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Floquet analysis of real-time wavefunctions without solving the Floquet equation V. Kapoor and D. Bauer Institut fu¨r Physik, Universita¨t Rostock, 18051 Rostock, Germany (Dated: February 1, 2012) We propose a method to obtain Floquet states—also known as light-induced states—and their quasi-energiesfromreal-timewavefunctionswithoutsolvingtheFloquetequation. Thisisusefulfor the analysis of various phenomena in time-dependent quantum dynamics if the Hamiltonian is not strictly periodic, as in short laser pulses, for instance. There, the population of the Floquet states dependson thepulse form and is automatically contained in thereal-time wavefunction butnot in 2 the standard Floquet approach. Several examples in the area of intense laser-atom interaction are 1 exemplarily discussed: (i) the observation of even harmonics for an inversion-symmetric potential 0 2 withasingleboundstate;(ii) thedependenceofthepopulation ofFloquetstateson(gauge) trans- formations and the emergence of an invariant, observable photoelectron spectrum; (iii) the driving n of resonant transitions between dressed states, i.e., the dressing of dressed states, and (iv) spec- a tralenhancementsat channelclosings duetotheponderomotiveshift of above-thresholdionization J peaks. 1 3 PACSnumbers: 32.80.Rm,02.70.Hm,32.80.Wr ] h I. INTRODUCTION so that information about LIS are not directly available. p - AsmanyinterestingphenomenasuchastheACStarkef- m fect, Rabi oscillations, or stabilization against ionization The time-dependent Schr¨odinger equation (TDSE) o [9, 10] is most conveniently analyzed in terms of LIS, it withatime-periodicHamiltonianhassolutionswhichcan t is desirable to extract the “Floquet information” from a be expressed in a time-periodic basis. This basis is re- the real-time wavefunction “on-the-fly” while propagat- s. ferred to as the Floquet basis, and eigenstates in this ing(orbypost-processing)it,withouthavingtosolvethe c basis are the Floquet states [1–4]. Time-periodic poten- i Floquet equation as well. We present such a method to s tialsnaturallyarisewhenmatterisexposedtolaserfields. analyze non-perturbative, laser-driven quantum dynam- y In this context, Floquet states are also known as “light- h icsviathe(time-resolved)Floquetinformationcontained inducedstates”(LIS)[5],astheyarethenewstatesofthe p in the corresponding real-time wavefunction. combined system “target + laser field”. In fact, Floquet [ theory has been used to determine, e.g., very accurate 2 ionization rates [6, 7]. Using so-called R-matrix Floquet The paper is organized as follows: in Sec. II we re- v theory, the method has been extended to multi-electron view the basics of Floquet theory. In Sec. III we briefly 8 systems [8]. Strict periodicity of the Hamiltonian with 1 summarizethegeneralderivationofharmonicgeneration the laser period implies physically that the laser pulse 5 selection rules before we present the (at first sight sur- was always on and will be on forever. Then the prob- 1 prising)presence of peaks at even harmonics of the laser . lem ariseshow the field-free system under study, e.g., an frequency in the case of an inversion-symmetric poten- 0 atom, gets into the laser field in the first place and how 1 tial with only one bound state. In Sec. IV we intro- the field-free observablesemerge. In fact, the population 1 duceourmethodtoobtaintheFloquetinformationfrom 1 of the Floquet states depends on the laser pulse form. If the real-time wavefunction, e.g., the populated states : the (up anddown) rampingof the laserfield is adiabatic and their energies, and use them to explain the pres- v andthelaserfrequencyisnon-resonantweexpectthesys- i enceofhyper-Ramanlinesatevenharmonicfrequencies. X tem to followjust a single Floquet state, namely the one In Sec. V we investigate how the population of Floquet r which is adiabatically connected to the field-free initial states changes under (gauge) transformations while the a state. However, for non-adiabatic ramping or resonant Floquet energies and the observable photoelectron spec- interactions a superposition of Floquet states is created. tra remain invariant. In Sec. VI time-resolved Floquet An example for non-adiabatic population of several Flo- spectra of real-time wavefunctions in the so-called ve- quet states, leading to an apparent generation of even locity gauge and in the Kramers-Henneberger frame-of- harmonics in inversion-symmetric potentials, is given in reference are compared. In Sec. VII the channel-closing Sec. III of this paper. phenomenon and related spectral enhancements are in- Instead of converting the TDSE into the time- terpreted in terms of Floquet state-crossings. A conclu- independent Floquet equation [eq. (13) below] one may sion is given in Sec. VIII. In this work we restrict our- alternatively solve it directly in real-time. In the latter selves to spatially one-dimensional (1D) model Hamil- case there are no assumptions about periodicity or adia- tonians. It is straightforward to extend the method to batic rampingand, e.g., the effect of different laserpulse higher dimensions, as indicated in Appendix A. Atomic formscanbestudied. However,thedirectsolutionofthe units (a.u.) |e| = m = ~ = 4πǫ = 1 are used unless e 0 TDSE in real-time does not involve the Floquet basis noted otherwise. 2 II. BASIC THEORY Fora monochromaticlaserfield the interactionHamilto- nian Wˆ(x,t) can be written as Consider a linearly polarized laser field E(t) of fre- Wˆ(x,t)=Wˆ+(x)exp(iω t)+Wˆ−(x)exp(−iω t), (12) quency ω in dipole approximation, polarized along the 1 1 1 x-directionandinteractingwithanelectroninsomebind- leading to the time-independent Floquet equation ing potential V. The Hamiltonian in length gauge reads (ǫ+n~ω −Hˆ )ϕ (x) (13) 1 0 n Hˆ(t)=Hˆ +Wˆ(x,t), Wˆ(x,t)=xE(t) (1) = Wˆ+(x)ϕ (x)+Wˆ−(x)ϕ (x). 0 n+1 n−1 The index n of the Floquet state is known as the “block with index,” which may be interpreted as the number of pho- 1 ∂2 tons involved in the process under study. Hence, the Hˆ =− +V(x). (2) 0 2∂x2 Floquet equation (13) couples any Floquet block n with itsneighboringblocksn±1viaabsorptionoremissionof a photon. A. Floquet theory In principle, (13) is an infinite-dimensional set of dif- ferential equations. In practice, it is truncated so that For sufficiently long laser pulses nmin ≤ n ≤ nmax. In obtaining the eigenvalue equation (13),weassumedstricttime-periodicity,whichphysically 2π means that the laser pulse is always on. E(t+T)=E(t), T = (3) ω 1 holds to high accuracy, and thus also Wˆ(t+T) = Wˆ(t) B. Non-Hermitian Floquet Theory so that We are interested in systems which, in the field-free Hˆ(t+T)=Hˆ(t). (4) situation,possessbesidesboundstatesalsoacontinuum. In the presence of a laser field such a system may ion- The Floquet theorem [1–4] states that in this case the ize, i.e., the field-free stationary states are turned into TDSE field-dressed,quasi-stationarystates. The simplest cases ∂ of only a few (field-free) bound states (allowing for res- i Ψ(x,t)=Hˆ(t)Ψ(x,t) (5) onances) plus a continuum dressed by laser fields have ∂t been discussed in the literature since long ago (see, e.g., has solutions of the form [11]and[12]forareview). Inanactualimplementationof Floquettheory,thedecayofquasi-stationarystatesneeds Ψ(x,t)=e−iǫtΦ(x,t), (6) to be taken into account when solving (13) by applying Siegert boundary conditions for the outgoing waves [7], Φ(x,t) being periodic itself, leading to complex Floquet energies Φ(x,t)=Φ(x,t+T). (7) Γ ǫ=Reǫ−i (14) 2 ǫ is called the quasienergyor Floquet energy. The wave- where Γ is the ionization rate. The difference between functions Φ(x,t) fulfill the Schr¨odinger equation Reǫ and the field-free ǫ(0) is the AC Stark shift. Hˆ(t)Φ(x,t)=ǫΦ(x,t) (8) C. Finite-grid, finite-pulse TDSE solution with ∂ We solve Hˆ(t)=Hˆ(t)−i . (9) ∂t ∂ i Ψ (x,t)=Hˆ(t)Ψ (x,t) (15) # # ∂t If ǫ is an eigenvalue and Φ(x,t) the correspondingeigen- state, also on a numerical grid of size L, −L < x < L for times 2 2 0 < t < t with t the total simulation time. The sim sim ǫ′ =ǫ+mω1, Φ′(x,t)=eimω1tΦ(x,t), m∈Z (10) binding potential V(x) is centered at x=0. In all cases discussedinthisworkwestartfromthefield-freeground are solutions of (8). Owing to the time periodicity of state on the grid Ψ (x,0) = Ψ(0)(x). Probability den- Φ(x,t) we can expand # # sity approaching the grid boundary is absorbed by an imaginary potential. ∞ Φ(x,t)= ϕn(x)e−inω1t. (11) Ouraiminthefollowingwillbeto analyzeΨ#(x,t) in n=X−∞ terms of Floquet energies and states. 3 III. HARMONIC GENERATION Inthefirstexampleweapplyourmethodtoinvestigate the origin of apparently even harmonics in an inversion- symmetric potential with only one bound state. There are many ways to derive selection rules for har- monic generation (HG). Most elegant, rigorous, and ap- propriate for our purpose is the approachemploying dy- namical symmetries [13, 14]. Consider the stationary Schr¨odinger equation Hˆ Ψ(x)=EΨ(x), (16) 0 with Hˆ given by (2). If the potential V is inversion- 0 symmetric, V(x) = V(−x), the Hamiltonian Hˆ is in- 0 variant under spatial inversion as well, FIG. 1: (color online). Logarithmically scaled HG strength Pˆ f(x)=f(−x), Pˆ2 =1, Pˆ−1 =Pˆ , (17) ω4|d(ω)|2 vs harmonic order and excursion amplitude αˆ = p p p p Aˆ/ω (ω =1,vectorpotentialA(t)rampedupanddownover 1 1 4 cycles and held constant with amplitude Aˆ for 30 cycles). [Hˆ ,Pˆ ]=0, (18) Thenumericalfast-Fouriertransformwasperformedoverthe 0 p pulseduration,i.e.,t =38cycles,usingaHanningwindow. sim sothatfornon-degenerateenergiesE theeigenstateΨ(x) is alsoan eigenstate ofthe spatial-inversionoperatorPˆ . p Because of Pˆp2 =1 the eigenvalues can only be ±1 (par- Assuming that the numerically determined, exact wave- ity): function on the grid is well described by just a single Floquet state, using (6), (11), and (14) yields Pˆ Ψ(x)=±Ψ(x). (19) p L 2 ThefullHamiltonian(1)andtheFloquet-Hamiltonian d(ω)∼ ϕ∗ (x)xϕ (x)dx (27) (9)arenotinvariantunderspatialinversionbutunderthe XnmZ−L2 m n dynamical symmetry operation “spatial inversion com- bined with a translation in time by half a period”, tsim × et{i[ω−ω1(n−m)]−Γ}dt. [Hˆ(t),Pˆpt]=[Hˆ(t),Pˆpt]=0, (20) Z0 The spatial integral is non-vanishing only if ϕ has the n Pˆ f(x,t)=f(−x,t+π/ω ), Pˆ2 =1, (21) opposite parity of ϕ , i.e., pt 1 pt m n−m=2k+1, k ∈Z. (28) Pˆ =Pˆ Pˆ =PˆPˆ , Pˆf(x,t)=f(x,t+π/ω ). (22) pt p t t p t 1 The temporal integral thus leads to peaks centered at For non-degenerate ǫ frequencies PˆptΦ(x,t)=±Φ(x,t). (23) ω =(2k+1)ω1 (29) Because of (11) we observe that with widths determined by t (frequency-time uncer- sim tainty) and Γ (decay). The selection rule (29) is the PˆptΦ(x,t)= (−1)ne−inω1tPˆpϕn(x), (24) well-known result that an inversion-symmetric target in Xn a linearly polarized laser field generates odd harmonics only. Notethattheabovederivationalsoholdsformulti- and with (23) follows that electrontargetsbecausethe electron-electroninteraction Pˆ ϕ (x)=±(−1)nϕ (x), (25) is also invariant under the symmetry operations Pˆp and p n n Pˆ . pt i.e., the ϕ (x) haveanalternatingparity withrespect to n the Floquet block index n. Numerically, the HG spectrum ∼ ω4|d(ω)|2 is calcu- A. Hyper-Raman lines at even harmonics of the lated via the Fourier-transformeddipole moment laser frequency d(ω)∼ tsimdt L2dxΨ∗ (x,t)xΨ (x,t)eiωt. (26) It is known that HG peaks at positions different from Z0 Z−L # # odd multiples of the fundamental laser frequency ω1 are 2 4 to be expected for an inversion-symmetricpotential if at leasttwoFloquetstates ofopposite parityarepopulated [15, 16]. Physically, the superposition of two Floquet statesmayamountto,e.g.,theabsorptionofnphotonsof energyω butemissionofonephotonofenergynω −∆ǫ, 1 1 with ∆ǫ being the energy difference between initial and finalstate. Thisshouldleadtohyper-Ramanlinesinthe spectrawhich,however,aretypicallyweak[16,17]. Nev- ertheless,ifobservable,theyappearatevenharmonicsof the laser frequency in the case of degeneracy, ∆ǫ=0. We consider an electron in the Po¨schl-Teller potential 1 V(x)=− (30) cosh2x and subject to a laser field. The potential (30) supports only a single bound state Ψ (x) of energy E = −0.5. FIG.2: (coloronline). LogarithmicplotofR=|Q+|2+|Q−|2 Hence,superpositionsoffield-0freeboundstates0areruled- vsenergy E and excursion amplitude αˆ =Aˆ/ω1, showing the quasi-energies of the (populated) field-dressed states. The out. As a consequence,perturbationtheoryinthe exter- laser frequency was ω =4. The pulseshapewas trapezoidal nal field can certainly not predict hyper-Raman lines or 1 (4,1200,4) inthevectorpotentialofamplitudeAˆ. Foreachαˆ even harmonics. However, Fig. 1 shows the logarithmi- themaximum in R was renormalized to unity. cally scaled HG strength ω4|d(ω)|2 as obtained from the numericalsolutionoftheTDSE.TheHGstrengthisplot- ted vs harmonic order ω/ω and the amplitude αˆ of the 1 ǫ. The Fourier-transformeddipole will be excursion L t d(ω)∼ 2 ϕ∗ (x)xϕ (x)dx (33) α(t)=Z A(t)dt (31) βXγnmZ−L2 γm βn with A(t) the vector potential of the laser field. The veleeccttorricpfioeteldntiiaslgaivmepnlitbuydeE(Aˆt), t=he−ex∂ctAur(sti)o.n Gamivpelnitutdhee ×Z tsimet{i[ω−ω1(n−m)−(Reǫβ−Reǫγ)]−(Γβ+Γγ)/2}dt. is αˆ = Aˆ/ω , the field amplitude Eˆ = Aˆω . The laser 0 1 1 pulse parametersarespecifiedin the figurecaption. One Again, in order for the spatial integral to not vanish sees that for sufficiently strong excursion amplitude αˆ the parity of ϕ and ϕ must be different. However, peaks at even harmonics of the laser frequency appear βn γm nowthiscanbethecasenotonlyforn−m=2k+1,but too. Picking an even harmonic at αˆ > 15 (e.g., the 6th) alsoforn−m=2kiftheparityof,e.g.,ϕ isoppositeto and tracing it back to low αˆ reveals that the peak splits β0 the one of ϕ . Hence, one expects the above-mentioned and rapidly drops in magnitude (e.g., around αˆ ≃ 2 for γ0 hyper-Raman peaks at the 6th harmonic). In the next Section we will use our real-time Floquet method to show that the appearance ω =kω +∆ǫ, k ∈Z (34) ofevenharmonicsisduetothepopulationofseveralLIS 1 that become quasi-degenerate as αˆ increases. where ∆ǫ = Reǫ − Reǫ is the difference between β γ the real parts of the two Floquet quasienergies involved. Thus, in order to observe even harmonics at exactly B. Superposition of Floquet states ω = 2kω a degeneracy Reǫ = Reǫ is required. Such 1 β γ adegeneracybetweenthe(field-dressed)initialstateand In the case of a non-adiabatic transfer of the field-free another one of opposite parity is also likely to populate state to field-dressed states one has to allow for a super- the latter one. positionofFloquetstatesinordertorepresenttheexact, numerically determined wave function on the grid, IV. FLOQUET STATE ANALYSIS OF Ψ (x,t)≃ e−iǫβtΦ (x,t)= e−it(ǫβ+nω1)ϕ (x). REAL-TIME WAVEFUNCTIONS # β βn Xβ Xβn (32) TheextractionofFloquetinformationcontainedinthe Here we assume that the expansion coefficients are in- real-timewavefunctionisusefultoanalyzeanyfeatureof cludedinΦ (x,t)andϕ (x). Forcontinuousquasiener- interest in HG spectra. We startwith the determination β βn giesthesumoverβshouldbereplacedbyanintegralover of the (real part of the) quasi-energy of the populated 5 finite-grid TDSE simulations the width of the peaks in |Q (E)|2 alsodepend onthe integrationtime t −t and ± 2 1 the grid-size because of the absorbing grid boundaries. Onlyforaflat-toplaserpulseanda verylongsimulation time a stationary absorption rate at the grid boundaries would be established, and Γ could be determined from β the peak-width. This, however, is exactly the regime where the standardFloquet approachshouldbe applied. We focus here on aspects of our method complementary tothe conventionalFloquetmethod, inparticularits ap- plicability to finite pulses and time-resolved studies. Ifwemultiplythe wavefunction(32)byexp(itE)(with E real)andintegrateovertime, mainlytheFloquetstate ϕ forwhichthephaseisstationary,i.e.,E =Reǫ +nω E β 1 “survives,” t2 ϕ (x)∼ eitEΨ(x,t)dt. (37) E Z t1 The integration time t −t has to be sufficiently long 2 1 inordertocovermanytemporaloscillationsofthewave- function. Startingfromthegroundstateinthepotential(30),we solved the TDSE for a high-frequency laser field of vec- tor potential A(t)=−Aˆ(t)sinω t for ω =4 and Aˆ(t) a 1 1 trapezoidal pulse shape with linear up- and down-ramps over 4 cycles and 1200 cycles constant amplitude Aˆ (de- noted in the form (4,1200,4) in the following). Figure 2 shows FIG.3: Field-dressed groundstatewavefunctionϕ˜0n forαˆ= R=|Q |2+|Q |2 (38) 4. (a) Floquet block n=0, (b) n=−1. + − (with the time-integral in (35) performed over the en- tire pulse) as a contour plot vs the excursion amplitude Floquetstates. Oncetheseenergiesareknownthecorre- αˆ = Aˆ/ω and energy E for an energy interval within spondingFloquetstatescanbe obtained. Themethod is 1 the zeroth Floquet block n = 0. Plotting |Q |2 and similartotheoneproposedin[18]forfield-freedynamics. + |Q |2 individually allowsto distinguish the parity of the The numerical solution of the time-dependent − states (labeled ’even’ or ’odd’ in Fig. 2). For αˆ → 0 Schr¨odinger equation in real time yields Ψ (x,t). Upon # only the field-free state at E = −0.5 remains. How- multiplication of (32) by an even or odd test function ever,withincreasingexcursionamplitudeαˆlight-induced q (x), spatial integration, and Fourier transformation ± quasi-bound states emerge, which are populated due to from the time to the energy domain, the finite rise-time of the laser field. From the popu- t2 L2 lations (see color-coding) one infers that around αˆ = 6 Q±(E)= e−it(ǫβ+nω1−E)dt q±(x)ϕβn(x)dx, besides the field-dressedground state the second excited Xβn Zt1 Z−L2 field-dressed state is more populated than the first ex- (35) cited. For increasing αˆ the field-dressed ground state 0 ≤ t1 < t2 ≤ tsim one can extract from the peak posi- and the field-dressed first excited state become almost tions in |Q±(E)|2 the real part of the Floquet energies degenerate so that ∆ǫ→0 in (34), explaining the peaks at even harmonics of the laser frequency due to hyper- ReE =Reǫ +nω (36) βn β 1 Raman scattering. belonging to even or odd Floquet states ϕ , respec- Using (37) we extracted field-dressed states. Fig- βn tively. Theeventestfunctionis,e.g.,simplyunityforall ure3showsthefield-dressedgroundstatefortheFloquet −L <x< L, the odd test function may be chosen 1 for blocks n=0 (a) and n=−1 (b) for αˆ =4. The integra- 2 2 x>0 and −1 for x<0. The purpose of these test func- tion time was again the pulse duration. Equation (37) tionsistoextracttheevenandoddparityFloquetstates in general yields a complex wavefunction ϕ = ϕ˜ eiθ. E E separately. Of course,only the energiesof the populated The plots in Fig. 3 show the real wavefunction ϕ˜ . It is E (and thus relevant) Floquet states ϕ are obtained in seen that the parity indeed changes as one decreases n βn this way. by one. For n = 0 and αˆ = 0 the ground state must be TheimaginarypartΓ /2ofǫ contributestothewidth even. Hence, for n = −1 it is odd, in accordance with β β of the peaks in |Q (E)|2. However, in our finite-time, (25). ± 6 V. TRANSFORMATIONS We consider transformations Gˆ(t) which are periodic intimeandreducetounityasthelaserfieldgoestozero, Gˆ(t+T)=Gˆ(t), Gˆ(t)| =ˆ1. (39) α,E,A=0 Now, since each Floquet state Φ fulfills (8), β Gˆ(t)Hˆ(t)Gˆ−1(t)Gˆ(t)|Φ (t)i=Hˆ′(t)|Φ′ (t)i=ǫ |Φ′(t)i β β β β (40) where Hˆ′(t) = Gˆ(t)Hˆ(t)Gˆ−1(t) is the transformed Floquet-Hamiltonian and |Φ′ (t)i = Gˆ(t)|Φ (t)i the β β transformed Floquet state. The quasi-energy ǫ is not β affected by the transformation, and |Φ′ (t)i is also peri- β odic because of (39), so that with (11) FIG. 4: (color online). R vs energy E and second-laser frequencyω˜ for first-laserexcursion αˆ=2.5 and second-laser e−inω1t|ϕ′ i= e−i(n+m)ω1tGˆ |ϕ i, (41) field strength amplitude E˜ˆ =0.01. βn m βn Xn Xnm where Gˆ(t)= me−imω1tGˆm, and thus P |ϕ′ i= Gˆ |ϕ i. (42) βℓ ℓ−n βn It is knownthat if the laserfrequency is tuned around Xn resonances field-dressed states originating from different Floquet blocks (and corresponding to the coupled field- We now specialize on transformations Gˆ that commute free states) display avoided crossings. These crossings with the dynamical symmetry operation Pˆ , pt have been shown to be related to localization, and to chaos in the corresponding classical system [19]. The [Gˆ(t),Pˆ ]=0. (43) pt separationofthetwodressedstatesinvolvedcorresponds to the Rabi frequency and is proportional to the field Examples are gauge transformations, e.g., for the trans- strength of the driving laser. We will now show that the formation from velocity gauge, where same is observedfor transitions between already dressed 1 states, i.e., we use the laser of frequency ω1 to dress Wˆ(t)=pˆA(t)+ A2(t), (44) the system and a second, weaker laser of frequency ω˜ 2 toinducetransitionsbetweendressedstates. Thesecond to the length gauge one has laser will dress the already dressed system [20], and the “dressed2”states(ortwocolor-dressedstates)shoulddis- G (t)=exp[ixA(t)]. (45) LG playavoidedcrossingsasthefrequencyω˜ istunedaround the energy gap of two dressed states. Another example is the Pauli-Fierz or Kramers- Henneberger (KH) transformation, which is not a gauge From Fig. 2 one infers that for an excursion ampli- transformation (although one frequently finds the term tude, αˆ = 2.5 the energy difference between the field- “KHgauge”intheliterature). Ifwestartfromtheveloc- dressed ground state and the field-dressed first excited ity gauge interaction (44) the KH transformation reads state is Reǫ −Reǫ ≃ 0.155. Hence, we tune the fre- 1 0 quency ω˜ of the second laser around this energy differ- i t Gˆ (t)=exp A2(t′)dt′+iα(t)pˆ . (46) ence. The pulse envelope was the same for both lasers, KH (cid:20)2Z (cid:21) ∞ and the electric field amplitude of the second laser was E˜ˆ = 0.01 = A˜ˆω˜ = α˜ˆω˜2 for all ω˜. Figure 4 shows results This amounts to a translation in position space by the free electron excursion α(t) (31) and a purely time- for the Floquet energy spectrum R vs energy and ω˜ for dependent contact transformation. The KH Floquet- αˆ =2.5. If the two frequencies ω and ω˜ are incommen- 1 Hamiltonian is surate the Hamiltonian is not periodic at all. However, ourapproachdoesnotrequireperiodicity,andweexpect 1 ∂ a Floquet analysis to be meaningful as long as the two- Hˆ′(t)=HˆKH(t)= pˆ2+V[x+α(t)]−i . (47) 2 ∂t color Hamiltonian is approximately periodic, namely in T˜ = 2π/ω˜ because ω ≫ ω˜. In fact, the avoided cross- As a consequence of (43), 1 ings of Reǫ with Reǫ −ω˜ and of Reǫ +ω˜ with Reǫ 0 1 0 1 around ω˜ =0.155 are clearly visible in Fig. 4. Pˆ |Φ′ (t)i=Gˆ(t)Pˆ |Φ (t)i=±|Φ′ (t)i (48) pt β pt β β 7 with the eigenvalue ±1 the same as for Pˆ |Φ (t)i = pt β ±|Φ (t)i. One also finds Gˆ = (−1)mPˆ Gˆ Pˆ and β m p m p Pˆ |ϕ′ i = ±(−1)ℓ|ϕ′ i, i.e., the transformed (primed) p βℓ βℓ states have the same symmetry as the original states. Figure 5 shows the KH and the velocity gauge proba- bility density for the excursion amplitude αˆ = 10. The target energy was E = −0.08 where in Fig. 2 the al- most degenerate ground and first excited state energies for αˆ = 10 are. The KH probability density fits to the KH potential 1 2π V (x)= V[x+αˆsinτ]dτ, (49) KH 2π Z 0 shown in the lower panel. The actual calculation was performed for ω = 4 and a trapezoidal (10,1180,10)- 1 pulse. The target energy E in (37) is scanned through the energy region of interest, and the Floquet energy is hitwhenthevalueoftheintegralismaximum. Ifoneuses the same integration time for different E the integral L 2 N = |ϕ (x)|2dx (50) E E Z−L 2 isarelativemeasureforthepopulationoftherespective Floquet state in the actual pulse. The Floquet energies are invariantunder the transfor- mations Gˆ(t) while both the Floquet states |ϕ i and βn their populations are not. In particular, in the high- frequency limit one expects that only the eigenstates in FIG.5: (a)KHandthevelocitygaugeprobabilitydensityfor the KH potential (49) matter [9]. These states corre- theexcursionamplitudeαˆ=10andtargetenergyE =−0.08. spondtotheFloquetenergiesintheFloquetblockn=0. (b) Corresponding KH potential. Hence,the energyspectrumintheKHframeisexpected to be muchmorelocalizedaroundn=0than invelocity gauge. This is confirmed by Fig. 6. Instead of using the Teller potential have energies E >0. With laser field all evenoroddtestfunctions in(35)andspatialintegration continuum and bound states are contained in each Flo- we analyzed the wavefunction Ψ (x,t) at x = 2, i.e., quet block so that overlapsof dressedbound states from # test we calculated one block with continua from other blocks with lower n are possible. However, we expect the dressed bound t2 Q′(E)= e−it(ǫβ+nω1−E)dt ϕ (x ). (51) states of the n=0 block to dominate since they are the βn test Z Xβn t1 mainonesbeingpopulatedduringtheswitching-onofthe laser. Let us firstdiscuss the case where ω >minReǫ , This avoids the transformation of the entire wavefunc- 1 β i.e., a single photon is sufficient for ionization. Then tion to the KH frame and yields similar results as long the dressed bound state in Floquet block n with energy as one chooses x in a region where the wavefunction test Reǫ +nω overlapswithcontinuumstatesofalltheFlo- is sizable and both odd and even parity wavefunctions β 1 quet blocks m < n. In particular, Reǫ +nω overlaps contribute (for x = 0 only contributions from even β 1 test with the continuum state of energy ǫ of the zeroth Flo- Floquet states would be visible). Figure 6 confirms that p quetblock,wherep indicatesthe asymptoticmomentum for transformations of the type (39) the populations of of this continuum state. Floquet states in different frames (or gauges) are differ- We will now turn to the question of how the manifold ent while the Floquet energies are the same. The latter, ofmixtures ofbound andcontinuum Floquet states con- dressed levels could be probed with a second laser [21]. verts to an observable photoelectron spectrum when the Ofcourse,anygauge-orframe-dependenceshouldvanish pulseisswitchedoff. Figure7showsatime-resolvedFlo- whenfield-freeobservables,suchasphotoelectronspectra quet spectrum in velocity gauge for a N = 100-cycle are considered. cyc sin2-pulse ω t VI. PHOTOELECTRON SPECTRA A(t)=Aˆsin2 1 sinω1t (52) (cid:18)2N (cid:19) cyc WithoutlaserfieldthecontinuumstatesofthePo¨schl- for 0 < t < N 2π/ω and zero otherwise. The other cyc 1 8 FIG. 7: (color online). Time-resolved Floquet spectra for a 100-cycle sin2-pulse of amplitude αˆ = Aˆ/ω = 10, ω = 4, 1 1 x =2 (i.e., “inside” the potential), and a time-window of FIG. 6: Floquet spectra for αˆ = 10, ω = 4, and a test 1 widtht =t −t =50. Theverticallineindicatestheendof (10,1180,10)-pulse in (a) velocity gauge (with the A2(t)/2- w 2 1 thepulse. Panel(b)isaclose-upoftheenergyregionaround term transformed away) and (b) in the KH frame. In the ǫ(0) =−0.5in(a). Thecalculation was performed invelocity KH frame the n = 0-Floquet block dominates while in ve- 0 gauge (with theA2(t)/2-term transformed away). locity gauge thepopulation is broadly distributed overmany Floquet blocks. pulse parameters are given in the figure caption, and x =2(i.e.,“inside”thepotential)andatime-window test of width t = t −t = 50 were chosen for (51). The w 2 1 time onthe horizontalaxisis t sothat the spectrumfor 1 times t >100T =157.1 (indicated by the verticalblack 1 line) shows field-free states, i.e., t1+tw Q(0)(E,t ) = eiEtΨ (x ,t)dt (53) 1 # test Z t1 = ϕ(β0)(xtest)Z t1+twe−it(ǫ(β0)−E)dt. Xβ t1 Figure7ashowsthatwhilethepulseisonthepopulation is distributed over many Floquet blocks. As the pulse is switched off, all the Floquet populations for n 6= 0 dis- appear, and only the ground state population inside the FIG.8: (coloronline). SameasinFig.7butforxtest =471.3. (0) potential with energy ǫ remains. This is because we 0 analyzed the spectrum at the position x =2. Contri- test 9 butions to the wavefunction corresponding to electrons in the continuum, traveling with an asymptotic momen- tum p, decay at x = 2. Figure 7b shows a close-up test of the region around ǫ(0). With increasing amplitude of 0 the laser pulse the dominant Floquet population shifts adiabatically from the field-free value ǫ(0) =−0.5 to the 0 ground state energy of the KH potential ǫ(KH) ≃ −0.09 0 (see Fig. 2 for αˆ = 10) and back. Note that although the calculation was performed in velocity gauge the KH groundstate energyis relevanthere because the Floquet quasi-energies are frame- and gauge-independent. Figure8showsthesameanalysisforx =471.3,i.e., test “faraway”fromtheatomsothatittakessometimeuntil probabilitydensityarrivesthere,namelyaroundt=100. Itisinterestingtoobservethatinvelocitygaugethis“ar- FIG.9: (color online). SameasFig. 8butin theKHframe. rivaltime”duringthepulseisindependentoftheenergy. As the laser pulse is switched off at t=157.1 many Flo- quet channels close. However, because electrons are still on their way from the atom to the “virtual detector” The TDSE was solved for a trapezoidal pulse of fre- at xtest = 471.3 we are able to “measure” the field-free quency ω1 = 0.08. On the energy scale of the ioniza- photoelectron spectrum of the electrons emitted in that tionpotentialthe Floquetblocksare packedmuchcloser direction. The time these free electrons need to pass the in this case, meaning that many photons are necessary virtual detector decreases with increasing energy, as is for ionization. In Fig. 10 we plot the Floquet energy seeninFig.8 where the width ofthe tracesfor t>157.1 spectrum R in a certain range of excursion amplitude decrease with increasing energy. The five traces visible αˆ = Eˆ/ω2 and energy E around the field-free contin- 1 are separated by ω1 and correspond to above-threshold uum threshold (other relevant parameters given in the ionization (ATI) peaks (see, e.g., the review[22] or [23]). figure caption). The calculation was performed in ve- They are quite broad in energy because of the change locity gauge using again the potential (30). There is a of the ionization potential (from field-free value to KH clear down-shift of all the populated Floquet levels with value and back). Their figure-eight shape in the contour increasing laser amplitude. This AC Stark shift is also plot of Fig. 8 is a peculiarity of the sin2-pulse shape. referred to as the “ponderomotive shift” because the ef- Figure 9 shows the corresponding result obtained in fective ionization potential is increased by U . In fact, p the KH frame. We see that in the KH frame only those the energy in the photoelectron spectrum is given by statesarepopulatedinthelaserfieldwhichactuallycon- tribute to the final field-free spectrum. This is because p2 E = =n~ω −(|E |+U ), (54) the KH potential at xtest = 471.3 is almost identical to 2 1 0 p the field-free one so that outgoing electrons are not af- fected anymore by the oscillating KH binding potential. (providedtheACStarkshiftoftheinitialstateisnegligi- It is also seen in Fig. 9 that the most energetic electrons ble, which for atomic ground states at long wavelengths arrive earlier at xtest, unlike the velocity gauge-result in often is the case). E0 is the initial electron energy and n Fig. 8. isthenumberofphotonsabsorbed. Inordertoreachthe continuum at all n > (|E |+U )/~ω photons have to 0 p 1 be absorbed. As the intensity, and thus U , is increased, p moreandmorephotons areneededforionization. When VII. CHANNEL-CLOSINGS n photons are no longer sufficient but n+1 photons are needed the n-photon channel closing occurs. In the plot So far we studied mainly high-frequency phenomena shown in Fig. 10 a channel closing manifests itself as a where the Floquet blocks are well separated on the crossing of a Floquet quasi-energy and the continuum atomic energy scale because the laser frequency exceeds threshold. Now, the interesting feature in Fig. 10 is the thegroundstateionizationpotential. However,thereare zero-energyLIS.SuchLISwerealsoobservedinRef.[26], plentyofinteresting,non-perturbativephenomenaoccur- wheretheir connectionwith experimentallyobserveden- ring at low frequencies where the ponderomotive energy hancementsinthephotoelectronspectraathighenergies Up = Eˆ2/4ω12 can be large at nowadays available laser [27] was established. The parity of both states involved intensities Eˆ2. Examples are tunneling ionization and in the crossing in Fig. 10 is even, and it is known that high-order ATI due to rescattering of electrons [23, 24]. depending on the parity of the states, channel closings In this Section we choose the so-called“channel-closing” affect the photoelectron spectrum differently [26, 28]. (see [25] and references therein) as a low-frequency phe- In our model, for the first even channel closing eight nomenon to illustrate our method. photons are needed. According (54) it is expected at 10 FIG. 10: (color online). Logarithmic plot of R = |Q |2 + + |Q−|2 vs energy E and excursion amplitude αˆ, showing the (populated) field-dressed states for ω = 0.08 and a trape- 1 zoidal (4,40,4)-pulse. αˆ = 9.354, which indeed is close to where the crossing is observed in Fig. 10. The small discrepancy is because of the AC Stark shift of the initial state, neglected in (54). One wouldexpect that channel closings only affect low-energy electrons because the kinetic energy of the electrons whose channel is about to close is low. Hence, as the intensity is increased the yield of ATI peaks at energies, say, > 5Up should increase monotonously as FIG. 11: (color online). Photoelectron spectra around 5Up, well. However, near even photon channel closing there parameters as in Fig. 10. (a) Non-monotonic behavior of the is a marked increase in the photoelectron yield at high yield(opensquaresαˆ=13.0,solidsquares13.3,circles13.55, triangles13.8). (b)Sameforanoddchannelclosing,showing energies [25, 26, 28]. Instead, when in odd photon chan- a monotonic behavior of the yield with increasing intensity nel closings the odd-parity LIS crosses the zero-energy (triangles α=11.8, circles 11.55, open squares α=11.3). LIS, such enhancements are absent. The first odd pho- ton channel closing occurs around αˆ = 11.55, the next even photon channel closing occurs around αˆ = 13.55. The photoelectron spectra obtained using our Floquet ond laser, the properties of Floquet states under time- method confirm the presence and absence of enhance- periodictransformations,theemergenceofinvariant,ob- ments at even and odd channel closings, respectively, as servable photoelectron spectra after the laser pulse, and shown in Fig 11. photoelectronenhancementsatchannelclosingsweredis- cussed. The method is straightforwardly extendable to three dimensions. We think the method is most useful VIII. CONCLUSIONS forresearchersrunningcodestosolvethetime-dependent Schr¨odinger equation in real time. By saving the wave- functionatselectedspatialpositionsasafunctionoftime We described a method for obtaining Floquet infor- during the interactionwith the laser field the analysis in mation from real-time wavefunctions. In this approach, terms of light-induced states can be easily performed a it is not necessary to assume strict periodicity. In fact, posteriori. The application of the method to correlated it is possible to follow the time-resolved Floquet quasi- multi-electron systems may be very fruitful, as the un- energies as they shift during a laser pulse. Moreover, derstandingoffield-dressed,multiply-excitedorautoion- the populations of the Floquet states can be determined izing states is still poor. so that especially cases where superpositions of Floquet states play a role can be identified. The usefulness of the method was illustrated by several examples employ- ingtheone-dimensionalPo¨schl-Tellerpotentialwithonly Acknowledgment a single field-free bound state. In particular, the ori- gin of peaks at even harmonics of the laser frequency in an inversion-symmetric potential, avoided crossings This work was supported by the SFB 652 of the Ger- of dressed already field-dressed states induced by a sec- man Science Foundation (DFG).

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