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Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems (Vol. 1-15: Lecture Notes in Operations Research and Mathematical Economics, Vol. 16-59: Lecture Notes in Operations Research and Mathematical Systems) Vol. 1: H. BOhlmann. H. Loeffel. E. Nievergelt. EinfOhrung in die Vol. 30: H. Noltemeier. Sensitivitiitsanalyse bei diskreten linearen Theorie und Praxis der Entscheidung bei Unsicherheit. 2. Auflage. Optimierungsproblemen. VI. 102 Seiten. 1970. IV. 125 Seiten. 1969. Vol. 31: M. KOhlmeyer. Die nichtzentrale t-Verteilung. II. 106 Sei· Vol. 2: U. N. Bhat. A Study of the Queueing Systems M/G/l and ten. 1970. GI/M/1. VIII. 78 pages. 1968. Vol. 32: F. Bartholomes und G. Hotz. Homomorphismen und Re Vol. 3: A Strauss. An Introduction to Optimal Control Theory. duktionen Ii nearer Sprachen. XII. 143 Seiten. 1970. OM 18.- Out of print Vol. 33: K. Hinderer. Foundations of Non·stationary Dynamic Pro Vol. 4: Branch and Bound: Eine EinfOhrung. 2 .• geanderte Auflage. gramming with Discrete Time Parameter. VI. 160 pages. 1970. Herausgegeben von F. Weinberg. VII. 174 Seiten. 1973. Vol. 34: H. Sttlrmer. Semi-Markoll-Prozesse mit endlich vielen Vol. 5: L. P. Hyvarinen. Information Theory for Systems Engineers. Zustiinden. Theorie und Anwendungen. VII. 128 Seiten. 1970. VII. 205 pages. 1968. Vol. 35: F. Ferschl. Markovketten. VI. 168 Seiten. 1970. Vol. 6: H. P. KOnzi. O. MOiler. E. Nievergelt. EinfOhrungskursus in die dynamische Programmierung. IV. 103 Seiten. 1968. Vol. 36: M. J. P. Magill. On a General Economic Theory of Motion. VI. 95 pages. 1970. Vol. 7: W. PoPP. EinfOhrung in die Theorie der Lagerhaltung. VI. 173 Seiten. 1968. Vol. 37: H. MOlier-Merbach. On Round-Oil Errors in Linear Pro gramming. V. 48 pages. 1970. Vol. 8: J. Te ghem. J. Loris-Teghem. J. P. Lambotte. Modeles d·Attente M/GiI et GI/M/I a Arrivees et Services en Groupes. III. 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VI. 466 pages. Vol. 57: E. Freund. Zeitvariable MehrgrtlBensysteme. VIII.160 Sei 1970. ten. 1971. Vol. 29: S. E. Elmaghraby. Some Network Models in Management Vol. 58: P. B. Hagelschuer. Theorie der linearen Dekomposition. Science. III. 176 pages. 1970. VII. 191 Seiten. 1971. continuation on page 271 Lectu re Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems Managing Editors: M. Beckmann and H. P. KGnzi Operations Research 172 Klaus Neumann Ulrich Steinhardt GERT Networks and the Time-Oriented Evaluation of Projects Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York 1979 Editorial Board H. Albach· A. V. Balakrishnan· M. Beckmann (Managing Editor) P. Dhrymes . J. Green· W. Hildenbrand· W. Krelle H. P. KOnzi (Managing Editor) . K. Ritter· R. Sato . H. Schelbert P. Schonfeld Managing Editors Prof. Dr. M. Beckmann Prof. Dr. H. P. KOnzi Brown University Universitat ZOrich Providence, RI 02912/USA 8090 ZOrich/Schweiz Authors Prof. Dr. Klaus Neumann Dr. Ulrich Steinhardt Institut fOr Wirtschaftstheorie BroichstraBe 17 und Operations Research 0-5300 Bonn 3 Universitat Karlsruhe KaiserstraBe 12 0-7500 Karlsruhe AMS Subject Classifications (1970): 90-02, 90815 ISBN-13: 978-3-540-09705-1 e-ISBN-13: 978-3-642-95363-7 001: 10.1007/978-3-642-95363-7 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically those of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying machine or similar means, and storage in data banks. Under § 54 of the German Copyright Law where copies are made for other than private use, a fee is payable to the publisher, the amount of the fee to be determined by agreement with the publisher. © by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1979 PREFACE Towards the end of the fifties methods for planning, scheduling,and control of proj ects were developed on the basis that the evolution of a project can be associated with a special weighted directed graph, called activity network. In this association, the individual activities of the project correspond to the arcs, the so-called proj ect events (beginning or termination of activities) correspond to the nodes, and the durations of the activities correspond to the weights of the respective arcs of the directed graph. 1) Contiguous arcs are assigned to activities which succeed one another immediately. The event corresponding to a node occurs exactly at the time at which all activities which are associated with the arcs leading into the node are terminated. After the occurrence of an event all those activities are be gun which correspond to the arcs emanating from the respective node. This implies especially that the evolution of the project has to be uniquely determined before hand, that every activity and every event are realized exactly once during the exe cution of the project, and that "feedback" (corresponding to cycles in the asso ciated network) is not permitted. Many projects, for example most R&D projects and projects in the area of production p1 a nni ng, do not sa ti sfy the foregoi ng res tri cti ons. In these cases it can happen that (after the occurrence of an event) some activities are not carried out with certainty, but only with a probability less than one. It can happen furthermore that an event occurs already at the time at which not all but perhaps only one of the activities corresponding to the arcs leading into the respective node is terminated. In addition, in the course of the execution of the project, it is possible to return to events which have already occurred once before (feedback). For these reasons, attempts have been made since about the middle sixties to modify the above so-called "classical" activity networks in a way which will take into account the three particular properties just mentioned. EISNER made the first sug gestions in this direction. Because it is impossible to specify uniquely the evolu tion of many R&D projects beforehand, EISNER introduced so-called decision boxes within the networks, with the convention that activities emanating from such deci sion boxes may be carried out by choice (that is, no longer need all activities 1) Activity network methods, as e.g. MPM, in which the activities correspond to the nodes of a directed graph will not be considered in this monograph. 2 Preface necessarily be carried out). The decisive step was made by ELMAGHRABY and thereafter by PRITSKER and HAPP. They introduced, in addition to the two possible "node exits" defined by EISNER, three different "node entrances" (corresponding to the logical operations "and", "inclusive-or", and "exclusive-or"). As to the weights of the arcs, they added the execution probability of the respective activity to its (sto chastic) duration. ELMAGHRABY called his concept (which originally considered only deterministic durations of activities) GAN ("Generalized Activity Networks"), where as PRITSKER and HAPP called their method for the evaluation of such activity net works (in the sense of time planning of the associated projects) GERT ("Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique"). These activity networks, which are considerably more genera 1 than the "class i ca 1" networks, are ca 11 ed stoahastia aativity networks or, in accordance with PRITSKER, HAPP, and WHITEHOUSE (see WHITEHOUSE [25], chapter 8) , GERT networks. Those GERT networks which contain the so-called STEaR node (with stochastic exit and exclusive-or entrance) as the only node type can be evaluated by MASON's rule, which was originally developed for linear transmission systems. PRITSKER and others have written several simulation programs for the evaluation of more general GERT networks. In this monograph, however, we shall use a different approach to evaluat ing GERT networks. Already ELMAGHRABY has pointed out that a homogeneous semi-MARKOV process can be associated with every STEaR network (see ELMAGHRABY [3], chapter 4, and [4] , chapter 5). But neither ELMAGHRABY nor PRITSKER and his school have ex ploited this finding for the development of a methodology. Starting with the fact that a MARKOV renewal process corresponds to every STEaR network, we will show that the quantities of interest in time planning can be computed in a simple manner from the renewal functions of the respective process. We shall indicate a very effective algorithm for determining the renewal functions. This approach has the following advantages: (1) It provides a method for evaluating STEaR networks which requires considerably less computational effort than MASON's rule or simulation. (2) It enables more insight into the structure of these networks and the connected stochastic processes than the methods known so far. (3) It can be generalized, in contrast to MASON's rule, to certain GERT networks which also contain "non-STEaR nodes" (so-called GERT networks with "basic ele ment structures"). The particular contents of the present monograph are as follows: In chapter 1, we give an exact definition of the concept "GERT network" and an enumeration of those assumptions that have to be stipulated because of practical or methodological con- Preface 3 siderations. We then make precise what is to be understood by the evaluation of a GERT network (in the sense of time planning). As a first class of GERT networks we treat STEOR networks in chapter 2, and we explain the already mentioned evaluation method based on 'results of the theory of MARKOV renewal processes. The MASON rule is also explained for purposes of comparison. In chapter 3, we investigate to what extent the results obtained for STEOR networks can be applied to certain GERT net works which contain non-STEOR nodes, too. In chapter 4, a method for evaluating general GERT networks is given. Cycles represent an important new element within GERT networks as compared to clas sical activity networks. At first it suggests itself to assume that only STEOR nodes which are relatively simple to handle are present in cycles. Those new points of view that result when this assumption is waived are discussed in chapter 5. The case where the probabilities of carrying out activities, and the distributions of the duration of activities, depend on the times of occurrence of the initial events of the respective activities (which is especially important for cost planning) is treated in chapter 6. The simulation of GERT networks is dealt with in chapter 7. This last chapter also contains a universal evaluation method which comprises the simulation and the proce dures treated in the chapters 2, 3 as well and which represents a very effective algorithm for evaluating general GERT networks. Finally, some formulas from proba bility theory and some concepts and theorems from the theory of stochastic processes are summarized in the appendix. GERT networks are of great practical importance (not only in the framework of project planning). This aspect is illustrated by numerous examples of applications for the different types of GERT networks that are treated in this monograph. The cost planning of projects to which GERT networks are assigned leads to very inter esting optimization problems in the areas of control theory and stochastic dynamic programming. This will be investigated in a subsequent volume. We should like to thank all the members of the Institut fUr Wirtschaftstheorie und Operations Research, University of Karlsruhe, who have helped generously during the writing of this book. Special thanks are due to Wolfgang Fix and Wolfram Nicolai who read the manuscript and suggested numerous significant improvements. We are especially indebted also to Eginhard J. Muth, University of Florida, Gainesville, for reading the manuscript, making valuable comments, and producing the English Preface version of this monograph. All errors and misunderstandings of the English version, however, are the authors' sole responsibility. Finally, we wish to thank '1rs. Inge Toelstede, who did an excellent typing job. We are also grateful to Friedrich Allendorf, who drew the numerous figures. Karl s ruhe Klaus Neumann July 1979 Ulrich Steinhardt CONTENTS List of Symbols 8 Summary of Assumptions 10 Chapter 1 Basic Concepts 11 1.1 Directed Graphs and Activity Networks 11 1.2 GERT Networks 18 1.3 Assumptions Required for GERT Networks 25 1.4 Evaluation of GERT Networks 30 1.5 Subnetworks of GERT Networks 37 Chapter 2 STEOR Networks 45 2.1 Stochastic Processes Connected with STEOR Networks 45 2.1.1 STEOR Networks and MARKOV Renewal Processes 45 2.1.2 GERT Networks with Only EOR Nodes 49 2.2 The MRP Method for the Evaluation of STEOR Networks 53 2.2.1 The Activation Functions and Activation Numbers 53 2.2.2 Special Cases and Examples 59 2.3 The Numerical Implementation of the MRP Method 65 2.4 The MASON Rule 75 2.5 Earliest and Latest Times in STEOR Networks 82 2.6 Applications 93 2.6.1 Time Planning for R&D Projects 94 2.6.2 Production Planning 98 2.6.3 Legislation and Administration of Justice 101 2.6.4 Evaluation of Linear Transmission Systems 103 2.6.5 Description and Analysis of Queueing Models 108 Chapter 3 GERT Networks with Basic Element Structures 116 3.1 Nodes Which Belong Together 117 3.2 Basic Elements 120 3.3 Basic Element Structures 124 3.3.1 Definition and Properties of a Basic Element Structure 124 3.3.2 BES Networks 129 3.3.3 Examples 137 3.4 Evaluation of Admissible Basic Element Structures 140 Contents 6 3.5 Determination of Admissible Interior Basic Element Structures 146 3.5.1 Determination of Nodes Belonging Together (Labeling Process) 147 3.5.2 Construction of a Possible Interior Basic Element Structure 149 3.5.3 Testing of a Possible Interior Basic Element Structure 153 3.5.4 The BES Method 156 3.6 Applications 160 3.6.1 Rendezvous of Two Space Vehicles 161 3.6.2 Production of a Television Program 161 3.6.3 Introduction of a New Industrial Product 167 3.6.4 Reliability Problems 169 Chapter 4 Evaluation of General GERT Networks 172 4.1 Cycle Reduction 172 4.2 Evaluation of an Acyclic GERT Network N 175 4.2.1 Construction of the Sequence (N~) of Subnetworks of N 177 4.2.2 Determination of the Conditional Probabilities in (4.2.2) 180 4.2.3 Test of the Assumptions A6 and A7 186 4.2.4 Example 187 4.3 Applications 193 4.3.1 Construction of a Turbine 193 4.3.2 Development of a Camera 196 4.4 Replacement of Non-genuine lOR Nodes 199 Chapter 5 Multiple Activations of Non-STEOR Nodes 204 5.1 Generalized GERT Networks and Closed Subnetworks 204 5.2 Assumptions Required for Generalized GERT Networks 208 5.3 Evaluation of Generalized GERT Networks 212 5.3.1 A Method for Evaluating Admissible Generalized GERT Networks 212 5.3.2 Test of the Assumptions for a Generalized GERT Network 214 5.4 Applications 215 5.4.1 Introduction of a New Product 215 5.4.2 Overhaul of a Generator 218 Chapter 6 GERT Networks with Time-dependent Arc Weights 220 6.1 Basic Concepts 220 6.2 STEOR Networks 222 6.3 GERT Networks with Basic Element Structures 225 6.4 General GERT Networks 231 Contents 7 Chapter 7 Simulation 233 7.1 GERTS Networks and Equivalent GERT Networks 233 7.2 GERTS Networks Which Do Not Have Corresponding GERT Networks 236 7.3 Simulation of GERTS Networks 238 7.4 Generalized GERTS Networks 242 7.5 A Universal Method for Evaluating Admissible GERT Networks 244 Appendix 250 A.l Some Formulas from Probability Theory 250 A.2 Stochastic Processes 252 A.3 Precise Formulation of Assumption A3 257 References 260 Index 262

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