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Graphs with maximum degree D at least 17 and maximum average degree less than 3 are list 2-distance (D+2)-colorable PDF

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Preview Graphs with maximum degree D at least 17 and maximum average degree less than 3 are list 2-distance (D+2)-colorable

Graphs with maximum degree ∆ ≥ 17 and maximum average degree less than 3 are list 2-distance (∆ + 2)-colorable∗ Marthe Bonamy, BenjaminLévêque,Alexandre Pinlou† LIRMM,UniversitéMontpellier2,CNRS 3 1 {marthe.bonamy,benjamin.leveque,alexandre.pinlou}@lirmm.fr 0 2 January 31,2013 n a J 9 2 Abstract ] For graphs of bounded maximum average degree, we consider the problem of 2-distance M coloring. Thisisthe problemof coloringthe verticeswhile ensuringthattwoverticesthatare D adjacentor haveacommonneighbor receivedifferentcolors. Itisalreadyknown thatplanar graphsofgirthatleast6andofmaximumdegree∆arelist2-distance(∆+2)-colorablewhen . s ∆≥ 24(BorodinandIvanova(2009))and2-distance(∆+2)-colorablewhen∆≥18(Borodin c [ and Ivanova (2009)). We prove here that ∆ ≥ 17 suffices in both cases. More generally, we show that graphs with maximum average degree less than 3 and ∆ ≥ 17 are list 2-distance 1 (∆+2)-colorable. Theproofcanbetransposedtolistinjective(∆+1)-coloring. v 0 9 0 1 Introduction 7 . 1 In this paper, we consider only simple and finite graphs. A 2-distance k-coloring of a graph G is 0 a coloring of the vertices of G with k colors such that two vertices that are adjacent or have a 3 1 commonneighborreceivedistinctcolors. Wedefineχ2(G)as thesmallestk suchthatGadmits a : 2-distance k-coloring. This is equivalent to a proper vertex-coloring of the square of G, which is v i definedasagraphwiththesamesetofverticesasG,wheretwoverticesareadjacentifandonlyif X theyareadjacentorhaveacommonneighborinG. Forexample,thecycleoflength5cannotbe2- r a distancecoloredwithlessthan5colorsasanytwoverticesareeitheradjacentorhaveacommon neighbor: indeed, its square is the clique of size 5. An extension of the 2-distance k-coloring is thelist2-distance k-coloring, whereinsteadofhaving thesamesetofk colorsforthewholegraph, everyvertexisassignedsomesetofkcolorsandhastobecoloredfromit. Wedefineχ2(G)asthe ℓ smallestk suchthatGadmitsalist2-distancek-coloringofGforanylistassignment. Obviously, 2-distancecoloringisasub-caseoflist2-distancecoloring(wherethesamecolorlistisassignedto everyvertex),sofor any graphG, χ2(G) ≥ χ2(G). Kostochkaand Woodall[19]evenconjectured ℓ thatitisactuallyanequality. Theconjectureisstillopen. The study of χ2(G) on planar graphs was initiated by Wegner in 1977 [21], and has been ac- tivelystudiedbecauseoftheconjecturebelow. ThemaximumdegreeofagraphGisdenoted∆(G). ∗ThisworkwaspartiallysupportedbytheANRgrantEGOS12JS0200201 †Secondaffiliation:DépartementMIAp,UniversitéPaul-Valéry,Montpellier3 1 Conjecture1(Wegner[21]). IfGisaplanargraph, then: • χ2(G) ≤ 7if∆(G) = 3 • χ2(G) ≤ ∆(G)+5if4 ≤ ∆(G) ≤ 7 • χ2(G) ≤ ⌊3∆(G)⌋+1if∆(G) ≥ 8 2 Thisconjectureremainsopen. NotethatanygraphGsatisfiesχ2(G) ≥ ∆(G)+1. Indeed,ifweconsideravertexofmaximal degree and its neighbors, they form a set of ∆(G)+1 vertices, any two of which are adjacent or haveacommonneighbor. Henceatleast∆(G)+1colorsareneededfora2-distancecoloringofG. Itisthereforenaturaltoaskwhenthislowerboundisreached. Forthatpurpose,wecanstudy,as suggestedbyWangandLih[20],whatconditionsonthesparsenessofthegraphcanbesufficient toensuretheequalityholds. Afirstmeasureofthesparsenessofaplanargraphisitsgirth. ThegirthofagraphG,denoted g(G), is the length of a shortestcycle. Wang and Lih [20] conjectured that for any integer k ≥ 5, there exists an integer D(k) such that for every planar graph G verifying g(G) ≥ k and ∆(G) ≥ D(k),χ2(G) = ∆(G)+1. ThiswasprovedbyBorodin,IvanovaandNoestroeva[11,13]tobetrue fork ≥ 7,eveninthecaseoflist-coloring,andfalsefork ∈ {5,6}. Sofar,inthecaseoflistcoloring, it is known [3, 18] that we can choose D(7) = 16, D(8) = 10, D(9) = 8, D(10) = 6, D(12) = 5. Borodin, Ivanova and Neustroeva [12] proved that the case k = 6 is true on a restricted class of graphs, i.e. for a planar graph G with girth 6 where every edge is incident to a vertex of degree at most twoand ∆(G) ≥ 179, we have χ2(G) ≤ ∆(G)+1. Dvorˇák etal. [16] proved that thecase k = 6istrueby allowing onemorecolor, i.e. foraplanar graphGwithgirth6and∆(G) ≥ 8821, wehave χ2(G) ≤ ∆(G)+2. Theyalso conjecturedthat thesame holdsfor aplanar graph Gwith girth 5 and sufficiently large ∆(G), but this remains open. Borodin and Ivanova improved [5] Dvorˇáketal.’sresultandextendedittolist-coloring[6,7]asfollows. Theorem1(BorodinandIvanova[5]). EveryplanargraphGwith∆(G) ≥ 18andg(G) ≥ 6admitsa 2-distance(∆(G)+2)-coloring. Theorem2(BorodinandIvanova[7]). EveryplanargraphGwith∆(G) ≥ 24andg(G) ≥ 6admitsa list2-distance(∆(G)+2)-coloring. Theorems1and2areoptimalwithregardstothenumberofcolors,asshownbythefamilyof graphs presented by Borodin et al. [4], which are of increasing maximum degree, of girth 6 and arenot2-distance(∆+1)-colorable. WeimproveTheorems1and2asfollows. Theorem3. Every planar graph Gwith∆(G) ≥ 17andg(G) ≥ 6admits alist 2-distance (∆(G)+2)- coloring. Another way to measure the sparseness of a graph is through its maximum average degree. The average degree of a graph G, denoted ad(G), is Pv∈V d(v) = 2|E|. The maximum average degree |V| |V| ofa graph G, denotedmad(G), is the maximum ofad(H) over all subgraphsH ofG. Intuitively, this measuresthe sparsenessof agraph because it stateshow great theconcentration of edgesin a same area can be. For example, stating that mad(G) has to be smaller than 2 means that G is a forest. Usingthismeasure,weproveamoregeneraltheoremthanTheorem3. 2 Theorem 4. Every graph G with ∆(G) ≥ 17 and mad(G) < 3 admits a list 2-distance (∆(G) + 2)- coloring. Euler’sformulalinksgirthandmaximumaveragedegreeinthecaseofplanargraphs. Lemma1(Folklore). ForeveryplanargraphG,(mad(G)−2)(g(G)−2) < 4. ByLemma1,Theorem4impliesTheorem3. An injective k-coloring [17] of G is a (not necessarily proper)coloring of the vertices of G with k colors such that two vertices that have a common neighbor receive distinct colors. We define χ (G) as the smallest k such that G admits an injective k-coloring. A 2-distance k-coloring is an i injectivek-coloring,buttheconverseisnottrue. Forexample,thecycleoflength5canbeinjective colored with 3colors. The list version ofthis coloring is a list injective k-coloring ofG, and χ (G) i,ℓ isthesmallestk suchthatGadmitsalistinjectivek-coloring. Someresultson 2-distance coloring have their counterparton injective coloring with oneless color. ThisisthecaseofTheorems1and2[8,9]. TheproofofTheorem4alsoworkswithcloseto no alteration for list injective coloring, thus yielding a proof that every graph G with ∆(G) ≥ 17 andmad(G) < 3admitsalistinjective(∆(G)+1)-coloring. In Sections2 and 3, weintroduce themethodand terminology. In Sections4 and 6, we prove Theorem4anditscounterpartoninjectivecoloringbyadischargingmethod. 2 Method Thedischargingmethodwas introducedin thebeginningofthe20th century. Ithasbeenusedto provethecelebratedFourColor Theoremin[1,2]. Adischargingmethodissaidtobelocal when the weight cannot travel arbitrarily far. Borodin, Ivanova and Kostochka introduced in [10] the notionofglobaldischargingmethod,wheretheweightcantravelarbitrarilyfaralongthegraph. We prove for induction purposes a slightly stronger version of Theorem 4 by relaxing the constraint on the maximum degree. Namely, we relax it into “For any k ≥ 17, every graph G with ∆(G) ≤ k and mad(G) < 3 verifies χ2(G) ≤ k + 2” so that the property is closed under ℓ vertex-oredge-deletion. Agraphisminimalforapropertyifitsatisfiesthispropertybutnoneof itssubgraphsdoes. The first step is to consider a minimal counter-example G, and prove it cannot contain some configurations. To do so, we assume by contradiction that G contains one of the configurations. We consider a particular subgraph H of G, and color it by minimality (the maximum average degreeofanysubgraphofGisboundedbythemaximumaveragedegreeofG). Weshowhowto extendthecoloringofH toG,acontradiction. Thesecondstepis toprovethatagraphthatdoesnotcontainanyoftheseconfigurationshas amaximumaveragedegreeofatleast3. Tothatpurpose,weassigntoeachvertexitsdegreeasa weight. Weapplydischarging rulestoredistributeweightsalongthegraphwith conservationof the total weight. As some configurations are forbidden, we can then prove that after application ofthedischargingrules,everyvertexhasafinalweightofatleast3. Thisimpliesthattheaverage degree of the graph is at least 3, hence the maximum average degree is at least 3. So a minimal counter-examplecannotexist. Wefinallyexplainhowthesameproofholdsalsoforlistinjective(∆+1)-coloring. 3 3 Terminology In the figures, we draw in black a vertex that has no other neighbor than the ones already rep- resented, in white a vertex that might have other neighbors than the ones represented. White verticesmaycoincidewithotherverticesofthefigure. Whenthereisalabelinsideawhitevertex, itisanindicationonthenumberofneighborsithas. Thelabel’i’means"exactlyineighbors",the label’i+’(resp. ’i−’)meansthatithasatleast(resp. atmost)ineighbors. Let u be a vertex. The neighborhood N(u) of u is the set of vertices that are adjacent to u. Let d(u) = |N(u)| be the degree of u. A p-link x−a −...−a −y, p ≥ 0, between x and y is a path 1 p between x and y such that d(a ) = ... = d(a ) = 2. When a p-link exists between two vertices x 1 p and y, we say they are p-linked. If there is a p-link x−a −...−a −y between x and y, we say 1 p x is p-linked through a to y. A partial 2-distance list coloring of G is a 2-distance list-coloring of a 1 subgraphH ofG. A vertexis weak whenit is ofdegree3 and is 1-linked totwovertices ofdegreeat most14, or twice1-linkedtoavertexofdegreeatmost14(seeFigure1). Aweakvertexisrepresentedwitha wlabelinside(w ifitisnotweak). 14− 14− x Figure1: Aweakvertexx. Avertexissupportwhenitiseither(seeFigure2): Type(S ): avertexofdegree2adjacenttoanothervertexofdegree2; 1 Type(S ): avertexofdegree2thatisadjacenttoavertexofdegree3whichisadjacenttoavertex 2 ofdegree2andtoavertexofdegreeatmost7; Type(S ): aweakvertex1-linkedtoanotherweakvertex. 3 Avertexispositive whenitis ofdegreeatleast4andis adjacenttoasupportvertex. Avertex u is locked if it has two neighbors v and v , where v and v are both 1-linked to the same two 1 2 1 2 b 14− 14− g b 7− a f u x a b u x a c d u x c d e Type(S1) Type(S2) Type(S3) Figure2: Supportverticesx. 4 vertices w and w that have a common neighbor, and d(v ) = d(v ) = d(w ) = d(w ) = 3 (see 1 2 1 2 1 2 Figure3). Thisconfigurationiscalledalock. v w 1 1 u x v w 2 2 Figure3: Alockedvertexu. 4 Forbidden Configurations Inallthepaper,kisaconstantintegergreaterthan17andGisaminimalgraphsuchthat∆(G) ≤ k andGadmitsno2-distance(k+2)-list-coloring. Wedefineconfigurations(C )to(C )(seeFigures4,5and6). Notethatconfigurationssimilar 1 11 toConfigurations(C ),(C )and(C )alreadyexistedinthelitterature,forexamplein[16]. 1 2 4 • (C )isavertexuwithd(u) ≤ 1 1 • (C )isavertexuwithd(u) = 2thathas twoneighborsv,w anduis 1-linkedthroughv toa 2 vertexofdegreeatmostk−1. • (C )isavertexuwithd(u) = 3thathasthreeneighborsv,w,xwithd(w)+d(x) ≤ k−1,and 3 uis1-linkedthroughv toavertexofdegreeatmostk−1. • (C )isavertexuwithd(u) = 3thathasthreeneighborsv,w,xwithd(w)+d(x) ≤ k−1,and 4 v hasexactlythreeneighborsu,y,z withd(z) ≤ 7andd(y) = 2. • (C ) is a vertex u with d(u) = 3 that has three neighbors v,w,x with d(x) ≤ k −1 and u is 5 1-linked through v (resp. through w) to a vertex of degreeat most 14. (Notethat u is weak vertex.) • (C ) is a vertex u with d(u) = 4 that has four neighbors v,w,x,y with d(w) ≤ 7, d(x) ≤ 3, 6 d(y) ≤ 3,anduis1-linkedthroughv toavertexofdegreeatmost14. • (C ) is a vertex u with d(u) = 4 that has four neighbors v,w,x,y with d(x)+d(y) ≤ k −1 7 anduis1-linkedthroughv (resp. throughw)toavertexofdegreeatmost14. • (C ) is a vertexu with d(u) = 5 that has five neighborsv,w,x,y,z with d(w) ≤ 7, d(x) ≤ 3, 8 d(y) ≤ 3,d(z) = 2,anduis1-linkedthroughv toavertexofdegreeatmost7. • (C )isavertexuwithd(u) = 6thathassixneighborsv,w,x,y,z,t withd(w) ≤ 7, d(x) ≤ 3, 9 d(y) ≤ 3,d(z) = 2,d(t) = 2,anduis1-linkedthroughv toavertexofdegreeatmost7. • (C )is a vertexuwithd(u) = 7that has sevenneighborsv,w ,...,w with d(v) ≤ 7and u 10 1 6 is1-linkedthroughw ,1 ≤ i≤ 6,toavertexofdegreeatmost3. i 5 x x − (k−1) x w u 7− z x v v (k−1)− u w d(x)+d(w) u u v ≤k−1 y w v d(x)+d(w) (k−1)− 1− u w ≤k−1 14− 14− (C1) (C2) (C3) (C4) (C5) Figure4: Forbiddenconfigurations(C )to(C ). 1 5 • (C ) is a vertex uwith d(u) = k that has threeneighbors v,w,x with x is a supportvertex, 11 v,wareboth1-linkedtoasamevertexyofdegree3,andv (resp. w)is1-linkedtoavertexof degreeatmost14distinctfromy. (Notethatv,w areweakvertices.) Lemma2. GdoesnotcontainConfigurations(C )to(C ). 1 11 Proof. Given apartial 2-distancelist-coloring ofG, aconstraintofavertexuiscolor appearingon avertexatdistanceatmost2fromuinG. NotationreferstoFigures4,5and6. Claim1. Gdoesnotcontain(C ). 1 Proof. SupposebycontradictionthatGcontains(C ). UsingtheminimalityofG,wecolorG\{u}. 1 Since∆(G) ≤ k,andd(u) ≤ 1,vertexuhasatmostk constraints(oneforitsneighborandatmost k −1 for the vertices at distance 2 from u). There are k+2 colors available in the list ofu, so the coloringofG\{u}canbeextendedtoG,acontradiction. Claim2. Gdoesnotcontain(C ). 2 Proof. Suppose by contradiction that G contains (C ). Using the minimality of G, we color G \ 2 {u,v}. Vertexuhasatmostk+1constraints. Hencewecancoloru. Thenvhasatmostk−1+2= k+1constraints. Hencewecancolorv. SowecanextendthecoloringtoG,acontradiction. Claim3. Gdoesnotcontain(C ). 3 Proof. SupposebycontradictionthatGcontains(C ). UsingtheminimalityofG,wecolorG\{v}. 3 Becauseofu,verticeswandxhavedifferentcolors. Wediscoloru. Vertexvhasatmostk−1+2 = k+1constraints. Hencewecancolorv. Vertexuhasatmostd(w)+d(x)+2 ≤ k+1constraints. Hencewecancoloru. SowecanextendthecoloringtoG,acontradiction. Claim4. Gdoesnotcontain(C ). 4 Proof. Supposebycontradiction thatGcontains (C ). Letebetheedgeuv. Usingtheminimality 4 ofG,wecolorG\{e}. Wediscoloruandv. Vertexuhasatmostd(w)+d(x)+2≤ k+1constraints. Hencewecancoloru. Vertexv hasatmost7+3+2 ≤ k+1constraints. Hencewecancolorv. So wecanextendthecoloringtoG,acontradiction. 6 x x 7− 3− 7− z v y z v t w 7− 3− y 14− u u w u u v d(x)+d(y) v y 3− 7− w y 3− 7− w ≤k−1 3− 3− 14− 14− x x (C6) (C7) (C8) (C9) Figure5: Forbiddenconfigurations(C )to(C ). 6 9 Claim5. Gdoesnotcontain(C ). 5 Proof. Suppose by contradiction that G contains (C ). Using the minimality of G, we color G \ 5 {u,v,w}. Vertexuhasatmostk−1+2 = k+1constraints. Hencewecancoloru. Verticesv and w have at most 14+3 ≤ k +1 constraints respectively. Hence we can color v and w. So we can extendthecoloringtoG,acontradiction. Claim6. Gdoesnotcontain(C ). 6 Proof. SupposebycontradictionthatGcontains(C ). UsingtheminimalityofG,wecolorG\{v}. 6 Wediscoloru. Vertexv hasatmost14+3≤ k+1constraints. Hencewecancolorv. Vertexuhas atmost2+3+3+7 ≤ k+1constraints. Hencewecancoloru. Sowecanextendthecoloringto G,acontradiction. Claim7. Gdoesnotcontain(C ). 7 Proof. Suppose by contradiction that G contains (C ). Using the minimality of G, we color G \ 7 {v,w}. Wediscoloru. Vertexuhasatmostd(x)+d(y)+2 ≤ k+1constraints. Hencewecancolor u. Verticesv andwhaveatmost14+4≤ k+1constraintsrespectively. Hencewecancolorv and w. SowecanextendthecoloringtoG,acontradiction. Claim8. Gdoesnotcontain(C ). 8 Proof. SupposebycontradictionthatGcontains(C ). UsingtheminimalityofG,wecolorG\{v}. 8 Wediscolor u. Vertexuhas at most7+3+3+2+1 ≤ k+1 constraints. Hencewe can color u. Vertexvhasatmost7+5 ≤ k+1constraints. Hencewecancolorv. Sowecanextendthecoloring toG,acontradiction. Claim9. Gdoesnotcontain(C ). 9 Proof. SupposebycontradictionthatGcontains(C ). UsingtheminimalityofG,wecolorG\{v}. 9 Wediscoloru. Vertexuhasatmost7+3+3+2+2+1 ≤ k+1constraints. Hencewecancolor u. Vertex v has at most 7+6 ≤ k +1 constraints. Hence we can color v. So we can extend the coloringtoG,acontradiction. 7 v 3− w6 7− w1 3− v z1 y1 − 14 w w x u z2 y 5 2 − u − k 3 3 w w support z3 4 3 − 14 3− 3− w z4 y2 (C10) (C11) Figure6: Forbiddenconfigurations(C )and(C ). 10 11 Claim10. Gdoesnotcontain(C ). 10 Proof. Suppose by contradiction that G contains (C ). Using the minimality of G, we color G \ 10 {u,w ,...,w }. Vertex u has at most 7 +6 ≤ k + 1 constraints. Hence we can color v. Vertices 1 6 w have at most 3+7 ≤ k +1 constraints. Hence we can color w ,...,w . So we can extend the i 1 6 coloringtoG,acontradiction. Claim11. Gdoesnotcontain(C ). 11 Proof. Suppose by contradiction that G contains (C ). Since x is a support vertex, and u is of 11 degreek,itisoftype(S ),(S )or(S )ofsupportverticeswiththenotationofFigure2. Notethat 1 2 3 someverticesmaycoincidebetweenFigure2andFigure6. WedefineasetofverticesAasfollows: {a} ifxisofType(S ) 1  A= {a,c} ifxisofType(S )  2 {a,c} ifxisofType(S ) 3  Usingtheminimality ofG, wecolor G\({v,w,x,y, z ,...,z }∪A). Ifxis ofType(S )(resp. 1 4 1 (S )),a(resp. c)hasatmostk+1constraints,hencewecancolorit. Forthethreetypes(S ),xhas 2 i atmostk−3+1+2 = k constraints,thusithasatleast2available colors. Vertexy hasatmostk constraints,thusithasatleast2available colors. Bothv andwhaveatmostk−3+1+1≤ k−1 constraints,sotheyhaveatleast3available colorsintheirlist. Wenowexplainhowtocolorv,w,x,y(otheruncoloredverticeswillbecoloredafter). Suppose xandycanbeassignedthesamecolor,thenbothv andwhaveatleast2available colorsandthus canbecolored. Supposethelistsofavailable colorsofxandyaredisjoint. Wecolorv withacolornotappear- inginthelistofx. Thenwecolory thathask+1constraints. (Vertexxhasstillatleast2available colors.) Thenwecolorw thathask+1constraintsandfinallyx. Nowweassumethatwecannotassignthesamecolortoxandyandthattheirlistsofavailable colors are not disjoint. This means that x and y are either adjacent or have a common neighbor. So some vertices coincide between Figure 2 and Figure 6. The different cases where x and y are eitheradjacentorhaveacommonneighborarethefollowing: (S ) – b =y 1 8 (S ) – b =y 2 – a = y andw.l.o.gb = z ,c = z andd= w. 2 3 (S ) – b =y 3 – d = y,andw.l.o.g. f = z ,g = v ande = z . 2 3 In all thesecases, y has at most 1 contraint. So we can color x,v,w,y, in this orderas they all haveatmostk+1constraintswhentheyarecolored. IfxisofType(S )(resp. (S )),vertexa(respverticesa,c)hasatmost11constraints(resp. 18, 2 3 6), sowecan colorthem. Theverticesz haveatmost17 ≤ k+1, sowecan colorthem. Thusthe i coloringhavebeenextendedtoG,acontradiction. 5 Structure of support vertices Let H(G) be the subgraph of G induced by the edges incident to at least a support vertex. We proveseveralpropertiesofsupportverticesandofthegraphH(G). Lemma 3. Each positive vertex is of degree k and each support vertex is adjacent to exactly one positive vertex. Proof. By Lemma 2, G does not contain Configurations (C ), (C ) and (C ). So a support vertex 2 3 5 is adjacent to a vertex of degree k (Configurations (C ), (C ) and (C ) correspond respectively 2 3 5 to support vertices of Type (S ), (S ) and (S )). By definition, a support vertex has at most one 1 2 3 neighbor ofdegreeat least 4, thus it is adjacent to exactly onevertex ofdegreeat least 4 and this vertex has in fact degree k. So all the positive vertices are of degree k and a support vertex is adjacenttoexactlyonepositivevertex. Lemma 4. Each cycle of H(G) with an odd number of support vertices contains a subpath s v s v s 1 1 2 2 3 wheres ,s ,s aresupportverticesoftype(S )andv ,v arevertices ofdegree2. 1 2 3 3 1 2 Proof. LetC be cycle ofH(G) withan oddnumberofsupportvertices. Cycle C doesnotcontain just one support vertex, as all its edges have to be adjacent to a support vertex (there is no loop normultipleedgeinH(G)). SoC containsatleastthreesupportvertices. SupposethatC containsnopositivevertices. Thenitcontainsnosupportverticesoftype(S ) 1 or(S )assuchverticesareofdegree2,soalltheirneighborswouldbeonC,andtheyareadjacent 2 toapositivevertexbyLemma3. SoC containsonlysupportverticesoftype(S ). Lets ,s ,s be 3 1 2 3 three supportvertices of C appearing consecutively along C. A supportvertex of Type(S ) is of 3 degree 3, adjacent to two vertices of degree 2 and to a positive vertex. So the neighbors of s on i C are vertices of degree2 that are not supportvertices. As H(G) contains only edgesincident to supportvertices,thereexistv ,v ofdegree2suchthats v s v s isasubpathofC. 1 2 1 1 2 2 3 SupposenowthatCcontainssomepositivevertices. Letp ,...,p bethesetofpositivevertices 1 ℓ ofC appearinginthisorderalongC whilewalkinginachosendirection(subscriptareunderstood modulo ℓ). Let Q , 1 ≤ i ≤ ℓ, be the subpath of C between p and p (in the same choosen i i i+1 direction along C). (Note that if ℓ = 1, then Q = C is not really a subpath.) As C contains an 1 odd number of support vertices, there exists i such that Q contains an odd number of support i 9 vertices. If Q contains just one supportvertex v, then Q has length 2, since H(G) contains only i i edges incident to support vertices. So v is adjacent to two different positive vertices (or has a multipleedgeifℓ = 1),acontradictiontoLemma3. SoQ containsatleast3supportvertices. Let i s ,s ,s bethreesupportverticesofQ appearingconsecutivelyalongQ . 1 2 3 i i Ifoneofthes isofType(S ), letxbesuchavertex. WiththenotationofFigure2,vertexxis i 1 ofdegree2, soits twoneighborsu,a are on C, with ua positivevertex and a a supportvertexof Type (S ). Then vertex a is of degree 2 so its neighbor b distinct from x is also on C. Vertex b is 1 positivesoQ isthepathu,x,a,bandcontainsjusttwosupportvertices,acontradiction. i Ifoneofthes isofType(S ), letxbesuchavertex. WiththenotationofFigure2,vertexxis i 2 of degree 2, so its two neighbors u,a are on C, with u a positive vertex and a a vertex of degree 3. Vertexa is notadjacent toverticesofdegreek soby Lemma3, it isnotasupportvertex. Letc′ betheneighborofaonC thatisdistinctfromx. AsalltheedgesofH(G)areincidenttosupport vertices, c′ is a supportvertex. Since c′ is adjacent to a vertexofdegree3 it is a supportvertexof Type(S )andcanplaytheroleofcofFigure2. Thencisofdegree2anditsneighboronC distinct 2 fromaisapositivevertexd. SoQ isthepathu,x,a,c,dandcontainsjusttwosupportvertices,a i contradiction. So s ,s ,s are all of Type (S ). A support vertex of Type (S ) is of degree 3, adjacent to two 1 2 3 3 3 vertices of degree 2 and to a positive vertex. So the neighbors of s on C are vertices v ,v of 2 1 2 degree2that are notsupportvertices. AsH(G) contains onlyedgesincidenttosupportvertices, wecanassumew.l.o.g. thats v s v s isasubpathofC. 1 1 2 2 3 Lemma 5. H(G) does not contain a 2-connected subgraph of size at least three with exactly two support vertices. Proof. SupposebycontradictionthatH(G)containsa2-connectedsubgraphC ofsize≥ 3thathas exactlytwosupportverticesS = {s ,s }. WecolorbyminimalityG\(S∪{v ∈ N (S)|d (v) ≤ 3}). 1 2 G G (Notethat by Lemma 3, the set{v ∈ N (S)|d (v) ≤ 3} correspondsto vertexa of Figure2 if the G G supportvertexisofType(S )or(S )andtoverticesa,cifthesupportvertexisofType(S ).) 1 2 3 We first show how to color S. For that purposewe consider three cases correspondingto the typeofs . 1 • s isofType(S ). Thens is ofdegree2, has apositiveneighboruandasupportneighbora 1 1 1 ofType(S ). Ass is ofdegree2, both itsneighborsare in C. Soa is asupportvertexofC, 1 1 thusa = s . Thenuisofdegreek,hastwoneighborss ,s thatarenotcolored,sos ands 2 1 2 1 2 haveatmostk constraints,andwecancolorthem. • s isofType(S ). Thens isofdegree2,hasapositiveneighboruandanotherneighboraof 1 2 1 degree3. Vertexa is not asupportvertexbyLemma3 since it has noneighborofdegreek. Ass isofdegree2,allitsneighborsareinC. VerticesuandaareinC thatis2-connectedso 1 theyhaveatleasttwoneighborsinC. Sincetheyarenotsupportvertices,alltheirneighbors inC aresupportvertices. Sobothuandaareadjacenttos . Vertexs issupport,itisadjacent 2 2 to a that is ofdegree3, sos is ofType(S ). Thenu is ofdegreek, has twoneighborss ,s 2 2 1 2 thatarenotcolored,sos ands haveatmostk constraints,andwecancolorthem. 1 2 • s is of Type (S ). Then s is of degree3, has a positive neighbor u and two otherneighbors 1 3 1 w,w′ of degree 2. Vertices w,w′ are not support vertices by Lemma 3 since they have no neighborofdegreek. Ass isofdegree3,twoofu,w,w′ areinC. LetY betheneighborsof 1 10

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