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Handbook of methods and instrumentation in separation science Volume 1 PDF

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HANDBOOK OF METHODS AND INSTRUMENTATION IN SEPARATION SCIENCE VOLUME 1 This page intentionally left blank HANDBOOK OF METHODS AND INSTRUMENTATION IN SEPARATION SCIENCE VOLUME 1 Editors IAN D. WILSON AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, Macclesfield, UK COLIN F. POOLE Wayne State University, Detroit, USA Boston (cid:129) Heidelberg (cid:129) London (cid:129) New York (cid:129) Oxford Paris (cid:129) San Diego (cid:129) San Francisco (cid:129) Singapore (cid:129) Sydney (cid:129) Tokyo Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier Thisbookisprintedonacid-freepaper. Copyright^2009ElsevierLtd.AllRightsReserved. MaterialintheworkoriginallyappearedinEncyclopediaofSeparationScience,editedby IanD.Wilson,EdwardR.Adlard,MichaelCookeandColinF.Poole(AcademicPress2000) ThefollowingarticleisCanadianCrownCopyright Large-ScaleCentrifugation Copyright^2000MinisterofPublicWorksandGovernmentServices,Canada Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproducedortransmittedinanyformorbyanymeans,electronicormechanical, includingphotocopying,recording,oranyinformationstorageandretrievalsystem,withoutpermissioninwritingfrom thepublisher. AcademicPressisanimprintofElsevier 32JamestownRoad,LondonNW17BY,UK 30CorporateDrive,Suite400,Burlington,MA01803,USA 525BStreet,Suite1900,SanDiego,CA92101-4495,USA AcademicPress AHarcourtScienceandTechnologyCompany 525BStreet,Suite1900,SanDiego,California92101-4495,USA http://www.academicpress.com ISBN978-0-12-375095-2 LibraryofCongressCatalogNumber:2009935922 AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary PRINTEDANDBOUNDINTHEUNITEDKINGDOM 09 10 11 12 13 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Preface Thishandbookisdirectedtotheneedsofscientistsrequiringconciseoverviewsandtargetedsummariesofthe mainmethodsemployedforseparations.ItisaworkderivedfromthesuccessfulEncyclopediaofSeparation Science on-line edition with a new focus on the fundamentals of methods and instrumentation employed in separations. These days it is a simple task to obtain a massive amount of information on any separation method by a keyword search. For the busy professional the problem is fishing out just the information that oneneedsatthatparticularmoment.Thisrequiresamoretargetedresourceandsimplifiedsearchmechanism asprovidedbythishandbook.Theknowledgeinanyfieldhasgrownexponentiallyinmoderntimesandthe idea of a generalist in science has disappeared to be replaced by specialists with a detailed knowledge of a narrowspectrumofmodernscience.Outsideourspecialistareaweallbecomenovicesandrelyupongeneral sources of information for orientation before taking on assimilating the detailed information required for a research project. This is the interface that this handbook was conceived to fill. In a single source it affords accesstogeneralbackgroundmaterialtoenabletheprofessionaltoquicklyassimilate,sort,andinterpretthe dense information associated with a comprehensive literature search. Separationscienceisaverydiversetopicandtogivethecurrentworksomestructureandorganizationthat is simple to follow the editor has adopted a general hierarchical structure arranged alphabetically for the primary separation methods. These methods are indicated as affinity, centrifugation, chromatography, crystallization, distillation, electrophoresis, extraction, floatation, ion exchange, membranes, and particle size.Eachmethodhasageneraloverviewarticleassociatedwithitforquickorientationofthemainfeatures ofthemethodanditsgeneraluses.Again,arrangedalphabetically,eachmethodhasassociatedwithitaseries of secondary articles that provide a spotlight on a specific topic. For example, from the general article on chromatography, the reader is guided to seek specific information on the main methods of chromatography identified as gas chromatography, liquid chromatography, supercritical fluid chromatography, thin-layer (planar) chromatography, and countercurrent chromatography. Through these associated articles the reader is guided to targeted articles on the historical development, theory, column chemistry, separation mech- anisms, and instrumentation by different numbers of articles based on a comprehensive coverage of each topic.Thus,ittakeslittletimetoenteranunfamiliarfieldandquicklyarriveatanarticleattherequireddetail for the readers purpose, be that basic or at the forefront of knowledge. Thediversityofseparationmethodsalsorequirestheinputofmanycontributorswhohavejusttheexpert knowledgerequiredtoauthoritativelydescribethecoreknowledgeintheirspecialization.Thehandbookcan be considered a compilation of the essence of separations written by individual specialists to enable fellow professionals to quickly launch projects in areas other than their own specialization and to share their knowledgeinacondensedandreadilyaccessibleform.Thesuccessofthisworkisdueentirelytothesupport and enthusiasm of the talented team of authors assembled for this work. This handbook is a guide providing general information concerning its subject matter; it is not a pro- ceduresmanual.Thereadersshouldconsultcurrentproceduralmanualsforstate-of-the-artinstructionsand applicable government safety regulations. The publisher and authors do not accept responsibility for any misuse of this handbook, including its use as a procedural manual or as a source of specific instructions. Colin F. Poole Editor This page intentionally left blank Contents Affinity Membranes K Haupt, S M A Bueno 1 Affinity Partitioning in Aqueous Two-Phase Systems G Johansson 8 Affinity Separations K Jones 19 Analytical Ultracentrifugation J L Cole 34 Biochemical Engineering Aspects of Affinity Separations H A Chase 41 Centrifugation D N Taulbee, M Mercedes Maroto-Valer 49 Chromatography C F Poole 72 Countercurrent Chromatography: Extrusion–Elution A Berthod, M-J Ruiz-Angel, M Hassoun 97 Countercurrent Chromatography: Instrumentation W D Conway 105 Countercurrent Chromatography: Large-Scale I A Sutherland 115 Countercurrent Chromatography: Overview Yoichiro Ito 126 Covalent Chromatography K Brocklehurst 136 Decanters A G Letki 143 Dye Ligands Y D Clonis 153 Gas Chromatography: Chiral Separations V Schurig 159 Gas Chromatography: Column Technology W Jennings 168 Gas Chromatography: Derivatization P Husˇek 176 Gas Chromatography: Detectors: General D McMinn 186 Gas Chromatography: Detectors: Infrared Spectrometry P R Griffiths 191 Gas Chromatography: Detectors: Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry D Young, C L P Thomas 198 Gas Chromatography: Detectors: Mass Spectrometry M R Clench, LW Tetler 208 Gas Chromatography: Detectors: Selective E R Adlard 216 Gas Chromatography: Gas–Solid Chromatography J de Zeeuw 225 Gas Chromatography: Headspace Gas Chromatography B Kolb 233 Gas Chromatography: High-Speed Gas Chromatography A Andrews 241 Gas Chromatography: High Temperature Gas Chromatography P Sandra, F David 251 Gas Chromatography: Historical Development E R Adlard, C F Poole 259 Gas Chromatography: Large-Scale Gas Chromatography P Jusforgues 266 Gas Chromatography: Multidimensional Gas Chromatography P Marriott 273 Gas Chromatography: Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography C E R Jones 282 Gas Chromatography: Sampling Systems I W Davies 289 Gas Chromatography: Theory of Gas Chromatography PA Sewell 297 Hydrodynamic Chromatography A Revillon 307 viii Contents Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography H P Jennissen 321 Immobilized Boronates/Lectins W H Scouten 329 Immobilized Metal Ion Chromatography D P Blowers 334 Immunoaffinity Chromatography I D Wilson, D Stevenson 341 Imprint Polymers PA G Cormack, K Haupt, K Mosbach 347 Large-Scale Centrifugation T Beveridge 357 Liquid Chromatography–Gas Chromatography K Grob 367 Liquid Chromatography: Column Testing and Evaluation M Kele, P C Iraneta 372 Liquid Chromatography: Derivatization I S Krull, R S Strong 379 Liquid Chromatography: Detectors: Evaporative Light Scattering R P W Scott 387 Liquid Chromatography: Detectors: Fluorescence Detection R P W Scott 392 Liquid Chromatography: Detectors: Infrared Spectrometry R P W Scott 399 Liquid Chromatography: Detectors: Laser Light Scattering R P W Scott 407 Liquid Chromatography: Detectors: Mass Spectrometry M R Clench, LW Tetler 412 Liquid Chromatography: Detectors: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance M Dachtler, T Glaser, H Ha¨ndel, T Lacker, L H Tseng, K Albert 419 Liquid Chromatography: Detectors: Refractive Index Detectors R P W Scott 433 Liquid Chromatography: Detectors: Ultraviolet and Visible Detection A C Gilby 441 Liquid Chromatography: Electrochromatography N Smith 456 Liquid Chromatography: Flash Chromatography C F Poole 464 Liquid Chromatography: Historical Development V R Meyer 470 Liquid Chromatography: Instrumentation W R LaCourse 478 Liquid Chromatography: Large-Scale Liquid Chromatography H Colin, G B Cox 485 Liquid Chromatography: Mechanisms: Chiral I W Wainer 491 Liquid Chromatography: Mechanisms: Gradient Polymer Chromatography G Glo¨ckner 496 Liquid Chromatography: Mechanisms: Ion Chromatography P R Haddad 505 LiquidChromatography:Mechanisms:IonExclusionChromatography KTanaka,PRHaddad 515 Liquid Chromatography: Mechanisms: Ion-Pair Chromatography J Sta˚hlberg 524 Liquid Chromatography: Mechanisms: Micellar Liquid Chromatography M L Marina, M A Garcı´a 533 Liquid Chromatography: Mechanisms: Normal Phase R P W Scott 545 Liquid Chromatography: Mechanisms: Reversed Phase U D Neue 551 Liquid Chromatography: Mechanisms: Size-Exclusion Chromatography S Holding 558 Liquid Chromatography: Medium Pressure Liquid Chromatography K Hostettmann, C Terreaux 567 Liquid Chromatography: Monolithic Columns E S P Bouvier 574 Liquid Chromatography: Multidimensional Chromatography P Campı´ns-Falco´, R Herra´ez-Herna´ndez 581 Contents ix Liquid Chromatography: Theory of Liquid Chromatography PA Sewell 591 Liquid Chromatography: Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography U D Neue 600 Macromolecular Interactions: Characterization by Analytical Ultracentrifugation D J Winzor 607 Method Validation M Swartz 614 Paper Chromatography I D Wilson 621 Supercritical Fluid Chromatography: Chiral N Bargmann-Leyder, M Caude, ATambute 629 Supercritical Fluid Chromatography: Detection: Infrared Spectrophotometry M W Raynor, K D Bartle 642 Supercritical Fluid Chromatography: Historical Development TA Berger 653 Supercritical Fluid Chromatography: Instrumentation TA Berger 659 Supercritical Fluid Chromatography: Large-Scale Separations P Jusforgues, M Shaimi 667 Supercritical Fluid Chromatography: Theory of Supercritical Fluid Chromatography TA Berger 677 Theory and Development of Affinity Chromatography R Scopes 687 Theory of Centrifugation A G Letki 694 Thin-Layer Chromatography: Chiral Separations L Lepri, M Del Bubba 701 Thin-Layer Chromatography: Detection: Densitometry and Image Analysis P E Wall 716 Thin-Layer Chromatography: Detection: Flame-Ionization Detection R G Ackman 726 Thin-Layer Chromatography: Detection: Radioactivity Detection T Clark 733 Thin-Layer Chromatography: Development: Conventional T H Dzido 741 Thin-Layer Chromatography: Development: Forced Flow and Centrifugal S Nyiredy 752 Thin-Layer Chromatography: Historical Development E Reich 765 Thin-Layer Chromatography: Instrumentation D E Jaenchen, E Reich 770 Thin-Layer Chromatography: Large-Scale Separations S Nyiredy 778 Thin-Layer Chromatography: Layer Properties F Rabel 789 Thin-Layer Chromatography: Spray Reagents P E Wall 796 Thin-Layer Chromatography: Theory of Thin-Layer Chromatography A Siouffi, G Guiochon 805 Index 821

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