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Preview DTIC ADA504041: Characterizations of Minerogenic Particles in Support of Modeling Light Scattering in Lake Superior Through a Two-Component Approach

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AUTHOR Title of Paper or Presentation Characterizations of Minerogenic Particles in Support of Modeling Light Scattering in Lake Superior Through a Two- Compone it Approach Author(s) Name(s) (First.MI.Last), Code, Affiliation if not NRL Feng Peng, Steven Effler, David O'Donnell, Alan D. Weidemann, Martin Auer It is intended to offer this paper to the (Name of Conference) (Date, Place and Classification of Conference) and/or for publication in Limnology and Oceanography, Unclassified (Name and Classification of Publication) (Name of Publis ierj After presentation or publication, pertinent publication/presentation data will be entered in the publications data base, in accordance with reference (a). It is the opinion of the author that the subject paper (is ) (is not *) classified, in accordance with reference (b). This paper does not violate any disclosure of trade secrets or suggestions of outside individuals or concerns which have >een communicated to the Laboratory in confidence. 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REPORT DATE (DD-MM- YYYY) 2. REPORT TYPE 3. DATES COVERED (From - To) 13-08-2009 Journal Article 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Characterizations of Minerogenic Particles in Support of Modeling Light Scattering in Lake Superior Through a Two-Component Approach 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 0602435N 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) Feng Peng, Steven Efller, David O'Donnell, Alan D. Weidemann, Martin Auer 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 73-6867-07-5 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) REPORT NUMBER Naval Research Laboratory NRL/JA/733O-08-9DO7 Oceanography Division Stennis Space Center, MS 39529-5004 10. SPONSOR/MONITORS ACIONYM(S) 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) Office of Naval Research ONR 800 N. Quincy St. Arlington, VA 22217-5660 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR'S REF 0RT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited. 20090821529 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT The role of suspended minerogenic particles in light scattering in eastern Lake Superior and Keweenaw Bay (I I sites) during July of 2006 was < wiluated with an individual particle analysis technique (scanning electron microscopy interfaced with automated image and X-ray analyses, SAX), along with bulk neasurements of paniculate scattering and backscattering coefficients (bp and bbp) and chlorophyll a concentration ([Chi]). SAX measurements providet information on light-scattering attributes of minerogenic particles, including chemical composition and particle size distribution (PSD). The data were use I in Mie theory calculations for estimations of minerogenic scattering and backscattering coefficients (bm and bb,m). The bay had higher concentrations of minerog nic particles and higher values of bm, bb.m. bbp, and the backscattering ratio (bbp : bp) than the pelagic sites. Minerogenic scattering was primarily attributabl to clay mineral particles in the size range of I -10 mm. The PSDs deviated from the (Junge) pattern of monotonic increase of particle numbers with decreasing 'article size. The estimates of bm and bb.m combined with those of organic particulate components, as represented by empirical Case I bio-optical models, showed reasonably good closure with bp and bbp, supporting the credibility of the SAX -Mie approach. Variations in the bbp : bp ratio are strongly related to spatial differen cs in the relative contributions of phytoplankton vs. minerogenic particles to scattering, with higher values observed where the minerogenic component is more im ortant. SAX can advance the understanding of optical variability by establishing the contributions of well-defined minerogenic constituents that strongly influence op ical properties. 15. SUBJECT TERMS PSD. backscattering, inherent optical properties 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 19a. NAME OF RESPONSIBLE PERSON ABSTRACT OF Alan D. Weidemann a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE PAGES UL 19b. TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include area cclel Unclassified Unclassified I Inclassified 13 228-688-6232 Standard Form ?98 (Rev. 8/98) Prescribed by ANSI S I. Z39.18 Limnol. Oceanogr,. 54(4), 2009, 1369-1381 © 2009, by the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Int. Characterizations of minerogenic particles in support of modeling light scattering in Lake Superior through a two-component approach u a 1 b c Feng Peng, * Steve W. Effler, David O'Donnell/ Alan D. Weidemann, and Martin T. Auer 11 Upstate Freshwater Institute, Syracuse, New York b Naval Research Laboratory, Stennis Space Center, Mississippi "•'Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan Abstract Hay (11 The role of suspended minerogenic particles in light scattering in eastern Lake Superior and Keweenaw lection sites) during July of 2006 was evaluated with an individual particle analysis technique (scanning i. :nts of microscopy interfaced with automated image and X-ray analyses, SAX), along with bulk measuren ). SAX paniculate scattering and backscattering coefficients (b and b ) and chlorophyll a concentration ([Chi p bp measurements provided information on light-scattering attributes of minerogenic particles, including c lemical ions of composition and particle size distribution (PSD). The data were used in Mie theory calculations for estima ons of minerogenic scattering and backscattering coefficients (b and b ). The bay had higher concentral m bm pelagic minerogenic particles and higher values of b , b , b , and the backscattering ratio (b :b ) than the m bm bp bp p m. The sites. Minerogenic scattering was primarily attributable to clay mineral particles in the size range of 1-10 f PSDs deviated from the (Junge) pattern of monotonic increase of particle numbers with decreasing parti le size, The estimates of b and b combined with those of organic particulate components, as represented by ei ipirical m bm Case 1 bio-optical models, showed reasonably good closure with b and b , supporting the credibility of the p bp SAX-Mie approach. Variations in the b :b ratio are strongly related to spatial differences in the •elative bp p ere the contributions of phytoplankton vs. minerogenic particles to scattering, with higher values observed wl minerogenic component is more important. SAX can advance the understanding of optical variab lity by icrties. establishing the contributions of well-defined minerogenic constituents that strongly influence optical pri Light scattering by particles is a fundamental feature of Stramski et al. (2001, 2004«, 2007) hive advocated a radiative transfer in water and the attendant signal reductionist approach of increased partiti >ning of inherent available for remote sensing. Two important metrics of optical properties (IOPs) into a 'cert lin manageable light scattering are the total particulate scattering and number' of important functional constituents. Though the l backscattering coefficients (b and b , m~ ) that represent partitioning of b (or b ) into organic and minerogenic p bp p bp integrations over the angular range of 0-n and nJ2-n, scattering coefficients (b and b ) 0 m respectively, of the volume-scattering function (VSF, /?). b = b + b (1) The backscattering ratio, b : b (b ), has recently been p 0 m bp p bp used as a diagnostic to infer particle composition (Boss et is more rudimentary than the goals of the reductionist al. 2004; Loisel et al. 2007; Whitmire et al. 2007), model the approach, such an effort has rarely been r gorously applied underwater light field (Mobley et al. 2002), and explain to real systems (Peng et al. 2007; Snyder t al. 2008; Stavn remote-sensing variability in coastal areas (Lubac and and Richter 2008). A reductionist version of Eq. 1 would Loisel 2007). These optical properties depend on various further partition organic and minerojenic particulate attributes of the particle population, including the compo- components into more constituents. Stramski et al. (2001) sition, particle size distribution (PSD), particle shape and implemented the reductionist approach in a modeling inhomogeneity, and number concentration (A), with the analysis of IOPs, focusing primarily on partitioning of exception that b is independent of N. bp planktonic contributions while including the effects of Aquatic ecosystems represent complex media with minerogenic particles through reasonablr assumptions of respect to particulate scattering because of the great their characteristics. These model sim ilations yielded heterogeneity of particle characteristics that influence insights on optical variability of the oce;m and suggested related optical properties differently (Stramski et al. that minerogenic particles were potenti; lly important in 2004«, 2007; Peng and Efiler 2007). The extent to which regulating /? , occasionally even in open ocean waters differences in bulk optical properties can be explained by bp Subsequently, these investigators have lurther evaluated bulk properties of a particle population such as concentra- the potential origins, optical properties, and implications tions of chlorophyll a ([Chi]) or suspended particulate for remote sensing of terrigenous minerogenic particles in matter is limited (Babin et al. 2003; Stramski et al. 2007). seawater (Stramski et al. 2004A, 200'; Wozniak and Moreover, such metrics provide little insight into the roles Stramski 2004). In a field study to undersi and the observed of the various particle types in regulating these optical IOP variability in New England continental shelf waters. properties. Green et al. (2003) conducted direct individual particle ' Corresponding author: [email protected] analyses and included a mineral group in t heir five particles 1369 1370 Peng et al. types. Their findings emphasized the necessity to measure summations of SAX-Mie-based estimates of 6 (650) and m mineral particles for full understanding of backscattering organic particulate scattering, as estimated by an empirical variations in the ocean. bio-optical [Chl]-based model developed for Case 1 waters (Loisel and Morel 1998), showed good closure with bulk Minerogenic particles play even greater (sometimes measurements of b (650) for several inland waters enriched dominant) roles in regulating light scattering in coastal p in particles (Peng et al. 2007). Similar closure efforts have Case 2 (Stramski et al. 2001; Loisel et al. 2007) and inland to date not been attempted in evaluating the representa- waters (Kirk 1994; Peng and Effler 2005; Peng et al. 2007). In even the most dilute and highest clarity lacustrine tiveness of SAX-Mie estimates of fet>, (A). Success in such m closure efforts would result in a simple two-component systems, minerogenic particles strongly influence apparent model that could estimate b and b and resolve optical properties (AOPs; Swift et al. 2006), including p bp contributions of minerogenic and organic particles based remote-sensing signals (Li et al. 2004). Bukata et al. (1978) on SAX and [Chi] measurements. recognized the importance of suspended minerals in shaping the underwater and above-water light fields of This paper documents the light-scattering features of Lake Superior, and included an inorganic particulate minerogenic particles assessed by SAX, and bulk measure- ments of b , b^ and [Chi], for pelagic near-surface waters component in the development of a semi-empirical model. p of oligotrophic Lake Superior and one of its major Recently, an individual particle analysis (IPA) technique, embayments. The SAX-Mie-based estimate: of b and scanning electron microscopy interfaced with automated m b are tested for consistency through the use of Case 1 image and X-ray analyses (SAX), has been used to directly bm measure the light-scattering attributes (TV, PSD, composi- empirical bio-optical models to independent]; estimate b 0 tion, and shape) of minerogenic particles of sizes >0.2 /im and the organic backscattering coefficient (b ,) from [Chi] h in several inland waters (Peng and Effler 2007; Peng et al. and by comparing the summations of the min.irogenic and 2007). SAX results served as inputs to Mie-theory organic components with bulk measurements ( f b and b . p bp calculations of the scattering and backscattering efficiency Contributions to b and b , from particle cl; sses that are m b m based on composition and size are resolved, and the factors (2bm and (2bbm- dimensionless) of individual particles, supporting direct estimates of spectral b and dependence of spatial differences of b oi metrics of m bp composition of the particulate assemblage s evaluated. the minerogenic backscattering coefficient (b , ), as de- b m scribed for b below Lastly, the role of minerogenic particles in influencing light- m scattering levels in Lake Superior and related implications for remote sensing are considered. This pa] er advances (2) M-*) = 77]C 2b ./(w,,A,^)PA ,, earlier SAX-based light-scattering studies (Peig and Effler m ni 2007; Peng et al. 2007) by extending to more dilute where / is the wavelength of light, N is the number of conditions, addressing closure for estimates of fe and m bp minerogenic particles per unit volume of water (number demonstrating the interplay between mineroi enic particle 3 m~ ), PA , is the projected area of minerogenic particle ;', contributions and b . m bp was and V is the sample volume. Likewise, b {X) bm calculated with the backscattering efficiency factor, Q j. Methods bbm These two efficiency factors of a particle depend on its size (d) and (relative) complex refractive index (m, depends on Study system, sampling, and field measure vents—Lake the composition of the particle), and on X. Moreover, SAX Superior is the westernmost (48°00'N, 88°00 W), largest, supports partitioning of h and b into multiple and most oligotrophic of the Laurentian Ore it Lakes. Its m bm minerogenic particles types, such as clay minerals, quartz, residence time is —200 yr. Water clarity is rt latively high and calcite (Peng et al. 2007), consistent with the goals of (Secchi depth 15-20 m) in pelagic areas of t le lake. The the reductionist approach. The integrated SAX-Mie role of the minerogenic particle populat .in in light method has been described as precursor work for scattering in the lake has not been characterized. Lake advancing the reductionist approach (Stramski et al. 2007). Superior has been described as optically com ilex (Case 2; Establishment of the representativeness of the SAX-Mie Li et al. 2004). In particular, absorption by c iromophoric estimates of b and b is central to advancing the dissolved organic matter (CDOM) is high relative to thai m bm implementation of the reductionist approach. Some pro- associated with phytoplankton pigments (Gor > et al. 2008) gress has been reported recently in this regard for a limited and sediment is believed to contribute to I >cal remote- number of particle-rich inland waters (Peng and Effler sensing signatures (Budd 2004), though lake wide effects 2007; Peng et al. 2007). Demonstrations for most natural are uncertain (Li et al. 2004). systems are complicated by noteworthy contributions of A total of 11 sites (Fig. 1) were visited ove the interval organic particles that are presently not readily amenable to of 05-14 July in 2006. These included two lot itions in the the same level of independent individual particle charac- Keweenaw Waterway (KW) proximate to a m; jor tributary terizations. This issue was largely avoided in the study of inflow (the Sturgeon River; Fig. 1), six sites along the axis one reservoir (Peng and Effler 2007) where minerogenic of Keweenaw Bay (KB), and three pelagic sii ;s in eastern particles dominate, and reasonably good consistency Lake Superior (ELS). Site KW1 reflects the lc -al effects of the Sturgeon River inflow to Keweenaw Bav through the between SAX-Mie estimates of b and bulk measurements m of the attenuation coefficient at 660 nm, f(660) (a reliable Keweenaw Waterway. Site KW2 is a proxinate (within surrogate of b; Babin et al. 2003) was reported. In addition, 1 km) nearshore bay location, included to provide contrast 371 Lake Superior: Modeling light scattering North been identified as a minimum convergence point for 1 variations in fi(0, X) caused by suspended particles. i- - r ~~ 49° Backscattering [6b (^)] was calculated from /J (117°, k) P p according to b {X) = 2nxJi {\\l°,X), where ^ = 1.1 (Boss \ \ 1 _ hp p \ J y and Pegau 2001). Corrections for attenuation along the * Michipicoten ^ $ 48°- - T T ^x \ Islind path from the light source to the sample volume and then W i- EL\SI to the detector were made based on a(/.) measurements enaw L/keVve , /\ Bay from the ac-s (WET Labs, Inc. 2007). Values of b and /? , - fFLsi^sl '2-<l HLX^ 1 p h| z/\ \j_^/T V^*^ ir~C reported here are averages of those collected over a 0.5-m L/ 47° \ depth interval in near-surface waters. ~" ^ ^krrT7o ^0~l20\ 85° West SAX protocols—Sample preparation and instrumenta- tion methodology for SAX have been described previously (Peng and Effler 2005, 2007), and are onl) briefly reviewed here. Suspended particles from known volumes of water samples were deposited onto polycarbonate membranes (0.4-^m pore size) by pressure filtration, air-dried, and coated with carbon. The SAX instrumentation was an Aspex PSEM 2000 system controlled by a.itomated feature analysis (AFA) software (Aspex®). Abou 2000 individual particles were analyzed for each of the 10 s imples (no water sample from KW2 was available) for both morphology and composition characteristics (~3 h per sample). Based on a rotating chord algorithm. AFA represents each particle by a series of radiating triang es formed by the particle's centroid and 16 chords dra<vn through the centroid to the edges of the particle at 11° increments. 2 The projected area (PA,; m ) of a particle i; measured as the Fig. 1. Map of Lake Superior with sampling sites in sum of all triangular areas. Particle size (c,; /mi) is defined Keweenaw Waterway (KW; two sites), Keweenaw Bay (KB; six as the circular area equivalent diameter. Particle shape is sites), and Eastern Lake Superior (ELS; three sites). described here by the aspect ratio (ASP), the ratio of the length of the longest chord to that of its orthogonal chord. to KW 1. The other bay sites extended along a transect from The ASP value is a measure of a particle's deviation from the inner-(KBl) to outer-bay (KB6) bounds (-33 km). The sphericity (ASP of a sphere is 1). three pelagic sites in eastern Lake Superior (ELS; shelf and Composition of individual minerogt nic particles is profundal locations) extend over —155 km from Michipi- assessed by SAX from acquisition of X- ay counts of 16 coten Island (Fig. 1). At each site in situ optical measure- elements (Na and higher atomic numbers, including Al, Si, ments were conducted and near-surface samples were Ca, Fe, Mn), and is represented by its norr lalized elemental collected for IPA and [Chi] (Parsons et al. 1984) analyses. X-ray counts. Based on their elemental X-ray composition, Spectral attenuation, absorption, and backscattering minerogenic particles were sorted into five predefined _1 coefficients [c(X), a(X), and b (X); m ] were measured with generic minerogenic particle types (Peng i:t al. 2007), with b a combined instrument package (single profiling cage, assigned values of m (m = n - n'i, where n and ri are the integrated outputs) consisting of an ac-s (spectral absorp- real and imaginary parts of m): 'Clay' (aluminum silicates, tion and attenuation meter) and a BB9 (backscattering m = 1.173 - 0.001/); 'Quartz' (mineral Si' ) , m = 1.155 - 2 meter) from WET Labs. Backscattering measurements 0.0001/'); 'Si-rich' (Si-containing minerals., assumed m = were unavailable for the two KW sites. The ac-s measures 1.173 - 0.001/); 'Ca-rich' (particles conUin >40% Ca X- c(X) and a(X) (25-cm path length) relative to pure water, rays, m = 1.19 - 0.0005/); and 'Mist (miscellaneous with a spectral resolution of 4 nm over the range of 400- inorganic particles, assumed m = 1.173 - 0.001/). 730 nm. This instrument was calibrated according to Specification of m values for these partick types was based guidelines of the manufacturer with pure water and on literature compilations (Kerr and Rogers 1977; Woz- checked between deployments following the manufacturer's niak and Stramski 2004). 'Diatom' particles were differen- calibration protocol (WET Labs, Inc. 2006). Adjustments tiated from 'Quartz' (both have >90% Si <-rays) based on for the effects of temperature on pure water absorption and their lower X-ray densities (Peng et al. 1002). Hereafter attenuation were made according to Pegau et al. (1997). particles in the 'Clay' class are describee as clay mineral The absorption spectra were corrected for scattering error particles (e.g., kaolinite), a chemical groi ping that differs following the manufacturer's protocols. The spectral from the use of 'clay' to describe a partic ; size group. paniculate scattering coefficient, b (X), was determined by A useful bulk property of an analyzed s mple is the total p difference, c(X) - a(X). The BB9 measured VSF at 1 17° particle projected area concentration, or the particle _l [/i (117°, X)] at nine discrete wavelengths, for which c(X) projected area per unit volume of water (PAV; m ), a p and a{X) measurements were made. The angle of 117° has metric that is approximately proportional o the magnitude 1372 Peng et al. of light attenuation (Peng and Effler 2007) and remote- and sensing reflectance (Sydor and Arnone 1997). SAX 0.766 6 (550) = 0.416[Chl] (4b) measurements support determination of the PAV associat- o ed with each of the specified minerogenic particle types. The 0.97 adjustment in Eq. 3 accommodates the effect of The minerogenic component of PAV (PAV ) is the m replacing c in the original model with b. The summations of summation of values for the five specified particle types. minerogenic and organic scattering and backscattering components were compared to bulk measurements of b p PSDs and scattering calculations—PSDs of minerogenic (Eq. 1) and b to evaluate the consistency of this forward bp particles are presented as a size distribution function (or modeling approach and the extent of closure. density function), F(d) = XIV X ANIAd, where N is the total number of minerogenic particles in V, and AN is the Results number of mineral particles in a size interval of Ad. Size distributions were extended to particles >0.2 /jm, a size Light-scattering attributes of minerogeni, particles somewhat smaller than the nominal pore size of the used Light-scattering features of minerogenic particles collected filters. Atteia et al. (1998) demonstrated that particles much from Lake Superior, as characterized by the SAX-Mie smaller than the respective pore sizes of the membrane approach, are presented in Table 1. The composition of filters were retained. In paired measurements of samples minerogenic particles is represented in the cot text of light- collected on 0.2-^m- and 0.4-/mi-pore-sized filters, we have scattering implications by the relative contril ution of the found that particles in the 0.2-0.4-^im size range were only five particle types to PAV . The 'Misc' typt contributed m slightly underrepresented by the 0.4-^m-pore-sized filter, <12% to PAV , indicating that the adopted classification m and that the general PSD patterns were not affected by the scheme performed well in categorizing the minerogenic filter pore size. Results presented here for the 0.2-0.4-yum particles in the lake. Generally uniform com 30sition was size interval are not presented as quantitative but serve to observed (Table 1). Clay minerals ('Clay' clas,) dominated depict the general pattern for these small particles. PAV for all the sites, representing an average of 73% m The minerogenic particle-scattering and backscattering (coefficient of variation, CV = 12%) of the tc Lai. The next coefficients (b and b ) were calculated from SAX results m bm largest contributors to PAV were the 'Qu; rtz' and 'Si- m according to Eq. 2. Values of the efficiency factors Qbmj rich' classes with the exception of site ELS? where 'Ca- were and 2bbm,i obtained from the BHMie algorithm by rich' was the second largest component. Bohren and Huffman (1983), based on Mie theory for Nonspherical morphology prevailed for the minerogenic homogenous spheres. Scattering calculations and field particle populations of all the sites, as depictec by the mean observations are reported here for X = 650 nm; reference ASP values (Table 1). Though the shapes ol the minero- to wavelength is omitted hereafter. genic particles were diverse (Fig. 2A), as ind jated by the Adjustments of PA, values were made to accommodate relatively large standard deviation (SD) valu.:s, the mean the effect of the preferred orientation (lying flat) of mineral ASP values were within a narrow range < f 1.93-2.30, particles on the filter membranes (Jonasz 1987), based on suggesting a similarity in the distributer of shapes. the ASP values of the particle: if ASP >1.5, then However, these deviations from sphericity ol the minero- PA'=0.8 x PA,, where PA* is the adjusted PA value for genic particles were modest relative to those observed for the (th particle (Peng et al. 2007). Average scattering diatoms, whose large mean ASP values 0 everal times efficiency factors of the minerogenic particle populations greater than those for the minerogenic particle populations; < > ( Qb,m and <2bb.ni>) of each site were calculated as the Table 1) were attributed mostly to pennate forms (e.g., ratios of b and b to PAV . These average efficiency m hm ni Fig. 2B). values reflect the combined effects of PSD and chemical Representative minerogenic PSDs are prt ;enled for a composition. bay (KB6) and an open lake site (ELS3; Fig. 3|. Monotonic Empirical bio-optical models for scattering (Loisel increases in number density with the decrea e in particle and Morel 1998) and backscattering (Morel and sizes, a pattern commonly described by the Juige function, Maritorena 2001) coefficients as functions of [Chi] were not observed. Instead, the PSDs exl ibited right- for Case 1 (open ocean) waters were applied here as skewed patterns. Peak densities were betweei 0.4 /mi and estimators of the organic components of b and b (i.e., b p bp Q 0.6 jim, around which greater and longer taiied decline in and Vo)- particle numbers for particles larger than thi modal sizes prevailed. If the Junge function was fitted for particles 0.766, /00 (3) /\,(650) = 0.347[Chlf (660/650)0.97 larger than the peak density size, the slope values (~3) were consistent with those reported in the literati re (Stramski /, (650) = {0.002 + 0.01(0.50-0.251og [Chl]](650/550)"} and Kiefer 1991). Differences among sites wer: observed in bo 10 number concentrations rather than the gene al shapes of x/> (550) (4) PSDs (Fig. 3). Moreover, similar patterns prevailed for the o various particle groups, as illustrated for the :lay minerals where at site KB6. 3 Calculated size dependencies of b (Fig. -IA) and h '0.5(log, [Chl]-0.3) for 0.02< [Chi] <2mgm" m hm 0 (4a) (Fig. 4B) are presented for the same two sa nples in the otherwise 0 Lake Superior: Modeling light scattering 1373 Table 1. Composition, morphology, size distribution, and scattering characteristics of suspended particle populations in Lake Superior (no observations for site KB2). PAV type distribution (%) mean ASPiSDf m PAV * «50,bm m Quartz Si-rich Ca-rich Cla\ Misc Mineral Diatom (/<m) Site (m-«) (/(in) <Gbb.m> <Sb.m> 7.1 4.7 7.63±14.5 0.044 75.3 1.1 11.9 2.23 3.63 1.93±1.32 4.17 K.VV1 0.182 76.9 15.3 3.7 2.04±2.10 8.76±9.87 2.16 0.040 2.08 3.1 1.0 K.W2 0.031 3.11 7.0 7.3 4.97±7.57 0.045 2.23 74.5 10.5 2.31 KB1 0.6 1.99+1.53 0.067 3.18 2.95 3.2 18.3 2.24 0.051 75.0 0.0 2.30±2.01 11.56+13.8 3.6 3.77 KB3 0.080 7.0 0.047 2.31 KB4 73.3 11.0 7.5 10.28+17.7 2.31 1.2 1.94+1.44 3.28 0.030 4.1 2.24 82.1 3.0 10.8 2.27±2.62 10.25±11.8 2.11 0.038 KB5 0.1 3.65 0.043 15.4 0.045 2.05 69.6 3.8 1.93 ±1.42 13.12±18.6 2.38 11.1 0.0 2.93 0.050 K.B6 13.0 5.7 9.45±15.0 0.050 2.39 64.3 5.8 11.2 2.36 3.39 1.94+2.42 0.016 ELS1 2.26 3.4 7.72±12.8 2.21 0.043 73.3 9.1 8.9 5.3 2.00+1.51 3.33 ELS2 0.026 0.047 54.7 6.3 14.8 17.7 6.5 10.58±12.0 2.38 2.12+2.29 2.19 3.13 ELS3 0.022 PAV,„: total projected area of minerogenic particles per unit volume of water. 1 ASP: aspect ratio; SD: standard deviation. format of cumulative contributions of particle size classes b (or median size of scattering, d ,bm', I >g- 4A) and h m 50 bm to scattering. Submicron particles and those larger than (^50-bbm; Fig- 4B) are useful metrics in the evaluation of the 10 /mi made only minor (<10%) contributions to both b relative importance of various particle si es to scattering. m and Vm- The sizes that correspond to the 50th percentile of These values were the highest in the inl ow zone of the tributary, site KW1 (Table 1). Little variation was observed for the other sites, with the values of d ,bi shifted ~1 /mi 50 m larger than those of d , (Table 1); th ; average values 5ii bm were 3.39 pirn and 2.43 /an, respectively No systematic spatial structure in these metrics was obs< rved. Spatial patterns of PA V , b,„. h „,, ai •d bulk measures m h of scattering—Measurements of PAV (Fig. 5A) and n coupled estimates of b (Fig. 5B) and b (Fig. 5C) were m b n the highest in the tributary inflow zone (si e KW1) and the lowest in the open waters of eastern Lak .' Superior (ELS sites). The mean PAV for the five Kew :enaw Bay (KB) m sites was >two-fold greater than for the three ELS sites. There were substantial spatial difference in minerogenic particle levels and scattering within be h the bay and eastern Lake Superior. The influence o the monitored tributary input (KW1; Fig. 1) on spatial structure in the bay at the time of sampling was small (Fig 5A). The spatial Fig. 2. Micrographs of selected particles by scanning elec- Particle size, d (/in tron microscopy: (A) inorganic particles, including a plate-like Fig. 3. Examples of mineral PSDs expressed in density clay mineral, and (B) pennate diatoms (with high ASP values). Particles in (A) and (B) were from the sample collected from KW2 function. Samples were from KB6 and ELS3 sites, and PSD of on 05 July 2006. clay minerals ('Clay' class) from KB6 is also sliown. Peng et al. 1374 0.2 \ rz~] PAV, n • [Chll E 0.1- - ! > 3 Ml < II 0.0 B I I bulk meas. ••/>,„ 0.8 :>>„ E -1 0.4 MIWP 0.0 3. Ubulk meas. ••/> 0.01 hm 0.00 •^r 0.01- Particle size, d Cum) Fig. 4. Size dependency patterns of scattering for two sites, KB6 and ELS3: (A) cumulative b , and (B) cumulative b . The m hm 0.00 sizes that correspond to the 50th percentile of b and b (c/so.bm m bm LZHorg. mineral n and (3?5o,bbmi respectively) are illustrated. 0.02- c patterns in the calculated values of b and 6 , (Fig. 5B,C) m b m tracked linearly those observed for PAV (Fig. 5A). m 0.01 ^ Accordingly, the values of <2b.ni> and <2bb.ni> were uniform; the average values were 2.23 and 0.045, respec- s ^vvvvvvvv%% ' 0.00 tively, with CV values of 4.2% and 9.0%. Levels of [Chi] were somewhat higher at the ELS sites than in the bay (Fig. 3 5A); average concentrations were 0.69 mg m~ and 0.63 Fig. 5. Results of laboratory analyses, in situ optical mg m~\ respectively. measurements, and light-scattering modeling for study sites in Bulk measurements of b demonstrated more modest Lake Superior: (A) PAV,„ and [Chi], (B) measuret and modeled p differences between the bay and ELS; the average for the b , (C) measured and modeled b , (D) backscattcr lg ratio, from p bp : bay (0.32 m~') was only 16% higher (Fig. 5B). However, measurements and (6 , + ^b.m) (*o + ^m). and (E) lackscattciing b 0 ratios of organic and minerogenic components. bulk measurements of h (Fig. 5C) were on average bp - (0.004 m ') substantially higher in the bay than at the ELS sites, to an extent (two-fold) that approached the equivalency (slope 0.8) was still indicated for t te other sites differences calculated for b . Differences in PAV (Fig. 6A, and inset). bm m explained 76% of the observed variability in b according The higher PAV and organic scatterii g (Fig. 5A) bp m to linear least-squares regression (p < 0.01); however, these contributed nearly equally to the elevated b measured at p were not a significant predictor of b dynamics. KW1 (Fig. 5B). Levels of b in KB sites and ELS sites were p p not significantly different from each other. H< wever, there Performance of the two-component model—Summations were noteworthy spatial differences in the re ative contri- of minerogenic and organic scattering contributions are butions of b and b to b (Fig. 5B). For the ;hree pelagic 0 m p compared to the bulk measurements (Fig. 5B,C). These ELS sites, b accounted for an average of 9 •% of b . In 0 p summations were close to the measurements of b \ the contrast, its contribution decreased to a mean of 63% (CV p average deviation was 8.2%. All but one (ELS2) of the = 16%) for the other sites. Conversely, h was of minor m summations of the independent model estimates were importance to b at the ELS sites (—17% on tverage), but p within 13% of the observations (excluding ELS2, average contributed more substantially ( — 34% on av.:rage) at the percentage error of — 6%). Though the linear relationship KW and KB sites, particularly at KB1 and KB3 (-45%). 1 These results support the use of the empirica relationship between measured values of b and the summations was p heavily weighted by the KW1 site, an approach towards (Eq. 3) for b in this waterbody. p Lake Superior: Modeling light scattering 1375 0.4 outliers in ELS1 and ELS2, for which the [Chl]-based estimates of b alone were greater than measured fc by bo bp KWl / 18% and 30% (Fig. 5C), respectively. Nonetheless, the two- component model performed reasonably well in represent- r ing the bulk measurements of b (Fig. 6B). The predictions 0.5 1.0 ,'ELS£> bp explained 68% (p = 0.01) of the variability in the ,--'KB6 ,/KBl 0.3- """" A^fe^ o observations, according to linear least-squares regression, KB4 with general tendency toward equivalency (slope value of LSb'" 0.9) and 95% confidence limits nearly encompassing all of j> = 0.77 x + 0.06 the data. 2 /v ==0.41 The relative importance of the minerogenic component 0.2 /? = 0.06 was shifted higher for b than for b ; on average, h , A bp p h m accounted for 42% of the bulk measurements in the ELS sites vs. 64% overall for KB sites (exceeded 75% of the b bp values for the KB1 and KB3 locations). The highest + m *m M ) 1 predicted b value (0.012 m^ ) was for KWl, with a / bp / minerogenic contribution of 67.4% (Fig. ;C). - 0.0003 v = 0.90 x / / 2 0.005 = 0.68 - R Backscattering ratio and its dependencies—The backscat- = 0.01 i<B3 tering ratio, b , based on in situ measurements, was P = s bp substantially lower at the ELS sites (meat; = 0.0075) than KB1 the KB sites (mean = 0.0125; Fig. 5D The estimated P. --'" • ratios, based on SAX results and bio-optic tl models [(h „ i "£ 0.003 u *' ELSJgf „-'' bb,m)'(b + b )], on average were 12% ( ange = 7-26%) "5 0 m higher than those based on bulk measurements at KB sites. - However, deviations were more pronounced for the ELS ELSlO' sites (45% on average; Fig. 5D), associate d with relatively U / ELS2 B large predicted contributions by b . Tin estimated ratio 0.001 bo 1 • for KWl was higher than that for KWl. The respective 0.001 0.003 0.005 backscattering^ ratios of the organic aid minerogenic v b,m b,o ' components (b and b ) are presente 1 in Fig. 5E for 0.018- bo bm reference. Values of b were uniform (moan == 0.022, CV bm y = 1.02 x- 0.003 = 7.7%) and on average more than two t mes higher than 2 i? = 0.75 those of b (mean = 0.009, CV = 4.7%; Fig. 5E), bi0 established by the adopted bio-optic;il models. The p == 0.006 ,1CB1 P ^p/ KB: modeled b approached equivalency (slo >e value of 1.02, bp 2 R - 0.75, p < 0.01, intercept not signi icantly different ^& 0.012 KB50 from 0) with values based on bulk measure ments (Fig. 6C). The dependence of b values on in< icators of bulk bp particle composition, [Chi] and the [Chi]; ratio (c is the p p ELS3 particulate attenuation coefficient at k = 650 nm; Boss et •OELS2 al. 2004; Loisel et al. 2007), was evaluatt 1 The ratio b bp iLSlO was negatively correlated (R = 0.81) with log([Chl]) (Fig. 0.006 7A). Strong negative relationships also existed between 0.006 0.012 0.018 z b and [Chi]: c based on both measurements (Fig. 7B; R bp p (b +b, ):(b +b ) v v u b,o b,m-' o m' 2 = 0.88) and modeling (Fig. 7C; R = 0.66). The dependence of b (from bulk measurements) on the ratio Fig. 6. Comparisons of modeling results (open symbols) with bp of b :c , was observed to be a strong positive relationship scattering measurements, with linear regression analyses (solid m p 2 (R = 0.67; Fig. 7D). line: linear fit, dashed line: 95% confidence limit): (A) b p (excluding KWl point), with inset for all data points (y = l.lO.v 0.04, Ri = 0.98, p < 0.001), (B) b , and (C) backscattering Discussion bp ratio. Filled symbols in (B) represents summation result with b ho predicted by an alternative model (Huot et al. 2008), and the Minerogenic particles in Lake Superior -Levels of />,, in corresponding linear regression (lines not shown) is y = 0.87x + the pelagic waters of Lake Superior and ii Keweenaw Bay 0.0005 (/P = 0.72, p < 0.01). were low relative to most of the lacustrine systems included On average, the two-component model estimates of b in the listing of Kirk (1994). The observei levels of PAV„, bp were comparable to those reported for 5 kaneateles Lake (bb.o + b ) exceeded bulk measurements by 14% bm (Fig. 5C). The overestimation was more pronounced for (one of the Finger Lakes of New York), th : system with the highest clarity among those characterize i previously by ELS sites than for the five KB sites, by an average of 63% vs. 10%. This overestimation was mainly caused by two SAX (Peng et al. 2007). Minerogenic part :les, mostly clay

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