T R R ECHNICAL ESEARCH EPORT Stabilization of LTI Systems with Communication Constraints by Dimitrios Hristu CDCSS T.R. 99-3 (ISR T.R. 99-52) + CENTER FOR DYNAMICS C D - AND CONTROL OF S SMART STRUCTURES The Center for Dynamics and Control of Smart Structures (CDCSS) is a joint Harvard University, Boston University, University of Maryland center, supported by the Army Research Office under the ODDR&E MURI97 Program Grant No. DAAG55-97-1-0114 (through Harvard University). This document is a technical report in the CDCSS series originating at the University of Maryland. Web site http://www.isr.umd.edu/CDCSS/cdcss.html Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. 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SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT see report 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE 9 unclassified unclassified unclassified Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 subm. to ACC 2C00 Stabilization of LTI Systems with Communication Constraints1 Dimitris Hristu2 University of Maryland, Institute for Systems Research, College Park, MD 20742 e-mail: [email protected] tational complexity and are appealing because they Abstract quantify the amount of \attention" that the controller paystoeachcomponentoftheunderlyingsystem. Pre- This workis directed towardsexploring interactionsof vious work has addressed problems involving stabiliz- communication and control in systems with communi- ing anLTIsystemwhenonlysomeofits output(s)can cation constraints. Examples of such systems include be measured at one time [10]. That work explored the groupsofautonomousvehicles,MEMSarraysandsys- e(cid:11)ects of communicating sequentially with each of a temswhosesensorsandactuatorsaredistributedacross set of linear systems and described a method for sta- anetwork. Weextendsomerecentresultsinvolvingsta- bilizing all systems in the set. This paper extends and bilizationofLTIsystemsunderlimitedcommunication completes those results, taking into account communi- and address a class of feed-forward control problems cation constraints that are present both when making for the systems of interest. measurementsaswellaswhentransmitting controlac- tions to the LTI system. 1 Introduction We present a new \extensi(cid:12)cation algorithm" that With communication networks proliferating into in- transforms the stabilization problem to an equivalent creasinglymanyaspectsofmodern-daytechnology,en- problem involving matrix search (as is the case with gineers are faced with new opportunities involving the the work in [10]). Our goal is to combine our algo- control of systems whose components are distributed rithm together with recent results on tracking for net- acrossa networkandwhicharesupposedto operatein worked control systems ([8]) so that closed-loop track- a coordinated manner. Examples of such systems in- ing can be achieved for the systems of interest. For clude groupsof vehicles, satellite clusters,mobile com- related problems in hybrid system theory see [3], [5] munications,MEMSarraysandothers. Thechallenges [4], and [12]. Work discussing systems with communi- that these systems presentgo beyondproblems associ- cation constraints can be found in [2], [11] and others. ated with increased dimensionality. Frequently, their performance is limited not because of lack of compu- 2 A Prototype Computer-Controlled System tational power but because of lack of time on a shared network of sensors and actuators. This has lead to Consider an n-dimensional LTI system G(s) with recente(cid:11)ortstowardsbringingtogetheraspectsofcon- input u 2 m, and output y 2 p. The system trol and communication under a framework that will R R is driven by a computer or other digital controller lead to a better understanding of controlsystems with (Fig. 1) that may be remotely located and which does communication constraints. not have simultaneous access to all inputs/outputs of One way to jointly formulate control and communica- the control system. In particular: tion problems is to employ the idea of a \communica- (cid:15) The controller sends commands to and receives tion sequence" [6] which allows multiple (sub)systems inputs from the system every (cid:1) units of time, via a to share the attention of a centralized controller [8]. zero-order-holdstage. Communicationsequencesbringforthsomeofthecon- (cid:15) Inputs/outputs are communicated through a bus nections between control, communication and compu- which has limited capacity. Speci(cid:12)cally, the bus can \carry"at mostb>0 signals, with b<m+p, b2 (cid:3). 1ThisworkwasfundedbyNSFGrantno. EEC94-02384and N AROGrantno.DAAG55-97-1-0144. Typically, the capacity of the communication bus 2This work was done while the author was with the Divi- will be divided between input and output signals, sionofEngineeringandAppliedSciencesatHarvardUniversity, Cambridge,MA. with br channels devoted to sampling the output of and with the transmission of those samples through the communication bus. De(cid:12)nition 2 Consider a computer-controlled system G(z) with b < b (b < b) being the dimension of the w r input (output) communication bus. A pair of commu- nication sequences σ 2 m(cid:2)N, σ 2 p(cid:2)N is admis- w r E E sible if: Figure 1: A closed-loop computer-controlled system (cid:15) Pkσw(i)k2 (cid:20)bw,Pkσr(i)k2 (cid:20)br 8i=0,...,N −1 (cid:15) m σ (i)+ p σ (i)(cid:20)b 8i=0,...,N −1 j=1 w j=1 r (cid:15) Spanfσ (0),...,σ (N −1)g= m and the underlying LTI system and bw channels used for Spanfσw(0),...,σ w(N −1)g= Rp transmitting control inputs. We will refer to these r r R Theaboveconditionsrequirethatnomorethanb (b ) two groups of channels as the \input" and \output w r ofthesysteminputs(outputs)areupdated(measured) bus." Of course, b and b may change at any time as r w by the controller at every step and that the pair long as b +b = b. This represents a rather general r w (σ ,σ ) allows communication with all inputs (out- setting for controller/plant communication, allowing w r puts) of the linear system at least once every period. for dynamic recon(cid:12)guration of the available channels. We will use the terms \narrow" (b < m or b < p) w r 3 Stabilization with Limited Communication and \wide" (b (cid:21) m and b (cid:21) p) to describe the w r communication bus. We now focus on the problem of stabilizing systems Inthefollowingitwillbeconvenienttousethediscrete- like the one discussed in the previous section, using time equivalent of the linear system G(s): static output feedback (see Fig. 1). We will take the numberofinputandoutputchannels(b andb )tobe w r x(k+1) = Ax(k)+Bu(k) constant. y(k) = Cx(k) (1) Problem Statement 1 Given: a computer- Each element of u retains its value (by virtue of the controlled system G(z) with b ,b 2 N(cid:3),b +b = b ZOH stage) until that element is updated by the con- r w r w denoting the size of the input and output commu- troller. At the same time, the controller may only re- nication busses and a pair of admissible N-periodic ceivepartialinformationabouttheoutputy(k). When communication sequences σ ,σ 2 p(cid:2)N, m(cid:2)N, (cid:12)nd the communication bus is narrow, one possibility is to a constant feedback gain Γ 2r wp(cid:2)mEtpheart sEtapbeirlizes the choose a sequence of operations for the switches (see R system under output feedback. Fig. 1) that select which inputs/outputs are to be up- dated/sampled at a particular time. This leads us to the notion of a \communication sequence" (originally In [10], weshowedthat a versionofthis problem(with introducedin[6])bywhichthecontrollerchooseswhich noconstraintsontransmittingcontrolsamplesu(k))is of the input signals (measurements) to update (read) equivalent to the NP-hard problem: at every step. Problem Statement 2 Given a collection of matri- ces A 2 q(cid:2)q,0(cid:20)i(cid:20)i , and scalars γ ,...,γ 2 De(cid:12)nition 1 An N-periodic communication se- i R max 1 imax , (cid:12)nd a stable element of the a(cid:14)ne subspace quence is an element of R Epme(cid:2)rN =f(σ(0),σ(1),...,σ(N −1), A=A0+iXmaxγiAi (3) σ(0),...,σ(N −1),...):σ(i)2f0,1gmg (2) i=1 whereq =(2N2−N)nandi =mp. Inthenextsec- max for some m>0. tion we present a new extensi(cid:12)cation algorithm. This We will consider the controller’s communication with algorithm is complete in the sense that takes into ac- the system to follow a periodic pattern speci(cid:12)ed by count the both input (b <m) and measurement con- w a pair of N-periodic sequences: a \control" sequence straints (b < p) and arrives at a similar construction σw 2 pme(cid:2)rN will be used to transmit inputs and a for the martrices that span the a(cid:14)ne subspace of inter- \measuErement" sequence σ 2 p(cid:2)N will provide a est. r per E patternforsamplingthesystemoutput. Theentriesof σ (i)(σ (i))indicatewhichelements ofu(k)(y(k))are 4 Extensive Form of a Discrete LTI System w r to be updated (measured) at the kth time step. We willignorequantizationerrorsassociatedwiththerep- Consider the system of Fig. 1, to which a static out- resentation of signal samples in the digital controller put feedback controller is attached, subject to limited p. 2 communicationasdescribedinSec.2. Iftheinput and 4.2 Constrained Control output busses were both \wide" (b = p, b = m) We now follow the procedure of Sec. 4.1, applied this r w thenthestaticoutputfeedbackcontrolu(k)=ΓCx(k) time to communication over the input bus. The in- wouldbepossibletoimplementandΓwouldhavetobe put vectors u(k) arriveat the LTI system accordingto chosen to make the closed-loop dynamics (A+BΓC) the communication sequence σ 2 m(cid:2)N. At the kth w per stable. We proceed to modify this simple situation to step, only the inputs speci(cid:12)ed by thEe non-zero entries reflect the existence of communication constraints. of σ (k) are updated, with all other inputs remaining w at their previous values: 4.1 Constrained Measurements Assume for now that bw = m so that the controller u(k)=diag(σw(k))Γyl(k)+(I−diag(σw(k)))u(k−1) cantransmittheentireinputvectoratoncetotheLTI (9) system. Because measurements are to be obtained ac- By iterating backwardsfor a full period (N steps) and cording to the communication sequence σr 2 ppe(cid:2)rN, assuming that the communication sequence σw is ad- only some of the elements of y(k) are received bEy the missible (i.e. all m elements of the input are updated controller at each step k. The elements for which the at least once every N steps) we obtain: controllerdoesnotreceiveupdatesareassumedtohold NX−1 theirlast-knownvalues. Moreprecisely,wehaveacon- u(k)= D (k,i)Γy (k−i) (10) W l trol law of the form i=0 u(k)=Γyl(k) (4) where (cid:26) whereyl(k) is the output vector composedof the most 4 diag(σw(k)) Q i=0 up to date information available to the controller at DW(k,i)= diag(σ (k−i)) i−1M (k,j) i>0 the kth step. Notice that in general yl(k) 6= y(k) be- w j=0 W (11) causenotallelementsofy(k)arecommunicatedtothe 4 arediagonalm(cid:2)mbinarymatricesandM (k,j)=I− controller at step k. We can write W diag(σ (k−j)). ThejthdiagonalelementofD (k,i) w W y (k)=diag(σ (k))y(k)+(I −diag(σ (k)))y (k−1) is 1 if the jth input was last updated at the (k−i)th l r r l (5) step, 0 otherwise. where for a vector x2 n, diag(x) is an n(cid:2)n matrix with the elements of xRalong its diagonal and all o(cid:11)- 4.3 Combining Communication Constraints diagonal entries being zero. By iteratively applying If communication with the system is to proceed ac- Eq.5foranumberofstepsequaltothecommunication cording to the pair (σr,σw) of admissible N-periodic period N, we obtain sequences, we can combine the results of Sec. 4.1 and Sec. 4.2. By substituting Eq. 7 into Eq. 10 we obtain: y (k) = diag(σ (k))y(k)+ l r 0 1 2XN−2 NX−1diag(σ (k−i))@iY−1M (k,j)Ay(k−i) (6) Bu(k) = Fkix(k−i) (12) r R i=0 i=1 j=0 where 4 where M (k,j) = I − diag(σ (k−j)). We observe R r bic(Xi−N−1) that if the communication sequence σr is admissible F =4 B N D (k,j)ΓD (k−j,i−j)C (13) then each of the p elements of the output y(k) will be ki W R read at least once every N steps so the summation in j=min(i,N−1) Eq.6terminatesafteratmostN steps: systemoutputs We can now write the closed-loop dynamics of the older than N steps areessentially\overwritten"in the computer-controlled system as: controller. We can rewrite Eq. 6 as 2XN−2 NX−1 x(k+1)=Ax(k)+ F x(k−i) (14) y (k)= D (k,i)Cx(k−i) (7) ki l R i=0 i=0 Letus de(cid:12)ne Comp(p)to bethecompanionfoPrmasso- where ciated with an nth-degree polynomial p(s)= np si (cid:26) 0 i 4 diag(σr(k)) Q i=0 2 3 DR(k,i)= diag(σ (k−i)) i−1M (k,j) i>0 0 1 0 (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) 0 r j=0 R 66 0 0 1 (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) 0 77 are diagonal p(cid:2)p matrices with binary entries. T(h8e) Comp(p)=4 666 ... ... ... ... 0 777 (15) jth diagonal element of DR(k,i) is 1 if the jth output 4 0 (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) 0 1 5 was last read at the (k−i)th step and is 0 otherwise. pn pn−1 (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) p1 p0 p. 3 If we now use the F (Eq. 13) to de(cid:12)ne the matrix of the state. If all elements of u(k) could be commu- kj polynomial nicated simultaneously (wide input bus), it would be su(cid:14)cient to \extensify" the state by considering only 2XN−2 its N-past values at times k,k−1,...,k−N −1 (see f (s)=A+ F si (16) k kj [10]). However, because the inputs are also subject to i=0 delays in arriving at the LTI system, a particular el- then the closed-loop dynamics of Eq. 14 can be ex- ement of u(k) could persist for (at most) the next N pressed in (cid:12)rst-order form: steps k,k+1,...,k+N −1. This implies that the en- tries of u(k) as seen by the LTI system could depend χ(k+1)=Comp(f )χ(k) (17) on state values that are (at most) 2N −1 steps old. k where χ=[xT (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) xT xT ]T 2 (2N−1)n. In summary, we have given a procedure for converting (k−2N+1) (k) (k+1) R anoutputfeedbackstabilizationprobleminvolvingLTI The system of Eq. 17 is linear, time-varying and de- systems under limited communication, into a search scribes the state evolution of the computer-controlled problem involving a (cid:12)nite collection of (2N2 − N)n- system under output feedback and periodic commu- dimensional matrices. These matrices are obtained nication. We have essentially \extensi(cid:12)ed" the state from the parameters of the control system together vector to include past values up to two communica- with a pair of admissible communication sequences. tion periods. We note that the matrix Comp(f ) is k N-periodic in k, so Eq. 17 represents a periodic linear Equations 18 and 19 show that after a full communi- systemof dimension (2N−1)n. Although oflargerdi- cation period, the stability properties of the extensive mension,this periodicsystemis equivalentto the orig- form can be captured in a lower-dimensional space by inal system in the sense that it exactly describes the considering closed loop dynamics under the communication policy z(k+1)=A^z(k) (21) that was imposed. whereA^=AN−1AN−2...A0anddim(z)=(2N−1)n. In this lower-dimensionalspace,thenumber ofgainsis It is a fact that every discrete-time periodic system the same as in the extensive form, however the gains can be expressed as a time-invariant system of higher dimension(see[7]). Inourcase,this yields a systemof enter A^nonlinearly. Ifthenumber ofgainsisnγ =4 mp order (2N2−N)n which we call the \extensive form" then the number of matrix coe(cid:14)cients for the exten- of the original system in Problem 1: siveform is nγ+1. In the lower-dimensPional(cid:0)spaceth(cid:1)e numberofmatrixcoe(cid:14)cientswouldbe N nγ+i−1 . Xe(k+1)=AXe(k) (18) Thus, even though lower-dimensional mati=ri0ces arie of- ten convenient from a computational viewpoint, the where Xe(k)2 (2N2−N)n and potential savings in algorithm run times are o(cid:11)set by R 2 3 the memory demands due to the large number of coef- 6 Com0p(f1) (cid:1)0(cid:1)(cid:1) (cid:1)0(cid:1)(cid:1) 00 Com0p(f0) 7 (cid:12)cient matrices that Eq. 21 requires. A=4 0 Comp(f2) 0 (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) 0 5 ... ... ... (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) 0 5 An Extensi(cid:12)cation Example 0 (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) 0 Comp(fN−1) 0 (19) Consider the scalar system By construction, stability of the extensi(cid:12)ed system (Eq. 18) is equivalent to the stability of the original x(k+1) = ax(k)+u(k) (22) system. Moreover, each of the matrices Comp(f ) are a(cid:14)neintheentriesofΓ.PBychoosingabasisfor km(cid:2)p, y(k) = x(k) (23) wecanexpressΓasΓ= mp γ E whereE isanRm(cid:2)p i=0 i i i We assume that the controller communicates with the matrixwhose(bic+1,imodp+1)th entryis\1",with p abovesystemoverabusofwidthb=1accordingtothe allotherentriesbeingzero. InthebasisofthefEigwe following pair of 2-periodic communication sequences: can express A as an element of the a(cid:14)ne subspace σ =(1,0,1,0,...), σ =(0,1,0,1,...) (24) Xmp r w A=A + γ A (20) 0 i i Noticethattheonlycommunicationchannelisusedfor i=0 measurementsoftheoutputandfortransmissionofthe where each of the A are obtained by substituting E control actions in an alternating fashion. Clearly, the i i for Γ in Eq. 13. above sequences are admissible. We want to stabilize the system using a control law of the form We note that at the kth step, the latest available out- puttothecontrollery (k)dependsonthepastN values u(k)=γy(k−d(σ ,σ ,k)) (25) l r w p. 4 where d(σ ,σ ,k) is a delay that depends on the com- 7 Simulation Results r w munication sequences and the current step k. Consider the fourth-order LTI system: The scalar system we began with, combined with the (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:20) (cid:21) 1 3/4 1/2 0 0 0 period-2 pair of communication sequences σr,σw gives x(k+1) = 1/4 3 1/3 −1/3 x(k)+ 1 0 u 1/6 0 −1/2 −3/7 0 0 rise to a 3-dimensional periodic system χ(k + 1) = (cid:2) 0 −1 2/(cid:3)5 0 0 1 Comp(f )χ(k) with y = 1 0 0 1 x (31) k (cid:26) 0 1 0 0 a+γs2 k even whose open-loop system eigenvalues are shown in f (s) = (26) k a+γs k odd Fig. 2. We want to stabilize this LTI system using The corresponding companion forms are: 3 8 2 3 >>>>>>< 4 00 10 01 5 k even 2 1 2 γ 0 a 3 Comp(f ) = (27) k >>>>>>: 4 00 10 01 5 k odd Im 0 0 γ a −1 −2 and the extensive form is given by the 6-dimensional LTI system: −3 2 3 −2 0 Re 2 4 0 1 0 6 7 6 0 0 0 1 7 Figure2:Eigenvaluesofopen-loopsystem,kλ k=3.2. 6 7 max Xe(k+1)=666 0 1 0 γ 0 a 777Xe(k) (28) static output feedback, given that the communication 4 5 0 0 1 0 bus can carry two signals to/from any of the inputs or 0 γ a outputs (i.e. b = 2). Of the two available channels, one is to be used for transmitting control values, the Choosing the gain γ in order to stabilize the above otherforobtainingmeasurements. Inthefollowing,we system is equivalent to (cid:12)nding a stable element of the investigate the performance of the extensi(cid:12)cation and formgivenby Eq.20 whereA andA canbe reado(cid:11) 0 1 simulated annealingalgorithms(Sec. 4,6 ) for two dif- from Eq. 28. ferent communication sequences. 6 Finding a Set of Stabilizing Gains 7.1 Control with Uniform Attention Initially thecontrolleris to divideits attentionequally Afteracomputer-controlledsystemhasbeenputinthe between each of the input/output pairs (u ,y ) and 1 1 extensiveformasdescribedinSec.4,theoutputstabi- (u ,y ). For that purpose, we chose 2 2 lizationproblembecomesequivalentto(cid:12)ndingastable (cid:18)(cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:19) element of the a(cid:14)ne subspace de(cid:12)ned by Eq. 20. This σ =σ = 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 ,(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) (32) isanNP-hardproblem[1]. Onepossibilityis toPchoose w r 0 1 0 1 thegainsγ sothattheeigenvaluesofA=A + γ A i 0 i i i to be thecommunicationsequencesto be used,so that are enclosed in a circle with the smallest possible ra- the controller reads and transmits in an alternating dius. This suggests minimizing the spectral radius of pattern. the closed-loop system The matrices composing the extensive form were com- η =jjλ (A)jj (29) max puted and simulated annealing was performed on the To negotiate the large number of local minima that four elements ofthe feedbackmatrix Γ. Thesimulated are expected, we use simulated annealing on the gains annealingalgorithmwasstoppedafter5000steps. The γ . Our algorithm numerically computes the gradient coolingschedulewasa 1 decayfollowedbyalinear i log(n) ∂η/∂γi and then lets the gains γi flow along that gra- decaytozerowhenthegaing(t)reachedapre-speci(cid:12)ed dient, adding a white-noise term dw with a gain g(t) level of 0.1. A plot of the cooling schedule is shown that decays to zero: in Fig. 3. Choosing \good" cooling schedules for the stabilization problem considered here remains an open ∂η dγi = dt+g(t)dw. (30) problem. Inthiscase,thespectralradiusdidnotreach ∂γ i valuesbelowunity. Theevolutionofthespectralradius The\coolingschedule"g(t)shouldgotozeroast!1, isshowninFig.4. Theresulting(cid:12)naleigenvaluesofthe butitshoulddosoataslowenoughrateforthespectral extensi(cid:12)ed system are shown in Fig. 5, corresponding radius to approach the global minimum. to a closed-loop system that was unstable. p. 5 7.2 Towards Optimal Communication Next, we investigated a period-four pair of communi- cation sequences, Cooling Schedule 50 (cid:18)(cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:19) 1 1 1 0 40 σw =σr = 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 ,(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) (33) 30 that devote three cycles to the pair (u ,y ) for every 1 1 20 one cycle allocated to (u ,y ). The above sequences 2 2 were chosen after some experimentation and by notic- 10 ing that the upper-left 2(cid:2)2 block of the dynamics for thestateevolution(Eq.31)hasalargerspectralradius 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 than thelower-rightblock (whenthe couplingbetween the two blocks is removed). As a result, communicat- Figure 3: Cooling schedule. ingmoreoftenwiththe(u ,y )pairmayleadtobetter 1 1 performance. Thecoolingschedulewasthesameasintheuniformat- tention case. This time, simulatedannealingstabilized the closed-loopsystem, reducing the spectralradius to 0.795. The (cid:12)nal closed-loop eigenvalues are shown in Spectral Radius Fig. 6. with the evolution of the spectral radius of the 6 5 1 4 0.5 3 2 m 0 I 1 00 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 −0.5 Figure 4: Evolution of spectral radius (uniform atten- −1 tion). −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 Re Figure 6: Closed-loop eigenvalues with non-uniform at- tention, λ =0.795. max system shown in Fig. 7. 3 Spectral Radius 2 4 1 3.5 m 0 3 I 2.5 −1 2 −2 1.5 1 −3 −4 −2 0 2 4 0.5 Re 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Figure5:Closed-loopeigenvalueswithuniformattention, kλmaxk=2.7. Figure 7: Evolution of spectral radius (non-uniform at- tention). p. 6 8 Combining Stabilization with Feed-forward where Control 2 3 2 3 ψ(1) v(0) 6 7 6 7 We outline a method for combining stabilization and ψ~=4 66 ψ(.2) 77 v~=66 v(.1) 77, (40) 4 . 5 4 . 5 feed-forward control. Consider an LTI system subject . . to communication constraints as described in Sec. 2 ψ(µ) v(µ−1) and assume that a stabilizing feedback matrix Γ has been computed. Let fydgkkm=1, (yd(k) 2 Rp,km > 0 be µ=km/(2N −1) and a desired output sequence of (cid:12)nite duration, which we 4 want to track with the output of the system of Fig. 1. (cid:3)=[(cid:3) ] (41) ij That is, we allow the controller to send signals of the with each (2N −1)p(cid:2)(2N −1)m block (cid:3) given by form ij u(k)=Γy(k−d(σ ,σ ,k))+u0(k) (34) 8 (cid:16)Q (cid:17) w r >< C (i) j A (q) B (j) i>j where d() is a delay due to the communication con- c q=i c c straints. The signal u0(k) is a feed-forward term (cid:3)ij =>: Cc(i)Bc(j) i=j (42) 0 j >i whichissubjecttothesamecommunicationconstraints (σr,σ(w)) as the feedback signal so that it may be su- If p (cid:21) m, (cid:3) has more rows than columns. If (cid:3) has perimposed on the stabilizing inputs transmitted by maximal column-rank, then we can use its generalized the controller as Eq. 34 shows. We want to select the inverse to compute the feed-forward control sequence sequence u0(k),k =0,...,k so that the error: m that will minimize the tracking error (Eq. 35) by: Xkm v(cid:3) =((cid:3)T(cid:3))−1(cid:3)T(ψ −ψ ) (43) jjy (k)−y(k)jj (35) d ic d i=0 whereψ isthee(cid:11)ectofinitialconditionsfortheplant ic state x(0). The vector ψ will be comprised of the is minimized. In the following, we assume that the ic samples of the sequence duration (k ) of the desired signal is a multiple of m (2N −1). y (k)=CAkx(0) (44) ic If the desired output y (k) is known a-priori, then d according to Eq. 37, 40. we can make use of operator-based approaches [8] for this \preview tracking" problem, suitably modi(cid:12)ed for Therearetwonecessaryconditionsfor(cid:3)tobeinjective. discrete-time systems. In short, consider the LTI sys- First, the original system (Eq. 1) have normal rank: tem discussed in Sec. 2, in its periodic form of Eq. 17 limsupjzj=1rank(C(zI −A)−1B)=m (45) χ(k+1)=A (k)χ(k) (36) c Second, the communication sequences σ ,σ must be r w with Ac(k) = Comp(fk) N-periodic, de(cid:12)ned by admissible,topreventfromconsistently\ignoring"any Eq. 15, 16. The dynamics of the stabilized system oftheinputsoroutputs. Althoughtheseareonlyneces- (Eq. 36) must be modi(cid:12)ed to reflect the presence of saryconditions,isispossibletomodifymatterssothat the feed-forward signal u0(k). Let they are also su(cid:14)cient, by rede(cid:12)ning v~(k) in Eq. 39 to be: 2 3 v(k) =4 [uT (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) uT uT ]T v(−2N −1) (k−2N+2) (k−1) (k) 6 . 7 ψ(k) =4 [yT (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) yT yT ]T (37) 66 .. 77 (k−2N+2) (k−1) (k) 66 v(−1) 77 6 7 then v~=6 v(0) 7 (46) 6 7 6 v(1) 7 6 7 χ(k+1) = Ac(k)χ(k)+Bc(k)v(k) 4 .. 5 . ψ(k) = Cc(k)χ(k) (38) v(µ−1) where B 2 (2N−1)n(cid:2)m and C 2 (2N−1)p(cid:2)(2N−1)n and (cid:3) to be the new map that takes v~ to y~. This c c will be determRined by the choice of cRommunication se- corresponds to considering the \past" 2N −1 samples quence andthe parametersof the underlying liner sys- of v in order to ensure injectivity of the new map (cid:3). tem. From a least-squarespoint of view, if the costfunction penalizes the deviation from a given output y(0), then Now,feed-forwardinputsequencesaremappedto out- the controller must be given the chance to a(cid:11)ect y(0). puts by Thiscanonlybeguaranteedifweareallowedtochoose ψ~=(cid:3)v~ (39) the 2N −1 inputs preceding that output. This is not p. 7 surprising if we recall the n-step controllability results [2] V.S.BorkarandS.K.Mitter. LQGcontrolwith for discrete-time LTI systems. If the above conditions communicationconstraints. TechnicalReportLIDS-P- aresatis(cid:12)edthennon-zeroinputssentbythecontroller 2326, MIT, 1995. to the LTI system will produce non-zero outputs and [3] M. S. Branicky,V. S. Borkar,, and S.K. Mitter. (cid:3) will be kernel-free. We will not give a formal proof Auni(cid:12)edframeworkforhybridcontrol: modelandop- of this here; a moredetailed argumentcan be found in timalcontroltheory. IEEE Transactions on Automatic [9]. Control, 43(1):31{45,January 1998. 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The spectral theory: discrete systems with periodic feed- work presented here builds on previous versions of the back. SIAM Journal of Control, 10(1):1{13, February extensi(cid:12)cationalgorithminordertohandleconstraints 1972. a(cid:11)ecting both control and measurements. There are [8] D. Hristu. Generalizedinversesfor (cid:12)nite-horizon several issues that present opportunities for further tracking.ToappearinProc.ofthe38IEEEConference workrelatedtotheextensi(cid:12)cationalgorithm,including on Decision and Control, December 1999. methods for (cid:12)nding \good" communication sequences and cooling schedules. In addition, it would be desir- [9] D. Hristu. Optimal Control with Limited Com- abletoinvestigateboundsforthespectralradiusofthe munication. PhD thesis, Harvard University, Div. of extensive form so that stopping criteria for our simu- Engineering and Applied Sciences, 1999. lated annealing algorithm can be constructed. [10] D. Hristu and K.Morgansen. Limited communi- cationcontrol.SystemsandControlLetters,37(4):193{ We have outlined a method for combining basic feed- 205, July 1999. forward control with the extensive form. Closed- [11] P. Voulgaris. Control of asynchronous sampled loop tracking is a logical next step that remains to data systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Con- be addressed. Finally, although our model for lim- trol, 39(7):1451{1455,July 1994. ited communication assumes timely arrival of each in- put/outputsamplefrom/tothecontroller,thismaynot [12] W.S.WongandR.W.Brockett.Systemswith(cid:12)- bethecaseinmayrealisticsituations(i.e. controlover nitebandwidthconstraints-partII:Stabilizationwith the Internet). Current e(cid:11)orts are focused on develop- limited information feedback. IEEE Transactions on ing models that can handle variability in the arrivals Automatic Control, 42(5):1049{1052,May 1999. ofcontrolsamplesaswellas\lost"samples thatfailto arrive at their destination. 10 Acknowledgment The author would like to thank Prof. R. W. Brockett for his helpful discussions on the subject. References [1] V. Blondell and J. Tsitsiklis. NP hardness of somelinearcontroldesignproblems. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 35(6):2118{2127,November 1997. p. 8