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GENERATORS OF SOME NON-COMMUTATIVE STOCHASTIC PROCESSES MICHAELANSHELEVICH 3 ABSTRACT. AfundamentalresultofBiane(1998)statesthataprocesswithfreelyindependentin- 1 crementshastheMarkovproperty,butthattherearetwokindsoffreeLe´vyprocesses: thefirstkind 0 has stationary increments, while the second kind has stationarytransition operators. We show that 2 a processofthe first kind(with meanzeroand finite variance) hasthe same transitionoperatorsas n thefreeBrownianmotionwithappropriateinitialconditions,whileaprocessofthesecondkindhas a thesametransitionoperatorsasamonotoneLe´vyprocess. We computeanexplicitformulaforthe J generatorsofthesefamiliesoftransitionoperators,intermsofsingularintegraloperators,andprove 2 2 thatthisformulaholdsonafairlylargedomain. Wealsocomputethegeneratorsfortheq-Brownian motion,andforthetwo-statefreeBrownianmotions. ] A O . h 1. INTRODUCTION t a m ALe´vyprocessisarandomprocess X(t) : t 0 whoseincrementsX(t) X(s)areindependent [ { ≥ } − and stationary,in thesensethatthedistributionµ ofX(t) X(s) dependsonlyon t s, s,t − − 4 v µ = µ . s,t t s 1 − 8 A Le´vy processis aMarkovprocess,and itstransitionoperators defined via s,t K 3 1 E[f(X(t)) s] = ( s,tf)(X(s)) | K . 4 are alsostationary, = ; infact 0 Ks,t Kt−s 1 1 (f)(x) = f(x+y)dµ (y). s,t t s : K ZR − v i Here E[ s] is the conditional expectation onto time s. The maps : t 0 form a semigroup, X t ·| {K ≥ } which has a generator A. In fact A = ℓ( i∂ ), where ℓ is the cumulant generating function of the r x − a process. It can also be expressed in terms of the Le´vy measure of the process. See Section 3 for moredetails. In a groundbreaking paper [Bia98], Biane showed that processes with freely independent incre- ments,inthecontextoffreeprobability[VDN92,NS06],are alsoMarkovprocesses. Healsonoted that there are two distinct classes of such processes which can be called (additive) free Le´vy pro- cess (Biane also investigated multiplicative processes, which we will not study here). Free Le´vy processesofthefirstkind(FL1)havestationaryincrements,inthesensethateachX(t) X(s)has distribution µ . Then µ : t 0 form a semigroup with respect to free convolution−⊞. These t s t − { ≥ } processesareMarkov,buttheirtransitionoperatorstypicallyarenotstationary. FreeLe´vyprocesses ofthesecondkind(FL2)havestationarytransitionoperators ,whichformasemigroup,buttheir t K Date:January23,2013. 2010MathematicsSubjectClassification. Primary46L54;Secondary60J25,47D06. ThisworkwassupportedinpartbyNSFgrantsDMS-0900935andDMS-1160849. 1 2 MICHAELANSHELEVICH incrementsare typicallynotstationary: if X(t) X(s) has distributionµ , then weonlyhavethe s,t property µ ⊞µ = µ (sothat themeasures−form afreeconvolutionhemigroup). s,t t,u s,u InthispaperwecomputethegeneratorsoffreeLe´vyprocesseswithfinitevariance. SinceforFL1, thetransitionoperators do not form a semigroup,they havea family ofgenerators A : t 0 . In t { ≥ } thecaseofFL2,thereisagenuinegeneratorA. Ifthedistributionoftheprocesshasfinitemoments, usingthefreeItoˆ formulafrom[Ans02],onecanexpressthegeneratorsintermsoftheR-transform, the free analog of ℓ. However, it is unclear whethersuch an expression can be assigned a meaning in theabsenceofmoments. But thereis an alternativedescription. Fora measure ν, denote f(x) f(y) L (f)(x) = − dν(y), ν Z x y R − a singular integral operator. A free convolution semigroup with finite variance is characterized by thefreecanonical pair(α,ρ),where α R,and (withappropriatenormalization) ρisaprobability measure. Further,denotebyγ thesemi∈circulardistributionattimet,sothatρ⊞γ isthefreeanalog t t ofheatflowstartedatρ. ThenthegeneratorofthecorrespondingfreeLe´vyprocess ofthefirstkind is (1) α∂x +∂xLρ⊞γt. In fact, we show that for α = 0, the full Markov structure of this process coincides with that of thefree Brownian motion Y : t 0 with Y having distributionρ. Thisstatement clearly has no t 0 { ≥ } classical analogue. Inadditiontofreeprobabilitytheory,thereareonlytwoother“natural”non-commutativeprobabil- ity theories [Mur03], the Boolean and the monotone. These theories do not, at least at this point, approachthewealthofstructureoffreeorclassicalprobability. However,onereasontostudythem is that they turn out to have unexpected connections to free probability. Indeed, we show that the generator of a free Le´vy process of the second kind is α∂ + ∂ L , where ρ now is the monotone x x ρ canonical measure. In fact, Biane in [Bia98] already noted that each FL2 is associated to a semi- group ofanalyticmaps,and Franz in[Fra09]observed thatexactly such semigroupsare associated withmonotoneLe´vyprocesses: themeasures µ donotformafreesemigroup,buttheydoforma 0,t semigroupundermonotoneconvolution. Inthemonotonecaseitselfthereisnodistinctionbetween theLe´vyprocessesofthefirstandsecondkind(sothefreecaseisreallyspecialinthisrespect),and the generatorof a monotoneLe´vy process is related to its monotoneLe´vy measure in theexpected way [FM05]. We also compute the generators of the q-Brownian motion. This non-commutative process was constructed in [BS91], and investigated in detail in [BKS97]. Building on the work of [DM03], we prove a functional Itoˆ formula for it (for polynomial functions), from which the formulas for generators easilyfollow. We notethat the studyof “time-dependent generators”, ormoreusually theinverseproblem—how to reconstruct from A —goes back to [Kat53]. This is typically formulated at the linear s,t t {K } { } non-autonomous Cauchy problem, and a significant amount of general results on its solution is known,seeforexampleSectionVI.9of[EN00],[NZ09],andtheirextensivereferences. Wedonot usethesegeneral resultsinthepaper, butthismaybeamatterforfurtherstudy. The paper is organized as follows. After the introduction and some general results in Section 2, in Section 3 we give a short overview of the generators for classical processes. The next section, covering free Le´vy processes, is the main part of the paper. We show that transition operators for GENERATORSOFSOMENON-COMMUTATIVESTOCHASTICPROCESSES 3 suchaprocessformastronglycontinuouscontractivefamilyonLp(R, dx),andthattheirgenerators are given by formula (1) on large domains in Lp(R, dx) and C (R). In Section 4.5 we find the 0 closures of these generators. We also compute the generators of FL2 processes. In section 4.6, we showthattheoperatorL itselfisanisometrybetweencertainL2 spaces,andcomputethe“carre´ du ν champ” operator corresponding to ∂ L . In Section 5, we compute the Itoˆ formula and generators x ν for the q-Brownian motion, and in a short final section we apply similar analysis to the two-state free Brownianmotionsfrom [Ans11b]. Acknowledgements. This work was prompted by a discussion with Włodek Bryc about his pa- per [Bry10]; I am grateful to Włodek for showing me an early version of that paper. I have dis- cussed various aspects of this article with a large number of people. Thanks to Dominique Bakry, ToddKemp,MichelLedoux,Conni Liaw,AlexPoltoratski,andSergei Treilforhelpfulcomments. Thanks especially to J.C. Wang and thereferee foracorrection in Remark 5. Finally,I am grateful totheErwinSchro¨dingerInstitute,andtotheUniversite´ PaulSabatier, wherepart ofthisworkwas completed. 2. PRELIMINARIES 2.1. Generalities and definitions. Let ( ,E) be a tracial non-commutative probability space, where is a von Neumann algebra andME is a tracial normal state on it. Possibly unbounded M randomvariablesare self-adjointelementsofthealgebra ofoperators affiliatedto . M M Aprocessisafamilyof(possiblynon-commutative)randomvariables X(t) : t 0 ina(possibly f non-commutative)probabilityspace ( ,E). { ≥ } M We will assume that X(0) = 0, and will denote by µ the distribution of X(t) X(s) with s,t respect to E (for s t), µ = µ the distribution X(t), and µ = µ . If ⋆ is a−convolution t 0,t 1 ≤ operation corresponding to some non-commutative independence, and the increments of X(t) { } are independentinthatsense, then µ ⋆µ = µ . s,t t,u s,u Foran unboundedoperator X,wewilldenoteby (X)itsdomain,and by(X, )itsrestrictionto D D asmallerdomain . D Definition 1. For a family of distributions µ , we say that the functional L is its generator at t t { } timetwithdomain (L ) if t D ∂ f(x)dµ (x) = L [f] t t t ZR forf (L ). Frequently, t ∈ D L [f] = (A f)(x)dµ (x) t t t ZR foran operator A . If X(t) is aprocesswithdistributions µ ,thisis equivalentto t t { } { } (2) ∂ E[f(X(t))] = E[(A f)(X(t))]. t t Notehoweverthat thisproperty doesnot determine A ,evenon (L ). t t D Foroperators ona Banach space , wewrite s,t {K } A ∂ = A s,t s ∂t(cid:12) K (cid:12)t=s (cid:12) (cid:12) 4 MICHAELANSHELEVICH if 1 (3) lim ( f f) A f = 0. s,s+h s,s s h 0+(cid:13)h K −K − (cid:13) → (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) In this case we say that A is the g(cid:13)enerator of the family (cid:13)at time s. Its domain (A ) s s,t s {K } D ⊂ A consistsofall f forwhichthelimit(3)holds. ∈ A Now suppose that the process X(t) is a Markov process. That is, denoting E[ s] the E- { } ·| ≤ preserving conditional expectation onto the von Neumann algebra generated by X : u s , for u any f L (R, dx), E[f(X(t)) s] is in the von Neumann algebra generate{d by X(≤s).}(See ∞ ∈ | ≤ the Introduction and Section 4 of [Bia98] for more details, and also for a weaker requirement, sufficient for our purposes, that the classical version of X(t) is a Markov process.) In this case, { } thecorrespondingtransitionoperators aredeterminedby E[f(X(t)) s] = ( f)(X(s)) s,t | ≤ K WesaythattheoperatorA isthegeneratoroftheprocessattimesifitisthegeneratorofitsfamily s oftransitionoperators. Notethat if A exists,it hastheproperty inequation(2). t Proposition1. Let ( , ) beaBanachspace, a familyofcontractionson suchthat s,t A k·k {K } A = , = I, s,t t,v s,v s,s K ◦K K K and isstronglycontinuousint. Let A bethegeneratorsof inthesenseofequation(3), s,t t s,t K { } {K } andconsiderasubspace (A )suchthatforanyf ,A f isacontinuousfunctionoft. D ⊂ tD t ∈ D t T (a) EachA isdissipativeand closable. t (b) Let beanothersubspacesuchthat , and beanothernormon suchthat B ⊂ A D ⊂ B k·k B is -densein , f f ,and forf , B D k·k B k k ≤ k k ∈ D B B (4) A f f . t k k ≤ k k B Then equation(3)holdsforf , sothat (A ) forallt. t ∈ B B ⊂ D (c) The closure k·kA of inthesup-graphnorm D D f = f +sup A f k kA k k k t k t is in (A ) forallt. t D Remark 1. Note that strong continuity of does not imply continuity of A . Indeed, already s,t t K { } in onedimension,if = ef(t) f(s),then A = f (t). s,t − t ′ K Proof. For part (a), recall from Section X.8 of [RS75] that for f , a normalized tangent func- ∈ A tionalϕ is an elementof suchthat ϕ = f and ϕ [f] = f 2. Forany suchfunctional, f ∗ f f A k k k k k k 1 1 ϕ [A f] = lim ϕ [ f f] lim ϕ [ f] f 2 f s f s,s+h f s,s+h ℜ h 0+ hℜ K − ≤ h 0+ h | K |−k k → → (cid:0) (cid:1) 1 lim f f f 2 0 s,s+h ≤ h 0+ h k k·kK k−k k ≤ → (cid:0) (cid:1) since isacontraction,soA isdissipative. CombiningthiswithTheoremII.3.23andPropo- s,s+h s K sitionII.3.14(iv)of[EN00], itfollowsthatA isclosable. s GENERATORSOFSOMENON-COMMUTATIVESTOCHASTICPROCESSES 5 Forpart (b), wefirst notethat for s t, since isacontraction,for f , s,t ≤ K ∈ D 1 1 lim ( f f) (A f) = lim ( f f) A f s,t+h s,t s,t t s,t t,t+h t h 0+(cid:13)h K −K −K (cid:13) h 0+(cid:13)K (cid:18)h K − − (cid:19)(cid:13) → (cid:13) (cid:13) → (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13)1 (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) lim ( f f) A f = 0, t,t+h t ≤ h 0+(cid:13)h K − − (cid:13) → (cid:13) (cid:13) so (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) ∂ (f) = (A f). t s,t s,t t K K Also, since is a contraction, A f is continuous in v. Therefore we have the Riemann s,v s,v v K K integralidentity t (f) = f + (A f)dv. s,t s,v v K Z K s Since for f , (4) holds, A has a continuous extension ( , ) satisfying the same t ∈ D B k·k → A property. Wewillshowthatthiscontinuousextension A˜ coincideswBithA . t t Fix g and a time t. For each ε > 0, we can find a f such that f g < ε, so that ∈ B ∈ D k − k f g < ε, B k − k f g < ε, s,t s,t kK −K k and ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ (A f) (A g) A f A g < ε s,v v s,v v v v (cid:13)K −K (cid:13) ≤ (cid:13) − (cid:13) forall s v t. Then (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) ≤ ≤ t g g (A˜ g)dv < 2ε+(t s)ε. s,t s,v v (cid:13)K − −Z K (cid:13) − (cid:13) s (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) So (cid:13) (cid:13) t (5) (g) = g + (A˜ g)dv s,t s,v v K Z K s (in particular,theintegraliswell defined), and ∂ A g = g = A˜ g. t s,t t ∂t(cid:12) K (cid:12)t=s (cid:12) (cid:12) Finally,forpart (c)wetake = k·kA and = ,and applypart (b). (cid:3) B D k·k k·kA B Remark 2. Undertheassumptionsoftheprecedingproposition,from equation(5)wealsoget ∂ g = A g, s,t s ∂s(cid:12) K − (cid:12)s=t (cid:12) A (cid:12) (g) = ∂ (g), s s,t s s,t K − K which inturnimplies t (g) = g + A (g)dv. s,t v v,t K Z K s 6 MICHAELANSHELEVICH Lemma2. Let X(t) beanon-commutativeMarkovprocess,withtransitionoperators and s,t distributions µ{ . L}et ( , ) be either (C (R), ) or Lp(R, dx), and suppose th{aKt } , t 0 s,t { } A k·k k·k {K } theirgenerators A , and satisfythehypothes∞esof Proposition1. Then forf , s { } D ⊂ A ∈ D t (6) f(X(t)) (A f)(X(v))dv v −Z 0 isamartingale. Conversely,suppose B isanotherfamilyofoperatorsstronglycontinuouson s { } D suchthat (6)isa martingale. Then forf , A f = B f in therestrictionof tosupp(µ ). s s s ∈ D A Proof. AsshowninProposition1, undertheseassumptions,for f ∈ D t (f) = f + (A f)dv. s,t s,v v K Z K s It followsthat t E f(X(t)) (A f)(X(v))dv s v (cid:20) −Z (cid:12) ≤ (cid:21) 0 (cid:12) s (cid:12) t (cid:12) = ( (f))(X(s)) (A f)(X(v))dv (A f)(X(s))dv s,t v s,v v K −Z −Z K 0 s s = f(X(s)) (A f)(X(v))dv v −Z 0 and theprocessis amartingale. t Conversely, suppose that f(X(t)) (B f)(X(s))dv is a martingale. The last equality then − 0 v impliesthat R t (f)(X(s)) = f(X(s))+ (B f)(X(s))dv. s,t s,v v K Z K s It followsthat inC (supp(µ ))orLp(supp(µ ), dx), 0 s s t (f) = f + (B f)dv, s,t s,v v K Z K s and thereforein thisspace ∂ B f = (f) = A f. v v,t v ∂t(cid:12) K (cid:12)t=v (cid:12) (cid:3) (cid:12) 2.2. Cumulants. Let µ beaconvolutionsemigroupwithrespecttosomeconvolutionoperation t { } ⋆. Inallcaseswewillconsider,µ = δ ,µ [x] = t µ[x],and µ isweaklycontinuous. Almostby 0 0 t t · { } definition (see Property (K1’) in Section 3 of [HS11]), thecumulantfunctional of µ corresponding to theconvolutionoperation ⋆ is ∂ (7) C [f] = µ [f]. µ t ∂t(cid:12) (cid:12)t=0 (cid:12) This approach works for all the convolutions asso(cid:12)ciated to natural types of independence (tensor, free, Boolean, monotone),butalso forotheroperationssuch as theq-convolutionfrom [Ans01]. GENERATORSOFSOMENON-COMMUTATIVESTOCHASTICPROCESSES 7 Proposition 3. Assume that µ has finite moments of all orders. Then, at least on the space of P polynomials, f(y) f(0) yf (0) ′ (8) C [f] = αf (0)+ − − dρ(y) µ ′ ZR y2 fora finitemeasureρ. Proof. First note that C [1] = 0 and C [x] = µ[x] = α for some α. Since each µ is positive, it µ µ t follows that C is a conditionally positive function on polynomials, so it has the canonical repre- µ sentation C [xn] = ρ[xn 2] for n 2, where ρ is a finite measure, the canonical measure of the µ − ≥ semigroup. Wecompute,for f(x) = xn f(x) f(0) xf (0) ∂ f(x) f(y) C [xn] = ρ[xn 2] = αf (0)+ρ − − ′ = αf (0)+ρ − µ − ′ ′ (cid:20) x2 (cid:21) (cid:20)∂x(cid:12) x y (cid:21) (cid:12)x=0 − and thisformulaisalso validfor f(x) = 1 andx. (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:3) 3. CLASSICAL LE´VY PROCESSES. See Section 1.2of[Ber96](exceptfora smallmisprint)forthefollowingresults. Theorem. Let X(t) beaLe´vyprocesscorrespondingtotheconvolutionsemigroup µ . Denote t { } { } ℓ(θ) = logE eiθX = log eiθxdµ(x) ZR (cid:2) (cid:3) the cumulant generating function of the process. Then the generator of the process is the pseudo- differentialoperatorℓ( i∂ )with densedomain x − 2 f L2(R,dx) : ℓ(θ) 2 fˆ(θ) dθ < . (cid:26) ∈ ZR| | (cid:12) (cid:12) ∞(cid:27) (cid:12) (cid:12) In otherwords, iftheprocesshastheLe´vy-Khintchine(cid:12)repre(cid:12)sentation 1 ℓ(θ) = iαθ Vθ2 + (eiyθ 1 iyθ1 )Π(dy), y<1 − 2 ZR 0 − − | | \{ } then 1 Af(x) = αf (x)+ Vf (x)+ f(x+y) f(x) 1 yf (x) Π(dy). ′ ′′ y<1 ′ 2 ZR(cid:16) − − | | (cid:17) Ifµ has meanα and finitevariance,wealso havetheKolmogorovrepresentation, ℓ(θ) = iαθ + (eiyθ 1 iyθ)y 2dρ(y), − ZR − − where ρ isthecanonicalmeasure. In thiscasethegeneratoris f(x+y) f(x) yf (x) ′ (9) Af(x) = αf (x)+ − − dρ(y). ′ ZR y2 Iftheprocess has(say) finiteexponentialmoments,wehavemoveover ∞ 1 ℓ(θ) = c (iθ)n, n n! Xn=1 8 MICHAELANSHELEVICH where c are the cumulants [Shi96] of (the distribution of) the process. So the generator of the n { } process is ∞ 1 c ∂n. n! n x Xn=1 Notealsothatc = α and 1 c = xn 2dρ(x) n − ZR forn 2. ≥ 4. FREE LE´VY PROCESSES 4.1. Background. Let µ be a probability measure on R. Its Cauchy transform is the analytic functionG : C+ C defined by µ − → 1 G (z) = dµ(x). µ ZR z x − Wewillalso denoteF (z) = 1 , sothatF : C+ C+. µ Gµ(z) µ → G isinvertiblein aStolzanglenearinfinity,and Voiculescu’sR-transform isdefined by µ 1 R (z) = G 1(z) . µ −µ − z Afreeconvolutionµ ⊞µ oftwoprobabilitymeasures µ ,µ ischaracterized bythepropertythat 1 2 1 2 G 1 (z) = G 1(z)+R (z). −µ1⊞µ2 −µ1 µ2 µ is ⊞-infinitely divisibleifand only it can be included as µ = µ in a free convolutionsemigroup 1 µ : t 0 , µ ⊞ µ = µ . This is the case if and only if R extends to an analytic function t s t s+t µ R{ : C+≥ }C+ R. In this case, wehave thefree Le´vy-Khintchinerepresentation (Theorem 5.10 µ → ∪ of[BV93]) z +x R (z) = α+ dν(x). µ Z 1 xz R − Moreover,if µhas finitevariance,wealso havethefree Kolmogorovrepresentation, z R (z) = α+ dρ(x). µ Z 1 xz R − Here α is the mean of µ, ρ is a finite measure, the free canonical measure for the semigroup µ , t { } and (α,ρ)isthefreecanonical pair. Forconvenience,throughoutmostofthepaperwewillrescale timeso thatthevariance (10) Var[µ = µ ] = 1 1 in whichcaseρ isaprobabilitymeasure. We will also encounter two other convolution operations, the monotone convolution ⊲ and the Boolean convolution , determinedby ⊎ F (z) = F (F (z)) µ1⊲µ2 µ1 µ2 and F (z) = F (z)+F (z) z. µ1⊎µ2 µ1 µ2 − GENERATORSOFSOMENON-COMMUTATIVESTOCHASTICPROCESSES 9 Wewilldenote 1 dγ (x) = √4t x21 (x)dx t 2πt − [ 2√t,2√t] − thesemicirculardistributions,theanalogsofthenormaldistributionsinfreeprobability. Theyform afree convolutionsemigroupwith thefree canonical pair (0,δ ). 0 Remark 3. If ν is a probability measure, there exists a probability measure µ = Φ [ν] with mean t zero andvariance tsuch that F (z) = z tG (z). Φt[ν] − ν In particular, forthemap Φ = Φ , see[BN09]andProposition2.2of[Maa92], and 1 Φ [ν] = Φ[ν] t. t ⊎ Conversely,ifµisaprobabilitymeasurewithmean αandvarianceβ > 0,thereexistsaprobability measure ν = [µ]such that J (11) F (z) = z α βG (z). µ [µ] − − J Note that Φ = Id, while Φ [ [µ]] = µ if µ has mean zero and variance t. If ν has finite t t J ◦ J momentsofall orders, itsCauchytransform hasa continuedfraction expansion 1 G (z) = . µ β 1 z α 0 − − β 2 z α 1 − − β 3 z α 2 − − z ... − Here β = 1, α is the mean of µ, β is the variance of µ, and in general α ,β are its Jacobi 0 0 1 n n { } parameters. Then for ν = Φ [µ], t 1 G (z) = , ν t z − β 1 z α 0 − − β 2 z α 1 − − β 3 z α 2 − − z ... − while is the inverse map, namely coefficient stripping[DKS10]. Note that there are also related J maps which involve finite rather than only probability measures, but because of the normaliza- tion(10), wewillnotneed to considerthem. 4.2. Transitionoperators. Thefollowingis areformulationofTheorem 3.1of[Bia98]. Theorem. Let X andY befreelyindependent. Then thetransitionoperator defined via K E[f(X +Y) X] = ( f)(X) | K is amap onC (R) (which extendsto a mapon L (R, dx))suchthatforanyz C R 0 ∞ ∈ \ 1 1 1 = = . K(cid:20)z x(cid:21) F(z) x F (z) x ν − − − 10 MICHAELANSHELEVICH Here F(z) = F (z) forsomeprobabilitymeasureν, andF isuniquelydeterminedby ν G (z) = G (F(z)). X+Y X Proposition 4. For processes with freely independent increments, the transition operators have K theform [f](x) = f(y)d(δ ⊲ν)(y). x K ZR ForthefreeLe´vyprocessesofthesecondkind, for we haveν = µ . ForthefreeLe´vy processes t t t K of thefirstkind, for , ν is determinedby s,t s,t K G (z) = G (F (z)). µt µs νs,t In otherwords, ν = ν = µ µ , thesubordinationdistribution,see[Len07, Nic09]. s,t t s s − ⊢ Proof. AccordingtoTheorem 3.1of[Bia98], 1 1 1 1 1 = = = = G (z) = d(δ ⊲ν)(y), K(cid:20)z x(cid:21) F(z) x F (z) x F (z) δx⊲ν Z z y x − − ν − δx⊲ν R − and, still according to [Bia98], this property entirely determines . For FL2, F = F and s,t t s K − F = F F , so fors = 0, µt µs ◦ t−s F = F F = F = F . µt δ0 ◦ t t νt ForFL1, ν = µ µ by definition. (cid:3) s,t t s s − ⊢ Remark 4. Notethat (x,dy) = (δ ⊲ν)(y) = (δ ν)(y) = (ν δ )(y). x x x K ⊎ ⊎ In fact, measures δ ⊲ ν are well-known in classical spectral theory. Indeed, if X is an operator x with cyclic vector ξ and corresponding distribution ν, then δ ⊲ ν is the distribution with respect x to ξ of the rank-one perturbation X x ,ξ ξ. Finally, note that for the classical processes and − h· i convolution,wecan also write [f](x) = f(y)dµ(y x) = f(y)d(δ µ)(y) x K ZR − ZR ∗ Proposition5. is acontractionon eachLp(R,dx) for1 p . K ≤ ≤ ∞ Proof. Forf L (R,dx), ∞ ∈ [f] = esssup f(y) d(δ ⊲ν)(y) esssup f = f , x kK k∞ x R ZR| | ≤ x R k k∞ k k∞ ∈ ∈ so is a contraction on L (R,dx). On the other hand, Alexandrov’s averaging theorem (Theo- ∞ remK11.8from [Sim05])states thatfor f L1(R, dx) ∈ [f](x)dx = f(y)d(δ ⊲ν)(y) dx = f(x)dx, x Z K Z (cid:18)Z (cid:19) Z R R R R so that f = f for f 0, and is a contraction on L1(R, dx). For 1 < p < , theresult nowfolkloKwskb1y Rkieskz1-Thorin≥interpolaKtion,seeSectionIX.4 from [RS75]. ∞ (cid:3)

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