EXIT Chart Analysis of Block Markov Superposition Transmission of Short Codes Kechao Huang and Xiao Ma Daniel J. Costello, Jr. Dept. of ECE, Sun Yat-sen University Dept. of EE, University of Notre Dame Guangzhou 510006, GD, China Notre Dame 46556, Indiana, USA Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 5 1 Abstract—To be considered for a 2015 IEEE Jack Keil Wolf memorybetweentransmissions.Hence,BMSTcodestypically 0 ISIT Student Paper Award. In this paper, a modified extrin- have very simple encoding algorithms. To decode BMST 2 sic information transfer (EXIT) chart analysis that takes into codes, a sliding window decoding algorithm with a tunable account the relation between mutual information (MI) and bit- decoding delay can be used, as with SC-LDPC codes. The n error-rate (BER) ispresentedto studytheconvergence behavior a of block Markov superposition transmission (BMST) of short constructionofBMSTcodesisflexible[17],inthesensethatit J codes (referred to as basic codes). We show that the threshold appliestoallcoderatesofinterestintheinterval(0,1).Further, 1 curveofBMSTcodesusinganiterativeslidingwindowdecoding BMST codes have near-capacity performance (observed by 3 algorithmwithafixeddecodingdelayachievesalowerboundin simulation) in the waterfall region of the bit-error-rate (BER) ] rthegeihonig,hdsuiegntaol-etror-onroipserorpaatigoat(iSoNn,Rt)hreegthiornes,hwohldilseoinf BthMeSloTwcSoNdeRs cruve and an error floor (predicted by analysis) that can be T become slightly worse as the encoding memory increases. We controlled by the encoding memory. I also demonstrate that the threshold results are consistent with On an additive white Gaussian noise channel (AWGNC), . finite-length performance simulations. the well-known extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) chart s c analysis [18] can be used to obtain the threshold of LDPC- [ I. INTRODUCTION BC ensembles. In [19], a novel EXIT chart analysis was 1 Spatially coupled low-density parity-check (SC-LDPC) used to evaluate the performanceof protograph-basedLDPC- v codes are constructed by coupling together a series of BC ensembles, and a similar analysis was used to find the 9 L disjoint Tanner graphs of an underlying LDPC block thresholds of q-ary SC-LDPC codes with sliding window 7 code (LDPC-BC) into a single coupled chain and can be decoding in [9]. Unlike LDPC codes, the asymptotic BER 0 viewed as a type of LDPC convolutional code [1]. It was of BMST codes with window decoding cannot be better 0 shown in [2,3] that the belief propagation (BP) decoding than a corresponding genie-aided lower bound [11]. Thus, 0 thresholds of SC-LDPC code ensembles are numerically in- conventional EXIT chart analysis cannot be applied directly . 2 distinguishable from the maximum a posteriori (MAP) de- to BMST codes. In this paper, we propose a modified EXIT 0 coding thresholds of their underlying LDPC-BC ensembles. chart analysis, that takes into account the relation between 5 Subsequently, it was proven analytically that SC-LDPC code mutual information (MI) and BER, to study the convergence 1 ensemblesexhibitthresholdsaturationonmemorylessbinary- : behavior of BMST codes and to predict the performance in v input symmetric-outputchannels under BP decoding[4]. Due the waterfall region of the BER curve. We also show that the Xi to theirexcellentperformance,SC-LDPC codeshavereceived modifiedEXITchartanalysisofBMST codesis supportedby a great deal of attention recently (see, e.g., [5–10] and the finite-length performance simulations. r a references therein). The concept of spatial coupling is not limited to LDPC II. SC-LDPC CODES VS.BMST CODES codes. Block Markov superposition transmission (BMST) of short codes [11,12], for example, is equivalent to spatial In this section, both SC-LDPC codes and BMST codes are coupling of the subgraphs that specify the generator matrices describedintermsofmatricesforthepurposeofshowingtheir of the short codes. From this perspective, BMST codes are similarities (dualities) and differences. similar to braided block codes [13], staircase codes [14], and spatially coupled turbo codes [15]. A BMST code can also A. Protograph-Based SC-LDPC Codes be viewed as a serially concatenated code with a structure A protograph-based SC-LDPC code ensemble can be con- similar to repeat-accumulate-like codes [16]. The outer code structed from a protograph-based LDPC-BC code ensemble is a short code, referred to as the basic code (not limited to using the edge spreading technique [3], described here in repetition codes), that introduces redundancy, while the inner termsof the base(parity-check)matrix representationof code code is a rate-one block-oriented feedforward convolutional ensembles.LetB bea(N K) N basematrixrepresenting code (instead of a bit-oriented accumulator) that introduces an LDPC-BC ensemble w−ith d×esign rate R = K/N. A terminatedSC(convolutional)basematrixBSC withcoupling This work was partially supported by the 973 Program (No. width (syndrome former memory) m and coupling length L 2012CB316100), the China NSF (No. 61172082 and No. 91438101), and theU.S.NSF(No.CCF-1161754). can be constructed by applying the edge spreading technique to B, resulting in which has constantweight m+1in each row. Now assuming B that we want to construct a rate R = k/n code, we select a B0 B basiccodewithak n generatormatrixG.LetΠi (0 i 1 0 × ≤ ≤ ... B1 ... Tmh)enbeeamch+n1onrzaenrdoomenltyryseAleic,jteidnnA×isnrpeperlamcuetdatwiointhmaatkricesn. BSC = Bm ... ... B0 , (1) kmatrinx GallΠ-zejr−oi manadtreixa,chrezseurlotinegntriny ianBAMiSsTrepcloadceedowf iltehn×gththe Bm ...... B...1 (GL×B+MSmT)nofatnhde dBiMmeSnTsicoondLekis. gTihveenrebsyulting generator matrix B GBMST = where the m+ 1component submatricems B0,B1,...,Bm, GΠ0 GGΠΠ10 G·Π·· 1 G·Π·· m GΠm each of size (N K) N, satisfy m B = B. The graph ... ... ... ... . i lifting operation−is then×applied to iBP=0SC by replacing each GΠ0 GGΠΠ01 G·Π·· 1 G·Π·· m GΠm mnountzaetiroonemntartyriixn1BanSdCeawcihthzearoraenndtorymilnyBseSleCctwedithMth×eMM×peMr- The rate of the BMST coLdekis L all-zero matrix,resulting in a terminatedSC-LDPC code with RBMST = = R, (4) (L+m)n L+m constraint length v = (m+1)MN, where M (typically a s large integer) is the lifting factor. The resulting SC-LDPC whichisslightlylessthantherateR=k/nofthebasiccode. parity-checkmatrixHSC ofsize(L+m)(N K)M LNM However, similar to SC-LDPC codes, this rate loss becomes − × is given by vanishingly small as L . →∞ HSC = Thoughany code (linear or nonlinear)with a fast encoding algorithm and an efficient soft-in soft-out (SISO) decoding H0(0) algorithmcanbetakenasthebasiccode,inthispaperwefocus H1...(1) HH01((12)) ... ocondtehe(RuCs)eoorfathseinMgle-fpoaldritCy-acrhteescikan(SpProCd)uccotdoefaasrtehpeetbiatisoinc Hm(m) Hm(m... +1) ...... HH0(L1(L−)1) , crbceooasdsdpieece,coctrrioevdsaeuenllyti.iSsnLPgteChteinnGcoga0dievbB.eeMnTthhSbeeTy-KkRC××NncogdgeeennoeerrraaattoorBrmMmaaSttrTrii-xxSPGoCfaocnfoRtdheCe, .. .. . . G=diag G0, ,G0 , (5) H (L+m 1) { ··· } m − where the blank spaces in HSC correspond to zeros and the wherediag G0, ,G0 isablocMkdiagonalmatrixwithG0 submatrices H (t) have size (N K)M NM, i,t. The { ··· } | {z } i on the diagonal, n=NM, and k=KM. − × ∀ designrateoftheterminatedSC-LDPCcodeensembleisgiven by C. Similarities and Differences (L+m)(N K) L+m From the previous two subsections, we see that both SC- RSC =1 − =1 (1 R), (2) − LN − L − LDPC codes and BMST codes can be derived from a small which is slightly less than the design rate R = K/N of matrix by replacing the entries with properly-defined sub- the uncoupled LDPC-BC ensemble due to the termination. matrices. We also see that the generator matrix GBMST of However,thisratelossbecomesvanishinglysmallasL . BMST codes is similar in form to the parity-check matrix →∞ HSC ofSC-LDPC codes.SC-LDPC codesintroducememory B. BMST Codes by spatially coupling the parity-check matrices of the under- lying LDPC-BCs, while BMST codes introduce memory by In contrast to SC-LDPC codes, it is convenientto describe spatially coupling the generator matrices of the basic code. BMST codes using generator matrices. To describe a BMST Thus, BMST codes can be viewed as a type of spatially codeensemblewithcouplingwidth(encodingmemory)mand coupled code. Similar to SC-LDPC codes, where increasing coupling length L, we start with an L (L+m) matrix × the lifting factor M improves waterfall region performance, 1 1 1 increasingtheCartesianproductorderM ofBMSTcodesalso ··· 1 1 1 improves waterfall region performance. But the error floors, ··· A= ... ... ... ... , (3) which are solely determinedby the encodingmemory m (see 1 1 1 Section III-A), cannot be lowered by increasing M. 1 ·1·· 1 ··· III. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF BMST CODES 1If the nonzero entry Bi,j > 1, it is replaced by a summation of Bi,j Throughout the paper, we consider binary phase-shift key- nonoverlapping randomlyselected permutation matrices ofsizeM×M. ing(BPSK)modulationoverthebinary-inputAWGNC.Inthis MI between the channel observation and the corresponding codeword bit is referred to as the channel MI. The analysis assumes that the interleavers Π (0 i m) are arbitrarily i ≤ ≤ large and random. BMSTcodeensemblescanberepresentedbyaForney-style factorgraph,also knownas anormalgraph[20],whereedges represent variables and vertices (nodes) represent constraints. All edges connected to a node must satisfy the specific constraint of the node. A full-edge connects to two nodes, t L L while a half-edge connects to only one node. A half-edge is Fig.1. Exampleofawindowdecoderwithdecodingdelayd=2operating also connected to a special symbol, called a “dongle”, that on the normal graph of a BMST code ensemble with m = 2 at times t = denotescouplingtootherpartsofthetransmissionsystem(say, 0(solidblue),andt=1(dottedred).Foreachwindowposition/timeinstant, the channel or the information source) [20]. There are three thefirstdecoding layeriscalled thetargetlayer. types of nodes in the normal graph of BMST codes.2 section, we first discuss the problem that prevents the use • Node + : All edges (variables) connected to node + of conventional EXIT chart analysis for BMST codes, and mustsumtozero.Themessageupdatingruleatnode + then we provide a modified EXIT chart analysis to study the is similar to that of the check node in the factor graph convergencebehaviorofBMSTcodeswithwindowdecoding. of a binary LDPC code. The only difference is that the messagesonthehalf-edgesareobtainedfromthechannel A. Genie-Aided Lower Bound on BER observations. Let pb = fBMST(γb) be the BER performance function • Node = : All edges (variables) connected to node = corresponding to a BMST code with encoding memory (cou- musttakethesame(binary)value.Themessageupdating pling width) m and coupling length L, where p is the BER b rule at node = is the same as that of the variable node and γb , Eb/N0 is in dB. Let pb = fBasic(γb) be the BER in the factor graph of a binary LDPC code. performancefunctionofthe basiccode.By assuminga genie- • Node C : All edges (variables) connected to node C aided decoder, we have [11] must satisfy the constraint specified by the basic code. m fBMST(γb) fBasic γb+10log10(m+1) 10log10 1+ , The message updating rule at node C can be derived ≥ − L (cid:16) (cid:16) ((cid:17)6(cid:17)) accordingly, where the messages on the half-edges are where the term 10log (m+1) depends on the encoding associated with the information source. 10 memorymandtheterm10log10(1+m/L)isduetotherate ThenormalgraphofaBMSTcodeensemblecanbedivided loss. In other words, a maximum coding gain over the basic into layers, where each layer typically consists of a node of code of 10log10(m+1) dB in the low BER (high signal-to- type C ,anodeoftype = ,andanodeoftype + .Similarto noise ratio (SNR)) region is achieved for large L. Intuitively, SC-LDPC codes, an iterative sliding window decoding EXIT thisboundcanbe understoodbyassumingthata codewordin chart analysis algorithm with decoding delay d working over thebasiccodeistransmittedm+1timeswithoutinterference. a subgraph consisting of d + 1 consecutive layers can be implemented to study the convergence behavior of BMST B. A Modified EXIT Chart Analysis codes.3Thefirstlayerinanywindowiscalledthetargetlayer. Todescribedensityevolution,itisconvenienttoassumethe An example of a window decoder with decoding delay d=2 all-zerocodewordistransmittedandtorepresentthemessages operatingonthenormalgraphofaBMSTcodeensemblewith as log-likelihood ratios. The threshold of protograph-based m=2isshowninFig.1.InourmodifiedEXITchartanalysis, LDPC codes can be obtained based on a protograph-based the convergence check at node C is performed as follows. EXIT chart analysis [9,19] by determining the minimum value of the SNR Eb/N0 such that the MI between the Algorithm 1: Convergence Check at Node C a posteriori message at a variable node and an associated • LetIA denotetheaprioriMIandIE denotetheextrinsic codeword bit (referred to as the a posteriori MI for short) MI. Then the a posteriori MI IAP is given by goes to 1 as the number of iterations increases, i.e., the BER at the variable nodestendsto zero as the numberof iterations IAP =J( [J−1(IA)]2+[J−1(IE)]2), (7) tends to infinity. However, as shown in (6), the high SNR wheretheJ()andpJ−1()functionsaregivenin[21],I A performanceofBMSTcodeswithwindowdecodingcannotbe · · istheaprioriMI,andI istheextrinsicMI.Supposethat E better thanthe correspondinggenie-aidedlowerbound,which theaposterioriMIisGaussian.AsshowninSectionIII- means that the a posteriori MI of BMST codes does not tend C of [18], an estimate of the BER p is then given by est to 1 as the number of iterations tends to infinity. Thus, the −1 conventional EXIT chart analysis cannot be applied directly pest =Q J (1 IAP)/2 , (8) − to BMST codes. (cid:0) (cid:1) For convenience,the MI between the a prioriinputand the 2Formoredetails onthenormal realization ofBMSTcodes, werefer the readerto[11,12]. corresponding codeword bit is referred to as the a priori MI, 3As with SC-LDPC codes, the decoding delay d must be chosen several the MI between the extrinsic output and the corresponding times as large as the encoding memory m in order to achieve good perfor- codeword bit is referred to as the extrinsic MI, and the mance. 0.8 where Shannonlimit BMST-RCN=2m=10d=30 Q(x)= 1 ∞exp t2 dt. (9) 0.7 BBBMMMSSSTTT---RRSPCCCNNN===484mmm===11534ddd===134592 √2π −2 Zx (cid:26) (cid:27) 0.6 • IftheestimatedBERpest islessthanthepreselectedtar- getBER,alocaldecodingsuccessisdeclared;otherwise, 0.5 a local decoding failure is declared. e at0.4 GivenachannelparameterEb/N0, thechannelMI isgiven R by 0.3 E b Ich =J 8RBMST . (10) 0.2 r N0 ! 0.1 The modified EXIT chart analysis algorithm of BMST codes IncreasingL can now be described as follows. 0 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 Algorithm 2: EXIT Chart Analysis of BMST Codes with Thresholdσ∗ ch Window Decoding (a) • Initialization: All messages over those half-edges (con- 0.8 nected to the channel) at nodes + are initialized as I Shannonlimit ch BMST-RCN=2m=10d=30 according to (10), all messages over those half-edges 0.7 BBMMSSTT--RRCCNN==48mm==1134dd==3492 (connected to the information source) at nodes C are BMST-SPCN=4m=5d=15 initialized as 0, and all messages over the remaining 0.6 (inter-connected) full-edges are initialized as 0. Set a 0.5 maximum number of iterations Imax >0. • Sliding window decoding: For each window position, ate0.4 R the d+1 decoding layers perform MI message process- ing/passing layer-by-layer according to the schedule 0.3 IncreasingL + Π = C = Π + . 0.2 → → → → → → After a fixed number of iterations Imax, make a con- 0.1 vergence check at node C using Algorithm 1. If a local decoding failure is declared, then window decod- −01 .5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 ing terminates; otherwise, a local decoding success is Threshold(Eb/N0)∗(dB) declared, the window position is shifted, and decoding (b) continues. A complete decoding success for a specific Fig.2. AWGNCBPthresholds intermsof(a)standard deviation σ∗ and channel parameter Eb/N0 and target BER is declared if (b)SNR(Eb/N0)∗ (dB)forseveralfamiliesofBMSTcodeensemblecshwith and only if all target layers declare decoding successes. increasing coupling length L,m≤L≤1000, forapreselected target BER Now we can denote the iterative decoding threshold of10−7. ∗ (Eb/N0) of BMST code ensembles for a preselected target monotonically with increasing L. However, in both plots, we BER as the minimum value of the channel parameter Eb/N0 can see that the gap to capacity decreases as L increases. whichallowsthedecoderofAlgorithm1tooutputadecoding Example 2: For the coupling length L = 1000, we cal- success, in the limit of large code lengths (i.e., M ). culated BP thresholds for several families of BMST code →∞ ensembles with different preselected target BERs. The cal- IV. NUMERICAL RESULTS ∗ In thesimulationsto computethe windowdecodingthresh- culated thresholds in terms of the SNR (Eb/N0) versus the preselected target BERs together with the lower bounds are oldsofBMST codes,we set a maximumnumberofiterations shown in Fig. 3, where we observe that Imax =1000. Example 1: In Fig. 2, we display the thresholds of several 1) For a fixed encoding memory m, the thresholds remain families of BMST code ensembles with increasing coupling constant at a value near capacity. Once a critical target BERisreached,however,thethresholdsdegraderapidly length L, m L 1000, for a preselected target BER of 10−7. The dec≤oding≤delay4 is set to d = 3m. Fig. 2(a) plots as the target BER decreases further. the thresholds in terms of the standard deviation σ∗ of the 2) For a high target BER (roughly above 10−3), the ch threshold increases slightly as the encoding memory noiseagainsttheensemblecoderateRBMST.Weobservethat, as L increases, the rate also increases while the threshold m increases, due to errors propagating to successive σ∗ remains constant. The same thresholds are depicted in decoding windows. Ficgh. 2(b) in terms of the SNR (Eb/N0)∗. Since Eb/N0 takes 3) For a small decodingdelay (say d=m), the thresholds into account the code rate, the thresholds (Eb/N0)∗ improve do not achieve the lower bounds even in the high SNR region. 4Thethresholddoesnotimprovefurtherbeyondadecodingdelayd=3m. 4) Foralargerdecodingdelay(sayd=3m),thethresholds 100 10−1 Shannonlimitofrate1/2 ensemble. 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