HOW OPEN SOURCE IS DRIVING DEVOPS INNOVATION Gordon Haff @ghaff William Henry @ipbabble Cloud & DevOps Product Strategy, Red Hat 17 August 2015 What is DevOps? Source: DevOps Days DC 2015 word cloud from Open Spaces. DevOps applies open source principles and practices with... TOOLS drawing from innovative development DEVOPS: communities THE WHAT & THE WHY A typical DevOps workflow Tools for operations*/infrastucture Containerized infrastructure Orchestration Policy-based governance Configuration management Automation Packaging Updates * But they bleed into developer land! Infrastructures evolve for cloud-native Distributed, networked, containerized services Monolithic app container � � Scale out by orchestrating services Scale up by adding hardware resources � � Faster iteration and release Limited scale out through clustering � � More robust � APP APP RHEL SINGLE-HOST APPS MULTI-HOST APPS Infrastructure layer: A Cloud Platform for Microservice Cloud Apps Provision apps from OPS MANAGEMENT AND CONTENT, ENTITLEMENT, SERVICE CATALOG AND LIFECYCLE service catalog (e.g. RED HAT CLOUDFORMS) (e.g. RED HAT SATELLITE) SERVICE SCHEDULER/ORCHESTRATOR Orchestrate and place apps (e.g. KUBERNETES) ( e . g . O Red Hat Red Hat Red Hat Red Hat Red Hat P P E a CloudForms CloudForms Satellite JBoss App DB JBoss a Run composed microservices N Monitoring Orchestration Content AMQ Docker BRMS S S Docker Docker Docker Docker Image Docker H in containers Image Image Image Image Image I F T ) RHEL ATOMIC RHEL ATOMIC HOST GUEST HOST GUEST RED HAT ENTERPRISE LINUX OPENSTACK PLATFORM Provide dynamic, programmable COMPUTE STORAGE NETWORK infrastructure (e.g. OPENSTACK, CEPH, OPEN DAYLIGHT) Tools for developer* workflows Collaboration CI/CD Issue tracking Source code control Code review Platform-as-a-Service * But they bleed into ops land! CI/CD Pipeline Toolset CI/CD Workflow UI