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Preview DTIC ADA420905: Distributed Control of Nonlinear Aircraft Structures Including Aerodynamic and Temperature Interactions

RECEIVED FER 18 2004_ REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE orsy _Janvaty 26, 2004 __|_nsio11998- 05/442002 SRDS at SOURIS ENS DISTRIBUTED CONTSOL OF NONLINEAR AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES cid INCLUDING AERODYNAMIC AND TEMPERATURE INTCRACTIONS FAg620-68 «0467 Fare ET 2 TT SPRINT HS. Trou. Depanmant a Mechanical Ensineeina STARE HIRRE GLE Blanore, Deparnertof GuiEnunering ais Univery of Ketuly anion, KY e0805-0808 SOCORRO [RFC OEE ASBRER ve gS OREERTOTPORT~ Univesity of Kenueky Reseach Foundation (Oftoe of Sponsored Project admin Kirkead al Lexington, KY 40506-0420 [5 $PisoRNOTTRONTTORING AGENCY WARES AND ROORESSESS [HL SPORSORMONTORS ERATE —] Major Bian P. Sanders (232) 797.8963 AFOSR, 4018 Wilson Gud, Ream 743, Atingten, VA72200-2054 | 1 $1 9oRITONTORS REPORT NUMBERS) topvoved Per putts retusa, prommevenoes* —__ 0040315 027 “ neseaci Imposed shape changes af surface contol af Rexftle Sruolfee fan OVfer many aarodynamia advantages | fignt mancuverabiy and precision contol. Largely deformed srapes and surfaces oer inva noriineat detomatons Studies on the comfol of neningar behavior related tothe deformed suracse and shepe changes would provica delaled information for future cerivolled surface design acd iplomertaton This regeatcn fe coneemed ‘sth the. controling Nonlinaaty deformes stuctures, ag, various ahells ard fexble wings, based on tha smart steutes technology. Ostbuled sansingfechuaon, thermaelectromect anialiontol equations and boundary condone Inclicing elaste. ternpersture and Biezeelecte coupings sre devved and applied ‘o datibuted sensingfecuation and conve of varie noninesr fe! neat ‘2etaspace structures and components made sf shells ard ples. Analyteal tions ere compared wth expetental Gala ‘andlor fnite element sciutions. & new fini elomert cod, cansising of nonlinear/inear plesothormcalastic shall and hexahedral laments, is developed and appt tp varus nanineetTineat asvoepace sucuree wn ar without temperate excisions, Acive cantal of ranosad shane changes, nonlrea’ fexibla deflections, Ferenal deformations, natural fuscia, ‘and dynaric espunsas using diarbuted plezaelect: Sctuato's are studied, and eit nonineat alacs evalsied. [sé SecuRTY CUASSIORTONGR: ~~ TECTIA *-~ TE ROWER] To, WHE DF ESFORSTELE PERSO Sesasrener | OrPades | Homaen teow F7-6200 x8064 aaa Fare 2 BT TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECONIVi SUMMARY CHAPIER 1» DISTRIBUTED PRECISION CONTROL OF LINEAR AND. NONLINEAR STRUCTRONIC SHELLS — THEORY CHAPIER2 -MODAL VOLTAGES OF LINFAR AND NONLINEAR STRUCTURES USING DISTRIBUTED ARTIFICIAL NEURONS, CHAPTER. « PRECISION ACTUATION OF NONLINEAR PLATES CHAPTER 4 A NEW X-ACIUATOR DESIGN TOR DIAL BENDINGITWISTING CONTROL OF WESC CIAPTER $ -NEURAI. POTENTIALS AND MICRO-SIGNALS OF NONLINEAR DEEP AND SITALLOW CONICAE SHELLS, CLUAPTER 6 - MICRO-ACTUATION CHARACTERISTICS OF CONICAL SIIELL SECLIONS CHAPTER 7 - MICRO-SENSOR ELECTROMECHANICS AND DISTRIBUTED. SIGNAL ANALYSIS OF PIEZORLECTRIC-ELASTIC SPAERICAI. SHELLS CHAPTERS «MICRO-CONTROL ACTIONS OF ACTUATOR PATCHES. LAMINATED ON IIEMISPHERICAL SHEA CHAPTER 9 - MICRO-SENSING CHARACTERISTICS AND MODAL VOLTAGES OF LINEARNONLINEAR TOROIDAL SHELLS CHAPTER (0 - MICKO-CONTROL ACTIONS AND LOCATION SENSITIVITY OF PATCHE ACTUATORS ON TOROIDAL, SIICLLS. CHAPTER 11 - MICRO-FLECTROMECTANICS OF SENSOX PATCHES ‘ON FREE PARABOLOIDAL SI[ELL STRUCTRONIC SYSTEMS CIIAPTER 12 - DISIRIAULAD MOPAL VOLTAGES OF NONLINEAR PARAROTOMDAL. SHELLS WITH DISTRIBUTED NEURONS (CUIAPTER 13 - ACTUATOR PLACEMENT AND MICRC-ACTUATION, REFICIENCY OF ADAPTIVE PARABOLOIDAL SUELLS " 96 uw 130 154 16 199 26 23 CHAPLER 14- MICRO-COMTROL ACTIONS OF SEGMENTED ACTUATOR PATCHES LAMINATED ON DEEP FARABOLDIDAL SHELLS CHAPTER 15 - OPTIMAL CONTROT. OF PRECISION PARAROLOWDAL SHELL STRUCTRONIC: SYSTEMS ‘CHAPTRA 16- DYNAMICS AND DISTRIBUTED CONTROI-O¥ CONICAL SHELLS LAMINATED) WILL FULL AND DIAGONAL ACTUATORS (Tinite klemen Developmen und Anslysis) CRAPLAR 17. VIBRATION CONTROL OF TOROIDAT, SHELLS WITH PARALLFT. AND DLAGONAL PIEZOELSCIRIC ACTUATORS, (Five Formulation and Analysis) CTIAPTER 18 - CONTROL OF NONLINEAR ELCCTROFFTASIIC BEAM. AND PLATE SYSTEMS (Finite Clement Formulaioa and Analysis) CHAPIER 19+DYNAMICS AND CONTROL OF ADAPTIVE NONLINEAR. APPENDIX PIEZOTHMRM)ELASTIC STRUCTURFS WITH COUPLED, TLECTRIC, JHERMAL AND MECHANICAL FIELDS (A Tote Blemsne Approach; 254 am 310 su 367 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY DISTRIBUTED CONTROL OF NONLINEAR AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES INCLUDING AERODYNAMIC AND TEMPERATURE INTERACTIONS HLS. Tuou',G. E. Blandford 4 and ¥.H. Venbasys? *Depantenant of Mechanical Enyinering apartment of Civil Engineering Lives of Kentucky. Leainguo, KY 40506-0108 * ytighe Dynamiss Ditoesoras, Wright Laboratory, WPAFB, Ohio 45433 Impased shape chenges and surfise canta of flexi sructurs can rffor many aerodynami olvantages ia Might muncaverubilty and precisien consol. Largely deformed shapes and suetices often involve nonlinear deformations, Snwdies on the contol of realest behavior related to the deformed surfeces and stape changes would provide detailed infiemotion for fie contol suraoe design and inpremeatstion. This sesceeah Js sousemed with the coummoting norliuesly deformed stucties ce, shells and Hexibie wings, based on dhe sua soctors tochnclogy. Plczoctcatrc mattis aro widely used a5 sensocs und acautors in sensing, actuation, and sono! of smart sractunst an stuctonie {structur-lecinic) systems, Investiguiog uf the contol effectiveness of abainear flexible Sievetues composed of piezoelectric laminates subjected to aetodynamic and tmperatire ‘sctarions are proposed, fs assumod thatthe HexTole aerospace stuctures eueouatsr the ‘yon Karman type goometie aaulinesiy Dfezthuted sonsing/acuatine, thermeclseenmashanical oqustions and beundary cxmdions including elise, umparalue and pievelecrie couplings are deriv ea applied to disituced sensingiaclualion aad voniol uf various nonlinear and near acraspace stevcrures and components made oF shells ad alas, Analyte solutions ae commparcdl = ‘experimaral data sno Tite lament lutions A now fais cement sods, eansinving of noalincaelinsarplerachormelatic sell urd hexghedeal slomarts, is covelnped and appli fp verous nonlinesrincar aerospace rules wrth or without tempeniture exeiia:ims. Active carol oF imposed shape uhunges, eeulineae exible desctons, thermal deformations, natural Frequencies, and dynamic responses using dkwmbmed plozelocnic soruutury are studied, and dhsir"nemlnear effes evaluated CESEP'BUTION STATEMENT A. ii “Approved tor Public Gelease Distribution Untimited Significant advancements and ndings on teri, fhe elem formations and results are respectively datlled in varies chapters proscuted he. Chapter 1 discusses. goaric:theuries of piczofetomickhcratcelastic shells anc stated sensing and contol af diseoted parameter sys, such e8 Typical shelplae- ‘ype aerospace suctures. A umber of representative case saidiss of distibuted seising, ‘mice -actuton, vibration soatol and optimet eantn,inchiding beans, pale, tamil sells spteica sets, troide shell. and pacabolilal shells of, atc asspectively presented fim (Chapter 210 Chapter 15. Chapter 16 10 Caaptee 19 vetlne ow tits ela:ca:formulaiom of piczothermoclasife shells, valldstion of codes and cage studies af aodlineelinesr uctires ‘Wi cr without temperature efits, Key publications sre sumnaaczad in Appin Personnel fuvalved: 1, Faculry of Reseurch Scientists H, S, Tzou (Depertment of Mechanical Inginecricg Blandtoed (Department of Civil Engineering) and V_, Venkavva (Hight Dynemies Directoras. Wright Laboratory, WPAFR); Y, Shimatanta (Visiting Pratessor, Department of Mechano-Actospace Eoclueerng, Tokyo Inaiuts of Technology) 2. Grafste Staleats: John W. Moore (Ph, Civ Engineering): Fanghong Hing (Phx ‘Mechanical Euy neering: Dumgwet Wag, PILD.,.Moshunical Engineering; Richard M, iowaed (MS., Mechan'tl Engineering) P. Soituusitie @hD,, Mechuniu! tnginccring) 5. Undergraduate Students: Greg I. DeFlaven (Mocbauial Eugincering) (Catimue to Pht, in ‘Mechanica tngneecire: Jason Cullens; Brandon Craus Clas Reeves; Shawn Still; ryan ‘Mueller: Suot Munie; Tara Coun Brsndea Delis CHAPTER 1 DISTRIBUTED PRECISION CONTROL OF LINEAR AND NONLINEAR STRUGTRONIC SHELLS - THEORY ABSTRACT ‘The complexity of multifield phototheumoeketzomeshanicalvnol couplings of iseTbutd parameter systems (DPS) wvuys posss many challenging tesean’s issues, This ‘multé-feld coupling coxpletety retlects the syneegsticimteratcm of multifaneisnal smart materials, sensors. autualrs, control electronics with machines ar suetis, erabling new istrbuced stuetronic (asucture + electronic) syseams capable af sel€sensiog. diasrasi, fad conteal, Consequently, multi-ieMl coupling and contol of distibuted strucronie symoms further inspires many new resoacch, development, aué system intzgraion issues, ‘his aricl is to present a generie nonlinar piezo(eleoe)-cheavcleinomechanical shell lcory based on c nonlinear piezoeleciic éouble-curvaure sructronic shell cartinuem with pecmissibls boundary conditions. Applications of te generic theory to dstibuted sensing At control of ocher standard linear and aoalineae mmuctorie DPSS (eg, shell anf aon skel continua ur DPSs) bascd on four sytem parameters are also demousiated. Fundamental buckgronnd of the distibuccd parameter sproas iy inttuduced, followed by definitions of Aisurbueed sensors and actantos and their governing equations. Application examnpley and design priciples ure presenicd afterwards. Detaled sensing and enna electrcueckonical ‘characteristics of spevifiestuctmuic continua or PSs are presented ia ltr atic. INTRODUCTION Mass siftness, slate and dynamic characteris of elastic cumlinus, machines, and sruorure: fe, shells at plales) are genstaly "isirburza” in names, ie, ther propenties a behaviors are functions of tine and spatial coordinates. Accovditely, these Sjsteme are vsusly classified ax disribured puruneter cynics (DPSs) and they ats usualy mide hy Pari ieveutia] equations (PDEs). tn practical applications, however, doe to Lhe complexity, discrelitiun techniques ae ullen erployed and, for eamvaniease, te derived simplified damped (ur discrete) poramiter systems (LPSS) ate analyzed and ovale Accotingly, simplified LPS only reveals parts] system chatseterstic ofthe orginal DPS. Similarly. sensing and cone of DPSs using eonventinnel (dsete oF point) sensors aud sctomors at spullydiceret locations ulso pase mlany technical dericicucies. especially they are plosed at (or near) modal uodes or lines nf DPSS, Eventually, ehese modes a seilher stervable nor ecninllable by these discrete wabsiacer. ‘To remedy the diseole sensorotuator deficieneios and te chverse and coutal the elastic USS, spatialy Uislibused sensors and actus are high desiabe | ‘The complexity of mull photo-chetmo-leccemechanicaloonttol ceuptings of ‘multfunctiunal dinribeted parameter systems (DDS) always poses thay challenging research issues over the years, Recenl development of smart sttucrues and slzuctnmie ystems emphasizing syerslic inugrmtion af eomuollable smact materials, cop. Plcgosleuces, shape memory moverius, sleot9- and magncte-stitive material, eloclo. ‘ad magneto-teatogieal Mules, photostieives, maumelo-apisal materials, el, with Righ- performance statues. precision structonke and mechatonic. systems represenss & bigitight of elasical ruli-field eouptng a interations. ln penerl these smart materials ‘san respond tp contain stimuli, eg, stain, force, presume, light, etc and who he actively ‘controled via eleetical field, magnetic fsld,curens high-enctey lights, ete. (Tato, 1998). Asroringly, stuetices and stuctronie systems incncporating. se ainatt muteriofs ew capable of responding to cerain stimuli in a prescribed maunct based on specifi! Rerformance or control requirements (T2ou aud Bergman, 1998), fethenne:e, dhe mul Held photepieco(electc}-magmeto-thonme elastic coupliag and inteructions of smart sinuctures aad staciecnie systems, Figure T, have loon becoming much mene complicated and they deserve in-leptt studies to esblish profound dactbase and denizn agnidelines for the uetLgeneraion higtnperfbemance smart structures and siructrric systens Pratatberinal fect Fig, Mull-feld eouptiag amoug elastic, electric, magnetic, temperature and light fields. Pievoclactrvty is an elecnomechonivul phenomeaen ewurling the clnstis (dreamic ‘uuphing) fed al che electric cate copting) ela, which 96 first ibserved bY the Curie beothers (eeqhes and Piere) in 1880, Pievoolosstic materials exhibit 10 distinct eleciromechaniea) elfeis: the dget piezoeleczic sffoot aad the sonverse piewoelectic elect The former is the fundamenral for sensor applications, og, accelencte, forvefmessure transducers, et; the tate is the buss toe precision actuation aad. cont applications. Llowieves, temperature fluctectim also lafhences the elecfconeckunical Dbebuvior and ths. che twerfisld coupling exeends 0 the three-Feld oupling — the iezofelectrie)snerincelastie enuplng, ag istated in Bigure 2. big2 Pieza(eeetric}thormoclastsity — a pleavthermoeteerraniechasies! coup. ue 10 i versatility in both sensor and actualur applications ¢\asoD, 19815 Sessler, 1981; Dokaneri, 1983; Trou, 1998), piezoelectric materials areal widely od i modem’ smirt structures ond struceonio. systems. Over the yeers, spphiicarcd Dieroclvlicily theoriss were proposed and refined; mew piczosloctiic muterials were Aiséoverod or syathesized (Masoe. 1950; Cady, 19648 MCadlin, 1¥61881972; Terlen, 196 Sesssler, 1981; Dokmeci, 198%; Taou, 1992adh: Rogacheva, 1994). Novel piezoolectric devices were invented and applied wD & variety af engineer applications (Mason, 1981; Sessler, 1981; DOlemeci, 1983; Toru aad Aaderson, 1492: Teo aad Tukuds, 199%; T2on and Brym, 1998: Gabbert und vou, 2001}, Logineering application of Uwe piecveletrc rimcrals started with a depthauanding device, bused am Rochelle salt, invented hy Tmngevin in 1917. Vimy other seniors (ox. accetereinelers, pressure tebsducer force transducers, mieraphomes, ote.), actuslurs (precision muninalitr, robot miseipulsir Lulrasonic mown driving mechani for sexnmiag ttuneling mismscopes ete), smal SMrustures and sirucronie systems (ey, helienytcr rotor blades, airplane wings space | sinistues, preision trusses, ote) lave been dnetmnewed, New devites are sd patented constantly. 1 invented In Ge recent development of active, adaptive for smart) struts, rmicro-eleetomechasical and stntctcaniegystoms, active pitroclecmie and clasicpiezocletrie srneuues (elastic ar eompestte materials integrated with piezacleclic transducers, control clesmonies, ee.) ae, ugain, very promis.ng in both state and yawn applicaliuns. Foumples include aerospase‘sirsraf structures (Crawley ane de Luis, 1987. Hanagal and Gha’, 1985), robst uauaipwators {Tz0n, 1989), vforation controls. and ‘olations, high-precision devices, ratero-teusorsiastuators, thinly nicro-eleetcameshanical systans (MICMS) (Pella, 1997), aeno-cisplauement accation aud ‘eomtrol(Tzou and Pukude, 1992;1992), et. Additional applicacons in smust siructms al Siraxronie systems envnmpsss distbuted stutural consol (Plumb, lubburd, ard Hailey, 1987; Baz aud Poh, 1988: Tzou, 1987, 1993: V29u and Zon, 1997). rotor dynamics contol (Pabazzolo, et a1, 1989), seifseasing actuaurs (Dosel, Laman, Garza, 1992; Andersen, Hagood, Geallife, 1992: Tzou aad HalTkamp. 1994), orthogonal mod’ sensorseetots (Lee and Moca, 1988; Tzou, Zhong, aud Natori, 1994; Trou, Zhong, Hollcamp, 1994), Spree truss metnbers Pason and Gabra, 1988; Tih eta 2001}, nae ccmfeel Hanks and ith, 1998), contol of lexsle robots, active eonsealued davuping (Pax and Xo, 1944) ee, Recalled that commercial Leslusee applicatious ‘were dhumoughly reviewed by Mason (1981) and Sesser (1981), Other recent practical applications inelude plerceleemi damped Skis. eontsol of acroclastic wing Mutter, optical meteriay truss conto, helienpter Disde souttol, noise reduction, active vumstained Jeysr damping, bismvelical applsarons, alzacoaic mous ete. (Lynch, 1996: Ashles, 1998; Gallo ct ah, 1988: Ceha, etal, 1993, Sushila and Keajo, 1995; Lh, 1997), ‘As the finecon coyuinamenl incresos, the goomety ofthe piezoelucrie doviess also cxtends fom the ouedimensional (ID) DPS Ge, rods and beats} lo two-dimensional ‘QDI DPSs (ey, fit restangulae aud circlur plates), and 20 curved DPSs {e,evlindrieal shells. conieul shells, spherical shes, et.) (Teo, 1908), Lincar plezoelastic phenraena and theories hve been studied tor years (Chau, 1986; Deki, 1983; Drunieller and Kalnins, 1970; Mindlin, 1972; Rogacheva, 1994; Senik and Kudvisvises, 19RD: Teou and Garis, 1989). Au umbrelly Hise piczo-ihermo-clasv ehell theory based on « dauble- carvaure geavsie shell was aropased and the derived governing equations can be ese simptifed to account for many Sundird piczoclectic cantinua CIzou and Howand, 1994), Linear thermo-clectronuechanical hehavier and peccisiog postion conta uf distrihated pieauelectric sensors and acluaturs were lap investigated (Kops el al. 1998; Trou and Ye, 1994), As the defoemrcion gues beyond the linear clastic range. the lane defermation geouetric naslnsatty also comes ino eonsidearoa, Geomettisal aoalinearily of elastic shells was investigatod over the years (Libresou, 1987, Palezoto and Dennis. 1992: Pictrasakiewie, 1979; Chia, 1980), Pal etal. (1993) proposed « noainear miedel foe & Piczoclesvic plate, However, geometrical nonlivewity of anisetropie plczothermeclasic shell sinuitansnusly exposed to mecha. elecric, and thennal fickle have wot been fully investigated (Trou and Bao, 1997; T20u and Zhou, 1995). thi atcke fx present mn suivanced nonlinear piero(elecricythermeclastic shell theory (From and Yang, 2040}, distrbuecd sensing anc conto! of arucirouie shell, ad ther applications to ecmmmen 3F Sundard eistbuted stuctronie stures and systems, 2, iilalars, reflectors, nozzles, mirrors, smrennas disks, sing boxes, osket fsngs, Hexible robo, active srl, et PIEZO(ELECTRIC)-THERMOELASTIC CONSTITUTIVE EQUATIONS, ‘AND NONLINEAR PIEZO-THERMOELASTIC FLEXIBLE SHELL CONTINUA Mattematical madef nf the nonlinear piezafeletre)-theeinoclastic shell vantinoun = DPS witk dhe hrge-deformarion geometric nonlinearity fers an umbrella approach thae can be easily extenled tc oulinar sells, (ex. spherical. conical, cylindrical, et) ane Piates (eg, cectamuar, cirelay, et.) linear shells and platse, and atany wher standard shapes (eg. arches, rings, beams, tc). Figure 3 ilustiaes three lundamental double~ curvatue flexible shell continua, in which Figure 3a iJlostres a eenerie douhle-corranore flexible pieeojeleavie}-thermoctastc shell” subjected to echanieal, ehumig aad enuperatire excitations; Figure 3b shmas a typical siustamic shell wih coupled istbuted sensor and actuator layers; igure 3e ilkstrates a compasitepiezothenmoelasic shell with arbitrary seusoracuralne lagers. All tee shells are defined in @ t-crdhogonal ‘curvilinear cocina system in v/hich x and o datiae the in-plane axes and a deta the tmaasverse cireston, Thus, tondumental cheoies, distributed control mesheniss, and solution procedures, ez, derived for Die ynerie nosliaene Mlexible shell 1PPS3 ead be easily appliad to a Jarge nuiber of MexiMle shell ane noueshellsiratural (OPS, In this section, Aundunentet piszo(slzetrc)-temmuelecromechauical properties af a picrnelectic continuum are briefly reviewed. A pererie theory based on a nonlinear piezo(cloetit)+ thermoelastic shell DPS ith the Yon Karman geomotie aoaliaeniy is proposed. and i governing equations arc devived, ig3 Three geoorie double-curvatare shell ‘pa steuctronie shel, and ¢} a structror 2 picrnthermeelestic sell, somposite sell lamiuate. Piezoelectric} thermoolastic Constitutive Equations Piezo-thermoctectromeclanical cunstituve relations, Figure 2, of a generic ner ‘theeuielastc shell contiamuin DPS are yovered by tree Fundamental equations (Tzou and Howsaed, 194}: 1) Strews equation: iT} = fel{S? - fel} - tA). ® 2) Bret displacement equation: {D}~ e](S} + be] 8} | fet. @ 3p Theron entropy cquation: T= 4485+ fpf UR} =<,8 , o sabre {TH {8}, 4h} amd {)9} ae respectively the stress, stein, electric field and eectie displacement vestors; [6], [eh and [8] deavle the slastig ‘stitness coethcien uke Pienoeteccie eneffisiens, and the dilecte permitivity matrices, wsspessively: Tis the themmal entcupy density; 8 is the semperature rise (@~ © - @ wane © is the absolute

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