UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff MMaassssaacchhuusseettttss AAmmhheerrsstt SScchhoollaarrWWoorrkkss@@UUMMaassss AAmmhheerrsstt Open Access Dissertations 5-2013 EEllaassttiicc RReessoouurrccee MMaannaaggeemmeenntt iinn CClloouudd CCoommppuuttiinngg PPllaattffoorrmmss Upendra Sharma University of Massachusetts Amherst Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.umass.edu/open_access_dissertations Part of the Computer Sciences Commons RReeccoommmmeennddeedd CCiittaattiioonn Sharma, Upendra, "Elastic Resource Management in Cloud Computing Platforms" (2013). Open Access Dissertations. 763. https://doi.org/10.7275/ynm2-6y87 https://scholarworks.umass.edu/open_access_dissertations/763 This Open Access Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst. It has been accepted for inclusion in Open Access Dissertations by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ELASTIC RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IN CLOUD COMPUTING PLATFORMS ADissertationPresented by UPENDRASHARMA SubmittedtotheGraduateSchoolofthe UniversityofMassachusettsAmherstinpartialfulfillment oftherequirementsforthedegreeof DOCTOROFPHILOSOPHY May2013 ComputerScience !c CopyrightbyUpendraSharma2013 AllRightsReserved ELASTIC RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IN CLOUD COMPUTING PLATFORMS ADissertationPresented by UPENDRASHARMA Approvedastostyleandcontentby: PrashantShenoy,Chair DonTowsley,Member ArunVenkatramani,Member MichaelZink,Member SambitSahu,Member LoriA.Clarke,DepartmentChair ComputerScience DedicatedtomyGurus... ACKNOWLEDGMENTS IwouldliketotakethisopportunitytoexpressmyheartfeltthankstomyrespectedPhD advisor Prof. Prashant Shenoy without whose patience and guidance the doctorate would have remained a dream. I have learnt a great deal from him, starting from conducting systemsresearchtothingsliketimemanagement,patienceandtolerance. Next, I am deeply indebted to Dr. Sambit Sahu who has been my mentor for the last four years. I have closely worked with him since the beginning of my graduate career. His guidanceandinvaluablecommentshaveledmetofinishmyPhDworkinatimelyfashion. I am very grateful to Prof. Don Towsley from whom I learnt a great lot, specifically about queueing theory and in general about the method of conducting research. I am grateful to myothercommitteemembers,Prof. ArunVenkatramani,andProf. MichaelZink,fortheir valuable inputs during the course of PhD. I also want to thank my collaborator Dr. Anees Shaikh for all his help, guidance and motivation during the early part of my PhD and also duringmyinternshipsatIBMWatson. I would like to thank my colleagues Rahul Singh, Tim Woods, Emmanuel Cecchet and Tian Guo with whom I have worked on several research projects. Rahul and I have developed a system that performs dynamic capacity planning and provisioning taking into account the non-stationarity in the workload mix. Emmanuel, Rahul and I have designed and developed Dolly, a virtualization driven database replication system. Tian, Tim and I developed Seagull, a system for cloud bursting applications from a private cloud to public andback. I am very grateful to my buddy Rahul Singh for all the help he gave me during the courseofPhDaswellasforallthestimulatingandthoughtprovokingdiscussionseitherin v thecubicleorovertheteasessions. IamalsogratefultoothermembersoftheLASSgroup, particularly to Navin Sharma, Himanshu Agarwal and Akshat Kumar with whom I have spent countless hours discussing a range of topics from philosophy to technical research. I also want to thank Jeremy Gummeson, Aditya Mishra and Gaul Niv with whom I have had numerous philosophical and technical discussions over tea and coffee. I am indebted toTylerTraffordforhisassistanceinmanagingthemachinesusedinmywork,toLeeanne Leclerc for all the help in keeping my department and graduate school requirements on track,andtoKarrenSaccoforhandlingalladministrativework;withtheirhelpallthenon- research problems never looked like problems. My time in Amherst was made enjoyable by the incredible group of friends I developed over the years. Specifically, I am grateful to Siddharth Srivastav, Parthasarthi Valluri, Kshitij Neroorkar and Lokesh and also their families for the fun filled sessions of racquet ball, squash, badminton and various other socialgatherings. I am deeply obliged to my parents, my sister Shruti and brother in law Saurabh for patiently motivating me to pursue PhD and all the other assistance since the beginning; I also thank my adorable younger brother Subodh for always being there when needed and also for being a patient listener. I want to thank my old friends from India who motivated me to pursue PhD, my fellows from IBM India Research Lab for all the good time I had withthemduringtheirvisitstoUSandduringmyhometrips. Last but not the least, I want to express my heartfelt thanks to my dear wife Ruchita, who has helped, supported and motivated me throughout the course of PhD. This journey wouldhavebeenimpossiblewithoutherpatienceandsacrifice. vi ABSTRACT ELASTIC RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IN CLOUD COMPUTING PLATFORMS MAY2013 UPENDRASHARMA B.S.,BOMBAYUNIVERSITY,MUMBAI,INDIA M.S.,INDIANINSTITUTEOFTECHNOLOGYBOMBAY,INDIA Ph.D.,UNIVERSITYOFMASSACHUSETTSAMHERST Directedby: ProfessorPrashantShenoy Large scale enterprise applications are known to observe dynamic workload; provi- sioningcorrect capacity fortheseapplications remainsanimportantand challengingprob- lem. Predicting high variability fluctuations in workload or the peak workload is diffi- cult;erroneouspredictionsoftenleadtounder-utilizedsystemsorinsomesituationscause temporarily outage of an otherwise well provisioned web-site. Consequently, rather than provisioning server capacity to handle infrequent peak workloads, an alternate approach of dynamically provisioning capacity on-the-fly in response to workload fluctuations has becomepopular. Cloudplatformsareparticularlysuitedforsuchapplicationsduetotheirabilitytoprovi- sioncapacitywhenneededandchargeforusageonpay-per-usebasis. Cloudenvironments enable elastic provisioning by providing a variety of hardware configurations as well as mechanismstoaddorremoveservercapacity. vii The first part of this thesis presents Kingfisher, a cost-aware system that provides a generalized provisioning framework for supporting elasticity in the cloud by (i) leverag- ing multiple mechanisms to reduce the time to transition to new configurations, and (ii) optimizingtheselectionofavirtualserverconfigurationthatminimizecost. Majority of these enterprise applications, deployed as web applications, are distributed or replicated with a multi-tier architecture. SLAs for such applications are often expressed as a high percentile of a performance metric, for e.g. 99 percentile of end to end response time is less than 1 sec. In the second part of this thesis I present a model driven tech- nique which provisions a multi-tier application for such an SLA and is targeted for cloud platforms. EnterprisescriticallydependontheseapplicationsandoftenownlargeITinfrastructure to support the regular operation of these applications. However, provisioning for a peak load or for high percentile of response time could be prohibitively expensive. Thus there is a need of hybrid cloud model, where the enterprise uses its own private resources for the majority of its computing, but then “bursts” into the cloud when local resources are insufficient. Idiscussanewsystem,namelySeagull,whichperformsdynamicprovisioning overahybridcloudmodelbyenablingcloudbursting. Finally, I describe a methodology to model the configuration patterns (i.e deployment topologies) of different control plane services of a cloud management system itself. I presentagenericmethodology,basedonempiricalprofiling,whichprovidesinitialdeploy- ment configuration of a control plane service and also a mechanism which iteratively ad- juststheconfigurationtoavoidviolationofcontrolplane’sServiceLevelObjective(SLO). viii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ................................................... v ABSTRACT ..............................................................vii LISTOFTABLES......................................................... xv LISTOFFIGURES ...................................................... xvi CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................... 1 1.1 BackgroundandMotivation........................................... 2 1.2 ThesisContributions................................................. 3 1.2.1 ContributionSummary ........................................ 3 1.2.2 CostAwareElasticityinCloud ................................. 4 1.2.3 ElasticProvisioningfortheTail................................. 4 1.2.4 CloudBursting............................................... 5 1.2.5 FlexibleAdaptiveControlPlaneforPrivateClouds ................ 6 1.3 ThesisOutline ...................................................... 6 2. RELATEDWORK ...................................................... 8 2.1 CloudComputing................................................... 8 2.2 DynamicResourceProvisioning ...................................... 10 2.3 Hybridcloud ...................................................... 11 3. COST-AWAREELASTICITYINTHECLOUD ........................... 13 3.1 Introduction ....................................................... 13 3.2 CloudBackgroundandProblemStatement............................. 16 3.2.1 InitialProvisioning .......................................... 18 ix