Extended f (R,Lm) gravity with generalized scalar field and kinetic term dependences Tiberiu Harko1,∗ Francisco S.N. Lobo2,† and Olivier Minazzoli3‡ 1Department of Physics and Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics, The University of Hong Kong, Pok Fu Lam Road, Hong Kong 2Centro de Astronomia e Astrof´ısica da Universidade de Lisboa, Campo Grande, Ed. C8 1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal and 3Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA 91109-0899, USA (Dated: October26, 2012) We generalize previous work by considering a novel gravitational model with an action given by anarbitrary functionof theRicciscalar, thematterLagrangian density,ascalar fieldand akinetic termconstructedfromthegradientsofthescalarfield,respectively. Thegravitationalfieldequations in the metric formalism are obtained, as well as the equations of motion for test particles, which 2 followfromthecovariantdivergenceofthestress-energytensor. Specificmodelswithanonminimal 1 coupling between the scalar field and the matter Lagrangian are further explored. We emphasize 0 that these models are extremely useful for describing an interaction between dark energy and dark 2 matter, and for explaining thelate-time cosmic acceleration. t c O PACSnumbers: 04.50.Kd,04.20.Cv,04.20.Fy 5 2 I. INTRODUCTION energy corresponds to a new scalar particle Φ. After the Brans-Dicke proposal,other forms of scalar- ] c Scalar fields play a fundamental role in the cosmologi- tensor theoretical models were investigated. In particu- q caldescriptionofourUniverse[1]. Oneofthefirstmajor lar, one can extend the coupling of the scalar field and - extensions of general relativity, proposed by Dicke and curvaturetoanonminimalcoupling,providedbyF(φ)R, r g Brans [2–4], conjectured that “Mach’s principle” might where, for example, F(φ)=1 ξφ2, and ξ is a coupling [ leadtoadependenceofthelocalNewtoniangravitational constant[9]. Inthesetypesofm−odelsnon-minimallycou- constant, G, since in most cosmologicalmodels the total pledHiggsfieldwithalargecouplingξ mightgiveriseto 2 v mass M and radius of curvature of the Universe a(t) are asuccessfulinflation[9],whichis otherwise verydifficult 8 related by an equation of the form G−1 M/a(t)c2. tobeachieved[10]. OneofthepositivefeaturesofBrans- ∼ 1 Consequently, in the variational principle of general rel- Dicke-like theories is that they seem to be generically 2 ativity [2–4], it was proposed to substitute G−1 with a driven toward general relativity during the cosmological 4 scalar field φ, and to also add to the action the kinetic evolution of the Universe [11]. . 0 energy corresponding to φ. Therefore, the variational Couplings between the scalar and the matter fields 1 principle ofthe Brans-Dicketheorycanbe formulatedas havebeeninvestigatedaswell[12–20]. Indeed, suchcou- 2 δ φR+L ω φ λφ/φ √ gd4x = 0, where R is m λ plings generically appear in Kaluza-Klein theories with 1 − ∇ ∇ − : thRe(cid:0)scalarcurvature,Lm isthe(cid:1)matterLagrangian,andω compactified dimensions [21] or in the low energy effec- v is a coupling parameter. The scalar-tensor gravitational tive limit of string theories [12, 13, 15]. In the latter i models have been intensively investigated, and can be X context, some authors proposed that the dilaton could considered as a valid approach in explaining the recent be a good candidate for the quintessence [12] or the in- r a accelerated expansion of the Universe, inferred from the flaton [13]. But even from a phenomelogical point of Type Ia supernova observations [5]. According to stan- view,ithasbeenarguedthatspecific restrictionssuchas dardgeneralrelativity,the observedlate-timecosmicac- gauge and diffeomorphism invariances essentially single celeration can be successfully explained by introducing out a particular set of effective theories which turns out either a fundamental cosmological constant [6] – which to be Brans-Dicke-like theories with scalar/matter cou- wouldrepresentanintrinsic curvature of space-time – or pling [14]. A good feature of such theories is that under a dark energy – which would mimic a cosmological con- various assumptions – and similarly to Brans-Dicke-like stant (at least during the late stage of the cosmological theories without scalar/matter coupling – they seem to evolution), as the concordance of observations are still be driven toward a weak coupling through cosmological in favor of the λ-CDM standard model [7], where λ is a evolution[15]. Therefore,theyseemtobeabletoexplain constant. One of the currently main dark energy scenar- thecurrenttightconstraintsontheequivalenceprinciple ios is based on the so-calledquintessence [8], where dark without fine-tuning parameters [16]. Morerecently,ithasbeenarguedthatascalar/matter couplingcouldbe responsibleforadependency ofthe ef- fectivemassofthescalar-fielduponthelocalmatterden- ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] †Electronicaddress: fl[email protected] sity [22]. Such a scalar-fieldhas been dubbed chameleon ‡Electronicaddress: [email protected] as“inregionsofhighdensity,the[scalar-field]chameleon 2 blends with its environment and becomes essentially in- Byassumingthatthe matter LagrangiandensityL de- m visible to searches for EP violation and fifth force” [23]. pendsonlyonthemetrictensorcomponentsg ,andnot µν The possibility of a nonminimal coupling between on its derivatives, we obtain the stress-energy tensor as matter and geometry, somehow similar to the coupling betweenthescalarfieldandcurvatureintheBrans-Dicke δLm τ =g L 2 . (3) theory, with the matter Lagrangian playing the role of µν µν m− δgµν φ, was considered in [24, 25], in the framework of the so-called f(R) models of gravity [26–28], and further Furthermore, we assume that the scalar field φ is inde- extended in [29]. An extension of the f(R) gravity pendentofthemetric,i.e., δφ/δgµν 0. Inthefollowing ≡ model, called f(R,φ) gravity was also proposed in [30], we will denote, for simplicity, ( φ)2 =gµν µφ νφ. ∇ ∇ ∇ andfurtherdiscussedandgeneralizedin[31]. Theaction By varying the action S of the gravitationalfield with consideredfor the f(R,φ) gravitymodel is givenby S = respect to the metric tensor components gµν, we obtain Rwh[fe(rRe ,βφ)i/s2a−cωo(nφs)t∇anµtφ.∇µInφ−thVis(φco)n+teβxLt,mt]h√e−mgadx4xim/βal, the field equations of the fhR,Lm,φ,(∇φ)2i gravita- tional model as extension of the standard Hilbert-Einstein action of general relativity, S = (R/16πG+Lm)√−gd4x, was f R + g λ f 1(f f L )g considered in [32], wherRe the f(R) type gravity models R µν µν∇λ∇ −∇µ∇ν R− 2 − Lm m µν were maximally generalized by assuming that the gravi- (cid:0) 1(cid:1) tational Lagrangian is given by an arbitrary function of = 2fLmτµν −f(∇φ)2∇µφ∇νφ,(4) the Ricci scalar R and of the matter Lagrangian L , so m that S = f(R,L )√ gd4x. wherethesubscriptoff denotesapartialderivativewith m − It is thRe purpose of the present paper to consider a respect to the arguments, i.e., fR = ∂f/∂R, fLm = generalized f(R,Lm) type gravity model, in which, be- ∂f/∂Lm, f(∇φ)2 =∂f/∂(∇φ)2. yond the ordinary matter, described by its thermody- Nowvaryingtheactionwithrespecttoφ,providesthe namic energy density ρ and pressure p, the Universe is following evolution equation for the scalar field filled with a scalar field φ. Consequently, in the gravita- tioµnφalaµcφtiaornetahlesoscparleasrenfite,lda,nadstwheellLaasgirtasnkgiinaentitcaeknesertghye, (cid:3)(∇φ)2φ= 21fφ, (5) f∇orm∇L = f(R,L ,φ, φ µφ), where f is an ar- grav m µ ∇ ∇ where f =∂f/∂φ and bitrary function. Therefore, in these models an explicit φ nonminimalcouplingbetweenmatterandthescalarfield 1 ∂ ∂ igsraavlsiotaatliloonwaeldfi.elAdseaqufiartsitosntsepinitnhoeumresttruidcyfowrmeaolbistamin,atnhde (cid:3)(∇φ)2 = √ g∂xµ (cid:20)f(∇φ)2√−ggµν∂xν(cid:21), (6) − the equations of motion for test particles, which follow is the generalized D’Alembert operator of fromthecovariantdivergenceofthestress-energytensor. f(R,L ,φ, φ µφ) gravity. Somespecificmodelswithnonminimalscalarfield-matter m µ ∇ ∇ coupling are further explored. The contractionof Eq. (4) providesthe following rela- tion between the Ricci scalar R, the matter Lagrangian density L , the derivatives of the scalar field, and the m II. GRAVITATIONAL FIELD EQUATIONS trace τ =τµµ of the “reduced” stress-energy tensor, f R+3 µf 2(f f L ) We assumethatthe actionforthe modifiedtheoriesof R ∇µ∇ R− − Lm m 1 gravity, considered in this work, is given by = 2fLmτ −f(∇φ)2∇µφ∇µφ. (7) S = f(R,L ,φ,gµν φ φ)√ g d4x, (1) Z m ∇µ ∇ν − By taking the covariant divergence of Eq. (4), we ob- tainfor the covariantdivergenceofthe “reduced”stress- where √ g is the determinant of the metric tensor gµν, energy tensor the following expression and f(R−,L ,φ,gµν φ φ) is an arbitraryfunction of m µ ν the Ricci scalar R, ∇the m∇atter Lagrangian density, Lm, 1 σ(f τ ) = 1(L f f Φ) (8) a scalar field φ, and the gradients constructed from the 2∇ Lm µσ 2 m∇µ Lm − Φ∇µ scalarfield,respectively. Theonlyrestrictiononthefunc- + f(∇φ)2∇µΦ∇σ∇σΦ+∇µΦ∇σΦ∇σf(∇φ)2. tion f is to be an analytical function of R, L , φ, and m of the scalar field kinetic energy, respectively, that is, f This relationship was deduced by taking into account must possess a Taylor series expansion about any point. the following mathematical identities We define the “reduced” stress-energy tensor as [33] 1 µR = R, (9) 2 δ(√ gLm) ∇ µν 2∇ν τµν =−√ g δ−gµν . (2) ( ν(cid:3) (cid:3) ν)fR = ( µfR)Rµν, (10) − ∇ − ∇ − ∇ 3 and used the fact that we consider torsion-free space- where uµ is the four-velocity of the matter fluid. The times such that: scalar field satisfies the evolution equation 1 dF(φ) [ σ ǫ ǫ σ]ψ =0, (11) (cid:3)φ= ρ, (19) ∇ ∇ −∇ ∇ −2λ dφ where ψ is any scalar-field. Now, using Eq. (6) we get where (cid:3) is the usual d’Alembert operator defined in a σ(f τ )=L f . (12) curvedspace. Thetotalstress-energytensorofthescalar ∇ Lm µσ m∇µ Lm field-matter system is given by Forφ 0,Eqs. (4)reducetothefieldequationsofthe f(R,L ≡)modelconsideredin[32]. ForΦ=0,onerecov- T =F(φ)ρu u +2λ φ φ 1g φ αφ . m µν µ ν µ ν µν α 6 (cid:20)∇ ∇ − 2 ∇ ∇ (cid:21) ersthegoodconservationequationsforeithergeneralrel- (20) ativity and Brans-Dicke-like scalar-tensor theories (with Through the Bianchi identities, the covariant diver- and without scalar/matter coupling [19]). For instance, gence of Tµν must be zero, that is, Tµν = 0. In the the total Lagrangian of the simplest matter-scalar field- ∇ν following, we assume that the mass density current is gravitational field theory, with scalar field kinetic term conserved,i.e., (ρuν)=0. Using the latter condition, and a self-interacting potential V(φ) corresponds to the ∇ν and the mathematical identity (11), we obtain first choice dF(φ) f = R +Lm+ λgµν µφ νφ+V(φ), (13) F(φ)ρ(uν∇νuµ)+ρuµuν dφ ∇νφ+2λ(∇µφ)(cid:3)φ=0. 2 2 ∇ ∇ (21) whereλis aconstant. The correspondingfieldequations By eliminating the term (cid:3)φ with the help of Eq. (19), can be immediately obtained from Eqs. (4) as we obtain d 1 uν uµ+ lnF(φ) (uµuν φ µφ)=0. (22) R Rg = τ λ φ φ ν ν µν µν µν µ ν ∇ (cid:20)dφ (cid:21) ∇ −∇ − 2 − ∇ ∇ +(cid:20)λ2gαβ∇αφ∇βφ+V(φ)(cid:21)gµν. (14) ΓµUsianrgetthheeidCehnrtiisttyoffueνl∇sνyumµb≡olsdd2scx2oµr+resΓpµαoβnudαinugβ,twohtehree αβ metric, the equation of motion of the test particles non- The scalar field satisfies the evolution equation minimally coupled to an arbitrary scalar field takes the 1 ∂ ∂φ 1dV(φ) form √ ggµν = , (15) √ g∂xµ (cid:20) − ∂xν(cid:21) λ dφ d2xµ d − +Γµ uαuβ+ lnF(φ) (uµuν φ µφ)=0. ds2 αβ (cid:20)dφ (cid:21) ∇ν −∇ while the stress-energy tensor satisfies the conservation (23) equation A particular model can be obtained by assuming that στ =0. (16) F(φ) is given by a linear function, µσ ∇ Λ+1 1 F(φ)= 1+ (Λ 1)φ , (24) 2 (cid:20) 2 − (cid:21) III. MODELS WITH NONMINIMAL MATTER-SCALAR FIELD COUPLING where Λ is a constant. Then the equation of motion becomes As an example of the application of the formalism de- d2xµ Λ 1 veloped in the previous section, we consider a simple +Γµ uαuβ+(uµuν gµν) ln 1+ − φ =0. ds2 αβ − ∇ν (cid:20) 2 (cid:21) phenomenological model, in which a scalar field is non- (25) minimallycoupledtopressure-lessmatterwithrest mass In order to simplify the field equations we adopt for λ density ρ. For the action of the system, consider thevalueλ= Λ2 1 /8. ThenEq.(19),determining R the scalar field−, t(cid:0)akes−th(cid:1)e simple form (cid:3)φ=ρ. S = F(φ)ρ+λgµν φ φ √ gd4x, (17) µ ν The gravitational field equations take the form Z (cid:20)2 − ∇ ∇ (cid:21) − 1 Λ+1 where F(φ) is an arbitrary function of the scalar field Rµν gµνR= Tµν, (26) − 2 2 thatcouplesnon-minimallytoordinarymatter. Thefield equations for this model are given by with the total stress-energy tensor given by 1 Λ 1 Rµν − 2Rgµν = F(φ)ρuµuν Tµν = (cid:20)1+ −2 φ(cid:21)ρuµuν − 1 Λ 1 1 +2λ φ φ g φ αφ , (18) − φ φ g φ αφ . (27) µ ν µν α µ ν µν α (cid:20)∇ ∇ − 2 ∇ ∇ (cid:21) 2 (cid:20)∇ ∇ − 2 ∇ ∇ (cid:21) 4 For Λ = 1 we reobtain the general relativistic model for been computed. Specific models with a nonminimal in- dust. Other possible choices of the function F(φ), such teraction between the scalar field and ordinary matter as F(φ)=exp(φ), can be discussed in a similar way. were explored. These models can be extremely useful in Amoregeneralmodelcanbeobtainedbyadoptingfor describing the interaction between dark energy, modeled the matter Lagrangianthe general expression [34–36] as a scalar field, and dark matter, with or without pres- sure, respectively. Moreover,they can provide a realistic dp(ρ) description of the late expansion of the Universe, where L = ρ+ρ p(ρ) , (28) m −(cid:20) Z ρ − (cid:21) a possible interaction between ordinarymatter and dark energy cannot be excluded a priori 1. Work along these where ρ is the rest-mass energy density, p is the ther- lines is presently underway and the cosmological conse- modynamic pressure, which, by assumption, satisfies a quences of the presenttheory will alsobe investigatedin barotropicequationofstate,p=p(ρ). Byassumingthat detail in a future publication. the matter Lagrangian does not depend on the deriva- tives of the metric, and that the particle matter fluid currentisconserved[ ν(ρuν)=0],theLagrangiangiven Acknowledgments ∇ by Eq.(28) is the unique matter Lagrangianthat canbe constructed from the thermodynamic parameters of the FSNL acknowledgesfinancialsupportofthe Funda¸ca˜o fluid [36]. para a Ciˆencia e Tecnologia through the grants The gravitationalfield equations and the equation de- CERN/FP/123615/2011 and CERN/FP/123618/2011. scribing the matter-scalar field coupling are given by OM was supported by an appointment to the NASA PostdoctoralProgramat the JetPropulsionLaboratory, 1 Rµν gµνR=F(φ) ǫ uµuν pgµν +λQµν, (29) California Institute of Technology, administered by Oak − 2 − Ridge Associated Universities through a contract with NASA. 1 dF(φ) (cid:3)φ= ǫ, (30) 2λ dφ where Q = φ φ 1 φ λφg , and where the µν ∇µ ∇ν − 2∇λ ∇ µν totalenergydensityisǫ=ρ+ρ dp/ρ p[34,36]. With the use of the conservation equRation −ν(ρuν) = 0, one ∇ obtains the equation of motion of massive test particles as d2xµ dp +Γµ uαuβ+(uµuν gµν) ln 1+ =0, ds2 αβ − ∇ν (cid:20) Z ρ (cid:21) (31) The equation of motion (31) can also be derived from the variational principle δ 1+ dp/ρ√gµνuµuνds = q 0. Models with scalar fieRld-matteRr coupling were con- sidered in the framework of the Brans-Dicke theory [18], with the action of the model given by S = [φR/2+(ω/φ) φ µφ+F(φ)L ]√ gd4x. Such µ m ∇ ∇ − Rmodels cangiverise to a late time acceleratedexpansion of the Universe for very high values of the Brans-Dicke parameter ω. Other models with interacting scalar field and matter have been considered in [17]. We emphasize the the gravitationaltheory consideredin this workgen- eralizes all of the above models. IV. CONCLUSION In the present paper we have presented a novel gravi- tational theory where the Lagrangian is given by an ar- bitrary function of the Ricci scalar, matter Lagrangian, a scalarfield and its kinetic term, respectively. The field equations for this model were obtained for the general 1 Let us note that such an interaction may be a good alternative case, and the divergence of the stress-energy tensor has todarkmatter [20]. 5 [1] Y. Fujii and K. Maeda, The Scalar-Tensor Theory of (2004). Gravitation, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, [24] T. Koivisto, Class. Quant.Grav. 23, 4289 (2006). (2003); V. Faraoni, Cosmology in scalar-tensor gravity, [25] O. Bertolami, C. G. Boehmer, T. Harko, and Dordrecht;Boston,KluwerAcademicPublishers,(2004). F. S.N. Lobo, Phys. Rev.D 75, 104016 (2007). [2] C. Brans and R.H. Dicke,Phys. Rev.124, 925 (1961). [26] H. A. Buchdahl, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 150, 1 [3] C. H. Brans, Phys. Rev.125, 388 (1962). (1970); R.Kerner, Gen. Rel. 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