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(c)2002 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization. CFD Validation rfo Hypersoni c Fligh:t Hypersonic Double-Cone Flow Simulations Graham V. Candler,* loannis Nompelis,** Marie-Claude Druguet' Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics & Army HPC Research Center University of Minnesota, Minneapolis MN 55455 Michael S. Holder^ Timothy P. Wadhams^ Calspan- University at Buffalo Research Center, Buffalo NY 14225 lain D. Boyd,§ Wen-Lan Wang** Department of Aerospace Engineering University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI 4&109 Abstract Introduction At the 2001 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting At the 2001 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, there was a blind comparison between computational there was a session dedicated to a CFD code validation simulations and experimental data for hypersonic study. A number of computational researchers used double-cone and hollow cylinder-flare flows. This code their methods to predict the flow over several hyper- validation exercise showed that in general there was sonic configurations, and then the experimental data good agreement between the continuum CFD sim- were revealed and compared to the computations. Two ulations and experiments. Also, in general, there geometries were tested: a hollow-cylinder / flare that was good agreement between direct simulation Monte produces a weak viscous interaction, and a double-cone Carlo (DSMC) calculations and the experiments in re- that produces a much more complicated flow field with gions of attached flow. However, in almost all of the a stronger viscous-inviscid interaction. The test con- computations, the heat transfer rate on the forebody ditions were chosen so that the free-stream conditions of the cone was over-predicted by about 20%. The would be well characterized and the flows would be purpose of this paper is to report on our analysis of entirely laminar. Also to reduce the complexity of the this difference. We perform CFD simulations of the computational analysis, nitrogen was used as the test hypersonic nozzle flow to assess the importance of vi- gas. brational nonequilibrium on the test conditions. We This blind code validation study resulted in sev- then recompute the flows using a new set of vibrational eral key conclusions: First, the comparisons between nonequilibrium conditions and consider the effects of the continuum computations and experiments were a slip boundary condition at the model surface. Ad- generally very good. For example, consider Fig. 1 ditionally, we analyze new heat transfer rate data on which is taken from the paper of Harvey, Holden, and sharp and blunt 25° cones over a wider range of test Wadhams.1 The predicted surface pressure and heat conditions. This analysis appears to explain the dis- transfer rate are plotted against the experimental data crepancy between the previous calculations and the at two test conditions. Note that the pressure matches experiments. well on the cone forebody, through the separation zone, in the region of high pressure due to the shock-shock interaction, and on the second cone. Similarly for * Professor, AIAA Associate Fellow (candlerQaem.umn.edu) the heat transfer rate, with very good agreement in ** Graduate Research Assistant, AIAA Student Member the separation zone, the shock interaction region, and t Research Fellow, also IUSTI-CNRS 6595, Marseille, France, on the second cone. The main differences are that AIAA Member * Program Manager, AOEC, AIAA Associate Fellow the heat transfer rate on the cone forebody is over- » Aeronautical Engineer predicted by about 20% and the separation zone is 3 Associate Professor, AIAA Senior Member slightly too large, which results in the peak of pressure and heat transfer being too far downstream. The con- Copyright © 2002 by Graham V. Candler. Published by the tinuum computations by the other researchers showed American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. with permission. essentially the same features, and additional calcula- RTO-TR-AVT-007-V3 8 - 1 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 2. REPORT TYPE 3. DATES COVERED 01 JAN 2006 N/A - 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER CFD Validation for Hypersonic Flight : Hypersonic Double-Cone Flow 5b. GRANT NUMBER Simulations 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics & Army HPC Research Center REPORT NUMBER University of Minnesota, Minneapolis MN 55455 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release, distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES See also ADM001860, Technologies for Propelled Hypersonic Flight (Technologies des vols hypersoniques propulses). , The original document contains color images. 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE UU 14 unclassified unclassified unclassified Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 (c)2002 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization. 2 AIAA 2002-0581 tions at different flow conditions were generally similar to those described here. A second conclusion of the study was that the hollow-cylinder / flare geometry computations also showed similarly good agreement with the experi- ments. However, in general all of the computations showed a small over-prediction in the heat transfer rate on the cylinder surface upstream of the separated flow region. Comparisons between the experimental Schlieren images and the computed flow fields showed remark- ably good agreement. The computations reproduced X/L (a) all of the visible features, including inflections in the bow shocks, separation shock locations, and shock interaction points. There is even evidence in the Schlieren of the predicted under-expanded jet that runs down the surface of the second cone. Finally, the agreement between the Direct Simu- lation Monte Carlo (DSMC) calculations and experi- ments was not as good as the continuum calculations. Generally, DSMC is able to capture the surface pres- sure and heat transfer rate in the attached regions. However, in most cases, the DSMC calculations also over-predict the heat transfer rate on the cone and cylinder forebodies, as in the continuum calculations. (b) DSMC apparently fails to predict the correct separa- FIGURE 1. Normalized surface pressure and heat tion zone size for the massively separated flows, re- transfer rate for the sharp double-cone for (a) Run 28 sulting in poor predictions of the flow in these regions. (Moo = 9.59, fleoo = 1.31 x I05m~l) and (b) Run 35 This is not surprising since the flows are characterized (Moo = 11.30, #600 = 1.33 x 105m~1) Computations by a low Knudsen number, making them difficult to by Candler et al.2 Taken from Ref. 1. compute with DSMC. In this paper, we focus on the main discrepancy be- tween the computations and experiments, namely the Effect of Vibration on Test Conditions over-prediction of the heat transfer rate on the cone One of the most important uncertainties in code and cylinder forebodies. We first evaluate how the validation is the specification of the free-stream con- free-stream conditions are inferred from the measured ditions. This is particularly true in a hypersonic wind conditions during the experiments, and simulate the tunnel where high-temperature and pressure gas is ex- flow within the experimental facility nozzle. We are panded to a high Mach number. Non-ideal effects such then able to predict the conditions of the experiment as intermolecular force effects, chemical reactions, and and determine the influence of vibrational nonequi- vibrational excitation may affect the free-stream con- librium on the experimental conditions. Using these ditions. Additionally, it is not clear how one infers the conditions, we then recompute the four cases that we test conditions from the quantities that can be mea- considered in our previous paper and compare to ex- sured in the test stream. In an impulse facility such as periments. These cases are Runs 28 and 35, which are the shock tunnel used in the present experiments, the sharp double-cones at Mach 9.5 and 11.3, and Runs 11 pressure and enthalpy in the reflected shock region are and 14, which are hollow-cylinder / extended flares at known. The test-section pitot pressure can be mea- the same Mach numbers. We also perform the same sured easily, and the heat transfer rate to a reference analysis on new 25° cone heat transfer rate data from probe can also be measured. Holden. In Holden's experiments, calibration runs are per- formed before the actual test conditions to verify the uniformity of the section flow. Then the tests are per- formed at the same nominal conditions as the cali- 8 - 2 RTO-TR-AVT-007-V3 (c)2002 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization. AIAA 2002-0581 3 bration. Additional pitot pressure measurements are Thus, we expect that the effect of vibrational freez- made during the test to verify that the test conditions ing in the nozzle test-section is to lower the axial ve- are consistent with the calibration run. To determine locity and increase the density. We can show this the free-stream conditions, a quasi-one-dimensional more quantitatively if we numerically integrate an adi- code is run using the measured post-reflected shock abatic flow while enforcing isentropic conditions from stagnation conditions as reservoir conditions. Because the reservoir conditions to the measured pitot pres- the effective area ratio of the nozzle is not known due sure. The relevant equations are: to nozzle wall boundary layer displacement, the code is rT run to the point where the pitot pressure matches the h0 = h+±u2 = \ cpdT+^u2 Jo measured pitot pressure. Then, the test conditions are dT _ dp taken to be those given by the quasi-one-dimensional ds = c —-R-t=0 p1 p code. This approach has been used successfully for where c is a function of temperature. Using the reser- a long time, but usually for air rather than nitrogen, p voir conditions for Run 35 of p = 547 psi = 3.77MPa and at higher pressures than considered in the present 0 and h = 4.12 x 107ft2/sec2 = 3.83MJ/kg, we com- experiments. 0 pute an equilibrium reservoir temperature of T = It should be noted that in the hypersonic limit, the 0 3176 K and density of p = 3.998 kg/m3. At these Rayleigh pitot pressure formula 0 conditions, there is only a very small amount of disso- ciation, which is neglected. If we then expand the reservoir gas to the measured pitot pressure of 0.541 psi using the above equations and assuming an equilibrium simple harmonic oscil- reduces to lator, we obtain the test-section conditions given in Table 1. If instead, we assume that the gas freezes at Po2 = the throat temperature, we obtain a different set of conditions, also given in the table. &, O A Note that in the above equation and in Table 1, 27 47 the Mach number is computed with the frozen speed where p is the measured pitot pressure and oc de- o2 of sound. It should be noted that to obtain these re- notes free-stream conditions. Thus, the pitot pressure sults, we have used one additional piece of informa- is simply a measurement of the kinetic energy per unit tion, namely we must be able to compute the pitot volume, or the axial- direct ion momentum flux. pressure from the vibrational nonequilibrium condi- Note that in an ideal adiabatic expansion to hyper- tions. We have performed CFD simulations of the sonic conditions, we have flow over the pitot probes used in the experiments using a two-temperature, finite-rate relaxation model — r T 4- ln2 ~ !? — Cp-L i 2 — 2 for nitrogen. These calculations show that under the conditions of interest, the Rayleigh pitot pressure for- where we have assumed that ^u2 ^> c T. Thus given p mula gives the correct value of pitot pressure, p ^. For the reservoir enthalpy, we know the value of u2 at all lo- 0 example, the CFD simulation at the nonequilibrium cations in the inviscid portion of the nozzle flow. Now, since the pitot pressure measurement gives us p^u^, all we have effectively measured is the free-stream den- TABLE 1. Computed test-section conditions for Run sity in an ideal expansion. 35 conditions using equilibrium and frozen flow as- Now consider what happens if there is vibrational sumptions. Adiabatic, isentropic expansion. energy frozen in the flow during the expansion. We have Case Equilibrium Frozen •^u — h, — 6 , TOO (K) 133.9 99.38 o V T,oo (K) 133.9 2768 where e* is the vibrational energy per unit mass frozen Poo (g/m3) 0.548 0.612 in the flow. Thus for this non-ideal expansion, the UOQ (m/s) 2716 2571 kinetic energy will be lower than in an ideal expan- 11.51 12.65 Moo sion. And therefore, to achieve the same measured AX>T& (Pa) 4044 4045 pitot pressure, the free-stream density will have to be Poot& (W/cm2) 1098 1040 larger. RTO-TR-AVT-007-V3 8 - 3 (c)2002 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization. 4 AIAA 2002-0581 conditions given in Table 1 gives a pitot pressure of Initial simulations of the nozzle flow were discour- Po2 = 0.541 psi, which is the value obtained from the aging, with the centerline pitot pressure significantly Rayleigh pitot pressure formula at these conditions. over-predicted. This is caused by the turbulence model This analysis of adiabatic, isentropic expansions over-predicting the boundary layer displacement thick- with equilibrium and frozen vibration shows that for ness in the nozzle exit plane. This may be a result a given pitot pressure, vibrational freezing reduces the of a deficiency in the turbulence model at high Mach axial velocity and increases the density. We can es- numbers and low densities, or some other effect. Pre- timate how this difference in the test-section condi- vious simulations of hypersonic nozzles showed signif- tions will affect the surface pressure and heat transfer. icant variations in the computed test-section condi- To first order, the surface pressure scales with Poo^, tions depending on the choice of the turbulence model, while the heat transfer rate scales with pooU^. Table with the Baldwin-Lomax model typically giving inter- 1 gives these quantities for the two conditions consid- mediate values for the boundary layer displacement ered. Note that there is virtually no change in the thickness.8 In any case, we were therefore forced to dynamic pressure, as expected from the pitot pressure perform parametric studies where we allowed the flow scaling argument given above. However, since the ve- to "relaminarize" (which is a fancy term for turning locity is lower, the kinetic energy flux is reduced by off the turbulence model) at different locations. This 5.3%; this reduction will likely result in a lower heat may not be completely arbitrary given that there is transfer rate in the nonequilibrium case. a very strong favorable pressure gradient and the test conditions are at a low density. With this approach, we were able to adjust the relaminarization location to Nozzle Flow Simulations match the measured displacement thickness for most The preceding analysis shows that vibrational freez- of the test conditions. ing is likely to reduce the measured heat transfer rate. For example, consider Fig. 2 which plots the mea- However, a more complete analysis is required to de- sured pitot pressure for the Run 35 calibration run termine how much vibrational freezing occurs and to with the results of two nozzle simulations. Again, note assess the additional non-ideal effects in the nozzle that the fully turbulent calculation over-predicts the flow. Thus, we have performed a series of CFD simu- displacement thickness, resulting in a smaller effective lations of the nozzle flows. We solve the axisymmet- area ratio and a larger pitot pressure. When the flow ric compressible Navier-Stokes equations, along with is assumed to relaminarize at 2.2m from the throat a vibrational energy conservation equation. We al- (for a nozzle of just over 6m in length), the displace- low finite-rate vibrational energy relaxation using Mil- ment thickness matches the experiment much better. likan and White rates.3 Nitrogen dissociation and re- As a result, the computed pitot pressure agrees much combination is included with standard rate constants, better with the measurements. but under the present conditions the dissociation lev- els are so low that they can be neglected. The Blot- 0.8 tner curve-fits for viscosity4 are used, and because the nozzle wall boundary layer is turbulent, we use the Baldwin-Lomax turbulence model.5 A second-order 0.6 accurate modified Steger-Warming flux vector split- ting approach6 is used, along with the Data-Parallel 3 Line-Relaxation method.7 I The nozzle grids are constructed directly from the CO 0.4 CAD files of the nozzle contours. Typical grids use Q_ 1786 points in the axial direction and 128 points in O Ql the surface normal direction, with stretching at the 0.2 surface. The nozzle throats are elongated, making the Experiment Fully Turbulent specification of the sonic line difficult. Thus the flow Relaminarization at 2.2 m is computed from the constant diameter driven tube section, through the throat, and to the test-section. 0.0 -20 -10 0 10 20 y (inch) Thermo-chemical equilibrium was assumed at the in- flow, and care was taken to specify the subsonic inflow FIGURE 2. Run 1302 (calibration for Run 35) pitot conditions so that the total enthalpy is conserved in pressure in the nozzle exit plane compared with ax- the computed flow. isymmetric nozzle computations. 8 - 4 RTO-TR-AVT-007-V3 (c)2002 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization. AIAA 2002-0581 5 With this relaminarization location, we then ran a the exit-plane pitot pressure for this case. We have nozzle simulation with the actual Run 35 reservoir con- matched the boundary layer displacement thickness, ditions. The results of this simulation are tabulated in but the radial variation of the pitot pressure is much Table 2. The resulting dynamic pressure and kinetic larger in the computation than in the experiment. The energy flux are also given; note that the computed reason for this is presently unknown, and as will be values are lower than the nominal conditions. This is shown below, this is the only case for which this lack of a result of matching the experimental pitot pressure agreement was obtained. Table 3 summarizes the com- profile, rather than a single mean value. As a result, puted free-stream conditions for the four cases consid- the computed value of Poo^o is 14% lower than the ered. nominal conditions. It is also interesting to note the similarity in the results of the CFD calculations with 1.0 the simple adiabatic and isentropic expansion. Note that the vibrational temperature freezes at slightly less 0.8 than the throat temperature in the CFD simulation, which accounts for some of the differences in the two (0 Q. calculations. 0.6 A similar analysis was carried out for the other test conditions with similar agreement between the pitot pressure surveys and the computations. However, we 0.4 o were unable to obtain good agreement for the cali- GL bration run corresponding to Run 28. Figure 3 plots 0.2 » Experiment Computed TABLE 2. Nominal and computed test-section condi- 0.0 -20 -10 0 10 20 tions for Run 35 reservoir conditions. CFD solution Radial Location (inch) with relaminarization at 2.2m from throat. FIGURE 3. Run 1304 (calibration for Run 28) pitot Case Nominal Nonequilibrium pressure in the nozzle exit plane compared with ax- 138.9 98.27 TOO (K) isymmetric nozzle computations. T (K) 138.9 2562 voo Poo (g/m3) 0.5515 0.5848 Run 35 Analysis Uoo (m/s) 2713 2545 With the test conditions predicted by CFD, we re- 11.30 12.59 computed the test cases. Let us first focus on the Poo<4 (Pa) 4059 3788 forebody of the sharp double-cone at Run 35 condi- Ax>t& (W/cm2) 1101 964 tions to see how the modified conditions affect the sur- face quantities. We use the same CFD code described TABLE 3. Nominal and computed nonequilibrium free- above and in our previous work.2 We use the results stream conditions for the 25-55° sharp double-cone of the grid resolution studies that we performed in the and hollow-cylinder with extended flare flows. past to select a grid that is certain to be fine enough to resolve the gradients in the tip region. For the first Nominal Run lla Run 14a Run 28b Run 35b 5 cm of the tip, we use a grid of 260 x 256 points. We TOO (K) 128.9 156.1 185.6 138.9 also performed DSMC calculations of this flow field, Poo (g/m3) 0.5066 0.7937 0.6545 0.5515 similar to those performed in Ref. 9. UQQ (m/s) 2609 2432 2664 2713 Figure 4 plots the computed heat transfer rate and 11.10 9.50 9.59 11.30 Moo surface pressure based on the nominal Run 35 con- Nonequilibrium Run 11 Run 14 Run 28 Run 35 ditions and the nonequilibrium conditions computed TOO (K) 98.69 114.1 140.0 99.38 with CFD. As expected because of the lower value of T (K) 2497 2269 2589 2768 voo pooU^, the heat transfer rate is lower for the nonequi- Poo (g/m3) 0.5866 0.7506 0.7372 0.6120 librium test conditions. Our continuum results still UQO (m/s) 2485 2327 2538 2571 over-predict the heat transfer rate by about 10%, and 12.27 10.69 10.52 12.65 Moo the DSMC results are generally higher still. The mod- aHollow-cylinder with extended flare ified conditions produce a better agreement with the bSharp 25-55° double-cone surface pressure, due to the lower free-stream dynamic RTO-TR-AVT-007-V3 8 - 5 (c)2002 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization. 6 AIAA 2002-0581 pressure predicted by the nozzle calculation (see Table If we extend that standard Maxwell slip model to 2). The source of the discrepancy between the CFD represent vibrational energy slip (or perhaps more and DSMC calculations is not known. Interestingly, commonly "jump"), we have the computed surface pressures agree with one another very well, and thus it is likely that there is a difference v \ v slip — Av— — in the effective surface energy exchange mechanism. OH wall In our previous work, we considered the effects of a where a is the accommodation coefficient for vibra- surface slip boundary condition. We found that there v tion and X is the mean-free-path that character- was some change in the predicted heat transfer, but v izes transport of vibrational energy. Because vibra- not a significant level. However with the new free- tional energy is independent of the translational en- stream conditions, we need to reconsider this issue be- ergy modes in our model, we use the value of X for the cause a substantial fraction of the energy is frozen in v transport of momentum, namely X = 2///pc, where c the vibrational energy modes. With the elevated vi- v is the mean thermal speed of the gas, ^/SRT/7r. This brational temperature in the free-stream gas and the simple extension of the slip model is based on the work relatively slow relaxation of the gas within the flow of Gokcen et a/.10 for example. The value of the vi- field, it is possible that vibrational energy slip is im- brational energy accommodation coefficient is not well portant. known, but previous calculations11 have used values of a as low as 0.1. 50 v Experiment Figure 5 plots the computed heat transfer rate us- Nominal CFD ing this vibrational slip model with a varied from 0.1 v Nominal DSMC ^40 to 0.85. Also plotted is a simulation with no vibra- Noneq. CFD Noneq. DSMC tional accommodation (an adiabatic surface condition for vibration). These calculations include momentum £30 and temperature slip at the surface using the model CO DC of Gokcen,10 and accommodation coefficients of 0.85. CD Clearly, the calculations predict a significant effect of 120 vibrational energy slip on the heating rates. This is not surprising because at the nonequilibrium test con- ditions, 11% of the total energy is frozen in the vibra- I 10 tional modes. Note that there is very little change in the predicted heat transfer rate for a > 0.3, and be- v cause of the uncertainty in the value of a , we used a v value of 0.5 for the remainder of the calculations. These calculations show that the heat transfer rate to the tip of the cone is reduced by two effects. The Experiment Nominal CFD vibrational modes of the gas freeze near the throat Nominal DSMC temperature, thereby reducing the test-section veloc- Noneq. CFD ity. Secondly, due to the elevated vibrational temper- Noneq. DSMC ature in the free-stream gas and the slow vibrational relaxation in the shocklayer, the effects of slip in vi- brational energy at the surface are enhanced. Thus, much of the vibrational energy remains stored in the gas as it flows over the cone tip. This effect can be seen in Fig. 6, which plots the computed temperature profiles normal to the surface at axial location of 2 cm from the cone tip. Note that with the nominal free- stream conditions, there is essentially no vibrational excitation within shocklayer. But with nonequilibrium conditions, the vibrational temperature remains frozen 2 3 (b) x (cm) except in the near-wall region. The effect of slip is also FIGURE 4. Heat transfer rate (a), and surface pressure clear, with the vibrational temperature highly elevated (b) near the tip of the 25° cone at Run 35 conditions. at the surface for the slip boundary condition. 8 - 6 RTO-TR-AVT-007-V3 (c)2002 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization. AIAA 2002-0581 7 Based on these results, we performed CFD simula- Figure 9 plots the computed pitot pressure near the tions of the entire double-cone flow field at the non- nozzle exit plane at the Run 35 conditions. Because equilibrium Run 35 conditions. Figure 7 shows the the contours are separated by only 0.025 psi, they ac- computed translational-rotational temperature and vi- centuate the non-uniformities in the flow. But, there brational temperature distributions in the flow field. is variation in the flow properties on the scale of the Similar to Fig. 6, we see that the vibrational tem- model (diameter is 10cm). Therefore, we extracted perature remains frozen in the inviscid portion of the a line of data at the location where the model is lo- shocklayer. The gas is close to equilibrium in the sep- cated in the test section, and used this non-uniform aration zone because of its long residence time. The data as upstream conditions for complete double-cone heat transfer rate results are plotted in Fig. 8. The simulation. These results are plotted in Fig. 10. The modified test conditions and the surface slip model do non-uniform conditions reduce the size of the separa- not change the separation and reattachment locations, tion zone, and improve the agreement on the second and as a result do not significantly alter the heat trans- cone. This excellent agreement may well be fortuitous, fer to the second cone. but it is clear that even a small level of non-uniformity in the free-stream conditions is important for this flow. 50 Experiment Noneq. no-slip cCTMO f 230 CO DC CD 120 10 1 2 3 x(cm) FIGURE 7. Temperature distributions in the flow field FIGURE 5. Variation of heat transfer rate on 25° cone of Run 35 at nonequilibrium conditions. with vibrational energy accommodation coefficient. . IV ————— Nominal J I Experiment fS^>^^^ ————— Noneq T I Nominal CFD - | ^^^^X ————— Noneq slip T j - i > ! _ _ _ _. Nominal T j Noneq. CFD v 0.15 • i _ _ _ _ . Noneq T Noneq. CFD slip v i _ _ _ _ Noneq slip T . v -v : ! 11 ; I 0.1 0.05 °() 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 T(K) x (cm) FlGURE 6. Temperature distribution normal to the FIGURE 8. Heat transfer rate on the full double-cone surfa(:e at x — 2.0 cm. at nominal and nonequilibrium Run 35 conditions. RTO-TR-AVT-007-V3 8 - 7 (c)2002 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization. AIAA 2002-0581 Nominal CFD Noneq. CFD slip Experiment 5.5 6.5 x(m) FIGURE 9. Pitot pressure contours (psi) in the test- section at Run 35 conditions. x(cm) FIGURE 11. Heat transfer rate on the full double-cone at nominal and nonequilibrium Run 28 conditions. Experiment Nominal CFD New 25° Cone Data Analysis Nonuniform CFD slip Recently, Holden performed a new set of experi- ments designed to focus on the heat transfer rate to the forebody region of the 25° cone and on the cylin- drical portion of the hollow-cylinder flare. Many dif- ferent test conditions were run, with the total enthalpy varied from 2.41 MJ/kg to 3.72 MJ/kg; the stagnation pressure was also varied by a factor of about six, re- sulting in test-section densities varying by a factor of about 15. All runs were at the same nominal Mach number of 11.3. In contrast to the previous experi- ments, a pitot pressure survey was performed at the same time as the experiments so that additional cali- bration runs were not required. See Ref. 12 for more x(cm) details on these new experiments. FIGURE 10. Heat transfer rate on the full double-cone We simulated the nozzle flows for the new experi- with a non-uniform free-stream at Run 35 conditions. ments and obtained similar results to those discussed above. The level of agreement between the CFD sim- Run 28 Analysis ulations and the pitot pressure survey is illustrated in Figure 11 plots the computed heat transfer rate Fig. 12; generally there is a very good prediction of the for the full double-cone at Run 28 conditions. The boundary layer displacement thickness and pitot pres- nonequilibrium test conditions result in a lower heat sure variation. The nominal and predicted nonequilib- transfer rate near the cone tip that still slightly over- rium test conditions are given in Table 4. Again, there predicts the experimental data. However there is now is a substantial degree of vibrational nonequilibrium in a larger separation zone, which makes the agreement the flows. However, in spite of the large variation in on the second cone worse than the previous results. the reservoir conditions, the ratio of vibrational en- Figure 3 showed that the nozzle simulation gave rela- ergy to the total energy of the test gas varies from tively poor agreement with the experiment pitot pres- only 8.1% in Run 12 to 10% in Run 25. Thus all of sure survey. Thus, our predicted test conditions may the runs have about the same level of nonequilibrium still be in error for this case. It should be noted that in the free-stream. Table 4 also gives the free-stream Run 28 is the only case where such poor agreement mean-free-path, AQQ, which varies by a factor of 16 was obtained, including eight new runs to be discussed across the runs. below. 8 - 8 RTO-TR-AVT-007-V3 (c)2002 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) and/or Author(s)' Sponsoring Organization. AIAA 2002-0581 9 u./ o.u - /\ 0.6 mA 1.2- /\ m/\ 2.5 : /\ /\ I v — ----. * ^^^-w^ \ I "~"~~-_k ^--"""""'m • 1 '""~"\ ^~~~' \ -CQ0O..5- 1 ' " \ g-1.0 • /I ~m ~ ' u i*s ,—g—.v2.0 'I ~~ ^"•-- -" ~~~~~~-~~~—~~*-^m^ -"''"" • • •\ 1 \ §CCCOOD0.4 • ' • S fICD 0.8"I m\ §C0O) 1I1.O;- ti A £0.3 : /' *\ CL 0.6 - I \ Q_ - / * ^ I '• 1 \ I I 4 I 1.0- • \ 0-0.2 ~ 1 Run8 \ °- 0.4" / Run 11 \ CL '. I Run 12 *\ 0.1~ j ___«_ __ ECxopmepriumteedn t \\ 0.2-II ——« __ — CEoxmpepruimteedn t \\ 0.5-•iJ ———• —— CEoxpmepruimteedn t \\ ~^\ \ i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i- / i i i i i i i > i i i i i i i i i i i i i i' 7 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i , i i i i i i '' 0.0 0.0 0.0 -20 -10 0 10 20 -20 -10 0 10 20 -20 -10 0 10 20 0.6 1.0 0.7 0.9 0.6 0.5 r\ f\ 0.8 A-, „ * f\ " r\ m.A\ I ~^_.— .^^-.^^ ^ I0'4 1/ '"""' "" • • \\ |0.7 a— 0.5 ' \ CD ' i m\ CD 0.6 '- j ^ §0.4 ~ * \ - / I lCoD.3 !I !i |o.5 CO - I i I 0.2- I/ U\fc C0L Q4 _ / ''; CoL 0.3 - / '^ Q_ '. i Run 15 \ CL 0.3 : / Run 16 -Q- 0.2~ I Run 24 \ 0.1_ / • Experiment \ 0.2"/ • Experiment \ I • Experiment \ - 1 ————— Computed \ ~j — — Computed \ 0.1- / _____ —— Computed \ 0.1 0.0•/1_L_l_L , , , , ,, i , , , , , , , ,, A 0.0/ , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,, \ 0.0> / , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,, A -20 -10 0 10 20 -20 -10 0 10 20 -20 -10 0 10 20 0.6 0.7 0.6 ; /\ A, 0.5 _ 0.6 1 NV~-., m^ \ 0.5 >"\ r\ ; r\ . 1 -^j--— ^»^» \ ' I v^^-^ -if**' >^ "^s-.°-4 / 1 NV ~^— -~—• —- — -"-r*"•- •••/ ' \\ —a 0.5 1 \ .S.--V°'4 I \ 1 m \ <D • 1 4 §0.4 CD ICD 0.3 / '•; CCCOOD I \ 1lo.3 I m \ Q_ • .' \ _L 0.3 " 1 'f - I m\ .|0.2 |o.2 '. I Run 25 \ 51 0.27 / Run 26 \ '. Run 43 \ 0.1_ , » Experiment \ - [ • Experiment 0.1_ * Experiment \ I ___ Computed \ 0.1-/ Computed - I Computed \ - I \ - / 0.0'/ , | , | | \ 0.0'/ i , , , , i , , , , i , , , , i , , , , i \, 0.07 i , , , , i , , , , i , , , , i , , , , | '}.. -20 -10 0 10 20 -20 -10 0 10 20 -20 -10 0 10 20 Radial Location (inch) Radial Location (inch) Radial Location (inch) FIGURE 12. Pitot pressure in the nozzle exit plane compared with axisymmetric nozzle computations. The results of the nozzle calculations were then used vibrational nonequilibrium playing a larger role in the to simulate the flow over the 25° cone geometry. These lower density and large mean-free-path flows. calculations were "blind" in the sense that no attempt Also plotted in Fig. 13 is a case with a blunt tip on was made to go back and modify the predicted test the cone, shown as "Run 24 Blunt". In the case, the conditions after the data were compared with exper- same cone geometry is used, but a 0.288 inch radius iments. Figure 13 summarizes the results. In all but nose replaces the sharp cone tip. The CFD results for one of the eight runs simulated, the nonequilibrium this case over-predict the heating rate for both condi- test conditions along with the slip boundary condition tions, even with the slip surface boundary condition. show a better agreement with the experiments. Run 12 It should be noted that the measurements merge with is the exception, with a slight under-prediction of the one another at the last transducer location, indicating heat transfer rate with the modified conditions. The self-consistency in the data. importance of the slip modeling scales with the free- Overall, given the stated uncertainty in the reser- stream mean-free-path, AQO, which is tabulated in Ta- voir conditions of approximately ±5%, the agreement ble 4. Interestingly, the difference between the predic- for these widely varying test conditions is very encour- tions using the two free-stream conditions also appears aging. to increase with increasing AOO. This is consistent with RTO-TR-AVT-007-V3 8 - 9

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