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Florida State University Libraries Electronic Theses, Treatises and Dissertations The Graduate School 2007 Geographic Ad Hoc Routing with Anonymous Properties Tina Suen Follow this and additional works at the FSU Digital Library. For more information, please contact [email protected] THE FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES GEOGRAPHIC AD HOC ROUTING WITH ANONYMOUS PROPERTIES By TINA SUEN A Thesis submitted to the Department of Computer Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Degree Awarded: Spring Semester, 2007 The members of the Committee approve the thesis of Tina Suen defended on April 6, 2007. ______________________________ Alec Yasinsac Professor Directing Thesis __________________________________ Mike Burmester Committee Member ______________________________ Breno de Medeiros Committee Member The Office of Graduate Studies has verified and approved the above named committee members. i i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work is made possible by the Department of Defense Information Assurance Scholarship. I owe gratitude to my major professor Dr. Alec Yasinsac, as well as my committee members Mike Burmester and Breno de Medeiros. I also want to thank my research group peers and friends. Last, I am grateful toward my family for all their love and support. ii i TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................................... v LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................... vi ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................... vii 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 1 Ad Hoc Networks ........................................................................................................... 1 Security in Ad Hoc Networks ........................................................................................ 1 2. SECURE AD HOC ROUTING ............................................................................................ 2 Routing in Ad Hoc Networks ......................................................................................... 2 Secure Routing Theory ................................................................................................... 2 Secure Routing Protocols ............................................................................................... 7 3. SECURE GEOGRAPHIC AD HOC ROUTING .................................................................. 8 Geographic Routing in Ad Hoc Networks ..................................................................... 8 Secure Geographic Routing ............................................................................................ 10 4. GEOGRAPHIC ROUTING WITH ANONYMOUS PROPERTIES.................................... 11 GARAP .......................................................................................................................... 11 The Shape Function ........................................................................................................ 12 Routing in GARAP ........................................................................................................ 23 Optimizations ................................................................................................................. 24 Security Analysis of GARAP ......................................................................................... 24 5. CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................................... 29 APPENDICES A. KEY MANAGEMENT PROTOCOLS .................................................................... 30 B. SECURE ROUTING PROTOCOLS ........................................................................ 39 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................... 38 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH ...................................................................................................... 44 iv LIST OF TABLES 1. Attacks on routing protocols .............................................................................................. 5 2. Routing protocols versus attacks ......................................................................................... 43 v LIST OF FIGURES 1. Levels of Security ............................................................................................................... 3 2. Secure Route Discovery ..................................................................................................... 4 3. Security versus Reliability .................................................................................................. 7 4. Defining an Ellipse ............................................................................................................. 13 5. Distance to an Ellipse ......................................................................................................... 14 6. Shape Function Scheme #1 ................................................................................................ 15 7. Pinpointing center C ........................................................................................................... 16 8. Function determine_SC_DC() ............................................................................................ 20 9. Shape Function Scheme #2 ................................................................................................ 20 10. Shape Function Scheme #3 ................................................................................................ 22 11. Example 1 ........................................................................................................................... 26 12. Example 2 ........................................................................................................................... 27 13. Example 3 ........................................................................................................................... 28 v i ABSTRACT Mobile ad hoc networks, or MANETs, are wireless networks that do not depend on a fixed infrastructure. The wide array of uses for ad hoc networks creates many different levels of security requirements. This work begins by exploring various aspects of routing in ad hoc networks and presenting some theoretical reasoning about secure routing. These thoughts then lead to examination of secure geographical ad hoc routing, finishing with a new geographical routing scheme GARAP, which holds anonymous properties. vi i CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1. Ad Hoc Networks Mobile ad hoc networks, or MANETs, are wireless networks that do not depend on a fixed infrastructure. Mobile nodes may form networks on the fly for a variety of environments including emergency rescue missions, sensor networks, military applications, and open networks of personal wireless devices. Since these nodes are mobile, the ad hoc network can be challenged with frequent topology changes as well as physical threats. Wireless nodes can communicate directly with neighboring nodes that are within their transmission ranges. To reach nodes outside of direct transmission range, nodes depend on each other to forward their packets, creating a multihop network with many vulnerability points. Therefore, one can see from this interdependence the importance of having secure routing protocols to ensure confidentiality, integrity, availability, and non-repudiation. 1.2. Security in Ad Hoc Networks The wide array of uses for ad hoc networks creates many different levels of security requirements. For example, while the military network might be concerned about sensitive intelligence, the sensor network may be concerned with disclosure of proprietary data and the open network may be concerned about leaking personal information. Different security mechanisms are used to achieve these security requirements. Securing MANETs has many additional challenges than compared with fixed wired networks. For example, security policies for ad hoc networks must more heavily consider the protection needed against mobile wireless nodes being compromised physically. Ad hoc networks can also be highly dynamic since wireless nodes are free to move around, making topology control a challenging task. Furthermore, wireless nodes often have limited computational power, battery life, bandwidth, memory, and other resources to confront these challenges. In [1][2][3], guidelines are given for securing ad hoc networks. Security concerns encompass both physical entity security and data security, which includes authentication, integrity, confidentiality, and non-repudiation. Availability is another significant concern since nodes may leave the network or become unresponsive, disrupting communications or network services. A robust network should take advantage of natural redundancy and maintain connectivity. Access control must also be addressed to prevent unauthorized access. The rest of this paper is organized in the following manner: Chapter 2 discusses various aspects of routing in ad hoc networks and presents some theoretical reasoning about secure routing. Chapter 3 discusses secure geographical ad hoc routing, while Chapter 4 introduces a new geographical routing scheme with anonymous properties. Last, conclusions are given in Chapter 5. 1 CHAPTER 2 SECURE AD HOC ROUTING 2.1. Routing in Ad Hoc Networks Routing can be considered to have two phases: a route discovery phase and a data communication phase. In the route discovery phase, path(s) are sought from the source node to the destination node. In the data communication phase, the path(s) are then used for actual data packet transmission. There are several approaches to routing in ad hoc networks. One categorization is table- driven versus source-initiated on-demand [4,5]. With table-driven routing protocols, the route discovery phase is implemented by having each node in the network being responsible for maintaining routing table(s) and sending updates when routes change status. Routes are ready to use when a node wants to enter the data communication stage; however, all routes are ready for use regardless of whether the source needs them. With source-initiated on-demand routing protocols, route discovery to a destination is initiated only when the source node wants to communicate with that particular destination. Thus, routes are not immediately available (unless a route had been previously found and stored) but are found only when needed. Both approaches have advantages and disadvantages. The table-driven approach is proactive while the on- demand approach is reactive. In general, table-driven routing protocols are more suitable for ad hoc networks with heavier communication traffic since routes are constantly requested and the route discovery traffic has less change of being extraneous. On-demand routing protocols would then be more suitable for ad hoc networks with sparser traffic. In terms of higher mobility, on- demand protocols are probably better for the same reasons as for heavier traffic. An alternative categorization of routing protocols is network-centric versus source-centric [6]. Network-centric routing protocols rely more on the network to construct routes. Intermediate nodes make decisions on the path returned to the source. Source-centric routing protocols depend more on the source itself. For example, the source node can collect distance metrics to build the network view and then make the decisions on which routes to use. Routing protocols can also be divided into distance vector or link state routing protocols. These two routing techniques use different approaches to choose and maintain paths. Distance vector routing protocols use a distance metric (such as hop count) to decide on which path to use for each destination. A direction (next hop neighbor) is also stored. All nodes will routinely send routing table updates at predefined intervals. Link state routing protocols base path selection on a cost metric that is calculated from link characteristics (such as link status and medium). Link state updates are sent only when link statuses change. In comparison, link state often converges faster but distance vector is often simpler to implement. Hybrid versions of these protocols may also be used. 2.2. Secure Routing Theory The goal of a complete routing protocol is not only to provide efficient communication but also provide secure communication. What is a routing protocol and what is meant when a 2

lead to examination of secure geographical ad hoc routing, finishing with a new geographical . Another solution is geographic routing, which uses location information and is further researched in chapters 3 agreement protocols are often computationally costly (for example, exponentiation in Diffie
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