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ADVANCED TEXTBOOKS IN ECONOMICS VOLUME 7 Editors: C. J. BLISS M. D. INTRILIGATOR Advisory Editors: S. M. GOLDFELD L. JOHANSEN D. W. JORGENSON M. C. KEMP J.-C. MILLERON 1976 NORTH-HOLLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY AMSTERDAM · OXFORD AMERICAN ELSEVIER PUBLISHING CO., INC. NEW YORK FOUNDATIONS OF ECONOMETRICS ALBERT MADANSKY Graduate School of Business University of Chicago 1976 NORTH-HOLLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY AMSTERDAM · OXFORD AMERICAN ELSEVIER PUBLISHING CO., INC. NEW YORK © North-Holland Publishing Company, 1976 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner. North-Holland ISBN for this series: 0 7204 3600 1 North-Holland ISBN for this volume: 0 7204 3607 9 (cloth-bound) North-Holland ISBN for this volume: 0 7204 3806 3 (paperback) American Elsevier ISBN: 0 444 10906 4 (cloth-bound) American Elsevier ISBN: 0 444 10943 9 (paperback) Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Madansky, Albert, 1934- Foundations of econometrics. (Advanced textbooks in economics; v. 7) An outgrowth of a one-year graduate course in econometrics that the author taught at UCLA in 1962-65 and at Yale in 1972-73. Includes bibliographies. 1. Econometrics. I. Title. HB139.M33 330'.01'82 75-25610 ISBN 0-444-10906-4 (Elsevier) PUBLISHERS: NORTH-HOLLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY-AMSTERDAM NORTH-HOLLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY, LTD.-OXFORD SOLE DISTRIBUTORS FOR THE U.S.A. AND CANADA: AMERICAN ELSEVIER PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC. 52 VANDERBILT AVENUE, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10017 PRINTED IN THE NETHERLANDS Preface This book is an outgrowth of a one-year graduate course in econometrics that I taught at UCLA in 1962-65 and again at Yale in 1972-73. Though in principle it is designed for students with no substantial background in linear algebra, statistics, or econometrics, in practice the book should be used as a second course in econometrics, for those students who are not content with learning econometric practice and wish to understand the underlying basis for the techniques taught in a modern first course in econometrics. Much of the material in this book was at the frontier of research in econometrics in 1962. Today this material is more commonplace among econometricians, though scattered through the book are some insights and unifying themes which I have not yet seen in the econometric literature. There are many more topics in econometrics which could have been covered, e.g., spectral analysis, exact sampling distributions of simultaneous equations estimates, and Bayesian econometrics, but the topics and level of treatment in this book will amply fill a one-year graduate course. The reader should be forewarned that I am a bit idiosyncratic in my notation. In chapter IV, I invent a new notation for simultaneous equation models which, though imperfect, is of greater mnemonic value than that of the two current sets of notation for such models. I also use lower case letters to denote scalar variables, upper case letters to denote matrix variables, regular type to denote non-random variables, and bold-face type to denote random variables. Thus we can look at a symbol and know whether or not it is a matrix and whether or not it is random. (No longer need we write X for a random variable and x for its value, equations like X = x, and no longer will we be confused about what symbols to use for a random matrix and its value.) At the blackboard one vi Preface can easily denote randomness by using the printer's symbol ~ under the letter to indicate randomness, e.g., what appears in this book as u would be written at the blackboard as u. Finally, I would like to acknowledge my debts to my teachers and my students. The influence especially of courses taught by Ingram Olkin and William H. Kruskal on the material in this book will be apparent to them. My students, especially those of my 1972-73 Yale class, helped greatly by finding errors, rooting out the unteachable, and asking stimulating questions. I also gratefully acknowledge the encouragement of my UCLA colleagues Karl Brunner, Jack Hirshleifer, and Michael In- triligator to write up my lectures as a text and the stimulating influence of the Cowles Foundation which gave me the impetus to complete this book. December, 1974 ALBERT MADANSKY I Matrix theory The presentation of the small portion of matrix theory to which you will be exposed in this chapter begins (section 1) with an admittedly unmotivated presentation of the elementary formal operations with matrices. Our aim in the beginning is merely to acquaint you with matrices, and get you as used to manipulating them as you are to manipulating real numbers arithmetically. We follow this introduction with the theory of linear transformations in n-dimensional Euclidean vector spaces (section 2) and then (section 3) motivate the elementary operations with matrices by interpreting a matrix as a representation of a linear transformation on such a space. Next (section 4), we examine a special linear transformation, the projection transformation, which will be used many times over in our description of econometric methods. In section 5, we introduce in a motivated fashion that object familiar to you from college algebra days (though never motivated for you then), the determinant. We get back to matrices in section 6, in which we study properties of a special type of matrix, the symmetric matrix. In section 7, we introduce the generalized inverse, a concept which will be found quite useful in expediting our presentation of some aspects of both parameter estimation and hypothesis testing in econometric models. Finally, in section 8, we present the Dwyer-MacPhail notation so helpful in computing deriva- tives of functions of matrices. If you have already studied matrix theory, you would still be well advised not to ignore this chapter. You may still find novel things in this chapter, derivations if not facts. If you insist on ignoring this chapter, let me at least warn you now of an idiosyncracy of this book. All vectors are row vectors. I do this for two reasons, ease of typography and consis- tency with the standard practice of describing points of the plane (i.e., vectors in Euclidean 2-space) by their Cartesian coordinates as (JC, y). 2 Foundations of econometrics The price I will pay for this in later chapters is that standard econometric models will at a superficial glance look a bit different from the way they appear elsewhere. Be assured that this is only superficial. (And besides, the hope is that, having read this book, you will have minimal need to look elsewhere.) 1. Matrix operations The rectangular m by n array of real numbers, au al2- ' a,n a \ a i - ' a n 2 2 2 A = a \ a m n will be called an m x n (read "m by n") matrix. The order of the matrix is the pair of numbers (m, n), where m, the first member of the pair, is the number of rows and n, the second member of the pair, is the number of columns of the matrix. The number a«, the element in the ith row and the jth column of the matrix A, will be called the (i, j)th coordinate of A. A description of all the a for i = 1,..., m, j = 1,..., n, is thus a descrip- ih tion of the matrix A, and vice versa. We will sometimes, for ease of expression, say "A is the m x n matrix of ao-'s"; what we mean by this is that A is the ra xn matrix whose (i, j)th coordinate is a for i = ih 1,..., m, j = 1,..., n. All matrices will be denoted by upper case Latin letters, and their coordinates by the corresponding lower case Latin letters. Two matrices A and B of the same order are said to be equal if a,·,· = bu for all i and j. Equality of matrices is defined only for matrices of like order. Given an m x n matrix A, we denote by A ' the n x m matrix obtained from A by defining its (i, j)th coordinate a'a as a . The matrix A ' is called yi A-transpose. Note that the rows of A are now the columns of A'. Exercise: Show that (A')' = A. If A is an m x n matrix with (i, j)th coordinate α and B is an m x n 0 Matrix theory 3 matrix with (/, j)th coordinate b then we define the matrix sum of A and ih J3, Λ + B, as the m x n matrix with (i, j)th coordinate a + ba. Notice that (J the matrix sum is defined only for matrices of the same order. Exercise: Check that the following hold if A, B, and C are m x n matrices: A + B = B + A, (A +B)+C= A +(B+C), (A+B)' = A' + B'. Suppose A is an m x n matrix and B is a p x q matrix. We define the Kronecker product of A and B, A ® B, as the mp x rçq matrix, abu aiibu'- · ai\bi a b a b ··· a b ··· a\ b u q x2 n x2 X2 X2 Xq n iq aubn a\ib2 - * · anb ai b i ^12^22 · · · ai^2q * · * a\b 2 2q 2 2 2 n 2q aubpi aub · · · aub a\b \ a\b 2 · · · a\b · · · a\b p2 pq 2 P 2 P 2 pq n pq a\bu a\b\ · · · a b\ a b a b\ · · · a 2^ic, · * · a b 2 2 2 2X q 22 u 22 2 2 2n ïq a\b\ a\bp · · · a\b a b a b · · · a b · · · a b 2 p 2 2 2 pq 22 pX 22 p2 22 pq 2n p am\ bw am\b\2 - - - am\b\q am2bu am2b\2 · · · am2b\q · · · amnb\q amibpX am\ bp amnbpq am2bp\ am2bp2 ami2hu pq amntyp Notice that even when mp = nq, A ® B need not equal B ® A. When A is a 1 x 1 matrix (i.e., A = a, a being a real number) it is usual to suppress the symbol "®" in A ® B and write the Kronecker product of A and £ as aB. We call this the scalar multiple of a and B. Exercise : Check that the following hold if c and d are real numbers 4 Foundations of econometrics and A and B are m x n matrices: (c + d)A = cA + dA, c(dA) = (cd)A, (cA)' = cA\ c(A + B) = cA + c£. With the operation of scalar multiple defined, the Kronecker product of A and B described above can be expressed more succinctly as a B a B • ülnB u l2 a \B a B • a B 2 22 2n A ®B = [_a \B Q B ' ' * QmnB m m2 Aided by the scalar multiple operation, the definition of matrix difference of A and B, A - B is quite easy. Like the matrix sum, the matrix difference is only defined for matrices of the same order, and is given by A - B = A + (- \)B. If A is an m x n matrix and B is an n x p matrix, then we define the matrix product of A and B, AB, as the mxp matrix whose (i,j)th coordinate is given by n Notice that the matrix product is defined only for matrices such that the first member of the product has as many columns as the second member has rows. Thus, though AB is defined, BA is not defined except when m = p. Exercise: (1) Check that, provided that the matrix products given below are defined, the following hold: (AB)C=A(BC), A(cB) = c(AB), where c is a real number, A(B+C) = AB+AC, (A +B)C=AC+BQ (AB)' = B'A'. Matrix theory 5 (2) Let 1 6 -2 2 - 1 3] 4 0 4 0 2 1 A = B = 7 2 0 4 - 2 3' 6 3 3 2 -3 4j Compute AB' and A'B. The motivation behind this at-first-glance strange definition of the product of two matrices will be given in the next section. To assure you now that this strange definition of matrix multiplication is helpful, consider the m simultaneous linear equations 011*1 + ai2*2+ * * ' + αΐπΧη = fei, α ιΧι + a x + · · · + a Xn = fe , 2 22 2 2n 2 û,mlX\ + Qm2X2 "I" * ' * + (ImnXn ~ fern, in the n unknowns JCI, x ,..., x . The equations can be rewritten quite 2 n succinctly in matricial form as the matrix equation where A is the m xn matrix of ay's, X is the n-vector of JC.-'S, and B is the m-vector of fe.'s. Exercise: Show that, in general, there is no unique solution to m simultaneous linear equations in n unknowns if n > m. An n xm matrix A can be partitioned into blocks of submatrices A A , A , A of order p x q, p x m - q, n - p x q, and n - p xm — q, u 2 3 4 respectively, as follows: Let

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