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Electronically Scanned Arrays MATLAB® Modeling and Simulation PDF

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Electrical Engineering B Electronically r o w n Scanned Arrays Electronically Scanned Arrays MATLAB® Modeling and Simulation E l ® e MATLAB Modeling Simulation and c t “[Contains] more lengthy mathematical derivations than most {comparable r o books] … for arrays, provides for a unique, stand-alone mathematical descrip- n tion that can be adopted by anyone trying to communicate the theoretical i Edited by Arik D. Brown c foundation for their array design…has insights from a practitioner that are a unique. The MATLAB® scripts alone are worth the price.” l l y —Daniel C. Ross, PhD, Northrop Grumman Corporation S c Electronically Scanned Arrays: MATLAB® Modeling and Simulation is considered a the first book to provide comprehensive modeling/simulation programs used to design n and analyze Electronically Scanned Arrays (ESA), a key technology international in n e scientific and engineering communities. d A Several books have been written about ESAs, but most cover only fundamental r r theory. Few, if any, provide the insightful, easy-to-use simulation tools found in this a book. Obviously, MATLAB is one of the greatest tools available for exploring and y s understanding science and engineering concepts, and we use MATLAB functions to easily and instantly calculate ESA patterns. However, to achieve a truly insightful M A and in-depth analysis of subarray architectures, conformal arrays, etc., it is T imperative that users first develop a firm grasp of ESA fundamentals. L A B ® Covers largely unexplored topics, such as reliability aspects and the application M of ESAs in space o d This volume helps readers build an elemental understanding of how ESAs work. It also e l provides code to run as an aid, so that readers don’t have to start from scratch. The i n book expands on ESA principles and provides a modeling framework using MATLAB to g model applications of ESAs (i.e., pattern optimization, space-based applications and a n reliability analysis). Presented code serves as an excellent vehicle to help readers d master the analysis and simulation of ESAs. S i m Exploring how difficult problems can be simplified with short, elegant solutions, this is u an invaluable resource for students and others new to ESAs, as well as experienced l a practicing engineers who model ESAs at the systems level. t i o n K12849 ISBN: 978-1-4398-6163-9 90000 9 781439 861639 Electronically Scanned Arrays ® MATLAB Modeling Simulation and Edited by Arik D. Brown Boca Raton London New York CRC Press is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business MATLAB® is a trademark of The MathWorks, Inc. and is used with permission. The MathWorks does not warrant the accuracy of the text or exercises in this book. This book’s use or discussion of MAT- LAB® software or related products does not constitute endorsement or sponsorship by The MathWorks of a particular pedagogical approach or particular use of the MATLAB® software. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300 Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742 © 2012 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC CRC Press is an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business No claim to original U.S. Government works Version Date: 20120309 International Standard Book Number-13: 978-1-4398-6164-6 (eBook - PDF) This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or the consequences of their use. The authors and publishers have attempted to trace the copyright holders of all material reproduced in this publication and apologize to copyright holders if permission to publish in this form has not been obtained. If any copyright material has not been acknowledged please write and let us know so we may rectify in any future reprint. Except as permitted under U.S. Copyright Law, no part of this book may be reprinted, reproduced, transmitted, or utilized in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying, microfilming, and recording, or in any information stor- age or retrieval system, without written permission from the publishers. For permission to photocopy or use material electronically from this work, please access www.copy- right.com (http://www.copyright.com/) or contact the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC), 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, 978-750-8400. CCC is a not-for-profit organization that pro- vides licenses and registration for a variety of users. For organizations that have been granted a pho- tocopy license by the CCC, a separate system of payment has been arranged. Trademark Notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe. Visit the Taylor & Francis Web site at http://www.taylorandfrancis.com and the CRC Press Web site at http://www.crcpress.com Dedication I dedicate this to the Lord, who gave me the inspiration to write this book; to my wonderful wife, Nadine, who has never faltered in her belief in my abilities; and to my two children, Alexis and Joshua, whom I hope this will inspire to fulfill their purpose and destiny in life. Contents Preface................................................................................................................vii Acknowledgments.............................................................................................ix Contributors........................................................................................................xi Chapter 1 Electronically Scanned Array Fundamentals—Part 1 .........1 Arik D. Brown Chapter 2 Electronically Scanned Array Fundamentals—Part 2 .......35 Arik D. Brown Chapter 3 Subarrray Beamforming..........................................................81 Arik D. Brown Chapter 4 Pattern Optimization .............................................................109 Daniel Boeringer Chapter 5 Spaceborne Application of Electronically Scanned Arrays ........................................................................................149 Timothy Cooke Chapter 6 Electronically Scanned Array Reliability ..........................177 Jabberia Miller Appendix.A:.Array.Factor.(AF).Derivation................................................197 Appendix.B:.Instantaneous.Bandwidth.(IBW).Derivation.......................201 Appendix.C:.Triangular.Grating.Lobes.Derivation...................................203 v Preface During.the.course.of.my.career.at.Northrop.Grumman,.I.have.had.the.plea- sure.of.teaching.several.internal.classes.in.addition.to.mentoring.young. engineers.new.to.the.company..Several.years.ago.one.of.the.things.I.noticed. was.that.many.of.our.talented.new.employees.were.lacking.the.insight.that. comes.from.understanding.the.fundamentals..I.often.saw.antenna.analy- sis.performed.with.no.real.insight.into.key.concepts.for.understanding. and.students.tackling.more.difficult.problems.with.no.textbook.solution.. It.is.widely.known.that.an.electronically.scanned.array.(ESA).pattern.can. be.calculated.by.simply.typing.in.the.fft.function.in.MATLAB®,.and,.in. the.blink.of.an.eye.you.have.before.you.a.beautifully.colored.ESA.pattern.. However,.when.it.comes.to.analyzing.subarray.architectures,.conformal. arrays,.etc.,.it.is.imperative.that.the.fundamentals.of.an.ESA.are.known— as.opposed.to.how.to.type.the.word.fft.or.fftshift.in.MATLAB..One.of.the. goals.of.this.book.is.to.provide.a.vehicle.whereby.those.who.are.new.to. ESAs.can.get.a.fundamental.understanding.of.how.they.work,.and.also.to. provide.code.to.run.as.an.aid.without.having.to.start.from.scratch. Several.years.ago.I.had.the.honor.and.privilege.of.taking.the.reins.of. an.ESA.course.that.was.being.given.to.customers.who.were.unfamiliar. with.ESA.technology,.and.who.might.not.understand.some.of.the.funda- mental.concepts..One.of.my.mentors,.Bill.Hopwood,.was.the.originator.of. this.course,.and.it.has.proven.quite.beneficial.in.educating.new.customers. on.our.ESA.expertise.at.Northrop.Grumman..I.also.wanted.this.book.to.be. a.reference.that.I.could.refer.to.those.who.had.an.interest.in.learning.more. about.ESAs.and.wanted.more.than.just.a.cursory.top-level.introduction. Last,.this.book.is.intended.to.serve.as.both.a.textbook.in.a.college/uni- versity.setting.as.well.as.a.reference.for.practicing.engineers..MATLAB. is.one.of.the.best.tools.available.for.exploring.and.understanding.science. and.engineering.concepts..The.code.provided.within.this.book.is.a.great. vehicle.for.understanding.the.analysis.and.simulation.of.ESAs. This.book.is.comprised.of.six.chapters..Chapters.1.and.2.deal.pri- marily.with.the.fundamentals.of.ESA.theory.that.should.be.a.part.of.the. knowledge.base.of.anyone.who.is.serious.about.ESAs..Concepts.such.as. beamwidth,.grating.lobes,.instantaneous.bandwidth,.etc.,.are.covered.in. vii viii Preface detail..Chapter.1.focuses.solely.on.one-dimensional.ESAs,.while.Chapter. 2.delves.into.two-dimensional.ESA.analysis.and.includes.coordinate. definitions,.sine.space,.and.pattern.analysis. Chapters.3.and.4.build.upon.the.fundamental.ESA.topics.covered. in.Chapters.1.and.2,.and.advances.to.subarrays.and.pattern.optimi- zation..Chapter.3.focuses.on.subarray.architectures.and.the.nuances. involved.with.subarrayed.architectures,.such.as.phase.vs..time.delay. steering,.instantaneous.bandwidth.considerations,.and.the.utility.of. digital.beamforming..The.chapter.concludes.with.the.analysis.of.over- lapped.subarrays. Chapter.4.was.written.by.my.colleague,.Dr..Daniel.Boeringer..It. focuses.on.pattern.optimization..Developing.methodologies.for.optimiz- ing.the.spatial.distribution.of.sidelobes.is.of.great.importance,.and.this. chapter.provides.an.introduction.to.pattern.optimization.and.the.added. capability.it.provides. Chapters.5.and.6.cover.topics.that.have.not.been.explored.as.thor- oughly,.if.at.all,.by.other.books.in.regard.to.ESAs..Presenting.this.infor- mation.is.extremely.exciting.and.I.think.it.will.be.of.great.benefit.to.the. reader..Chapter.5.focuses.on.the.application.of.ESAs.in.a.space.environ- ment..This.chapter.was.written.by.an.extremely.talented.system.engineer,. Timothy.Cooke..The.chapter.focuses.on.pattern.projections,.translation. of.sine.space.to.latitude/longitude.coordinates.for.ESAs.operating.in.an. orbital.regime,.and.covers.some.basic.astrodynamics.principles.that.are. necessary.to.understand.when.analyzing.space-based.applications.for. ESAs. Chapter.6.concludes.with.reliability.aspects,.which.are.quite.frankly,. often.overlooked.when.it.comes.to.analyzing.ESAs..The.material.in.this. chapter.is.based.primarily.on.a.technical.memo.authored.by.one.of. Northrop’s.retired.senior.system.architects,.Bill.Hopwood..My.colleague. Dr..Jabberia.Miller.formalized.the.notes.and.has.provided.a.most.useful. chapter.on.reliability.analysis.and.its.impact.on.ESA.performance. MATLAB®.is.a.registered.trademark.of.The.MathWorks,.Inc..For.pro- duct.information,.please.contact: The.MathWorks,.Inc.. 3.Apple.Hill.Drive. Natick,.MA.01760-2098.USA. Tel:.508.647.7000. Fax:.508-647-7001. E-mail:.info@mathworks.com. Web:.www.mathworks.com.

"[Contains] more lengthy mathematical derivations than most {comparable books] … for arrays, provides for a unique, stand-alone mathematical description that can be adopted by anyone trying to communicate the theoretical foundation for their array design…has insights from a practitioner that are
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