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Pavel Drábek, Gabriela Holubová Elements of Partial Differential Equations De Gruyter Textbook Pavel Drábek, Gabriela Holubová Elements of Partial Differential Equations 2nd, Revised and Extended Edition Mathematics Subject Classification 2010 35F10, 35J05, 35J08, 35K05, 35K08, 35L05, 35A09, 35B50, 35C05, 35C10 Authors Prof. Dr. Pavel Drábek University of West Bohemia Department of Mathematics and NTIS Univerzitni 8 30100 Pilsen Czech Republic [email protected] Dr. Gabriela Holubová University of West Bohemia Department of Mathematics and NTIS Univerzitni 8 30100 Pilsen Czech Republic [email protected] ISBN 978-3-11-031665-0 e-ISBN 978-3-11-031667-4 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A CIP catalog record for this book has been applied for at the Library of Congress. Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available in the Internet at http://dnb.dnb.de. © 2014 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston Printing and binding: CPI buch bücher.de GmbH, Birkach ♾Printed on acid-free paper Printed in Germany www.degruyter.com Preface The changes we made in this second edition of our book are inspired by our teachingexperiencefromthePDEclass. Besidesminorrevisions,wealsoadded some new material and slightly reorganized its exposition. We quote from the Preface to the first edition in order to clarify the original motivation behind the publication of this book: “Nowadays, there are hundreds of books (textbooks as well as monographs) devotedtopartialdifferentialequationswhichrepresentoneofthemostpower- fultoolsofmathematicalmodelingofreal-worldproblems. Thesebookscontain an enormous amount of material. This is, on the one hand, an advantage since due to this fact we can solve plenty of complicated problems. However, on the other hand, the existence of such an extensive literature complicates the orien- tation in this subject for the beginners. It is difficult for them to distinguish an important fact from a marginal information, to decide what to study first and what to postpone for later time. Ourbookisaddressednotonlytostudentswhointendtospecializeinmathe- maticsduringtheirfurtherstudies,butalsotostudentsofengineering,economy and applied sciences. To understand our book, only basic facts from calculus and linear ordinary differential equations of the first and second orders are needed. We try to present the first introduction to PDEs and that is why our textisonaveryelementarylevel. Ouraimistoenablethereadertounderstand what the partial differential equation is, where it comes from and why it must be solved. We also want the reader to understand the basic principles which are valid for particular types of PDEs, and to acquire some classical methods of their solving. We limit ourselves only to the fundamental types of equations and the basic methods. At present, there are many software packages that can beusedforsolvingalotofspecialtypesofpartialdifferentialequationsandcan be very helpful, but these tools are used only as a “black box” without deeper understanding of the general principles and methods. We would like to point out that we work with most of the notions only in- tuitively and avoid intentionally some precise definitions and exact proofs. We believe that this way of exposition makes the text more readable and the main ideas and methods used become thus more lucid. Hence, the reader who is not a mathematician, will be not disturbed by technical hypotheses, which in con- crete models are usually assumed to be satisfied. On the other hand, we trust that a mathematician will fill up these gaps easily or find the answers in more vi Preface specialized literature. In order to guide the reader, we put the most important equations, formulas and facts in shaded boxes, so that he/she could better dis- tinguish them from intermediate steps. Further, the text contains many solved examples and illustrating figures. At the end of each chapter there are several exercises. More complicated and theoretical ones are accompanied by hints, the exercises based on calculations include the expected solution. We want to emphasize that there may exist many different forms of a solution and the reader can easily check the correctness of his/her results by substituting them in the equation. In any case, with the limited extent of this text, we do not claim our book to be comprehensive. It is a selection which is subjective, but which – in our opinion – covers the minimum which should be understood by everybody who wants to use or to study the theory of PDEs more deeply. We deal only with theclassical methods which area necessary startingpoint for furtherand more advanced studies. Wedrawfrom our experience that springsnot only from our teaching activities but also from our scientific work. Finally, we would like to thank our colleagues Petr Girg, Petr Nečesal, Pavel Krejčí, Alois Kufner, Herbert Leinfelder, Luboš Pick, Josef Polák and Robert Plato, editor of De Gruyter, for careful reading of the manuscript and valuable comments. Ourspecial thanksbelongtoJiříJarníkforcorrectingourEnglish.” The exposition of the material in the second edition is as follows. In Chap- ter 1, we present the basic conservation and constitutive laws. We also derive some basic models. Chapter 2 is devoted to different notions of a solution, to boundary and initial conditions and to the classification of PDEs. Chapter 3 deals with the first-order linear PDEs. Chapters 4–9 study the simplest pos- sible forms of the wave, diffusion and Laplace (Poisson) equations and explain standard methods how to find their solutions. In Chapter 10, we point out the general principles of the above mentioned main three types of second-order linear PDEs. Chapters 11–13 are devoted to the Laplace (Poisson), diffusion and wave equations in higher dimensions. For the sake of brevity, we restrict ourselves to equations in three dimensions with respect to the space variable. Manystandardproceduresandmethodsfromourexpositionhavebeenwidely used by many other authors. Let us mention, e.g., the textbooks and mono- graphs by Strauss [21], Logan [15], Arnold [2], Bassanini and Elcrat [5], Evans [7], Farlow [8], Franců [9], Míka and Kufner [16], Stavroulakis and Tersian [20] and many others. We do not refer to all of them in our text in order not to disturb the flow of ideas. SomeoftheexerciseswerealsoborrowedfromthebooksbyAsmar[3],Barták et al. [4], Keane [12], Logan [15], Snider [19], Stavroulakis and Tersian [20], Strauss[21],Zauderer[24]. Wedonotlistthemexplicitlyasinthefirstedition. Many of them appear in several books parallelly and it is thusdifficult to hunt out the original source. Preface vii WewouldliketothankourcolleaguesMartinaLangerová,SarathSasi,Anoop ThazheVeetil,KalappattilLakshmiandAthiyanathumPoytlReshmaforcare- ful reading of the final version of this manuscript and for their valuable sug- gestions. We also thank the editorial staff of De Gruyter for the agreeable collaboration. Pilsen, January 2014 Pavel Drábek and Gabriela Holubová Contents Preface v 1 Motivation, Derivation of Basic Mathematical Models 1 1.1 Conservation Laws ....................................... 1 1.1.1 Evolution Conservation Law ......................... 3 1.1.2 Stationary Conservation Law ........................ 5 1.1.3 Conservation Law in One Dimension .................. 5 1.2 Constitutive Laws ........................................ 6 1.3 Basic Models ............................................ 7 1.3.1 Convection and Transport Equation .................. 7 1.3.2 Diffusion in One Dimension ......................... 9 1.3.3 Heat Equation in One Dimension .................... 10 1.3.4 Heat Equation in Three Dimensions .................. 10 1.3.5 String Vibrations and Wave Equation in One Dimension 11 1.3.6 Wave Equation in Two Dimensions – Vibrating Membrane ........................................ 15 1.3.7 Laplace and Poisson Equations – Steady States ........ 16 1.4 Exercises ................................................ 18 2 Classification, Types of Equations, Boundary and Initial Conditions 21 2.1 Basic Types of Equations ................................. 21 2.2 Classical, General, Generic and Particular Solutions ........... 23 2.3 Boundary and Initial Conditions ........................... 26 2.4 Well-Posed and Ill-Posed Problems ......................... 28 2.5 Classification of Linear Equations of the Second Order ........ 29 2.6 Exercises ................................................ 32 3 Linear Partial Differential Equations of the First Order 37 3.1 Equations with Constant Coefficients ....................... 37 3.1.1 Geometric Interpretation – Method of Characteristics ... 38 3.1.2 Coordinate Method ................................ 42 3.1.3 Method of Characteristic Coordinates ................. 43

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