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Preview DTIC ADA463028: Stochastic Constraints for Fast Image Correspondence Search with Uncertain Terrain Model

1 Stochastic Constraints for Fast Image Correspondence Search with Uncertain Terrain Model Michael Veth, Student Member, IEEE, John Raquet, Member, IEEE, Meir Pachter, Fellow, IEEE, Air Force Institute of Technology Abstract—Thenavigationstate(position,velocity,andattitude) always been in the interpretation of the image, a difficulty can be determined using optical measurements from an imaging shared with Automatic Target Recognition (ATR). Indeed, sensor pointed toward the ground. Extracting navigation infor- when celestial observations are used, the ATR problem in this mationfromanimagesequencedependsontrackingthelocation structuredenvironmentistractableandautomaticstartrackers of stationary objects in multiple images, which is generally termed the correspondence problem. This is an active area of are widely used for space navigation and ICBM guidance. research and many algorithms exist which attempt to solve this Whengroundimagesaretobeused,thedifficultiesassociated problem by identifying a unique feature in one image and then withimageinterpretationareparamount.Atthesametime,the searching subsequent images for a feature match. In general, problems associated with the use of optical measurements for the correspondence problem is plagued by feature ambiguity, navigation are somewhat easier than ATR. Moreover, recent temporalfeaturechanges,andocclusionswhicharedifficultfora computertoaddress.Constrainingthecorrespondencesearchto developments in feature tracking algorithms, miniaturization, asubsetoftheimageplanehasthedualadvantageofincreasing and reduction in cost of inertial sensors and optical imagers, robustnessbylimitingfalsematchesandimprovingsearchspeed. aided by the continuing improvement in microprocessor tech- A number of ad-hoc methods to constrain the correspondence nology, motivates us to consider using inertial measurements search have been proposed in the literature. to aid the task of feature tracking in image sequences. In this paper, a rigorous stochastic projection method is developed which constrains the correspondence search space The methods are typically classified as either feature-based by incorporating a priori knowledge of the aircraft navigation or optic flow-based, depending on how the image correspon- stateusinginertialmeasurementsandastatisticalterrainmodel. denceproblemisaddressed.Feature-basedmethodsdetermine The stochastic projection algorithm is verified using Monte correspondence for “landmarks” in the scene over multiple Carlosimulationandflightdata.Theconstrainedcorrespondence frames, while optic flow-based methods typically determine search area is shown to accurately predict the pixel location of a feature with an arbitrary level of confidence, thus promising correspondence for a whole portion of the image between improved speed and robustness of conventional algorithms. frames. A good reference on image correspondence is [7]. Opticflowmethodshavebeenproposedintheliteraturegener- allyforelementarymotiondetection,focusingondetermining I. INTRODUCTION relative velocity, angular rates, or for obstacle avoidance [4]. IT is well-known that optical measurements provide ex- Feature tracking-based navigation methods have been pro- cellent navigation information, when interpreted properly. posed both for fixed-mount imaging sensors or gimbal Optical navigation is not new. Pilotage is the oldest and most mounted detectors which “stare” at the target of interest, natively familiar form of navigation to humans and other similartothegimballedinfraredseekeronheat-seeking,air-to- animals. For centuries, navigators have utilized mechanical air missiles. Many feature tracking-based navigation methods instruments such as astrolabes, sextants, and driftmeters [12] exploit knowledge (either a priori, through binocular stereop- tomakeprecisionobservationsoftheskyandgroundinorder sis,orbyexploitingterrainhomography)ofthetargetlocation to determine their position, velocity, and attitude. and solve the inverse trajectory projection problem [1], [10]. The difficulty in using optical measurements for au- If no a priori knowledge of the scene is provided, egomotion tonomous navigation, that is, without human intervention, has estimation is completely correlated with estimating the scene. This is referred as the structure from motion (SFM) problem. Theviewsexpressedinthisarticlearethoseoftheauthoranddonotreflect A theoretical development of the geometry of fixed-target theofficialpolicyorpositionoftheUnitedStatesAirForce,Departmentof Defense,ortheU.S.Government. tracking, with no a priori knowledge is provided in [11]. An M. Veth, Major, U.S. Air Force, Air Force Institute of Technology, online(ExtendedKalmanFilter-based)methodforcalculating 2950 Hobson Way, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH 45433, USA a trajectory by tracking features at an unknown location on [email protected] J. Raquet, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer the Earth’s surface, provided the topography is known is Engineering, Air Force Institute of Technology, 2950 Hobson Way, Wright- given in [3]. Finally, navigation-grade inertial sensors and PattersonAirForceBase,OH45433,[email protected] terrain images collected on a T-38 “Talon” are processed M.Pachter,Professor,DepartmentofElectricalandComputerEngineering, Air Force Institute of Technology, 2950 Hobson Way, Wright-Patterson Air and the potential benefits of optical-aided inertial sensors are ForceBase,OH45433,[email protected] experimentally demonstrated in [14]. Manymethodsforsolvingthecorrespondenceproblemhave Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2007 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2007 to 00-00-2007 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Stochastic Constraints for Fast Image Correspondence Search with 5b. GRANT NUMBER Uncertain Terrain Model 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Air Force Institute of Technology,2950 Hobson Way,Wright Patterson REPORT NUMBER AFB,OH,45433-7765 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES The original document contains color images. 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE 8 unclassified unclassified unclassified Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 2 been proposed in the computer vision literature. A popular arbmipanelfelgfilitatineownneniresemesi)teiohitonzminmeresoittm.bthhiiiToseealinghsnpteeuehrmsmaee.armolIogdLtitfoesruauelsr,cniqstaoesuhbsfsfamu-orKttraehmadcteytnaaedpnatimiiindfocvfbpeaneaellsrarlfe.yiteeaenxaOncattccesuetoehssnrureed(romrSeefStldefraDtesathtiaco)oeatkunbeoirelrneipatntwtle[eigcn6meaoos]errir,inzirt(tyeehxwismmpfioh−aoveicgnlteydhoe-r ETAPRILPGIONELETA R1 TARGET 1 CORRTESAPROGNEDTE N2C CE OSERARRECSH PZOONNEDENCE SEARCH ZONE dence algorithms have been proposed which are invariant to rotations, scaling or both. (e.g., [5]) More robust feature tracking algorithms are typically computationally expensive EPIPOLE and a designer must trade tracking robustness and accuracy TARGET 2 EPIPOLAR for real-time performance. LINE IMAGE PLANE This paper proposes an approach to optimize the feature trackingproblembyexploitingnavigationinformation,derived Fig. 1. Correspondence search constraint using epipolar lines. Given a projectionofanarbitrarypointinaninitialimage,combinedwithknowledge from six degree-of-freedom inertial measurements, and prior ofthetranslationandrotationtoasecondimage,thecorrespondencesearch terrain information, to constrain the correspondence search canbeconstrainedtoanareaneartheepipolarline.Notetheepipolecanbe spaceandaidtheattendantoptimizationalgorithm.Thetheory locatedoutsideoftheimageplane,asshowninthisexample. is developed for a kinematic motion model with inertial sensors. Strelowalsoincorporatesinertialmeasurementstoconstrain The paper is organized as follows. Section II explores the correspondence search between image frames [15]. This current approaches for constraining correspondence searches constraint on the image search space is a similar concept to anddiscussesthestrengthsandweaknessesofsuch.SectionIII the field of expansion method proposed by Bhanu; however, poses the statistical projection problem in the most general Strelow generalizes the approach by exploiting epipolar ge- terms. Reasonable assumptions are proposed which make the ometry. general problem tractable for use with an Extended Kalman Theprojectionofanarbitrarypointinanimageisdescribed Filteralgorithm.InSectionIV,themathematicalmodelusedto by an epipolar line in a second image. All epipolar lines describe the navigation state and navigation state uncertainty in an image converge at the projection of the focus of the is presented. This includes definition of reference frames, complimentary image. Combining knowledge of the transla- navigation dynamics, perturbation model, and defines the tion and rotation between images and the pixel location of a initial conditions. Section V builds upon the mathematical candidatetargetinthefirstimage,acorrespondencesearchcan modeltoderivethestochasticprojectionmethod.Theresulting then be constrained to an area “near” the epipolar line. This equations allow the user to predict the pixel location and approach is illustrated in Fig. 1. Strelow’s method of using uncertainty of a feature between two images. The stochastic inertial measurements to constrain the correspondence search projection method is validated in Section VI using Monte along an epipolar line is ad-hoc, since the search space is not Carlo simulation and flight data. Finally, conclusions are defined statistically. drawnregardingtheperformanceofthemethodinSectionVII. InthenextSection,thecorrespondenceproblemisdescribed usingastochasticmodel.Thismodelisthenusedtodetermine II. CURRENTCORRESPONDENCECONSTRAINT a statistically-rigorous correspondence search area. APPROACHES Exploiting inertial measurements to constrain the corre- III. GENERALPROBLEMFORMULATION spondence search has been proposed in the literature. In this The general problem is described as follows. Given a section, two methods which exploit inertial measurements are pixel location of a specified landmark at time t , predict the discussed. i probability density function of the pixel location of the same Bhanu and Roberts [2] utilize inertial measurements to landmarkattimet .Priorinformationregardingthevehicle compensate for rotation between images and to predict the i+1 navigation state, terrain statistics, and the dynamics of the focus of expansion in the second image. Once the second vehicle and landmark are exploited. image is derotated and the focus of expansion is established, Mathematically, the pixel location, z(t ), corresponding to the correspondence between points of interest is calculated i a landmark at location y(t ) in the scene, is governed by the using goodness-of-fit metrics. One relevant metric is the i nonlinear projection function correspondence search constraint placed on each point. This constraint ensures each interest point lies in a cone-shaped z(t )=h[x(t ),y(t ),t ] (1) i i i i region, with apex at the focus of expansion, bisected by the line joining the focus of expansion and the interest point in where x(t ) represents the navigation state at the time of the i thecameraframeatthefirstimagetime.Whilethisconstraint measurement. is not statistically rigorous, it does show the value of using The vehicle and landmark dynamics are modeled by the inertial measurements to aid the correspondence problem. following non-linear Itoˆ stochastic differential equations in 3 white noise notation, x c x˙=f[x(t),u(t),t]+G [x(t),t]w (t) (2) x x y y˙=r[y(t),t]+G [y(t),t]w (t) (3) y y c where u(t) is a known input function, and w (t) and w (t) x y are white noise processes. A theoretical formulation exists for this general problem, however two issues make this solution intractable. First, the measurement observation function is ill-posed (i.e., a unique inverse does not exist). Second, propagating the conditional probability density function in time requires solving the for- ward Kolmogorov (i.e., Fokker-Planck) second-order partial differential equation for an infinite number of moments [9]. To make the problem tractable, the following reasonable z assumptions are made: c • The prior knowledge of the navigation and target state can be adequately described as a multivariate Gaussian distribution. Fig. 2. Camera frame illustration. The camera reference frame • Additivemeasurementnoiseiszero-mean,Gaussian,and originatesatthecenterofthefocalplane. white. • Stochastic process noise is zero-mean, Gaussian, and B. Vehicle State and Dynamics white. • Thenonlinearstatedynamicsandmeasurementequations The vehicle state of interest consists of position (pe), canbeadequatelymodeledusingperturbationtechniques. velocity(ve),anddirectioncosinematrixofthebodytoECEF Although not required for tractability, additional assumptions frame (Ceb). From [16], the vehicle state kinematics are aremadetosimplifythedevelopmentandclarifytheunderly- p˙e = ve (4) ing concepts. First, the landmark is assumed to be stationary v˙e = Cefb−2Ωe ve+ge (5) with respect to the surface of the Earth (i.e., r[y(t),t] = b ie 0.) Second, the camera is rigidly mounted to the vehicle C˙e = CeΩb −Ωe Ce (6) b b ib ie b with known alignment and calibration. Third, the terrain is where fb is the specific force vector measured by the ac- described by a statistical elevation model. celerometers, Ωe is the Earth’s sidereal angular rate vector In the next section, the relevant reference frames and the ie in skew-symmetric form, ge is the gravitational acceleration vehicle dynamics are defined. vector, and Ωb is the angular rate of the vehicle relative to ib the inertial frame in skew-symmetric form and measured by IV. MATHEMATICALMODEL the gyroscopes. A. Reference Frames In this paper, three reference frames are used. Variables C. Perturbation Model expressed in a specific reference frame are indicated using superscript notation. The Earth-Centered Earth-Fixed (ECEF, The navigation errors are defined as differences from a or e frame) is a Cartesian system with the origin at the nominal trajectory and are represented as a position error Earth’s center, the xˆe axis pointing toward the intersection (δpe), a velocity error (δve), and an attitude error ((cid:178)) vector, of the equator and the prime (Greenwich) meridian, the zˆe defined as: axis extending through the North pole, and the yˆe axis is the p˜e(t) = pe(t)+δpe(t) (7) orthogonalcompliment(inthispaper,acaratsymbol,ˆ,denotes aunitvector).Thenavigationstateisexpressedintheeframe. v˜e(t) = ve(t)+δve(t) (8) The vehicle body frame (or b frame) is a Cartesian system C˜e(t) = [I −((cid:178)(t)×)]Ce(t) (9) b 3 b withoriginatthevehiclecenterofgravity,thexˆb axisextend- ing through the vehicle’s nose, the yˆb axis extending through wherethetilderepresentsanominalparameter.Theerrorstate the vehicle’s right side, and the zˆb axis points orthogonally is modeled as a zero-mean Gaussian random vector   out the bottom of the vehicle. The inertial measurements are δpe(t) expressed in the b frame. δx(t)= δve(t)  (10) The camera frame (or c frame) is a Cartesian system with (cid:178)(t) origin at the center of the camera image plane, the xˆc axis with covariance defined as is parallel to the camera image plane and defined as “camera up”, the yˆc axis is parallel to the camera image plane and E[δx(t)δxT(t)]=P (t) (11) defined as “camera right”, and the zˆc axis points out of the xx camera aperture, orthogonal to the image plane. where E[·] is the expectation operator. 4 Using perturbation techniques, the dynamics of the naviga- Applying perturbation techniques to the landmark position tion error states are modeled as a linear stochastic differential function,thelandmarkerror,δye,canbeexpressedasalinear equation [8] function of the errors of the navigation state, terrain model, and pixel measurement model δx˙(t)=F(t)δx(t)+G [x˜e(t),t]w (t) (12) x x δye =G δx+G δh+G v(t ) (19) yx yh yz i where w (t) is a zero-mean, white Gaussian noise process x with covariance kernel where the influence coefficients (cid:175) E[wx(t)wxT(t+τ)]=Qx(t)δ(τ). (13) Gyx = ∂∂xg(cid:175)(cid:175)(cid:175) (20) (cid:175)x˜,h˜,z˜(ti),Cbc,Π ∂g(cid:175) D. Initial Conditions G = (cid:175) (21) yh ∂h(cid:175) At the time of the first image, ti, the navigation error state (cid:175)x˜,h˜,z˜(ti),Cbc,Π is a zero-mean Gaussian random variable with covariance, ∂g(cid:175) G = (cid:175) (22) P (t ). The terrain elevation, h, is a random variable with yz ∂z(cid:175) mxexan,ih˜, and variance, σ2. The terrain elevation errors are x˜,h˜,z˜(ti),Cbc,Π h and assumed to be independent of the navigation errors. δh=h˜−h (23) V. STOCHASTICPROJECTIONTHEORY Using the linearized position measurement, the landmark The theory is divided into three sections: estimating the error is a zero-mean, Gaussian random vector. The land- initial landmark position and covariance based on the pixel markerrorcovariance,Pyy(ti),andcross-correlationmatrices, locationofthefeatureselectedinthefirstimage,usinginertial Pyx(ti), are defined as measurements to propagate this augmented state to the time P (t ) = E[δyδyT] (24) yy i of the second image, and projecting this landmark position P (t ) = E[δyδxT] (25) state onto the second image as a probability density function yx i in pixel coordinates. In simpler terms, these equations allow Substituting (19) into (24), and noting the independence be- us to “predict” where a stationary feature should appear in tween navigation state, terrain, and pixel measurement errors subsequent images, thus providing a statistical measure to yields: constrain our search space within the image. P (t ) = G E[δxδxT]GT A. Landmark Error Statistics yy i yx yx +G E[δh2]GT The landmark position corresponding to a pixel location is yh yh a non-linear function of the navigation state, pixel location, +GyzE[v(ti)vT(ti)]GTyz (26) z(t ), terrain elevation, h, camera to body direction cosine i Substitutingthepreviouslydefinedcovariancematricesforthe matrix, Cb, and homogeneous camera projection matrix, Π c navigation errors, terrain, and pixel measurement yields the (see [7] for a description): final form of the landmark position error covariance. (cid:163) (cid:164) ye =g pe(t ),Ce(t ),z(t ),h,Cb,Π (14) i b i i c P (t ) = G P (t )GT +G σ2GT yy i yx xx i yx yh h yh The pixel location measurement at time ti is a non-linear +GyzRGTyz (27) functionofthenavigationstate,landmarkposition,andcamera parameters: The cross-correlation matrices are calculated in a similar manner and are expressed as: z˜(t ) = h[pe(t ),Ce(t ),ye(t ),Cb,Π] i i b i i c P (t ) = P (t )GT (28) +v(t ) (15) xy i xx i yx i P (t ) = G P (t ) (29) yx i yx xx i where v(t ) is a zero-mean, additive white Gaussian noise i process with: (cid:189) B. State Propagation R(t ) t =t E[v(t )v(t )]= i i j (16) Inthissection,thenominalnavigationstate,navigationerror i j 0 t (cid:54)=t i j state, and landmark error states are propagated from time t i Similarly to the navigation state, the calculated landmark to t . i+1 position, y˜e, is also modeled as a perturbation about the true The nominal aircraft navigation state is propagated forward position: based on the non-linear dynamics model given in Equations y˜e =ye+δye (17) (4-6), typically using a non-linear differential equation solver (e.g., Runge-Kutta) [13]. and is a function of the calculated trajectory Thelandmarkerrordynamicsaredefinedasarandomwalk: (cid:104) (cid:105) y˜e =g p˜e(ti),C˜eb(ti),z˜(ti),Cbc,Π (18) δy˙ =Gywy(t) (30) 5 where w (t) is a zero-mean, white Gaussian noise process where y (cid:175) with covariance kernel ∂h(cid:175) H = (cid:175) (43) E[wy(t)wyT(t+τ)]=Qyδ(τ) (31) zx ∂x(cid:175)(cid:175)x˜,y˜,Cbc,Π ∂h(cid:175) H = (cid:175) (44) Thenavigationerrorstochasticdifferentialequationisdefined zy ∂y(cid:175) x˜,y˜,Cb,Π in Equation (12) as c The pixel error covariance, P (t ), is defined as zz i+1 δx˙(t)=F(t)δx(t)+G [x˜e(t),t]w (t) (32) x x P (t )=E[δzδzT] (45) zz i+1 The navigation and landmark error covariance propagation Substituting (42) into (45), and eliminating independent error dynamics are derived using the linearized dynamics mod- sources yields the pixel location covariance: els (12),(13),(30),(31) [9]: P˙xx(t) = F(t)Pxx(t)+Pxx(t)FT(t) P (t ) = H P (t )HT zz i+1 zx xx i+1 zx +Gx(t)Qx(t)GTx(t) (33) +H P (t )HT zx xy i+1 zy P˙ (t) = F(t)P (t) (34) xy xy +H PT (t )HT P˙ (t) = G Q GT (35) zy xy i+1 zx yy y y y +H P (t )HT (46) zy yy i+1 zy An equivalent expression for the time propagation is rep- Finally, the covariance of the pixel location errors can resented by the state transition matrix, Φ(t ,t ), which i+1 i be summarized by combining the equations presented in the projects the navigation and landmark error covariance from previous sections: timet tot [8].Theresultingexpressionforthenavigation i i+1 and landmark error covariance is Pzz(ti+1)=HzxΦ((cid:90)ti+1,ti)Pxx(ti)ΦT(ti+1,ti)HTzx ti+1 Pxx(ti+1) = Φ(ti+1,ti)Pxx(ti)ΦT(ti+1,ti) +Hzx Φ(ti+1,τ)GxQxGTx · (cid:90) ti+1 ti + Φ(t ,τ)G Q GT · ΦT(t ,τ)dτHT i+1 x x x i+1 zx ti +H Φ(t ,t )P (t )GT HT ΦT(t ,τ)dτ (36) zx i+1 i xx i yx zy i+1 +H G P (t )ΦT(t ,t )HT P (t ) = Φ(t ,t )P (t ) (37) zy yx xx i i+1 i zx xy i+1 i+1 i xy i +H G P (t )GT HT P (t ) = P (t ) zy yx xx i yx zy yy i+1 yy i +H G σ2GT HT +(t −t )G Q GT (38) zy yh h yh zy i+1 i y y y +H G RGT HT zy yz yz zy +(t −t )H G Q GTHT (47) C. Projection of Uncertainty Statistics onto Image i+1 i zy y y y zy This equation shows how an initial covariance, P (t ), The pixel projection function is used to project the naviga- xx i height uncertainty, σ2, measurement noise (characterized by tion state and landmark location into the image plane at time h R), and process noise (characterized by Q and Q ) can be t . The pixel projection is x y i+1 projectedtotheimageplaneatalatertime,t ,asexpressed i+1 z(t )=h[pe(t ),Ce(t ),ye(t ), by Pzz(ti+1). i+1 i+1 b i+1 i+1 In summary, given the pixel coordinates of a stationary Cb,Π] (39) c ground landmark at time t , the predicted pixel coordinates i of the same landmark at time t can be described by the The estimated pixel location error, δz(t ), is modeled as a i+1 i+1 bivariate Gaussian probability density function given in Equa- perturbation about the nominal pixel location tion (47). Thus, the correspondence search for the landmark δz(t )=z˜(t )−z(t ) (40) can be constrained using a statistical confidence threshold. i+1 i+1 i+1 In the following section, the stochastic projection method is where the nominal pixel location, z˜(ti+1), is calculated using used to predict the location (and uncertainty) of a stationary the nominal navigation state and landmark position landmark in an image. z˜(t ) = h[p˜e(t ),C˜e(t ),y˜e(t ), i+1 i+1 b i+1 i+1 VI. EXPERIMENT Cb,Π] (41) c The experiment validates the stochastic projection method Perturbing the pixel projection function, the pixel location using both simulated and real data collected from an airborne error can be expressed as a linear function of the errors of the system. In this experiment, a Northrop T-38 “Talon” aircraft navigation state and landmark position: wasequippedwithaday-nightmonochromedigitalvideocam- era synchronized to a Honeywell H-764G Inertial Navigation δz(t )=H δx(t )+H δy(t ) (42) System.Thecamerawasmountedinthe cockpit,pointingout i+1 zx i+1 zy i+1 6 AREA OF INTEREST Fig.3. NorthropT-38instrumentedwithsynchronizeddigitalvideocamera andinertialnavigationsystem. the right wing. Flight data were collected in Fall of 2002 at Edwards Air Force Base, California. Fig. 4. Simulated flight path. In order to generate a good observation A Monte Carlo simulation of the test flight is performed geometry,thecircularorbitwaschosensuchthatafixedterrainpatchremained to verify the stochastic projection model with respect to a inthecamerafieldofviewthroughouttheflight. statistically significant sampling of random error contributors. While this provides an indication of the adequacy of the sys- 30 Estimated 1-σ error bound tem model, flight test data are used to verify the performance True error sample of the algorithm in a real-world environment. 20 10 A. Monte Carlo Simulation senTthedeipnerSfeocrtmioanncVewofasthveersifitoecdhuasstiincgparostjaetcitsitoicnalmlyetrheopdresperne-- Y (pixels)error 0 tative ensemble of sample functions (300 per run). The data collection system used on the T-38 flights was simulated in -10 software, based on a reference trajectory chosen to generate aninterestingobservationgeometry.Thisconstant-altitudecir- -20 cularflightpathwasconstructedsuchthatafixedterrainpatch remainedinthecamerafieldofviewthroughouttheflight.The -30 simulated aircraft speed was 150 meters-per-second, altitude -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 X (pixels) was 2296 meters, and bank angle was 27 degrees which error described a circular flight path with 4592 meter radius. The Fig.5. Landmarkpixellocationerrorandpredicted2-σboundfor25meter resulting slant range to the landmark was 5134 meters. The terrainelevationuncertainty.Notetheactualpixellocationerrorsaresimilar tothepredictederrorbound.Note:XandYaxeshavedifferingscalestoshow terrain elevation was simulated as a zero-mean random vari- detail. able. Simulations were accomplished using a terrain elevation errorstandarddeviationof25meters,representingamoderate accuracyterrainmodel.Allsimulationsuseda10secondinter- area developed using a statistical model. This results in faster val between the first and second image, which was equivalent and more robust correspondence searches. to 18.7 degrees of arc in the horizontal plane. The simulation geometry is shown in Fig. 4. B. Flight Data TheresultsareshowninFig.5.Inthisfigure,thepredicted In this section, the stochastic projection method is imple- pixel location errors for each Monte Carlo sample function mented using image and inertial flight data collected on the are represented by a “plus” symbol. The predicted 2-σ pixel T-38 aircraft. The aircraft state dynamics are a function of the location error bound is indicated by a line. Note the inclined measurements from the strapdown inertial sensors. All states ellipticalnatureofthe2-σboundisafunctionofthetrajectory areestimatedintheEarth-centeredEarth-fixedreferenceframe and measurement geometry. previously defined. The error equations were developed based The same predicted pixel location errors are shown refer- on[16],[17].Forthisexample,athreeimagesequencefroma enced to a 256×256 pixel image in Fig. 6. The stochastic rightturningprofileisshowninFig.7.Theresultsoftheabove constraint method shows a small correspondence search area methodforpredictingthefuturetargetlocationanduncertainty which gives the highest probability of the landmark location. are shown in Fig. 8. The stochastic constraint method is an improvement over the Thetargetselectedwasthewestcornerofabuildingshown epipolar line search method as it provides a smaller search in Fig. 7. The estimated target location and 2-σ variance 7 Fig.7. ThreeimagesequenceofanindustrialarearecordedduringaT-38flight,withasamplestationarygroundlandmarkidentified.Image(b)wastaken 1secondafterimage(a).Image(c)wastaken7secondsafterimage(a).Theaircraftisinarightturnapproximately3.8kilometersfromthelandmark. Base Image (2X Zoom) a) ( Image 1 (2X Zoom) b) ( Image 2 (2X Zoom) c) ( Fig. 8. Predicted landmark location uncertainty using stochastic projection method. The landmark selected was the west corner of a building in the base image(a),representedbythecrosshair.Usingthestochasticprojectionmethod,thelandmarkmeanand2-σvarianceisprojectedintotwosubsequentimages todemonstratetheconcept.Theestimatedlandmarklocationandpredicted2-σ varianceforimage(b)showsanellipsoidaluncertaintyafteronesecondof flight.Image(c)showsafurtherincreaseintheuncertaintyaftersevensecondsofflight.Ineachsubsequentimage,constrainingthecorrespondencesearch forthelandmarktotheellipsoidalregionreducestherequiredsearchareaandwouldeliminatefalsematcheswithotherfeatureswithasimilarappearance (e.g.,otherbuildingcorners). 8 128 [8] Peter S. Maybeck. Stochastic Models Estimation and Control, Vol I. AcademicPress,Inc.,Orlando,Florida32887,1979. 96 [9] Peter S. Maybeck. Stochastic Models Estimation and Control, Vol II. AcademicPress,Inc.,Orlando,Florida32887,1979. 64 [10] Clark F. Olson, Larry H. Matthies, Marcel Schoppers, and Mark W. Maimone. 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