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EPJ manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Ellipsoidal particles at fluid interfaces 8 0 H. Lehle1, E. Noruzifar2 and M. Oettel2 0 2 1 Max-Planck-Institutfu¨rMetallforschung, Heisenbergstr.3,D-70569StuttgartandInstitutfu¨rTheoretischeundAngewandte Physik,Universit¨at Stuttgart,Pfaffenwaldring 57, D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany n 2 Institut fu¨r Physik,WA 331, Johannes-Gutenberg-Universit¨at Mainz, D-55099 Mainz, Germany a J 8 Received: / Revised version: 1 Abstract. For partially wetting, ellipsoidal colloids trapped at a fluid interface, their effective, interface– ] mediated interactions of capillary and fluctuation–induced typeare analyzed. Forcontact angles different t f from 90o,staticinterfacedeformations arisewhich lead toanisotropic capillary forces thataresubstantial o already for micrometer–sized particles. The capillary problem is solved using an efficient perturbative s . treatment which allows a fast determination of the capillary interaction for all distances between and at orientationsoftwoparticles.Besidesstaticcapillaryforces,fluctuation–inducedforcescausedbythermally m excited capillary waves arise at fluid interfaces. For the specific choice of a spatially fixed three–phase contact line, the asymptotic behavior of thefluctuation–induced force is determined analytically for both - d the close–distance and thelong–distance regime and compared to numerical solutions. n o PACS. 82.70.Dd Colloids – 68.03.Cd Surface tension and related phenomena – 05.40.-a Fluctuation c phenomena, random processes, noise, and Brownian motion [ 1 v 1 Introduction force on the interface (obtained by integrating the stress 1 distribution over the interface area) [4,5,6]. The ensuing 5 capillaryinteractionsdecaywithapower–lawintheinter- Colloidalparticlestrappedatfluidinterfacesexhibiteffec- 8 colloidal distance d, e.g., in the case of charged colloidal tive interactions which broadly can be classified into “di- 2 spheres at air–water or oil–water interfaces they are at- 1. rect” interactions (e.g., of electrostatic or van–der–Waals tractive, ∝ d−3, but for large d they are usually weaker type) which also exist for colloids in bulk solvents but 0 thanthe directelectrostaticrepulsionwhichisalso∝d−3 theyaremodifiedatinterfaces.Additionally,the presence 8 [7,8,9]. – On the other hand, in the absence of forces on of an interface gives rise to interactions mediated by de- 0 the colloids and stresses on the interface, static interface formationsofthat interface,thus these are absentin bulk : v solutions of colloids. One speaks of capillary interactions deformationscanalsobeinducedbyananisotropiccolloid i shape; more precisely if the colloid is not symmetric with X [1], if these deformations are static, and of fluctuation– respect to rotations around any axis through the colloid induced interactions if the deformations are caused by r which is parallel to the normal on the undisturbed inter- a thermal fluctuations. For spherical colloids at free inter- face. Young’s equation requires that at the three–phase faces,the formationofself–organizedstructuresis mainly contact line the angle between the local interface nor- governed by the direct interactions whereas for particles mal and the local normal on the colloid surface is given of nonspherical shape capillary interactions appear to be by the contact angle θ. Thus for an anisotropic colloid dominant [2]. this condition cannot be met if the interface remains flat; Static interfacedeformationsariseifthe colloidsexpe- the contact line will not be located in the plane of the rience forces in the direction parallel to the interface nor- undisturbed interface. The associated interface deforma- mal (e.g. if they are pushed into the lower phase) and/or tionsaroundonesuchcolloidcanbecalculatedintermsof stress distributions act on the interface [3]. For microcol- a two–dimensionalmultipolar expansion [10]. For asymp- loids of sizes less than 10 µm, the omnipresent gravita- toticallylargedistances fromthe colloid,the leadingnon- tional force on the colloids can be neglected. However, vanishing multipole is in general the quadrupole, since meniscus deformations also arise in conjunction with di- monopole and dipole are absent through the conditions rect interactions (like electrostatic forces) which lead to of force and torque balance. The interaction energy be- forcesandstressesoncolloidsandinterface,respectively.If tweentwo quadrupolesdepends onthe colloidorientation the system “colloids + interface” is mechanically isolated intheinterfaceplaneanddecaysaccordingtoapowerlaw, (usuallythisappliesforcolloidexperimentsinaLangmuir ∝d−4.Experimentally,ithasbecome possibletoproduce troughoronlargedroplets),thentheforceonthecolloids anisotropicmicrocolloidsofcontrolledshapeforinvestiga- directed vertical to the interface is balanced by the total 2 H.Lehle, E. Noruzifar, M. Oettel: Ellipsoidal particles at fluid interfaces tions of their self–assembly at fluid interfaces: anorganic distance behavior of these forces depends sensitively on nanorods[11],bendeddisks[12]orrotationallysymmetric the boundary conditions at the three–phase contact line ellipsoids (spheroids) with aspect ratios up to 10 [13,14]. whereas for close distances a strong attraction similar to For the ellipsoids, results on the effective pair potential van–der–Waalsforces has been found, independent of the forintermediatedistancesd[13]indicateastrongorienta- type of boundary condition. In the case of colloidal rods tion dependence not captured by the aformentionedlead- the asymptotic behavior of the fluctuation–induced force ing quadrupole interaction. Ellipsometric measurements has been evaluated in Ref. [21] and shown to lead to an of the interface deformation around one particle are con- orientationaldependence.Furthermorewenotethatthere sistent with a quadrupolar pattern [15] which, however, isnumerousworkontheforcebetweeninclusionsonmem- appears to be deformed considerably for stretched ellip- branes where the membrane shape fluctuations take the soids. role of capillary waves, see, e.g., Refs. [21,22]. InSec.3below,weconsiderthespecificcaseoftwoel- Thecalculationofthefullinterfaceprofilearoundtrap- lipsoidstrappedataninterfacewithapinnedcontactline. ped ellipsoids and the evaluation of the associated capil- Thefluctuation–inducedforcebetweentwosuchellipsoids laryinteractionenergycanonlybedonenumerically,save correspondsto the Casimir force with Dirichlet boundary for small eccentricities e where an expansion in terms of conditions.Wepresentnumericalresultsforthewholedis- e is possible [16]. Similarly, an evaluation of the inter- tance regime for selected orientationsand compare to the face profile is simplified if for colloidalspheresonly small, leading terms in analytic expansions valid for the close– roughness–induced deviations from the circular shape of distance and the long–distance regime. the contact line are assumed [17,18]. For ellipsoids with Finally, Sec. 4 contains a discussion of the results. eccentricitiesnotclosetozero,however,thepositionofthe contactlineisnotgivena prioributhastobedetermined self–consistentlythroughYoung’s equation.This taskis a 2 Static interface deformations and capillary variantofafreeboundaryproblemwhichingeneralposes interactions problems in terms of speed and efficiency of a numerical algorithmaimedatsolving it.Below,we showthat a per- We consider cigar–shaped ellipsoids of micrometer size turbative solution can be attained through expansion of with half–axes (a,b,b) and a > b (e=(1−b2/a2)1/2 is anappropriatefreeenergyfunctionalandsubsequentmin- the eccentricity) trapped at an air–water interface with imization which leads to a problem with fixed boundaries surface tension γ. The surface tensions of the ellipsoid (Subsec. 2.1). The calculation of the capillary interaction with air and water are denoted by γ and γ , respec- between two ellipsoids is thus greatly simplified and re- I II tively. The contact angle (Young’s angle) is defined by sults can be obtained for the full range of distances and cosθ =(γ −γ )/γ.Thefreeenergyofthesystemshallbe orientations in a configuration with two ellipsoids (Sub- I II givenonlybythesurfacefreeenergiesofthethreeinvolved sec. 2.2). interfaces (ellipsoid–air, ellipsoid–water and air–water), The capillary interactions between two ellipsoids are i.e., we neglect gravitational effects which are negligible absent if the contact angle θ equals π/2, and they be- for micrometer–sized particles and also possible electro- come significantly smaller for ellipsoid sizes approaching static effects which arise through the ubiquituous surface the molecular length scale. In these circumstances, fluc- charges on real colloids. (We will comment upon electro- tuations aroundthe equilibrium interface position are ex- static effects in Subsec. 2.2). pected to influence the effective interactions noticeably. Since the interface fluctuations areof thermalnature, the scale of the ensuing interactions will be given by k T, 2.1 Capillary deformation around a single ellipsoid B the thermal energy. Within a coarse–grainedpicture, the propertiesoffluid interfacesareverywelldescribedbyan Forθ in the rangebetween 0 and180o and in the absence effective capillary wave Hamiltonian which governs both of line tensions, the most stable configuration is given by the equilibrium interface configuration and the thermal the ellipsoid positioned flat on the interface (Fig. 1), be- fluctuations (capillary waves) around this equilibrium (or causeinthisconfigurationtheamountofdisplacedareaof mean-field)position.As postulatedbythe Goldstonethe- the air–water interface is maximal.1 The meniscus defor- orem the capillary waves are long-range correlated. The mationwithrespecttothe planez =0is denotedbyu(r) interfacebreaksthe continuoustranslationalsymmetryof where r is a two–dimensional vector in the plane z = 0 the system, and in the limit of vanishing external fields andtheverticalpositionofthe ellipsoidcenterisgivenby – like gravity – it has to be accompanied by easily ex- h. In order to determine the equilibrium deformationand citablelongwavelength(Goldstone)modes–preciselythe verticalellipsoidposition,weseekanexpansionofthefree capillarywaves.Thefluctuationspectrumofthecapillary energy around a reference configuration characterized by waveswillbemodifiedbycolloidstrappedattheinterface thedeformationuref(r)andthe verticalpositionhref such and therefore leads to fluctuation–induced forces between that them. In that respect, colloids at fluids interfaces appear u=u +v , h=h +∆h. (1) to be a possible realization of a two–dimensional system ref ref exhibiting the Casimireffect.Forspheresanddisks,these 1 This can be shown by using the simplifying assumption forces have been calculated in Refs. [19,20]. The large– that theinterface around the ellipsoid remains flat [23]. H.Lehle, E. Noruzifar, M. Oettel: Ellipsoidal particles at fluid interfaces 3 (a) TheexpansionoftheboundarypartF issomewhatmore z b involved. Since the area of the domain S \S will be of y ref secondorderinthemeniscusdeformation,wecanapprox- x imate 1+(∇[uref +v])2 ≈1 in Eq. (5) and find p 2π r(φ) 2b 2a F ≈γ dφ drr cosθ 1+(∇z )2−1 . (7) b ell ∆umax Z0 Zr0,ref (cid:16) p (cid:17) contour of the ellipsoid Here the functions r (φ) and r(φ) = r + ∆r(φ) 0,ref 0,ref contact line parametrize the polar radius of the boundaries ∂S and (b) ref ∂S, respectively, i.e., they correspond to the projected z phase I (air) three–phase contact lines formed by the reference menis- phase II θ cus uref and the arbitrary meniscus u. Subsequently we x (water) perform a functional expansion of Eq. (7) with respect to displacements of the contact line position v˜ =v(r(φ))− φ Fig.1.(a)Deformationofafluidinterfacearoundanellipsoid ∆h which are constrained to lie on the ellipsoid surface: (satisfyingYoung’sequationlocally),with∆umaxdenotingthe maximaldifferenceinmeniscuselevationalongthethree–phase δFb F [v˜]≈ dφ v˜ + (8) contactline.Thepartoftheellipsoidprotrudingoutofthewa- b δv˜ φ tweartiesrsihsodwenpiucntesdhaindeddaarknedrtshheadpea.rt(bo)ftShideeelvliipewsoiodfitmhemeelrlispesdoiidn Z1 dφ φ(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)dv˜φ=′0 δ2Fb v˜φv˜φ′ +... . with thegeometrical definition of thecontact angle θ. 2Z Z δv˜φδv˜φ′(cid:12)v˜=0 (cid:12) (cid:12) Thepositionofthereferencecontact(cid:12)lineisfixedbythere- The properties of the reference configuration will be de- quirement that the reference configuration minimizes F , b termined below. The change in free energy with respect i.e., to this reference configuration is given by δF dr(φ) δF ∆F =γ∆Amen+γI∆AI+γII∆AII , (2) b = b =! 0, (9) δv˜ dv˜ δr(φ) where ∆Amen denotes the change in meniscus area and φ(cid:12)(cid:12)v˜=0 φ (cid:12)(cid:12)r(φ)=r0,ref(φ) ∆A denotes the change in contact area between the (cid:12) (cid:12) I[II] which leads(cid:12)to the following con(cid:12)dition on r0,ref(φ): ellipsoid and air or water, respectively. We split this free energy difference into two parts: 1 cosθ = . (10) ∆F = Fmen+Fb , (3) 1+[∇zell(r0,ref(φ))]2 F = γ d2r 1+(∇u)2− 1+(∇u )2 ,(4) Geometrically,Eq.(p10)expressestheconditionthatatthe men ref ZSref (cid:16)p p (cid:17) referencecontactlinetheanglebetweentheunitvectorin where the meniscus free energy F denotes the differ- z–directionandtheellipsoidnormalisgivenbyθ whichis men ence of the air–water interfacial energy integrated over a reasonable first “guess” of the equilibrium contact line that part of the plane z =0 which is given by the area of position. The solution to this equation yields ellipses for the meniscus u of the reference configuration projected the projection of the reference contact line with half axes ref onto it (denoted by S ). The boundary free energy F b′ = b|sinθ| and a′ = b′/(1−e2[1+cos2θ(1−e2)])1/2. ref b includes all remaining terms. We denote by S the area In order to fully specify the reference configuration, we of the meniscus u projected onto the plane z = 0 and requirethatthereferencemeniscusisasurfacewithmini- zell(x,y;h) describes the surface equation of the ellipsoid malarea,i.e, to firstorderit fulfills △uref =0 (consistent which depends on its vertical position h as a parameter. with Eq. (6)) with the pinning condition uref|r0,ref(φ) = With these definitions zell(r0,ref(φ);href). The second term on the r.h.s. of Eq. (8) gives us the F =γ d2r cosθ 1+(∇z )2− (5) approximation for the boundary free energy used in the b ell ZSref\S (cid:16) p following: 1+(∇[u +v])2 . ref γ 2π Atthis pointweperformaTpaylorexpansionup(cid:17)tosecond Fb[v˜]≈ 2 dφR(φ)v˜φ2 , (11) Z0 orderinthemeniscusdeformationforthefreeenergycon- b2sin2θ tributionF andF separately.ForF ,thisisequiv- R(φ) = . (12) men b men r (φ)2(1−e2cos2φ) alent to the small–gradient expansion |∇v|,|∇u | ≪ 1 0,ref ref and results in Since it is a local functional on the projected reference γ contact line, this boundary free energy can be viewed as F ≈ d2r (∇[u +v])2−(∇u )2 . (6) men 2 ref ref the total free energy cost in shifting the contact line with ZSref (cid:0) (cid:1) 4 H.Lehle, E. Noruzifar, M. Oettel: Ellipsoidal particles at fluid interfaces respect to the reference state. Thus we see that the min- imization of the free energy ∆F = F + F , Taylor men b 0.1 expanded to second order with F given by Eq. (6) men and F by Eq. (11), with respect to v leads to the lin- 0.01 b earized Young–Laplace equation △v = 0 (which also im- 10-3 a cpolinedsi△tioun=on0tthheropurgohje△ctuedrefre=fe0r)enwciethcotnhteaclotclainleboru0,nredfa(φry) p] / An10-4 [n 10-5 A ∂(u +v) dφ elliptic multipoles ref =− R(φ)(v(r0,ref(φ))−∆h). (13) 10-6 polar multipoles ∂n dℓ 10-7 Here,∂/∂ndenotestheoutwardnormalderivativeon∂S ≡ r0,ref(φ) and dℓ is the line differential on ∂Sref. Througrehf 10-80 5 10 15n 20 25 30 minimization of ∆F with respect to ∆h, the vertical po- sition of the colloid is fixed by the condition Fig. 2. Comparison of the elliptic and polar multipole ex- pansion of the equilibrium meniscus around an ellipsoid with 2π aspect ratio a/b = 5 and contact angle θ = 66o. The elliptic dφR(φ)v(r (φ)) 0,ref multipole series is definedin Eq. (17) and thepolar multipole ∆h= Z0 2π . (14) series (where we have used r0 =a) is given by Eq. (18). Note dφR(φ) that because of symmetriy reasons all sine moments Bm and Bp are zero. Z0 m This condition implies that the solution does not depend on the choice of h , the vertical position of the ellipsoid where A and B denote elliptic multipole moments of ref m m in the reference configuration. An arbitrary shift in h orderm.Comparingtothe generalsolutioninpolarcoor- ref will be compensated by a corresponding negative shift in dinates, ∆h, as can be shown from Eqs. (13) and (14). r At this point we want to remark that the reduction u(r,φ)= Apln + (18) 0 r of the original capillary problem (with unknown contact 0 r m line) to the solution of the Laplace equation with a lo- 0 [Ap cos(mφ)+Bp sin(mφ)] , cal boundary condition at a fixed boundary (the projec- r m m tion of the reference contact line) is a greatsimplification mX>0(cid:16) (cid:17) and speeds up numerical solutions enormously. Further- we note that an elliptic multipole of order m is a super- more we note that the technique of splitting the free en- position of polar multipoles of order n ≥ m. In terms of ergyintoameniscusandaboundarypartwithsubsequent the expansiongivenin Eq. (17), the problemreduces to a Taylorexpansionhas alreadybeenintroducedinRef. [24] setofcoupledlinearequationsforthemultipolemoments. fortheproblemofcapillarydeformationsaroundcolloidal It is usually sufficient to take into account multipoles of spheres. order m≤50 for a very precise solution. Since the boundary curve r (φ) is itself an ellipse, InFig.2wecomparetheconvergenceoftheellipticand 0,ref a numerical solution for the meniscus deformation u is the polar multipole series for the meniscus deformation mostconvenientlyperformedusingellipticcoordinatess,t aroundan ellipsoid with aspect ratio a/b=5 andcontact whose relation to cartesian coordinates is given by x = angle θ = 66o. The leading multipole is the quadrupole α coshscost and y = α sinhssint. Isolines of constant s (m = 2). The vanishing monopole is related to the fact areellipses,theconditionthattheboundarycurver (φ) that no contact line force acts on the ellipsoid which we 0,ref is such an isoline at s=s leads to the relations α=a′e′ haveensuredbyminimizingthefreeenergywithrespectto 0 and s = acosh(1/e′) where e′ is the eccentricity of the the vertical position of the ellipsoid. The dipole moments 0 elliptic boundary curve. The Laplace equation in elliptic arealsozerosinceinequilibriumthereisnotorqueacting coordinates is given by on the ellipsoid. While the elliptic multipole expansion converges sufficiently fast for all practical purposes (e.g., 1 ∂2 ∂2 A30/A2 ≈ 10−6), the polar multipole series is very badly △u(s,t)= H2 ∂s2 + ∂t2 u(s,t)=0, (15) convergent(e.g.,Ap30/Ap2 ≈0.03).This isdue to the fairly (cid:18) (cid:19) large aspect ratio; for a/b & 1 the polar multipole series H = α sinh2s+sin2t, (16) yields rapid convergence [16]. Due to the approximate forms of the meniscus and p and its solution is given by the expansion boundaryfreeenergyfunctionals(Eqs.(6)and(11)),Young’s conditionisfulfilledonlyapproximatelyforthecorrespond- s u(s,t)=A + (17) ingminimumconfiguration.Ingeneral,theapproximation 0 s0 becomes exact in the limit θ → 90o (for arbitrary aspect e−m(s−s0)[A cos(mt)+B sin(mt)] , ratio a/b)or a/b→1 (for arbitrarycontactangle θ). The m m projectedcontactliner (φ)6=r (φ)oftheapproximate m>0 0 0,ref X H.Lehle, E. Noruzifar, M. Oettel: Ellipsoidal particles at fluid interfaces 5 0.5 a / b = 1.1 1 2 a / b = 5 0.4 5 ’θθos / cos 00..68 eclolniptosouird a /9 9b00 o=o 5757o5o606o0o454o53o03o01o50oo a / b = 2 ∆u / bmax00..23 10 c0.4 reference 15o contact line a / b = 2 0o 0.1 0.2 00 10 20 30 40 t [o]50 60 70 80 90 00 20 4θ0 [deg] 60 80 Fig.3.Theratiocosθ′/cosθforthetwoaspectratios2and5. Fig. 4. Maximum meniscus height difference ∆umax(θ) as ′ Theangleθ isthecontactanglepertainingtotheapproximate function of the contact angle θ for different aspect ratios a/b. solution (varyingalongthecontact linecontour,parametrized ∆umax attains its maximum for contact angles between 40o bytheelliptic angle t) and θ=66o is theinputcontact angle. and 55o, while it is zero for neutrally (θ =90o) or completely Theinsetshowstheprojectionoftheellipsoidcontourandthe (θ→0) wetting particles. reference contact line on the interface plane. For some values oft,thelocationofthecorrespondingpointonthecontactline is given. determined in Refs. [17,10] and reads r 4 Uquad =−3πγ(∆u )2 0 cos(2ω +2ω ), (19) solutioncanbedeterminednumericallybytheintersection cap max d 1 2 ofthesolution(17)withtheellipsoid.Thelikewisenumer- (cid:16) (cid:17) ically determined contact angle θ′ varies along r (φ), for where ω1 and ω2 are the polar orientation angles of the 0 ellipsoids in the interface plane with respect to the dis- an example see Fig. 3 where the deviations from Young’s law are shown for an input contact angleθ =66o and the tance vector between their centers (see Fig. 5 (a)). The simple energy estimate in Eq. (19) predicts that the cor- two aspect ratios a/b = 2 and a/b = 5. For the smaller respondingforcesbetweentwoellipsoidsapproachingeach value of the aspect ratio, the deviations are small. For other side–by–side (ω = ω = 90o) or tip–to–tip (ω = a/b= 5 however, larger deviations occur which are local- 1 2 1 ized very close to the tips (in a domain t < 10o, see the ω2 = 0o) are attractive and equal. However, an experi- mental estimate of these interaction forces [13] revealed inset of Fig. 3). Closer inspection reveals that at the tips thatthe attractiveforce in the side–by–sideconfiguration and on the contact line r (φ), the small–gradientapprox- imation (∇u)2 ≪ 1 brea0ks down (however, it still holds varied as Fcap ∝ −d−4.1 whereas for the tip–to–tip con- figuration it varied as F ∝ −d−5, in accordance with approximately on the reference contact line r (φ)). cap 0,ref Eq. (19). The measurements were performed over a lim- The meniscus shape strongly depends on the aspect ited distance range d/a . 4 for aspect ratios a/b ranging ratio and the contact angle. We have investigated the in- from 3 to 4.3. fluenceoftheseparametersonthemaximumheightdiffer- Thus, for such aspect ratios the quadrupole approxi- ence∆u alongthecontactline,withtheresultsshown max mation appears to be insufficient. We can apply the for- in Fig. 4. This provides us with a quick estimate on the malism developed in the previous subsection also to the strength of the interaction between two ellipsoids since in evaluationoftheinterfacedeformationandassociatedcap- linearizedtheoryonecanexpectthattheamplitudeofthe illary energy for two ellipsoids. The meniscus part of the capillaryinteractionenergyisapproximatelyproportional to(∆u )2.Dependingontheprecisevalueoftheaspect free energy (Eq. (4)) remains unchanged save for the ex- max tendofthe integrationdomainS :hereitconsistsofthe ratio, ∆u attains its maximum for contact angles be- ref max tween 40o and 55o, i.e. in the experiments of Ref. [15], wholeplanewiththetwoellipsesenclosedbytheprojected where for the used polystyrene ellipsoids a contact angle referencecontactlinecutout,Sˆref =R2\∪2i=1Si,ref.2 The of around 40o was determined, the capillary deformation boundary free energy for each ellipsoid (Eq. (11)) has to aroundthe particles is close to its maximumas compared beamendedbyadditionaltermsrelatedtotheappearance to particles of the same shape but with different θ. of an additional degree of freedom given by the angles αi of the long ellipsoid axis with the plane z = 0. For fixed distance d and orientationangles ω andω , the presence 1 2 ofthesecondellipsoidcausesthefirstellipsoidtodipwith 2.2 Capillary interaction between two ellipsoids its tip into the water and vice versa, i.e., the free energy has to be minimized with respect to rotations around an For large distances d, the capillary interaction between two ellipsoids is determined by the quadrupole. For small 2 WefollowtheconventionofRef.[24]anddenotewithahat eccentricities(a≃b=r0)theinteractionenergyhasbeen all quantities pertaining to thetwo–ellipsoid configuration. 6 H.Lehle, E. Noruzifar, M. Oettel: Ellipsoidal particles at fluid interfaces (a) (s2(s1,t1),t2(s1,t1)) differencewithrespecttothereferencestatewithd→∞: ∂S1,ref φω11 ω2 ∆Fˆ = Fˆmen(d,ω1,ω2)−Fˆmen,ref(d→∞,ω1,ω2)+ Fˆ (d,ω ,ω ) (22) b 1 2 ∂S2,ref ≈ γ d2x(∇uˆ)2+Fˆ (d,ω ,ω )+const. (23) b 1 2 2 ZSref d Consequently, the capillary potential U can be defined cap (b) R2 as the free energy difference U =∆Fˆ(d,ω ,ω )−∆Fˆ(d→∞,ω ,ω ). (24) cap 1 2 1 2 R1 h0 The equilibrium configuration minimizes the free en- ergy in Eq. (23) and can be calculated similarly as in Sec. 2.1. Minimizing Fˆ with respect to ∆h and α pro- b i i vides the equilibrium height and orientation of ellipsoid i and leads to expressions analogous to Eq. (14) (since terms coupling ∆h and α vanish). In contrast to the i i Fig. 5. Top view on two ellipsoids at an interface. (a) The single colloid case, the equilibrium meniscus uˆ(x) for two polaranglesω1andω2specifythedirectionofthelonghalfaxis ellipsoids has to fulfill boundary conditions at both refer- of the contact line ellipse with respect to the distance vector ence ellipses ∂S . They ariseby minimizing the bound- between the centersof thetwo ellipses. The polar angle φ1 on ary free energyiF,ˆrefin Eq. (20) and contain an additional, the reference ellipse ∂S1,ref and theparametrisation (s1,t1)= b α -dependent term as compared to the boundary condi- (s1(s2,t2),t1(s2,t2)) of ∂S1,ref in terms of elliptic coordinates i with respect to the reference ellipse ∂S2,ref is indicated. (b) tion for the single ellipsoid (Eq. (13)). For the numerical R1 andR2 aretheradiiofthecurvatureonthoseellipsepoints determinationof the equilibriummeniscus profile,the su- whose distance is theminimal distance h. perposition ansatz uˆ(x) = u1(s1,t1)+u2(s2,t2) is used. Thereby, the functions u are given by the expansions of i the meniscus around a single colloid into elliptic multi- axis in the interface plane which is perpendicular to the poles (Eq. (17)), and (s ,t ) are elliptic coordinates with i i symmetryaxis.Theadditionaltermsintheboundaryfree respect to the center of the reference ellipse S (see i,ref energycanbedeterminedasbeforeinSec.2.1byperform- Fig. 5). Through the boundary conditions a set of cou- ing a Taylor expansion in terms of both, displacements pledlinearequationsforthemultipolemomentsisderived of the contact line height v˜i,φi = vˆ(r0(φi)) − ∆hi and which can be solved with standard numerical methods. changes of the tilt angle αi around the reference configu- Asanexamplefortheresults,thecapillaryforceFcap = ration v˜i,φi =0 and αi =0 (i.e., in the reference configu- −∂Ucap/∂dindirectionofthedistancevectorbetweenthe rationtheellipsoidsarepositionedflatontheundisturbed ellipsoids is shown in Fig. 6, for an aspect ratio a/b = 5 interface). This procedure results in the expression and a contact angle θ = 66o. The force considerably de- viates from the quadrupole form for d/a < 4, i.e., in the γ 2 2π region where the experimental measurements of Ref. [13] Fˆb = dφi Rzz(φi)[vˆ−∆hi]2 have been performed. For these distances, the force does 2 i=1Z0 not follow a power law but a fit to an effective power–law X (cid:8) +2e2xR (φ )[vˆ−∆h ]α +e2R (φ )α2 (20) wouldclearly yield an exponent >−5 in the side–by–side zα i i i αα i i configuration, but also an effective exponent < −5 for (cid:9) for the total boundary free energy of two ellipsoids. The the tip–to–tip configuration. The reason for this behav- lengthy expressions for the coefficients R , R and R ior appears to be that the capillary deformation around zz zα αα are given in the appendix, see Eqs. (37)–(39). (Note that one ellipsoid is dominated by the elliptic quadrupole, i.e., R (φ)=R(φ), Eq. (12).) closer to the ellipsoid the capillary deformation has sub- zz For two ellipsoids, the meniscus free energy of the ref- stantial contributions from polar multipoles higher than erence configuration, the quadrupole (see Fig. 2) which also influence the pair interaction considerably. γ For the parametersused in Fig.6 the asymptotic cap- Fˆ (d,ω ,ω )≈ d2x(∇uˆ )2 , (21) men,ref 1 2 2 ZSˆref ref illary potential, given by the quadrupole form Ucqaupad = −U (a/d)4 cos(2ω +2ω ), one finds the amplitude U ≈ 0 1 2 0 obviouslydependsontheconfigurationvariables{d,ω ,ω }. 7×106k T forellipsoidswithlonghalfaxisa=10µmat 1 2 B The reference meniscus fulfills △uˆ = 0 and the bound- the air–water interface. Usually, the experimentally used ref ary condition uˆ | = z (r (φ );h ). To include ellipsoids are charge–stabilized which leads to an asymp- ref ∂Si,ref Ell 0 i i,ref all dependence on the configuration variables into the to- toticallyisotropicdipolarrepulsionU =U (a/d)3.Us- el 0,el tal free energy, it is suitable to consider the free energy ing the results of Ref. [9], one canestimate the amplitude H.Lehle, E. Noruzifar, M. Oettel: Ellipsoidal particles at fluid interfaces 7 interface [20]. The capillary wave Hamiltonian depends 0.01 on the position and orientation of the ellipsoids through the integration domain S which encompasses the whole 0.001 a / b = 5, θ = 66o plane z =0with the ellipses enclosedby the contactlines 10-4 cut out. Therefore also the the free energy F(d,ω ) = ) i a γ( 10-5 −kBT lnZ(d,ωi) depends on the distance d and the ori- / p -6 tip-to-tip entation angles ω1 and ω2 (see Fig. 5 (a)). The partition Fca 10 side-by-side function Z(d,ωi) is obtainedby a functionalintegralover - 10-7 quadrupole force all possible interface configurations u; the boundary con- dition u| = 0 on the two contact lines ∂S and ∂S -8 ∂Si 1 2 10 is included by δ-function constraints, as introduced in -9 Ref. [26]: 10 1 10 d / a 2 H [u] Z =Z−1 Du exp − cw δ[u(x )]. bFeitgw.e6en. twCoapeilllliaprsyoidfosrcweithFcaapspe=ct−ra∂tUiocaap//∂bd=in5 aunnditscoonftaγcat 0 Z (cid:26) kBT (cid:27) Yi=1xiY∈∂Si i (26) angle θ =66o approaching each other side–by–side or tip–to– Z isanormalizationfactorsuchthatZ(d→∞)=1.The 0 tip. δ-functions in Eq. (26) can be removed by using their in- tegralrepresentationviaauxiliaryfieldsψ (x )definedon i i of the electrostatic repulsions as U ≈ 103 k T (with a thecontactlines∂Si [25,26].Thisenablesustointegrate 0,el B chargedensityof1electronpernm2 andultrapurewater). out the field u leading to Thus the electrostatic repulsions are completely unim- 2 2 k T portant compared with the capillary potential; only for Z =Z−1 Dψ exp − B dℓ dℓ × distances d & 104a the directional capillary attractions 0 i  2γ i j would be overpoweredby the electrostatic repulsions. Z iY=1  iX,j=1I∂Si I∂Sj ψ (x )G(|x −x |)ψ (x ) . (27) i i i j j j (cid:27) 3 Capillary waves: fluctuation–induced Here, we introduced the Green’s function interactions G(x)=K (|x|/λ )/(2π)oftheoperator(−△+λ−2)where 0 c c K is the modified Bessel function of the second kind. In 0 As discussed in the introductory section, the scale of the thisform,thefluctuationpartresembles2dscreenedelec- fluctuation–induced interaction energies is ∼ kBT such trostatics: it is the partition function of a system of fluc- that they are observable only if static capillary interac- tuating charge densities ψ residing on the contact lines. i tions are (almost) absent. Since for θ = 90o the capillary In the intermediate asymptotic regime a,b ≪ d ≪ λ c interactions are identically zero (see the previous section) thefreeenergyassociatedwiththispartitionfunctioncan we discuss in this section the exemplary case of two el- be calculated through an expansionof the auxiliary fields lipsoids with their centers at z =0 and their three–phase ψ in terms of elliptic multipoles and an expansion of i contact lines (ellipses with half axes a and b) also located Green’sfunctionintermsof1/dusingellipticcoordinates. intheplaneoftheflatinterface,correspondingtotheequi- Details of the lengthy calculations will be reported else- libriumpositionofanellipsoidwithcontactangleθ =90o. where. The resulting free energy can be written as an ex- Furthermore we assume that the contact line is pinned pansionF/(k T)=f +f /d2+f /d4+... with the two B 0 2 4 and the position of the ellipsoid is fixed by some external leading coefficients given by: means. This corresponds to a Dirichlet boundary condi- 1 2d tion for the meniscus at the boundary of the projected f = lnln +const., (28) 0 meniscus area S: u(∂S) = 0. The free energy cost for 2 a+b small–gradient fluctuations of the interface position u(r) (a+b)2 3 f =− − (a2−b2)(cos2ω +cos2ω ).(29) around its mean u = 0 is given by the capillary wave 2 1 2 4 8 Hamiltonian: Theseexpressionshavebeenobtainedinthelimitd/λ → c γ u2 0which,however,is attainedveryslowly.Inthis limitthe H = d2r (∇u)2+ , (25) cw 2 ZS (cid:20) λ2c(cid:21) filrle–edeenfienregdyadnidffetrheenrceefoFre(dth,ωeie)ff−ecFti(vde→col∞loi,dωail)iinstearcatcutailolny which (with λ → ∞) has already been used for evalu- is only meaningful for a finite capillary length λ , simi- c c ating the free energy of static interface deformations (see lartoa free two–dimensionalinterfacethe width ofwhich Eq.(6)).InEq.(25),λ denotesthecapillarylengthwhich is determined by the capillary wave fluctuations and di- c is usually much larger than the extensions of microcol- verges logarithmically ∼ lnλ . The leading terms of the c loids, nevertheless it is necessary to keep the associated fluctuation–induced free energy between spheres or disks freeenergycontribution(stemmingfromgravity)through- (where the contact lines are circles of radius r ) have al- 0 out the calculations since it ensures the stability of the ready been calculated in Refs. [19,20] and correspond to 8 H.Lehle, E. Noruzifar, M. Oettel: Ellipsoidal particles at fluid interfaces the orientation–independent terms in Eqs. (28) and (29) Firstly,ellipsoidscausestatic interfacedeformationsif with 2r = a+b. Note that for stretched ellipsoids with theyarepartiallywettingandtheircontactangleisdiffer- 0 a > 2b the next–to–leading order term f in the free en- entfrom90o.Thesestaticdeformationsleadtoorientation– 2 ergy expansion may become repulsive when the ellipsoids dependentcapillaryinteractionsbetweentheparticles.The are aligned side by side (ω =ω =π/2). fullsolutiontothiscapillaryproblemrequiresthesolution 1 2 In the opposite limit of small surface–to–surface dis- of a nonlinear differential equation together with Young’s tance h (d,ω ,ω ) the fluctuation force can be calculated condition on the boundary, the three–phase contact lines 0 1 2 by using the well–known result for the fluctuation force whose locations are a priori unknown. It is possible to per length f (h˜) = −k T π/(12h˜2) between two lines analyze the interface deformation and the ensuing capil- 2d B a distance h˜ apart [26], together with the Derjaguin (or lary potential in a perturbative treatment, valid for small proximity) approximation: deformationsofthe interface,whichleadsto the standard problemofalineardifferentialequationwithalocalcondi- F π2 2 tiononagiven,fixedboundary.Forsmalltointermediate kBT ≈−24sh0 R1−1+R2−1 (h0 →0). (30) datisiotannscfersombettwheeewnetllh–ekenloliwpnsoqidusadwreufipnodlecionntesridaecrtaiobnlewdheivcih- is valid for asymptotically large distances. As a perspec- (cid:0) (cid:1) Here,R andR aretheradiiofcurvatureatthosepoints 1 2 tiveforfuturework,thedevelopedalgorithmallowsafast onthecontactlineofellipsoid1and2,respectively,whose determination of the deformation and the potential also distanceistheminimalsurface–to–surfacedistanceh (see 0 for large eccentricities of the particles and appears to be Fig. 5 (b)). Thus, the fluctuation–induced interaction en- potentially useful for applicationin computer simulations ergy between the ellipsoids divergesupon approach,simi- of the aggregationprocess in ellipsoidal monolayers. larly to the van–der–Waals attraction. Secondly, thermally excited capillary wave cause fluc- Forintermediatedistancesdthepartitionfunctionmust tuation–induced interactions between the ellipsoids. For beevaluatednumerically.InEq.(26)theintegraloverthe the specific case of a pinned contact line we find that auxiliary fields ψ can be carried out because they appear anisotropic effects in the fluctuation force arise only for only quadratically in the exponent. The resulting deter- subleading terms in an asymptotic expansion. It diverges minant is divergent and requires regularisation.However, for ellipsoids coming close to contact.However,due to its the derivative of its logarithm with respect to d (corre- small scale the fluctuation force appears to be relevant sponding to minus the force F in direction of the dis- fluc experimentally only if the static capillaryinteractions are tancevectorbetweenthe centersoftheellipsoids)is finite greatlyreduced,e.g.,iftheellipsoidsareofnanometersize and convergent in a numerical analysis (see Ref. [20] for or the contact angle is close to 90o. further details). It turns out that the fluctuation force is Acknowledgment:E.NoruzifarandM.Oettelthank attractive for all distances and orientations which were the German Science Foundation for financial support analyzed. This is already suggested by the close–distance through the Collaborative Research Centre (SFB-TR6) regime (where F ∝ −1/h3/2 is always attractive) and fluc 0 “Colloids in External Fields”. thelong–distanceregime(whereF isdominatedbythe fluc likewise attractive, in–plane isotropic term −∂f /∂d = 0 −1/[2dln(d/r )], see Eq. (28)). In order to exemplify the 0 A Contact line contributions to the free effect of in–plane anisotropy on the fluctuation force, the results for the force with the asymptotically leading, iso- energy tropic term subtracted (F = F +k T∂f /∂d) are sub fluc B 0 showninFig.7forellipsoidswithaspectratioa/b=6and In this appendix we determine the coefficients R , R forthethreeconfigurations(a)tip–to–tip(ω =ω =0o), zz zα 1 2 andR ofthe functionalTaylorexpansionofthe bound- (b) side–to–tip (ω = 90o, ω = 0o) and (c) side–by–side αα 1 2 aryfreeenergyFˆ inEq.(20)aroundthereferenceconfig- (ω = ω = 90o). For all configurations, for large d the b 1 2 uration {v˜ =vˆ(r (φ ))−∆h =0,α =0}. They are approach to the aymptotic result given by −∂(f /d2)/∂d i,φ 0 i i i,ref 2 given by the second variation of Fˆ = 2 F with re- is fairly slow. For the configurations (a) and (b) the sub- b i=1 b,i specttoshiftsofthecontactlineheightv˜ ortochanges tractedforce Fsub remainsattractive for all distances and in the orientation α of the long axisPoif,φeillipsoid i and there is a smooth crossover from the longe–distance to i can be calculated separately for the two colloids. As in the close–distance regime while for the side–by–side con- Sec. 2.1 for the case of α ≡ 0 (for a single ellipsoid), the figuration (c) there is a sign change from the attractive i needed functional derivative δ2F /δv˜2 , the derivative close–distanceregime(opencircles)totherepulsivelong– b,i i,φi distanceregime(fullcircles),inaccordancewithEq.(29). ∂2F /∂α 2 and the mixed derivative ∂ (δF /δv˜ ) b,i i ∂αi b,i i,φi aredeterminedbythederivativesoftheboundariesofthe surface integrals(given by the position of the three phase 4 Summary and conclusions contact line, cf. Eq. (7)) with respect to α and v˜ , re- i i,φ spectively. In this work we have analyzed the interface–mediated in- According to Eq. (7), F =γ(cosθ∆A +∆A ), b,i I,i proj,i teractionswhicharisebetweenellipsoidalparticlestrapped upon contact line shift and tilt the boundary free energy at a fluid interface. containsacontributionduetothechangeoftheair–water H.Lehle, E. Noruzifar, M. Oettel: Ellipsoidal particles at fluid interfaces 9 interface (projected onto z =0): Employing the relations given above we can calculate the contact line position on the rotated ellipsoid and, in 2π r0(φi) particular, its partial derivatives. After some algebra, we ∆A =− dφ drr , (31) proj,i i finally arrive at the expressions Z0 Zr0,ref(φi) and a contribution due to the change of the colloid area b2sin2θ R (φ )= , (37) exposed to fluid I: zz i r (φ )2(1−e2cos2φ )2 0,ref i i 1 z (φ )2/r (φ )2 π x′+ y′+ R (φ )= − 1− 0,ref i 0,ref i ∆AI,i = dφ′ dx′ dy′ (32) zα i 1−e2cos2φi(cid:20) 1−e2cos2φi (cid:21) Z0 Zx′r+ef Zyr′+ef cos2θ (1−e2)+b2/r0,ref(φi)2 y′ + , (38) ×δ φ′−arctan g(x′,y′) (cid:2)(1−e2cos2φi)2 (cid:3) x′ (cid:18) (cid:19) 2π x′− y′− p and ref ref + dφ′ dx′ dy′ Zπ Zx′− Zy′− y′ Rαα(φi)= (39) ×δ φ′−π−arctan g(x′,y′) (cid:18) x′(cid:19) 1 r (φ )2cos2φ − z02,ref(1+e2cos2φi) p 1−e2cos2φ 0,ref i i 1−e2cos2φ In Eq. (32), the surface integral is transformed into one i" i # overthe cartesiancomponentsx′,y′ ofabody–fixedcoor- cos2θ dinate system with axes fixed to the main ellipsoid axes + 2(1−e2cos2φ )3 for computational convenience in taking the derivatives. i " The reference contact line is parametrized by x′+[−](φ′), −(1−e2)(b2−z (φ )2)(1+e2cos2φ (1−2e2sin2φ )) ref 0,ref i i i y′+[−](φ′) (for φ′ < π[φ′ > π]), and the shifted contact lirneef is parametrized by x′+[−](φ′),y′+[−](φ′). +2b2 1−e2cos2φi (1+cos2φi(1+e2sin2φi)) , # The calculation of the boundary free energy variation (cid:0) (cid:1) F can be performed in two steps: (1) First, we tilt el- b,i for the coefficients of the functional Taylor expansion of lipsoid i by an angle α with a pinned contact line. Then i Fˆ .Here,z (φ)2 =b2−r (φ)2[sin2φ+(1−e2)cos2φ]. ∆A = 0 holds, but ∆A 6= 0. (2) In a second step, b 0,ref 0,ref I,i proj,i thecontactlineisreleasedtoitsfinalpositionv˜ .Inthis i,φi Note, that by minimizing Fˆ with respect to α we second step, both ∆A and ∆A , contribute to F . b i I,i proj,i b,i ensure torque balance of the colloid whereas mimimizing The two steps have to be distinguished, since the orien- with respect to the height ∆h guarantees that the to- tational tilts change the surface measure of the ellipsoid. i tal vertical force exerted by the meniscus on the contact In order to avoid the calculation with the α -dependent i linevanishes.Thenumericalcalculationoftheequilibrium metric g = 1+|∇z (α )|2 of the ellipsoid surface, we i,Ell i meniscus between two ellipsoidal particles and the result- calculate the second variation δ2∆A in body–fixed co- I,i ingcapillaryinteractionsshows,however,thattheeffectof ordinatesofthe colloid.The contributionδ2∆A from the change of the projected meniscus area is dpertoejr,mi ined αi is rather small, leading to changes of the results <∼1% ascomparedtothecomputationsusingtheboundarycon- separately, here the steps (1) and (2) can be considered tribution (13), in which α is neglected. together.Inbody–fixedcoordinatesthemetricisgivenby i g′ =1+(1−e2)2(x′/z′)2+(y′/z′)2. 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