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US005410603A , United States Patent 1191 [11] Patent Number: 5,410,603 Ishiguro et al. [45] Date of Patent: Apr. 25, 1995 [54] EFFECI‘ ADDING APPARATUS Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Frishauf, Holtz, Goodman & Woodward [75] Inventors: Shiro Ishiguro; Masatoshi Watanuki, [57] ABSTRACT both of Fussa; Toshiaki Kawanishi, Hiroshima; Kohtaro Hanzawa, When a plurality of effects are simultaneously applied Iruma; Hiroyuki Sasaki, Fussa; Jun to an input audio signal, a plurality of effect-algorithms Yoshino, Akishima, all of Japan each for applying solely an effect to the input signal are [73] Assignee: Casio Computer Co., Ltd., Tokyo, stored in a memory, and a plurality of combination algorithms or combination-data which represent combi ' Japan nations of the effects and orders in which effects are [21] Appl. No.: 913,581 applied to the input audio signal are stored in the mem ory. When one of the combination-algorithms or the [22] Filed: Jul. 14, 1992 combination-data is selected, effect‘algorithms included [30] Foreign Application Priority Data in the selected combination-algorithm or combination data are selectively read out from the memory. A pro Jul. 19, 1991 [JP] Japan ................................ .. 3-204871 gram for applying effects in a predetermined combina Aug. 28, 1991 [JP] Japan ................................ .. 3-216868 tion and order is written by CPU based on the read out effect-algorithms and combination-algorithm or combi [51] Int. Cl.6 ............................................. .. H03G 3/00 nation-data. Receiving the program, DSP successively [52] US. Cl. ...................................... .. 381/61; 351/63; 84/626; 84/630 applies effects to the input audio signal in accordance with the program. As a result, the present effector needs [58] Field of Search ................ .. 84/629, 630, 705-707, 84/626, 662, DIG. 26; 381/61, 63 less memory capacity than the conventional effector in which a number of programs consisting of combinations [56] References Cited of effect-algorithms are previously stored. A multi U.S_ PATENT DOCUMENTS effector comprised of a connection of a digital effect _ , adding device and an analog effect adding device, is 1 21121112182206; a1 provided with a memory having a plurality of memory 4’554’857 11/1985 Nishimoto ' ' areas for storing audio signals. An input audio signal, an 4:554:858 11/1985 wachi et a1: _ input signal to the analog'effect adding device and an 4,572,043 2/1986 Franz et a1, , output signal of the digital effect adding device are 4,864,625 9/1989 Hanzawa et al. . stored in respective memory areas of the memory. 4,920,850 5/1990 Matsumoto et al. ................ .. 84/626 Whether either of input signals is supplied to the digital 4,998,231 3/ 1991 381mm - effect adding device or whether the output signal of the is‘! at - 84/63O digital effect adding device is input to the analog effect 5,, 119,, 712 6/1992 Kaat oe ..... ......................... .... 84/626 a-dd'm lg de‘g- ce-grdthb e output-Si~ gn?! ‘- 5 output 2318 a ?nal s 257 313 10/1993 Fujishita et al 381/63 81g“ are 6°‘ 6. y °Perat1°n 0 an extem y ‘31”?’ ’ ’ ' """""""""" " ated switch. In tlus way, the order in which effects are FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS applied can be altered independently of the connection w091/01033 V1991 WIPO of the above two effect adding devices. Primary Examiner—Forester W. Isen 11 Claims, 33 Drawing Sheets 404 413 / 41,1 I 414 INPUT DSP ‘ AUDIO AID Ei Eu 9”‘ oFllim' PUT SIGNAL CONVERTOR Ai A0 __ CONVERTOR SIGNAL 41 2 1 $416 415 A I D MICRO )’ CONVERTOR couPu'rEn D ,A " CONVERTOR o DISTORTION i CIRCUIT 5 417 418 US. Patent Apr. 25, 1995 Sheet 1 of 33 5,410,603 0 m 2.0 EE M“ ~~5rz|0.|| |__|| 292B awn o2n5< 2so5: lu-n.. EE.5 Aw“ Nm/ . MQ F F US. Patent Apr. 25, 1995 Sheet 3 of 33 5,410,603 FIG . 3 ( START ) $101 SCAN SWITCHES S102 No YES 8103 SToRE STAGE OF SWITCHES IN REGISTER (R) S104 N° S YE S106 S105 TRANSFER To DSP MIXING TRANSFER To Dsp PROCESSES 1A~3A, EFFECT mxmG PRQCESSES PROCESSES (2&2 AND 1B~3B EFFECT COEFFICIENT M BY (A) PRocES'SES ('1 .(2) AND COEFFIC NT - MEMORY (B) A ‘ US. Patent Apr. 25, 1995 Sheet 4 of 33 5,410,603 QQN 5.EmHEu I. I I l I I I l I I I I I l. chomn.tu US. Patent Apr. 25, 1995 Sheet 6 of 33 5,410,603 FIG-6 @ S201 INPUT PROCESS i 3202 MIXING PROCESS (1) i S203 EFFECT $51) PROCES ' i S204 MIXING P PROCESS (2) 1 3205 EFFECT g) PHOCES i 3206 mxme PROCESS (a) i 3207 OUTPUT PROCESS @ F I G - 7 PROCESS 3301 Pl1 -» W(|NL) i 5302 m2» warm) 3303 PM -> warm i 3304 H2 —>W(INE) US. Patent Apr. 25, 1995 Sheet 8 of 33 5,410,603 FIG-9 pnomcxsmses m) ) S501 "I (E0 —> M1 I 5502 MoxM1->MR P( -u|o S503 MB -> AB MOxM1 ->MR 7 5505 AR -» SR MR ->AR M08 M1 —> MR r S507 AR _) SR I < RETURN ’

Jul 14, 1992 [75] Inventors: Shiro Ishiguro; Masatoshi Watanuki, both of Fussa [73] Assignee : Casio Computer Co., Ltd., Tokyo,. ' Japan. [21] Appl. No.
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