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Preview DTIC ADA459468: Comparison of Floor Control Protocols for Collaborative Multimedia Environments

Comparison of (cid:13)oor control protocols for collaborative multimedia environments Hans-Peter Dommel and J. J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves Baskin School of Engineering Computer Engineering Department University of California, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA ABSTRACT Improvementsin networkingallow for increasingly complex collaborationenvironments with regardto session scale, rangeof shared tasks, and distance between remote parties. Floor control protocolsadd an access discipline to such environments that allows to mitigate race conditions on shared resources and throttle media transmission. Primary causes for resource competition among users may be the lack of mutual awarenessand formal session orchestration, or network and host limitations. Various, often proprietary and unscalable solutions for (cid:13)oor control have been implemented for telemedicine, video conferencing, or distributed interactive simulation. To this date, an analytic comparison of the e(cid:14)cacy of these solutionsislacking. With e(cid:14)cacy,wemeantheproportionoftime that aprotocoltakestoallocatearesource, accountingforsocialandtechnicaloverheadfromuserbehavior,protocolcost,andnetworkconditions. Wepresenta noveltaxonomyand comparativeperformance analysisof known classesof (cid:13)oor control protocols,including socially drivenprotocols,collisionsensingonsharedresources,(cid:13)oortokenpassinginfully-connectedandringtopologies,and, innovatively, across shared control trees. Accordingly, aggregated and selective transmission of control information over a multicast control tree o(cid:11)ers the best scalability and e(cid:14)cacy. A novel hierarchical (cid:13)oor control protocol correlating in its operation with tree-based reliable multicast is outlined. Keywords: Floor Control, Multimedia Collaboration, Reliable Multicast 1. INTRODUCTION 1 With IP-multicasting more powerful collaborative multimedia applications (CMA) gradually enter mainstream computing. Users of such applications can overcome their separation in time and space and share work e(cid:11)orts in real-time,withthegoalofapproximatingthequalityofface-to-faceinteractions. WhileearlierCMAwereproprietary, monolithic, and limited in media modality and session size, new applications support multi-party and multimodal collaboration in large sessions, such as distributed interactive simulations, distance learning seminars, or special- 2 purpose MBonesessions. However,comparedto advancesin reliablemulticasting and multicast routing, there has been little progress with regardto group coordination support for such systems. 3 Floor control is an access discipline for CMA, which may solve (cid:13)awed telepresence and coordination problems 4 as reported by Isaacs and Tang in studies on video conferencing. Typically deployed in the session or application layer, (cid:13)oor control lets users attain exclusive control over a shared resource by attaining a (cid:13)oor, which is a short- lived synchronization primitive for multimedia objects. The (cid:13)oor semantics is generalized to multimedia from its 5 traditional notion as the \right to speak". Deployment of (cid:13)oor control in CMA may be complex due to system capabilities, in terms of the network, host, and communication subsystem, as well as user behavior. Early work on 6 (cid:13)oor controlled systems has many di(cid:11)erent faces, including text-based remote collaboration, electronic meeting 7 8 2 9 support, distributed teleconferencing, moderation of MBone seminars, or web-centric groupwork. Users may pro(cid:12)t from (cid:13)oor control, because it de(cid:12)nes turn-taking rules, fosters interactivity, and prohibits unfairness. From a system perspective, it can providequality-of-serviceinput regardingadmission control and bandwidth allocation for 10 11 bulky media streams, or serve as concurrency control for synchronization of multiple media (cid:13)ows. Furtherauthorinformation: (Sendcorrespondence toH.-P.D.) H.-P.D.: E-mail: [email protected] J.J.G.-L.-A.: E-mail: [email protected] Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 1998 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-1998 to 00-00-1998 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Comparison of floor control protocols for collaborative multimedia 5b. GRANT NUMBER environments 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION University of California at Santa Cruz,Department of Computer REPORT NUMBER Engineering,Santa Cruz,CA,95064 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES The original document contains color images. 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE 12 unclassified unclassified unclassified Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 12 A(cid:13)oorcontrolmethodologyischaracterizedbyseveraldichotomies,centralizedvs. distributedimplementation, 13,14 13,15 mechanism vs. policy, and explicit vs. implicit (cid:13)oor hand-over. In centralized systems, one host controls (cid:13)oorassignmentforanentiresession,whichiseasiertodeploy,but su(cid:11)ers fromoverloadand resilienceproblems. In distributed systems, eachhostin asessioncontributestothe globalcontrol processas much asits own resourcesare concerned. Consistencymanagementande(cid:14)ciencyofcommunicationaremajorconcernswiththisapproach. Hybrid solutions take the best of both worlds and centralize tracking of single (cid:13)oors, while distributing the administrative loadoverthehostsinacollaborativesession. Hybridsolutionsarealsowell-suitedfornetworkcomputers,wherehosts havelimitedcapabilitiesandcommunicatewitheachotherviasessionservers. Amechanism,e.g.,activitysensingor token passing, is the physical propagation and synchronization apparatus for control information. It is instantiated withpoliciesregardingserviceorder,priorities,orfairness, suchas\free-for-all",\moderated",\prioritized",\voice- activated", or \high-resolution". Policies allow to adjust (cid:13)oor control to the session style, e.g., a lecture, panel, or laboratory. The service order of queued (cid:13)oor requests, or the signaling on how the (cid:13)oor is attained has also been 13 considered a policy. In explicit (cid:13)oor passing, a user must submit a signal speci(cid:12)cally to attain the (cid:13)oor, e.g., by raising the hand or pressing a button, in contrast to implicit passing, as it is the case with voice activation. Despitethisbackgroundofworkon(cid:13)oorcontrol,adetailedanalysisontheoperationalprinciplesandperformance of (cid:13)oorcontrol protocolsis still missing. This paper presents a novel taxonomyand e(cid:14)cacy analysisof (cid:13)oorcontrol protocols, based on their operational principles. Hierarchical (cid:13)oor control is described, operating on a control tree, whichmatchesthe backbonereliablemulticasttreeandmulticastroutingtree. Thegoalistoshowhowmechanisms for group coordination, that is (cid:13)oor control, (cid:12)t in with the emerging large-scaleInternet conferencing. In Section 2 we present our system model and taxonomy, as the foundation for our comparativee(cid:14)cacyanalysis presentedinSection3. Section4outlinestheoperationofatree-based(cid:13)oorcontrolprotocol. Thepaperisconcluded in Section 5. 2. SYSTEM MODEL AND TAXONOMY Wede(cid:12)neimportanttermstolaythefoundationforacommonmethodologyandtaxonomyof(cid:13)oorcontrolprotocols. AcollaborationenvironmentisatupleCE=(S;U;R;F)consistingofhostsV connectedbynetworklinksE (cid:26)V(cid:2)V, users U, shared resources R and (cid:13)oors F. Communication among hosts is solely via message exchange, and not in shared memory. Links are assumed to be reliable for (cid:13)oor control messages. A collaborative session is a tuple CS =(sid;(cid:1);U;R;F),instantiatingCE,andischaracterizedbyauniquesessionidenti(cid:12)ersid,sessionduration(cid:1),users U,resourcesRandtheircorresponding(cid:13)oorsF. Thesessionsizem=jUjcanvary,dependingonwhetherthesession is open or closed, and in our terms m > 100 denotes a \large" session. Sessions may have di(cid:11)erent organizational styles,suchaslecture,businessmeeting, paneldiscussion,or hearing. Users u2U, whichmaybe humansorsystem agents, can assume the control rolesof (cid:13)oor originator (FO), owning a resource, (cid:13)oor coordinator (FC), moderating the (cid:13)oor of a resource, or (cid:13)oor holder (FH), having exclusive access to a resource. Depending on the session style, FH and FO may be identical. Shared resources r 2 R, e.g., a robotic device, surgical instrument, video and audio channel, or graphical data object in the user interface, can be replicated or located at a speci(cid:12)c host. Finally, we de(cid:12)ne a (cid:13)oor as a tuple f(r;T;FC;FH;ta;(cid:14);QoS)=st2F; where r denotes the resource, T is the media type of r (video, audio, graphics, text), FC and FH identify the (cid:13)oor coordinator and holder, ta is a timestamp marking the start of the (cid:13)oor holding time (cid:14), and QoS is a quality-of- servicedirectiveindicatingdeliverypropertiesforr. The(cid:13)oorstatest=[free jbusy j idlejrequestedj nil]records the current state of (cid:13)oor f at a host. For simplicity, we assume that there is one user per host, and one (cid:13)oor f per resource r, without (cid:12)ner granularity. Floor control protocols rest on three operational pillars: (1) the random or scheduled access to resources, which is characterized by the mechanism and host topology, relegating directives among hosts; (2) the centralized or distributed control over (cid:13)oors in the session; and (3) the (cid:13)oor policies established among hosts. These properties are re(cid:13)ected in the taxonomyin Figure 1 (only paradigms indicated with solid lines are analyticallycompared.) We divide known (cid:13)oor control paradigms in two classes: Random-access Group Coordination (RGC) lets users contend for a shared resource, either mediated by social protocols,orbyremotelysensingitsstatusbeforeorduringresourceaccess. Sensingisaccomplishedeitherbyusers, tracking each other’s activities through the user interface, or by the system, sensing the state of an application, host, or network for local and remote activities. The global (cid:13)oor state is marked with assertions on local variables and notokenentity is explicitly exchangedasa placeholder. RGC schemesareinherently contention-based,because Group Coordination Random-Access Scheduled Social Activity Token Polling Reservation Mediation Sensing Passing (RAS) Incoordi- with Directly Ring- Tree- Implicit nation Feedback Connected based based (RSI) (RSF) (STD) (STR) (STT) Figure 1. Taxonomy of group coordination. hosts must actively compete for a (cid:13)oor. Remote sensing can be costly and ine(cid:14)cient. In RGC, (cid:13)oor acquisition is characterized by \sensing", \busy", \active", and \idle" states. ScheduledGroupCoordination(SGC)uses(cid:13)oortokenpassing,reservationorpollingforpendingcontroldirectives as resourceaccess mechanism. The token is a unique placeholder, which is used to request, deny, reserve,or granta (cid:13)oor. Regulated (cid:13)oortoken capturedispersesraceconditions on resources. Hosts can \ask"for the (cid:13)oor, ora token circulates among hosts and is \o(cid:11)ered" to hosts. Token tracking and ensuring authenticity and consistency can be costly. SGC schemes typically operate on a logical host topology such as a ring or tree. In SGC, (cid:13)oor acquisition is characterized by \request", \deny", \grant", and \release"control messages. Predominant session geometries are shown in Figure 2. Resource ri in the shared workspaceis hosted by user ui. u1 r1 u1 r1 u1 r1 u3 r3 u1 u2 u3 u4 u2 u4 u2 u4 u2 u4 u1 r1 r2 r4 r2 r4 r2 FC r4 r (FC) u3 r3 u3 r3 u3 r3 u2r2 u4r4 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Figure 2. Session geometries. In Fig. 2(a), users ui attempt to gain control of a centralized resource r with limited or no coordination. In Fig.2(b), participantsui communicatedirectlywith oneanothertoattain the(cid:13)oorin the mostdirect manner. This schemeisalsosuitedforachievingdistributedconsensus,e.g.,withvoting. Fig.2(c)depictsring-basedcontrol,based on the idea of passing a (cid:13)oor token in a linear fashion along the hosts in the ring. In Fig. 2(d), a star-topology is used to concentrate (cid:13)oor requests onto a dedicated FC host, which is a subcase of Fig. 2(e). In this tree structure, control directives are propagatedalong the branches of a multi-level control tree towards the current FH. 3. EFFICACY OF FLOOR CONTROL PROTOCOLS The following comparative analysis of known classes of (cid:13)oor control protocols is a (cid:12)rst attempt to characterize the e(cid:14)cacy of interactive behavior of people and processes from a resource contention perspective. The intention is not to predict exactly how a protocol performs for a given CE; accomplishing this would require far more host- and network-speci(cid:12)cdetailsandstatisticsonuserbehavior. Ourgoalissimplytoassesstheoverheadofvariousprotocols 16 with regard to control state management. The basic methodology is derived from multiaccess communication, based on the analogy between access mitigation for the data channel and shared resources. We state the following assumptions to make the analysis tractable: the individual processing cost for control packets, including protocol overhead and user-interface speci(cid:12)cs, is the same for all hosts; control message delivery between hosts is reliable and no failures in hosts or the network occur; information from a host reaches any other host with the same average system-wide propagation delay; and the interarrival rate of (cid:13)oor requests is Poisson, given that there is no indication for cross-correlations between subsequent (cid:13)oor requests. We take the interarrival rate of (cid:13)oor requests, the task length, and the network propagation delay into account. An important aspect of our comparative analysis is the impact that multicasting at the network layer has on the e(cid:14)cacy of the (cid:13)oor control protocols. When network multicasting is not available, the user hosts are forced to contact one another explicitly, which substantiallyincreasesthe processingoverheadat hostsandthe possibilityof disagreementonwhich host has the (cid:13)oor. We model the existence of multicasting at the network layer by assuming that a user host needs only to pass information once to the network (during an activity period and to gain the (cid:13)oor) for the information to reach all other hosts with the same averagedelay. The notation used in our analysis is summarized in Table 1. (cid:12)1 average\think" timebefore(cid:13)oortoken arrival (cid:12)2 average\think" timeat(cid:13)oortokenpresence (cid:13) averageprocessingtimefora(cid:13)oordirective (cid:14) durationofaverageactivityperiod n(cid:15) processingandunicastingoverheadfornhosts (cid:17) e(cid:14)cacyofa(cid:13)oorcontrolprotocol G averageo(cid:11)ered(cid:13)oorrequestload (cid:19) averagedurationofidletime (cid:21) (cid:13)oorrequestinterarrivalrate m averagenumberofhostsinsession n averagenumberofactivehostsinsession (cid:23) averagevulnerabilityperiod (cid:28) averagepropagationdelay Table 1. Analysis parameters. The \think time", denoted with (cid:12)1 (the time until the expected (cid:13)oor arrives at the local host) and (cid:12)2 (the time once the (cid:13)oor token is present at the local host and o(cid:11)ered to the user), re(cid:13)ects user choices to grab the (cid:13)oor in tokenrings;(cid:13) istheaveragetimetoprocessandcommunicatea(cid:13)oordirective,includingpacketizationdelay,generic queueing transmission times, and local processing overhead; (cid:14) is the duration of an activity period; we use n(cid:15) > (cid:28) as the additional delay to account for the communication and processing overhead in n actively collaborating hosts; G = (cid:14) (cid:2)(cid:21) is the normalized o(cid:11)ered request load on (cid:13)oors, including new and previously denied and resubmitted (cid:13)oor requests; (cid:19) sums up the expected idle time for a resource during and after (cid:13)oor holding time; (cid:21) represents the relative frequency of demand for resource access and thus indicates the contention level; m < 1 denotes all hosts in a collaborative session; n < m is the number of active hosts in the multicast group for the current (cid:13)oor and transmission; (cid:23) is the time during which a host’s attempt to access a resource can be intercepted by another host; and (cid:28) denotes the averageend-to-end delaybetween hosts, coalescingmultiple routinghops into one (a packetmust hence traverse on the average the same number of hosts on the path from the sender to a group of receivers.) The activity period and time to process and communicate (cid:13)oor directives are assumed to include the time incurred in providing feedback among hosts. contention activity idle period period period Resource / X A1 I X A2 I X A3 ... Floor g d ne t i g d ne t i g d busy period B turn period T Host 1 / X A1 FC STATE REQUEST GRANT GRANT X A2 Host 2 REQUEST DENY REQUEST X X A3 Host 3 Figure 3. Turn taking periods for a resource and three hosts. A turn taking model re(cid:13)ecting the switching of control over a resource by users serves as the blueprint for our analysis. A typical communication pattern between three users is depicted in Figure 3. Host 2 and 3 contend here for the (cid:13)oor from host 1, and (cid:12)rst host 2 acquires the (cid:13)oor, then host 3. A turn consists accordingly of a resource contention time X, an activity ((cid:13)oor holding) time A, and an optional idle time I. Based on this abstraction, we de(cid:12)nethee(cid:14)cacyofa(cid:13)oorcontrolprotocol,denotedby(cid:17),astheproportionoftimethataprotocolneedstoallocate a resource,including overheadfrom the protocol itself, the network, and user behavior. Formally, the e(cid:14)cacy is the ratio of the average (cid:13)oor usage time U(cid:22) vs. the overall average turn length T(cid:22) = X(cid:22) +A(cid:22)+I(cid:22), given by Eq. 1. The averagecontention period X(cid:22) and activity period A(cid:22) together are called the average busy period, B(cid:22) =X(cid:22) +A(cid:22). These turnperiodsserveasthebuildingblocksforoure(cid:14)cacyanalysis,consideringbothpoint-to-pointandbroadcaststyle communication. U(cid:22) U(cid:22) (cid:17) = = (1) T(cid:22) B(cid:22)+I(cid:22) 3.1. Random-Access Group Coordination Schemes Incoordinated Social Mediation (RSI) re(cid:13)ectspurely random resource accessin self-moderatingsessions. Thereis no system support to mediate con(cid:13)icts and ensure system-wide resource consistency. Assuming that all information is sent reliably to all user hosts, the latency introduced by the system can lead to inconsistent views of the (cid:13)oors at di(cid:11)erent hosts and corrupt user cooperation. When this occurs, we assume that all users involved in the con(cid:13)ict must restart their activities. Theorem 1. The e(cid:14)cacy of RSI without multicast support is (cid:0)2(cid:21)((cid:14)+n(cid:15)) (cid:17)RSI =(cid:21)((cid:14)+n(cid:15))e (2) T X A X I t d + ne collides with collides with start of A end of A Figure 4. Typical RSI timeline. Proof: Figure 4 shows a prototypical RSI turn. The proof is the same as for medium access in an ALOHA 16 channel. In the point-to-point model, we assume that n hosts are actively monitoring each other, and it takes an additional time n(cid:15) for all hosts to perceive the activity from a given host. All the information is exchanged reliably, and the averagevulnerability interval is twice the total of the task length and the added overhead incurred in serial communication of the task information to all hosts (i.e., (cid:14)+n(cid:15)), becausemessagescan intercept activities any time. (cid:0)2(cid:21)((cid:14)+n(cid:15)) Because request arrivals are Poisson, the probability that a task is successful is e . The success probability 2 times the number of arrivals in one activity period results in Eq. 2. Corollary 1. The e(cid:14)cacy of RSI with multicast support is MC (cid:0)2(cid:21)(cid:14) (cid:17)RSI =(cid:21)(cid:14)e (3) This follows under the assumption that every update to and from a host requires only one transmission. Social Mediation with Feedback (RSF) assumes that users cooperate based on social protocols. Feedback on remote activities is gathered through the user interface. If a user contends for a (cid:13)oor and perceives remote activity, she would back o(cid:11) for a random period and attempt to reclaim the (cid:13)oor, after remote activity subsided. RSF 15 in video conferencing is often realized as \voluntary distributed control", where cooperative users switch video streamsmanuallyonando(cid:11),dependingonwhethertheyprefertoreceiveorsendspeci(cid:12)cvideotransmissions. POTS conferencing also relies on RSF, which works well for very small groups. Theorem 2. The e(cid:14)cacy of RSF without multicast support is (cid:14) (cid:17)RSF = (cid:14)+e2(cid:21)((cid:13)0+n(cid:15)) (cid:21)e((cid:21)(cid:13)(0(cid:13)+0+nn(cid:15))(cid:15)()1(cid:0)(cid:0)1e(cid:0)(cid:0)(cid:21)(cid:21)(((cid:13)(cid:13)00++nn(cid:15)(cid:15)))) +(cid:13)0+n(cid:15)+(cid:28) +(cid:19)+ (cid:21)1 (4) h i T Xf Xs A I t Lf +g t g t d +ne t i+1/l Figure 5. Typical RSF timeline. Proof: A prototypical timeline of RSF is depicted in Figure 5. n active hosts need to sense and process remote 0 activity through the network interface. (cid:13) is the user time to remotely sense the resource state. The success pofro2b(a(cid:13)b0i+litny,(cid:15))desenco.t,eid.ea.,sPPss,=eqPu[a0lspathckeeptrsoibnab(cid:23)i]li=tyet(cid:0)h2a(cid:21)t((cid:13)n0o+na(cid:15)c)t.ivTithyepaavcekreatgaeruritvileiszaintioannpavereiroadgelavsutslnUe(cid:22)ra=bi(cid:14)liPtys,paenrdiodth(cid:23)e length ofthe averagebusyperiodB(cid:22) =X(cid:22)+A(cid:22)isdetermined bythetime neededtohandleunsuccessful(cid:13)oorrequests in the failed contention period Xf and successful requests in Xs, with B(cid:22) = (1(cid:0)Ps)Xf +PsXs. An average failed turn attempt consistsofageometrically-distributedinde(cid:12)nite number (L)ofinterarrivaltimesof(cid:13)oorrequestswith 0 duration f sec (average time between failed (cid:13)oor-request arrivals), plus the duration observing a request ((cid:13) ). The 17 values for L a(cid:21)n((cid:13)d0+fn(cid:15)h)ave been deriv0ed by T(cid:0)a1kagi(cid:0)a(cid:21)n(d(cid:13)0+Knl(cid:15)e)inrock. (cid:0)(cid:21)((cid:13)S0u+bns(cid:15)t)ituting our notation in these results, we obtain L = e and f = ((cid:21)((cid:13) +n(cid:15))) (cid:0)e =(1(cid:0)e ), respectively. Accordingly, the average e(cid:21)((cid:13)0+n(cid:15))(cid:0)1(cid:0)(cid:21)((cid:13)0+n(cid:15)) 0 time of a failed turn attempt equals Xf = (cid:21)((cid:13)0+n(cid:15))(1(cid:0)e(cid:0)(cid:21)((cid:13)0+n(cid:15))) +(cid:13) +n(cid:15)+(cid:28). An average successful turn lasts (cid:20) (cid:21) 0 Xs =(cid:14)+(cid:13) +n(cid:15)+(cid:28). Finally,basedonthePoissonassumption,anidleperiodconsistsofanaverageidletimeinterval plus the time until the next (cid:13)oorrequest arriveson the average,I(cid:22)=(cid:19)+(cid:21)1. Substituting intoEq.1,weobtain Eq.4. 2 Corollary 2. The e(cid:14)cacy of RSF with multicast support is MC (cid:14) (cid:17)RSF = (cid:14)+e2(cid:21)(cid:13)0 (cid:21)e(cid:13)(cid:21)0(cid:13)(01(cid:0)(cid:0)1e(cid:0)(cid:0)(cid:21)(cid:21)(cid:13)(cid:13)00) +(cid:13)0+(cid:28) +(cid:19)+ (cid:21)1 (5) h i 0 With multicast support, the vulnerability period reduces to 2(cid:13) , and (cid:15) becomes negligible. 14,18 In Activity Sensing (RAS), activities on shared resources are monitored by a background process at the sessionlayer(withouttheuserhavingtodoso), inordertosensewhichhostcurrentlyoperatesontheresource. The 16 RAS concept is related to collision sensing on a multiaccess channel. In principle, no changes to a collaboration- unawareapplicationarerequired,becauseamodi(cid:12)edX-serverwouldinterceptand(cid:12)ltercallstosharedapplications. The RSF system agent would back o(cid:11) for the user, when perceiving remote activity, or allow immediate access to the resourceotherwise. Distributed activitysensingagentscollectivelymonitor resourcestatesmoreaccuratelythan humans could. Theorem 3. The e(cid:14)cacy of RAS without multicast support is (cid:14) (cid:17)RAS = (cid:14)+e2(cid:21)((cid:13)+n(cid:15)) (cid:21)e((cid:21)(cid:13)(+(cid:13)+nn(cid:15))(cid:15)()1(cid:0)(cid:0)1e(cid:0)(cid:0)(cid:21)(cid:21)(((cid:13)(cid:13)++nn(cid:15)(cid:15)))) +(cid:13)+n(cid:15)+(cid:28) +(cid:19)+ (cid:21)1 (6) h i T Xf Xs A I t g t+Y g t d +ne t i+1/l Figure 6. Typical RAS timeline. Proof: The timeline is shown in Figure 6. (cid:13) is the system time to sense the resource state. Without multicast support,ahosthastosend(cid:13)oordirectivesindividuallytoeveryotherhost,whichaccordingtoourassumptiontakes (cid:13) +n(cid:15). Because multiple unicast messages are used by each host, (cid:13)oor-state inconsistencies can arise during the entire time. The host is exchanging (cid:13)oor directives, i.e., the vulnerability period of the protocol is (cid:23) = 2((cid:13) +n(cid:15)). Using this vulnerability period, Eq. 7 follows using the same approach as described in the proof of Theorem 4. Theorem 4. The e(cid:14)cacy of RAS with multicast support is MC (cid:14) (cid:17)RAS = 1 (cid:21)(cid:28) (7) (cid:14)+(cid:28) + (cid:21) +e ((cid:13)+2(cid:28) +(cid:19)) Proof: The accessstrategyisassumed asnonpersistent, i.e., ahost backso(cid:11)immediatelyfromattemptingtoaccess a resource and claims the resource once it appears free again. The vulnerability period for accessing an unused resourceisonepropagationdelay,(cid:23) =(cid:28),withinwhichotherhostscancauseacon(cid:13)ict(oppositetoRSF,wheretwice (cid:0)(cid:21)(cid:28) the length of the contention interval is the average vulnerability period); therefore, Ps =P[0 packets in (cid:23)]=e . TheaverageutilizationperiodisU(cid:22) =Ps(cid:14). Theaveragelengthofasuccessfulbusyperiodissimply(cid:13)+(cid:14)+2(cid:28),which accounts for the delivery and processing of (cid:13)oor directives, the activity period, and associated network latencies. The length of an average unsuccessful activity period consists of one truncated activity lasting (cid:13) sec, followed by 17 one or more similarly truncated activities sent within time Y sec, where 0 (cid:20) Y (cid:20) (cid:28). The expected value of Y is Y(cid:22) =(cid:28)(cid:0)(cid:21)1(1(cid:0)e(cid:0)(cid:21)(cid:28)); therefore, theaverageduration ofafailedcontentionperiodis(cid:13)+2(cid:28)(cid:0)(cid:21)1(1(cid:0)e(cid:21)(cid:28)). Thelength of the averagebusy period is then B(cid:22) =(cid:13)+2(cid:28) (cid:0) (cid:21)1 +e(cid:0)(cid:21)(cid:28)((cid:14)+(cid:28) + (cid:21)1). The average idle interval is again I(cid:22)=(cid:19)+ (cid:21)1. 2 Substitution into Eq. 1 yields Eq. 7. 3.2. Scheduled Group Coordination Schemes In contrast to the contention time in RGC, (cid:13) in SGC denotes the time to transmit a (cid:13)oor token to the next host. Two SGC approaches, polling, and reservation, have previously not been used in telecollaboration. Polling involves long wait times, and reservation schedules can quickly become obsolete. We focus on token passing, where the (cid:13)oor isbeing askedfor,oro(cid:11)eredto hostsin aprede(cid:12)ned serviceorder. We discuss threemaincasesofcontroltopologies for hosts. In Direct Coordination (STD), each host in a group is fully connected to every other host. STD improves the n(n(cid:0)1) responsetime, however,the number of links is 2 and growsas the square of the number of hostsin the session. Many small-scale commercial video conferencing systems follow this unscalable model. Theorem 5. The e(cid:14)cacy of STD without multicast support is (cid:14) (cid:17)STD = 1 (8) (cid:14)+n((cid:13)+(cid:28) +(cid:15))+(cid:19)+ (cid:21) T Xr Xg A I t g t g t d +ne ti+1/ l Figure 7. Typical STD timeline. Proof: The timeline for STD is shown in Figure 7. The average utilization period is U(cid:22) = n(cid:14)Ps, because (cid:13)oor capture is perfect and any one of the n active hosts can acquire a (cid:13)oor of holding time (cid:14) with success probability 1 Ps = n. A (cid:13)oor may not be released at FH, until successor FH’ received it. The control packet overhead is (cid:13) and the propagation delay is (cid:28). Unicasting a (cid:13)oor request to the n(cid:0)1 active hosts amounts to (n(cid:0)1)((cid:13)+(cid:28) +(cid:15)), plus ((cid:13)+(cid:28) +(cid:15)) for a reply. The averageactivity duration is A(cid:22)=(cid:14) and may be trailed by an idle interval consisting of a period (cid:19) and an averageinterarrival time for all hosts, I(cid:22)=(cid:19)+ (cid:21)1. Substitution into Eq. 1 results in Eq. 8. 2 Corollary 3. The e(cid:14)cacy of STD with multicast support is MC (cid:14) (cid:17)STD = 1 (9) (cid:14)+3((cid:13)+(cid:28))+(n(cid:0)1)(cid:15)+(cid:19)+ (cid:21) With multicast support, the request-reply-releaseexchangeof control packets takes a time of 3((cid:13)+(cid:28))+(n(cid:0)1)(cid:15), if we assume that every host incurs host processing overhead from its n(cid:0)1 neighbors. 19,20 InRing-basedCoordination(STR),a(cid:13)oortokencyclesthroughalogicalringarranginghosts. Varioussystems based on this idea havebeen discussed. A host that is ready to start an activity, captures the passing token, inserts a command sequence with address and control information, sends the activity packets within this turn period and transfersthetokenaftercompletiontothesuccessorhost. Ahostwithoutpending(cid:13)oorrequestspassesontheo(cid:11)ered token. Tokens held in excess time may expire and incite automatic transfer. The prede(cid:12)ned token passing schedule may not re(cid:13)ect spontaneous interactivity. The (cid:13)oor can be granted ahead of its token position to a successor host, oritmayonlybeacquiredbyahostwhenthetokenpassesthroughthathost. Likewise,atokencanbeimmediately released after transmission (RAT), or released after one more reception (RAR) at the sending host. For e(cid:14)ciency reasons we focus on RAT. In ourmodel, the pre-arrivalthink time (cid:12)1 plus the token-presencetime (cid:12)2 <(cid:12)1 must be smaller than the ring cycle time. If the (cid:13)oor is taken, then (cid:12)2 (cid:25)((cid:14)+(cid:28) +(cid:13)). Theorem 6. The e(cid:14)cacy of STR without multicast support is (cid:0)(cid:21)((cid:12)1+(cid:12)2) (cid:14)(1(cid:0)e ) (cid:17)STR = n (cid:0)(cid:21)((cid:12)1+(cid:12)2) 1 (10) 2((cid:28) +(cid:13)+(cid:15)+(cid:12)2)+(cid:14)(1(cid:0)e )+(cid:19)+ (cid:21) Tt-1 Tt At-1 Xt At t d t b 1 b 2+g d +ne t b 1 Figure 8. Typical STR timeline. Proof: The timeline forSTR is depicted in Figure8. We assumeperfect (cid:13)oorcaptureandonly onehostis active at any time. The average utilization is U(cid:22) = (cid:14)Ps, with Ps as the success probability that the token is available in the period X(cid:22) = (cid:12)1+(cid:12)2. The probability that a (cid:13)oor can be claimed by a user is Ps = 1(cid:0)e(cid:0)(cid:21)((cid:12)1+(cid:12)2). The token cycle time is a function of the active host set n, and with growing session size it is less likely that all hosts will n engage in (cid:13)oor contention. The cost to transfer a (cid:13)oor token in a cycle involves on the average 2 hosts, amounting to n2((cid:13)+(cid:28) +(cid:15)+(cid:12)2) including processingoverhead n2(cid:15). The averageturn lasts hence T(cid:22)= n2((cid:13)+(cid:28) +(cid:15)+(cid:12)2)+A(cid:22)+I(cid:22). Theidletime isagainI(cid:22)=(cid:19)+(cid:21)1. SubstitutingU(cid:22) andT(cid:22) intoEq.1yieldsEq.10. Theoverheadtomaintainthetoken 2 is not included in this result. Corollary 4. The e(cid:14)cacy of STR with multicast support is (cid:0)(cid:21)((cid:12)1+(cid:12)2) MC (cid:14)(1(cid:0)e ) (cid:17)STR = n (cid:0)(cid:21)((cid:12)1+(cid:12)2) 1 (11) 2((cid:28) +(cid:13)+(cid:12)2)+(cid:14)(1(cid:0)e )+(cid:19)+ (cid:21) n With multicasting, a token is sent only once to the network interface, but it takes on the average 2 hops to cycle back for another turn option, however,the processing overhead (cid:15) vanishes. Tree-based Coordination (STT) allows for more e(cid:14)cient inter-group collaboration and hierarchical mixing of 21 media sources. Its control infrastructure can work in symbiosis with reliable multicasting over a single shared 22 acknowledgment tree, allowing more scalable and economic transmission of session data. STT control messages traversebranches of the tree in a parent-child relation re(cid:13)ecting multicast group membership. Each host must only deal with messages from immediate neighbor hosts. Floor directives can be coalesced into single messages, and can beforwardedthroughthe treein anaggregatedfashion. Singlehosts willhencenotsu(cid:11)erfrom messageimplosion,a problem knownfrom reliablemulticast with regardto acknowledgingreceivedorlost messages. The communication delay depends on the height of the controltree, rather than the session size. The star topologyis a special case of a tree, which works for small sessions. Theorem 7. The e(cid:14)cacy of STT without multicast support is (cid:14) (cid:17)STT = (K+1)P(cid:22)((cid:13)+(cid:28) +(cid:15))+((cid:14)+P(cid:22)(cid:28))+(cid:19)+ (cid:21)1 (12) Proof: The timeline for STT is depicted in Figure 9. We have again perfect (cid:13)oor capture due to explicit token exchange, with U(cid:22) = n(cid:14)Ps, and Ps = n1. With the normalized average path length P(cid:22), the average duration of the (cid:13)oor capture period amounts to 2P(cid:22)((cid:13) +(cid:28) +(cid:15)). Assuming that a host does not know the location of FH or FC, T Xr Xg A I t P(g+t+e) P(g+t+e) d Pti +1/l Figure 9. Typical STT timeline. exploratory unicast of a control message from one host to its parent and to each of its children would amount to X(cid:22) (cid:20) (K +1)P(cid:22)((cid:13)+(cid:28) +(cid:15)) plus a targeted reply costing P(cid:22)((cid:13)+(cid:28) +(cid:15)). However, as outlined in Section 4, hosts can be tagged with unique labels, which allow for e(cid:14)cient absolute or relative routing of control directives toward the FC or FH. Consequently, a control directive must be sent only to one neighbor node as the gateway on the path to FH, hence K = 1. Signaling the conclusion of the activity period adds another propagation delay, A(cid:22) = (cid:14)+P(cid:22)(cid:28). The activity period may be trailed by another idle period of averagelength I(cid:22)=(cid:19)+ (cid:21)1. Substituting into Eq. 1 gives 2 Eq. 12. Corollary 5. The e(cid:14)cacy of STT with multicast support is MC (cid:14) (cid:17)STT = 1 (13) (cid:14)+2(cid:13)+3(cid:28) +(cid:19)+ (cid:21) With multicasting, a request-reply pair takes two (cid:13) and (cid:28), plus another (cid:28) to signal completion of the turn. A close correlationbetweenthe controltreeofthe STTprotocolandtheend-to-end multicast treeis assumed. A hostsends only one message to the network interface, i.e., P(cid:22) =1, K =1, and (cid:15) becomes negligible. 3.3. Results MC We compare (cid:17) of the discussed paradigms in four cases: (1) a small group in a network with low link latency; (2) a small group in a high-latency network; (3) a large group in a low-latency network; and (4) a large group in a high-latencynetwork. Groupsizesaren=5(small)andn=300(large),correspondingtoPC-conferencingsystems, or average MBone session size. Latency is indicated by (cid:28) =0:005 s (low), and (cid:28) = 0:4 s (high). The time to sense 0 (cid:13)oorinformationis(cid:13) =0:25s. Acontrolpacketof25byteslengthismeasuredwith(cid:13) =(cid:15)=0:02s. Thenormalized (cid:14) (cid:14) activitytime is(cid:14) =1andtoken-ring\thinktimes"aresetto(cid:12)1 = 2 sand(cid:12)2 = 10 s. Thetypicalidletimeischosen (cid:14) as (cid:19)= 5 s. Figures 11 and 10 plots the resulting e(cid:14)cacy. CCoommppaarriissoonn ffoorr ssmmaallll sseessssiioonnss // llooww llaatteennccyy CCoommppaarriissoonn ffoorr llaarrggee sseessssiioonnss // llooww llaatteennccyy 11..0000 11..0000 RRSSII RRSSII RRSSFF RRSSFF RRAASS RRAASS SSTTDD SSTTDD SSTTRR SSTTRR 00..8800 SSTTTT 00..8800 SSTTTT C)C) 00..6600 C)C) 00..6600 MM MM a (a ( a (a ( EtEt EtEt acy: acy: acy: acy: EfficEffic 00..4400 EfficEffic 00..4400 00..2200 00..2200 00..0000 00..0000 00..0011 00..1100 11..0000 1100..0000 110000..0000 11000000..0000 00..0011 00..1100 11..0000 1100..0000 110000..0000 11000000..0000 OOffffeerreedd llooaadd:: GG OOffffeerreedd llooaadd:: GG Figure 10. E(cid:14)cacy with multicast support for low network latency. Thee(cid:14)cacyofRSIisbelow20%inallfourscenarios. SystemsemployingRSFbene(cid:12)tfromcoordinationattempts and improve slightly over RSI, approximating 25% e(cid:14)cacy in networks with faster links. Both schemes are instable

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