Dr. B. R. AMBEDKAR OPEN UNIVERSITY Prof. G.Ram Reddy Marg, Road No.46. Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad - 500 033 Master of Library and Information Science (MLISc), 2011-2012 ASSIGNMENTS Instructions to the Students 1. Assignments are compulsory for all the students of MLISc. The assignments in each course carry 30 per cent marks and the year-end examination for 70 per cent marks. 2. The Assignment Questions of all the eight courses are enclosed herewith. There are two assignments in each course. The Last Date for submission of Answers to the First Assignment is 31-05-2012 and for the Second Assignment is 30-09-2012. 3. Each assignment in a course carries 15 marks and the aggregate marks secured in the two assignments will be added to your year-end examination marks in order to decide your results. You have to secure a minimum of 40 per cent marks in each of the assignments (i.e., 6 out 15 marks) as well as in the year-end examinations (i.e., 28 out of 70 marks). 4. You have to work out the answers yourself and submit the same. Do not copy the answers from other Students. If found any assignment copied from the assignments of any others, both of them will be rejected and disqualified. 5. Write your answers clearly and legibly on plain sheets of A4 size. Do not club all assignments as one book/bunch. Write them separately. They are corrected by different counsellors. 6. Only handwritten assignment answers are accepted. Typed or carbon copies or computer prints/output are not accepted. Incomplete answers and assignments received after due date will be rejected. 7. You are advised to read thoroughly the course material supplied to you in the subject before attempting to answer the assignments. Take guidance from the counsellors teaching the subject at your study centre. 8. Candidates who have not submitted the assignment answers as per the stipulated due date and norms are not eligible to sit at the year-end or subsequent examinations. Candidates disqualified and/or failed in assignments have to submit the fresh assignments along with the students of the next batch of MLISc. 9. Submit your assignment answers to the Head (Assistant/Deputy Director or Coordinator) of your study centre. Do not send them to the other offices of the University. 10. Write your admission number, study centre allotted, full name and correct address on the cover page of the assignment answer books. 11. In case you cannot submit you assignment answers personally at the study centre, you may send them by registered post to your study centre so as to reach by the due date. The University will not be responsible for any postal delay. Please collect your assignments personally from your study centre after valuation. Office Copy / Student Copy (To be filled and submitted along with each Assignment) Dr. B R. AMBEDKAR OPEN UNIVERSITY Prof. G. Ram Reddy Marg, Road No.46, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad-500 033 Master of Library and Information Science (MLISc) 2011-2012 ASSIGNMENT RESPONSE SHEET Study Centre Code & Name : Admission No. Course Code & Name: MLS-0 : Assignment No. I / II Student Full Name : Father’s Name : Address : Signature of the Student For Office Use only (To be filled by the Academic Counsellor): Marks Awarded: Essay Questions (2x5 = 10) Short Notes (5 x 1 = 5) Total(in figures) 1 2 3 4 a b c d e f g /15 Total Marks (in words): Comments by the Academic Counsellor: (on subject content, language, presentation etc.) Place & Date: Signature of the Counsellor MLISc - 01 : Information Communication and Society ASSIGNMENT-1 (Units 1-8) Maximum Marks 15 Minimum Marks 6 SECTION - A (ESSAY QUESTIONS): Answer any TWO Questions ( 2 x 5 = 10 Marks) 1. Define Information. Describe the nature, characteristics and types of information. 2. What is Information Diffusion? Explain patterns of Information diffusion process. 3. What are Primary Communication Media? Discuss their importance in LICs. 4. Write an essay on De-Institutionalized Information Transfer. SECTION - B : Write Short Notes on any FIVE of the following (5 x 1 = 5 Marks) a) Data vs. Information e) Spiral of Scientific Method b) Entropy f) Information Theory c) Verbal Communication g) Radio as Mass media d) Electronic media h) Taxonomy of documents ………………………………………………………………………………………… MLISc - 01 : Information, Communication and Society ASSIGNMENT-2 (Units 9 -16) Maximum Marks 15 Minimum Marks 6 SECTION - A (ESSAY QUESTIONS):: Answer any TWO Questions (2 x 5 = 10 Marks) 1. Define Knowledge Society and describe its characteristics. Discuss the role of LICs in KS. 2. List out various modes of formation of subjects and explain them with examples. 3. Write a critical note on LIS Education and Research in India. 4. What is Knowledge Management? What are its implications to LICs . SECTION - B: Write Short Notes on any FIVE of the following (5 x 1 = 5 Marks) a) Private Vs. Public Knowledge e) Methods of User studies b) Market Segmentation f) LIS Journals c) Professional Ethics g) Information Industry d) Tacit Knowledge h) Information Science MLISc - 02 : Management of Information Systems and Centres ASSIGNMENT –1 (Units 1 - 8) Maximum Marks 15 Minimum Marks 6 SECTION – A (ESSAY QUESTIONS): Answer any TWO Questions (2 x 5 = 10 Marks) 1. What is Management? Explain the characteristics of various schools of management. 2. Explain various types of organizational charts and explain the organizational chart of a University Library. 3. Discuss the need for Management Information Systems (MIS) in LICs with examples. 4. What is TQM? Explain how the IT can contribute in achieving the TQM in LICs. SECTION - B : Write Short Notes on any FIVE of the following (5 x 1 = 5 Marks) a) Levels of Management e) Motivation b) Library as a System f) Urwick’s Principles c) Maslow’s hierarchy of Needs g) PERT/CPM d) Network techniques h) System Design ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… MLISc- 02 : Management of Information Systems and Centres ASSIGNMENT – 2 (Units 9-16) Maximum Marks 15 Minimum Marks 6 SECTION - A (ESSAY QUESTIONS): Answer any TWO Questions (2 x 5 = 10 Marks 1. Define Library Budget? Explain various steps involved in formulation of a Library Budget. 2. What is HRM? Explain its objectives and functions in the context of LICs management. 3. What is Marketing Strategy? Discuss the aims of marketing strategy for library and information products. 4. What do you understand by Collection Development? Explain various issues confronting the collection development in LICs. SECTION - B : Write Short Notes on any FIVE of the following (5 x 1 = 5 Marks) a) Cost-Benefit Analysis e) Electronic journals b) Digital Archives f) Market Segmentation c) ZBB g) Barriers to communication d) Job Description h) Drucker’s Model: Management of Change MLISc – 03 : Information Processing and Retrieval ASSIGNMENT – 1 (Units 1 - 8) Maximum Marks 15 Min.Pass Marks 6 SECTION – A (ESSAY QUESTIONS): Answer any TWO Questions (2x5=10 Marks) 1. What do you understand by Bibliographic Description? Explain the structure of ISBD. 2. What is MARC? Explain the structure of MARC format. 3. What is UDC? Explain the use of Auxiliary Tables in UDC 4. Draw a comparative study of PRECIS and POPSI. Give suitable examples. SECTION - B: Write short notes any FIVE of the following (5x1=5 Marks) a) CCF e) Automatic Indexing b) MARC 21 f) Macrothesaurus c) UDC-AEE g) Starvation Policy of UDC d) Dewey for Windows h) Role Operators of PRECIS ……………………………………………………………………………………………… MLISc – 03 : Information Processing and Retrieval ASSIGNMENT – 2 (Units 9 –16) Maximum Marks 15 Min. Pass Marks 6 SECTION – A (ESSAY QUESTIONS): Answer any TWO Questions (2x5=10 Marks) 1. What do you understand by File Organization? Explain different methods of organizing files. 2. What is ISAR? Explain the criteria used in Evaluation of ISAR Systems. 3. Explain the importance of Online and CD-ROM database services with suitable examples. 4. What is a Expert System? Explain the role of Expert Systems in LICs. SECTION - B: Write short notes any FIVE of the following (5x1=5 Marks) a) Internet e) Online databases b) MEDLINE f) Web Mining c) Boolean Logic g) Z39.50 d) Search strategies h) AI MLISc - 04: Information Systems and Programmes ASSIGNMENT-1 (Units 1 – 8) Maximum Marks 15 Min Pass Marks 6 SECTION – A (ESSAY QUESTIONS): Answer any TWO Questions (2x5=10 Marks) 1. “A System is a set of interdependent and interrelated object”. Explain this statement considering a Library as a system. 2. What do you mean by National Information Policy? Explain its objectives and importance in providing access to information to all. 3. Distinguish between Information Services and Information Products and explain various information products/services available to the library users in India. 4. Explain the importance of Document Back-ups Services. SECTION – B : Write short notes any FIVE of the following (5x1=5 Marks) a) Bus topology e) ISO 2709 b) Alert Services f) SDI c) Clearing House g) Open System d) Referral Centres h) ISO Standards --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MLISc – 04 : Information Systems and Programmes ASSIGNMENT-2 (Units 9 - 16) Maximum Marks 15 Minimum Pass Marks 6 SECTION – A (ESSAY QUESTIONS): Answer any TWO Questions (2x5=10 Marks) 1. Explain the role played by AGRIS and CARIS in the dissemination of information pertaining to agricultural research in India. 2. What is a Regional Information System? Explain briefly the activities Regional Information Systems located in Asia. 3. Describe the functions and services of NASSDOC. 4. Write an essay on INFLIBNET. SECTION - B : Write Short Notes any FIVE of the following (5x1=5 Marks) a) NICNET e) ENVIS b) DELNET f) DESIDOC c) Infonet g) SLA d) Medline h) OCLC MLISc - 05 : Application Information Technology ASSIGNMENT - 1 (Units 1 - 8) Maximum Marks 15 Minimum Marks 6 SECTION - A (ESSAY QUESTIONS): Answer any TWO Questions ( 2 x 5 = 10 Marks) 1. Write an essay discussing the impact of Information Technology on Libraries and Information Centres. 2. Enumerate the functions and files of Circulation Module in an Integrated Library Software and explain them. 3. What are OPAC and Web OPAC? Describe their features and functions in an automated library. 4. Why computerization of Serials Managements is difficult? How a software module can designed to tackle them. SECTION – B : Write Short Notes on any FIVE of the following (5 x 1 = 5 Marks) a) Notebook computers e) Data Security b) Loop topology f) Non-Impact Printers c) Special Purpose Application Software g) User Interface d) Barcoding h) Real time processing ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… MLISc - 05 : Application Information Technology ASSIGNMENT - 2 (Units 9 - 16) Maximum Marks 15 Minimum Marks 6 SECTION – A (ESSAY QUESTIONS): Answer any TWO Questions ( 2 x 5 = 10 Marks) 1. What is a DBMS? Explain various features and facilities offered by any DBMS. 2. Write an essay on Online and CD-ROM databases describing their merits and demerits. 3. What is a Library Network? Explain the activities and services of INFLIBNET. 4. What is Digitization? Explain the steps in digitization of print materials. SECTION – B : Write Short Notes on any FIVE of the following (5 x 1 = 5 Marks) a) DELNET e) Dublin Core metadata b) Boolean Operators f) Digital Archives c) URL g) Intranet d) Numerical databases h) Email Etiquette MLSc - 06 : Research Methodology ASSIGNMENT – 1 (Units 1- 8) Maximum Marks 15 Minimum Marks 6 SECTION - A (ESSAY QUESTIONS): Answer any TWO Questions ( 2 x 5 = 10 Marks) 1. Define Research? Describe various methods of identifying a research problem. 2. Define `Hypothesis’. Explain different types of Hypothesis with suitable examples from LIS. 3. What is a Case Study? Explain the application of Case Study method in LIS research. 4. Explain the relevance and usefulness of Historical Research in Library and Information Science. SECTION - B : Write Short Notes on any FIVE of the following (5 x 1= 5 Marks) a) Pure Vs. Applied Research e) Action research b) Literature Review f) Pilot study c) Field Experiments g) Scientific Method d) Anonymity in Research h) Secondary data ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… MLISc - 06 : Research Methodology ASSIGNMENT – 2 : (Units 9 -16) Maximum Marks 15 Minimum Marks 6 SECTION - A (ESSAY QUESTIONS): Answer any TWO Questions (2 x 5 = 20 Marks) 1. What is Data Collection? Describe the primary methods of data collection for research. 2. Explain briefly various methods of presenting the results in a research report. 3. Define Bibliometrics and discuss its scope and application in library and information science research. 4. Critically examine the LIS Research in India. SECTION - B : Write Short Notes on any FIVE of the following (5 x 1= 5 Marks) a) Systematic Sampling e) 3-D Bar Charts b) Cross Sectional Survey f) Standard Deviation c) Delphi method g) Incomplete sample d) Chi-Square Test h) Viva-voce MLISc - 07A : Academic Libraries (Elective) ASSIGNMENT-1 (Units 1- 8) Maximum Marks 15 Min. Pass Marks 6 SECTION – A (ESSAY QUESTIONS): Answer any TWO Questions (2x5=10 Marks) 1. What are Academic Libraries? Explain the role of academic libraries at various levels of education. 2. Discuss the role played by UGC in developing university and college libraries in India. 3. Explain the importance of User Studies in College and University Libraries. 4. Enumerate different sources of finance in academic libraries and discuss them in detail. SECTION - B: Write short notes any FIVE of the following (5x1=5 Marks) a) Purpose of School libraries e) User Orientation b) Faculty-Librarian relations f) PPBS c) Interlibrary loan g) Standards and specifications d) UGC Plan grants h) Library services for distance learners --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MLISc - 07A : Academic Libraries (Elective) ASSIGNMENT – 2 (Units 9 – 16) Maximum Marks 15 Min. Pass Marks 6 SECTION – A (ESSAY QUESTIONS): Answer any TWO Questions (2x5=10 Marks) 1. Define Collection Development. Explain how different media elements are acquired by academic libraries. 2. Describe the basic elements required in planning the academic library buildings. 3. What is Library Budget? Explain briefly the different methods of budgeting in academic libraries. 4. Write an essay on importance on Resource Sharing and Networking in academic libraries. SECTION - B : Write short notes any FIVE of the following (5x1=5 Marks) a) Weeding Policy e) Gift policy b) Performance Evaluation f) Job Analysis c) JANET g) Turnkey system d) E-Journals h) Modular Plan MLSc – 07B : Special Libraries (Elective) ASSIGNMENT-1 (Units 1 – 8) Maximum Marks 15 Min.Pass Marks 6 SECTION - A (ESSAY QUESTIONS): Answer any TWO Questions (2x5=10 Marks) 1. What is a Special Library? Explain how is it distinct from other types of libraries. 2. Explain the services offered by Special libraries attached to R&D organizations. 3. Explain the importance of non-book materials in special libraries. 4. What is Financial Management? Explain how financial management in special libraries differs from that of other libraries. SECTION - B : Write short notes any FIVE of the following (5x1=5 Marks) a) Newspaper libraries e) Information Analysis Centres b) Microfilms f) Open Access journals c) Optical Discs g) Development literature d) Grey literature h) Digital Library --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MLISc – 07B : Special Libraries (Elective) ASSIGNMENT – 2 (Units 9 - 16) Maximum Marks 15 Min. Pass Marks 6 SECTION – A (ESSAY QUESTIONS): Answer any TWO Questions (2x5=10 Marks) 1. What are e-journals? Describe the methods of acquiring e-journals by special libraries. 2. What are Online Databases? Explain the methods of searching online databases. Give examples. 3. What are Information Products? Describe the information products produced in India. 4. Discuss the role of DRTC and INSDOC in manpower development required for special libraries and information centres in India. SECTION - B: Write short notes any FIVE of the following (5x1=5 Marks) a) Information Alert Services e) SLA b) Boolean Logic f) Pub Med c) INSPEC g) Library Consortia d) Indicative Abstracts h) VINITI