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BrainandCognition52(2003)61–69 www.elsevier.com/locate/b&c Dissociable neural systems for recognizing emotions Ralph Adolphs,* Daniel Tranel, and Antonio R. Damasio DepartmentofNeurology,DivisionofCognitiveNeuroscience,UniversityofIowaCollegeofMedicine,IowaCity,IA52242,USA Accepted26September2002 Abstract This study tested the hypothesis that the recognition of emotions would draw upon anatomically separable brain regions, de- pendingonwhetherthestimuliwerestaticorexplicitlyconveyedinformationregardingactions.Weinvestigatedthehypothesisina rare subject with extensive bilateral brain lesions, patient B., by administering tasks that assessed recognition and naming of emotions from visual and verbal stimuli, some of which depicted actions and some of which did not. B. could not recognize any primaryemotionotherthanhappiness,whenemotionswereshownasstaticimagesorgivenassingleverballabels.Bycontrast,with the notableexception of disgust, hecorrectly recognized primary emotionsfrom dynamic displays offacial expressions aswell as from stories that described actions. Our findings are consistent with the idea that information about actions is processed in oc- cipitoparietal and dorsal frontal cortices, all of which are intact in B.(cid:1)s brain. Such information subsequently would be linked to knowledgeaboutemotionsthatdependsonstructuresmappingsomaticstates,manyofwhicharealsointactinB.(cid:1)sbrain.However, one of these somatosensory structures, the insula, is bilaterally damaged, perhaps accounting for B.(cid:1)s uniformly impaired recog- nitionofdisgust(frombothstaticandactionstimuli).OtherstructuresthataredamagedinB.(cid:1)sbrain,includingbilateralinferior andanteriortemporallobeandmedialfrontalcortices,appeartobecriticalforlinkingperceptionofstaticstimulitorecognitionof emotions. Thus the retrieval of knowledge regarding emotions draws upon widely distributed and partly distinct sets of neural structures, dependingonthe attributes ofthe stimulus. (cid:1)2003Elsevier Science (USA).Allrights reserved. 1. Introduction unique entities), or with respect to a particular class of entity (e.g., disproportionate impairments in retrieving A large number of neuropsychological studies have knowledge of tools, animals, or people), depending on shown that knowledge of different classes of entities the site of the lesion. These findings, in addition, are depends on anatomically separable neural systems, as consistent with studies using functional imaging borne out by the finding that recognition and naming (Damasio et al., 1996; Martin, Haxby, Lalonde, Wiggs, impairments subsequent to brain damage is often dis- & Ungerleider, 1995; Martin, Wiggs, Ungerleider, & proportionate for specific conceptual categories Haxby, 1996) and electrophysiology (Allison, McCar- (Damasio, Damasio, Tranel, & Brandt, 1990; Damasio, thy, Nobre, Puce, & Belger, 1994; Nobre, Allison, & Grabowski, Tranel, Hichwa, & Damasio, 1996; Farah, McCarthy, 1994). McMullen, & Meyer, 1991; Hart & Gordon, 1992; A clear dissociation has also been demonstrated in McCarthy & Warrington, 1988; Tranel, Damasio, & regard to processing information related to recognition Damasio, 1997; Warrington & McCarthy, 1994). For of static visual stimuli, and to the processing of visual instance, brain-damaged patients may be dispropor- motion and related guidance of reaching towards visual tionately impaired in retrieving knowledge of concepts, targets in space. Findings from studies in non-human or in retrieving names, at a specific level of contextual primateshaveprovidedevidencefortwoso-calledvisual complexity (e.g., unique entities, as opposed to non- streams:aventralstreamleadingintothetemporallobe that is critical for object recognition, and a dorsal stream leading into parietal lobe that is critical for lo- *Correspondingauthor.Fax:1-319-356-4505. calizingobjectsinspaceandforvisuallyguidedreaching E-mailaddress:[email protected](R.Adolphs). (Felleman & Van Essen, 1991; Ungerleider & Mishkin, 0278-2626/03/$-seefrontmatter(cid:1)2003ElsevierScience(USA).Allrightsreserved. doi:10.1016/S0278-2626(03)00009-5 62 R.Adolphsetal./BrainandCognition52(2003)61–69 1982).Inhumans,thisbipartitedistinctionencompasses aconsistent pattern: B.wasentirely unabletorecognize both the processing of visual information (object rec- anyemotionexcepthappiness,eitherfrom staticstimuli ognition versus reaching for objects under visual guid- or from single words; by contrast, he performed nor- ance; Goodale et al., 1994; Goodale, Milner, Jakobson, mally for all emotions except disgust when the stimuli & Carey, 1991; Jeannerod, Arbib, Rizzolatti, & Sakata, showed visual motion, or when they contained explicit 1995) and the processing of lexical information information about actions. (knowledge of nouns versus knowledge of verbs; Caramazza & Hillis, 1991; Damasio et al., in press; Damasio & Tranel, 1993; Gainotti, Silveri, Daniele, & 2. Methods Giustolisi, 1995; Tranel, Adolphs, Damasio, & Dama- sio, 2001). As in animal studies, there is good evidence 2.1. Subjects thatcorticesintemporallobesubservetheformersetof processes, while cortices in parietal and frontal lobe Patient B. is a premorbidly normal man who had subserve the latter set of processes. severe Herpes simplex encephalitis in 1975, at age 48. Informationconcerningeitherovertorimpliedvisual After a 3-day coma, he gradually improved and was motion is processed by cortices in the middle temporal discharged from the hospital 1 month later, awake, and middle superior temporal region (MT and MST) in alert, and neurologically normal except as described monkeys, and analogues of these regions have been below.Sincethen,hehasbeenevaluatedregularlybyus, identified in humans. It is noteworthy that a large va- and he has a stable profile both neuroanatomically and riety of visual stimuli, including moving stimuli as well neuropsychologically (Damasio, Eslinger, Damasio, asstaticstimulithatimplyorareinsomewayconnected Van Hoesen, & Cornell, 1985). He has one of the most with movement (e.g., pictures of tools), all result in ac- severe anterograde and retrograde amnesias ever re- tivation in or close to the presumed location of MT/ ported. His retrograde amnesia covers nearly all epi- MST in humans (Damasio et al., in press; Kourtzi & sodic knowledge, with some minimal sparing of very Kanwisher,2000;Martin,Ungerleider,&Haxby,2000). remoteautobiographicalevents.Heisunabletoacquire MT/MST in turn has connections to both the ventral any new declarative knowledge whatsoever, but shows objectrecognitionsystem,aswellastothedorsalstream normal learning of motor skills (Tranel, Damasio, in parietal cortex, illustrating the potential availability Damasio, & Brandt, 1994). Basic visual perception, of information about visual motion to a wide variety of language, and basic intellectual functions that do not brain regions. requiredeclarativelong-termmemoryareallintact[e.g., While the above dissociations have been investigated his score on the Benton Facial Recognition Task is 43 for concrete entities and for actions in a number of (32nd percentile; normal range), indicating that he has studies, they have not been addressed specifically in re- nodifficultyprocessingtheperceptualfeaturesoffaces]. gard to knowledge of emotions. To investigate such a Patient B.(cid:1)s lesion is shown in Fig. 1. On the basis of possible dissociation in retrieving knowledge about detailed examinations of his brain in CT and MR emotions, we carried out a series of detailed studies in patient B., who is severely impaired in retrieving con- ceptualknowledgeformanydifferentkindsofentities.It isnoteworthythatB.isabletoretrieveatbasiclevelthe words denoting visually presented actions (Damasio & Tranel, 1993), although he shows impairments in re- trieving many of the words that correspond to concrete entities (e.g., nouns; Damasio & Tranel, 1993). We hy- pothesized that B. might be able to recognize emotions from dynamic stimuli and actions, but not from static stimuli. We investigated both naming and recognition of emotions in patient B., using several different tasks, some of which required retrieval of words denoting emotions (e.g., naming emotional facial expressions), and some of which did not (e.g., sorting facial expres- sions according to the emotion displayed). We focused on knowledge of 6 primary (Ekman, 1972; Ekman & Fig.1.ThebrainofpatientB.Shownarelateral(top),ventral(mid- Friesen, 1976) emotions (happiness, surprise, fear, an- dle),andmedial(bottom)viewsofathree-dimensionalreconstruction ger, disgust, and sadness) as signalled by facial expres- of B.(cid:1)s brain obtained from serial MR images. The dark regions in- sions,stories,orverballabels.Acrossalltasks,wefound dicatetheextentofhislesion,asdescribedinSection2. R.Adolphsetal./BrainandCognition52(2003)61–69 63 scans,itisevidentthathehascompletedamageofboth ble))(total incorrect matches/maximum number incor- amygdalae, hippocampi, as well as adjacent perirhinal, rect matches possible). entorhinal, and parahippocampal cortices (greater on the right than on the left). There is also bilateral de- 2.2.2. Recognition of static facial expressions without struction of temporal neocortical areas 38, 20/21, and naming: Experiment 4 most of area 37 on the right. The regions in B.(cid:1)s brain Patient B. and 7 normal subjects were asked to sort that are notably spared include posterior inferotempo- photographsof18facialexpressions(3ofeachemotion) ral cortex, the presumed human homologue of MT/ into 3, 4, 7, and 10 piles (in random order) on the basis MST, occipito-parietal cortices (laterally, inferiorly, ofthesimilarityoftheemotionexpressed.Ameasureof and mesially), as well as dorsal and lateral frontal similaritybetweeneachpairoffaceswascalculatedfrom cortex. There is complete bilateral damage to basal this task by summing the occurrences of that pair of forebrain nuclei, and extensive damage to anterior in- facesinapile,weightedbythenumberofpossiblepiles, sula. Parts of the ventromedial frontal cortices, and of to yield a number between 0 and 24 (Ward, 1977). the anterior cingulate cortex, are damaged as well. In the present study, we tested B. in a total of 5 2.2.3. Stories about actions: Experiment 5 separate sessions. Most of the tasks were repeated at PatientB.and29normalcontrolswereread30single different testing sessions, and his performances were sentences(5ofeachofthe6basicemotions)andaskedto consistent throughout the study. B.(cid:1)s task performances nametheemotionthatthestorysuggested.Thesestories were compared to those given by normal, adult control contained descriptions of events happening to people subjects (numbers as noted in text). All subjects had (e.g.,‘‘Johnwasdrivingdownasteeproad,andwhenhe corrected-to-normal visual acuity and had given in- stepped down he found that he had no brakes’’), or of formed consent to participate in these studies, as ap- actions or gestures associated with the emotion (e.g., proved by the Human Subjects Committee of the ‘‘John(cid:1)seyesgrewlargeandhescreamed’’),butnoverbal University of Iowa. label ofany emotion. 2.2. Stimuli and tasks 2.2.4. Dynamic facial expressions: Experiment 6 Patient B. and 11 normal controls watched an ex- There was no time limit for any task. Since B. is se- perimenterproducefacialexpressionsforeachofthesix verely amnesic, we repeated all instructions frequently basic emotions, in two identical sessions, when seated throughout each task. across from the observing subject. In each case, an in- tense but natural expression of an emotion was pro- 2.2.1. Static facial expressions of emotion duced after a previously neutral one in rapid succession Eighteen normal subjects were shown 36 facial ex- (<1s). B. and the controls watched closely as the ex- pressions(6ofeachprimary emotion)fromEkmanand pression changed from neutral to the target emotion. Friesen (1976) that normal subjects name correctly at Theywereaskedtogeneratespontaneouslythenameof >80%(cf.Adolphs,Damasio,Tranel,&Damasio,1996; the emotion, and then to match the expression with the Adolphs, Tranel, Damasio, & Damasio, 1995); B. was correct name from a list. shownasubsetof18ofthe36faces(3ofeachemotion). For Experiment 1, subjects were asked to generate spontaneouslythewordthatbestdescribedtheemotion 3. Results shown in each face. For Experiment 2, we showed sub- jects facial expressions, supplied the name of a basic 3.1. Naming and recognition of static emotional facial emotion,andaskedthesubjecttoratetheintensitywith expressions which the facial expression depicted that particular emotion. Subjects rated the faces on 6 emotional labels 3.1.1. Experiment 1 (Fig. 2) (happy,surprised,afraid,angry,disgusted,andsad),on When asked to name the emotions expressed by fa- ascaleof0(notpresentatall)to5(veryintenseinstance ces with the words that described them best, normal of this emotion), as described previously (Adolphs, subjects typically gave spontaneous labels of the emo- Tranel,Damasio,&Damasio,1994).ForExperiment3, tions as happiness, surprise, fear, anger, disgust, and essentially the inverse of Experiment 1, photographs of sadness, which correspond to the ‘‘basic-level’’ (Rosch, 18 faces, 3 of each of the 6 basic emotions, were pre- Mervis, Gray, Johnson, & Boyes-Braem, 1976) or sented simultaneously on a large table. Subjects were ‘‘entry-level’’ (Jolicoeur, Gluck, & Kosslyn, 1984) cat- asked to point to all the faces that depicted an emotion egories. Patient B. consistently named all the stimuli as statedbytheexperimenter(e.g.,‘‘Pointtoallthepeople either ‘‘happy,’’ or ‘‘sad,’’ thus failing to name most wholookhappy’’).Anormalizedscorewascalculatedas expressions at basic level, and lumping them into two (total correct matches/maximum correct matches possi- broad categories. 64 R.Adolphsetal./BrainandCognition52(2003)61–69 each of the 6 basic emotions. The data from Experi- ment 2 can be directly visualized to reveal the catego- ries into which B. partitioned the stimuli (he again classified faces according to 2 broad categories, as re- vealed by the 2 broad peaks in Fig. 3a). We quantified these results with a hierarchical cluster analysis, which confirmed the visual pattern seen in Fig. 3a. The data from normal subjects are consistent with results pub- lished in other studies (Russell, 1980; Russell & Bull- ock, 1985; Russell, Lewicka, & Niit, 1989a). Normal subjects never lump categories together in the way that B. does. Comparisons between B.(cid:1)s performance and normal performance on this task show that he cate- gorizes the stimuli at an abnormally superordinate level (Fig. 3b). 3.1.3. Experiment 3 (Fig. 4) Whenaskedtomatchverballabelstophotographsof emotional facial expressions, B.(cid:1)s impairment again re- vealed an inability to retrieve basic-level knowledge of emotions. While he correctly matched happy faces with Fig. 2. Spontaneous naming of facial expressions of emotion. Each the label ‘‘happy,’’ he failed to match other facial ex- datapointcorrespondstotheverballabelgiventoafacebyeachof7 pressionswiththeircorrectlabel.Itisworthnotingthat normalsubjects(top)orbyPatientB.(bottom).PatientB.namedonly hislowscoreonsadfacesonthistaskisdueprimarilyto 2 categories. For the purpose of displaying these data, some of the namesthatsubjectsgaveweresubstitutedwithsynonyms(e.g.,‘‘mad’’ false positives: he tended to label most negative facial with ‘‘angry’’); names that were not obviously synonymous with the expressions as ‘‘sad,’’ consistent with the dual classifi- namesinthefigurewerenotplotted(e.g.,‘‘guilty’’forasadface). cation scheme evident from the above tasks. B.(cid:1)s in- ability to connect emotional facial expressions with the 3.1.2. Experiment 2 (Fig. 3) namesoftheemotionsatbasiclevelisthusbidirectional: To obtain a more detailed analysis of B.(cid:1)s categori- not only is he unable to name the emotion when shown zation of the facial expressions, Experiment 2 required theface,buthealsoisunabletochoosethecorrectfacial him to rate each face with respect to the names for expression when given the name. Fig.3.Ratingsoffacialexpressionsofemotion.Thex-axisplotsemotionsinorderofsimilarityasperceivedbynormalsubjects[adjacentemotions arejudgedtobemoresimilar(Adolphsetal.,1994)].(a)Directplotoftheintensityofdifferentemotionsjudgedtobeexpressedbyfaces.Themean ratingsforeachface(y-axis)oneachverballabel(x-axis)arerepresentedbypixelcoloronascalefrom0(notatall)to5(verymuch).Brightregions correspondtocategoriesdistinguishedbythesubjects.Dataarefrom1experimentwitheachof7normalcontrols(meanshown)and3experiments withB.Thesedatawereanalyzedwithacomplete-linkagehierarchicalclusteringalgorithm(Hartigan,1975)togeneratethesolutionsshownin(b).A typicalnormalcontrol(oneofthe7tested,D.K.)isshown;clusteranalysesfortheothernormalsubjectsweresimilar.Thex-axismeasurescomputed Euclideandistancebetweenemotioncategories,correspondingtothesubject(cid:1)sperceiveddissimilaritybetweenstimuluscategories.Closercategories areperceivedtobemoresimilar. R.Adolphsetal./BrainandCognition52(2003)61–69 65 which he labeled as happy (comprising all 9 happy, surprised, and afraid faces) and sad (comprising all 9 sad, disgusted, and angry faces). 3.2. Recognition of emotions from actions 3.2.1. Experiment 5 (Fig. 6) Whenreadshortstoriesdescribingactionsassociated withemotions,B.spontaneouslyandwithouthesitation generated the correct verbal label of the emotion for all primaryemotions,withthenotableexceptionofdisgust (Fig. 6). Particularly striking is his intact recognition of fear and anger, two emotions which he is entirely un- Fig. 4. Normalized accuracy in matching names with visual stimuli. Shown are the mean accuracies in matching of verbal labels with able to recognize in static visual stimuli, and which he photographs of facial expressions. Scores were corrected for false cannot describe correctly when given the verbal label positives,sothatrandomguessingwouldbeexpectedtogiveascoreof (cf. Figs. 2 and 3). It is noteworthy that these stimuli zero.PatientB.(solidbars)and7normalcontrols(shadedbars)were werenot simplyeasierthan thestimuli we usedin other given the verbal label and asked to choose which facial expressions tasks; as the normative data shown in Fig. 6 attest, B. corresponded to the label. Note that standard error of the mean is shownfor B.(cid:1)sdata (foreach ofthe threestimuli withinan emotion in fact performed at a level comparable or superior to category),andSDsareshownforthecontroldata. normal controls on every emotion, with the exception of disgust (interestingly, disgust was the emotion that 3.1.4.Recognitionwithoutnaming:Experiment4(Fig.5) normal subjects found the easiest). His severely im- Performance on the above tasks relies in part on paired recognition of disgust was more than 5 SD knowing the names for emotions. In a further task that below the mean. did not require knowledge of the names for basic emo- tions, we asked B. to sort photographs of the facial 3.2.2. Experiment 6 (Fig. 7) expressions into piles of specific size, on the basis of the When shown natural dynamic facial expressions ex- similarityoftheemotionexpressed.Aderivedsimilarity ecuted by an experimenter, and asked to name the measure was obtained from these data. B. again cate- emotion expressed, B. named all primary emotions gorized emotions dichotomously according to their correctly, with the exception of disgust. Moreover, his membershipinthesuperordinatecategoriesofhappyor responses on this task were immediate and without unhappy,whereasnormalsubjectscategorizedemotions hesitation. We first asked B. to come up with the at their basic level. emotional label spontaneously, and he correctly labeled We followed up B.(cid:1)s performance on this task by happy,fear, anger, andsadness, butmislabeled surprise asking him to sort the photographs into however many as ‘‘happy’’ and disgust as ‘‘thirsty and hungry.’’ When pileshethoughtmightconstituteemotioncategories.He given a list of the 6 labels of the basic emotions, he spontaneously sorted the photographs into 2 piles, correctly matched the label with the dynamic facial Fig.5.Hierarchicalorganizationofemotionsrecognizedfromfacialexpressions.Emotioncategorieswerederivedfromsortingphotographsoffaces into piles. Normal subjects (left) distinguished the 6 basic emotions, whereas B. (right) distinguished only 2 categories related to happiness and unhappiness.Facesareorderedidenticallyonthexandy-axes.Pixelcolorrepresentsthesimilaritybetweenfacexandfacey.Brightregionscor- respondtofacesjudgedtobemoresimilartooneanother.Thediagonalshowseachface(cid:1)ssimilaritytoitself(maximalsimilarity);plotsaresym- metricaboutthediagonal. 66 R.Adolphsetal./BrainandCognition52(2003)61–69 4. Discussion Patient B. was able to retrieve knowledge about all primary emotions except disgust, when provided with knowledge concerning actions either from (1) viewing dynamic facial expressions, (2) hearing stories about eventsorsituationsnormallyassociatedwithanemotion, or(3)hearingdescriptionsoftheactionsthataccompany feeling an emotion. The data from Experiments 5 and 6 showthatB.canrecognizeemotionsnormallyatthelevel ofbasiccategorization,providedthatthestimulicontain informationaboutmovementsoreventspertinenttothe concept of the emotion. The temporal unfolding of movements or events is an important component of emotion concepts. The fact that B. can use such infor- mation to recognize emotions, but fails to recognize or Fig.6.PatientB.(cid:1)snamingofshortstoriesdescribingemotions.B.was nameemotionsfromstaticstimuli,suggeststhatthetwo read5storiesdepictingeachofthe6basicemotions.Thestoriesstated kindsofprocessesrelyonpartlydistinctneuralsystems. events happening to people, or depicted the actions of people, that Patient B. was severely impaired in retrieving normallyaretypicalofaspecificbasicemotion,butdidnotcontainthe nameoftheemotion.B.wasaskedtonametheemotionhethoughta knowledge of the emotion signalled by static visual person in the story would feel; he was not provided with any list of stimuliandbyverballabels.Experiment4revealedthat labelsfromwhichtochoose.B.(cid:1)sdata(solidgraybars)werecompared hisimpairment isnotrestricted toprocessingthe names tothoseobtainedfrom29normalcontrols(hatchedbars). for emotions, but rather reflects an impairment in the retrieval of conceptual knowledge of emotions at their basic level. However, B. was able to retrieve knowledge aboutemotionsatsuperordinatelevels,sincehereliably partitioned stimuli into 2 superordinate categories cor- responding to happy and unhappy emotions. The above data provide evidence that different types of knowledge about emotions may draw upon different neural systems: temporal and limbic-related cortices may be especially important for retrieving information about emotions signalled by static stimuli, whereas re- gions in the vicinity of human MT/MST, together with parietal and frontal sectors, may be more involved in retrieving knowledge about emotions signalled by ac- tions that unfold in time. An important aspect of the data is the fact that B. is not completely unable to re- trieve knowledge about emotions, but rather that his Fig. 7. PatientB.(cid:1)s labelingof emotionsfromdynamicfacial expres- impairmentdependsonthetypeofstimuliusedtosignal sions.ShownaretheproportionsofstimulilabeledcorrectlyfromB. the emotion. This indicates that the core structures (solidgraybars)and11normalcontrols(hatchedbars). necessarytoreconstructknowledgeabouttheemotional state associated with stimuli are intact in B.(cid:1)s brain; expression for every emotion, except for disgust (pro- candidates for such core structures would be somato- portions correct were 1.0 for all emotions except dis- sensory-mapping structures, notably including somato- gust;0.0fordisgust).Withtheexceptionofdisgust,B.(cid:1)s sensory cortices (Adolphs, Damasio, Tranel, Cooper, & performances on this task were entirely comparable to Damasio, 2000). We think it likely that B.(cid:1)s intact so- those given by normal controls. matosensory cortices permit him to feel, and to recog- WefolloweduponB.(cid:1)sseverelyimpairedrecognition nize, emotions—provided that they can be linked to the of disgust by acting out behaviors normally associated relevant perceptual attributes of the stimuli. In the case with intense disgust. These included eating, and then ofactions,suchlinkagecanoccur,whereasinthecaseof regurgitating and spitting out of food, accompanied by static stimuli, it fails. retching sounds and facial expressions of disgust. In 4 The set of damaged structures in B.(cid:1)s brain that are such acted scenarios, by two different experimenters, B. likely to be responsible for his impaired recognition of remained entirely unable to recognize disgust, instead emotion from static stimuli includes those that previ- indicating that the food was ‘‘delicious.’’ ous studies have shown to be important for emotion R.Adolphsetal./BrainandCognition52(2003)61–69 67 recognition: bilateral amygdala (Adolphs et al., 1994; andthusrequirerecognitionatbasiclevelinordertobe Calder et al., 1996; Morris et al., 1996), medial or- categorized correctly. B.(cid:1)s impairments in recognizing bitofrontal cortex (Hornak, Rolls, & Wade, 1996), and basic-level emotions from static stimuli thus parallel his insula(Calder,Keane,Manes,Antoun,&Young,2000; impairments in recognizing concrete entities at subor- Phillips et al., 1997). While B.(cid:1)s bilateral amygdala dinate levels of categorization (Damasio et al., 1990; damage could account well for impairments in the Damasio & Tranel, 1993). ability to recognize fear, as well as perhaps other neg- There is another possible interpretation of the above ative emotions, and while his damage to insula could findings. Several studies suggest that emotions may be account well for impairments in the ability to recognize organizedinpartaccordingtothetwofactorsofvalence disgust (see below), his damage to orbitofrontal cortex (pleasantness) and arousal (Johnsen, Thayer, & Hug- might produce broader impairments in recognizing dahl, 1995; Lang, Bradley, Cuthbert, & Patrick, 1993; static emotions. It is likely that damage to these limbic- Russell, 1980; Russell & Bullock, 1985; Russell, Weiss, related structures, whose specific role in emotion rec- & Mendelsohn, 1989b). Although we have not tested ognitionhasbeendocumented,aswellashisdamageto this possibility directly in B., our data are consistent temporal neocortex, combine to produce the severe with the hypothesis that he fails to retrieve knowledge impairments that we report here. regarding arousal, but is able to retrieve knowledge re- gardingvalence.Inthiscase,hemightorganizeemotion 4.1. The structure of emotion categories concepts along a single dimension of pleasantness–un- pleasantness. This hypothesis would predict that emo- SinceB.classifiedstimulisimilarlywhethertheywere tions distinguished by their arousal, such as fear and facialexpressionsorverballabels,thephysicalsimilarity anger, might be categorized especially abnormally, as is amongthestimuli,suchassimilarityamongthefeatures indeedthecasewithB.Itisnotableinthisregardthathe of facial expressions, cannot account for the findings. attributes highly abnormal arousal to emotions such as Rather, the semantic structure of emotion concepts is fear and anger, describing these states as relaxing and being revealed by B.(cid:1)s impairment. (It is, however, en- quiet(unpublishedobservations).Thispossibilitywould tirely possible that semantic structure is constructed in find support in a previous study we reported with a part from the similarity in the features of different patient who had complete bilateral amygdala damage: stimuli; cf. Small, Hart, Nguyen, & Gordon, 1995.) Put likeB.,thispatientwasseverelyimpairedinrecognizing another way, B. does not suffer from a perceptual the emotional arousal of negatively valenced emotions, problem that might explain his performance (as shown assigning unusually low levels of arousal to emotions also by his entirely normal score on tasks requiring vi- such as fear and anger (Adolphs, Russell, & Tranel, sualdiscrimination),butratherhasaprofounddefectin 1999). the retrieval of the knowledge that normal subjects use It remains a task for future studies to distinguish whentheyrecognizetheemotiondepictedbyastimulus. between the above two possible explanations of B.(cid:1)s Arguably,thestimulilookthesametoB.astheydotoa impairment. Given the extensive nature of his brain normal subject; but he is unable to classify the emotion damage,whichincludesboththoseregionspresumedto that he is seeing because he is unable to link perceptual be involved in subordinate-level categorical knowledge representations of the stimuli with the emotion that is (temporal neocortex) and in knowledge of arousal normally associated with the stimulus. (amygdala), it is possible that both of the above sce- Theabovedatathusprovidesomeinformationabout narios operate in combination to generate his severe how conceptual knowledge of emotions might be orga- impairment in recognizing emotions from static stimuli. nized at subordinate and superordinate levels. The data broadly support the intuition that primary emotion 4.2. The impaired recognition of disgust categories are members of the superordinate categories ‘‘happy’’ or ‘‘unhappy,’’ essentially a distinction based Patient B. was entirely unable to recognize disgust in on valence. The membership of primary emotions in anyofthestimuli weused, includingthedescriptions of these superordinate categories may explain in part why actions or spontaneous labeling of dynamic facial ex- B. appears to recognize some emotions but not others. pressions, in which he was able to recognize all other He recognizes happiness and sadness in many stimuli, primary emotions. His impaired recognition of disgust but fails entirely to recognize fear and anger. One ex- wasquitestriking.Forinstance,whentoldastoryabout planation of this performance may be that happiness a person vomiting, his descriptions of how the person andsadnessarebasic-levelemotionsthatarealsotypical would feel included ‘‘hungry,’’ and ‘‘delighted,’’ re- instances of the superordinate categories ‘‘happy’’ and sponses he also gave to some of the photographs of ‘‘unhappy,’’andcanthusberecognizedassuch.Onthe disgusted facial expressions. When observing the ex- other hand, fear and anger are normally judged to fall perimenteractouttheapparentvomitingofunpalatable betweentypicalinstancesofhappinessandunhappiness, food,B.(cid:1)sdescriptionwasthat‘‘deliciousfoodwasbeing 68 R.Adolphsetal./BrainandCognition52(2003)61–69 enjoyed.’’ His performances in regard to disgust are tientB.suggestthatheappearsunabletofeeldisgust:he especially striking, because disgust is easy to recognize ingests items rather indiscriminately, including items for normal subjects. In fact, disgust was the emotion that are not edible, and he fails to show any disgust to thatnormalsubjectsfoundtheeasiesttorecognizeofall food-related stimuli (such as pictures of food covered theemotionsinoursentencesofactions;yetB.failedto with cockroaches). identify correctly a single instance of it (yet recognized Insummary,ourfindingspointtothreeanatomically the other emotions from such stimuli). These data thus dissociable sets of processes involved in (1) recognizing providesupportforadisproportionateimpairmentinall emotions from dynamic stimuli/actions versus from conceptual knowledge regarding disgust: B. appears staticstimuli;(2)recognizingemotionsatdifferentlevels unabletoretrieveknowledgeofthisemotion,nomatter ofcategorization,and(3)recognizingspecificindividual what the stimuli. It has been found that perception of emotions, notably disgust. Furthermore, the data cor- disgusted facial expressions activates the insular cortex roboratetheideathattherecognitionofemotionsdraws (Phillips et al., 1997), and that damage to the insula upontheabilitytofeeltheemotionviarepresentationof impairs recognition and experience of disgust (Calder its associated body state. et al., 2000), suggesting that retrieval of knowledge for disgust may rely on specific neural structures, as does fear (Adolphs et al., 1994, 1995; Calder et al., 1996; Acknowledgments Morris et al., 1996). The insula, a visceral somatosen- sory cortex, would be a plausible substrate both for the We thank Denise Krutzfeldt for help in scheduling experience and fortherecognition ofdisgust, atleast as visits. This study was supported by a Klingenstein Fel- this emotion relates to food and ingestive behaviors. lowship and a 21st century award from the James S. McDonnell Foundation to R.A., and by a program 4.3. Possible relationship between recognizing and feeling project grant from NINDS to Antonio R. Damasio. emotions We mentioned earlier that a plausible substrate for References Patient B.(cid:1)s intact recognition of some emotions, pro- vided they are presented in dynamic stimuli or actions, Adolphs,R.,Damasio,H.,Tranel,D.,Cooper,G.,&Damasio,A.R. are his somatosensory cortices. 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