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Preview DTIC ADA539389: Marine Sensor/Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Integration Project

tcej onroPitarge tenlIci hreeVtawre dsnuUomonotuA/ros neenSiraM snik psoaHm o.hrTD ecnei ceSnir a fMtonemtrapeD adiro lhFtu o fSyotisrevinU St. Petersburg, FL 33701-5016 ude.fsu.eniram@snikp :7ol6 i 9a h3m1 - e0t:3 )5x531 a51 - f8:3)(e53 n51o8h(p Award#: N00014-97-1-0504 8 9,9r1e b:mne oc1ie3tDelp mtocCejorP LONG-TERM GOALS decnav dfraoeb m euatnarget nlil itwa hhtcraes eftroropp udseunitn oslcia omgret-gn oelhT ros nleasudivi dtfnroi o.ps peulSci hreevtawre dsnuuomono tou tasnrios nceishpargonaeco elcihev/rosn e )s;2seitilic agfnitsi x oesttnemecnah n )e:1 fmor oef hstek aFt S tUsatcejorp erus nd ensadradna tysrassec ee nhtttanempiu qpee eosktesnep xneoitarbil a);c3noitargetni gfnoit s denntoaitatnemire p;)xs5enoitar e VtpfUrooAop p;)ua4 sttandatlu syfetorirgetni .noitatlusnoc/gnireenig n )e;6d ntanempiu qde nsaeigolodohtem SEVITCEJBO )oT tOyCg(olonh cnea TerrcoeOft nersehoeCtfcruo syerrasse cesehentdiv otrcpej osriphT e h.Tstcejo rrposn edsetal eV rUsA’ecnei ceSnir aF MSfsUotnemeriuq elracinhc ee thttroppus si h.TsV nUsoArosn edsepolev eydolp edd ntas e,tetarget n,ingis eydltneicif f o esteivitcejbo .secruos enram ud hntanempiu q,esb adleir asv’retn ee C hfet oshuguor hdtehsilpmoc cskairow HCAORPPA .tnemyolp ed dnganits e,tnoitarget nriosnes/V Ur Aosfecruos eervisneherpm oscedivo rTpOC tnempole vreods n eehhs ttdiewtaico ssstaned u dtynstalu c eaehfdtiv ohsorcitpaor pephaT tcef fosetecruos etrnempiu qeetairporp pd anfafa tdsenia rytlbati u,sdecneirep xnheat iswtcejorp .noissi msiht KROWDETELPMOC n oVi UtrAaorsgneetSnI n fatonempoleve D,“enry Be(lc yncobr ancae ceo hgtniydu trs orfosn e Hsdpereenigne-T OeChT Underwater In Sciirtte mru ootsonhepSor trcoef prSetawae S)”Hp saw detpada dna deyolpedno stnemyol p o er wVdo”tUfbA ucs ieort n)hte]CCOpSu[a“Argona encoOtpmahtu ohSs(it ierhBt edthnato c ee dhsantdair otflsoF ato sc ea fhe7ft 9orf9eo1bm e. cr ene aniDteO sy eaghpntirud tnacifing idsevlov nsitnemyolp ehd t. oaBdumr e tBnaoita thScraes elRacigolo iaBdumreB e. hnTgis ehdsiti reB h ntsiedarg peutadommoc c oagtnicafret nsikr oNW O fLnooitacifidom .at ahdcraes eerlbaul advedivo rdp nsatnemyolp ehdt ogbnir uldl edwenoitcn urfosnes Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 1998 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-1998 to 00-00-1998 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Marine Sensor/Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Integration Project 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION University of South Florida,Department of Marine Science,St. REPORT NUMBER Petersburg,FL,33701-5016 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES See also ADM002252. 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 4 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 s a)w”mets ysSisyla neAlcitr aePnir aeMvisneherpmo C,“snikp o,HSL Dt(ee htshg illa uedhT tnemevorp md innaoitacifid ormehtr u.F79 9,1rebmetp eySlr anVe iUX AEU OAe F hodttetpada at apdukc afanbooitarget n,ima ocfitcatn yws egnnidulc ndietelpm osc adwaoly aXp EeO hfto S L.e DnhoTit odmaoly arpotin oosmtretemorelec cSaM ElMatnemirep xd enmaets ygsniggol e t,nasilama h,adBna lgsnIikc o etnteSoaLitar ePpOo d Bedro eo tyCs eao nRhlsoNtpapOewsd Ve RhmSuncoaster; to rt2)fnemyolp e):d1gnidulc nsinoitare pdoetropp uT sO.C89 9y1aM ev ieddivo r);p4d nsarehcraes er roaft aedzyla nd aneaveirt e);r3detare pd ondaeilpp utsa oebsahc V U nA fatos edtle irfe vtesr ief hgtniwol llaufssecc uysr esv atwnemyol p .e etd hrToppus .mets ytsnemerusa eemlcitr aepvisurtnin doetnnuom ytilibaira VlacitpO “ollet ,TsOCB arOmdeorRe, (t syyhCspargo pmoott tnoa beecmoit-l aeehrT si hrted ndueyolp ed dndaets e,tdetarge t )ns ”iaswret adWibr unnTioitacifissa lmCott odBna d nlale hdsaoly aXp E fOnooitacirb a )f:1dedulc ntiropp uss’tcejo rs pi. h8T9 9y1lr a neticejorp e hrt omfets ygsnitnu oemlbatsuj dnaoisice r fapnooitacirb adf nnagis e )d;2erutcur tlsacinahcem ;ecnal adb nmai rgtnidulc nginits e )t;5mets ytshgi epwo r )d;4ma ocfitcatn y )s;3rosn eTsOBOR d ntaa oeb s;a dh )ncs8arehcraes er rosfisyla nd anlaaveirt eart a);d7PO BttoanCemyolp e)d6 eti loftamsorotsega mginidivo rlpufssecc uesr eswtnemyol p. esDnoitare pdole irf otfropp uesvid .a e t rssefatehohttgilf d remvoe ersifverrtouetrcurts ht u UdeotAahSaFotl yXTaEOp O BeyOhoRt l sponetoditara p ee ndrgoa pn msisseiebrgorP ;gnits entoissim-e r )p:1gnitropp u ssticejo rsp i. h8T9 9r1ebmec eyDlr a neyitilic atFs eaTdirolF .tro pspnuo si;ett dtna e)nie rdv3asmteniy rpado oooletp phs letnde danv)raa2trt .tcejo rspi hrted nsuelcih eX vEd OnIaI VU OAe Fhr todfetelpm os cagwninia rstnoitare pVoUA .sdaoly arposn elsacit pgoni ssunoitare pro oFf S oUetlcih eIvI VeO hdterrefsna rytllaicif fUoAF sisyla nuAtiS- nsIuomonotu A,“enr y,BSAE Sm(ets yssisyla nlaatneme lceirtemotohportce ephTs )”retemo ret ccneaphbSrotsbAgnelh tg na,otPL c nafop OimAtocCurts n:onCa erce OpefphOUT noitarge t .ne 8ih9 T9y 1aeMt anPliO BdtoeayCol p dedndaaol y XaonEp taOdneitarge tsnaiw ;d nmaets ytsr oeplpm aVs UeAlpm i fsnogis e )d;2gnitnu ommots u fcnooitacirb a: )fd1edulcni ek a omst ahwcaorp pea h styaltneicif fdeehsilpmoc csa anwoitarget nsi i. hmTa ocfitcatn y)s3 .rosn ew see nhettadommoc codataoly aTpOB OdRengis ee dhosttnoitacifid oymrassecen .tnemurts nSiA EeS h fttos edtle iVf UtAsr ief hdtedivo rdp nlaufssecc uss atwnemyolpeD fatonempoleve D,“gninna Fr(osn etsneirt ufannooitarget n Vni gUonAiunitn o sckiroW elcih erVetawred ndUennam n nU nasotneirt ugNniraeB-negort irN oyftilibap agCnisn eeStomeR .noitelpm orcosn egsnidn e spVi U n Anatonemy o)l ”p .enDae clOatsa oeC hnti detropp u e sobetunitn olcl i)wU AhFt inwoitcnujn o ncyiletom edrn ay(llac oslnoitare pVoUA hguorht eht dne fo eht.tcejorp (a) (b) Figure 1 (a) Deployment of the DLS instrument at CoBOP, May 1998, (b) interior of 9,000 gallon test flume showing ROBOT in an OEX test vehicle. e mtmuseletFTsyS/rosneS depolev egdnitset-e rr poefmu ltfs entoll a0g0 0 oe,atm 9osyhigolonhc enTae cr Oorfetn eeChT lanret nsi’emu lef h otstedarg ptunacifing i.S)b (e1rug i,ftnemyolp eedvisnep xeerof esbrosnes r eltaanwr egtnniif onoorips o: re)rd1o uc. l rec ta sn reseeidehayhevtpTtoel p emerorecuwtcurts );4mets yesgania rrdet adwevorp m )i;3mets ynsoitartl irfet adwevorp m )i;2sen agvninrut ret adwevorp m n i)a;5d nganits eyttisn ehdg iehtadommoc c oamtets ylsl irfetawa efansooitidda .mets ygsnitalucricer Support Equipment e hrt oyftilibap aeccnanetni adm nnaoitarbil adcetim isledivo rypgolonhc enTae crO orfetn eeChT ;desahcr unpe es bashtrof ftenempolev etdropp uotstnempiu qb easluoenallecs i.MtnemtrapeD ll esswamets yrsosn edsetelpm ofecocnanetni atmropp uodste sous lstainempiu qsei h,trevewoh . ssVUaA gniniarT decnav drAeenignE o :,skrroWgNOLPnidulc ndietelpm osc alwennosr etpropp u fsgoniniarT .sesr utor coyhtsei cmouSu cnaaVcir e,msAesr utor coehcsneref nyogColoCnouh rcsnee,oT Ctt iP ygolona ed cn8sOa9nae cE OE gES nITiMdulc ndiednet tear eswecnerefn olcareveS .l8a9noitanretnI noitatnemirepxE dnagnitseT snoitc edsaoly atpnemurts n figonits edt nnaoitatnemirep xre omfets yesvisnepxe ndi ndaip aAr nfsaotsisn otci n.e ughnTiti rswi htgtanidargpu/noitcurtsn orced nsdu indaengis ende esbah ht idwett igfni estb ii .ne suhdTaoly aX pEdOradna ttspec codaterugifn oncoitc elsi aXtEO oe trsana l,pemu ltfs eT tOe C hnetitare podotengis eydllani g.i sreOitilibap alcortn oectomer .segakc arposn e fsgonirotin oemm ilta ewrol l oaat e tssanoitare ploamin irm oefdivorp STLUSER stne mr y oVodsUlnnApaeeSD ecneirep xdeeni a.Grosn ed snealcih ee vhhtt ofsbots eltanoitare ploufssecc ulsarev e:srosn eHsp ylr anVe iUX AEU OAe F hodttetpa d:atee htShg ilL a 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ysSisyla neAlcitr aePnir aeMvisneherpmo C.“samo h,Tsnikp o)H6

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