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EATCS Monographs on Theoretical Computer Science Volume 21 Editors: W Brauer G. Rozenberg A. Salomaa Advisory Board: G. Ausiello M. Bray S. Even 1. Hartmanis N. Jones T. Leighton M. Nivat C. Papadimitriou D. Scott Hartmut Ehrig Bernd Mahr Fundamentals of Algebraic Specification 2 Module Specifications and Constraints Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg NewY ork London Paris Tokyo Hong Kong Authors Prof. Dr. Hartmut Ehrig Prof. Dr. Bernd Mahr Technische Universitat Berlin FB 20 (lnformatik) Franklinstrasse 28129,0-1000 Berlin 10, Germany Editors Prof. Dr. Wilfried Brauer Institut fUr Informatik, Technische Universitat Munchen Arcisstr. 21,0-8000 Munchen 2, FRG Prof. Dr. Grzegorz Rozenberg Institute of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science University of Leiden, Niels-Bohr-Weg 1, P.O. Box 9512 NL-2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands Prof. Dr. Arto Salomaa Department of Mathematics, University ofTurku SF-20500 Turku 50, Finland ISBN-13:978-3-642-64776-5 e-ISBN-13:978-3-642-61284-8 DOr: 10.1007/978-3-642-61284-8 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data (Revised for volume 2) Ehrig, Hartmut. Fundamentals of algebraic specitication. (EATCS monographs on theoretical computer science; v. 6, 21) Includes bibliographies and indexes. Contents: I. Equations and initial semantics --2. Module specifications and constraints. I. Data structures (Computer science) 2. Algebra. I. Mahr, B. (Bernd) II. Algebraic specification. I II. Title. IV. Series. V. Series: EATCS monographs on theoretical computer science; v. 6, etc. QA76.9.D35E37 1985 005.7'3'01512 85-4784 IS B N-13:978-3-642-64776-5 This work ist subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights oft ranslation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in other ways, and storage in data banks. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is only permitted under the pro visions of the German Copyright Law of September9, 1965, in its version of June 24, 1985, and a copyright fee must always be paid. Violations fall under the prosecution act of the German Copyright Law. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1990 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1990 The use of registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. 2145/3020-543210 -Printed on acid-free paper PREFACE Since the early seventies concepts of specification have become central in the whole area of computer science. Especially algebraic specification techniques for abstract data types and software systems have gained considerable importance in recent years. They have not only played a central role in the theory of data type specification, but meanwhile have had a remarkable influence on programming language design, system architectures, arid software tools and environments. The fundamentals of algebraic specification lay a basis for teaching, research, and development in all those fields of computer science where algebraic techniques are the subject or are used with advantage on a conceptual level. Such a basis, however, we do not regard to be a synopsis of all the different approaches and achievements but rather a consistently developed theory. Such a theory should mainly emphasize elaboration of basic concepts from one point of view and, in a rigorous way, reach the state of the art in the field. We understand fundamentals in this context as: 1. Fundamentals in the sense of a carefully motivated introduction to algebraic specification, which is understandable for computer scientists and mathematicians. 2. Fundamentals in the sense of mathematical theories which are the basis for precise definitions, constructions, results, and correctness proofs. 3. Fundamentals in the sense of concepts from computer science, which are introduced on a conceptual level and formalized in mathematical terms. The worldwide activities in the field of algebraic specification and the fact that work in this field has been done for more than 15 years now have led to a large body of knowledge and techniques which, despite restriction to just one view, cannot be presented in a single volume. Even to elaborate rather than merely to sketch the fundamentals requires more space for presentation than is available in a single volume. We have therefore organized the material in three volumes with the following subtitles: VI Preface Volume 1: Equations and Initial Semantics Volume 2: Module Specifications and Constraints Volume 3: First Order Axioms and Specification Logics Volume 1, which appeared in 1985 as No.6 of this series of EATCS Monographs on Theoretical Computer Science, is devoted to the basics of algebraic specifications in the nonparameterized and the parameterized case with emphasis on initial semantics. Volume 2, the present one, studies module specifications and their interconnections as a means for the algebraic specification of modular systems and their structuring. Constraints are the other topic of this volume; their study is motivated from their need in module specifications. Volume 3, which is in preparation and planned to appear within the next few years, will be devoted to generalizations of the equational approach and will study general first order specifications and their semantics, the specification of partial structures and specifications with nontrivial sort disciplines such as order sorted specifications. Also institutions and abstract specification logics will be studied. Let us mention here that a particular formulation in the bibliographic notes of our first volume gave rise to a long lasting dispute between the authors and J.A. Goguen and J. Meseguer. A clarification of the standpoints is published in the EATCS Bulletin No. 30 dated October 1986. Here we want to repeat that we regret that our formulations were considered offensive; that was never our intention. We understand the work of all of us as directed to a common goal and have no reason at all to detract from the merits of each others' contributions. Like Volume 1, this Volume 2 is divided into 8 chapters in its main part and 2 further chapters in its appendix. Chapters are numbered using arabic numerals, while the sections of a chapter are subindexed by capital letters. As in Volume 1, concepts, definitions, facts, theorems, and examples are numbered consecutively in each chapter by subindexing with arabic numerals. Some chapters have an annex for bibliographic notes. A final bibliography and a subject index conclude the volume. Chapter 1 serves as an informal introduction and may be read to see the basic motives for the algebraic treatment of module specifications. Chapters 2, 3, 5, 7 and 8 contain the main technical parts of the book, while in Chapters 4 and 6 guidelines for a more abstract categorical theory are presented together with further applications which are given in less detail. Chapter 9 in the appendix introduces abstract versions of the languages ACT ONE and ACT TWO, while Chapter 10 collects basic notions from Volume 1 and from category theory as a help for reading the technical parts. Preface VII Part of the material of this book has been used in courses at the computer science department of the Technical University Berlin. The major body of the material was developed in close cooperation with other researchers (see introduction below) and was supported by the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) and the cooperation agreement between USC (University of Southern California, U.S.A.) and the Technical University Berlin. Weare most grateful to many colleagues for common research and stimulating discussions on the subject of this book. We are indebted to G. Rozenberg for his engaged editorial guidance and his insistence on a nonstarving and fair refereeing process. In this regard we want to express our gratitude to the unknown referees for their most valuable comments which, as in the ftrst volume, led to significant changes and a considerably improved final version of this book. We also thank Springer-Verlag for the support of our plans. The manuscript of this volume was typed by Helga Barnewitz whose excellent work we admire and to whom we are most grateful. Proof reading was done by Ingo ClaBen, Cristian Dimitrovici, Werner Fey, Martin GroBe-Rhode, Horst Hansen, Dorothea Helms, Michael Lowe, Fritz Niirnberg and Francesco Parisi-Presicce. As members or cooperators of our groups they contributed in various most valuable ways to this book. Many thanks to all of them. Berlin, September 1989 Hartmut Ehrig Bernd Mahr CONTENTS Introduction. ..•.•.• ..•... •••.....••• ••.••••.•.••.••... ..... •••.••.. .... 1 1 Informal Introduction to Abstract Modules ......................... 9 lA: Towards Modularization in Software Development .......... ..... 11 IB: Modules and Modularization in Programming and Specification Languages ..................................................... 16 lC: Concepts for Abstract Modules and Modular Systems ............ 23 ID: Informal Introduction to Algebraic Specification of Modules and Modular Systems ........................................... 29 IE: Abstract Data Types and Abstract Modules ........................... 41 IF: Bibliographic Notes ................ ...................................... ..... 49 2 Module Specifications ........................................................... 51 2A: Syntax of Module Specifications ......................................... 52 2B: Restriction Construction and Conservative Functors.............. 59 2C: Semantics and Correctness of Module Specifications ....... ...... 66 2D: Modular Specification of an Airport Schedule: Part 1 ...... ...... 77 3 Basic Operations on Module Specifications .......•............ 91 3A: Composition ...................................................................... 93 3B: Union ............................................................................... 105 3C: Actualization ..................................................................... 119 3D: Distributive Laws .............................................................. 126 3E: Modular Specification of an Airport Schedule System: Part 2 137 X Contents 4 General Operations on Module Specifications ................. 143 4A: General Notion of Operations ............................................. 144 4B: Clean Operations ............................................................... 153 4C: Renaming, Partial Composition and Recursion ..................... 157 4D: Product and Iteration ......................................................... 166 4E: Bibliographic Notes for Chapters 2, 3, and 4 ........................ 174 5 Refinement, Interface Specifications, and Realizations ..... 177 5A: Refinement ....................................................................... 179 5B: Interface Specifications ...................................................... 193 5C: Realization ........................................................................ 202 5D: Modular Specification of an Airport Schedule System: Part 3 217 6 Development Categories, Simulation, and Transformation .. 223 6A: Development Categories ..................................................... 225 6B: Compatibility of Operations with Development Steps ............ 235 6C: Simulation ........................................................................ 251 6D: Transformations ................................................................ 257 6E: Bibliographic Notes for Chapters 5 and 6 ............................. 262 7 Constraints ............................................................ 263 7 A: Concepts of Constraints ...................................................... 265 7B: Logic of Constraints .......................................................... 275 7C: Specifications with Constraints ............................................ 282 7D: Parameterized Specifications with Constraints ....................... 292 8 Module Specifications and Operations with Constraints .... 303 8A: Module Specifications with Constraints ................................ 305 8B: Composition with Constraints ............................................. 313 8C: Union with Constraints ...................................................... 325 8D: Actualization with Constraints ............................................. 330 8E: Modular Specification of an Airport Schedule System: Part 4 337 8F: Discussion and Bibliographic Notes for Chapters 7 and 8 ....... 345 Contents XI Appendix ................................................................... 349 9 Abstract ACT ONE and ACT TWO .............................. 351 9A: Abstract Specifications with Constraints ............................... 352 9B: Abstract ACT ONE ........................................................... 363 9C: Abstract ACT TWO ........................................................... 372 9D: Modular Specification of an Airport Schedule System: Part 5 380 9E: Bibliographic Notes for Chapter 9 ....................................... 382 10 Summary of Basic Notions ........................................ 385 lOA: Summary of Equational Specifications ................................. 386 lOB: Summary of Parameterized Specifications ............................ 389 lOC: Basic Concepts from Category Theory ................................. 393 Bibliography ............................................................... 403 Subject Index .............................................................. 423 INTRODUCTION In this second volume on fundamentals of algebraic specification we introduce two important new concepts: module specifications and constraints. These concepts are motivated by problems in practical software development and are studied here from a theoretical point of view. Modularization is one of the main structuring principles in software development. Modules and module specifications can be seen as the basic building blocks which are used in modularization of software systems and software system specification respectively. Constraints, on the other hand, are introduced to increase the expressive power of algebraic specifications in order to be more useful for practical applications. The concept of module specifications in this volume was mainly influenced by contributions of Parnas [Par 72] and [Par 72a] to data types and modules. Our notion of module specifications extends that of usual and parameterized algebraic specifications studied in volume 1 by adding explicit import and export interface specifications. These additional specifications are again algebraic specifications consisting of sorts, operation symbols and equations. The semantics of these interface specifications, however, is not initial but classical, or also called loose. Initial semantics means that only the initial algebra and hence a unique algebra up to isomorphism is considered as semantics while classical or loose semantics denotes the class of all algebras satisfying the given specification. Equational specifications with loose semantics, however, are of limited use for the specification of data types and software systems. In order to increase their expressive power we introduce in addition to equations another logical component, called constraints, for algebraic specifications. The concept of constraints is extremely general and allows us to express all kinds of logical formalisms as well as algebraic conditions concerning the construction of domains for data types and software systems. The corresponding notion of algebraic specifications with constraints includes usual algebraic specifications with initial semantics and also those with loose semantics as special cases.

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