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Enterprise Open Source Software Adoption Dilemma: Influence of the Information Technology Risk Factors D I S S E R T A T I O N of the University of St. Gallen, School of Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and International Affairs to obtain the title of Doctor of Philosophy in Management submitted by Mario Silić from Croatia, France and Bosnia and Herzegovina Approved on the application of Prof. Dr. Andrea Back and Prof. Dr. Iris Junglas Dissertation no. 4424 Art Studio Azinovic, Zagreb, 2015 The University of St. Gallen, School of Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and International Affairs hereby consents to the printing of the present dissertation, without hereby expressing any opinion on the views herein expressed. St. Gallen, May 19, 2015 The President: Prof. Dr. Thomas Bieger 5 Acknowledgements Acknowledgements I would like to express immense gratitude to Prof. Dr. Andrea Back, who kindly agreed to lead me along the path of this thrilling experience, and for her invaluable support in helping me in completing this thesis. I am also grateful to my co-supervisor, Prof. Dr. Iris Junglas, for her willingness to co-supervise my thesis, for all her availability, and for providing constructive advice. I thank my parents, Zdenka and Josip, for their continuous support and their eternal “wish” that I complete this journey, my sister Marijana, my brother Dario, and many others whose support has always been a motivation to me: Ivana, Goran, Mladen, Marija, Ante, Ivanka, Anita, Darko. Above all, I am indebted to my wife, Renata. Without her support and understanding this work would not have become a reality. To my children, Mia and Paula, who were the source of inspiration for everything I was doing. This work is dedicated to them. December, 2014 Mario Silić Contributions 6 Contributions Paper A Silic, Mario and Back, Andrea. “Information Security – Critical Review and Future Directions for Research”. Information Management & Computer Security, 22(3), 279-308. Submitted 27.05.2013, first revision 23.08.2013, accepted 15.10.2013 Note: IMC&S is ranked C by ACPHIS (Australian Council of Professors and Heads of Information Systems) / H-index (Scopus) is 28 Paper B Silic, Mario and Back, Andrea. “Identification and Importance of the Technological Risks of Open Source Software in the Enterprise Adoption Context”., in: Thomas. O.; Teuteberg, F. (Hrsg.): Proceedings der 12. Internationalen Tagung Wirtschaftsinfomratik (WI 2015), S. 1163-1176 Submitted 29.07.2014, accepted 17.09.2014 Note: Wirtschaftsinformatik conference is ranked ‘B’ by VHB-Jourqual Paper C Silic, Mario. “Dual-use open source security software in organizations–Dilemma: Help or hinder?”. Computers & Security, 39, 386-395. Submitted 15.03.2013, first revision 04.05.2013, second revision 06.07.2013, third revision 12.08.2013, accepted 09.09.2013 Note: C&S is ranked ‘A’ by ACPHIS and ‘B’ by VHB- Jourqual / 5-Year Impact Factor (IF) is 1.488 (Journal Citation Reports) / H-index (Scopus) is 51 Paper D Silic, Mario and Back, Andrea. “Risk factors influencing the open-source software adoption decision making process in the enterprise context”. Decision Support Systems, under peer-review Submitted 08.09.2014 Note: DSS is ranked ‘B’ by VHB -Jourqual / 5-Year Impact Factor (IF) is 2.651 (Journal Citation Reports) 7 Abstract Abstract The main goal of this dissertation was to study Information Technology (IT) risk factors that impact IT executives’ decision-making process to use Open Source Software (OSS) in the enterprise context. Such risks might be related to ownership, operation, involvement, influence, and adoption of IT software within an enterprise. Every enterprise endeavors to avoid expensive failures and, at the same time, mitigate and reduce risks inherent to OSS adoption during the risk identification phase. However, the current level of knowledge about the complex interplay between OSS adoption and risk management is lacking a more holistic view of which particular IT risks influence the IT decision-making process and what their importance is. To investigate this relationship, we used a multi-method research design approach to achieve higher generalizability and accuracy of the findings. This cumulative thesis comprises two parts. The first part covers the motivation, followed by the research foundation, the results, the contribution and finishes with the thesis conclusion. The second part shows the four research contributions that have been published in, or submitted to, academic journals or conferences. The results of this thesis are three-fold: 1) We provide a practical checklist that can be used by IT decision-makers during the risk identification phase; 2) We found that enterprises are using vulnerable OSS libraries and frameworks to build proprietary software, thereby increasing the IT risk; and 3) We propose a Risk-Theoretic Open-Source Adoption Model that theorizes on the importance of IT risk antecedents (Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability and Information Assurance). Overall, this thesis offers new findings on the OSS phenomenoun by proposing practical insights that can facilitate OSS adoption by reducing and mitigating IT risks, resulting in better and more robust enterprise risk management. Zusammenfassung 8 Zusammenfassung Dieses Dissertationsprojekt untersucht den Einfluss von Informationstechnologie -(IT-) Risiken auf den Entscheidungsfindungsprozess von Führungskräften zur Nutzung von Open Source Software (OSS). Solche Risiken können sich auf die Verantwortlichkeit, den Betrieb, den Einfluss oder auf die Adoption von IT in einer Organisation beziehen. Jedes Unternehmen versucht teure Fehlentscheidungen zu vermeiden und gleichzeitig die Risiken zu minimieren. Diesem Zusammenhang zwischen der Nutzung von OSS und dem Risikomanagement fehlt ein ganzheitlicher Ansatz, insbesondere was den Einfluss von IT- Sicherheitsrisiken auf den Entscheidungsprozess betrifft und welche Bedeutung dieser hat. Um diesen Zusammenhang zu untersuchen, wurde in dieser Dissertation ein Multi- Methodenansatz als Forschungsdesign gewählt. Damit sollen die Resultate generalisierbarer und genauer werden. Die kumulative Dissertation beinhaltet zwei Teile. Der erste Teil bezieht sich auf die Motivation, die theoretischen Grundlagen, die Resultate, die Kontributionen und schließt mit einer Zusammenfassung ab. Der zweite Teil beinhaltet vier Artikel, welche auf Konferenzen und in Journalen publiziert wurden, oder sich aktuell im Review-Prozess befinden. Drei Schlussfolgerungen können aus diesen Kontributionen gezogen werden. Als Erstes kann eine Checkliste abgeleitet werden, welche von Praktikern und Entscheidungsträgern im Risiko-Identifikationsprozess verwendet werden kann. Als Zweites wurde insbesondere die Verwundbarkeit von Unternehmen in Bezug zur Nutzung von OSS Bibliotheken und Modellen zur Erstellung von proprietären Software-Lösungen identifiziert. Als Drittes wurde ein Adoptionsmodell entwickelt, welche Antezedenzien für IT-Sicherheitsrisiken identifiziert. Diese beinhalten Vertraulichkeit, Integrität, Verfügbarkeit und Informationssicherheit. Zusammenfassend beschreibt diese Dissertation neue Erkenntnisse des OSS-Phänomens und beleuchtet aus theoretischer, als auch praktischer Sicht die Reduktion von IT- Sicherheitsrisiken im Entscheidungsfindungsprozess von Führungskräften und Managern. Als Konsequenz sollen Unternehmen ihre Risiken besser identifizieren, bewerten und evaluieren können. 9 Table of Contents Table of Contents ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................... 5 CONTRIBUTIONS ......................................................................................................... 6 ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................. 7 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG .................................................................................................. 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................. 9 LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................... 12 LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................ 13 1. EXPOSITION ................................................................................................ 13 1.1. INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW .............................................................. 13 1.2. MOTIVATION ........................................................................................... 14 1.2.1. PRACTITIONER PERSPECTIVE .............................................................. 14 1.2.2. THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVE ............................................................... 18 1.3. RESEARCH FOUNDATION ......................................................................... 21 1.3.1. THESIS STRUCTURE ............................................................................ 21 1.3.2. RESEARCH GOAL ................................................................................ 22 1.3.3. THEORETICAL FOUNDATION ............................................................... 23 1.3.4. LITERATURE REVIEW .......................................................................... 27 1.4. SUMMARY OF THE RESULTS .................................................................... 32 1.5. CONTRIBUTION ....................................................................................... 34 1.5.1. PRACTITIONER CONTRIBUTIONS ......................................................... 35 1.5.2. THEORETICAL CONTRIBUTIONS .......................................................... 39 1.5.3. CRITICAL REFLECTION ....................................................................... 40 1.6. CONCLUSION ........................................................................................... 41 1.7. REFERENCES ........................................................................................... 41 PAPER A ................................................................................................................ 46 2. INFORMATION SECURITY – CRITICAL REVIEW AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS FOR RESEARCH ........................................................................ 46 2.1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ 47 2.2. RESEARCH ON INFORMATION SECURITY ................................................. 48 2.2.1. REVIEW METHOD ............................................................................... 48 2.2.2. RESEARCH SCOPE ............................................................................... 50 2.2.3. RESEARCH LIMITATIONS ..................................................................... 52 Table of Contents 10 2.2.4. DATABASE SELECTION AND KEYWORD SEARCH ................................ 52 2.3. RESEARCH FRAMEWORK ......................................................................... 56 2.3.1. THEORIES ............................................................................................ 57 2.3.2. RESEARCH METHODS ......................................................................... 58 2.3.3. RESEARCH TOPICS AND CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM .............................. 59 2.4. RESULTS ................................................................................................. 62 2.4.1. OVERVIEW OF INFOSEC RESEARCH .................................................... 62 2.4.2. SUBTHEMES IN INFOSEC RESEARCH ................................................... 66 2.4.3. KEY FINDINGS FOR EACH OF THE IDENTIFIED MAIN THEMES ............. 66 2.4.4. OVERVIEW OF THEORIES .................................................................... 80 2.4.5. OVERVIEW OF METHODS .................................................................... 81 2.5. SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION ................................................................... 81 2.6. CONCLUSION ........................................................................................... 85 2.7. REFERENCES ........................................................................................... 86 PAPER B ................................................................................................................ 95 3. IDENTIFICATION AND IMPORTANCE OF THE TECHNOLOGICAL RISKS OF OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE IN THE ENTERPRISE ADOPTION CONTEXT ....................................................................................... 95 3.1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ 96 3.2. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ..................................................................... 99 3.2.1. LITERATURE REVIEW .......................................................................... 99 3.2.2. SURVEYS .......................................................................................... 102 3.3. RESULTS ............................................................................................... 103 3.3.1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE TECHNOLOGICAL RISKS OF OSS ................. 103 3.3.2. IMPORTANCE OF THE TECHNOLOGICAL RISKS OF OSS ..................... 104 3.4. DISCUSSION........................................................................................... 108 3.5. CONCLUSION ......................................................................................... 110 3.6. REFERENCES ......................................................................................... 111 PAPER C .............................................................................................................. 116 11 4. DUAL-USE OPEN SOURCE SECURITY SOFTWARE IN ORGANIZATIONS - DILEMMA: HELP OR HINDER? ............................... 116 4.1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 117 4.2. LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................ 118 4.3. METHODOLOGY .................................................................................... 121 4.4. FINDINGS............................................................................................... 127 4.5. TRIANGULATION OF FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ................................... 136 4.6. CONCLUSION ......................................................................................... 139 4.7. REFERENCES ......................................................................................... 140 PAPER D .............................................................................................................. 145 5. RISK FACTORS INFLUENCING THE OPEN-SOURCE SOFTWARE ADOPTION DECISION MAKING PROCESS IN THE ENTERPRISE CONTEXT ............................................................................................................ 145 5.1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 146 5.2. LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................ 149 5.3. RESEARCH MODEL AND HYPOTHESES ................................................... 157 5.4. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ................................................................... 165 5.5. RESULTS ............................................................................................... 169 5.6. DISCUSSION........................................................................................... 179 5.7. CONCLUSION ......................................................................................... 185 APPENDIX A ....................................................................................................... 197 CURRICULUM VITAE .......................................................................................... 200 List of Figures 12 List of Figures FIGURE 1 DISSERTATION STRUCTURE ....................................................................... 22 FIGURE 2. MULTI-METHOD RESEARCH DESIGN ......................................................... 35 FIGURE 3 FOUR-STEP SEARCH PROCESS (VOM BROCKE ET AL., 2009) ....................... 49 FIGURE 4 TIME DISTRIBUTION OF THE PAPER STOCK ................................................. 55 FIGURE 5 ISO/IEC 27002 (ADAPTED FROM ISO27001SECURITY.COM) ...................... 60 FIGURE 6 MAIN THEMES 5 YEARS DISTRIBUTION ...................................................... 65 FIGURE 7 OVERALL DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLICATIONS ............................................... 65 FIGURE 3 FACTORS AFFECTING PERCEIVED IT SECURITY RISK IN THE OSS CONTEXT ...................................................................................................................... 158 FIGURE 9 OSS ADOPTION RESEARCH MODEL ........................................................ 161 FIGURE 10 STRUCTURAL MODEL RESULTS ............................................................. 177 FIGURE 11 STRUCTURAL MODEL RESULTS WITHOUT PNU/PPU ............................ 179

migrations from proprietary software (Microsoft) to OSS (Linux) in the cities of. Munich and Microsoft Excel). Consequently OSS tools, such as 'pdf viewers', could be considered as 'bad' OSS. It is clear that .. rationality (Carnap, 1950; Popper, 1950; Kuhn, 1962; Lakatos, 1978) as it recognizes
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