INSTITUTEOFPHYSICSPUBLISHING EUROPEANJOURNALOFPHYSICS Eur.J.Phys.26(2005)985–990 doi:10.1088/0143-0807/26/6/005 A classic chase problem solved from a physics perspective Carl E Mungan PhysicsDepartment,USNavalAcademyAnnapolis,MD21402-5040,USA E-mail:[email protected] Received6April2005,infinalform22May2005 Published8August2005 Abstract Thetrajectory,traveltimeandrelativeapproachvelocityofapursuertracking a prey along a simple curve of pursuit are deduced using basic principles of two-dimensional kinematics. While such curves are well known in the mathematics literature, little attention has been paid to this problem by the physicseducationalcommunity, despitethefactthatithasabundantphysical applications. Italsomakesaninterestingalternativetothetraditionalproblems ofintroductorykinematics. (Somefiguresinthisarticleareincolouronlyintheelectronicversion) 1. Introduction Imagine that you are the commander of a submarine and spot an enemy warship travelling perpendiculartoyourlineofsightatdistanceHwithconstantvelocityofmagnitudeV.You fire a torpedo having constant speed υ at the ship. The torpedo tracks the target, so that it always travels directly toward the ship. What is the trajectory of the torpedo through the water? If the torpedo impacts the warship, how long does it take to reach the target? If it doesnotreachit,whatistheclosestdistancethatitgetstoit? Whatistherelativeapproach velocityoftheshipalongthetorpedo’slineofsight? Thisisanexampleofwhatisknownasachaseproblem[1]andtheresultingtrajectories arecalledcurvesofpursuit[2,3]. Problemsofthisgeneralsortareofinteresttothemilitary community[4]andtovideogamedesigners. Historically,theparticularprobleminthispaper was first solved by the French mathematician Pierre Bouguer in 1732, and may have been originallyproposedbyLeonardodaVinciintheformofacatandmousechase[5]. Itistreated insomesecond-yearundergraduate-leveldifferentialequationstexts[6]. However,suchbooks typicallyusetheformulaforarclengthtoobtainadifferentialequationinthefirstandsecond spatialderivativesofthecoordinatesofthecurveandthenmakeachangeofvariabletosolve it. The resulting nomenclature and analysis do not tie in well with undergraduate physics courses. Thepresentpaperinsteadusestimederivativesandvectorcomponentstorecastthe 0143-0807/05/060985+06$30.00 (cid:1)c 2005IOPPublishingLtd PrintedintheUK 985 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED MAY 2005 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2005 to 00-00-2005 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER A classic chase problem solved from a physics perspective 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION U.S. Naval Academy,Physics Department,Annapolis,MD,21402-5002 REPORT NUMBER 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT The trajectory, travel time and relative approach velocity of a pursuer tracking a prey along a simple curve of pursuit are deduced using basic principles of two-dimensional kinematics. While such curves are well known in the mathematics literature, little attention has been paid to this problem by the physics educational community, despite the fact that it has abundant physical applications. It also makes an interesting alternative to the traditional problems of introductory kinematics. 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 6 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 986 CEMungan y B V D ship L torpedo θ H C υ x A Figure1. Trajectoriesofthetorpedoandwarship. PointAisthelocationofthetorpedowhen fired;pointBindicatestheinitialpositionofthetarget;pointChascoordinates(x,y)anddenotes thecurrentlocationofthetorpedo;andpointDwithcoordinates(Vt,H)isthecurrentlocationof theship. solutionintermsofthemorefamiliarconceptsofvelocityandacceleration. Itthenbecomes anapplicationof2Dkinematics. 2. Firstintegralofthedifferentialequation Setupacoordinatesystemwiththetorpedostartingattheoriginandtravellinginitiallyinthe y-direction and the warship steaming in the x-direction. At some arbitrary instant in time t (after firing the torpedo at t = 0), the positions of the ship and torpedo are as indicated in figure1. ThedashedrighttrianglehasabaseoflengthVt−x,heightH −yandhypotenuse (representingthedistancetothetarget)oflengthL.Theratiooftheriseandrunofthistriangle isequaltotheratiooftheyandxcomponentsofthetorpedo’svelocity,becausethetorpedo isheadeddirectlytowardtheship,sothat υ Vt −x =(H −y) x. (1) υ y Differentiatingbothsideswithrespecttotimeandrearrangingleadsto (cid:3) (cid:1) (cid:2) (cid:1) (cid:2) V d υ d υ 2 υ2 = x = −1=− (cid:4) a , (2) H −y dt υy dt υy υ2 υ2−υ2 y y y usingthefactthatυ2 +υ2 =υ2isaconstantandintroducingthey-componentofthetorpedo’s x y centripetalacceleration. Inordertointegratethisequation,onecansubstitutethechain-rule result,a =υ dυ /dy,familiarfromthederivationofthework-kinetic-energytheorem. The y y y variablescanthenbeseparatedandbothsidesintegratedtoobtain (cid:5) (cid:5) V y dy =− υy (cid:4)υdυy , (3) υ 0 H −y υ υ υ2−υ2 y y wherethelowerlimitsaretheinitialvalues. Computingthesestandardintegrals,onegets (cid:4) (cid:4) (cid:1) (cid:2) (cid:1) (cid:2) −V ln 1− y =lnυ+ υ2−υy2 ⇒ 1− y −V/υ = υ+ υ2−υy2. (4) υ H υ H υ y y Aclassicchaseproblemsolvedfromaphysicsperspective 987 Thequantityinthelastsetofparenthesesappearssofrequentlyintheremainderofthispaper thatitisusefultogiveititsownsymbol,z≡1−y/H,intermsofwhichequation(4)canbe rewrittenas 2υ υ = . (5) y z−V/υ +zV/υ Thisisthesolutionforthey-componentofthetorpedo’svelocityalongitscurveofpursuit. 3. Solvingforothervariablesofinterest Equation (5) can be used to readily solve for other physically interesting quantities. They willbeexpressedintermsofthedimensionlessparameterz,whichrepresentsthenormalized transversedistancefromtheshiptothetorpedo. First,υ2+υ2 =υ2leadsto x y υ 1−z2V/υ cosθ = x = . (6) υ 1+z2V/υ Equations(5)and(6)canalternativelybecompactlyexpressedintermsofhyperbolicfunctions. Next,togetthecoordinatesofthetorpedo,notethatυ =dy/dt sothatequation(5)can y againbeseparatedandintegratedtoget (cid:5) (cid:10)(cid:1) (cid:2) (cid:1) (cid:2) (cid:11) 1 y y −V/υ y V/υ t = 1− + 1− dy. (7) 2υ H H 0 Providedthatυ (cid:3)=V,theintegrandsareoftheformz±nwheren(cid:3)=1,sothattheresultis t V +υ V −υ =− z1−V/υ + z1+V/υ +1, (8) τ 2υ 2υ whereτ isacharacteristictimedefinedas Hυ τ ≡ (9) υ2−V2 whosephysicalsignificancewillbecomeclearmomentarily. Equation(8)givesthetimethat thetorpedoneedstoreachagivenposition. Onecansubstitutethatalongwithequations(5) and(6)into(1)tofind x 0.5 0.5 V/υ = z1−V/υ + z1+V/υ − , (10) H V/υ−1 V/υ+1 V2/υ2−1 which is the trajectory x(y) of the torpedo expressed in terms of the normalized quantities x/H,y/H =1−zandV/υ. Thisisplottedinfigure2forseveralvaluesofthespeedratio. Thetorpedostrikesthetargetwheny =H ⇒z=0,whichimplies HV/υ x = . (11) impact 1−V2/υ2 This is positive if and only if υ > V. As expected, the torpedo only hits if it is travelling fasterthantheship! Inthatcase,thetimebetweenlaunchandimpactisx /V =τ defined impact by equation (9). This impact time τ can be reduced if the torpedo leads [7] or, even better, mirrors[8]theship’smotionratherthanheadingstraighttowardit. Thedistancebetweenthetorpedoandtargetatanytimeis (cid:12) υ L= (Vt −x)2+(H −y)2 =(H −y) , (12) υ y usingequation(1)inthesecondstep. Substitutingequation(5)thengives H L= (z1−V/υ +z1+V/υ). (13) 2 988 CEMungan 1 1/5 1/2 1 0.8 2 0.6 H y/ 5 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 x/H Figure2. Graphsofequation(10)or(16)for0(cid:1)y(cid:1)H. Thenumberoneachcurvelabelsthe valueofV/υ.ImpactoccursifV/υ<1,asisevidentforthetoptwotraces. Thevaluez thatgivesthedistanceofclosestapproachL forV >υ isfoundbysetting min min dL/dz=0, (cid:1) (cid:2) (cid:1) (cid:2) V −υ υ/2V H V −υ υ/2V z = ⇒ L = (cid:12) . (14) min V +υ min 1−υ2/V2 V +υ Asonemighthaveguessed,theminimumseparationisequaltoHinthelimitasV/υ →∞ andoccursatt =0. On the other hand, as V → υ, equation (14) has the limiting value L → H/2 and min this occurs as t → ∞. Assuming the torpedo does not actually hit the target, it can never getcloserthanthis,regardlessofitsspeed! Thetrajectoryinthiscaseisgivenbyintegrating equation(7)withV/υ =1toget H t = (1−z2−2lnz). (15) 4υ Then,followingthesamereasoningusedtoderiveequation(10),onededucesthat x z2−1 √ = −ln z, (16) H 4 plottedasthemiddlecurveinfigure2. 4. Relativeapproachvelocityofthetarget Fromfigure1,onecanseethattheshipisrecedingfromthetorpedoatspeedV cosθ along thelineofsight,whilethetorpedoisapproachingalongthesamelineatspeedυ. Hence,the normalizedrelativeapproachvelocityofthewarshipis υ V rel =1− cosθ, (17) υ υ where cosθ is given by equation (6). This is plotted in figure 3 for the case of V/υ = 2. A positive value of υ /υ indicates that the ship and torpedo are approaching one another; rel anegativevaluemeanstheyarereceding. Therefore, theinterceptalongthehorizontalaxis representsthepositionofclosestapproachbetweenthetorpedoandtarget. Thiscanbeverified mathematicallybysubstitutingz fromequation(14)into(6)todeducetheheadingofthe min Aclassicchaseproblemsolvedfromaphysicsperspective 989 1.0 0.6 υ 0.2 / υrel -0.2 -0.6 -1.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 y/H Figure3. Plot of the normalized relative approach velocity from equations (17) and (6) as a functionofthenormalizedtransversepositionofthetorpedo,forthecaseofV =2υ. Aty=0, thetorpedo’sheadingisθ =90◦andthusυrel/υ=1. Ontheotherhand,asy→H,thetorpedo finaltlesrcineplitniesbloechaitneddtahteys/hHip(=sin1c−eV3−>1/4υ=)∼so0.t2h4a.tθ =90◦andhenceυrel/υ=−1.Thehorizontal torpedoatminimumseparation, (cid:1) (cid:2) υ θ =cos−1 (18) min V or60◦inthecaseoffigure3. Thissimplerelationcanalternativelybededucedbysettingthe timederivativeofthefirstequalityinequation(12)tozero,andthensubstitutingequation(1) intoit. In practice, the curve in figure 3 could be experimentally mapped out if the torpedo measurestheDopplershiftinthetrackingreturnsignal. TheclassicalDopplershiftedreflection frequencyoffthetargetis (u−V cosθ)(u+υ) f(cid:9) =f , (19) (u−υ)(u+V cosθ) forasourceoffrequencyfaboardthetorpedowithasignalspeeduthroughthewater. (For example,inthecaseofDopplersonar,fistypicallyoftheorderofhundredsofkilohertzand thesoundspeeduisabout1500ms−1inseawater.) Thefourtermsinparenthesesarisefrom theDopplershiftsinthesignals:emittedbythemovingsource—firstterminthedenominator; received at the ship—first term in the numerator; echoed by the ship—second term in the denominator; andreceivedbackatthetorpedo—secondterminthenumerator. Forrealistic torpedo and warship speeds, υ and V are much smaller than u, so that equation (19) can be approximatedas (cid:1) (cid:2) (cid:1) (cid:2) f(cid:9)=∼f 1−2V cosθ +2υ ⇒ (cid:4)f u =∼2 1− V cosθ , (20) u u f υ υ where(cid:4)f ≡ f(cid:9)−f. Theleft-handsideofthesecondequalityisthenormalizedfrequency shift divided by the Mach number of the torpedo. Meanwhile, the right-hand side is twice the normalized relative approach velocity of the target, according to equation (17). Hence, figure3directlygivestheDopplershifttowithinaconstantscalingfactor. Inparticular,zero shiftrepresentsthebestopportunityforthetorpedotoexplodeandattempttoinflictdamage ontheship(assumingithasnotalreadyimpacteditbythen),whichisthebasisofproximity fuses. Similar spectral effects are exploited by ‘Doppler bats’, such as the horseshoe and pipistrelle,whilechasinginsects[9]. 990 CEMungan 5. Extensionstorelatedapplications As an introduction to chase problems, this paper restricted consideration to the simple case ofaquarrytravellingatconstantvelocityfollowedbyapursuertravellingatconstantspeed. In this concluding section, a number of variations on this basic theme are listed. Interested readersarereferredtotheliteratureforfurtherdiscussionofthem. Manyofthemcouldform thebasisforchallengingstudentprojects,wellsuitedtocomputersimulation. Militarypursuit. Anticipating theprey’s futurelocation; targeting whenfiringbulletsat the quarry; limiting the maximum acceleration (minimum radius of curvature); pursuit from a constantangleofattack;optimumsearchtrajectorieswhenaquarry’slocationisonlypartially known;controllingtheimpactdirectionsothatitisfromthefrontorside;three-dimensional pursuitthroughtheairorwater. Gamingstrategies. Chaseinaconfinedspace(suchasaboxingring);pursuitwhenthemotion isconstrained(suchasonachessboard); preventingaquarryfromreachingarefuge(asin tag);arunnerlaunchingatamovingtarget(asindodgeball). Animalmotions. Bugsontheverticesofapolygoneachpursuingtheirnearestneighbourin aclockwiseinwardspiral[10]; adoginflowingwaterwhoisfollowingarunneronland; a spiderscurryingalonghisweb;afarmertryingtoroundupmultipleescapedpigs. Mathematicalanalyses. Polarcoordinatesofthepreyrelativetothepursuer;quarryfollowing a nonlinear plane curve and/or whose speed varies in a predictable manner; relationship to specialcurves suchasthetractrix(shapeofaninitiallystraightchainwhoseendisdragged in a direction other than its initial axis) or caustic (envelope of reflected rays from a curved mirror);geodesicpursuitonacurvedsurface(e.g.acylinderorhillside);chaseonarotating turntable. Acknowledgments IthankBrianJenkinsandMurrayKormanforinspiringthispaper. 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