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-Index of Articles- Volume LXI, January to December 1997 Page Page AIDS/HIV An Offender’s Experience With the Criminal Justice System, Joy Parker-Jimenez, No. 1.47 Variety on the Job: Special Skills, Special Duties in Federal Probation, Edward M. Read, Richard J. Maher, Michael H. The United States Sentencing Commission: A New Berg, Robert N. Altman, Robert E. Murray, Sheralynn I. Component in the Federal Criminal Justice System, Freitas, Colleen M. Rahill-Beuler, and Kathleen M. Richard P. Conaboy, No. 1.58 Trait Kretzer, No. 1.25 DIVERSION ALCOHOL An Outcome Study of the Diversion Plus Program for The Cost Effectiveness of Using House Arrest With Electronic Juvenile Offenders, James J. Kammer, Kevin I. Minor, Monitoring for Drunk Drivers, Kevin E. Coiutright, Bruce L. and James B. Wells, No. 2.51 Berg, and Robert J. Mutchnick, No. 3.19 DRUGS AUTOMATION Community-Based Substance Abuse Treatment: A 1-Year Misuse of the Internet by Pedophiles: Implications for Law Outcome Study of the Dallas County Judicial Treatment Enforcement and Probation Practice, Keith F. Durkin, No. 3 .. 14 Center, Kevin Knight and Matthew L. Hiller, No. 2.61 COMMUNICATION An Effective Supervision Strateg>' for Substance-Abusing Commimications in a Teen Court: Implications for Probation, Offenders, Sam Torres, No. 2.38 Robert J. Beck, No. 4.40 Recidivism and Substance Abuse Outcomes in a Prison-Based COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS Therapeutic Commimity, David J. Hartmann, James L. Wolk, J. Scott Johnston, and Corey J. Colyer, No. 4.18 Conferences, Circles, Boards, and Mediations: The “New Wave” of Community Justice Decisionmaking, The Substance-Abusing Offender and the Initial Interview, Gordon Bazemore and Curt Taylor Griffiths, No. 2.25 Sam Torres, No. 4.11 The Federal Bureau of Prisons: Its Mission, Its History, and Its The Use of Creatinine and Specific Gravity Measurement to Partnership With Probation and Pretrial Services, John W. Combat Urine Test Dilution, Michael J. Elbert, No. 4.3 Roberts, No. 1.53 Variety on the Job: Special Skills, Special Duties in Federal Federal Probation and Pretrial Services—A Cost-Effective Probation, Edward M. Read, Richard J. Maher, Michael H. and Successful Commimity Corrections System, Loren A.N. Berg, Robert N. Altman, Robert E. Murray, Sheral3mn I. Buddress, No. 1.5 Freitas, Colleen M. Rahill Beuler, and Kathleen M. Trait Kretzer, No. 1.25 COMMUNITY SERVICE EDUCATION Variety on the Job: Special Skills, Special Duties in Federal Probation, Edward M. Read, Richard J. Maher, Michael H. Correctional Leadership Education Into the 21st Century: Berg, Robert N. Altman, Robert E. Murray, Sheralynn I. The California Leadership Institute, Stan Stojkovic, David Freitas, Colleen M. Rahill-Beuler, and Kathleen M. Kalinich, Rick Lovell, Mark Pogrebin, Charles Corley, Trait Kretzer, No. 1.25 and James Roberts, No. 3.50 CORRECTIONAL STANDARDS AND PRACTICES ELECTRONIC MONITORING Leadership and the Management of Agency Image, Peter M. The Cost Effectiveness of Using House Arrest With Electronic Wittenberg, No. 3.46 Monitoring for Drunk Drivers, Kevin E. Courtright, Bruce L. Mobile Consultation: Crossing Correctional Boundaries to Berg, and Robert J. Mutchnick, No. 3.19 Cope With Disturbed Offenders, David Lovell and Loma A. Variety on the Job: Special Skills, Special Duties in Federal Rhodes, No. 3.40 Probation, Edward M. Read, Richard J. Maher, Michael H. COURTS Berg, Robert N. Altman, Robert E. Murray, Sheralynn I. Freitas, Colleen M. Rahill-Beuler, and Kathleen M. Communications in a Teen Court: Implications for Probation, Trait Kretzer, No. 1.25 Robert J. Beck, No. 4.40 EMPLOYMENT CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM Variety on the Job: Special Skills, Special Duties in Federal A Contemporary View of Alternatives to Incarceration in Probation, Edward M. Read, Richard J. Maher, Michael H. Denmark, L. Craig Parker, Jr., No. 2.69 Berg, Robert N. Altman, Robert E. Murray, Sheralynn I. Federal and State Probation Systems in New Hampshire— Freitas, Colleen M. Rahill-Beuler, and Kathleen M. A Comparison, Thomas K. Tarr, No. 1.71 Trait Kretzer, No. 1.25 Vol. 61, No. 4 106 -Index of Articles- Volume LXI, January to December 1997 Page Page AIDS/HIV An Offender’s Experience With the Criminal Justice System, Joy Parker-Jimenez, No. 1.47 Variety on the Job: Special Skills, Special Duties in Federal Probation, Edward M. Read, Richard J. Maher, Michael H. The United States Sentencing Commission: A New Berg, Robert N. Altman, Robert E. Murray, Sheralynn I. Component in the Federal Criminal Justice System, Freitas, Colleen M. Rahill-Beuler, and Kathleen M. Richard P. Conaboy, No. 1.58 Trait Kretzer, No. 1.25 DIVERSION ALCOHOL An Outcome Study of the Diversion Plus Program for The Cost Effectiveness of Using House Arrest With Electronic Juvenile Offenders, James J. Kammer, Kevin I. Minor, Monitoring for Drunk Drivers, Kevin E. Coiutright, Bruce L. and James B. Wells, No. 2.51 Berg, and Robert J. Mutchnick, No. 3.19 DRUGS AUTOMATION Community-Based Substance Abuse Treatment: A 1-Year Misuse of the Internet by Pedophiles: Implications for Law Outcome Study of the Dallas County Judicial Treatment Enforcement and Probation Practice, Keith F. Durkin, No. 3 .. 14 Center, Kevin Knight and Matthew L. Hiller, No. 2.61 COMMUNICATION An Effective Supervision Strateg>' for Substance-Abusing Commimications in a Teen Court: Implications for Probation, Offenders, Sam Torres, No. 2.38 Robert J. Beck, No. 4.40 Recidivism and Substance Abuse Outcomes in a Prison-Based COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS Therapeutic Commimity, David J. Hartmann, James L. Wolk, J. Scott Johnston, and Corey J. Colyer, No. 4.18 Conferences, Circles, Boards, and Mediations: The “New Wave” of Community Justice Decisionmaking, The Substance-Abusing Offender and the Initial Interview, Gordon Bazemore and Curt Taylor Griffiths, No. 2.25 Sam Torres, No. 4.11 The Federal Bureau of Prisons: Its Mission, Its History, and Its The Use of Creatinine and Specific Gravity Measurement to Partnership With Probation and Pretrial Services, John W. Combat Urine Test Dilution, Michael J. Elbert, No. 4.3 Roberts, No. 1.53 Variety on the Job: Special Skills, Special Duties in Federal Federal Probation and Pretrial Services—A Cost-Effective Probation, Edward M. Read, Richard J. Maher, Michael H. and Successful Commimity Corrections System, Loren A.N. Berg, Robert N. Altman, Robert E. Murray, Sheral3mn I. Buddress, No. 1.5 Freitas, Colleen M. Rahill Beuler, and Kathleen M. Trait Kretzer, No. 1.25 COMMUNITY SERVICE EDUCATION Variety on the Job: Special Skills, Special Duties in Federal Probation, Edward M. Read, Richard J. Maher, Michael H. Correctional Leadership Education Into the 21st Century: Berg, Robert N. Altman, Robert E. Murray, Sheralynn I. The California Leadership Institute, Stan Stojkovic, David Freitas, Colleen M. Rahill-Beuler, and Kathleen M. Kalinich, Rick Lovell, Mark Pogrebin, Charles Corley, Trait Kretzer, No. 1.25 and James Roberts, No. 3.50 CORRECTIONAL STANDARDS AND PRACTICES ELECTRONIC MONITORING Leadership and the Management of Agency Image, Peter M. The Cost Effectiveness of Using House Arrest With Electronic Wittenberg, No. 3.46 Monitoring for Drunk Drivers, Kevin E. Courtright, Bruce L. Mobile Consultation: Crossing Correctional Boundaries to Berg, and Robert J. Mutchnick, No. 3.19 Cope With Disturbed Offenders, David Lovell and Loma A. Variety on the Job: Special Skills, Special Duties in Federal Rhodes, No. 3.40 Probation, Edward M. Read, Richard J. Maher, Michael H. COURTS Berg, Robert N. Altman, Robert E. Murray, Sheralynn I. Freitas, Colleen M. Rahill-Beuler, and Kathleen M. Communications in a Teen Court: Implications for Probation, Trait Kretzer, No. 1.25 Robert J. Beck, No. 4.40 EMPLOYMENT CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM Variety on the Job: Special Skills, Special Duties in Federal A Contemporary View of Alternatives to Incarceration in Probation, Edward M. Read, Richard J. Maher, Michael H. Denmark, L. Craig Parker, Jr., No. 2.69 Berg, Robert N. Altman, Robert E. Murray, Sheralynn I. Federal and State Probation Systems in New Hampshire— Freitas, Colleen M. Rahill-Beuler, and Kathleen M. A Comparison, Thomas K. Tarr, No. 1.71 Trait Kretzer, No. 1.25 Vol. 61, No. 4 106 INDEX OF ARTICLES 107 Page Page FINANCIAL INVESTIGATION MENTAL HEALTH Variety on the Job: Special Skills, Special Duties in Federal Mobile Consultation: Crossing Correctional Boundaries to Probation, Edward M. Read, Richard J. Maher, Michael H. Cope With Disturbed Offenders, David Lovell and Loma A. Berg, Robert N. Altman, Robert E. Murray, Sheralynn I. Rhodes, No. 3.40 Freitas, Colleen M. Rahill-Beuler, and Kathleen M. Variety on the Job: Special Skills, Special Duties in Federal Trait Kretzer, No. 1.25 Probation, Edward M. Read, Richard J. Maher, Michael H. FIREARMS Berg, Robert N. Altman, Robert E. Murray, Sheral3mn I. Freitas, Colleen M. Rahill-Beuler, and Kathleen M. The Evolution of Officer Safety Training in the Federal Trait Kretzer, No. 1.25 Probation and Pretrial Services System, Paul W. Brown and Mark J. Maggio, No. 4.26 OFFENDERS Probation Officer Safety and Defensive Weapons: A Closer Ex-offender Needs versus Community Opportunity in Seattle, Look, Ernest J. DelGrosso, No. 2.45 Washington, Jacqueline Helfgott, No. 2.12 Variety on the Job: Special Skills, Special Duties in Federal An Offender’s Experience With the Criminal Justice System, Probation, Edward M. Read, Richard J. Maher, Michael H. Joy Parker-Jimenez, No. 1.47 Berg, Robert N. Altman, Robert E. Murray, Sheralynn I. Freitas, Colleen M. Rahill-Beuler, and Kathleen M. PAROLE Trait Kretzer, No. 1.25 The Exclusionary Rule in Probation and Parole Revocation JAILS Proceedings: Does It Apply?, Craig Hemmens and Rolando V. del Carmen, No. 3.32 Jail Type and Inmate Behavior: A Longitudinal Analysis, Gerald J. Bayens, Jimmy J. Williams, and John Ortiz History of the Federal Parole System: Part 1 (1910-1972), Smykla, No. 3.54 Peter B. Hoffman, No. 3.23 JUVENILE DELINQUENCY History of the Federal Parole System: Part 2 (1973-97), Peter B. Hoffman, No. 4.49 Breaking the Cycle of Violence: A Rational Approach to At- Risk Youth, Judy Briscoe, No. 3.3 PRETRIAL SERVICES Federal Juvenile Corrections in South Dakota, Staff of the What United States Pretrial Services Officers Do. United States Probation/Pretrial Services Office, Thomas J. Wolf, No. 1.19 District of South Dakota, No. 1.38 PRISONS AND PRISONERS An Outcome Study of the Diversion Plus Program for A Contemporary View of Alternatives to Incarceration in Juvenile Offenders, James J. Kammer, Kevin I. Minor, and Denmark, L. Craig Parker, Jr., No. 2.69 James B. Wells, No. 2.51 The Federal Bureau of Prisons: Its Mission, Its History, and JUVENILE JUSTICE Its Partnership With Probation and Pretrial Services, Breaking the Cycle of Violence: A Rational Approach to At-Risk John W Roberts, No. 1.53 Youth, Judy Briscoe, No. 3.3 Jail Type and Inmate Behavior: A Longitudinal Analysis, Communications in a Teen Court: Implications for Probation, Gerald J. Bayens, Jimmy J. Williams, and John Ortiz Robert J. Beck, No. 4.40 Smykla, No. 3.54 Federal Juvenile Corrections in South Dakota, Staff of the Leadership and the Management of Agency Image, United States Probation/Pretrial Services Office, Peter M. Wittenberg, No. 3.46 District of South Dakota, No. 1.38 Mainstreaming Death-Sentenced Inmates: The Missouri LEADERSHIP Experience and Its Legal Significance, George Lombardi, Richard D. Sluder, and Donald Wallace, No. 2.3 Correctional Leadership Education Into the 2l8t Century: The California Leadership Institute, Stan Stojkovic, Mobile Consultation: Crossing Correctional Bovmdaries to David Kalinich, Rick Lovell, Mark Pogrebin, Cope With Disturbed Offenders, David Lovell and Loma A. Charles Corley, and James Roberts, No. 3.50 Rhodes, No. 3.40 Leadership and the Management of Agency Image, Recidivism and Substance Abuse Outcomes in a Prison-Based Peter M. Wittenberg, No. 3.46 Therapeutic Community, David J. Hartmann, James L. Wolk, J. Scott Johnston, and Corey J. Colyer, No. 4.18 MANAGEMENT PROBATION Correctional Leadership Education Into the 21st Centxuy: The California Leadership Institute, Stan Stojkovic, Communications in a Teen Court: Implications for Probation, David Kalinich, Rick Lovell, Mark Pogrebin, Robert J. Beck, No. 4.40 Charles Corley, and James Roberts, No. 3.50 Commvmity-Based Substance Abuse Treatment: A 1-Year Leadership and the Management of Agency Image, Outcome Study of the Dallas Coimty Judicial Treatment Peter M. Wittenberg, No. 3.46 Center, Kevin Knight and Matthew L. Hiller, No. 2.61 108 FEDERAL PROBATION December 1997 Page Page A Contemporary View of Alternatives to Incarceration in PUBLIC OPINION Denmark, L. Craig Parker, Jr, No. 2.69 Ex-offender Needs versus Community Opportunity in Seattle, The Cost Effectiveness of Using House Arrest With Electronic Washington, Jacqueline Helfgott, No. 2.12 Monitoring for Drunk Drivers, Kevin E. Courtright, Bruce L. Berg, and Robert J. Mutchnick, No. 3.19 RECIDIVISM An Effective Supervision Strategy for Substance-Abusing Recidivism and Substance Abuse Outcomes in a Prison-Based Offenders, Sam Torres, No. 2.38 Therapeutic Community, David J. Hartmann, James L. Wolk, J. Scott Johnston, and Corey J. Colyer, No. 4.18 The Exclusionary Rule in Probation and Parole Revocation Proceedings: Does It Apply?, Craig Hemmens and REINTEGRATION Rolando V. del Carmen, No. 3.32 Ex-offender Needs versus Community Opportimity in Seattle, Federal and State Probation Systems in New Hampshire- Washington, Jacqueline Helfgott, No. 2.12 A Comparison, Thomas K. Tarr, No. 1.71 RESTORATIVE JUSTICE The Federal Bureau of Prisons: Its Mission, Its History, and Its Partnership With Probation and Pretrial Services, Conferences, Circles, Boards, and Mediations: The “New John W. Roberts, No. 1.53 Wave” of Community Justice Decisionmaking, Gordon Bazemore and Curt Taylor Griffiths, No. 2.25 The Federal Judicial Center and the Probation and Pretrial Services System, Emily Z. Huebner, David R. Victim Experience of Meeting Adult vs. Juvenile Offenders: Leathery, and Rya W. Zobel, No. 1.63 A Cross-National Comparison, Mark S. Umbreit and William Bradshaw, No. 4.33 Federal Juvenile Corrections in South Dakota, Staff of the United States Probation/Pretrial Services Office, SAFETY District of South Dakota, No. 1.38 The Evolution of Officer Safety Training in the Federal Federal Probation and Pretrial Services—K Cost-Effective Probation and Pretrial Services System, Paul W. Brown and Successful Community Corrections System, Loren A.N. and Mark J. Maggio, No. 4.26 Buddress, No. 1.5 Probation Officer Safety and Defensive Weapons: A Closer The Federal Probation and Pretrial Services System Look, Ernest J. DelGrosso, No. 2.45 Since 1975: An Era of Growth and Change, John M. Hughes and Karen S. Henkel, No. 1.103 SENTENCING The Federal Probation System: The Second 25 Years, Mainstreaming Death-Sentenced Inmates: The Missouri 1950-1975, Ben S. Meeker, No. 1.93 Experience and Its Legal Significance, George Lombardi, Richard D. Sluder, and Donald Wallace, No. 2.3 The Federal Probation System: The Struggle to Achieve It and Its First 25 Years, Victor H. Evjen, No. 1.81 The United States Sentencing Commission: A New Component in the Federal Criminal Justice System, Misuse of the Internet by Pedophiles: Implications for Richard P. Conaboy, No. 1.58 Law Enforcement and Probation Practice, Keith F. Durkin, No. 3.14 SEX OFFENDERS An Offender’s Experience With the Criminal Justice System, Misuse of the Internet by Pedophiles: Implications for Joy Parker-Jimenez, No. 1.47 Law Enforcement and Probation Practice, Probation and Cognitive Skills, Frederick R. Chavaria, No. 2 .... 57 Keith F. Durkin, No. 3.14 Probation Officer Safety and Defensive Weapons: A Closer TRAINING Look, Ernest J. DelGrosso, No. 2.45 The Evolution of Officer Safety Training in the Federal The Substance-Abusing Offender and the Initial Interview, Probation and Pretrial Services System, Paul W. Brown Sam Torres, No. 4.11 and Mark J. Maggio, No. 4.26 US. Probation in the 1930s: Excerpts From Ye News Letter, The Federal Judicial Center and the Probation and Pretrial Federal Corrections and Supervision Division, Services System, Emily Z. Huebner, David R. Leathery, Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, No. 4.58 and Rya W. Zobel, No. 1.63 The Use of Creatinine and Specific Gravity Measurement to TREATMENT Combat Urine Test Dilution, Michael J. Elbert, No. 4.3 Community-Based Substance Abuse Treatment: A 1-Year Variety on the Job: Special Skills, Special Duties in Federal Outcome Study of the Dallas County Judicial Treatment Probation, Edward M. Read, Richard J. Maher, Michael H. Center, Kevin Knight and Matthew L. Hiller, No. 2.61 Berg, Robert N. Altman, Robert E. Murray, Sheralynn I. Freitas, Colleen M. Rahill-Beuler, and Kathleen M. Probation and Cognitive Skills, Frederick R. Chavaria, No. 2 .... 57 Trait Kretzer, No. 1.25 VICTIMS The Way It Was, Merrill A. Smith, No. 1.76 Conferences, Circles, Boards, and Mediations: The “New What United States Probation Officers Do, John P. Storm, Wave” of Community Justice Decisinmaking, Gordon No. 1.13 Bazemore and Curt Taylor Griffiths, No. 2.25 INDEX OF ARTICLES 109 Page Page Victim Experience of Meeting Adult vs. Juvenile Offenders: VIOLENT CRIMES AND CRIMINALS A Cross-National Comparison, Mark S. Umbreit and Breaking the Cycle of Violence: A Rational Approach to At-Risk William Bradshaw, No. 4.33 Youth, Judy Briscoe, No. 3.3 - Index of Book Reviews - Volume LXI, January to December 1997 Page Page Americans View Crime and Justice: A National Public Opinion Probation & Parole: Theory & Practice (6th edition), by Survey, edited by Timothy J. Flanagan and Dennis R. Howard Abadinsky. Reviewed by Paul W. Brown, No. 4.100 Longmire. Reviewed by Jolanta Juszkiewicz, No. 3.82 Profitable Penalties: How to Cut Both Crime Rates and Costs, Body Count: Moral Poverty and How to Win America’s War by Daniel Glaser. Reviewed by Robert R. Wiggins, No. 4.99 Against Crime and Drugs, by William J. Bennett, Restoring Justice, by Daniel Van Ness and Karen Heetderks John J. Dilulio, Jr., and John P. Walters. Reviewed by Strong. Reviewed by John Gehm, No. 4.102 Dan Richard Beto, No. 2.90 Risky Business: Managing Employee Violence in the Corrections in the Community, by Edward J. Latessa and Workplace, by Lynne Falkin McClure. Reviewed by Harry E. Allen. Reviewed by Richard D. Sluder, No. 4.100 Patricia King, No. 2.95 Corrections: A Critical Approach, by Michael Welch. Romantic Outlaws, Beloved Prisons: The Unconscious Reviewed by Todd R. Clear, No. 2.94 Meanings of Crime and Punishment, by Martha Grace Descent Into Madness: An Inmate’s Experience of the Duncan. Reviewed by Jolanta Juszkiewicz, No. 3.79 New Mexico State Prison Riot, by Mike Holland. Reviewed Schooling in a “Total Institution”: Critical Perspectives on by Curtis R. Blakely, No. 3.81 Prison Education, edited by Howard S. Davidson. The Effective Corrections Manager: Maximizing Staff Reviewed by Curtis R. Blakely, No. 2.95 Performance in Demanding Times, by Richard L. Social Welfare: A World View, by Katherine van Wormer. Phillips and Charles R. McConnell. Reviewed by Reviewed by Patricia King, No. 3.85 Dan Richard Beto, No. 3.80 Three Strikes and You’re Out: Vengeance As Public Policy, Fixing Broken Windows: Restoring Order and Reducing edited by David Shichor emd Dale K. Sechrest. Reviewed Crime in Our Communities, by George L. Kelling and by Robert R. Wiggins, No. 2.93 Catherine M. Coles. Reviewed by Michael E. Siegel, No. 2 .... 91 Troublemaker: One Man’s Crusade Against China’s Cruelty, Moral Judgment: Does the Abuse Excuse Threaten Our by Harry Wu. Reviewed by Todd Jermstad, No. 4.101 Legal System?, by James Q. Wilson. Reviewed by Paul W. Brown, No. 3.84 Prison Crisis: Critical Readings, edited by Edward Sbarbaro and Robert Keller. Reviewed by Richard D. Sluder, No. 4.103

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