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DTIC ADA430214: Combined Direct-Adjoint Approximations for Large-Scale Design-Oriented Structural-Acoustics Finite-Element Analysis PDF

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Preview DTIC ADA430214: Combined Direct-Adjoint Approximations for Large-Scale Design-Oriented Structural-Acoustics Finite-Element Analysis

REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE toe APRE-SR-ARARLA: out Ena 2005 ic T kaw 2008 = 20 Noe 2008 Co ined Basa Apexi fr Lae Set sign Oued Stee Asvasies mite Howse Ali ex rir ET Pno0-OL19892 Ji eno ERAT ROE Ei Livi ever oka sa IRE" WR Ua MONE ERTS GRIER TON HME, RAT ATOR ROOM OT aesarret of eres et Scion Univers akan Sead, Wa 8195-200 SRT RT AE ROT T-APOREORNOUTOC ONT fac Fme Off Sei Ress Aron Sameer TT. SECHRORGRTOR REPORT ‘Nligten VA 22208 Nimes ten Shea A Ape Sr me eens none, A sornf-rdeuprssimston ual’ reaped or he spe ie alia suey pFrvimstios rg 2 Suicwilaroute joblems Tre matorts howd oe cenkece uation eflom-nte wpprassnaues sf Ov de: 2 0° rch earkiy a spn ores he fot ar mee rr eduction 3 foe de: Andreae css pcbloms erst Th sail spin Sect NET of th ese ner mab er > LOSI ESE AD tegen Sete pause ronal 5 TREE RTS REPT E w [RETREAT Rae re oem a l 206-543 62 Combined Direct-Adjoint Approximations for Large- ‘Scale Design-Oriented Structural-Acousties Finite- Flement Analysis ‘Levent Coskoner BIST RUTION STATS Aphroved for Pubilic Fel ‘Distribution Linkimited, A thesis submitted in partial falliment of th requirements forthe degree of Master of Siencs in Asronaulics und Astronates University of Washington aw rogram. Authoriaed to Otfbr Degree: ‘The Department af Asronautios md Astuorautie 20050218 028 Univessity of Washington radiate Schaol This ep cory that Theve examined dis copy of master’s thesis by event Cosiamer snd have found that it is complete and suis tony inal respects, ‘aid ist any and all roisious required hy he il ‘examining committee have been made Committee Meer Inpresenting this thos in partial fallment ofthe requirement fora master's degree at us University of Washington, } agree thatthe Library shal make its copies ticely available for inspectin. [Turher agree ha extensive copying of "his thesis is allowable ony for scholarly purposes, consstent with “air use” as presodbed in the U.S, Copyright Law, Any other reproduction for ay purposes or by an nteans shall nat be allowed without my weitan permission. Signacare Date University of Washington Abwtraet (Combined Ditest-Adjoint Approxiaation for Large-Scale Desig Oriented ‘Steuotnal-Aaoustics Fink-Blemene Analysis Leven Coskunee (Chair uC the Supervisory Comumittes Dr. ElLivue Depantnant of Aeronnutics and Astronautics | second-order combine apposite dnetapproximate-odjln method for acura and oficintredused onder atelaon of Fraqueney response fo a strucual acoustic enelowure mauled using finite elements x presented. A <esigmorinted approach was oped: not only does the method account for responses itself (uch as displacement, sonics and prowarsleveh) ita ‘counts for sensitivities af the respenaes with respect to design variables. Approsinats fst order onus ware obttined using made dinplacerent der reduction, eud-ender juin soutioms busted on Rite xetrs, ond fist onder Taylor series. A contbined socand-ordr approinaton incomporting toss fist-ondr sprcximations wasn ceated for made with madd design ‘arabes, ond was compared [ofl onder results oF a are Finite, picblem. Accivacy ofthe coun ardee method sas yuandfed ‘Table of Contents, ENTROPUCTION.. CIAPTER 1: ORDER REDUCTION OF THE COUPLED STRUCTURAL. ACOUSTIC PROBLEM. 4 1.4 Coupled sisuctoralacoust probe. 4 1.2 Fulhorder sractural-avoustic rade, io 5 1.3 Reduced-onder simetural-scoustic model 6 14 Selostion of reduced ander basis mies. a CHAPTER 2: A SRCOND-ORDER APPROXIMATION USING COMBINED. DIRECT AND ADJOINT SOLUTIONS ssn onernnrn 10 2.1 Sevund-ordee approxuinstion of salar responses td 22 Second order approximation of sonsitivitss nem aenesnie LD ‘28 Seunnd ander approximations foe the senettal-accusie prablem (CHAPTER 3; THE DESIGN-ORIENTED STRUCTURAL-ACOOSTIC 20 FINITE EURMENT MODEL... 16 3.1 Fino-oleret frrafation 6 3.2 Deseription ofthe Fite element model. ” 3.2.1 Geunetry ofthe fnte-etament mode) an senna 3.2.3 Material properties ofthe reference mods. at 3.24 Maer! pruperties ofthe modified wadets 20 3.2 Validation of the finite clement model ue anarne nee est (CAAPTER 4; NUMERICAL 180 26 4,1 Anmodstion tn the tel 2585. cy 442 Dynamic results ofthe second ord approximation, sual seale mde vn 9 4.2.1 Adjotat based on Ritz Veclors, Direct Desed on Modes ven 38 2.2. Adjeint hasod on meades, direct based oa Ritz weeks 33 412.3 Adicint and dec based on original solution. 34 4.24 Adjcint hase im modes, direct based on original sol = 42.5 Aajoint and dinaot haved on Taylo-sries approximation 38 43 Dynatnic reso ofthe seonnd-order approximation, large seafe model 39 4.3.1 Adjnint based on modes, direct based on Ritz vectors 39 43.1 Adjpint based on Ritz vectors, dieet based on modes 44 Convergenoe study ofthe sevomi-otdet approximation when using a a ‘es-onter approximation CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSIONS REFERENCES, smn 94 APPENDIX A: DERIVATION OF ACOUSTIC EQUATIONS 98 APPENDIX Ws VFI} TRIANGULAR ACOUSTIC FINITE ELEMENT jessnve 107 APPENDIX €: THE STRUCTURAL-ACOUSTIC COUPLING TERMS 00114 APPENDIX i: YH SECOND ORDER APPROXIMATION ia List of Figures Figive 1: 2D Swuctural Acoustic Systen: vm 23 Figure 2: Large-scale 2D Strubiural Acoustic Syst enon 28 Figure 3: Snend pressure frequency response compurizon wena 35 igure 4: Cra (2) 5a Bending Moment eppraximativn igure 5: Ertor (4) ia Presture approximation ann Figore 6: Eror 0 Figure 7: Ervor (4) ia dA approsimatine. igure Bevor (4) in dP approximation gure 9: Error (8) in PISA approximation vend in 6M opproxima‘on. gure 10; ror (8) in Hering appsexdtat.on 9 igure 11: Pra (0) in Pressure appvoxiunation. sl [Figure 12: Pressure responce approximation. 82 ‘gus 13: Pressure response approximation. 38 igure [4s Error (2) i Pressuéapprenimation. a 54 igure 15: Hor (16 in AMAA appeoxitation. 3 igure 16: Eee (24) in PA pproxioticn on 56 Figur 17: Pressure response voomed uy area uF iteest, Figure 18: Tar in Pressure appsoxiuations. Figure 18: Ente in 4N4L approxioatfons. 3” Figure 20; Error in dM3A upproximarions.. ~% Figure 21: Ettae in 4P/4 apprenimations. 61 igure 22: ror in UPALA opproxizaations @ Figute 25: Pressure response appreximelios 83 igure 24: Prewure eegponse appresimatin, n 6 Figure 25: Emor in pressure cespanse apprexitustions 65 Fignee 26. Euro ia bending moutent response approximations 66 igore 27: Pressure response approxiMaQOMM AHO nnnnnneinennnnenne SP Figure 28: Bundling sceponse appresimation zoomed to area of ater. onun 68 Figure 20: Erorin GMT appeoxiniatons. % Figure 3: Figure 31: Figure 32: Figure 33 Figure 3: Figure 3s: Figure 36 Figure 37 igure 38 Figure 3: Figure a: Figured igure a2: Piyuee 43: Higuro 4: igure 45: igure 46 Figure 47: Figure #8: Figure 1: Figure 50: Tar in dM approximations Evtar in dP approximations Exar in dPAA approximations... se P2 Ear ia Pressure approximations nz) Ear ie Pressue approximations 7 Enver in Pressure appronionations % mura Pressure approximations sn Etror in abd appenximations: 0 vor i PI appcoxentions ns . vse [Erotin dP approximations p [Bot in PL approximations seamen 80 [Enoe in dP approximations snnaninnamnscen BL ess erm aproxinton, Lasse (1543 DOF) made “Zonmed in area oiler 82 Er (4) Bending Moment apoio, Lage (1544 DOF) mods! a Bor tn EGA appreioaos epee (383 or) model Ee) dBA arenas Taree 188 ba) Modelo as Fre (JPA apcoaatos Large (1843 DOF) model 5 nor (%) in P/4A spproximations. Large-scale (1543 DOF) model. 87 Eor (9) i dP/AT eppeoxituatons, Large-scale (1543 DOF) model. 88 Reduction in err of the teem order heruing moment %9 approximation Reduction in ertr of the second order presure approximation

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