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A Traffic Engineering Approach based on Minimum-Delay Routing SrinivasVutukury J.J.Garcia-Luna-Aceves ComputerScience Department ComputerEngineeringDepartment Baskin School ofEngineering UniversityofCalifornia, SantaCruz, CA 95064 vutukury,jj @cse.ucsc.edu f g Abstract—Single-path routing provided by today’s widely used IGP’s theout-of-orderpacketdeliveryproblem. suchasRIPmakeextremelyinefficientusageofnetworkbandwidth,andis Recently,TrafficEngineering(TE),hasreceivedtremendous evidentinthelargeend-to-enddelaysflowsexperienceinsingle-pathrout- attentionintheInternetcommunityandseveralIETFdraftshave ingascomparedtominimum-delayrouting.EnhancementtoOSPFsuchas optimizedmultipathhavenotprovedtobeadequatetobridgethislargede- appeared [2], [18], [12]. Typically in a TE approach, for a laygap.Practicalimplementationofminimum-delayrouting,ontheother givenoptimizationcriteriaandinputtrafficmatrixspecifiedover hand,havebeenlargelyunsuccessfulforreasonssuchasscalability, slow medium-to-large time scales, the goal is to determine a set of convergenceandout-of-orderpacketdelivery. Thispaperproposesatraf- flows with associated paths and bandwidths that meet the op- ficengineeringsolutionthatforagivenlong-termtrafficmatrixadaptsthe minimum-delayroutingtothebackbonenetworkswhichispracticalandis timization criteria. TE solutions are most effective in a net- suitabletoimplementinaDifferentialServicesframework. Asimplescal- workunderasingleadministrativedomainsuchasISPs,where ablepacketforwardingtechniqueisintroducedthatdistinguishesbetween knowledgeofthelinkcharacteristicsandinputtrafficmatrixcan datagram and traffic that requires in-order delivery and forwards them accordinglyandefficiently. Usingsimulationsweshowthatthedelaysob- beobtained.TEisusuallyemployedinoperationalnetworksaf- tainedarecomparabletominimumdelaysandfarbetterthansingle-path tertopologyandcapacityplanninghavetakenplace. Trafficen- routing. gineeringhasawidescopeandcoversdiverseformsofrouting thataddresssurvivability,QoS,policy-basedrouting,apartfrom I. INTRODUCTION congestionmanagementandbandwidthutilization. Bandwidth utilizationandreductionofdelaysduetocongestion,however, The shortest-path routing protocols such as RIP[10], are of pressing importance and generally more difficult to ad- EIGRP[1]andOSPF[14]thatarewidelyusedasInteriorGate- dress,andthusisthefocusofthispaper. way Protocols (IGPs) in today’s Internet are highly inefficient Despitetheinitialfailureofdirectintroductionofminimum- withrespecttobandwidthusage.Toimprovebandwidthutiliza- delay routing in networks, a traffic engineering approach to tion and reduce delays, severalimprovementto the basic rout- minimum-delay routing seems to have great potential for suc- ingprotocolshavebeenproposed[15],[19],[21],[6]. However, cess. We explore this potential in this paper. To the best of there has been no theoretical basis for such improvement and ourknowledge,thisisthefirstattempttoconstructaTEsystem have remained adhoc. For example, in ECMP[15] load is dis- basedonminimum-delayroutingformulatedin[9]. tributed equally over multiple equal-cost paths typically using There are several algorithms to solve the minimum-delay simple round-robindistributionor usinghashingon the packet routing problem[3], [17]. As in most optimization problems, headers. To make optimal use of network resources and min- a solution to the minimum-delay routing requires splitting of imize delays, traffic between source-destination pairs may of- traffic between a source-destination pair along multiple paths. ten have to be split and routed along multiple paths in propor- Setting up explicitpathsfrom the source to the destination us- tionsthatarenotnecessarilyequal[9].ThoughOSPF-OMP[21] ingMPLSleadstocomplexityatthesource.Ontheotherhand, suggests using unequal traffic distritbution on multiple paths, if splitting of flows is not allowed, in order to simplify MPLS it provides no concrete method to find a distribution that con- implementation,thesolutionsobtainedaresub-optimal[23]. formswiththeoreticallyoptimaldistribution. Onepracticalim- To obtain an accurate implementation of the solution that plementationofoptimalrouting,namelyCodex[11],usesvirtual is practical and scalable we use adopt ideas from Differential circuitstosetupupflowsbetweensource-destinationtorealize Services model[7] and OSPF-OMP[21]. The solution to the optimal distribution, but the architecture introduces unaccept- minimum-delayproblemisobtainedusingoff-linealgorithmsin ablecomplexityattheingressandcoreroutersandisnotscale- theformofroutingparameterswhicharethendownloadedinto ble. In[22],weshowedhowminimum-delayroutingcanbeap- therouters,manuallyorusingautomatedtools. Thepacketfor- proximatedandadaptedtohighlydynamictrafficonshorttime- wardingmoduletoforwardpacketsaccordingtotheroutingpa- scales. The main drawback of that approach was that packets rameters. Attheingressrouter,akeyisinsertedineachpacket. may arrive out-of-orderat destination effecting protocols such In the intermediaterouterspacketsare forwardedbased on the as TCP. This paper is an extension of that work and addresses keyandtheroutingparameters.Thismethodisbetterthanhash- ing on source-destination pair[21] as it distinguishes between ThisworkwassupportedinpartbytheDefenseAdvancedResearchProjects Agency(DARPA)undergrantsF30602-97-1-0291andF19628-96-C-0038. manyconnectionsbetweena source-destinationpair. Also dif- Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2000 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2000 to 00-00-2000 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER A Traffic Engineering Approach based on Minimum-Delay Routing 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION University of California at Santa Cruz,Department of Computer REPORT NUMBER Engineering,Santa Cruz,CA,95064 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE 6 unclassified unclassified unclassified Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 ferentialtreatmentisgiventodatagramandtrafficthatrequires themcanbeusedtoobtainthesolution. Ifnecessary,afastbut in-orderdelivery. Theeffectisthatamoreaccuratedistribution suboptimal method described in [22] can also be used. Once ofactualtrafficaccordingtoroutingparametersisachievedand thesolutionisobtained,mechanismssuchMPLS’sLSP,virtual- consequently the end-to-end delays are closer to the optimal. circuits or routing parameters are setup in the network to for- The architecture is practical and can be implemented in con- wardtrafficalongpathsspecifiedbythesolution.Ourproposed juction with other per-hop behaviors the Differential Services implementationisbasedonroutingparametersandisdescribed architecture. inthenextsection,butbeforewemoveontothenextsectionlet The paper is organized as follows. Section II describes the usseehowtheabovesolutioncanbeimplementedusingMPLS minimum-delay routing problem and the challenges involved andvirtual-circuitsandwhatthedrawbacksare. in implementing it. Section III describes our implementation We assume the TE solution is implemented in a single con- strategy. InSectionIV,throughsimulationsweevaluatetheef- tiguousdomainwherethetrafficmatrixandthelinkcharacter- fectivenessoftheTEsysteminreducingend-to-enddelaysand istics is knownapriori. The minimum-delayroutingalgorithm congestion.SectionVconcludesthepaper. is first appliedoffline on the giventraffic matrix(the set ) i andthegivennetworkusinganyofthealgorithmsinthefrerfjegr- II. MINIMUM-DELAY ROUTING encesmentionedabovetoobtaintheflowset . Weusetheminimumdelayroutingoroptimalroutingformu- Foreachflow ,anMPLSlabelandtheassofcxipat>ed0bjapn2dwWidtgh lated in Bertsekas and Gallager [4] as the basis for our traffic is obtained anxdpa corresponding LSP (label-switched path) is engineeringtechnique. Theformulationisreproducedherefor setupinthenetwork.Theendresultis,ateachsourcenodeaset convenience.Inthenextsectionwewilldescribeourimplemen- of labels with correspondingbandwidthsare obtainedfor each tation. destination. Each source node then distributes the traffic orig- Let a computer network be represented as a graph inating at the node for each destinationaccordingto the band- where is the set of routers and is the set ofGlink=s widthandassignslabelstothepackets. Themaindrawbackof b(Netw;Le)en them.N is the neighbor set of rLouter . For , the abovetechnique is that at each source for each destination i let be thNe expected input traffic, measuried in biits6=pejr there can be flows. Therefore there can be potentially secornjid(cid:21),en0teringthenetworkatrouter anddestinedforrouter flows as inpu0t(tLo)the weighted round-robin (WRR) procedurLe . Let bethe setof alldirectedpatihsconnecting and in thatdistributestrafficforathesamedestination. Thisquadratic i tjhenetwPojrk,andlet . For ,let i bejthe complexitycanrestrictthescalabilityofMPLSmethod. Inthe trafficrateonpath .WIF= SisPjtiheexppec2teWdtrafficx,pm(cid:21)ea0suredin interiorrouterstoo, the numberof lablesincreasesrapidly, but bitspersecond,onplink fik ,where and is thiscanbecontrolledtocertainextentifmultipoint-to-pointag- thecapacityoflink (i;ink)bitspers0ec(cid:20)onfdi,kf(cid:20)romCickonservCaitkion gregationof LSPs is used. A virtualcircuitimplementationof oftrafficwehave (i;k) thesolution,suchasCodex[11],hasthesamescalabilityprob- lem. (1) III. PROPOSED IMPLEMENTATION i rj = X xp The complexity in the MPLS and virtual-circuit implemen- p2Pji tationcanbeovercomeifthe flowsare setupusingroutingpa- (2) rameters.Theroutingparameter specifiesthefractionofthe fik = X xp: i traffic that receivesfordestinat(cid:30)iojkn thatit hasto forwardon (i;k)2p;p2W link ,aindisdefinedasfollows[4j]: Let bedefinedastheexpectednumberofmessagesor (i;k) packetDspike(r:s)econdtransmittedonlink timestheexpected delay per message or packet, includin(gi;tkh)e queuing delays at the link. We assume dependsonly on flow through i fik(j) (4) lliinnkk(cia;pka)caitnyd. WlinekacshsauDrmaicket(e:r)isticssucishaascpornotipnaugoautisofaninkddelcaoynavnedx (cid:30)jk = Pm2Nifim(j) where istherateoftrafficdestinedfor thatflowsonlink functionthattendstoinfiniDtyika(sfik)approaches . Thisisthe .fik(j) j caseforexamplewhenthelinkifsimk odeledasanCMik/M/1queue. (i;Nke)ighborsfor whichthe routingparametersare greaterthan The total expected delay per message times the total expected zeroaresuccessors,andthesetisdefinedas . number of message arrivals per second is denoted by and Alsonotethat and S.jiT=hefnkej(cid:30)xtij-kho>p0sget definedas DT i i represent a(cid:30)djikre(cid:21)cte0d-acycPlick2gNraip(cid:30)hj.kO=bs1erve that if ’s are i rSejstricted to 0 or 1, the routingproblemreducesto sing(cid:30)le-path (3) routing. DT = X Dik(fik) Once the routing parameters are obtained, they are down- (i;k)2L loaded into the routers. The packet forwarding mechanism of The minimum-delay routing problem is to minimize . the routing architecture then ensures that traffic is forwarded This is a non-linearprogrammingproblem, and the solutioDnTis according those parameters. The WRR handles atmost in- i thesetofflows: . Therearemanyalgorithmstosolve putsforeachdestinationinthiscase,whichisfarmorescNalable thisproblem[3],f[x5]p,>[8]0,g[9],[13],[20],[16],[17],andanyof than . This task is non-trivial for two reasons: non-zero O(L) packet-sizeandtherequirementofin-orderdeliveryofpackets. node first checks which neighbor has a deficit and forwards TheWRR distributorisinadequatetohandlethissituationand it to that neighbor, after which k and are updated ac- i i a more sophisticated mechanism is needed. In the rest of the cordingly. The procedureallowsWatjmostWjbkits in excess than section we describethis mechanism. We assume thatthereare whattheroutingparametersallow.ThisisLthefinestdistribution two types of traffic: one tolerates out-of-orderpacket delivery onecanobtainwithoutbreakingpacketsintosmallerunits. The (e.g.,UDP)andtheotherdoesnot(e.g.,TCP).(Notethatwewill proofisprovidedintheappendix. denotepacketsthatdonotrequirein-orderdeliveryusingUDP andthosethatrequirein-orderdeliverywithTCP)BecauseTCP B. ForwardingTCPtraffic traffic must be delivered in-order, granularity of allocation for ForTCPtraffic,becausethegranularityisatflowlevel,such TCPtrafficisattheflowlevel,butforUDPtrafficitisatpacket fine distribution of traffic as in UDP is very difficult, but by level. In the presence of only UDP traffic, achieving accurate making some reasonable assumptions, a fairly accurate distri- traffic distribution according routing parameters can be easily butioncanbe achieved. We assumethereare sufficientlylarge doneusingWRR.TodeliveryTCPtrafficin-order,astraightfor- number of flows passing through a router and the number of wardmethodthatisoftensuggestedisusingahashingfunction flowsis severalorderof magnitudegreaterthan the numberof onthepacket’ssource-destinationaddresstodeterminethenext- next-hopchoices.ThedurationofTCPconnections,theaverage hop[21], [19]. In OSPF-OMP[21], only the source-destination ratesofTCPconnectionsandthepacketsizesarealluniformly pairisusedintheCRC16 hashingfunctionwhichgivesonlya distributedsothatbandwidthofagroupofTCPconnectionsis coarse distribution. By using TCP portnumbersin addition to proportional to number of connections in the group. In back- source-destinationaddressesinthehashfunction,finerdistribu- bone networks where there are large number of flows, we be- tion can be achieved. But this can be expensive to implement lievethisassumptionisquitereasonable. Whenthenumberof becauseunpackingofthepacketsisrequiredateachhop. Also flows is low, however, the distribution is relatively imprecise. in OSPF-OMP, both UDP and TCP traffic are handled identi- Butthisshouldbeacceptablebecausewhennetworkloadislow cally. We show that by treating UDP and TCP traffic differ- delaysduetocongestionnotaseriousproblem.Wewillproceed ently and accounting for differentpacket sizes, greater fidelity withtheseassumptions,andpresentaprocedureforTCPpacket between routing parameters and actual traffic distribution can forwarding. In section IV, we will givesome experimentalre- achieved. In our approach, the hashing is decoupled from the sultstovalidatesomeoftheseassumptions. Itshouldbenoted source-destination addresses, and hybrid packet forwarding is thatunderheavyloadconditiontheperformanceoftherouting usedtoimprovegranularityindistribution. schemeintheworstcaseonlydropstothatofsingle-pathrout- ing. A. ForwardingDatagramtraffic As mentioned earlier, we use an architecture similar to the BeforeproceedingtodescribeTCPtrafficandhybridpacket- Diffservmodelandobviousadvantageisitcanbeincorporated forwarding,wewillshowthat,ifonlyUDPtrafficispresentand along with other differentiated services. At the ingress router, isthemaximumpacketsize,trafficcanbeforwardedsuchthat for each TCP connection a randomly generated key is associ- aLtmost amountoftrafficmorethanthetrafficthatwouldbeal- ated. The ingress router maintains this per-connection table. lowedbLytheroutingparameters.Thislimitationimposedbythe When a packet of that connection arrives, the key is inserted packet-sizeisfundamentalbecausepackettransmissionisnon- into the packet. Effectively the computation of hash is decou- preemptive.Fig.1belowdescribestheprocedureforforwarding pledfromthesourceanddestinationaddresses. Thecodepoint whenonlyUDPtrafficispresent. (TOS or DSFIELD field) of the packet indicates, among other things, thatthepacketis ofTCP-type. Within thecorethekey ——————————————————————– is used to hash into the next-hop. The 13-bit fragment offset proceduredatagram-forwarding(P) is used to hold the hash key. To prevent fragmentation in the Executedat onarrivalofthepacketPfor . fbegin i jg domain, the DF field is set. This is possible because this so- Forsome ,let ; lution is applied in a single domain and it is feasible to know i i i i ForwardPkto2nSeijghborWj;k(cid:20)(cid:30)jkWj the MTUs of all the links. At the ingress node, use of the 13- i i k ; bitoffsetfieldcanthusbeprevented. Theper-hopbehaviorre- Wjik Wijk+sizeof(P;) latedtoqueuemanagementcanstillbeimplementedinconjunc- endWj Wj +sizeof(P) tionwithminimum-delayrouting. Bydecouplingthekeyfrom ——————————————————————— thesource-destination,betterrandomnessinthekeydistribution Fig.1. Packetforwardingwhenout-of-orderpacketdeliveryisacceptable. canbe achievedandtheper-packetprocessingateachhopcan bereduced. We mustmentionthatper-connectiontablecanbe Itcanbeviewedasageneralizationofsingle-pathrouting;in eliminatedandCRC16hashbeusedoneachenteringpacketin- single-path routing all packets are forwarded to a single next- stead. ButrememberthatDiffservarchitecturemaintainssome hop, whereas here, packets are forwarded to each of the sev- per-connectioninformationforprofilingandotherpurposes. eral next-hopsin proportionsspecified by the routing parame- In OSPF-OMP, boundary values are associated with each ters. Thisprocedureisextendedlatertohandlehybridtraffic.In next-hop. We propose a different method which uses more Fig.1, is the total traffic that node receives and forwards memory, but is faster. With each destination at node , a i for , aWnjd is the portion of that tiraffic that is forwarded hash table, denoted by , is associated. Thejtable is a isin- i i tonjeighborWj.kWhenapacketfordestination isreceived,the glecolumntablewith HTejntries. Witheachentryofthetable i k j Mj anext-hop isassociated. Thenext-hopsaredistributed existingnetworks. Thoughhashingisnotnew,whencombined i randomly okve2r tShej range, and the fraction of entries that point withDiffservframeworkandhybridpacketforwardingcangive to a particular next-hopwill be proportionalto the routing pa- significantbenefits. rameters.Thatis,foreach , entriesof ,chosen The architecture described above can be implemented with i i i randomly,arefilledwiththkev2alSuej m,wj;khere HTj and currentIPforwardingtechnologieswithsmallmodificationsand i i i . Inotherwordks, eachemntjr;yk =in(cid:30)thje;khMasjh ta- in the Diffserv framework without needing other forwarding i i bMlejp=oinPtskt2oSsjiommej;kneighborinthesuccessorsetandthenumber technologiessuchasMPLS. Itcanbeusedtoimplementother traffic engineering approach using other optimization criteria of entries filled with a successor is proportionalto the routing [23]. The only requirementis that the solution should be rep- parameters. ComparisonswithboundaryvaluesinOSPF-OMP resentableusingroutingparameters. has complexity. i WOh(eNna)TCPpacketfor arrivesat ,themodfunctiononthe IV. EXPERIMENTALRESULTS keyisusedtoindexintothejtable itoobtainthenext-hop.If ischosensuchthatitisapowHerTojiftwo,thelower We tested the effectivenessof our TE scheme through a se- i i ries of simulation experiments. In each of the experiments, Mbitjsofthekeycanbeusedtoindexintothehashtablel.oBge2c(Maujse) for the same given input traffic matrix and network configu- of the assumptions made, this should result in each next-hop ration, the routing parameters are first computed using an off- receiving the amount of traffic in accordance with the routing lineminimum-delayroutingalgorithmanddownloadedintothe parameters. routertables. Afterthatpacketsareforwardedaccordingtothe routing parameters. The end-to-end average delays are mea- C. Hybridpacketforwarding suredforeachflow. Comparisonsaremadebetweendelaysob- Becauseoflackofcompletecontrolonthepacketforwarding tainedforsingle-pathrouting,differentvolumesofTCPflows, of TCP traffic, the actual traffic forwarded can deviate signif- anddifferentproportionsofTCPandUDPtraffic. icantly from the amounts specified by the routing parameters. The network used in the simulation is shown in Fig.3. The The skew in the distribution introduced by the hashing mech- networkisacontrivednetworkwithnodedegreehighenoughto anism, can be ironed out to some extent if there is some UDP provideseveralnext-hopchoices, butlow enoughso thatthere trafficalsopresent. TheUDPpacketsthencanbeforwardedto are not too many one-hop paths. The links have bandwidth neighbors that received too little traffic compared to what the 5MB, propagationdelay of 100 microseconds and packets are routingparametersallow. OSPF-OMP does notmake this dis- ofsize1000bytes. tinction.Themodifiedpacketforwardingprocedureisasshown intheFig.(2). 8 7 ——————————————————————– 9 6 procedurehybrid-forwarding(P) Executedat onarrivalofpacketPfor . fbegin i jg 0 5 if(PisaUDPpacket)then endiFforsomek2Sji,letWjik (cid:20)(cid:30)ijkWji; 1 4 if(PisaTCPpacket)then 2 3 LetP’sheadermaptonext-hop ; endif k Fig.3. Topologyusedinsimulations ForwardPtoneighbor ; k ; i i Experiment1:ThedelaysofSParecomparedwiththedelays Wjk Wjk+sizeof(P;) endWji Wji+sizeof(P) obtained in our TE scheme. The input traffic consists of 500 ——————————————————————— identical TCP flows; 50 of them originating from each node. Fig.4(a) makes the delay versus load comparison. The x-axis Fig.2. PacketforwardinginthepresenceofbothUDPandTCPpackets. denotes the load and the y-axis the delay. The average delays of single-pathroutingare denotedby SP and the delaysofour ThehybridprocedureissimilartotheUDP-onlyforwarding schemearedenotedbyTE.Observethatforagivenaveragede- proceduredescribedinFig.1,exceptthattheskewindistribution lay, the load that the network can carry is much greater in TE created by TCP traffic is mitigated by UDP traffic; greater the scheme. AtverylowloadsSPperformedbetterbecauseofthe share of UDP traffic in the totaltraffic, finer is the distribution tendency of TE to route along longer than shortest paths, un- ofthetrafficaccordingtotheroutingparameters.Inthediffserv der low loads. Fig. 4(b)-4(d) show the comparison of delays model, out-of-orderprofile packets can be treated as datagram ofindividualflowsforbothschemesunderthreedifferentload traffic. InsectionIV,wewillgivesomeperformancefiguresre- conditions. Thex-axisinthiscasedenotesflowIDsandthey- gardingthis. Theamountofextraspacerequiredintherouting axistheaveragepacketdelaysfortheflows.Notethattoremove table is of the order of . The processing time re- clutterandtheplotsclearer,theflowsarefirstsortedinascend- i quiredisoftheorder O(NMN. N)oCRC16hashateachhop ingorderofdelaysof single-pathroutingandthenplotted. As i isusedandnocompariOso(nlowg(itNhb)oundaryvaluesisdone.Webe- canbeseen,theproposedTEschemesignificantlyoutperforms lievethattheproposedTEarchitecturecanbeeasilydeployedin thesingle-pathroutingastheloadinthenetworkincreases. In Shortest-path vs TE Shortest-path vs TE 12 5 ’TE’ ’SP’ ’SP’ ’TE’ 11 4.5 4 10 3.5 ms) 9 ms) Avg. Delays ( 78 Avg. Delays ( 2.53 2 6 1.5 5 1 4 0.5 60 70 80 90 100 110 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Load (Mb) Flow IDs (a) (b) Shortest-path vs TE Shortest-path vs TE 7 80 ’SP’ ’SP’ ’TE’ ’TE’ 6 70 60 5 Avg. Delays (ms) 34 Avg. Delays (ms) 345000 2 20 1 10 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Flow IDs Flow IDs (c) (d) Fig.4. ComparisonofSPFandTEscheme Fig. 4(b),forlowloads,theyareverycloseandoftenSPisbet- ing an offline algorithmand are then established using routing ter. Underhighloadstherecanseverecongestioninsingle-path parameters. Packets are then forwarded according to routing routing which can be avoided in multipath routing as seen in parameters using hash techniques similar to OSPF-OMP. Our Fig. 4(d). Because of the use of multipathsin the TE scheme approach differs from OSPF-OMP in several significant ways. congestionand,therefore,thedelaysarereduced. Firstly,weuseIETF’sDifferentialServicesmodeltoimplement Experiment2: We testourassumptionthatwhenlargenum- theTEsystem. Thehashcomputationforapacketisdoneonce ber of TCP flows are present, delaysclose to minimum-delays attheingressnodeandinsertedintothepacket. Withinthenet- can be obtained. TCP-10 indicatesthere are 10 flows between work the hash key is directly used to determine the next hop eachsource-destinationpair.CurveUDPrepresentstheoptimal withoutfurtherhashcomputation.Tofurtherspeedupforward- routing. Observe that in Fig. 5 as the total number of flows ingthenext-hopstructureusesatablewithnext-hopentriesin- increasesfrom90to900, thedelaysdecreaseto levelscompa- steadofboundaryvaluesasinOSPF-OMP.UnlikeOSPF-OMP, rableto theoptimal. Thisisbecauseofthe finergranularityin oursystemtreatsdatagramandTCPtrafficdifferentlyandtakes distribution. into account the packet sizes giving finer granularity of traffic Experiment3: Trafficcanbeforwardedmoreaccuratelyac- distribution. Theuse ofDiffservmodelenablescomplexoper- cording to routing parameters, if the presence of UDP traffic ations, such as peeking into the TCP header, to be done only andpacketsizesareconsideredduringpacketforwarding. This once at the ingress node. Also finer granularityof distribution experiment tests this effect. We run the experiment for traffic can beachievedby decouplinghashcomputationfromsource- that is split 60-40 between TCP and UDP. As the fraction of destinationaddress. UDPtrafficincreases,theaveragedelaysimprove(UDP-40).As Once problem that we have not addressed in this paper is mentionedearlier,thisisduetoreducingtheskewintroducedby adaptationtotrafficfluctuationsandadjacencylinkfailures.We TCPpacketforwardingwhichOSPF-OMPdoesnotdo. can adapt similar techniques in OSPF-OMP, but this problem isinherentlydifficultbecauseourgoalistoachieveminimum- V. CONCLUSIONS delay routingrather than mere adjustmentto congestion. Also We proposed a traffic engineering (TE) system based on the TE is described as applied to an autonomous system and minimum-delay routing. For a given traffic matrix, multiple doesnotaddressinter-domainrouting. Thisistopicforfurther flows between each source-destinationpair are determined us- research. 35 35 30 ’UDP’ 30 ’UDP-40’ ’TCP-100’ ’TCP-only’ ’TCP-10’ 25 25 c Avg. Delays 1250 Avg. Delays 1250 10 10 5 5 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Flow IDs Flow IDs Fig.5. (a)Delaysasafunctionofvolumeofflows(b)Delaysinpresenceofhybridtraffic Our packet forwarding mechanism is quite general and can APPENDIX beusedforotheroptimizationcriteriaasin[23]. Thesystemis A. PropertiesofDatagramForwardingAlgorithm practicalandcanbeimplementedinconjuctionwiththeemerg- ing DifferentialServicesarchitecture. Itofferssignificantben- Foragivenroutingparameterswehavetoshowthatthefor- efits in termsof delayandthroughputperformanceoversingle warding algorithm(Fig. 1) does notforward more than bits toanyofthenext-hop,andhencethetrafficdistributionisLfairly pathrouting. accuratefor UDP traffic evenon a small scale. And the maxi- REFERENCES mumdeficitis . [1] R. Albrightson, J.J.Garcia-Luna-Aceves, andJ. Boyle. EIGRP-AFast Forsimplicit(yk,w(cid:0)e1s)lLightlymodifythenotationasalldistribu- RoutingProtocolBasedonDistanceVectors. Proc.Networld/Interop94, May1994. torsarethesame.Assumeastreamisdividedinto streamsac- [2] D. Awduche and et al. 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