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Preface This volume documents the full day course Discrete Differential Geometry: An Applied Introduction pre- sentedatSIGGRAPH’05on31July2005. ThesenotessupplementthelecturesgivenbyMathieuDesbrun, Eitan Grinspun, and Peter Schr¨oder, compiling contributions from: Pierre Alliez, Alexander Bobenko, David Cohen-Steiner, Sharif Elcott, Eva Kanso, Liliya Kharevych, Adrian Secord, John M. Sullivan, Yiy- ing Tong, Mariette Yvinec. The behavior of physical systems is typically described by a set of continuous equations using tools such as geometric mechanics and differential geometry to analyze and capture their properties. For purposes of computation one must derive discrete (in space and time) representations of the underlying equations. Researchers in a variety of areas have discovered that theories, which are discrete from the start, and have key geometric properties built into their discrete description can often more readily yield robust numerical simulations which are true to the underlying continuous systems: they exactly preserve invariants of the continuous systems in the discrete computational realm. A chapter-by-chapter synopsis The course notes are organized similarly to the lectures. Chapter 1 presents an introduction to discrete differential geometry in the context of a discussion of curves and cur- vature. The overarching themes introduced there, convergence and structure preservation, make repeated appearancesthroughouttheentirevolume. Chapter2addressesthequestionofwhichquantitiesoneshould measure on a discrete object such as a triangle mesh, and how one should define such measurements. This exploration yields a host of measurements such as length, area, mean curvature, etc., and these in turn form the basis for various applications described later on. Chapter 3 gives a concise summarization of curvature measures for discrete surfaces, paving the way for the discrete treatment of thin shell mechanics developed in Chapter 4. Continuing with the theme of discrete surfaces, Chapter 5 describes a discrete Willmore energy for fairing applications, this time preferring a discrete surface made up of linked circles instead of triangles. Such circle patterns are also key to a discrete formulation of conformal parameteri- zation, explored in Chapter 6. At this point we shift down to explore the low-level approach of discrete exterior calculus: Chapter 7 overviews this exciting field, and Chapter 8 details a layman’s approach to implementing DEC. With this in place, numerically robust and efficient simulations of the Navier-Stokes equations of fluids become possible, as described in Chapter 9. Unlike many graphics simulations of fluids which require regular grids, these fluid simulations are adept for arbitrary meshes around boundaries with complex shapes. The generation of such meshes is the subject of Chapter 10. Chapter 1: Introduction to Discrete Differential Geometry: The Geometry of Plane Curves Eitan Grinspun Adrian Secord Columbia University New York University 1 Introduction Thenascentfieldofdiscretedifferentialgeometrydealswith discrete geometric objects (such as polygons) which act as analogues to continuous geometric objects (such as curves). The discrete objects can be measured (length, area) and caninteractwithotherdiscreteobjects(collision/response). From a computational standpoint, the discrete objects are attractive,becausetheyhavebeendesignedfromtheground up with data-structures and algorithms in mind. From a mathematical standpoint, they present a great challenge: the discrete objects should have properties which are ana- P logues of the properties of continuous objects. One impor- tantpropertyofcurvesandsurfacesistheircurvature,which plays a significant role in many application areas (see, e.g., Chapters 4 and 5). In the continuous domain there are re- Figure1: Thefamilyoftangentcirclestothecurveatpoint markable theorems dealing with curvature; a key require- P. Thecircleofcurvatureistheonlyonecrossingthecurve ment for a discrete curve with discrete curvature is that it at P. satisfiesanalogoustheorems. Inthischapterweexaminethe curvature of continuous and discrete curves on the plane. The notes in this chapter draw from a lecture given by P. Ifthecurveissufficientlysmooth(“curvature-continuous John Sullivan in May 2004 at Oberwolfach, and from the at P”) then the circle thus approaches a definite position writings of David Hilbert in his book Geometry and the known as the circle of curvature or osculating circle; the Imagination. center and radius of the osculating circle are the center of curvature and radius of curvature associated to point P on 2 Geometry of the Plane Curve the curve. The inverse of the radius is κ, the curvature of the curve at P. Consider a plane curve, in particular a small piece If we also consider a sense of traversal along the curve of curve which does not cross itself (a simple curve). segment (think of adding an arrowhead at one end of the Choose two points, P and Q, segment) then we may measure the signed curvature, iden- onthiscurveandconnectthem tical in magnitude to the curvature, but negative in sign P with a straight line: a secant. whenever the curve is turning clockwise (think of riding a Fixing P as the “hinge,” ro- bicycle along the curve: when we turn to the right, it is tate the secant about P so because the center of curvature lies to the right, and the Q that Q slides along the curve curvature is negative). toward Q. If the curve is Another way to define the circle of curvature is by con- sufficiently smooth (“tangent- sidering the infinite family of circles which are tangent to continuous atP”)thenthese- the curve at P (see Figure 1). Every point on the normal cant approaches a definite line: the tangent. Of all the to the curve at P serves as the center for one circle in this straight lines passing through P, the tangent is the best family. InasmallneighborhoodaroundP thecurvedivides approximationtothecurve. Consequentlywedefinethedi- theplaneintotwosides. Everycircle(butone!) inourfam- rection ofthe curveatP tobethe direction ofthe tangent, ily lies entirely in one side or the other. Only the circle of so that if two curves intersect at a point P their angle of curvaturehoweverspansbothsides,crossingthecurveatP. intersection is given by the angle formed by their tangents It divides the family of tangent circles into two sets: those at P. If both curves have identical tangents at P then we withradiussmallerthantheradiusofcurvaturelyingonone say “the curves are tangent at P.” Returning to our sin- side, and those with greater radius lying on the other side. glecurve,thelineperpendiculartothetangentandpassing There may exist special points on the curve at which the throughP iscalledthenormal tothecurveatP. Together circle of curvature does not locally cross the curve, and in thetangentandnormalformtheaxesofalocalrectangular general these are finite and isolated points where the curve coordinate system. In addition, the tangent can be thought hasa(local)axisofsymmetry(therearefoursuchpointson of as a local approximation to the curve at P. anellipse). Howeveronacircle,oracirculararc,thespecial A better approximation than the tangent is the circle of points are infinitely many and not isolated. curvature: consider a circle through P and two neighboring Thatthecircleofcurvaturecrossesthecurvemayberea- pointsonthecurve,andslidetheneighboringpointstowards soned by various arguments. As we traverse the curve past +1 -1 +2 0 Figure2: TheGaussmapassignstoeverypointonthecurve Figure 3: Turning numbers of various closed curves. Top a corresponding point on the unit circle. row: Two simple curves with opposite sense of traversal, and two self-intersecting curves, one of which “undoes” the turn. Bottom row: Gaussian image of the curves, and the point P, the curvature is typically either increasing or de- associated turning numbers. creasing, so that in the local neighborhood of P, so that the osculating circle in comparison to the curve will have a higher curvature on one side and lower on the other. An curve: the image is always the unit circle. If we allow the alternativeargumentconsidersourthreepointconstruction. closedcurvetointersectitself,wecancounthowmanytimes Tracealongacirclepassingthroughthreeconsecutivepoints theimagecompletely“wrapsaround”theunitcircle(andin on the curve to observe that the circle must pass from side which sense): this is the turning number or the index of A to side B on the first point, B to A on the second, and A rotation, denoted k. It is unity for a simple closed curve to B on the third. Similar reasoning of our two-point con- traversed counterclockwise. It is zero or ±2 for curve that struction shows that in general the tangent does not cross self-intersects once, depending on the sense of traversal and the curve—the isolated exceptions are the points of inflec- on whether or not the winding is “undone.” tion, where the radius of curvature is infinite and the circle Turning Number Theorem. An old and well-known of curvature is identical to the tangent. factaboutcurvesisthattheintegralofsignedcurvatureover InformallywesaythatP,thetangentatP,andtheoscu- aclosedcurve,Ω,isdependentonly ontheturningnumber: latingcircleatP haveone,two,andthreecoincidentpoints in common with the curve, respectively. Each construction κds=2πk . insequenceconsidersanadditionalapproachingpointinthe Z Ω neighborhoodofP andtheso-calledorder of approximation (0,1,and2respectively)isidenticaltothenumberofaddi- No matter how much we wiggle and bend the curve, if we tional points. do not change its turning number we do not change its to- In1825KarlF.Gaussintroducedanewtoolforthinking tal signed curvature1. To change the total signed curvature about the shape of curves and surfaces. Begin by fixing a of Ω we are forced to alter its turning number by adjusting senseoftraversalforthecurve,naturallyinducingforevery thecurvetointroduce(orrearrange)self-intersectingloops. point on the curve a direction for the tangent. By conven- This theorem about the significance of the turning number tion,thenormalpointsaquarterturncounterclockwisefrom is a piece of mathematical structure: together all the struc- tangent direction. Gauss’s idea is to draw a unit circle on ture we discover embodies our understanding of differential the plane of the curve, and for any point on the curve, to geometry. Consequently, our computational algorithms will represent the normal by the radius of the circle parallel to take advantage of this structure. In computing with dis- thenormalandhavingthesamesenseasthenormal. Toany crete approximations of continuous geometry, we will strive point P on the curve, the Gauss map assigns a point Q on to keep key pieces of structure intact. theunitcircle,namelythepointwheretheradius meetsthe circle (here, radius means the line segment from the center 3 Geometry of the Discrete Plane Curve of the circle to a point on the circumference). Observe that thenormalatP isparalleltotheradiusofthecircle,andthe tangenttothecurveatP isparalleltothetangenttothecir- Given a curve, r, approximate it drawing an in- cleatQ. ThatthetangentatP andQareparallelisusedto scribed polygon p: a finite sequence of (point) simplify important definitions in differential geometry (see, vertices, V1,V2,...Vn, e.g., the definition of the shape operator in the chapter on ordered by a traversal discrete shells). While the Gauss map assigns exactly one of the curve, and line pointontheunitcircletoanypointonthecurve,theremay segments connecting bemultiplepointsonthecurvethatmaptothesamepoint successive vertices2. on the circle, i.e.the map is not one-to-one. 1Bewarethatinthecontextofspacecurves,thephrase“total Consider the image of the curve under the Gauss map: curvature” is occasionally used to denote the Pythagorean sum the Gaussian image of a curve is the union of all points oftorsionandcurvature—apointwisequantitylikecurvature. In on the unit circle corresponding to all points on the given contrast,herewemeantheintegralofcurvatureoverthecurve. curve. For an open curve, the Gaussian image may be an 2Whileweconcernourselveshereonlywithplanecurves,this arcormaybetheunitcircle. Consideraclosedsimpleplane treatmentmaybeextendedtocurvesinahigher-dimensionalam- The length of the inscribed polygon is given by n len(p)= d(V ,V ) , i i+1 X i=0 where d(·,·) measures the euclidean distance3 between two points. Wefindthelengthofthecontinuouscurvebytaking the supremum over all possible inscriptions: len(r)= sup len(p) . pinscribedinr Next,chooseasenseoftraversalalongthecurve,naturally Figure 4: The discrete Gauss map assigns to every edge of inducing a sense for the inscribed polygon. The (discrete) thepolygonacorrespondingpointontheunitcircle,andto total signed curvature of the inscribed polygon is given by every vertex of the polygonacorresponding arconthe unit n circle. tsc(p)= α , i X i=0 Convergence. A key recurring theme in discrete differ- where αi is the signed turning angle at vertex Vi, measured ential geometry is the convergence of a measurement taken in the sense that a clockwise turn has negative sign; if p over a sequence of discrete objects each better approximat- is open then α0 = αn = 0. (N.B.: the turning angle is a ingaparticularsmoothobject. Inthecaseofaplanecurve, local quantity at each vertex, whereas the turning number a sequence of inscribed polygons, each closer in position to is a global quantity of a curve—these are two distinct con- the curve, generates a sequence of measurements that ap- cepts). Again, we may express the total signed curvature proach that of the curve: of the continuous curve by taking the supremum over all possible inscribed polygons: len(r)= lim len(p ) , i h(pi)→0 tsc(r)= sup tsc(p) . pinscribedinr tsc(r)= lim tsc(p ) . i h(pi)→0 A definition based on suprema serves as an elegant foun- dationfordefiningthe(integralquantities)lengthandtotal Establishing convergence is a key step towards numerical curvature of a smooth curve using only very simple polyg- computations which use discrete objects as approximations onal geometry; however suprema are typically is not well to continuous counterparts. Indeed, one might argue that suited for computation. For an equivalent, computationally the notion of continuous counterpart is only meaningful in meaningful definition, we construct an infinite sequence of the context of established convergence. Put simply, if we inscribed polygons, p , p , p , ..., that approaches the po- choose an inscribed polygon as our discrete analogue of a 1 2 3 sition of r; analogous definitions of len(r) and tsc(r) are curve, then as the position of the approximating polygon formulated as limits of measurements over elements of the approaches the curve, the measurements taken on the ap- sequence. proximant should approach those of the underlying curve. To clarify what we mean by “the inscribed polygon p ap- Next, consider the tangents, normals, and Gaussian im- proaches the position of r,” define the geometric mesh size age of a closed polygon p. Repeating the two-point limiting of p by the length of its longest line segment: process we used to define the tangent for a point on the curve, we observe that every vertex of the polygon has two h(p)= max d(V ,V ) . limiting tangents (thus two normals), depending on the di- i i+1 0≤i<n rection from which the limit is taken (see Figure 4). De- fine the Gaussian image of p by assigning to every vertex Suppose that r is a smooth simple curve. By smooth we V the arc on the unit circle whose endpoints are the two mean that every point on the curve has a unique well- i limiting normals and whose signed angle equals the signed defined tangent4. Then one can show that given a sequence turning angle α , i.e., as if one “smoothly interpolated” the p , p , p , ...suchthath(p )vanishesinthelimitofthese- i 1 2 3 i two normals in the Gaussian image. Every point on the quence,thenlen(p )approacheslen(r). Ananalogousstate- i polygon away from the vertices has a unique normal which mentholdsfortotalcurvature,assummarizedbythefollow- corresponds in the Gaussian image to the meeting point of ing statement:5 consecutive arcs. The sense of traversal along the polygon bient space, Mm ⊆Rd, by replacing line segments with shortest induces a natural sense of traversal along the arcs of the Gaussian image. With this construction in place, our def- geodesics in this definition, and straight-line distance by length inition of turning number for a smooth plane curve carries ofgeodesicinsubsequentdefinitions. 3It measures distance using the metric of the ambient space, over naturally to the setting of closed polygons. Not that inourcaseR2. forforopenpolygons,theGaussianimageofverticesatthe 4Observethatsmoothnesshereisinapurelygeometricsense— endpoints is a point on the unit circle (a degenerate arc). thenotionofparametricsmoothnessinthecontextofparameter- izedcurvesisadifferentmatteraltogether. As long as the length of the longest line segment shrinks, i.e. 5Notethattherearesequencesofpathologicalpolygonswhose thepolygonclustersmoretightlyaroundthepoint,thenthisse- meshsizevanishesyetthelimitofthesequencedoesnotapproach quenceofpolygonswillsatisfyourdefinitionbutwillclearlynot the curve. For example, if the curve is a circle, consider a poly- convergetoacircle. Onemayintroducestrongerrequirementson gon whose vertices all cluster about a single point of the circle. thepolygonsequencetoexcludesuchpathologicalsequences. Structure preservation. Does the Turning Number along the path, then part of the acceleration is due to cur- Theorem hold for discrete curves? Yes. Recall that the vature, and part is due to speeding up and slowing down. sumofexterioranglesofasimpleclosedpolygonis2π. This Aparameterizationencodesvelocity—thiscanbeextremely observation may be generalized to show that tsc(p) = 2πk useful for some applications. where k is the turning number of the polygon. We stress a Parameterizationenablesustoreformulateourstatement keypoint: theTurningNumberTheoremisnot aclaimthat of convergence. Given a sequence of parameter values, 0 = the total signed curvature converges to a multiple of 2π in t ≤t ...≤t ≤t =b,fora“sufficientlywell-behaved” 1 2 n−1 n the limit of a finely refined inscribed polygon. The Turning parameterizationofa“sufficientlywell-behaved”curve6,we Number Theorem is preserved exactly and it holds for any mayformaninscribedpolygontakingV =R(t ). Thenthe i i (arbitrarily coarse) closed polygon. Note, however, that the parametricmeshsize oftheinscribedpolygonisthegreatest turningnumberofaninscribedpolygonmaynotmatchthat of all parameter intervals [t ,t +1]: i i ofthesmoothcurve,atleastuntilsufficientlymanyvertices are added (in the right places) to capture the topology of hR(p)=max(ti+1−ti) . i the curve. Unlike geometric mesh size, parametric mesh size is depen- dent on the chosen parameterization. 4 Parameterization of the Plane Curve Asbefore,considerasequenceofinscribedpolygons,each sampling the curve at more parameter points, and in the So far in our exploration of curves our arguments have limit sampling the curve at all parameter points: the as- never explicitly made reference to a system of coordinates. sociated sequences of discrete measurements approach their This was to stress the point that the geometry (or shape) continuous analogs: of the curve can be described without reference to coor- dinates. Nevertheless, the idea of parameterizing a curve len(r)= lim len(p ) , occursthroughoutappliedmathematics. Unfortunately,pa- hR(pi)→0 i rameterizationcansometimesobscuregeometricinsight. At thesametime,itisanexceedinglyusefulcomputationaltool, tsc(r)= lim tsc(p ) . i andassuchwecompleteourexplorationofcurveswiththis hR(pi)→0 topic. In working with curves it is useful to be able to indicate 5 Conclusion and Overview particular points and their neighborhoods on the curve. To that end we parameterize a curve over a real interval map- So far we have looked at the geometry of a plane curve and ping each parameter point, t∈[0,a], to a point R(t) on the demonstrated that it is possible to define its discrete ana- plane: logue. The formulas for length and curvature of a discrete R:[0,a]→R2 . curve (a polygon) are immediately amenable to computa- tion. Convergence guarantees that in the presence of abun- Thus the endpoints of finite open curve are R(0) and R(a); dant computational resources we may refine our discrete for closed curves we require R(0)=R(a). curve until the measurements we take match to arbitrary Theparameterizationofacurveisnotunique. Besidesthe precision their counterparts on a smooth curve. We dis- geometricinformationencodedintheimageofR,thepara- cussedanexampleofstructurepreservation,namelythatthe meterizationalsoencodesaparameterization-dependentve- TurningNumberTheoremholdsexactlyfordiscretecurves, locity. Tovisualizethis,observethatmovingtheparameter even for coarse mesh sizes. If we wrote an algorithm whose atunitvelocityslidesapointR(t)alongthecurve: therate correctness relied on the Turning Number Theorem, then of change of R(t), or velocity, is the vector ~v(t) = dR(t). dt the algorithm could be applied to our discrete curve. Indeed, given any strictly increasing function t(s) : [0,b] → Thefollowingchapterswillextendourexplorationofdis- [0,a]wereparameterize thecurveasR(t(s))sothatmoving creteanaloguesoftheobjectsofdifferentialgeometrytothe alongs∈[0,b]generatesthesamepointsalongthecurve;the settings of surfaces and volumes and to application areas geometryremainsthesame,butbychainruleofthecalculus spanning physical simulation (thin shells and fluids) and the velocity is now ~v(s) = dR(t(s)) = dR(t(s))dt(s): at ds dt ds geometric modeling (remeshing and parameterization). In every point the R(t(s)) reparameterization scales the veloc- each application area algorithms make use of mathemat- ity by dt(s). ds ical structures that are carried over from the continuous Given a parameterized curve there is a unique reparame- to the discrete realm. We are not interested in preserv- terization, Rˆ(s)=R(t(s)), with the property that k~v(s)k= ing structure just for mathematical elegance—each applica- 1, s∈[0,b]. In arc-length parameterization of a curve, unit tiondemonstratesthatbycarryingovertherightstructures motion along the parameter s corresponds to unit motion from the continuous to the discrete setting, the resulting along the length of the curve. Consequently, s is the length algorithms exhibit impressive computational and numerical traveled along the curve walking from Rˆ(0) to Rˆ(s), there- performance. fore b is the length of the entire curve. In the special setting of an arc-length parameterization thecurvatureatapointR(s)isidenticaltothesecondderiv- 6Indeed, the following theorems depend on the parameteriza- ative dds22R(s). Itisagraveerrortoidentifycurvatureswith tion being Lipschitz, meaning that small changes in parameter second derivatives in general. The former is a geometric valueleadtosmallmotionsalongthecurve: quantityonly,andwedefineditwithoutreferencetoapara- d(R(a),R(b))≤C|a−b|, meterization;thelatterencodesbothgeometryandvelocity, and is parameterization-dependent. Here a spaceship anal- forsomeconstantC. TheexistenceofaLipschitzparameteriza- ogy is helpful. If a spaceship travels at unit speed along a tion is equivalent to the curve being rectifiable, or having finite curvedpath,thecurvaturegivetheaccelerationofthespace- arclength. Furthercaremustbetakeninallowingnon-continuous ship. Now if the spaceship travels at a nonuniform velocity curveswithfinitelymanyisolatedjumppoints. Chapter 2: What Can We Measure? PeterSchro¨der Caltech 1 Introduction theiroverlap. Forexample,considerthevolumeoftheunion oftwosetswhichclearlyhasthisproperty.Itwillalsoturnthat Whencharacterizingashapeorchangesinshapewemustfirst the additivity property is the key to reducing measurements ask, what can we measure about a shape? For example, for forcomplicatedsetstomeasurementsonsimplesets. Wewill aregioninR3 wemayaskforitsvolumeoritssurfacearea. furthermorerequirethatallmeasuresweconsiderbeinvariant Iftheobjectathandundergoesdeformationduetoforcesact- underEuclidianmotions,i.e.,translationsandrotations. This ing on it we may need to formulate the laws governing the issothatourmeasurementsdonotdependonwhereweplace change in shape in terms of measurable quantities and their thecoordinateoriginandhowweorientthecoordinateaxes. change over time. Usually such measurable quantities for a Ameasurewhichdependedonthesewouldn’tbeveryuseful. shapearedefinedwiththehelpofintegralcalculusandoften Let’sseesomeexamples.Awellknownexampleofsucha requiresomeamountofsmoothnessontheobjecttobewell measureisthevolumeofbodiesinR3. Clearlythevolumeof defined. Inthischapterwewilltakeamoreabstractapproach theemptybodyiszeroandthevolumesatisfiestheadditivity to the question of measurable quantitieswhich will allow us axiom.Thevolumealsodoesnotdependonwherethecoordi- todefinenotionssuchasmeancurvatureintegralsandthecur- nateoriginisplacedandhowthecoordinateframeisrotated. vature tensor for piecewise linear meshes without having to Touniquelytiedownthevolumethereisonefinalambiguity worryaboutthemeaningofsecondderivativesinsettingsin duetotheunitsofmeasurementbeingused, whichwemust which they do not exist. In fact in this chapter we will give remove. Tothisendweenforceanormalizationwhichstates anaccountofaclassicalresultduetoHadwiger,whichshows thatthevolumeoftheunit,coordinateaxisalignedparallelip- that for a convex, compact set in Rn there are only n + 1 ipedinRnbeone.Withthisweget uniquemeasurementsifwerequirethatthemeasurementsbe invariantunderEuclidianmotions(andsatisfycertain“sanity” µnn(x1,...,xn)=x1·...·xn conditions). We will see how these measurements are con- structedinaverystraightforwardandelementarymannerand for x1 to xn the side lengths of a given axis aligned paral- thattheycanbereadofffromacharacteristicpolynomialdue lelipiped. ThesuperscriptndenotesthisasameasureonRn, toSteiner. Thispolynomialdescribesthevolumeofafamily while the subscript denotes the type of measurement being of shapes which arise when we “grow” a given shape. As a taken. Clearlythedefinitionofµnn istranslationinvariant. It practicaltoolarisingfromtheseconsiderationwewillseethat alsodoesnotdependonhowwenumberourcoordinateaxes, thereisawelldefinednotionofthecurvaturetensorforpiece- i.e.,itisinvariantunderpermutationsofthecoordinateaxes. wiselinearmeshesandwewillseeverysimpleformulasfor Finally if we rotate the global coordinate frame none of the quantitiesneededinphysicalsimulationwithpiecewiselinear sidelengthsofourparallelipipedchangesoneitherdoesµnn. meshes.Muchofthetreatmentherewillinitiallybelimitedto Noticethatwehaveonlydefinedthemeaningofµnn foraxis convexbodiestokeepthingssimple. Thislimitationthatwill aligned parallelipipeds as well as finite unions and intersec- beremovedattheveryend. tionsofsuchparallelipipeds. Thedefinitioncanbeextended The treatment in this chapter draws heavily upon work tomoregeneralbodiesthroughalimitingprocessakintohow byGian-CarloRotaandDanielKlein,Hadwigerspioneering Riemannintegrationfillsthedomainwitheversmallerboxes work,andsomerecentworkbyDavidCohen-Steinerandcol- to approach the entire domain in the limit. There is nothing leagues. herethatpreventsusfromperformingthesamelimitprocess. In fact we will see later that once we add this final require- ment,thatthemeasureiscontinuousinthelimit,theclassof 2 Geometric Measures such measures is completely tied down. This is Hadwiger’s famoustheorem.But,moreonthatlater. To begin with let us define what we mean by a measure. A Ofcoursethenextquestionis,arethereothersuchinvariant measureisafunctionµdefinedonafamilyofsubsetsofsome measures?Hereisaproposal: setS,andittakesonrealvalues:µ:L→R.HereLdenotes this family of subsets and we require of L that it is closed µnn−1(x1,...,xn)= underfinitesetunionandintersectionaswellasthatitcontains x x +x x +...+x x +x x +...+x x ... 1 2 1 3 1 n 2 3 2 n theemptyset,∅∈L.Themeasureµmustsatisfytwoaxioms: (1)µ(∅) = 0;and(2)µ(A∪B) = µ(A)+µ(B)−µ(A∩ ForanaxisalignedparallelipipedinR3we’dget B) whenever A and B are measureable. The first axiom is requiredtogetanythingthathasahopeofbeingwelldefined. µ3(x ,x ,x )=x x +x x +x x 2 1 2 3 1 2 2 3 3 1 Ifµ(∅)wasnotequaltozerothemeasureofsomesetµ(A)= µ(A∪∅) = µ(A)+µ(∅)couldnotbedefined. Thesecond which is just half the surface area of the paralellipiped with axiomcapturestheideathatthemeasureoftheunionoftwo sides x , x , and x . Since we have the additivity property 1 2 3 setsshouldbethesumofthemeasuresminusthemeasureof wecancertainlyextendthisdefinitiontomoregeneralbodies throughalimitingprocessandfindthatweget,uptonormal- is ization,thesurfacearea. λ3(C)=µ3(C), 1 2 Continuinginthisfashionwearenextledtoconsider i.e.,itisproportionaltotheareaoftheregionC.Givenaunion µ31(x1,x2,x3)=x1+x2+x3 ofrectanglesD = ∪iRi,eachlivinginadifferentplane,we get (andsimilarlyforµn). Foraparallelipipedthisfunctionmea- 1 X (ω)dλ3(ω)= µ3(R ). sures one quarter the sum of lengths of its bounding edges. Z D 1 2 i Onceagainthisnewmeasureisclearlyrigidmotioninvariant. Xi What we need to check is whether it satisfies the additivity HereX (ω)countsthenumberoftimesalineωmeetstheset D theorem.Indeeditdoes,whichiseasilycheckedfortheunion Dandtheintegrationisperformedoveralllines.Goingtothe of two paralellipipeds. What is less clear is what this mea- limitwefindforsomeconvexbodyEameasureproportional surerepresentsifweextendittomoregeneralshapeswhere toitssurfacearea thenotionof“sumofedgelengths”isnotclear. Theresult- ingcontinuousmeasureissometimesreferredtoasthemean X (ω)dλ3(ω)=µ3(E). width. Z E 1 2 From these simple examples we can see a pattern. For Euclidiann-spacewecanusetheelementarysymmetricpoly- Using planes (k = 2) we can now generalize the mean nomialsinedgelengthstodefineninvariantmeasures width. Forastraightlinec ∈ R3 wefindλ3(c) = µ3(c) = 2 1 l(c),i.e.,themeasureofallplanesthatmeetthestraightlineis µn(x ,...,x )= x x ...x proportional—asbeforewesettheconstantofproportionality k 1 n i1 i2 ik 1≤i1<i2X<...<ik≤n tounity—tothelengthoftheline.Theargumentmimicswhat wesaidabove:aplaneeithermeetsthelineonceornotatall. for k = 1,...,n for parallelipipeds. To extend this defini- Foragivenpointonthelinethereisonceagainawholeset tiontomoregeneralbodieswe’llfollowideasfromgeometric ofplanesgoingthroughthatpoint. Consideringthenormals probability.Inparticularwewillextendthesemeasurestothe tosuchplanesweseethatthissetofplanesisproportionalin ringofcompactconvexbodies,i.e.,finiteunionsandintersec- measuretotheunitspherewithoutbeingmorepreciseabout tionsofcompactconvexsetsinRn. theactualconstantofproportionality. Onceagainthiscanbe generalizedwithalimitingprocessgivingusthemeasureof allplaneshittinganarbitrarycurveinspaceasproportionalto 3 How Many Points, Lines, Planes,... itslength Hit a Body? X (ω)dλ3(ω)=µ3(F). F 2 1 Z Consideracompactconvexset,aconvexbody,inRnandsur- rounditbyabox. Onewaytomeasureitsvolumeistocount Here the integration is performed over all planes ω ∈ R3, thenumberofpointswhich, whenrandomlythrownintothe andXF countsthenumberoftimesagivenplanetouchesthe box,hitthebodyversusthosethathitemptyspaceinsidethe curveF. box. Togeneralizethisideaweconsideraffinesubspacesof It is easy to see that this way of measuring recovers the dimension k < n in Rn. Recall that an affine subspace of perimeterofaparallelipipedaswehaddefineditbefore dimension k is spanned by k +1 points p ∈ Rn (in gen- i eralposition),i.e.,thespaceconsistsofallpointsqwhichcan λ32(P)=µ31(P). bewrittenasaffinecombinationsq = α p , α = 1. i i i i i SuchanaffinesubspaceissimplyalineaPrsubspacPetranslated, To see this consider the integration over all planes but taken i.e.,itdoesnotnecessarilygothroughtheorigin.Forexample, in groups. With the parallelipiped having one corner at fork = 1,n = 3wewillconsideralllines—alinebeingthe the origin—and being axis aligned—first consider all planes set of points one can generate as affine combinations of two whosenormal(nx,ny,nz)haseitherallnon-negativeornon- pointsontheline—inthreespace. Letλ3(R)bethemeasure positiveentries(i.e.,thenormal,oritsnegative,pointsintothe 1 ofalllinesgoingthrougharectangleinR3.Then first octant). Any such plane, if it meets the parallelipiped, meetsitinapointalongeitherx ,x orx givingusthede- 1 2 3 λ31(R)=cµ32(R), siredµ31(P)=x1+x2+x3asthemeasureofallsuchplanes. Thesameargumentholdsfortheremainingsevenoctantsgiv- i.e.,themeasureofalllineswhichmeettherectangleispro- ingusthedesiredresultuptoaconstant.Wecannowseethat portionaltotheareaoftherectangle. Toseethis,notethata µ3(E)forsomeconvexbodyEcanbewrittenas 1 givenline(ingeneralposition)eithermeetstherectangleonce ornotatall.Converselyforagivenpointintherectanglethere X (ω)dλ3(ω)=µ3(E), isawholesetoflines—asphere’sworth—which“pierce”the Z E 2 1 rectangleinthegivenpoint.Themeasureofthoselinesispro- portionaltotheareaoftheunitsphere.Sincethisistrueforall i.e., the measure of all planes which meet E. With this we pointsintherectangleweseethatthetotalmeasureofallsuch havegeneralizedthenotionofperimetertomoregeneralsets. linesmustbeproportionaltotheareaoftherectanglewitha Allthiscanbesummarizedasfollows. Letµbeameasure constant of proportionality depending on the measure of the whichisEuclideanmotioninvariant. Thenitcanbewritten, sphere.Fornowsuchconstantsareirrelevantforourconsider- uptonormalization,asalinearcombinationofthemeasures ationssowewilljustsetittounity.Givenamorecomplicated µn(C) of all affine subspaces of dimension n−k meeting k shapeC inaplanenothingpreventsfromperformaingalim- C ⊂ Rn for k = 1,...,n. These measures are called the itingprocessandweseethatthemeasureoflinesmeetingC intrinsicvolumes. Aretheseallsuchmeasures? Itturnsoutthereisonemea- 4 The Intrinsic Volumes and Had- suremissing,whichcorrespondstotheelementarysymmetric wiger’s Theorem functionoforderzero 1 n>0 Theabovemachinerycannowbeusedtodefinetheintrinsic µ0(x1,...,xn)=(cid:26) 0 n=0 volumesasfunctionsoftheEulercharacteristicaloneforall finiteunionsofconvexbodiesG ThisveryspecialmeasureistheEulercharacteristicofacon- vexbody.Ittakesthevalue1onallnon-emptyconvexbodies. µn(G)= µn(G∩ω)dλn (ω). k 0 n−k Themaintrickistoprovethatµ isindeedwelldefined.This Z 0 canbedonebyinducation. Indimensionn = 1weconsider Hereµn(G∩ω)playstheroleofX (ω)weusedearlierto closedintervals[a,b],a < b. Insteadofworkingwiththeset 0 G countthenumberoftimesωhitsG. directlyweconsiderafunctionalonthecharacteristicfunction Thereisonefinalingredientmissing,continuityinthelimit. f ofthesetwhichdoesthetrick [a,b] SupposeC isasequenceofconvexbodieswhichconverges n toCinthelimitasn→∞.Hadwiger’stheoremsaysthatifa χ (f)= f(ω)−f(ω+)dω. EuclideanmotioninvariantmeasureµofconvexbodiesinRn 1 ZR iscontinuousinthesensethat Here f(ω+) denotes the right limiting value of f at ω: lim µ(C )=µ(C) lim(cid:15)→0f(ω+(cid:15)), (cid:15) > 0. Fortheset[a,b], f(ω)−f(ω+) Cn→C n iszeroforallω∈Rexceptbsincef(b)=1andf(b+)=0. Forhigherdimensionsweproceedbyinduction. InRntakea thenµmustbealinearcombinationoftheintrinsicvolumes straightlineLandconsidertheaffinesubspacesAωofdimen- µnk,k=0,...,n.Inotherwords,theintrinsicvolumes,under sionn−1whichareorthogonaltoLandparameterizedbyω theadditionalassumptionofcontinuity, aretheonlylinearly alongL. Lettingf bethecharacteristicfunctionofaconvex independent, Euclidean motion invariant, additivie measures bodyinRnweget onfiniteunionsandintersectionsofconvexbodiesinRn. What does all of this have to do with the applications we haveinmind? AconsequenceofHadwiger’stheoremassures χ (f)= χ (f )−χ (f )dω. n ZR n−1 ω n−1 ω+ us that if we want to take measurements of piecewise linear geometry(surfaceorvolumemeshes,forexample)suchmea- Here fω is the restriction of f to the affine space Aω or al- surementsshouldbefunctionsoftheintrinsicvolumes. This ternatively the characteristic function of the intersection of assumes of course that we are looking for additive measure- Aω and the convex body of interest. With this we define mentswhichareEuclideanmotioninvariantandcontinuousin µn0(G)=χn(f)foranyfiniteunionofconvexbodiesGand thelimit. Foratriangleforexamplethiswouldbearea,edge f thecharacteristicfunctionofthesetG∈Rn. length, and Euler characteristic. Similarly for a tetrahedron Thatthisdefinitionofµn0 amountstotheEulercharacteris- withitsvolume,surfacearea,meanwidth,andEulercharac- ticisnotimmediatelyclear,butitiseasytoshow,ifwecon- teristic. Asthenamesuggestsallofthesemeasurementsare vinceourselvesthatforanynonemptyconvexbodyC ∈Rn intrinsic. Fora2-manifoldmeshwhichistheboundaryofa solidoneofthesemeasurementsisanextrinsicquantitycor- µn(Int(C))=(−1)n. 0 respondingtothedihedralanglebetweentrianglesmeetingat Forn=1,i.e.,thecaseofopenintervalsontherealline,this anedge(seebelow). statementisobviouslycorrect.Wecannowapplytherecursive definitiontothecharacteristicfunctionoftheinteriorofCand 5 Steiner’s Formula get We returnnowto questions ofdiscretedifferential geometry µn0(Int(C))= χn−1(fω)−χn−1(fω+)dω. by showing that the intrinsic volumes are intricately linked Z ω to curvature integrals and represent their generalization to Byinductiontherighthandsideiszeroexceptforthefirstωat the non-smooth setting. This connection is established by whichA ∩Cisnon-empty.Thereχ (f )=(−1)n−1, Steiner’sformula. ω n−1 ω+ thusprovingourassertionforalln. Consideranon-emptyconvexbodyK ∈Rntogetherwith TheEuler-Poincare´formulaforapolyhedron itsparallelbodies |F|−|E|−|V|=2(1−g) K(cid:15) ={x∈Rn :d(x,K)≤(cid:15)} whichrelatesthenumberoffaces, edges, andverticestothe whered(x,K)denotestheEuclideandistancefromxtothe genus now follows easily. Given a polyhedron simply write setK. IneffectK isthebodyK thickenedby(cid:15). Steiner’s (cid:15) itasthenon-overlappingunionoftheinteriorsofallitscells formulagivesthevolumeofK asapolynomialin(cid:15) (cid:15) fromdimensionndowntodimension0,wheretheinteriorof avertex(0-cell)isthevertexitself.Then n V(K )= V(B )V (K)(cid:15)n−j. (cid:15) n−j j µn(P)= µn(Int(c))=c −c +c −... Xj=0 0 0 0 1 2 cX∈P Here the V (K) are the measures µn we have seen earlier. j k whereci equalsthenumberofcellsofdimensioni. Forthe For this formula to be correct the Vj(K) are normalized so caseofapolyhedroninR3 thisisexactlytheEuler-Poincare´ thattheycomputethej-dimensionalvolumewhenrestricted formula. toaj-dimensionalsubspaceofRn.V(B )=πn/2/Γ(1+ n−j 1/2n)denotesthe(n−j)-volumeofthe(n−j)-unitball.In whileforaconvexbodyM withC2smoothboundarythefor- particularwehaveV(B )=1,V(B )=2,V(B )=π,and mulareadsas 0 1 2 V(B )=4π/3. 3 InthecaseofapolyhedronwecanverifySteiner’sformula V(M ) = V (M)+ (cid:15) 3 “byhand.” ConsideratetrahedroninT ∈R3andthevolume ofitsparallelbodiesT . For(cid:15) = 0wehavethevolumeofT itself(V3(T)).Thefirs(cid:15)tordertermin(cid:15),2V2(T),iscontrolled 0Z µ20(κ1(p),κ2(p)) dp1(cid:15)+ bthyeanroerammalecarseuarteess:aadbdoitvieoneaalcvhotlruimanegpleroapodritsipolnaacletmoe(cid:15)natnadlotnhge B@ ∂M| ={z1 } CA areaofthetriangle. Thesecondordertermin(cid:15),πV (T),cor- =A 1 respondstoedgelengths.Aboveeachedgetheparallelbodies | {z } formawedgewithopeningangleθ whichistheexterioran- 0 µ2(κ (p),κ (p)) dp1(cid:15)2 + gleofthefacesmeetingatthatedgeandradius(cid:15)(thisisthe Z 1 1 2 2 ∂M extrinsicmeasurementalludedtoabove).Thevolumeofsuch B@ =2H CA aswedgeisproportionaltoedgelength,exteriorangle,and(cid:15)2. | {z } Finallythethirdordertermin(cid:15),4π/3V0(T),correspondsto 0 µ2(κ (p),κ (p)) dp1(cid:15)2. thevolumeoftheparallelbodiesformedoververtices. Each Z 2 1 2 3 ∂M vertex gives rise to additional volume spanned by the vertex B@ =K CA andasphericalcapaboveit.Thesphericalcapcorrespondsto | {z } =4π asphericaltriangleformedbythethreeincidenttrianglenor- | {z } mals.Thevolumeofsuchasphericalwedgeisproportionalto itssolidangleand(cid:15)3. 6 What All This Machinery Tells Us IfwehaveaconvexbodywithaboundarywhichisC2we cangiveadifferentrepresentationofSteiner’sformula. Con- Webeganthissectionbyconsideringthequestionofwhatad- sidersuchaconvexM ∈Rnanddefinetheoffsetfunction ditive,continuous,rigidmotioninvariantmeasurementsthere areforconvexbodiesinRnandlearnedthatthen+1intrin- g(p)=p+t~n(p) sicvolumesaretheonlyonesandanysuchmeasuremustbe alinearcombinationofthese. Wehavealsoseenthatthein- for0≤t≤(cid:15),p∈∂M and~n(p)theoutwardnormaltoM in trinsicvolumesinanaturalwayextendtheideaofcurvature p.WecannowdirectlycomputethevolumeofM asthesum (cid:15) integralsovertheboundaryofasmoothbodytogeneralcon- ofV (M)andthevolumebetweenthesurfaces∂Mand∂M . n (cid:15) vexbodieswithoutregardtoadifferentiablestructure. These Thelattercanbewrittenasanintegralofthedeterminantof considerations become one possible basis on which to claim theJacobianofg that integrals of Gaussian curvature on a triangle mesh be- (cid:15) ∂g(p) comesumsoverexcessangleatverticesandthatintegralsof dt dp. Z (cid:18)Z (cid:12) ∂p (cid:12) (cid:19) meancurvaturecanbeidentifiedwithsumsoveredgesofdi- ∂M 0 (cid:12) (cid:12) hedralangleweightedbyedgelength.Thesequantitiesareal- (cid:12) (cid:12) Sincewehaveachoiceofco(cid:12)ordinat(cid:12)eframeinwhichtodothis waysintegrals.Consequentlytheydonotmakesenseaspoint- integrationwemayassumewlogthatweuseprincipalcurva- wisequantities.Inthecaseofsmoothgeometrywecandefine turecoordinateson∂M,i.e.,asetoforthogonaldirectionsin quantitiessuchasmeanandGaussiancurvatureaspointwise whichthecurvaturetensordiagonalises.Inthatcase quantities.Onasimplicialmeshtheyareonlydefinedasinte- gralquantities. ∂g(p) = |I+tK(p)| Allthismachinerywasdevelopedforconvexbodies. Ifa (cid:12) ∂p (cid:12) givenmeshisnotconvextheadditivitypropertyallowsusto (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12) n−1 computethequantitiesnolessbywritingthemeshasafinite = (1+κ (p)t) unionandintersectionofconvexbodiesandthentrackingthe i iY=1 correspondingsumsanddifferencesofmeasures. Forexam- ple, V(K ) is well defined for an individual triangle K and n−1 (cid:15) = µn−1(κ (p),...,κ (p))ti. we know how to identify the coefficients involving intrinsic i 1 n−1 volumes with the integrals of elementary polynomials in the Xi=0 principal curvatures. Glueing two triangles together we can Inotherwords,thedeterminantoftheJacobianisapolynomial performasimilaridentificationcarefullyteasingapartthein- intwhosecoefficientsaretheelementarysymmetricfunctions trinsicvolumesoftheunionofthetwotriangles. Inthisway intheprincipalcurvatures. Withthissubsitutionwecantriv- the convexity requirement is relaxed so long as the shape of iallyintegrateoverthevariabletandget interestcanbedecomposedintoafiniteunionofconvexbod- ies. V(M )=V (M)+ (cid:15) n ThismachinerywasusedbyCohen-SteinerandMorvanto n−1 (cid:15)i+1 giveformulasforintegralsofadiscretecurvaturetensor. We i+1Z µni−1(κ1(p),...,κn−1(p))dp. givetheseheretogetherwithsomefairlystraightforwardintu- Xi=0 ∂M itionregardingtheunderlyinggeometry. Let P be a polyhedron with vertex set V and edge set E ComparingthetwoversionsofSteiner’sformulaweseethat andBaballinR3thenwecandefineintegratedGaussianand the intrinsic volumes generalize curvature integrals. For ex- meancurvaturemeasuresas ample,forn=3andsomearbitraryconvexbodyKweget 4π φG(B)= K and φH(B)= l(e∩B)θ , V(K )=1V (K)+2V (K)(cid:15)+πV (K)(cid:15)2+ V (K)(cid:15)3 P v P e (cid:15) 3 2 1 3 0 v∈XV∩B eX∈E whereK = 2π− α istheexcessanglesumatvertex Acknowledgments This work was supported in part by v j j v defined through alPl the incident triangle angles at v, while NSF (DMS-0220905, DMS-0138458, ACI-0219979), DOE l(.)denotesthelengthandθ isthesigneddihedralangleate (W-7405-ENG-48/B341492), nVidia, the Center for Inte- e madebetweentheincidenttrianglenormals.Itssignispositive gratedMultiscaleModelingandSimulation,Alias,andPixar. for convex edges and negative for concave edges (note that thisrequiresanorientationonthepolyhedron).Inessencethis References issimplyarestatementoftheSteinerpolynomialcoefficients restrictedtotheintersectionoftheballBandthepolyhedron P. To talk about the second fundamental form II at some COHEN-STEINER, D., AND MORVAN, J.-M. 2003. Re- p strictedDelaunayTriangulationsandNormalCycle.InPro- pointpinthesurface,itisconvenienttofirstextendittoallof R3.Thisisdonebysettingittozeroifoneofitsargumentsis ceedingsofthe19thAnnualSymposiumonComputational Geometry,312–321. paralleltothenormalp.Withthisonemaydefine I¯I (B)= l(e∩B)θ e ⊗e , e =e/kek. KLAIN, D. A., AND ROTA, G.-C. 1997. Introduction to P e n n n GeometricProbability. CambridgeUniversityPress. eX∈E Thedyaden⊗en(u,v)=hu,enihv,eniprojectsgivenvec- KLAIN,D.A. 1995. AShortProofofHadwiger’sCharacter- torsuandvalongthenormalizededge.Whatisthegeometric izationTheorem. Mathematika42,84,329–339. interpretationofthesummands? Considerasingleedgeand the associated dyad. The curvature along this edge is zero while it is θ orthogonal to the edge. A vector aligned with theedgeismappedtoθ whileoneorthogonaltotheedgeis e mappedtozero.Thesearetheprincipalcurvaturesexceptthey arereversed.HenceI¯I (B)isanintegralmeasureofthecur- P vature tensor with the principal curvature values exchanged. Forexamplewecanassigneachvertexathreebythreetensor bysummingtheedgetermsforeachincidentedge. Asatan- gentplaneatthevertex,whichweneedtoprojectthethreeby threetensortotheexpectedtwobytwotensorinthetangent plane,wemaytakeavectorparalleltotheareagradientatthe vertex. AlternativelywecoulddefinedI¯I (B)forballscon- P tainingasingletriangleanditsthreeedgeseach. Inthatcase thenaturalchoiceforthetangentplaneisthesupportplaneof thetriangle. Inpracticeoneoftenfindsthatnoiseinthemesh vertexpositionsmakesthesediscretecomputationsnoisy.Itis thenasimplematterofenlargingBtostabilizethecomputa- tions. Cohen-Steiner and Morvan show that this definition can be rigorously derived from considering the coefficients of the Steiner polynomial in particular in the presence of non- convexities (which requires some fancy footwork...). They alsoshowthatifthepolyhedronisasufficientlyfinesample ofasmoothsurfacethediscretecurvaturetensorintegralshave linearprecisionwithregardstocontinuouscurvaturetensorin- tegrals. Theyalsoprovideaformulaforadiscretecurvature tensorwhichdoesnothavetheprincipalcurvaturesswapped. 7 Further Reading The material in this section only gives the rough outlines of whatisaveryfundamentaltheoryinprobabilityandgeomet- ric measure theory. In particular there are many other con- sequences which follow from relationships between intrin- sic volumes which we have not touched upon. A rigorous derivation of the results of Hadwiger, but much shorter than the original can be found in [Klain 1995]. A complete and rigorous account of the derivation of intrinsic volumes from first principles in geometric probability can be found in the short book by Klain and Rota [Klain and Rota 1997], while the details of the discrete curvature tensor integrals can be found in [Cohen-Steiner and Morvan 2003]. Approximation resultswhichdiscusstheaccuracyofthesemeasurevis-a-vis an underlying smooth surface are treated by Cohen-Steiner andMorvaninaseriesoftechreportsavailableathttp://www- sop.inria.fr/geometrica/publications/.

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