Effect of annealing on the hyperfine interaction in InAs/GaAs quantum dots Michael Yu. Petrov,1,∗ Ivan V. Ignatiev,1 Sergei V. Poltavtsev,1 Alex Greilich,2 Ansgar Bauschulte,2 Dmitri R. Yakovlev,2,3 and Manfred Bayer2 1Institute of Physics, St. Petersburg State University, 198504 St. Petersburg, Russia 2Experimentelle Physik II, Universit¨at Dortmund, D-44227 Dortmund, Germany 3A. F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, RAS, 194021 St. Petersburg, Russia (Dated: February 2, 2008) The hyperfine interaction of an electron with nuclei in the annealed self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dots is theoretically analyzed. For this purpose, the annealing process, and energy struc- 8 ture of the quantum dots are numerically modeled. The modeling is verified by comparing the 0 calculated optical transitions with theexperimental dataon photoluminescence for a set of thean- 0 nealed quantum dots. The localization volume of the electron in the ground state and the partial 2 contributionsofIn,Ga,andAsnucleitothehyperfineinteractionarecalculatedasfunctionsofthe annealing temperature. It is established that the contribution of indium nuclei into the hyperfine n interaction predominates up to high annealing temperatures (Ta =9800C) when the In content in a the quantum dots does not exceed 25%. The effect of the nuclear spin fluctuations on the electron J spin polarization is numerically modeled. Effective field of the fluctuations is found to be in good 4 agreement with theavailable experimental data. ] r PACSnumbers: 72.25.Rb,78.67.Hc,73.21.La e h ot I. INTRODUCTION heterostructures.3,10,11 This model allows us to simulate . the process of annealing and to calculate the distribu- t a tionprofilesofInandGaatomsovertheheterostructure. Hyperfineinteractionofanelectronwithanuclearspin m Using this model we calculated the energy states of the ensembleisknowntogiverisetothemosteffectivemech- - anism of electron spin relaxation in quantum dots.1,2,3 carriersand the optical transitions in the annealedQDs. d We fitted the parameters of our model using the experi- n Due to limited number of nuclei in a quantum dot (QD) mental data on photoluminescence (PL) for a set of the o whichinteractwiththeelectronspin,combinationofthe heterostructures with the InAs/GaAs QDs annealed at c randomly oriented nuclear spins leads to non-zero total [ spin of the nuclear system.4,5 This total spin acts on the different temperatures. This fitting allowed us to model 4 electron spin as an effective magnetic field, BN, with thehyperfineinteractionofanelectronwiththenucleias a function of annealing temperature of the heterostruc- v random magnitude and orientation. The electron spin ture. Finally, the result of these calculations made it 1 rapidly precessesabout this fluctuating field that results possible to quantitatively describe the electron spin de- 9 in a decay of the electron spin polarization in the QD 0 polarizationviathehyperfineinteractionwithnucleiand ensemble. Typical times of the spin decay are of about 5 a fraction of nanosecond for InAs/GaAs QDs.2 At the suppression this effect by a longitudinal magnetic field. . 0 sametime, the electronspinrelaxationdue to other pro- 1 cessessuchaselectron-phononinteractionisafeworders 7 of magnitude longer.6,7 II. QUANTUM DOT MODEL 0 : The hyperfine interaction strength depends on the v number of nuclei covered by the electron wave function, Typicallytheself-assembledInAs/GaAsquantumdots i X thusontheelectronlocalizationvolume.4ScalingtheQD havethetruncatedpyramidorlensshapewithbasediam- r effective size we can efficiently control the hyperfine in- eter d= 15–30 nm andheighth= 5–15 nm.12 The size a teraction. A good way to change the QD size is the of the QDs depends on the growth parameters, in par- postgrowth thermal annealing the heterostructure with ticularonthe nominalthicknessofthedepositedlayerof the QDs at relatively high temperatures. The annealing indium. Besides, there is a spread of sizes of QDs in the causes diffusion of indium from the QDs into the barrier QDensemble. Tobespecific,weconsiderheterostructure layersthatresultsindecreasingthepotentialwelldepths investigatedinRefs.[3,10,11]. Itscross-sectionimageob- and its enlarging in real space.8,9 Besides, the annealing tained by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is shown allows one to reduce the number of point defects and, in Fig. 1. Though the spatial resolution is not high we thus, to improve the structure quality9 that suppresses canestimatethebasediameteroftheQDstobeofabout the defect-related electron spin relaxation mechanism. 20–25 nm. A higher spatial resolution can be obtained In this paper, we theoretically consider the effect by transmission electron microscopy, but such data are of postgrowth annealing on the electron-nuclei hyper- not available for this heterostructure. fine interaction in the self-assembled InAs/GaAs QDs. Therefore we use indirect data on the QD shape and We offer a numerical model of the QD which is based size which can be extracted from the analysis of the PL on the real data obtained in experiments with such spectra. As it is well known, the quantization energy 2 where x(r,t) is a position-dependent function of indium fraction in the InxGa1−xAs solid solution forming the QD annealed during the time t, and D is the diffusion constant. The diffusion equation (1) should be supple- mented with the initial condition on the function x. In our model we assume that the unannealed QD is pure InAs, so that the initial conditions are: 1, inside QD/WL x(r,0)= (2) (0, inside the barrier layers. In the accepted model of cylindrical symmetry of the QDs, we use the cylindrical co-ordinates. Defining axial axis z to be perpendicular to the plane of the quantum- well layer (WL), and radial axis ρ that lies in the quantum-well plain (see Fig. 2). In these co-ordinates, thefunctionx(r,t)hasgotaseparableforminazimuthal FIG.1: SEMimageofthecross-sectionoftheheterostructure angle ϕ: x(r,t)=χ(z,ρ,t)Φ(ϕ). Because the cylindrical with unannealed InAs/GaAs QDs. symmetry is conservedduring the annealingprocess,the indium distribution x does not depend on azimuthal an- gle,i.e. Φ(ϕ)=1. DividingEq.(1)onD andseparating of carriers and, therefore, the energies of optical tran- the variables, we can write the equation for the function sitions depends on size and shape of a QD. We choose χ(z,ρ,t): these parameters to obtain correspondence between the experimentally observed and calculated energies of op- 1 ∂ 1 ∂ ∂ ∂2 χ ρ χ χ=0. (3) tical transitions between the lowest and excited states. D∂t − ρ∂ρ ∂ρ − ∂z2 The lowestoptical transitiondepends mainly onthe size The initial conditions for the function χ coincide with of the QD. However, the energy distance between the those for x [see Eq. (2)]. lowest and excited states and relevant optical transition We choose the computation region to be a cylinder energiesdependontheratiooftheheighttobasediame- with the height, H = 80 nm, and the diameter, ter of the QD. We use these circumstances to determine Cyl D =80nm. Aswefound,thesevaluesaremuchlarger separately the height and the base diameter of the QD Cyl then the diffusion length of indium atoms in InAs/GaAs under study. We ignore the statistical spread of sizes of semiconductors, <10 nm, at annealing temperatures up the QDsinensemble. Moreover,forsimplificationofcal- to 1000 0C. For the rigorous description of the prob- culations we consider the QD with cylindrical symmetry lem, Eq. (3) should be supplemented with appropriate and smooth bell-like shape. The QD model is schemati- boundary conditions. The Dirichlet boundary condi- callyshowninFig.2. TheheightoftheQDh =8nm QD tions,χ=0,are imposedonboundaries1 and3 because andthe base diameter(at height0.1h )d =30nm. QD QD WeputtheQDonathinlayerofInAs(h =0.283nm) WL to model the wetting layer (WL) which is inevitably ap- pear when growing the QDs in the Stransky-Krastanow growth mode. III. GALLIUM AND INDIUM INTERDIFFUSION PROCESS DUE TO ANNEALING OF THE HETEROSTRUCTURE Postgrowth annealing of a heterostructure with self- assembledInAs/GaAsquantumdotsleadstoindiumand galliuminterdiffusion.8,9,13,14 Liketootherauthors,14 we considerthisprocessinamodelofcontinuumbecausethe effective scale which we are interested in is much larger thenthelatticeconstant. Besidesweassumethediffusion coefficienttobeindependentofspacecoordinates. Sowe describe the diffusion by the Fick’s law: FIG. 2: Model of the quantum dot: cross-section of the het- ∂x(r,t) erostructure and the computational region (see text for de- D∆x(r,t)=0, (1) tails). ∂t − 3 these boundaries are far from the QD (see Fig. 2). We dimensional potential profiles as well as the profiles for also assume that the indium flux through boundary 2 is the effective masses of carriers. zero because, in the neighborhood of this boundary, the For this purpose, we used a linear approximation for In atoms diffuse from the WL in the perpendicular di- the bandgapofInxGa1−xAs usingrelevantquantities for rection which is evident from the local symmetry of the InAs and GaAs:15 problem. This assumption can be described by the Neu- mann boundary condition, n·∇~χ = 0, where n is the Eg(r)=EgInAs·x(r)+EgGaAs·[1−x(r)], (5) outwardnormalvectortotheboundary. Onboundary4, where EInAs = 0.415 eV and EGaAs = 1.519 eV are the theNeumannboundaryconditionsalsomustbeimposed g g bandgaps for InAs and GaAs, respectivelly. Besides, we for nulling the diffusion flux acrossthe symmetry axis of used the band-offset ratio, Q /Q = 76/34, along with the dot. e h the the data for InAs/GaAs taken from Refs. [16,17]. Using finite element technique, we solve the described There is, however, an important problem which compli- diffusion problem with different diffusion constants and cates this point. Namely, the large mismatch between thefixedannealingtimeinterval,t=30sec. Weassumed the InAs and GaAs lattice constants gives rise to the the Arrhenius equation for the temperature dependence large built-in strain which considerably affect the poten- of the diffusion constant: tial profiles.12,17,18,19,20,21,22 E We include this strain in our model in a simple way. A D(T )=D exp , (4) a 0 −kT Atthe begining,letusconsidertheunannealedQD.The (cid:20) a(cid:21) average value of hydrostatic strain in the InAs/GaAs where T is the annealingtemperature,E is the activa- QDs, 7–10 %, which obtained in calculations by differ- a A tion energy of the interdiffusion process, k is the Boltz- ent authors using continuum elasticity theory,17,20,21,22 mannconstant,andD isthepre-exponentialfactor. We and valence-force-field Keating model,17,18,19,20 leads to 0 usedE andD asfitting parameterswhose valueswere decreasingthewelldepthintheconductionbandby350– A 0 optimized to get the best agreementbetween the experi- 500 meV. Moreover, the strain weakly changes over the mentally measured and calculated PL spectra of the an- QD volume and, therefore, the constant potential ap- nealedQDs(seeSec.IVC). WefoundthatE =1.23eV proximation gives rise to the good results.23 We assume A and D = 8.5 10−14 m2/s. The obtained value of E in our model the strain-induced energy shift of the con- 0 A is approximate×ly three times smaller than reported one duction band by e = 450 meV, so that the electron ESt in Ref. [13] for annealed InGaAs QDs. The diffusion confining potential is 390 meV. Using this value, we are length L =√[Dt], which is usually measured in exper- able to correctly describe the optical transition energies D iments, is also larger in our calculations (L = 3.6 nm observed experimentally (see Sec. IVC). D vs L 1.5 nm in Ref. [9] at 900 0C). The origin of The confinement potential shape in the valence D discrepa≃ncyofthesequantitiesisunclear. Wefoundthat band is more complex than that in the conduction variations of parameters of our QD model (size of QD, band.17,18,20,21,22However,Califanoetal.23usedasimple band-offset, strain energy, see Sec. IVC) in the ranges modelofthe constantpotentialfor the valencebandand when the calculated optical transitions agree to experi- determined the potential well depth from comparison of ment(seeSec.IVC)donotchangetheactivationenergy theircalculationswiththeexperimentallyfoundenergies noticeably. ofopticaltransitions. Usingsimilarmethod,weobtained Fig. 3 shows examples of the In distribution over the thestrainenergyinthevalencebandESht =90meVwhich heterostructure calculated for the QDs unannealed (a) corresponds to the hole confining potential 175 meV. and annealed at different temperatures (b–d). As seen, The annealing leads to redistribution the indium con- annealingofthe heterostructureleadsto the rapiddisso- centration and, as we believe, to relaxation the built-in lution of the InAs QD into the GaAs barrier layers. The strain. We assume the strain energy linearly depends on averageindiumcontentdoesnotexceed25%forQDsan- the indium concentration in the annealed QDs. Thus, nealed at temperatures above 980 0C. Besides, the QD using the calculated distribution x(r), the bandgap (see volume increases with annealing temperature. Eq. (5)), the band-offset ratio, and the linear strain de- pendenceonx(r),wecandeterminethepotentialprofiles by means of equation: IV. ENERGY STRUCTURE OF THE V (r)=Q (E (GaAs) E (r)) e,h x(r). (6) ANNEALED QUANTUM DOTS e,h e,h g − g −ESt · The cross-sections of potential profiles along z-axis thus A. Potential profiles and effective masses determined are shown in Fig. 4. The strain also affects the effective masses of carriers. Diffusion of indium from the QDs into the barrier lay- Inthe dotmaterialthe compressivestressaltersthe cur- ers leads to modification of the profiles of the valence vature of the bulk bands, causing the effective masses andconductionbands. Usingthe calculatedindiumcon- to differ from the unstrained ones. We have used the tent x(r) for the annealed QD, we modeled the three- values of electron effective masses in the GaAs barriers 4 FIG.3: (Coloronline)(a–d)Cross-sectionofcalculateddistributionsofindiumcontentxovertheheterostructureunannealed and annealed at different temperatures. Highest values of indium concentration are marked in percents for each QDs. Thin black line shows the unannealed QD shape. (ae–de) Distributions of electron density for the ground state in the unannealed and annealed QDs. The cross-sections of probability density isosurface at level 0.33|ψ|2max are shown by thin yellow ellipse. (ah–dh) Distributions of the ground state hole densities. The notations are similar to those used for the electron density distributions. ∗ and in the strained InAs QD, m (GaAs) = 0.0665m and the electron (or hole) effective mass [see Eqs. (6,7)], e 0 (Ref. [15]), and m∗(InAs) = 0.04m (Ref. [23]), respec- E is the carrier energy, and ψ(r) is the envelope wave- e 0 tively. The hole effective masses used in our calcula- function. Because the annealed QD/WL system in our ∗ ∗ tions are: m (GaAs) = 0.3774m , and m (InAs) = model has a perfect cylindrical symmetry, we again can h 0 h 0.341m .23 Here m is the electron mass. In the an- write the carrier position in the cylindrical co-ordinate 0 0 nealedQDs,weusedthelineardependenceofthecarrier system, r = (z,ρ,ϕ). We can partially separate the co- effective masses on the indium concentration: ordinatesinthetotalwave-function,ψ(r)=η(z,ρ)Θ(ϕ), and rewrite the Schr¨odinger equation in the cylindrical m∗ (r)=m∗ (InAs) x(r)+m∗ (GaAs) [1 x(r)]. (7) co-ordinates as: e,h e,h · e,h · − ℏ2 ∂ 1 ∂η 1 ∂ ρ ∂η + Θ B. The electron and hole energy states − 2 (cid:20)∂z (cid:18)m∗ ∂z(cid:19) ρ∂ρ(cid:18)m∗ ∂ρ(cid:19)(cid:21) − (9) ℏ2 η ∂2Θ +VηΘ=EηΘ. To compute the electron and hole states for −2m∗ρ2 ∂ϕ2 the annealed heterostructure, we solve the one-band Schr¨odinger equation in the effective mass approxima- Dividing this equation by η(z,ρ)Θ(ϕ)/(m∗ρ2) and rear- tion: rangingits terms,wecometothe twoindependentequa- tions: ℏ2 1 ψ(r) +V(r)ψ(r)=Eψ(r), (8) ℏ2 ∂ 1 ∂η 1 ∂ ρ ∂η − 2 ∇ m∗(r)∇ n + n + (cid:20) (cid:21) − 2 ∂z m∗ ∂z ρ∂ρ m∗ ∂ρ (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:21) (10) where ℏ is the Planck’s constant divided by 2π, m∗(r) ℏ2 n2 and V(r) are position-dependent the potential energy +Vηn+ 2m∗ ρ2ηn =Eηn, 5 ℏ2 1 ∂2Θ ℏ2 = n2. (11) 2 Θ∂ϕ2 − 2 The last equation for Θ(ϕ) can be solved analytically: 1 Θ(ϕ)= exp[inϕ], (12) √2π where n should be an integer to get one-valued function [Θ(2π)=Θ(0)]. Then, we should discuss the physically substantiated boundary conditions for function η (z,ρ). We are only n interested in electronic (hole) states confined in the QD. FIG. 4: (Color online) Potential profiles for the valence and Therefore, we can impose the Dirichlet boundary condi- conductionbandsalongthesymmetryaxisofproblem(ρ=0) tions on boundaries 1–3, η (z,ρ) = 0, to provide the n for the QDs unannealed and annealed at different tempera- wave-functiondumping in the barrier layers(see Fig. 2). tures. The energy position of the lowest electron and hole Then we consider the boundary conditions on boundary states are shown by thin horizontal lines. The calculated en- 4 (symmetry axis). There are two different types of the ergies of the ground optical transitions are shown in eV. conditions.24 When n > 1, the Dirichlet boundary con- ditions must be imposed to ensure that the last term in Eq. (10) does not diverge on symmetry axis, ρ = 0. C. Optical transitions and comparison with PL When n=0, we employ Neumann boundary conditions, spectra n ~η (z,ρ) = 0, to ensure ~ψ existing. Here n is n · ∇ ∇ the outwardnormalvector to the boundary. Apart from The next step of modeling is describing the optical these assumptions, we must impose constraints on func- transitions in annealed QDs. To calculate their energies, tion ηn(z,ρ), we should take into account the energy of the electron- holeCoulombinteraction. Rigoroussolutionofthisprob- lem is extremely difficult because we must consider the η (z,ρ)2ρdzdρ=1, (13) | n | quantummechanicalproblemforelectron-holepairinthe ZZ configuration space with six degrees of freedom. How- to satisfy the normalization conditions for the wave- ever, since the localizing potential for carriers in a QD function. is much larger then the potential due to the Coulomb interaction, we may ignore the Coulomb correlations in Using finite element technique, we solve eigenvalue the motion of the electron and hole in the QD, and cal- problem described by Eq. (10) for electrons and holes in culatethe Coulombinteractionenergy,E ,fortwofixed the QDs, unannealed andannealedat different tempera- C spatially distributed charged clouds:25 tures. The annealing leads to a modification the carrier density shape and to an increase the localization area e2 ψk(r )2 ψm(r )2 at high annealing temperatures. Namely, at low anneal- Ekm = | e e | | h h | d3r d3r , (14) ing temperatures (less than 820 0C), the shape of the C 4πε0εZZ |re−rh| e h QD is changed a little that almost does not affect the whereeistheelementaryelectroniccharge,ε isthevac- 0 carrier clouds. However, the changes of potential well uum dielectric constant, ε is the the average dielectric shapes promotes some additional localization of the car- constantintheannealedQD,r ,andr aretheelectron e h riers. The annealing at greater temperatures leads to and hole positions, and ψk(r ), and ψm(r ) are the en- spherical-like shapes of the carrier density distributions, e e h h velope wave-functionsofelectronin the kth energystate which corresponds to the spherical-like shape of the in- andholein themthenergystate, respectively,whichare dium concentration distribution. These effects are illus- calculatedaboveinthe frameworkoftheone-bandprob- tratedinFig.3,wheretheelectrondensities(ae–de)and lem. Calculations show that E00 is of about 21 meV for hole densities (ah–dh) for the loweststates in the unan- C unannealed QD and decreases down to 15 meV for the nealed and annealed QDs are shown. QD annealed at 980 0C. This energy is slightly smaller AlsotheannealingoftheQDleadstoanincreaseinthe when the carriers are in the excited states. electron and hole energy levels. The latter effect is illus- Then the energies of optical transitions are calculated trated in Fig. 4. As seen, the potential well depth is de- from the simple equation: creasedthat provides the decreasing the energy distance between the energy levels and bottom of the potential E =Ek+Em+Ex Ekm, (15) km e h g − C well. However, the energy gap between the electron and hole states increases. This affects the energies of optical whereEk andEm aretheelectronandholeenergieswith e h transitions in the annealed QDs. respectto InxGa1−xAs conduction band bottom and va- 6 1e 1h, 2e 2h, etc. This interpretation also con- → → unannealed firmed by the available experimental data obtained at the high excitation power in magnetic field up to 28 T which are not show here. 820 °C As seen from the Fig. 5, the calculated transitions 860 °C 0e 0h well reproducethe experiment for allthe series. y → t It should be noted, however, that the very good agree- i s n 880 °C ment in energies of the calculated and measured tran- e nt sition 1e 1h is obtained for the unannealed sample I → L 900 °C only. Forthe annealedQDs,the calculatedenergyofthe P transition is larger by about 20 meV which is compara- 920 °C ble with the distance between the 0e 0h and 1e 1h → → transitions. This disagreement probably related to over- 945 °C simplifying the strain distribution in our model. How- ever, because we only interested in the lowest electron 980 °C states which are involved in the spin relaxation problem underconsideration,thisdisagreementappearstobenot 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Photon Energy, E (eV) very important. FIG.5: Coloronline)Calculatedenergiesofthelowestoptical transitions (solid vertical lines) in comparison with the PL V. HYPERFINE INTERACTION OF THE spectra for the QD’s unannealed and annealed at different LOCALIZED ELECTRON WITH NUCLEI temperatures. The dashed line shows the energy position of the optical transition between the first excited electron and A. Effective magnetic field of the nuclear spin hole states in theunannealed QD. fluctuations lencebandtop,respectively,EgxistheInxGa1−xAsband- larAizsatitioinsdisisecffiuscsieedntilnyIdnetsrtordouycetdioinn,QthDeeenlescetmrobnlespviinaphyo-- gap energy at the QD center. perfineinteractionwithrandomlyorientednuclearspins. We calculatedthe opticaltransitionsbetween the low- Theoretical justification of the electron spin relaxation est electron and hole energy states as well as between mechanismin QDs was reportedin Ref. [4]. The general the excited states. We found that the energy of the idea of this mechanism can be described quantitatively lowest optical transition mainly depends on size of the as follows. The interaction of the electron and nuclear QD. At the same time, the distance between the lowest spins is determined by their hyperfine Fermi interaction: and excited transitions is mainly determined by the ra- tio height/diameterandthe shapeofthe QD.The strain energiesforvalenceandconductionbands,whichwealso ˆhf =v0 Aj Sˆ ˆIj ψ(Rj)2, (16) H · | | used as fitting parameters, mainly influence on the shift Xj (cid:16) (cid:17) ofopticaltransitionseries,andweaklyaffectthedistance between the transition energies. These facts allow us where Sˆ, ˆIj are electron and jth nucleus spins; Aj = to uniquely determine the height and the diameter of [16πµBµj/(3Ijv0)] uc(Rj)2 is the hyperfine coupling · | | the QD by comparing the calculated and experimentally constant with the jth nucleus; µB is the Bohr magne- measured PL spectra for the unannealed sample. Then, ton; v0 is the unit cell volume; Ij, µj and Rj are spin the annealing was modeled as it is described below in magnitude,magneticmoment,andpositionofthejthnu- Sec. III. We used the interdiffusion activation energy cleus; ψ(Rj)anduc(Rj) arethe electronenvelopewave- E =1.23 eV and the prefactor D = 8.5 10−14 m2/s function and the Bloch function at the nuclear site. A 0 × [see Eq. (4)] as fitting parameters for all the series of Due to the limitednumber ofnucleiina QDwhichin- annealed samples. teract with the electron spin, random orientation of the For comparing with the calculations we measured the nuclearspinsgivenon-zerototalspinwhichhasamagni- PL spectra of a set of the samples using a standard ex- tude fluctuating from dot to dot. The total nuclear spin perimental technique. The spectra are measured at ex- actsontheelectronspinasaneffectivenuclearhyperfine citation photon energy Eex = 2.54 eV at temperature magnetic field, BN. We consider the non-polarized and T = 1.6 K. They are shown in Fig. 5. It is experimen- not interacting nuclear spins, since the magnitude and tally and theoretically founded that, the first PL peak orientation of the effective field are random and can be correspondsto recombinationof the electronand hole in described by the normal distribution:4 the lowest states, 0e 0h. The next PL peaks corre- spond to recombinatio→n of an electron and a hole which 1 (BN)2 w = exp , (17) are in excited states with the same quantum numbers: B (√2π∆ )3 − 2∆2 B (cid:20) B (cid:21) 7 with variance ∆B determined by: 0.8 8000 3m ) n ∆2B = 13 Ij(Ij +1)b2j, (18) xn, (a) V ( L Xj ctio 0.6 6000 me, nwehteicrefibejld=o[fv0a/(sµinBgglee)]nAujc|lψea(Rr js)p|i2nisactthiengeffoencttivheemelaegc-- m Fra 0.4 4000 Volu Mtroenrk.uHloevreetgael.i,4s wtheedeelfiencterdovnagri-afanccteo∆r.BU[sneleikEeqp.a(p18er)]bsyo ndiu tion I a tmhaaIxntimitthuaempIpnorGfoxnaioAmrsmatQaellDydsi,csottrrhirbeeurseptiooannrdegstivthoernehebatylfyEpweqisd.t(oh1f7an)t.uchlaelif. ective 0.2 2000 ocaliz f L We consider the fluctuating field as a sum of three inde- Ef 0.0 0 n pendent contributions with normal distribution of each 800 850 90 0 950 1000 ro ) 25 ct of them. The total variance squared known to be calcu- T e latedasasumofvariancesquaresofvariateindependent m (b) El contributions, and, therefore, we can write: ( B 20 ∆ ∆2 =(∆In)2+(∆Ga)2+(∆As)2, (19) n, total B B B B o 15 ati In where ∆In, ∆Ga, and ∆As are the partial contributions u of each tyBpes oBf nuclei: B uct 10 l As F 1 d (∆ξ )2 = I (I +1)b2 , ξ =In, Ga, As. (20) el 5 B 3 jξ jξ jξ Fi Xjξ ar Ga le 0 Here the sumgoes only overeachtypes of nucleiin crys- c 800 850 900 950 1000 u tal lattice. Supposing that the electron envelope wave- N Annealing Temperature, T ( ΟC ) function is constantoverthe crystalunitcell andreplac- a ingthesumoverunitcellsbytheheterostructurevolume integration, we obtain: FIG. 6: (Color online) (a) Dependencies of the electron lo- calization volume (red) and of the average effective indium (∆In)2 =C ψ(r)4x(r)d3r, fractionintheQD(black)ontheannealingtemperature;(b) B In | | Thetotal nuclearfield varianceand thepartial contributions Z of each type of nuclei as a functions of the QD annealing (∆GBa)2 =CGa |ψ(r)|4[1−x(r)]d3r, (21) temperature. Z (∆As)2 =C ψ(r)4d3r, B As | | we come to the final expression for the total variance of Z the effective nuclear field: wherex(r)istheindiumfractioninInxGa1−xAssolidso- 1 bluyt:ionformingthe QD,andconstantsCξ aredetermined ∆2B = VL (CInx+CGa(1−x)+CAs). (25) We calculated the effective indium fraction and the 1 A2 C = I (I +1) ξ v , ξ =In, Ga, As. (22) electron localization volume as a function of the QD an- ξ 3 ξ ξ (µBge)2 0 nealingtemperature. Then,usingEq.(25),wecalculated the total variance and the partial contributions of each Actually x(r) determines the probability to find the in- types of nuclei. In these calculations, we used the semi- dium nucleus in the position r. conductor parameters taken from Ref. [26]: Next, we introduce the new parameter, the average effective indium fraction in the QD: ∗ Nuclei In Ga As ψ(r)4x(r)d3r Nuclear spin I 9/2 3/2 3/2 x= | | . (23) Hyperfine constant A (µeV) 56 42 46 ψ(r)4d3r R | | ∗Averagebetween69Gaand71Ga. UsingtheelectronlocalizRationvolume,definedinRef.[4]: ResultsofthecalculationsareshowninFig.6. Asseen, −1 the electron localization volume increases with tempera- V = ψ(r)4d3r , (24) L | | ture which is due to decrease of the localizing potential (cid:18)Z (cid:19) 8 depth in QD and the increase of the QD size. Also, the > 0.5 dissolution of the QD in the barriers leads to decreasing z S of the effective indium concentration x. Two these ef- < fects result in the decrease of the effective nuclear field n, 0.4 o variance. From physical point of view, the variance de- ti T = 980 οC crease is due to (i) decrease of contribution of each nu- za 0.3 a i cleus to hyperfine interaction because of reducing of the r a electron density at the nucleus and (ii) averaging of the ol T = 900 οC P a contributions over increasing number of nuclei. As seen n 0.2 from Fig. 6 (b), the gallium contribution to the disper- pi S unannealed sion slightly increases with annealing up to temperature n 0.1 T = 850 0C which is caused by the gallium diffusion o a r intotheQD.However,thiseffectdoesnotinfluenceupon ct e behaviorofthetotalvariancebecausethe indiumcontri- El 0.0 bution is dominating at all annealing temperatures due -200 -100 0 100 200 to the large indium nuclear spin I =9/2. In Magnetic Field, B (mT) ext B. Suppression of the nuclear spin fluctuations by FIG.7: (Color online)Calculated externalmagnetic fieldde- the external magnetic field pendencies of electron spin polarization in the QDs unan- nealed and annealed at different temperatures (solid lines) Theelectronspinrelaxationcausedbythenuclearfluc- comparingwithexperiment27 (circles). Dashedlineistheap- tuating field can be suppressed by applying the external proximationofcalculationsbytheLorentzfunction[Eq.(30)] magnetic field.4 Inthe presenceof the externalmagnetic fortheunannealedsample. Rightinsetshowsthemechanism ofsuppression of thenuclearspin fluctuationeffectbyan ex- field, the electron spin precesses about the total field, B = B +B (see inset in Fig. 7). At sufficiently ternal magnetic field. T ext N large external field, the nuclear spin fluctuations almost do not contribute to the total field and, therefore, the of the electronspin projectionand Eq. (27) is a resultof electron spin polarization does not decay. the time averaging of the electron spin precession. Fast Let us analyze this effect in more detail. We con- precession of the electron spin about B conserves only T sider behavior of the projection of the electron spin (z- the projection of the initial spin S onto the direction 0 projection) onto the axis of the optical excitation which of B so that S = S cosθ. Therefore, the measurable T 0 istypicallymeasuredinexperiment. Thedirectionofthe quantity is S =Scosθ =S cos2θ. z 0 externalmagneticfield(longitudinalfield)coincideswith Using the values of ∆ found above [see Fig. 6 (b)], B z-axis. Theelectronspinz-projectionshouldbeaveraged we calculated the dependencies of S as functions of the z over many periods of the spin precession about the to- external magnetic field for the QDs annealed at differ- tal field and over the QD ensemble. The time averaging ent temperatures. The results are shown in Fig. 7 (solid allows us to calculate the constant component measured lines). As seen, each calculated dependence has a dip in such experiments. Although all the QDs in the en- around zero external field which is due to the depolar- semble areidenticalin ourmodel, the averagingoverthe ization of the electron spin by the effective nuclear field. ensemble arises because of the random magnitude and Thisdepolarizationisincomplete,namely(1/3)S isstill 0 orientation of the nuclear spin fluctuations. The spin conserved. The result can be understood from a simple projection is calculated as: consideration. Wemayreplacethearbitraryorientednu- ∞ clear fields by three components oriented along the x, y, <S >= S (B )w (B )d3B . (26) andz co-ordinateaxeswithequalprobabilities,P =1/3, z z ext B N N ZZZ−∞ andwritethemagnetic-field-dependentvalueofthe elec- tron spin upon action of these components: Here, the probability distribution w (B ) is given by B N Eq. (17) and Sz(Bext) is: B2 B x,y : S =S ext , S (B )=S [cosθ(B )]2 = N k z 0Be2xt+BN2 (28) z ext 0 ext B z : S =S . =S (BNz+Bext)2 , (27) N k z 0 0(B +B )2+B 2 +B 2 As seen, the nuclear fields along x and y axes totally Nz ext Nx Ny depolarize the electron spin at zero external magnetic where S is the initial electron spin polarization (we as- field, and the nuclear field along z-axis keeps its initial 0 sume S = 1/2), and θ is the angle between z-axis and value. Assuming that allthe components of nuclearfield 0 the total magnetic field direction (see inset in Fig. 7). haveidenticalaveragevariances,whichcanbe definedas Note, that Eq. (26) is the averaging over the ensemble < BN2 x,y,z >= (2∆B)2, the average electron spin polar- 9 ization can be written: VI. CONCLUSION 1 2 B2 S¯ =S + ext . (29) z 0 3 3B2 +(2∆ )2 Theoretical modeling of InAs/GaAs QDs allowed us (cid:18) ext B (cid:19) to simulate the effect of nuclear spin fluctuations on the Rearranging terms in this equation gives the magnetic electron spin polarization. We determined the electron field dependence with the Lorentz-like dip: localization volume and the effective indium fraction in the QDs for different annealing temperatures. Due to S¯ =S 1 2/3 . (30) interdiffusion of In and Ga during the annealing pro- z 0(cid:18) − 1+[Bext/(2∆B)]2(cid:19) cess, the QD size increases and, correspondingly, the electronlocalizationvolumeconsiderablyincreases(from As seen from Fig. 7, the calculated field dependencies of 1700 nm3 for unannealed QD up to 4900 nm3 for < Sz > can be perfectly approximated, in the average, ∼the QD annealed at 980 0C). At the sam∼e time, the dis- by this Lorentz function. solution of the QD results in decreasing the effective in- The dip widths at half minima are of several tens of diumconcentrationinthe QD.Wecalculatedthe partial milli-Teslaanddecreasewiththeannealingtemperature. contributions of the indium, gallium, and arsenic nuclei That reflects the decreasing of the hyperfine interaction to the effective magnetic field of the nuclear spin fluc- strength in conformity with the above discussion. We tuations and found that the hyperfine interaction is de- cancharacterizetheinteractionstrengthbytheaveraged termined mainly by the indium contribution. The effect nuclearfield,B¯N 2∆B,whichwedefineasahalfwidth ofthefluctuationsdecreaseswiththeannealingtempera- ≃ at half minimum (HWHM) of the dip. This means that turedueto(i)theincreasingnumberofnucleiinteracting B¯N anditsdependenceontheQDannealingtemperature with electron and (ii) the decreasing indium concentra- can be obtained from those quantities for ∆B shown in tion. The average magnitude of the effective hyperfine Fig. 6 (b). fielddecreasesfrom 41mT downto 15mT withthe The electron spin polarizationin the QDs annealed at annealingtemperatu∼reupto9800C.Fi∼nally,wemodeled 9000CwasexperimentallystudiedinthepaperbyCher- the suppression of the nuclear spin fluctuation effect in bunin, et al.3 They have measured the circular PL po- thelongitudinalmagneticfield. Thecalculateddipofthe larizationofthe singly negativelychargedQDs and have electronspinpolarizationisverysimilartothatobserved found that the polarization is closely related to the spin in the experiment.3 orientation of the resident electrons. The magnetic field dependence of the PL polarization is found to reveal a dip around B = 0. 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