag to pay for his drug habit. O’Mahoney grabbed the bag with He also later owned up to such force it broke her finger. stealing two mobile phones and A YEAR after governors chose to relocate O’Mahoney (21), of Water- being involved in burglary at a Passmores School and create a “superschool”, house Moor, Harlow, was sen- garage in Arkwrights. tenced to four years after he Richard Potts, representing both planners and campaigners have stepped up pleaded guilty at Chelmsford O’Mahoney, said in mitigation a gear. Crown Court to charges of rob- he had committed his “perni- Essex County Council will soon be placing statutory notices bery, theft and burglary. cious offending” to pay for drink regarding the £20m state-of-the-art facilities around the The court heard the robbery and drugs. Tendring Road school and at happened on October 8 when “He wishes to apologise to his the proposed site off Tracyes ByJIMTANFIELD O’Mahoney cycled up behind victims, particularly the elderly Road. [email protected] his victim and snatched the bag lady,” he said. When the governors agreed in principle in December 2006 to the reloca- “We are still determined to tion of the school, they insist- stop this relocation and we are ed upon five caveats to be now even more mindful of the agreed with ECC. facts of regeneration. However, a letter sent “Why close down a school home to parents before the in one area and open it up Christmas break suggested somewhere else? That will some of the demands have only leave you needing to been watered down. build another school where Governors originally asked you’ve left the gap because of VAN HAGE that children from the all the planned growth for the school’s traditional feeder town.” schools be given priority for However, Passmores head- Sunday 13th January 2008 the new facility despite it teacher Vic Goddard said: “I 10.30am - 4.30pm being located on the other am delighted to see the side of town. This has now progress being made to meet been changed, with priority the five caveats set out by the FREE ADMISSION - so bring the family given to children closer to the governors of Passmores back present site regardless of in December 2006 but, of Everything you need for your their primary school. course, we wait with interest A year on and the issues the decision regarding the Wedding all under one roof! regarding transport and funding approval. pupils near the present site “I know that the final deci- OVER 60 EXHIBITORS getting free travel to the new sion by the governing body school have not been resol- will be taken with the best MMeessssaaggeess ooff lloovvee CHRISTMAS was For further information and interested ved. interests of all the learners, a time of reflection exhibitors please contact Demon Consultancy Jim Rogers, spokesman for present and future, of for bereaved 01279 836141 the Save Passmores Action Passmores School and I look ffoorr tthhee bbeerreeaavveedd families who were Group which has been fight- forward to being a part of that invited to take VAN HAGE ing to keep the school in future whatever the decision part in a poignant Great Amwell,Ware,Herts Tendring Road, told the Star: that ismade.” memorial service. Telephone:01920 870811 The names of those who had The died during the past year were read out during the service which was organised by North Weald New funeral directors Stuart Poulton Ltd and held at St John's Church, Epping. The company also Year invited members Starts Thursday of the congregation to 27th December write messages to loved ones which were attached to Sale balloons and released in return for a donation to local charity The Rhys Daniels [email protected] Trust. Owner Stuart Poulton told the Star:“It was a Find us at: 4 Star Street,Ware, Herts very poignant and well-attended 01920 468664 or 01920 466664 service. Open: Mon-Sat from 9am-5pm “This is the third time we've done (Closed 22nd – 26th December, 31st December and 1st January) this and the vicar at St John’s has had very positive feedback from the people of Epping. “We have managed to raise in the region of £500 for The Rhys Daniels Trust, which is a fantastic achievement.” Pictured,left to right,are Sandra Established since 1980 Collins,Carmen Daniels,Mr Poulton,Eddie Greatly reduced prices • Wide range of products • Ex-displays must be sold Bradley and John Collins. (photo QMQNKVYQ/02) 8 January 3, 2008 COMMUNITY CORNER email: [email protected] LLoo tt ttee rr yy wwiinn dd ffaallll ffoo rr 66--88 WWeesstt GGaattee HHaarrllooww,, EEsssseexx CCMM2200 11JJWW tthhrreeee yyoouutthh pprroojjeeccttss EDITORIAL Editor KKEENN MMOORRLLEEYY Deputy Editor PPAAUULLNNEEWWMMAANN News Editor LLOOUUIISSEE SSAASSSSOOOONN THREE youth-themed And the teenagers' milk bar, Chief Reporter projects in Harlow are which is due to open shortly, Stroke group raffle raises £1,400 BBEENNWWIILLKKIINNSSOONN to receive cash will be able to operate beyond Reporters windfalls totalling its six-month pilot and market JJIIMMTTAANNFFIIEELLDD itself to increase custom and CCHHRRIISSMMOOSSSS more than £200,000 reach minority groups. from the National Sports Editor Eleanor Macy, chairwoman of AALLAANNSSCCOOTTTT Lottery. Harlow Council’s environment Sports Reporter The money from the Big and community committee, DDAAVVIIDDRRIIMMMMEERR Lottery Fund has been said: “This funding NEWSROOM awarded to Harlow Council announcement is great news ((0011227799)) 445511554455 which, working in for the town and will help NEWS FAX towards providing new and partnership with local ((0011227799)) 440000557700 innovative play opportunities groups, will spend it on at no cost, to children and ADVERTISING schemes designed to young people of all abilities.” improve opportunities for (cid:2)TIME is running out for DISPLAY youngsters of all ages. ((0011227799)) 445511554455 youth groups to apply for a CLASSIFIED Forest Fantasia, a play share of £300,000 funding ((0011227799)) 443366223311 programme at the Parndon which is up for grabs in Wood Nature Reserve, will Essex. DISTRIBUTION take place during the school The money, from central summer holidays and cater for government and Essex County IIff yyoouu aarree eexxppeerriieenncciinngg different age groups with Council, is available under the pprroobblleemmss rreecceeiivviinngg tthhee activities including forest SSttaarr,, pplleeaassee tteelleepphhoonnee skills, woodland management, Youth Opportunity Fund to (01582) 390363/5 arts and crafts and groups of young people aged biodiversity awareness. between 13 and 19 for specific projects. The Rainbow Young Bus, a A GRAND Christmas raffle to including a flat-screen colour The raffle raised more than mobile play facility which is Applications close on January raise funds for the Harlow Stroke television,a year’s free parking at £1,400 for the charity,money already a hit with under-5s, 17. For more information Support Group brought a few the Harvey Centre and shopping which will be put towards JJHHuuaannrreelloo 22ww00 SS00tt77aa))rr.. ::PP 44aa00rrtt,,77 oo88ff11 tt((hhJJeeaa nnHHuuaaaarrrrllooyyww-- winiclllu hdaev ne eiwts proaurttse oefx ttehned teodw tno aabpopulyt vthisei tf uthned wanedb shitoew a tto early presents for some lucky vouchers. supporting stroke victims and 55SS55ttaa,,44rr//44BB22ii sscchhooooppppiiee’’ssss SSddtteeoolliirrvvtteeffoorreerrdddd sswweeeerreeiieekkssllyy,, over the next two years. people. The winners were announced at a their families in the Harlow area. The charity,which is the official party held at the Great Parndon Pictured above during the party chosen cause of Harlow Council Community Association in are,left to right,Ray Wright,Mic chairwoman Lorna Spenceley, Abercrombie Way,an event paid Duncan,Michael Garethy and gave away a host of prizes for by lottery funding. Ray Bone. (photo: VJJW9CCD/03) Surgeon takes his final bow WIMBLEDON All the atmosphere of the world’s premier Grand Slam tennis championships plus a in hospital operating theatre reserved seat on famous Number One Court, to watch the stars of tomorrow and yesteryear compete in the Junior and Veterans’ events! Includes (cid:2)Return coach travel and Wimbledon transfers(cid:2)1 night’s B&B at a 3(cid:3)hotel in the London area (cid:2)A full day at Wimbledon with a reserved seat on Number One Court (cid:2)A visit to Windsor (cid:2)The services of a Tour Manager £129 .00 Rileys, in the Water Gardens, is destroy them but in a few years Departs 5 & 6 July 2008 from running its Pot The Lot contest until time there will be a new section of THE EDINBURGH MILITARY TATTOO February 29. Participants pay £1 to healthy woodland for wildlife to enter with 50p going to prostate thrive.” Here’s a chance to enjoy first hand the colour, pomp and pageantry of this magical and testicular cancer charity event, as massed pipes and drums, dancers and display teams create a dazzling, Everyman and 50p going into the Hospice help unforgettable spectacle, all ending with the lone piper on the battlements above prize fund. The player who clears Edinburgh Castle! Includes (cid:2)Return coach travel (cid:2)2 nights’ B&B at a hotel in the Teesside area the table in the fastest time wins the A BEREAVEMENT services co- (cid:2)A seat for the Edinburgh Tattoo (cid:2)A drive through the Yorkshire Dales (cid:2)A visit to cash. ordinator has been taken on by York(cid:2)The services of a Tour Manager £159 The event is part of an awareness Hastingwood’s St Clare Hospice for .00 campaign being run by Everyman the next three years thanks to Departs 1 & 15 August 2008 from in conjunction with Rileys, which funding from Macmillan Cancer BEAUTIFUL SARDINIA has been promoted by Hollyoaks Support. star Gemma Atkinson. The charity agreed to pay the Join us in this land of rugged mountains and fertile valleys fringed by pristine Rileys spokesman Sean Langley £97,000 cost of the new post white beaches and secret, hidden coves. said: “The competition is running following a bid by hospice bosses. Includes (cid:2)Return flights to Sardinia direct from Stansted (cid:2)Return airport to hotel in all our clubs until the end of Chief executive Richard Cowie tMraisntsrafel r(sd(cid:2)epe7n ndiignhgt so’ na cdceopmamrtuordea dtiaotne )a (cid:2)t thTeh eB soeurgvaicinesv iollfe aa pToaurtrm Meanntsa goer rt hine rHeosotertl Are tCirOedN fSroUmL TpAraNctTic seu argfteeor na hcaasreer Fopebprouraturyn istyo ttoh esrheo’sw p yleonutry loofcal sfuairdth: e“rT ehxitse insd f oanutra ssutipcp noerwt tso a tsh ewe £289 in the local area spanning three rivals just what you’re made of! local community. St Clare Hospice decades. .00 “Prostate cancer claims the life of is committed to caring for families Departs May to July, September & October 2008 from Michael Morgan, pictured above, one man every hour in the UK and as well as patients.” EDEN & THE LOST GARDENS OF HELIGAN hung up his scrubs for the last time testicular cancer can affect boys as shortly before Christmas. Since young as 15. The more we can do Hearty effort Visit two of the country’s most stunning attractions on this great value four-day retiring from the National Health to raise awareness the more lives break! See plants from all over the world housed in gigantic ‘biomes’ at the Service in 2003, Mr Morgan has can be saved.” THE British Heart Foundation is uIcnoncailcquhud eetr,sa e(cid:2)vveelR rien-gt urCroonwr nfilwniggah,l lte s(cid:2) vteo3r N- ncehigwahqntugs’ai ndyg idn Einrdeeerc,tn B fPr&orBmo ja eStc ttath.nes tferdie n(cid:2)dlAyi,r fpaomrti ltyr-arnusnf ePrrsi oarnyd Lodge wHoorskpeitda la itn t hHei gphri vWatyeclyh-. run Rivers Wood workers £F1o2re0s tb Cetoteurn ocfilf’ st hfaunnkdsr atios iEnpgp Linifge Hotel in Newquay (cid:2)Entrance to the Eden project (cid:2)Entrance to the ‘Lost’ Gardens of Among his many achievements was Walks which took place around the Heligan (cid:2)A visit to Padstow (cid:2)Entertainment on at least 1 evening£ (cid:2)2A To9ur M9anager his role in helping to establish the HARD-working Harlow Scouts and district. .00 breast screening unit at St Cubs dug in to make the town a bit The cash was handed over at the Departs April to June, September & October 2008 from Margaret’s Hospital, Epping. greener when they assisted an walking group’s recent Christmas FOR FURTHER INFO, TO BOOK BY CREDIT CARD OR REQUEST Or email stating which brochure you require to Mr Morgan said he looked forward environmental project in Risden dinner. A BROCHURE PLEASE CALL QUOTING ADVERT CODE HEM: [email protected], or fill in the to spending more time with his Wood For more information about future 0845 226 9725(CALLS CHARGED coupon & send to: Herts & Essex Newspapers c/o wife Jane and enjoying his hobbies The group of youngsters planted 30 walks, call Karen Williams on AT LOCAL RATE) Newmarket Promotions Ltd, FREEPOST KT2720, which include fishing, beekeeping trees at the site used as a base by (01992) 564222. See us Worcester Park, KT4 8BR. (NO STAMP REQUIRED) and classic cars. the 2nd Great Parndon Troop as part of the Woodland Trust’s 'Tree Flower power Brochure(s) required: Wimbledon (WIM) The Edinburgh Military Tattoo (EDT) Beautiful Sardinia (OSD) Join the cue For All campaign. Eden & the Lost Gardens of Heligan (EEI) Scout leader Clare Nunn said: HARLOW Flower Club is looking Name........................................................................................ Address .................................................................................................... BILLIARDS players can cue up to “Even though the day was cold and to boost its membership for 2008. ...................................................................................... Post Code .............................. Telephone................................ take a potshot at cancer by taking wet everyone had great fun. For information on future meetings Organised by Newmarket Promotions/Air Holidays Ltd. a company independent of Herts & Essex Newspapers. part in a special charity competition “The trees have been protected with call Brenda Cook on (01279) ABTA V787X/V7812. ATOL Protected 2325. at a Harlow snooker club. casings so that the wildlife does not 432340. 9 January 3, 2008 KDL-32T3000 - £599.99 - Was £699.99 - Save £100.00 32" HD Ready T3000 BRAVIA LCD TV featuring BRAVIA Engine for Includes FREE stunning picture quality, ultra-wide viewing angle and 2 HDMI inputs 5 Year Warranty for easy connectivity to High Definition sources such as Blu-Ray. Harlow Bishops Stortford 62 The Harvey Centre. CM20 1XR 2 Jackson Square. CM23 3XG Tel: 01279 426155 Tel: 01279 755322 Advertised price refers to price and offer available at Sony Centre listed. Sony Centres are independently owned and operated retailers, therefore in-store prices may vary. Check with your local Sony Centre for details of prices and availability. *0% finance option is not available with these offers. ‘Sony’,‘Sony Centre’ are all trade marks of Sony Corporation, Japan. All products are subject to availability and, where relevant, colours held in stock. Items advertised as ‘FREE’ with selected purchases are subject to availability. 10 January 3, 2008 e-mail: [email protected] At Sleepmasters we know you can’t beat the feeling of a bed that’s just right for you. That’s why we have a simple firmness and luxury rating to help you choose your perfect bed. And with huge sale reductions, plus an extra £100 off our best sellers, the perfect bed is easy to afford too! E X T RA £100 ! O R F E F F ! F * O D R HALF PRICE I B SALE Y L FREE R Mattress, Duvet, A Duvet Cover, Pillows & Pillowcases E Free Until Summer 2008** or u p 40 Months to Leona - Double Interest Free Credit† Contemporary designer bedstead in a stunning silver alloy finish. Usually £599.95 NOW ONLY Sale Price £199.95 £299.95 SAVE £400 Cushions and throw excluded. Also available in black and deep red at £499.95. Price for bedstead only. Sofia - Kingsize Indulge in a feeling of opulence with this Backcare Supreme - luxuriously styled brown Double leatherbedstead. With pocket springs - Usually £999.95 NOW ONLY the ultimate orthopaedic bed! Sale Price £399.95 Includes 2 drawers. NOW ONLY £499.95 SAVE £600 Usually £899.95 £349.95 Sale Price SAVE £550 Headboard and £449.95 bedding available at extra cost. Harlow,The Oaks Retail Park, Howards Way (within Harveys) next to Carpetright Opening Hours: Monday – Friday 10am-6pm. Telephone (01279) 432 727 Saturday 9am-6pm. Sunday 11am-5pm. Buy online at TYPICAL All beds may not be available in all stores. **On orders over £499 – stock items only. †All finance subject to status. The Usually price is the price that was charged in the following stores from 22/11/07–19/12/07. Bolton, St Helens, Aintree, Wakefield, Stockton, Leicester, Gloucester, Catford, Charlton, Exeter, Watford, Lisburn, Nottingham, Luton, Llandudno 0% APR and Blyth. Wigan, Doncaster, Stockton, Leicester, Loughborough, Brislington, Lancaster, Hereford, Bedford, Manchester, Ballymena, Crawley, Luton and Cwmbran. Bolton, Liverpool, Clay Cross, Burton, Newbury, Slough, Darlington, Birstall, Exeter, Milton Keynes, Plymouth, Sunderland, Ballymena, Watford and Hull. *Extra £100 off offer ends Tuesday 8th January 2008.