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Preview ERIC ED592646: Acting the Same Differently: A Cross-Course Comparison of User Behavior in MOOCs

Acting the Same Differently: A Cross-Course Comparison of User Behavior in MOOCs Ben Gelman Matt Revelle Carlotta Domeniconi Dept. ofComputerScience Dept. ofComputerScience Dept. ofComputerScience GeorgeMasonUniversity GeorgeMasonUniversity GeorgeMasonUniversity [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Aditya Johri Kalyan Veeramachaneni Dept. ofComputerScience CSAIL,MIT GeorgeMasonUniversity Cambridge,MA,USA [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT We were motivated by this recent work to attempt to bet- RecentstudiesofMOOCsdemonstratetheirabilitytoreach ter understand MOOC users’ behavioral patterns, and the a large number of users, but also caution against the high evolution of participation over time and across courses. In rateofdropout. SomehavelookedcloselyatMOOCpartic- thispaper,weanalyzedatafromfourMOOCcoursesacross ipation in order to better understand how and when users three axes (learners, time, and courses), choosing methods start to disengage, and, if they remain engaged, in what that link behaviors and patterns across these three dimen- activities they participate. Most of this prior work relies sions. Utilizing the rich features developed to characterize heavilyondescriptivestatisticsorclusteringmethodologies learners’weeklyinteractions,weadaptnon-negativematrix to highlight basic user participation characteristics. In this factorization (NMF) [5] to study the importance of these paper, we adapt NMF to provide a multi-dimensional view featuresandthebehaviorofusersovertime[2]. ofuserparticipation. Weuselogdatatocreateabottom-up understanding of user participation, and identify five basic Several factors make NMF particularly well-suited for this behaviors associated with participants’ use of content and type of analysis. The non-negativity constraint helps to their engagement with assessment. Furthermore, we do a identifydistinctbutadditivelatentfactors. Inotherwords, cross-courseanalysisacrossfourcoursesandfindthatthese weareabletolearnuserbehaviorsintermsofevolvingparts fivebehaviorsarepresentinallcourses. Interestingly,users’ duetoNMF’sadditivelatentfactorsandourtemporaladap- participation patterns - how they engage in these five be- tation(linkingbehaviorsacrossweeks).Throughthisstudy, haviors - vary across courses even when the course topics we make the following unique contributions: 1) We iden- are similar. Our methodology can be applied to other data tify behavioral patterns of users that are consistent across sets,andfindingsfromthisworkcanassistininterventions multiple MOOCs; 2) We demonstrate how these behaviors tohelpuserssuccessfullyaccomplishtheirlearninggoals. vary across different courses; and 3) We demonstrate the feasibilityofaframeworkthatcanbeappliedacrosssimilar Keywords multi-dimensionaldatasets. MOOCs,ParticipantBehavior,NMF,ComparativeAnalysis 2. RELATEDWORK 1. INTRODUCTION Several studies of MOOCs highlight low completion rates As Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) grow in popu- [13]. TheUniversityofEdinburghlaunchedsixMOOCson larity,andofferanincreasingvarietyofsubjectsacrossmul- the Coursera platform in January 2013 [7]. Evaluations re- tipleplatforms,therehasbeensignificantinterestinMOOC vealedthat,ofthe309,682learnersinitiallyenrolled,123,816 users’ participation patterns. Extremely low user comple- (about 40%) accessed the course sites during the first week tion rates [6] have motivated examinations and studies of (‘active learners’), and 90,120 (about 29%) engaged with MOOC behavior that aim to ascertain whether changes in course content. Over the duration of the course, the num- pedagogy can improve completion outcomes, or if every in- berofactiveparticipantsroseto165,158(53%). Asagauge comingclasscontainsacohortofusersthathadnointention of persistence, 36,266 learners (nearly 12%) engaged with tocomplete. week 5 assessments. This represented 29% of initial active learners (although individual numbers for each of the six coursesrangedfrom7%to59%). Inaddition,34,850people (roughly11%ofthosewhoenrolled)achievedastatementof accomplishmentforreachingapercentage-basedbenchmark ofcoursecompletion. Similarly,whenDukeUniversityranaBioelectricityMOOC in 2012 [15], 12,175 students initially registered. Only 313 participants (2.6%) achieved a statement of accomplish- Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Educational Data Mining 376 ment. Learnerfeedbacksuggestedthreespecificreasonsfor Student Activity failuretocomplete[15]. [8]providesacompilationofavail- 2.01x, Spring 2013 3.091x, Spring 2013 able data on MOOC completion. Further analysis of the data shows that, of the 61 courses hosted by Coursera, the 10000 averagecompletionratewasjustover6%. Thiscombination ofMOOCs’enormouspopularityandextremelylowcomple- s 5000 tionratehasattractedsignificantinterest. ent d u St 0 active [17]usedaclassificationmethodthatidentifiesasmallnum- of 6.002x, Fall 2012 6.002x, Spring 2013 inactive beroflongitudinalengagementtrajectoriesinMOOCs. This ber nderowpout classifierconsistentlyidentifiesfourprototypicaltrajectories um10000 ofengagement: (1)Completing,(2)Auditing,(3)Disengag- N ing, (4) Sampling. To decide these engagement patterns, 5000 theauthorsusedanumberofbinary variablestodetermine whetherastudentaccessedaresourceorattemptedaprob- 0 lem. In contrast, we begin to extract a number of richer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314 Week descriptors about the students’ interaction with the online learningplatform. Figure1: Studentactivitystatusesovertimeforeachclass. Verticallinesdenotemidtermexamsandquizzes. [9] divides participants into five profiles: no-shows (those who register but never log in); observers (those who log in but do not take assessments); drop-ins (those who partici- Time spent: Feature 1 sums a user’s total time spent on patebutdonotattempttocompletetheentirecourse);pas- any and all events in the course. Feature 11 is the single sive (those seeing the course as content to consume); and longesttimespentonanysingleresource(book,wiki,lecture active(thoseparticipatinginalltheactivitiesandenriching videos, etc). Feature 12 is the time specifically spent on thecourse). Similarly,[16]distinguishesfivegroupsofpeo- lectures,andfeature13isthetimespentonthecoursewiki. ple depending on their level of participation in the MOOC forum: inactive (those that do not visit the forum); pas- Homework participation: Feature 4 is the count of all sive (those that just consume information); reacting (those unique problems a learner attempted [1]. Feature 5 is the thataddfurtheraspectstoexistingquestions);acting(those count of all attempts, including multiple tries at the same that post questions and lead discussions); and supervis- problem. Feature 6 is the count of all problems that the ing/supporting (those that lead discussions and summarize learnergotcorrect(grade1). Feature7istheaveragenum- gainedinsights). ber of attempts per problem. Feature 18 counts all correct attempts, in order to identify users that correctly solve the sameproblemmultipletimes. 3. DATA Our study utilizes four courses, including 6.002x (Fall 2012 Ratio-based features: Feature8measuresthetotaltime and Spring 2013): Circuits and Electronics, 2.01x (Spring spentonthecoursepercorrectproblembydividingfeatures 2013): ElementsofStructures,3.091x(Spring2013): Intro- 1and6. Feature9dividesthenumberofattempts(feature ductiontoSolidStateChemistry. Afterfilteringoutlearners 5) by the number of correct problems (feature 6). Feature whohadnobrowsingeventsforthedurationofthecourses, 19dividestotalattempts(feature5)bynon-distinctcorrect the course sizes are 17379, 6339, 5597 and 8870 users, re- attempts(feature18). spectively. The course durations are all set to 14 weeks. UsingthescriptsfromtheMOOCdbproject,weareableto Difference-based features: Features 14-17 represent the extract21features. Table1showsthefeaturenumbersand change in features 2, 7, 8, and 9, respectively. This is com- descriptions. putedbytakingtherespectivefeature’svalueforthecurrent week, subtracting the previous week, and then normalizing Figure 1 presents the course sizes dynamically. The count theresult. of active users for any week is given by the sum of users that have at least one non-zero feature in that week. The Regularityandprocrastination: Feature10tellsushow countofinactiveusersisthesumofusersthathaveall-zero spreadoutastudent’sscheduleisovertheweekbypresent- featurevaluesinthecurrentweek,buthadbeenactiveina ing the variance of his or her event timestamps. Feature priorweek. Newusersarethosewhosefirstnon-zerofeature 20 computes the average amount of time the user submits isinthecurrentweek. Thedropoutvalueisthenumberof beforethedeadline(azerovaluemeansanon-timesubmis- studentswhoareinactivethisweekandwillbeinactivefor sion, while a higher value means the word was submitted allfutureweeks. earlier). Finally, feature 21 calculates the standard devia- tion in working hours throughout the day—if the student Because some features are complex and not fully explained starts work around the same time every day, the feature bytheirfeaturenames,wewillexpandtheirdefinitionshere. valuewillbelow. Eachfeatureiscomputedusingthedatacollectedinaweek, and generates a single value, so if there are 14 weeks in a Featureextractionallowsustorepresentlearnersasasetof course, a user’s feature vector will contain 14 values per multiple time series. A learner’s basic actions are collected feature. andsummarizedintothe21interpretivefeaturesonaweekly Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Educational Data Mining 377 Table1: Students’features. vectors that contain n coefficient values, one for each user. Themthcolumnvector’scoefficientvaluesinC| Features’ Names describeshowcloselyusersassociatewiththemth bai- 1 sum observed events duration sis vector in Bi. Because every user has r coefficient 2 number of forum posts values,itispossibleforausertoidentifywithmultiple 3 average length of forum posts basis vectors. This is significantly different than hard 4 distinct attempts clustering approaches such as K-means, where groups 5 number of attempts aremutuallyexclusive. 6 distinct problems correct 7 average number of attempts Step 2: Alignment After performing the matrix factor- 8 sum observed events duration per correct problem izationoneachweek,wehavew basismatricesandw 9 number problem attempted per correct problem coefficient matrices. To identify persistent basis vec- 10 observed event timestamp variance tors and patterns, we must connect the results over 11 max duration resources time. There is no guarantee the order of the basis 12 sum observed events lecture vectors is consistent over all weeks because the ba- 13 sum observed events wiki sis matrices are produced by independent executions 14 difference feature 2 of NMF. To achieve this, we first compute the cosine 15 difference feature 7 similarityusingEquation(2)betweentwoconsecutive 16 difference feature 8 basis vectors. In other words, for each of the r basis 17 difference feature 9 vectorsinweeki,wecomputethecosinesimilarityto 18 attempts correct all basis vectors in week i+1, resulting in r2 com- 19 percent correct submissions putations. Ultimately, there are (w 1)r2 similarity 20 average predeadline submission time computations.1 − 21 std hours working u v Sim(u,v)= · (2) u v || ||2|| ||2 basis. Because learners are represented as a set of features Byexaminingthedistributionofcosinesimilarityval- withper-week,aggregatevalues,timeisadimensionofour ues, an alignment threshold may be selected. For our dataset. data, a threshold value of 0.95 was chosen to identify matchingbasisvectorsbetweenweeks. Wefoundthat 4. METHODOLOGY after the first week, all basis vectors uniquely match Uncovering the behaviors of MOOC students requires si- oneandonlyone basisvectorintheconsecutiveweek multaneouslyfindinginteractionpatterns(behaviors)across whenathresholdof 0.95isused. Thisphenomenon a large number of students and permitting individual stu- occurred for all four≥courses we used in our experi- dents to exhibit multiple behaviors. Since we assume stu- ments. Althoughbasismatricesforeachweekareesti- dent interactions may be the result of multiple behaviors, mated independently, we find five basis vectors which wechoosetouseadecompositionmethod(NMF)whichre- persistovertimeandoccurinalltheclasses. sultsinaparts-basedrepresentationofstudentinteractions. Studentsmayexhibitmultiplebehaviorsandtheirbehaviors Step3: NormalizeanddefinebehaviorsThealigned, maychangeovertime. per-week basis vectors are normalized. We then av- erage these aligned-normalized vectors into a single, Step 1: Apply NMF Given a three dimensional vec- representativebehavioral vector. Havingasingle,nor- tor representation of the student feature data with w malizedvectorpermitsasemanticinterpretationofthe weeks,f features,andnusers,weconstructthetensor behavior based on relative feature values. By identi- A . We begin by applying non-negative matrix fac- fying the most important features (the ones with the ijk torizationtoeachfeature-usermatrixA fori=[1...w]. largestvalues)ineachbehavioral vector,weareableto i Weuseastandardimplementation[14]withNNDSVD label the vectors by the interaction pattern they best [3]forinitializationofthebasismatrixandFrobenius represent. cost function. The rank parameter, r, is set to six, Step 4: Coefficient analysis whichisselectedthroughapproximation. Everystudent’sinteractionattributesmaybeapprox- imatedusingaweightedmixtureofthediscoveredbe- Ai=BiCi (1) haviorvectors. Theseweights(coefficients)canbecon- sidered to define a soft-membership of a student to a The results of factorizing A are B and C, the basis behavior. i i i andcoefficient matrices,respectively. Thedimensions In order to decide if a user belongs to a behavior, we ofB aref r andthedimensionsofC arer n. i × i × thresholdthedistributionofthecoefficientvaluesper Each of the r column vectors in B contain f values i 1We choose cosine similarity because it is a measure of an- that essentially describe the importance of each fea- gular similarity between two vectors. Thus, two basis vec- ture to the given column vector. In our data, we use torswhoseonlynonzeroentryisfeaturej willbeextremely the set of important features in each basis vector to similar. This is valuable for aligning basis vectors whose describeabehavior. InmatrixC|,therearercolumn distributionsoffeaturesaresimilar. i Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Educational Data Mining 378 weekandperbehavioralvector(orbasis). Thismeans Table2: Matrixofnormalizedbasisvectors(behaviors)for thatthealgorithmwillgenerater wthresholds. The week1(course6.002xfall2012). ThebehaviorsIntroduction thresholding algorithm takes the e×ntire range of coef- andSamplingareuniquetoweek1. Dominantfeaturevalues ficientvaluespervectorandlimitstherangeofvalues areshowninboldface. to the top x%. The threshold (top x%) is a parame- Feature Deep Consistent Bursty Introduction Sampling ter. This means that if the range of coefficient values 1 0.012 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.088 for a behavior is 0-100, then selecting a threshold of 2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.137 0.000 0.85 will only consider users with coefficient values of 3 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.862 0.000 85-100 to be exhibiting that behavior. There is an 4 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 additionalminimumsizeparametersthatadjustsfor 5 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 a skewed distribution where a few users have signifi- 6 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 cantly higher coefficient values that any other users. 7 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 8 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 This skewed distribution causes the top x% of coef- 9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ficient values to only include these few users. If the 10 0.000 0.988 0.000 0.000 0.000 number of users within the top x% is less than the s, 11 0.981 0.011 0.000 0.001 0.000 thentheuserswillbesaved,andthethresholdcompu- 12 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.665 tationwillberepeatedwithoutthem. Forourdata,we 13 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 useathresholdof0.85withaminimumsizeparameter 14 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 15 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 of30. 16 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 We assign behaviors to students for each week using 17 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 thedata-derivedthresholds. Bytrackingthesetofbe- 18 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 haviorsacrossweeks,wegenerateatransitiondiagram 19 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 that presents the number of students exhibiting each 21 0.008 0.000 0.999 0.000 0.248 behavior over each week and the migration of users betweenvariousbehaviors. Thetransitiondiagramal- lows us to understand the evolution of user behavior asacourseprogresses. acted heavily during the opening week of the course. The 5. BASISMATRIXRESULTS disappearanceofthisbasisvector,however,tellsusthatfo- The resulting basis matrices for 6.002x (Fall 2012) exhibit ruminteractioninlaterpartsofthecoursewasinsignificant eight unique behaviors. Tables 2 and 3 numerically sum- in 6.002x fall 2012. For this reason, this basis vector char- marizebehaviorsforweekoneandtheaverageoftheother acterizesanintroduction behavior. weeks, respectively. Because the first week manifests two unique behaviors, namely introduction and sampling, it is Basis vector five in Table 2 is defined by features 12 keptseparate. Fromthesecondweekonwards,allbehaviors (sum observed events lecture),21(std hours working),and are persistent (at least 95% cosine similarity). This allows 1 (sum observed events duration). This group of features ustoaverageweekstwothrough14inTable3. supports the hypothesis that users are browsing through a lotofcontentduringthefirstweekofthecourse. Thismay Basis vector one is dominated by feature 11 bebecauseusersareinterestedinseeingwhatliesaheadin (max duration resources), which is the duration of the the course, or because some users may have joined only to longest observed event this week. This vector represents a gatherinformationononeparticulartopic. Thus,basisvec- deep behavior, because the associated students must have torfiveduringthefirstweekexpressesaprobing behavior. spentalongtimeonasingleresource. After the first week, two more basis vectors persist. At Basis vector two is primarily decided by feature 10 (ob- this point, basis vector four is primarily characterized by served event timestamp variance). Because this feature feature 19 (percent correct submissions). By turning in tells us how spread out the student’s schedule is over the assignments with high correctness, the corresponding stu- week, this vector describes a consistent behavior. Having dents can be associated with a performance behavior. Ba- a high timestamp variance requires users to log in multiple sis vector five is strongly defined by feature 20 (aver- timesaweek. age predeadline submission time). By turning in assign- mentslongbeforetheirdeadlines,thesestudentscanbeas- Basis vector three is primarily decided by feature 21 sociatedwithanresponse behavior. (std hours working), which is the standard deviation in working hours over the day. This could represent a bursty When we apply the same analysis to other courses, we see behavior—because a user must be active during different similarbehaviors. Theaveragebasismatrixtablesfor2.01x, times in a day to obtain a high feature value, this could 3.091x, and 6.002x are not displayed because they exhibit meanthattheuserhas asingle prolongedsessionormulti- the same behaviors as table 3 with 95% cosine similarity. ple,separatesessions. It appears that each of these five behaviors— deep, consis- tent, bursty, performance, and response—appear in all of Two basis vectors exist only in the first week of the the courses. The key difference is that 6.002x has two ad- course. Basis vector four in Table 2 is decided by feature ditional behaviors that occur only in the first week. The three(average length of form posts)andfeaturetwo(num- introduction and sampling behaviors do not appear to be ber of form posts). Thissupportstheideathatusersinter- prevalentintheothercourses. Thiscouldbeduetocourse Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Educational Data Mining 379 Table 3: Average matrix of normalized basis vectors for Week weeks 2 through 14 (Course 6.002x, Fall 2012). Dominant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 featurevaluesareshowninboldface. Feature Deep Consistent Bursty Performance Response 1 0.031 0.002 0.007 0.000 0.000 2 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000 BBeehhaavviioorrss 3 0.004 0.001 0.003 0.000 0.000 DDeeeepp 4 0.005 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.029 CCoonnssiisstteenntt 5 0.003 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.012 BBuurrssttyy 6 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.052 0.000 PPeerrffoorrmmaannccee 7 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.003 RReessppoonnssee 8 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 10 0.001 0.993 0.000 0.000 0.000 (a)2.01x,Spring2013 11 0.922 0.000 0.005 0.007 0.028 12 0.010 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.000 Week 13 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 14 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.002 0.002 16 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 17 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 18 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.015 0.000 19 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.743 0.004 20 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.174 0.920 (b)3.091x,Spring2013 21 0.017 .0000 0.980 0.000 0.000 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 sizes,andthefactthat6.002xwasthefirstedXcourseever released. Usersmayhavebeenencouragedtocommunicate in the forums early on (introduction), or there may have beenuserstestingthewatersofthisnewonlinecourseplat- form(sampling). 6. STUDENTTRANSITIONS Afterapplyingthethresholdingalgorithm,wegenerateuser Behaviors behavior transition diagrams for each course. The size of Deep each colored bar is scaled according to the amount of stu- Consistent dents exhibiting the behavior. The transition lines in be- Bursty tween the bars are sized and directed based on user migra- Performance tionbetweensetsofbehaviors. Response Usingthesediagrams,wecanobservechangesinthebehav- (c)6.002x,Fall2012 iorsthemselves,andthetransitionalmotifsthatoccurdueto usermigration. Afterthefirstweekortwo,asinglebehavior Week persists as the largest. Additionally, this behavior tends to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 act as a hub for user migration. This phenomenon signifi- cantly highlights the fact that the behaviors may manifest differently despite the existence of the same five behaviors amongallfivecourses. In2.01x,mostusermigrationoccursintoandoutofthere- Behaviors sponsebehavior,withasecondaryfocusonthedeepbehav- Deep ior. Notable moments occur in week 5 and weeks 10 to 12, Consistent Bursty where migration between consistent and deep occur. Oth- Performance erwise,thereareseveralrecurrenttransitions. Thesemotifs Response includeeachpermutationofdeepand/orresponsemigrating todeepand/orresponse. In 3.091x, most user migration occurs into and out of the (d)6.002x,Spring2013 performance behavior. Most unusually, there is very little Figure2: Userbehaviortransitionsovertime. Verticalbars migration in the entire first half of the course. Only in the are numbers of students performing each behavior. Diago- second half does migration pick up to levels we would have nal groups indicate transitions: for example, the transition expected given the results of the other courses. Although indicates students who were Deep and Bursty and have somemigrationpatternsthroughtheperformancebehavior transitionedtoConsistent. Transitionthicknessisthelogof thenumberofstudentsinvolved. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Educational Data Mining 380 repeat occasionally, they only occur for two to three weeks matrixfactorization.”PatternRecognition41.4 atatime. Thus,wedonotinferanytransitionalmotifsfrom (2008): 1350-1362. thiscourse. [4] Swinson,ChristinaJ.”Mathematica.”CJsBlogof MiscellaniesandAcceleratorPhysics.N.p.,21Jan. In6.002xfall,mostusermigrationoccursthroughthedeep 2011.Web.05Mar.2016. behavior, with a secondary focus on the consistent behav- [5] Lee,DanielD.,andH.SebastianSeung.”Learningthe ior. 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