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Preview DTIC ADA481034: A Constraint Generation Approach to Learning Stable Linear Dynamical Systems

A Constraint Generation Approach to Learning Stable Linear Dynamical Systems Sajid M. Siddiqi Byron Boots Geoffrey J. Gordon January 2008 CMU-ML-08-101 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED JAN 2008 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2008 to 00-00-2008 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER A Constraint Generation Approach to Learning Stable Linear Dynamical 5b. GRANT NUMBER Systems 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Carnegie Mellon University,School of Computer REPORT NUMBER Science,Pittsburgh,PA,15213 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 17 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 A Constraint Generation Approach to Learning Stable Linear Dynamical Systems Sajid M. Siddiqi Byron Boots ∗ † Geoffrey J. Gordon † January2008 CMU-ML-08-101 SchoolofComputerScience CarnegieMellonUniversity Pittsburgh,PA15213 RoboticsInstitute,SchoolofComputerScience,CarnegieMellonUniversity,Pittsburgh,PA, ∗ USA Machine Learning Department, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, † Pittsburgh,PA,USA ThisresearchissupportedbygrantsfromDARPA,theNationalScienceFoundationandtheCenterforDisease Control. Keywords: dynamical systems, sequential data modeling, constraint generation, control, sta- bility Abstract Stability is a desirable characteristic for linear dynamical systems, but it is often ignored by algo- rithms that learn these systems from data. We propose a novel method for learning stable linear dynamical systems: we formulate an approximation of the problem as a convex program, start with a solution to a relaxed version of the program, and incrementally add constraints to improve stability. Rather than continuing to generate constraints until we reach a feasible solution, we test stabilityateachstep;becausetheconvexprogramisonlyanapproximationofthedesiredproblem, this early stopping rule can yield a higher-quality solution. We apply our algorithm to the task of learningdynamictexturesfromimagesequencesaswellastomodelingbiosurveillancedrug-sales data. The constraint generation approach leads to noticeable improvement in the quality of sim- ulated sequences. We compare our method to those of Lacy and Bernstein [1, 2], with positive resultsintermsofaccuracy,qualityofsimulatedsequences,andefficiency. 1 Introduction Many problems in machine learning involve sequences of real-valued multivariate observations. Tomodelthestatisticalpropertiesofsuchdata,itisoftensensibletoassumeeachobservationtobe correlatedtothevalueofanunderlyinglatentvariable,orstate,thatisevolvingoverthecourseofthe sequence. Inthecasewherethestateisreal-valuedandthenoisetermsareassumedtobeGaussian, theresultingmodeliscalledalineardynamicalsystem(LDS),alsoknownasaKalmanFilter[1]. LDSsareanimportanttoolformodelingtimeseriesinengineering,controlsandeconomicsaswell asthephysicalandsocialsciences. Let λ (M) n denote the eigenvalues of an n n matrix M in decreasing order of mag- nitud{e,i ν (M}i=)1n the corresponding unit-length×eigenvectors, and define its spectral radius { i }i=1 ρ(M) λ (M). AnLDSwithdynamicsmatrixAisstableifallofA’seigenvalueshavemag- 1 ≡ | | nitudeatmost1, i.e., ρ(A) 1. StandardalgorithmsforlearningLDSparametersdonotenforce ≤ thisstabilitycriterion,learninglocallyoptimalvaluesforLDSparametersbygradientdescent[2], ExpectationMaximization(EM)[3]orleastsquaresonastatesequenceestimateobtainedbysub- spaceidentificationmethods,asdescribedinSection3.1. However,whenlearningfromfinitedata samples,theleastsquaressolutionmaybeunstableevenifthesystemisstable[4]. Thedrawback ofignoringstabilityismostapparentwhensimulatinglongsequencesfromthesysteminorderto generaterepresentativedataorinferstretchesofmissingvalues. Weproposeaconvexoptimizationalgorithmforlearningthedynamicsmatrixwhileguaranteeing stability. An estimate of the underlying state sequence is first obtained using subspace identifica- tion. Wethenformulatetheleast-squaresproblemforthedynamicsmatrixasaquadraticprogram (QP) [5], initially without constraints. When this QP is solved, the estimate Aˆ obtained may be unstable. However,anyunstablesolutionallowsustoderivealinearconstraintwhichwethenadd to our original QP and re-solve. The abovetwo steps are iterated until we reach a stable solution, whichisthenrefinedbyasimpleinterpolationtoobtainthebestpossiblestableestimate. Our method can be viewed as constraint generation [6] for an underlying convex program with a feasible set of all matrices with singular values at most 1, similar to work in control systems [7]. However, we terminate before reaching feasibility in the convex program, by checking for matrix stabilityaftereachnewconstraint. Thismakesouralgorithmlessconservativethanpreviousmeth- odsforenforcingstabilitysinceitchoosesthebestofalargersetofstabledynamicsmatrices. The differenceintheresultingstablesystemsisnoticeablewhensimulatingdata. Theconstraintgener- ationapproachalsoachievesmuchgreaterefficiencythanpreviousmethodsinourexperiments. OneapplicationofLDSsincomputervisionislearningdynamictexturesfromvideodata[8]. An advantageoflearningdynamictexturesistheabilitytoplaybackarealistic-lookinggeneratedse- quence of any desired duration. In practice, however, videos synthesized from dynamic texture modelscanquicklydegeneratebecauseofinstabilityintheunderlyingLDS.Incontrast,sequences generated from dynamic textures learned by our method remain “sane” even after arbitrarily long durations. We also apply our algorithm to learning baseline dynamic models of over-the-counter (OTC)drugsalesforbiosurveillance,andsunspotnumbersfromtheUCRarchive[9]. Comparison tothebestalternativemethods[7,10]ontheseproblemsyieldspositiveresults. 2 RelatedWork Linearsystemidentificationisawell-studiedsubject[2]. Withinthisarea, subspaceidentification methods[11]havebeenverysuccessful. Thesetechniquesfirstestimatethemodeldimensionality andtheunderlyingstatesequence,andthenderiveparameterestimatesusingleastsquares. Within subspacemethods,techniqueshavebeendevelopedtoenforcestabilitybyaugmentingtheextended observabilitymatrixwithzeros[4]oraddingaregularizationtermtotheleastsquaresobjective[12]. AllpreviousmethodswereoutperformedbyLacyandBernstein[7],henceforthreferredtoasLB-1. Theyformulatetheproblemasasemidefiniteprogram(SDP)whoseobjectiveminimizesthestate sequence reconstruction error, and whose constraint bounds the largest singular value by 1. This convexconstraintisobtainedbyrewritingthenonlinearmatrixinequalityI AAT 0asalinear n matrixinequality1,whereI isthen nidentitymatrix. Here, 0( 0)d−enotesp%ositive(semi-) n × & % 1Thisboundsthetopsingularvalueby1sinceitimplies xxT(I AAT)x 0 xxTAATx n ∀ − ≥ ⇒ ∀ ≤ xTx for ν = ν (AAT) and λ = λ (AAT), νTAATν νTν νTλν 1 σ2(A) 1 since ⇒ 1 1 ≤ ⇒ ≤ ⇒ 1 ≤ νTν =1andσ2(M)=λ (MMT)foranysquarematrixM. 1 1 definiteness. Theexistenceofthisconstraintalsoprovestheconvexityoftheσ 1region. This 1 ≤ conditionissufficientbutnotnecessary,sinceamatrixthatviolatesthisconditionmaystillbestable. Afollow-uptothisworkbythesameauthors[10],whichwewillcallLB-2,attemptstoovercome theconservativenessofLB-1byapproximatingtheLyapunovinequalitiesP APAT 0,P 0 withtheinequalitiesP APAT δI 0,P δI 0,δ > 0. Thesein−equalities&holdiff&the n n spectralradiusislesstha−n1.2 How−ever,th%eappro−ximatio%nisachievedonlyatthecostofinducinga nonlineardistortionoftheobjectivefunctionbyaproblem-dependentreweightingmatrixinvolving P, which is a variable to be optimized. In our experiments, this causes LB-2 to perform worse than LB-1 (for any δ) in terms of the state sequence reconstruction error, even while obtaining solutions outside the feasible region of LB-1. Consequently, we focus on LB-1 in our conceptual andqualitativecomparisonsasitisthestrongestbaselineavailable.However,LB-2ismorescalable thanLB-1,soquantitativeresultsarepresentedforboth. Tosummarizethedistinctionbetweenconstraintgeneration,LB-1andLB-2: itishardtohaveboth the right objective function (reconstruction error) and the right feasible region (the set of stable matrices). LB-1optimizestherightobjectivebutoverthewrongfeasibleregion(thesetofmatrices with σ 1). LB-2 has a feasible region close to the right one, but at the cost of distorting its 1 ≤ objective function to an extent that it fares worse than LB-1 in nearly all cases. In contrast, our methodoptimizestherightobjectiveoveralessconservativefeasibleregionthanthatofanyprevious algorithmwiththerightobjective,andthiscombinationisshowntoworkthebestinpractice. 3 LinearDynamicalSystems Theevolutionofalineardynamicalsystemcanbedescribedbythefollowingtwoequations: x =Ax +w t+1 t t y =Cx +v (1) t t t Time is indexed by the discrete3 variable t. Here xt denotes the hidden states in Rn, yt the ob- servations in Rm, and wt and vt are zero-mean normally distributed state and observation noise variables. Assume the initial state x(0) = x . The parameters of the system are the dynamics 0 matrix A Rn×n, the observation model C Rm×n, and the noise covariance matrices Q and ∈ ∈ R. Notethatwearelearninguncontrolled lineardynamicalsystems, though, asinpreviouswork, controlinputscaneasilybeincorporatedintotheobjectivefunctionandconvexprogram. Lineardynamicalsystemscanalsobeviewedasprobabilisticgraphicalmodels. ThestandardLDS filteringandsmoothinginferencealgorithms[1,15]areinstantiationsofthejunctiontreealgorithm forBayesianNetworks(see,forexample,[16]). Wefollowthesubspaceidentificationliteratureinestimatingallparametersotherthanthedynamics matrix. A clear and concise exposition of the required techniques is presented in Soatto et al. [8], whichwesummarizebelow. Weusesubspaceidentificationmethodsinourexperimentsforunifor- mitywithpreviousworkwearebuildingon(inthecontrolsystemsliterature)andwithworkweare comparingto([8]onthedynamictexturesdata). 3.1 LearningModelParametersbySubspaceMethods SubspacemethodscalculateLDSparametersbyfirstdecomposingamatrixofobservationstoyield anestimateoftheunderlyingstatesequence. Themoststraightforwardsuchtechniqueisusedhere, whichreliesonthesingularvaluedecomposition(SVD)[13]. See[11]forvariations. Let Y1:τ = [y1 y2 ... yτ] Rm×τ and X1:τ = [x1 x2 ... xτ] Rn×τ. denotes the matrix ∈ ∈ D ofobservationswhichistheinputtoSVD.Onetypicalchoicefor is = Y ; wewilldiscuss 1:τ D D others below. In the ideal case of abundant data, should comprise the mean of a large number of observation sequences. SVD yields UΣDVT where U Rm×n and V Rτ×n have D ≈ ∈ ∈ orthonormalcolumns u and v ,andΣ = diag σ ,...,σ containsthesingularvalues. The i i 1 n { } { } { } 2Foraproofsketch,see[13]pg.410. 3Incontinuous-timedynamicalsystems,thederivativesarespecifiedasfunctionsofthecurrentstate.They canbeconvertedtodiscrete-timesystems. Ifwecouldbeguaranteedthatthesystemwe’retryingtorecover ispositivereal,wecoulduseanexactmethoddueto[14],butthere’snoreasontoexpectpositiverealnessin manycasesofinterest. 300 A. Sunspot numbers B. C. 0 0 100 200 Figure1:A.Sunspotdata,sampledmonthlyfor200years. Eachcurveisamonth,thex-axisisover years. B.Firsttwoprincipalcomponentsofa1-observationHankelmatrix. C.Firsttwoprincipal componentsofa12-observationHankelmatrix,whichbetterreflecttemporalpatternsinthedata. modeldimensionnisdeterminedbykeepingallsingularvaluesof aboveathreshold. Weobtain D estimatesofC andX: Cˆ =U Xˆ =ΣVT (2) See [8]foranexplanationofwhytheseestimatessatisfycertaincanonicalmodelassumptions. Xˆ isreferredtoastheextendedobservabilitymatrixinthecontrolsystemsliterature; thetth column ofXˆ representsanestimateofthestateofourLDSattimet. TheleastsquaresestimateofAis: Aˆ=argmAin AX0:τ−1−X1:τ 2F =X1:τX0†:τ−1 (3) ! ! where denotestheFrobeniusno!rmand denotest!heMoore-Penroseinverse. Eq.(3)asksAˆ F † )·) tominimizetheerrorinpredictingthestateattimet+1fromthestateattimet. Giventheabove estimatesAˆandCˆ,thecovariancematricesQˆ andRˆcanbeestimateddirectlyfromresiduals. 3.2 DesigningtheObservationMatrix In the decomposition above, we chose each column of to be the observation vector for a single D timestep.ThecolumnsofU thereforerepresentthedirectionsofgreatestvariabilityinobservations, andtheestimatedhiddenstatexˆ attimet(thetthcolumnofΣVT)containstheoptimalweightsfor t reconstructingtheobservationattimet(tthcolumnof )usingthebasisU.Weexpectthecolumns ofΣVT tobegoodvectorstouseashiddenstates,sinDcestatetallowsustopredictobservationy t accurately. Supposethatinsteadweset tobeamatrixoftheform D y y y y 1 2 3 τ ··· y y y y 2 3 4 τ+1  y y y ··· y  = 3 4 5 τ+2 ··· D  ... ... ... ... ...     y y y y   d d+1 d+2 ··· d+τ−1 md×τ Amatrixofthisform,witheachblockofrowsequaltothepreviousblockbutshiftedbyaconstant numberofcolumns,iscalledablockHankelmatrix[2].Wesay“d-observationHankelmatrixofsize τ”tomeanthedatamatrix Rmd×τ withdlength-mobservationvectorspercolumn. Assume D ∈ that,asisdesirable,wehavealargenumberofobservationsequencesandcanworkwiththeirmean. Then,iftheobservationstrulyarisefromanLDS,D isseentobelow-rankinexpectation. Letx¯ t denoteE(x ). Then: t Cx¯ Cx¯ Cx¯ Cx¯ Cx¯ Cx¯ 1 2 3 1 2 3 ··· ··· Cx¯ Cx¯ Cx¯ CAx¯ CAx¯ CAx¯ 2 3 4 1 2 3 E( )= Cx¯ Cx¯ Cx¯ ···  = CA2x¯ CA2x¯ CA2x¯ ···  D  ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ·.·..·   ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ·.·..·   md τ  md τ   ×   × C CA = CA2  [ x¯ x¯ x¯ x¯ ] U ΣVT CA3 · 1 2 3 4 ··· n τ ≈ ·   ×  .   ..   md n   × With the above block Hankel matrix as input, the SVD will choose the columns of U to be an optimalbasisforcompressingandreconstructingsequencesofdobservationsintothefutureinstead of single observations. That is, the tth column of ΣVT will be the best vector of n numbers for predictingtheobservationsy ...y . t t+d 1 − Stackingobservationscauseseachstatetoincorporatemoreinformationaboutthefuture,sincexˆ t nowrepresentscoefficientsreconstructingy aswell as otherobservationsinthe future. However t the observation model estimate must now be Cˆ = U( : ,1:m), i.e., the submatrix consisting of thefirstmcolumnsofU,becauseU(:,1:m)xˆ = yˆ foranyt,whereyˆ denotesareconstructed t t t observation. Havingmultipleobservationspercolumnin isparticularlyhelpfulwhentheunderlyingdynamical D systemisknowntohaveperiodicity.Forexample,Figure1(A)shows200yearsofsunspotnumbers, with each month modeled as a separate variable. Sunspots are known to have two periods, the longer of which is 11 years. When we perform SVD on a 12-observation Hankel matrix, the first two columns of U, i.e. the first two principal components, resemble the sine and cosine bases (Figure1(B)),andthecorrespondingstatevariablesthereforearethecoefficientsneededtocombine these bases so as to reconstruct 12 years of the original sinusoid-like data, which captures their periodicity. This is in contrast to the bases obtained by SVD on a 1-observation Hankel matrix (Figure1(C)),whichreconstructjustthevariationwithinasingleyear. 4 TheAlgorithm TheestimationprocedureinSection3.1doesnotenforcestabilityinAˆ. Toaccountforstability,we firstformulatethedynamicsmatrixlearningproblemasaquadraticprogramwithafeasiblesetthat includesthesetofstabledynamicsmatrices. Thenwedemonstratehowinstabilityinitssolutions can be used to generate constraints that restrict this feasible set appropriately. As a final step, the solution is refined to be as close as possible to the least-squares estimate while remaining stable. TheoverallalgorithmisillustratedinFigure4.2(A).Wenowexplainthealgorithminmoredetail. 4.1 FormulatingtheObjective TheleastsquaresprobleminEq.(3)canbewrittenas: Aˆ=argmin J2(A) A 2 =argmin AX X A 0:τ−1− 1:τ F =argminA!!tr (AX0:τ 1 X1!!:τ)T(AX0:τ 1 X1:τ) − − − − ( ) *+ =argmin tr AX XT AT A 0:τ 1 0:τ 1 − − (−2,tr X0:τ−1X1T:τA +-tr X1T:τX1:τ (4) =argmin aTPa, 2qTa+r - , -+ a − wherea Rn2×1,q Rn2×1,P .Rn2×n2 andr R/aredefinedas: ∈ ∈ ∈ ∈ a=vec(A)=[A A A A ]T P =I X XT 11 21 31 ··· nn n⊗ 0:τ−1 0:τ−1 q =vec(X0:τ 1X1T:τ) r =tr X1T,:τX1:τ - (5) − In isthen nidentitymatrixand denotestheKroneckerpro,duct. Note-thatP isasymmetric × ⊗ nonnegative-definitematrix. Theobjectivefunctionin(4)isaquadraticfunctionofa. 4.2 GeneratingConstraints The quadratic objective function above is equivalent to the least squares problem of Eq. (3). Its feasiblesetisthespaceofalln nmatrices,regardlessoftheirstability. Whenitssolutionyields anunstablematrix,thespectralr×adiusofAˆ(i.e. λ (Aˆ))isgreaterthan1. Ideallywewouldliketo 1 | | useAˆtocalculateaconvexconstraintonthespectralradius. However,considertheclassof2 2 × matrices[17]:E =[0.3 α;β 0.3]. ThematricesE andE arestablewithλ =0.3,but α,β 10,0 0,10 1

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