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Preview ERIC ED488913: Rewarding Teachers for Students' Performance: Improving Teaching through Alternative Teacher Compensation Programs. Education Policy Brief. Volume 3, Number 5, Spring 2005

Education Policy Brief Rewarding Teachers for Students’ Performance: Improving Teaching through Alternative Teacher Compensation Programs Jonathan A. Plucker, Jason S. Zapf, and Sarah A. McNabb VOLUME 3, NUMBER 5, SPRING 2005 Do teachers’ salaries reflect their ability to CONTENTS teach effectively? This is an important SINGLE-SALARY STRUCTURE VS. question given that teacher salaries account PERFORMANCE-BASED Single-salary structure vs. for approximately 37 percent of total edu- COMPENSATION cation expenditures across the United performance-based States (Nelson & Drown, 2003). Further- The single-salary teacher compensation compensation..............................1 more, the objectives of the No Child Left structure has been in place across the nation Behind Act (NCLB) for increased student for at least the past 50 years (Odden, 2000). Career ladder systems................2 achievement and the presence of a highly By 1950, 97 percent of all schools had qualified teacher in every classroom have adopted the single-salary structure (Protsik, Alternative compensation drawn attention to this issue. In an effort to 1996, cited in Gratz, 2005), which provides programs across the country.....2 maximize the return on the investment in monetary rewards and incentives based on teachers, states and school districts across teachers’ years of experience and the num- Alternative compensation the country have experimented with a vari- ber of college degrees they have earned. programs in Indiana...................5 ety of teacher compensation methods, This formula for calculating teacher sala- including linking teacher pay to student ries makes two important assumptions Conclusions and performance. Performance-based pay is not about what makes a good teacher: (1) recommendations.......................6 a new concept, but it is one that is receiving teaching ability increases with experience, increased attention across the country. and (2) completing additional university References...................................7 Indeed, many states and school districts are classes or degrees increases teaching ability exploring alternatives to the single-salary and performance in the classroom (Dixon et structure to improve teacher quality and al., 2002). The single-salary structure has enhance student achievement. been criticized for not providing opportuni- ties for teachers to be rewarded for using This Education Policy Brief will examine outstanding teaching methods and for not alternative teacher compensation programs holding teachers accountable for students’ and career ladder programs aimed at learning. recruiting and retaining highly qualified UPCOMING POLICY BRIEFS. . . teachers. It will also highlight perfor- In response to these criticisms, merit pay mance-based compensation programs in systems were developed to supplement the (cid:57) Spring 2005 No Child Left use in Indiana and other states across the existing single-salary structure. Merit pay Behind Implementation country. systems provide incentive pay for teachers Update based on performance reviews and for assuming extra responsibilities outside of the classroom (Goorian, 2000). However, (cid:57) Is the Achievement Gap in criticisms of the merit pay system exist as Indiana Narrowing? well. An often cited concern is that merit pay systems may promote competition, not (cid:57) Enriching the High School collaboration, among teachers. Factors that Curriculum Through Dual contribute to this environment include Credit Courses administrator-led performance reviews that may appear to be subjective and competi- tion among teachers for a fixed amount of bonus money (Hatry et al., 1994). In contrast to the merit pay system, perfor- classroom and away from direct contact grams differ in structure, they encompass mance-based compensation models seek to with students (Odden et al., 2001). Promot- elements of skills- or competency-based pay promote cooperation and partnership among ing teachers to the administrative ranks pre- programs, group-based performance award teachers, and to provide incentive pay to all sents two potential problems for schools. programs, and pay-for-performance pro- qualified teachers. Rather than comparing First, promoting highly qualified teachers to grams (see Box 2.) There are numerous teachers’ performance against each other, administrative positions takes them out of examples of these programs in place across teachers are evaluated against a set of crite- classrooms where they have already proven the United States. This section will focus on ria determined by the school or school dis- their effectiveness and places them into four of the more highly publicized and long- trict. This system allows all teachers to have positions where they have reduced contact standing programs. the potential to qualify for incentive pay, with students. Secondly, the promotion of rather than competing for a limited number highly qualified teachers may result in a of awards. higher number of less qualified classroom Milken Teacher Advancement teachers. The development of an alternative Performance-based compensation models career ladder system could allow highly Program (TAP) are typically more complicated than tradi- qualified teachers to advance their careers tional single-salary structure models and The Milken Family Foundation Teacher while remaining in the classroom. require significant thought and planning to Advancement Program (TAP) is a perfor- be effectively implemented. Career ladder systems were designed to pro- mance-based compensation program that is vide teachers with opportunities to take on being implemented in eight states and sev- These models force school district officials new roles or responsibilities in addition to enty schools around the country. TAP was and policymakers to tackle many difficult classroom teaching. There are a variety of formed to attract and retain teachers. Four issues, including the development of a sal- career ladder systems that work to expand elements make up the TAP program: Multi- ary structure that rewards good teaching and provides clear links between teachers’ teachers’ skills and responsibilities. They ple Career Paths, Ongoing Applied Profes- knowledge and skills and improvements in include performance-based ladders, job- sional Growth, Instructionally Focused student performance. The allocation of enlargement ladders, and professional Accountability, and Performance-based funding to support a performance-based development ladders (NASBE, 2002). As Compensation. TAP allows teachers to compensation model is an additional chal- described in Box 1, teachers progressing up explore career options while staying in the lenge faced by those put in charge of devel- these career ladders can be rewarded for classroom. Teachers can become part of the oping such a program (Education their efforts in a number of areas. More leadership team by taking positions as mas- Commission of the States, 2001). importantly, these career ladders allow ter or mentor teachers. The leadership team teachers to progress along their career path evaluates teachers and sets annual goals for without removing them from the classroom. staff and students. CAREER LADDER SYSTEMS Under TAP, all teachers are given time dur- ing the school day to plan and meet with In addition to performance-based compen- ALTERNATIVE COMPENSATION other teachers for professional growth. sation methods, some states and school dis- PROGRAMS ACROSS THE Master or mentor teachers lead the group tricts have developed career ladders. As sessions to address goals and facilitate the COUNTRY with other professions, many teachers seek growth of individual teachers through out opportunities for promotion to gain States and school districts across the country reflection. Certified evaluators assess teach- increases in pay and responsibility. Many have designed and implemented variations ers four to six times a year. Teachers are times these promotions are to administra- of the performance-based compensation and compensated based on their roles, responsi- tive positions which take teachers out of the career ladder programs. While these pro- bilities, evaluations, and student success. Teachers are also compensated for working in hard-to-staff schools. Box 1. Types of Career Ladder Systems Studies of TAP schools in Arizona and Performance-Based Ladders Allow teachers to take on more responsibility as South Carolina have yielded positive results they demonstrate their ability to do so. Teachers regarding increased student achievement. may progress through a series of levels that may Seven schools in Arizona implemented the include novice teacher, career teacher, and master Milken TAP program during the 2000-01 teacher (NASBE, 2002). and 2001-02 school years. The number of Job-Enlargement Ladders Allow teachers to take increased responsibility for non-classroom-related activities. Activities may Arizona students participating increased include curriculum development, supervising and from 949 in 2000-01 to 1,571 in 2002-03 mentoring beginning teachers, and serving as a (Schacter et al., 2004). In order to determine professional development trainer or lead teacher the effectiveness of TAP schools, control (NASBE, 2002). schools from the state of Arizona were cho- Professional Development Determine advancement based on the amount of sen. The schools chosen matched the TAP Ladders additional knowledge and skills teachers develop schools based on characteristics including over the course of their career. Skills may be achievement, school size, percent minority obtained through university coursework, students, school configuration, and location. professional development activities, advanced degrees, or NBPTS certification (NASBE, 2002). REWARDING TEACHERS FOR STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCE — 2 Box 2. Performance-Based Compensation Models Skills- or Competency- Works to measure and reward the knowledge and Professional Compensation Based Pay skills teachers develop over the course of their career. System for Teachers (ProComp) (cid:127) Measured in the areas of depth of subject knowledge, expertise in instruction and Based on a pilot program that demonstrated curriculum development, or knowledge in promising results, the Denver (Colorado) areas such as guidance counseling or parent outreach (Kelley & Odden, 1995). Public Schools (DPS) and the Denver Class- (cid:127) Salary increases can be linked to the room Teachers Association (DCTA) ratified development of skills needed by the school a new compensation system for Denver’s district, licensure in additional content areas, teachers in March 2004. ProComp will pay or NBPTS certification. annual salary increases to teachers whose Performance-Based Pay Rewards teachers’ performance measured against a students have demonstrated academic set of standards developed by the school district. improvement and to teachers in schools that (cid:127) Performance ranges from student standardized are judged to be distinguished based on their exam performance to teachers’ additional gains in performance. Additionally, teachers responsibilities outside of the classroom. will be rewarded for demonstrating the (cid:127) Incentives for performance can be awarded to acquisition of additional knowledge and individual teachers or to groups of teachers. skills that are related to student growth and Pay At-Risk Performance Requires employees to put a certain portion of their Awards base salary “at-risk” until they meet established their specific academic discipline (Denver performance goals. Public Schools, 2004). (cid:127) Performance goals can be set by the school The DPS plan will also offer incentives for district and may include completing advanced accomplished teachers who choose to work training or having teachers work together to in schools within the district that are in aca- complete a task that is of great importance to demic need. Similar bonuses will be avail- the school or district (Kelley & Odden, 1995). able to teachers and specialists who fill Group-Based Encourages teachers to work cooperatively and to Performance Awards improve students’ performance. positions that lack qualified applicants (cid:127) Awards may be used for faculty and staff (Denver Public Schools and Denver Class- bonuses, or for curriculum development or room Teachers Association Joint Task Force faculty and staff professional development on Teacher Compensation, 2004a). opportunities (Kelley & Odden, 1995). Denver Public Schools encountered several problems in the implementation of its pay- for-performance program. These problems included linking teacher and student data in During 2000-01, 1,625 students from con- In South Carolina, three elementary and a variety of databases and assessing nonaca- trol schools made up the sample; in 2001-02, three middle schools implemented the TAP demic teachers’ performance (e.g., nurses) the comparison school sample was 1,353; program beginning in 2002. In 2002-03, (Gratz, 2005). Based on these issues, the and in 2002-03, the control sample included South Carolina had 2,154 students enrolled program was revised in 2004 to include fea- 2,400 students. Student achievement in TAP schools. The sample of control stu- tures such as incentives for teachers to earn between these groups was measured utiliz- dents for South Carolina was 1,628 professional development units, meet stu- ing the reading, mathematics, and language (Schacter et al., 2004). Similarly to Arizona, dent growth objectives, and serve in hard-to- scale scores of the Stanford Achievement comparison schools were selected from all staff assignments and hard-to-serve schools Test for students in Grades 2-8 enrolled in schools within South Carolina and matched (Gratz, 2005). TAP and control schools (Schacter et al., with TAP schools based on reading and 2004). The Stanford Achievement Test is math performance on the Palmetto Denver Public Schools conducted an analy- designed to measure students’ abilities in the Achievement Challenge Test (PACT). sis of its pilot pay-for-performance program areas of reading, language, and mathemat- Comparison of student achievement at TAP to determine the impact of the program on ics. More specifically, the Stanford Achieve- and control schools was based on Grades 3- student achievement. Beginning in the fall of ment Test covers skills such as reading 8 students’ reading/language arts and math 1999, 12 DPS schools participated in the vocabulary, reading comprehension, lan- scores on the PACT (Schacter et al., 2004). pilot program. In 2002-03, the final year of the pilot, 16 elementary, middle, and high guage mechanics and expression, and math- TAP schools in South Carolina saw similar schools were participating in the pilot pro- ematics problem-solving. results to TAP schools in Arizona. In mathe- gram (Community Training and Assistance matics, four of the TAP schools outper- Center, 2004). Students at participating pilot Between 2000 and 2003, the majority of formed control schools by 14 to 27 schools were compared with control schools TAP schools in Arizona outperformed the percentile points. Additionally, three of the on standardized exams including the Iowa control schools in the reading, language, and TAP schools outperformed the control Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) and the Colorado mathematics portions of the Stanford schools in reading/language arts by 6 to 26 Student Assessment Program (CSAP) (Com- Achievement Test by a margin of 9 to 46 percentile points (Schacter et al., 2004). munity Training and Assistance Center, percentile points (Schacter et al., 2004). 2004). REWARDING TEACHERS FOR STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCE — 3 Control schools were selected from the DPS difficult settings, acceptance to take on Student achievement is measured using school district and were matched to pilot additional responsibilities, and self- standardized tests. These tests include a schools based on the percent of free/reduced improvement efforts will all be considered modified version of the Boem Readiness lunch students, the percent of English lan- when determining award eligibility under Test, a South Carolina criterion-referenced guage learners, and school size/enrollment. the revised DPS system (Gratz, 2005). test (Basic Skills Assessment Program or BSAP), and the nationally normed Compre- However, previous achievement of the While ProComp has been approved by the hensive Test of Basic Skills (CTBS) (Rich- schools was not considered in the selection DCTA and endorsed by Denver Mayor ards & Sheu, 1992). of control schools. Unfortunately, this made John Hickenlooper, the permanent installa- it more difficult to detect a positive result of Overall, schools have shown improvement tion of ProComp is contingent upon the in student performance on standardized the pay-for-performance pilot program on availability of funding for the program. The exams. However, student and teacher atten- student achievement (Community Training decision regarding the availability of fund- dance has not seen marked improvement. and Assistance Center, 2004). ing will be made in the fall of 2005 when Schools in the lowest socio-economic status Pilot elementary schools’ performance on registered voters in Denver will make the bands have seen the greatest improvement ITBS math, CSAP reading, and CSAP math decision whether or not to approve a $25 in student achievement. Schools in Band 1 tests declined over the course of the pilot million levy which would provide addi- showed significantly greater gains than program. Control schools’ mean scores also tional revenue to fund the ProComp system Band 5 schools on the BSAP and CTBS declined on the ITBS math test, but their (Denver Public Schools and Denver Class- standardized tests (Richards & Sheu, 1992). mean scores increased on the CSAP writing room Teachers Association Joint Task test. Pilot school students’ performance was Force on Teacher Compensation, 2004b; found to be lower than the control schools’ Gratz, 2005). students on all tests except the ITBS lan- Tennessee Value-Added Assessment guage (Community Training and Assistance System Center, 2004). Through the founding of a group of business South Carolina School Incentive Pilot middle school students performed bet- and community leaders known as the Com- Reward Program ter than control school students on the ITBS munity Education Alliance (CEA) and the reading, CSAP writing, and CSAP math Established in 1984, the South Carolina development of a teacher recruitment and tests. Additionally, the average scores of School Incentive Reward Program (SIRP) retention plan, the city of Chattanooga has pilot middle school students increased sig- is the longest running state-sponsored, been able to attract quality teachers to some nificantly over time. Furthermore, the con- group-based performance plan in the nation. of the city’s lowest performing schools and trol schools’ students experienced SIRP awards given to schools in the past significantly increase students’ performance significant declines in mean scores on the have amounted to about $25-$40 per stu- in reading, language arts, math, science, and ITBS and CSAP test over the course of the dent. The typical winning school receives social studies. pilot (Community Training and Assistance between $15,000 and $20,000 (Kelley & Utilizing the Tennessee Value-Added Center, 2004). Odden, 1995). Assessment System (TVAAS) as the mea- Pilot high schools and control high schools All schools are placed in one of five com- suring stick for students’ improvement and both experienced significant increases in parison bands based on the school’s per- teachers’ productivity allows for a more centage of students receiving free lunches, mean scores on most tests over the course of “level playing field” for teachers who have percentage receiving reduced-price lunches, the pilot. However, two pilot high schools low-achieving students. TVAAS focuses on teachers’ average years of education beyond students’ improvement, and allows teachers had significantly higher increases than con- the bachelor’s degree, and percentage of that help previously underperforming stu- trol high schools on several ITBS and CSAP students meeting or exceeding standardized dents make significant learning gains during tests. Manual High School experienced test score requirements. Schools compete the year to receive credit for their accom- higher performance than control schools on with other schools in the same band for plishments (Holland & Soifer, 2004). the ITBS language and math tests. Thomas awards (Kelley & Odden, 1995). Band 1 Jefferson High School students outper- consists of lower-performing schools with Rewards for high TVAAS scores include a formed control high school students on the the highest percentage of students receiving $5,000 bonus for individual teachers and the ITBS language, ITBS math, and CSAP free or reduced lunch, and Band 5 consists potential of a $2,000 bonus for every teacher reading tests. However, they performed sig- of higher-performing schools with the low- in the school if the school receives a high nificantly lower than control group school est percentage of students receiving free or overall TVAAS score. In addition to salary students on the ITBS reading test (Commu- reduced lunch. bonuses, other incentives provided to teach- nity Training and Assistance Center, 2004). A school gain index (SGI) is calculated for ers by the CEA include loans toward the each school. Awards are based on three cri- purchase of a house in a neighborhood near Based on the results of the pilot program, teria: (1) student achievement, (2) teacher a low-performing school, free legal services, DPS has addressed several issues related to attendance, and (3) student attendance. Of and free tuition toward a master’s degree in the structure of the pay-for-performance these three criteria, student achievement urban education (Holland & Soifer, 2004). system. These issues included how to mea- gain is the most important measure. In order These incentives have helped reduce teacher sure student progress across different class- to be eligible for an award, a school must recruitment and retention problems and rooms and schools, as well as the use of meet or exceed the minimum SGI improve- improve student achievement at the nine additional criteria to determine eligibility ment index based on its grouping category schools utilizing this program. Low-per- for awards. Additional criteria including (Richards & Sheu, 1992). forming inner-city Chattanooga schools par- supervisor evaluations, assignment in more REWARDING TEACHERS FOR STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCE — 4 ticipating in the TVAAS program are reading portion of the Stanford Achieve- These increases in students’ performance increasing students’ scores on standardized ment Test (Dee & Keys, 2005). may not be entirely attributable to the imple- tests at a more rapid rate than their suburban mentation of performance incentive pro- Schacter et al. (2002) indicated that schools counterparts. For example, in two years the grams. Raham (2000) notes that the participating in the Milken Teacher percentage of Grade 3 students reading at or performance incentive programs were com- Advancement Program made significant above grade level, as determined by the ponents of larger education reform efforts in gains in student achievement on the Stanford Terra Nova standardized test, in low-per- Texas and Kentucky. However, it is still forming inner-city Chattanooga schools has Achievement Test. important to note the role of performance doubled (Holland & Soifer, 2004). The average TAP school gained between incentive programs as a factor in the Additionally, teacher retention has increased 11.5 percent and 23 percent from 2000 to improvement of students’ academic significantly. In the fall of 2002, there were 2002 toward their goal of scoring in the 85th achievement. 30 vacant positions at the nine schools. One percentile on the Stanford Achievement year later only one teaching position was Test. Additionally, TAP schools showed sig- vacant (Holland & Soifer, 2004). nificantly greater student gains than control schools in the areas of reading, language, ALTERNATIVE COMPENSATION and mathematics in 2001 and 2002 PROGRAMS IN INDIANA (Schacter et al., 2002). Since the mid-1990s, school districts in Impact of Alternative Compensation Furthermore, as part of statewide educa- Indiana have taken new steps to promote the Programs on Student Achievement tional reform in Texas and Kentucky, perfor- development of high-quality teachers and to Research on the impact of performance- mance incentive programs were established. reward those teachers who take the initia- based pay and other alternative compensa- Students in these two states demonstrated tive to earn additional licensure or advanced tion programs has mostly focused on their marked improvement as a result of these certification. Local examples of this are the impact on teachers (Kelley et al., 2000; reforms. From 1994 to 1998, students in work of the Anderson Federation of Teach- Texas increased their performance on the ers and the Anderson Community School Kelley et al., 2002; Milanowski & Hene- Texas Assessment of Academic Skills Corporation. In 1995, these organizations man, 2001). However, there has been some (TAAS) math exam from approximately 50 began reimbursing teachers who success- research regarding the impact of alternative percent passing in 1994 to 80 percent pass- fully obtain National Board for Professional teacher compensation on student achieve- ing in 1998 (Raham, 2000). Students in Ken- Teaching Standards (NBPTS) certification. ment outcomes (Dee & Keys, 2005; tucky increased their elementary students’ Teachers in this district are also allowed five Schacter et al., 2002; Schacter et al., 2004). National Assessment of Educational release days to prepare for certification Research conducted on alternative compen- Progress (NAEP) performance significantly (NCREL, 1999). sation programs indicates increased student between 1993 and 1997. Elementary school A second example is the contract signed in achievement in several areas. For instance, students scoring at the proficient level on the 1997 by the Hammond Teachers’ Federation in their study of Tennessee schools offering NAEP rose from 8 percent in 1993 to 38 per- and the School City of Hammond allowing merit pay for teachers, Dee and Keys (2005) cent in 1997 (Palmaffy, 1998 cited in NBPTS certified teachers to become eligible found that kindergarten through Grade 3 stu- Raham, 2000). for placement in the doctoral level of their dents of teachers in merit pay systems scored higher on the Stanford Achievement Test in the areas of reading and math than students whose teachers were paid under the Figure 1. Student Stanford Achievement Test conventional single-salary structure. Math and Reading Performance Increase in Increased achievement also occurred for Tennessee Schools offering Merit Pay Tennessee teachers with varying degrees of teaching experience when merit pay was 4.5% e 4.1% introduced (see Figure 1). Percentile score as 4.0% 3.5% increases on the math section of the Stanford re 3.5% c Awcithhi epvreombeantit oTneasrt yw/aeprep grerenattiecset ftoear csthuedresn—ts ore In 23..50%% 2.4% 2.3% those with zero to four years of teaching Sc 2.0% etixlep esrcioenrec eg.a Sinlisg ohntl yth leo wmeart hs tsuedcetniot np eorfc ethne- entile 11..05%% 1.5% 1.5% c Stanford Achievement Test occured for er 0.5% Level I teachers, generally those with five to P 0.0% nine years of teaching experience, and Level Math Reading II or III teachers, generally those with 10 or Probationary/apprentice (0-4 years of experience) Subject more years of teaching experience. How- Level I (5-9 years of experience) ever, students with more experienced teach- Level II or III (10 or more years of experience) ers (Level II and Level III teachers) showed the greatest percentile score increase on the Adapted from Dee & Keys (2005). REWARDING TEACHERS FOR STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCE — 5 salary structure or to receive an additional for certification, recruitment incentives, edu- promote collaboration among teachers. $2,000 over what they would earn if they cational loan forgiveness, and an authoriza- Increased student achievement is another were not NBPTS certified (NCREL, 1999). tion for school corporations to pay an annual positive impact demonstrated by schools bonus of up to $10,000 to teachers who teach participating in the Milken TAP program Private schools in Indiana have employed certain secondary courses in mathematics and schools in Colorado, Tennessee, Texas, performance-based compensation programs and sciences (Indiana Department of Educa- and Kentucky that are utilizing an alterna- as well. With funding from the Lilly tion, 2004). Additionally, according to the tive teacher compensation program (Com- Endowment, eight Catholic schools in Indi- North Central Regional Educational Labora- munity Training and Assistance Center, anapolis have implemented the Milken TAP tory (n.d.), beginning in the 2005-06 school 2004; Holland & Soifer, 2004; Palmaffy, program and have seen impressive results. year Indiana will begin to rank its schools 1998 cited in Raham, 2000; Raham, 2000; For example, for the first time in the based on improvement in student perfor- Schacter et al., 2002). school’s history, 100 percent of Grade 6 stu- mance and is supposed to provide financial dents at Saint Lawrence Catholic School in incentives to schools whose students show Indianapolis passed the math section of the improvement, although the legislature has ISTEP+. Saint Lawrence Catholic School Recommendations not yet funded the awards and incentives principal Betty Popp highlighted the posi- program. The state of Indiana should continue to offer tive impact of the TAP program on the incentives to recruit and retain teachers with teachers at her school: “I had good teachers. Indiana has not seen widespread adoption of knowledge and skills in schools’ areas of Now I have great teachers” (Neal, 2005). formal performance-based compensation greatest need. The needs could include sub- models among its public or private schools Peggy Elson, Director of the TAP program ject area knowledge (e.g., math, science, or and districts. However, many elements of for the Archdiocese of Southern Indiana, is special education) or skills and certifications skill- or competency-based pay models are also confident that her schools are improv- in areas including technology or counseling. certainly present in school districts across ing due to the implementation of the TAP These incentives could also be utilized to program. Through the professional growth the state. attract teachers to hard-to-staff schools. component of the program, “teachers are Additionally, professional development improving their techniques,” Elson stated funding for credentials such as NBPTS cer- (Personal Communication, April 21, 2005). tification should be continued. However, the cost of the TAP program may prohibit its continuation. In 2006, funding CONCLUSIONS AND from the Lilly Endowment grant will end, RECOMMENDATIONS but with the positive outcomes, administra- Conclusion: tors are convinced the Archdiocese of School districts in areas across the nation Southern Indiana will be able to locate other are in various stages of the development A broad range of stakeholders must sources of funding for the program. and implementation of alternative teacher be considered in the development of At the state level, the Indiana General compensation programs. Many of these an alternative compensation program Assembly has passed legislation including programs include some aspect of student opportunities for teachers to obtain finan- achievement as an indicator of effective Consideration of a school’s climate is cial support while seeking NBPTS certifica- teaching. States including California, Min- important in the design and development of tion. Indiana Public Law 221 established a nesota, Iowa, Ohio, Colorado, Kentucky, an alternative compensation program. All grant system through the Indiana Depart- North Carolina, Tennessee, and South stakeholders, including teachers, adminis- ment of Education to fund school improve- Carolina have seen the adoption of alterna- trators, and staff, must be considered in this ment plans, including professional tive teacher compensation programs with process. Additionally, certain elements of development for teachers (NBPTS, n.d.). In varying degrees of success. There are sev- the program must be clearly articulated. For addition to the grant system established by eral things that can be learned from these example, evaluation of a teacher’s perfor- P.L. 221, the fiscal year 2002-03 state bud- states’ experience with alternative teacher mance is an extremely important aspect to get allocated $20,500,000 for professional compensation programs. consider. Performance indicators must be development and a new teacher induction established and agreed upon by all stake- program administered by the Indiana Pro- holders. If these elements are not consid- fessional Standards Board. This included ered, it may have an unintended detrimental $250,000 for NBPTS certification and impact on the school’s climate. Instead of Conclusion: $16,250,000 for professional development fostering a collaborative climate, a competi- grants under Indiana Code 20-1-1-6.5 (Indi- tive climate may emerge. ana Department of Education, 2001). The Alternative teacher compensation annual state appropriation for teacher pro- programs can be effective tools for fessional development during the 2005-07 improving teaching biennium is $13,812,500 (Indiana General Recommendations When carefully developed and imple- Assembly, 2005). mented, teacher compensation programs School districts interested in developing an Legislation proposed, but not passing, during can provide incentives for teachers to alternative compensation program for their the 2003 and 2004 sessions of the Indiana broaden their knowledge, skills, and teachers should spend a significant amount General Assembly included several teacher responsibilities. These programs can also of time collecting information and develop- compensation issues, including incentives REWARDING TEACHERS FOR STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCE — 6 ing a plan. All stakeholders must be consid- Kelley, C., Odden, A., Milanowski, A., & Hen- ered in the development of this plan. This REFERENCES eman, H. (2000). The motivational effects of school-based performance awards. Philadel- can help to increase support from school phia: University of Pennsylvania Consor- personnel, as well as foster a collaborative Community Training and Assistance Center. tium for Policy Research in Education. (2004). Catalyst for change: Pay for perfor- school environment. Kelley, C., Heneman, H., & Milanowski, A. mance in Denver Final Report. Boston, MA: (2002). Teacher motivation and school- Author. Retrieved May 10, 2005, from http:// based performance awards. Educational www.ctacusa.com/denver-vol3-final.pdf Administration Quarterly, 38(3), 372-401. Dee, T.S., & Keys, B.J. (2005). Dollars and Milanowski, A.T., & Heneman, H.G. (2001). Conclusion: sense: What a Tennessee experiment tells us Assessment of teacher reactions to a stan- about merit pay. Education Next, 5(1), 60- dards-based teacher evaluation system: A 67. pilot study. Journal of Personnel Evaluation Further research is necessary regard- Denver Public Schools and Denver Classroom in Education, 15(3), 193-212. ing compensation programs’ impact Teachers Association Joint Task Force on National Association of State Boards of Educa- on student achievement. Teacher Compensation. (2004a). Facts tion. (2002). Statewide teacher career ladder. about ProComp. Denver, CO: Author. NASBE Policy Update, 10(9). Retrieved Retrieved May 24, 2005, from http://denver- June 7, 2004, from http://www.nasbe.org/ While the research in this area suggests that pfp.org/denverteachercompensation/ Educational_Issues/New_Information/ alternative teacher compensation programs index.html Policy_Updates/10_09.html increase student achievement, further Denver Public Schools and Denver Classroom National Board for Professional Teaching Stan- Teachers Association Joint Task Force on dards. (n.d.). State & local support & incen- inquiry is needed in this area. The positive Teacher Compensation. (2004b). Task force tives: Indiana state action. Retrieved June 7, gains experienced by students should not be news. Denver, CO: Author. Retrieved June 6, 2004, from http://www.nbpts.org/about/ 2005, from http://www.denverpfp.org/den- overlooked. However, to add to the knowl- stateinfo.cfm?state=Indiana verteachercompensation/ edge in this area, achievement measures Joint%20Task%20Force%20on%20Teacher Notrotrhy .C (e1n9t9ra9l) .R Tehgei ocnoanld Eitdiouncsa toiof nteaal cLhaibnogr aan-d other than standardized tests should be %20Compensation_News.html learning in Indiana: A policy inventory. examined to help determine the actual Denver Public Schools. (2004). Professional Naperville, IL. Retrieved June 7, 2004, from impact of alternative teacher compensation compensation system for teachers. Retrieved http://www.in.gov/psb/visitors/Condition- June 7, 2004, from http://denverpfp.org/den- sOfTeachingAndLearning.pdf programs on student achievement. verteachercompensation/index.html. North Central Regional Educational Labora- Dixon, D.N., Graham, B.M., & Dungan, D.E. tory. (n.d.). Key issues in Indiana: Account- (2002). Indiana State Teachers Association ability/standards. Retrieved June 7, 2004, Teacher Compensation Study. Indianapolis, from http://www.ncrel.org/info/press/indi- IN: Indiana State Teachers Association. ana.htm Recommendations Retrieved June 7, 2004, from http:// Neal, A. (March 1, 2005). Merit pay for teach- www.ista-in.org/content/documents/ ers deserves a fair chance in Indiana. Fort Research should be conducted on Indiana teacher_compensation_study.pdf Wayne Journal Gazette. Retrieved March 23, schools utilizing alternative teacher com- Education Commission of the States. 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Indianapolis, IN: program report two: Year three results from Author. Retrieved May 9, 2005, from http:// Arizona and year one results from South www.in.gov/legislative/bills/2005/PDF/HE/ Carolina TAP schools. Santa Monica, CA: Sarah A. McNabb HE1001.1.pdf Milken Family Foundation. [email protected] is a Graduate Kelley, C., & Odden, A. (1995). Reinventing Assistant at the Center for Evaluation and teacher compensation systems. Madison, Education Policy WI: University of Wisconsin Consortium for Policy Research in Education. REWARDING TEACHERS FOR STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCE — 7 WEB RESOURCES Consortium for Policy Research in Education: Teacher Compensation http://www.wcer.wisc.edu/cpre/tcomp/related/papers/index.asp Denver Public Schools Professional Compensation System for Teachers http://denverprocomp.org/ Education Commission of the States: Teaching Quality - Compensation http://www.ecs.org/html/issue.asp?issueid=129&subIssueID=78 Milken Family Foundation Teacher Advancement Program http://www.mff.org/tap/tap.taf More about the Center for Evaluation & Education Policy and our publications can be found at our web site: http://ceep.indiana.edu yciloP noitacudE dna noitaulavE rof retneC eht yb dehsilbup era sfeirB yciloP noitacudE smargorP noitasnepmoC rehcaeT evitanretlA hguorht gnihcaeT gnivorpmI ecnamrofreP ’stnedutS rof srehcaeT gnidraweR 8344.558.218 4563-10474 NI ,notgnimoolB teertS drihT tsaE 905 ytisrevinU anaidnI

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