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DIGITAL CONTROL OF RECTIFIER FIRING ANGLES FOR THE ZERO GRADIENT SYNCHROTRON (ZGS) RING MAGNET POWER SUPPLY5 Martin J. Knott, Lloyd G. Lewis, and Herbert H. Rabe Argonne National Laboratory Argonne, Illinois Abstract equivalent of a 12-phase supply in each quadrant of the ring' magnet. The heart of the new control system for the ZGS ring magnet power supply is a counter that counts The rectifiers in each of these eight supplies are from 0 to 3600 each voltage cycle of the main genera- mercury vapor tubes. The excitation arc operates tor. This provides an electrical degree scale that is continuously so that firing control is provided by two synchronized with the generator voltage wave by a grids placed between the cathode arc and the anode. phase-lock feedback loop. Digital gates compare the Each of the eight supplies is provided with a low number in the counter with the desired angle forfiring pass LC filter. The filter has a rolloff of 40 dB/dec- each of the 12 rectifier phases. At eauality, a pulse ade and a corner frequency of about 40 Hz. The fil- is generated and applied to the control grids of the ter is underdamped with a damping ratio of about 0.3. appropriate mercury vapor rectifiers. Fast digital arithmetic adder circuits upclate the desired firing Ripple Amplitudes angles for each of the 12 phases in response to com- mands from the ZGS programmer and in response to. Ripple amplitudes produced by the ZGS ring mag- feedback slgnals from beam spill monitors and fromB net power supply were measured in two ways. The pickup coils on the ring magnet. Separate digital first was to use the fast gauss clock in the ZGS pro- arithmetic adders and selectors provide individual ad- grammer. The clock output was sent to a digital-to- justment of each phase in order to reduce low fre- analog (D-A) converter and to an oscilloscope. The quency ripple. This system has greatly reduced 50-, gauss pictures from the oscilloscope showed that most loo-, and 150-cycle ripple on the ring magnet field on of the ripple produced by the original analog con-t rol flattop and on porches, has provided fast action to system was at low frequencies. Amplitudes at 50 permit spill control when the RF accelerating cavity cycles (generator frequency) were of the order of 1 or is off, and has provided stable operation in full rectify 2 G. The 12th harmonic was not readily observed on for the accelerating part of the ZGS cycle. this display. The second method was to look at the dc voltage Introduction across one pair of ring magnets. This was a more The new slow resonance extraction system for the convenient signal for ripple studies since the relative ZGS provides two simultaneous beams that have no RF amplitudes of the several harmonics were more fa- structure. The system accomplishes this by turning vorable for measurement. off the RF accelerating cavity early in flattop and then, The relatively large low frequency ripple (at less after the beam has debunched, by moving the beam to than the 12th harmonic) results from a variety of the vr = 2/3 extraction point with the ring magnet con- causes. One cause is the incorrect spacing of rectifi- trol system. The rate of extraction is then controlled er firing pulses. A second cause is the characteris- through manipulation of the ring nlagnet field. tics of the low pass filter which attenuates poorly at This magnetic spill mode places specific demands the low frequencies. Additional causes include possi- on the control system for the ring magnet power sup- ble errors in the number of turns on the polyphase ply. One of these demands is that the system must be transformer windings, variations in the leakage in- able to rapidly change the voltage applied to the ring ductance from one phase winding to another, lack of magnet. The required speed and accuracy are deter- symmetry in circuit resistances, and imbalances be- mined by the amount of beam steering needed to start tween phases of the generator voltage. and maintain the extraction at a selected rate. The effects of some of these causes of low fre- A second demand is that the control system for quency ripple can be cancelled on flattop by properly the ring magnet minimizes the generation of low fre- retarding or advancing the firing time of one or sev- quency ripple. This is important because the ripple eral of the 12-phase rectifiers with respect to the produces modulation of the extracted beam intensity. others. From this, it is apparent that exactly uni- form spacing of the firing pulses to the rectifiers will An additional requirement is that the ring magnet not produce minimum ripple. control system be capable of operating in full rectify; that is with natural commutation from phase to phase. Firing Accuracy This provides the minimum accelerating time and the desired conditions for beam injection into the ZGS. The bias voltages to the unijunctions in the origi- nal firing control system were readjusted to produce a ZGS Ring Magnet significant change in the ripple at the generator fre- quency. These changes in firing angles were mea- The ZGS ring magnet circuit contains eight mag- sured with the digital phase-angle meter used for nets and eight power supplies connected in a series routine monitoring of the ZGS ring magnet supply. circuit with four-fold symmetry. The result is the The data showed that substantial reductions in the *Work performed under the auspices of the U. S. low frequency ripple could be obtained if the firing Atomic Energy Commission. 511 angles of the 12-phase rectifiers were reproducible to voltage wave that are as large as 25% of the peak volt- 1/10 of an electrical degree. This is far beyond the age. For this reason, a zero crossing type of refer- accuracy and stability of conventional analog ramp ence is not suitable even when the input wave is type control systems. For this reason, a digital con- heavily filtered. This is true because the filters that trol system was designed and installed at the ZGS. were tried produced variable phase shifts andlor large transients when entering flattop and invert. The Rectifier Grid Drive phase-lock loop shown in the upper right portion of Fig. 1 was found to operate satisfactorily. The control of firing angles to 0. 1' electrical corresponds to controlling the turn-on of a rectifier In this loop, a dc tachometer voltage from the to about 5 ps. Any variation in the turn-on time of a main generator and the output voltage from the filter single rectifier must be smaller than this if the con- are added in an operational amplifier. The resultant trol accuracy is to be achieved. In a similar way, voltage drives a voltage-to-frequency (v-f) converter variation in the average time delay from one rectifier that produces a sawtooth wave. This sawtooth drives to another must be shorter than 5 ps. a binary that divides the frequency by two and pro- duces a square wave with *lO V output levels. High voltage switch-transistors were used to pro- vide the drive to the grids of the rectifier tubes. The It is well known that the mathematical product of firing pulse from the control circuit was coupled two sine waves of the same frequency but different through a well insulated pulse transformer to a drive phases produces a dc component plus a second har- module that operated at rectifier cathode potential. monic component. The dc component depends on the The l/2 ps pulse was lengthened to 4 ms by a single phase difference between the two sine waves. shot amplifier located at cathode potential. This In a similar way, the product of a square wave lengthened pulse was applied to switch-transistors and a distorted sine wave of the same period produces that supplied the grid drive signal. a dc component that is a function of the phase differ- The grids were switched to t300 V with respect ence between the two waves. This fact is utilized in to the cathode with a rise time of 600 ns. Under these the loop in Fig. 1 by feeding the distorted sine wave conditions, the tube turn-on was about 1 ~s at low from the generator bus and the square wave from the currents and also at high currents when the tube was frequency divider to a transconductance type analog first used. At high currents, the time delay and the multiplier. The output which contains dc and ac com- jitter increased during the first two minutes. At ponents is fed to the low-pass filter to complete the equilibrium, the delay varied from a minimum of feedback loop. about 2 ps to a maximum of about 5 ps. We believe This loop would operate without the dc tachometer that this increase in turn-on delay is caused by out- input; but since the maximum loop gain is finite, the gassing of the electrodes under high current loads. phase difference between the ac reference and the Turn-off of the rectifier by removal of the posi- square wave in locked operation would vary with gen- tive anode voltage left a plasma in the space between erator speed. The dc tachometer input amplitude is the grids and the cathode arc. This caused grid cur- adjusted so that the dc output of the filter is nearly rents that lasted long enough to influence the next zero in the locked condition. In this way, the phase turn-on. For this reason, a switch-transistor was difference between the ac reference and the square used to clamp grid #1 to a negative bias when the tube wave is made very nearly 90° and independent of gen- was off. This bias swept out the ions left in the inter- erator speed. electrode space in about 1/2 ms. Main Counter Loop Number System and Logic The MAIN COUNTER and its associated feedback The digital parts of the control system shown in loop are shown in the upper left part of Fig. 1. The the block diagram of Fig. 1 use the binary number function of this counter is to provide a digital degree system. This was chosen since the input from the scale that has 360. 0' per generator cycle and that is ZGS programmer is in one's complement form and phase synchronized with the square wave from the because of convenience in construction. phase-lock loop. Its operation is described below. The DISPLAY system uses LED numeric display The dc tachometer voltage, shown in the upper elements driven by a binary coded decimal counter. left of Fig. 1, is multiplied by a constant in the This is convenient for checkout by the maintenance SERVO CONTROL. The product is then applied to the personnel. input of the v-f converter. The gain constant is ad- justed to give very nearly 160 counts per electrical The digital logic utilizes 7400 series TTL-MSI degree of the generator wave. In this way, the main integrated circuits. About 250 integrated circuit counter receives very nearly 16 x 3600 counts each chips are mounted in dual in-line packages and are generator cycle, without the feedback loop's correc- interconnected by wire-wrap wiring. The propagation tion. This makes the action of the feedback loop al- delays for this logic series vary from package to most independent of generator speed. package but are of the order of a few tens of ns. The main counter is provided with gates that Phase Lock Loop clear the counter to zero each time the total count reaches 16 x 3600. The gates generate a ROLLOVER The generator voltage wave varies in frequency pulse at the same time that the counter is cleared. during the ZGS cycle and is very distorted. Rectifier No other input clears the counter, thus assuring commutation produces notches in the generator 360. Oo per main counter cycle. 5 12 The main counter is synchronized with the phase- Lag Register lock loop in the following way. The positive-going edge of the square wave from the phase-lock loop + 2 In normal operation, the ZGS programmer makes the major part of the changes in rectifier firing an- loads a register with the number from the main count- gles. This is done through the programmer input to er. This number is then subtracted from a reference the SELECTOR at the bottom of Fig. 1. The number number, obtained by adding a BIAS to the number con- of degrees of firing delay is put in the 0005 register at tained in the RECTIFY D.S. digital switch. This dif- any time. The number is then transferred to the ference is the digital servo-loop error signal and 0005' register under internal timing control. represents the amount that the main counter is ahead or behind the reference square wave from the phase- The number in the LAG REGISTER is subtracted lock loop. The difference is loaded into a second reg- from the number in the 0005' register. The difference ister that feeds a d-a converter, thus furnishing a is divided by 256 and the quotient added to the initial voltage error signal. value of the number in the lag register. The lag reg- ister then approaches the number in the 0005' register This voltage error signal feeds a proportional and an integral network in the servo control. The effect along a digitally generated "exponential. 'I The time constant is controlled by the RATE logic and is select- is to speed up or slow down the v-f converter so that ed from the ZGS programmer. The output "L" is thus the number transferred from the main counter is made to change slowly enough to prevent arc faults in equal to the reference number. the rectifiers and to prevent distortions in the ring magnet field that would reduce the beam intensity. Full Rectify Adjustment Under fault conditions, the safety interlocks The main counter control loop contains a refer- switch the selector from programmer input to a steady ence number that may be changed to adjust the firing invert angle. pulse times for full rectify. At full rectify (000. Oo from the programmer), the RECTIFY D, S. is changed Maximum Invert Angle in 0. 1' increments until the firing pulses are correct- ly timed. The digital phase angle meter is used to The rectifier arc fault rate is dependent on the check this. At correct adjustment, the RECTIFY D.S. amount of firing delay used. Less delay is permissi- plus the BIAS has a nominal value of 180. 0'. Small ble at high magnet currents than at low currents. The variations are caused by the effects of noise on the control system is therefore provided with logic that phase-lock loop. limits the firing delay. The MAXIMUM INVERT adjustment digital switch Preset Counter is shown at the lower left of Fig. 1. The hold button Under ideal conditions at full rectify, rectifier #I on the register permits changes during operation of turns on when the number in the main counter is 30°, the ring magnet. The digital switch angle is added to rectifier #Z when the number is 60°, etc., and recti- a fixed 108.8' to get the total maximum angle. fier #12 when the number is 360'. At invert, each The CURRENT COMPENSATION input at the low- rectifier turn-on is delayed up to 155O so that several er left of Fig. 1 is a voltage obtained from a magnet of the rectifier turn-on angles will occur in the follow- current transductor. This voltage is fed to a sample ing cycle of the main counter. The logic problems and hold (S/H) and then to an a-d converter. The num- associated with this situation are avoided by using the ber in the associated register is proportional to mag- PRESET COUNTER shown below the main counter in net current. The amplifier gain may be changed to Fig. 1. adjust the amount of compensation. The preset counter counts by 0. lo steps and has a The current compensation angle is subtracted range of 819. lo. It is not cleared to zero but is pre- from the maximum invert angle to give a limit "MI' set to the number in the main counter at a specific thzt varies with magnet current. This value "MI' and time each cycle. The PRESET CONTROL logic oper- the lag register number "L" go to a COMPARATOR ates so that in effect, the time for the presetting is af- and SELECTOR that make the number at "GI' equal to ter rectifier #12 has turned on and also is after the the smaller of these two inputs to the comparator. rollover of the main counter. If rollover has not OC- curred before turn-on of rectifier #12, the preset con- Phase Counter trol in effect locks out the unwanted comparator output pulses generated between the time of rectifier #12 The phase counter (+CNT), located in the lower turn-on and the time of rollover. right of Fig. 1, controls the distribution of firing pulses to the several rectifiers and determines the an- The range of the preset counter and the method of gular increments between the rectifier firings. The presetting it require that the "B" inp ut to the compar- operation is as follows. ator has the following- ranges: Consider the +CNT to be in the first of its 12 Rectifier #1 varies from 15O to 200' states. The counter output and DECODE gates condi- Rectifier #2 varies from 45' to 230° tion DRIVER #I to transmit the next comparator pulse Rectifier #3 varies from 75' to 260° to rectifier #l. The counter output causes the 30°1NC . . . . . . . . . . . . . e . . . . . . generator output 'IC" to be zero and connects D. S. 1 Rectifier #12 varies from 345O to 530° digital switch to the E input to the adder. The output of this adder can be adjusted between Oo and 30' by adjusting D. S. 1. 513 If the programmer input is Oo (full rectify) and if indicated that the delta and wye connected transform- the FEEDBACK is not in use (F= 15'), the B input to ers did not produce voltage waves that are 30° apart. the comparator may be from 15' to 45O depending on It appears that the angles are about 28O. the D.S. 1 setting. The feedback connection is used with the B coil on As soon as the number in the preset counter the ring magnet to control the slope of the magnet flat- equals or exceeds the number B, a comparison pulse top for energy loss extraction. In this mode, in- is generated. This pulse is transmitted to rectifier creased ripple amplitudes appear on the ring magnet #1 and causes the hCNT to advance to the second voltage. These are at low frequencies and are not re- state. producible from cycle to cycle. It ?ppears that low frequency noise is picked up in the B system. Even In this second state, D.S. 2 digital switch is con- so, the ripple is less than with the old control system. nected by the selector to output E and driver #2 is conditioned. In this case, the 30°1NC generator out- The feedback input is used during resonant ex- put has a value of 30.0'. traction to control the extraction rate.3 The signal is supplied from beam monitoring devices to magnetical- This process continues to fire each of the 12 rec- ly program the beam position during extraction. tifiers in the proper sequence. The ACNT is self- synchronizing at startup of the system because of the Acknowledgments equal to or greater than action of the comparator. Many people have enthusiastically contributed to Feedback the digital firing control system project. Their ef- forts have made the system operational in a remark- The digital control system is provided with a fast ably short time. channel that may be used in cpnjunction with other control systems such as the B feedback control and We wish to thank Mr. Ray Kickert for his efforts, the external beam intensity control. especially during the measurements of the dynamic characteristics of the mercury vapor rectifiers and The feedback system, located at the bottom of during debugging and testing of the system. Fig. 1, consists of an input amplifier, a S/H, an a-d converter, and a register (REG). The input voltage The ring magnet power group, under Mr. George range is -20 to t20 V. The a-d converter has an out- West, did an outstanding job of constructing many of put range of 0' to 30. Oo. When the feedback input is the circuit modules and making the many changes in not in use. the REG is held at 15. 0'. the control and interlock circuits. We wish to thank P. Bertucci, L. Johns, P. Roth, E. Kulovitz, Model W. Welch, and the whole ring magnet power group. Dynamic checks of the digital control of the recti- References fier firing angles are done through use of the MODEL. This model contains two small 6-phase transformers 1. J. F. Sellers, E. F. Frisby, W. F. Praeg, and supplied from the generator bus. One transformer A, T. Visser, Ring Magnet Power System for the has a delta primary and the other a wye connected Zero Gradient Synchrotron, 1965 Particle Accel- primary. The secondaries connect to 12 small photo- erator Conference, Washington, D. C., March 10 coupled SCR's that are operated by the 12 drivers of to 12, 1965, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Sci- Fig. 1. The rectified voltage is fed to an operational ence, Volume NS-12, No. 3, p. 338 (1965) amplifier analog model of the ZGS passive filter and ring magnet system. Magnet voltage, magnet cur- 2. Lloyd G. Lewis and Anthony D. Valente, Argonne rent, and current through the filter inductor are National Laboratory, PHASOR: A Control Com- available. Model current and magnet voltage are puter Method for Displaying Amplitude and Phase transmitted to the power house display system for the of Ripple Components in the Ring Magnet Voltage, operators' inspection. IXth International Conference on High Energy Accelerators, Stanford, California, May 2 to 7, Discussion 1974. The control system has been in routine use since 3. Y. Cho, E. A. Crosbie, L. G. Lewis, C. W. November 1973. Initial startup was with all the digi- tal switches, D.S. 1 - D.S. 12, set for equal inter- Potts, and L. G. Ratner, Argonne National Labo- ratory, Slow Resonance Extraction of Two Simul- vals between rectifier firings. No particular prob- taneous Beams without RF Structure, IXth Inter- lems with arcbacks were encountered. national Conference on High Energy Accelerators, Readjustments of the individual rectifier angles Stanford, California, May 2 to 7, 1974. were made to minimize ripple. This was done with 2 the aid of the control computer using the PHASOR program. The amplitudes of the first, second, and third harmonics were reduced to values that were about a factor of 20 smaller than with the old analog ramp control system. This was done without the feed- back input. The amplitude of the sixth harmonic could be minimized but remained large. The minimum was fairly broad, and the values of D.S. 1 - D.S. 12 5 14 v D. C. D.C. TACH. D + A REG. LOAD TACH. 0 J v v SUB. v-* f SUM SERVO CONTROL RECTIFY D.S. 160 COUNTS / DEG. COUNTS / DEGREE START DISPLAY CONTROL I G ADD I I1 I I '1 SEL- f2 56 0 0 M 0 COMP ADD CONTROL 1 0 + + w 0 0 SUB. RATE LAG REG. TIMING 1 I 0 9 F I 0 1I I REG. ADD SUB, REG. k 1 5 O 0 0 0005' 30' INC. 0005 SELECTOR MAX. D.S. D.S. t -----_- INVERT SEL. I 12 DECOD ADJUST 1 FEED INDIVIDUAL DRIVERS CURRENT INVERT MAN, COMP. PROGRAMMER BACK ANGLE ADJUST FIG. 1 - DIGITAL FIRING ANGLE CONTROL SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM 515 PHASOR: A CONTROL COMPUTER METHOD FOR DISPLAYING AMPLITUDE AND PHASE OF RIPPLE COMPONENTS IN THE RING MAGNET VOLTAGE*: Lloyd G. Lewis and Anthony D. Valente Argonne National Laboratory Argonne, Illinois Abstract in an attempt to analyze the ripple during a 700 ms flattop of the ZGS ring magnet. At the low ripple fre- Deviations of 12-phase generator -transformer- quencies, 50-600 Hz, the sweep rate for the required rectifier systems from ideal performance result in resolution was so low that an analysis could not be per- the generation of ring magnet ripple at the fundamen- formed in the length of the flattop, In addition, no tal and at low harmonics of the generator frequency. phase angle information is given by such an instrument. Analysis and display of the amplitude and phase of The ZGS control computer system was used in each of these harmonic components makes it possible conjunction with the program PHASOR to analyze the for the systems engineer to minimize the ripple by re- ripple and display the results. The program is of the adjusting the control system. The Zero Gradient Syn- interactive type where the computer operator directs chrotron (ZGS) control computer samples both the fil- the logic flow after observing the results of each sec- tered voltage on the ring magnet and a reference volt- tion of the program. age produced by a phase-lock loop connected to the generator bus. Data are taken during a selected inter- Data Input val of the ZGS cycle and are then analyzed. Computer driven graphic displays plot the raw ripple data, am- The reference for all phase angles was a square plitude and phase bar graphs for each harmonic corn- wave produced by a phase-lock loop that had one phase ponent, reconstructed ripple data for checking, and of the generator voltage as its input. This loop acted graphs for comparing ripple components under differ- as a filter for the distortions in the generator voltage ent operating conditions. Numerical information is wave and gave sharp indications of corresponding also displayed. The PHASOR program corrects the points in each generator voltage cycle. The loop was phase angles for the phase shifts produced by the ZGS adjusted so that the positive -going square wave transi- passive filter. These corrected angles indicate whlch tions were at 90° on the generator voltage sine wave of the 12-phase firing angles should be retarded or acl- and were independent of generator voltage and fre- vanced to reduce the ripple. quency. Introduction This square wave, shown in Fig. lA, was the in- put to an analog integrator that was voltage limited at * Power supplies for synchrotron ring magnets 10 V. The waveform from this is shown in Fig. 1B. usually consist of phase -controlled rectifiers operated The rise and fall times were adjusted to be slightly from an ac power line or from ac generators. The longer than the control computer data sampling intpr- number of ac phases is often high to minimize the rip- Val. In this way, the computer was assured of one ple. The ripple on the magnet is reduced even more data point on the rlse even through the computer was in some systems by inserting a low-pass filter be- not synchronized to the generator. tween the rectifiers and the ring ;nagnet. The second input to the ZGS control computer In a 12-phase system with a low-pass filter, the data station was a voltage cGntaiiiing the magnet ripplr amplitude of the ripple component at the fundamental rnformation. It was obtained by capacitively coupling frequency of the power line may exceed the amplitude the voltage which was across one quadrant of the ring of the 12th harmonic. This is caused in part by the magnet to an amplifier with a high common mode re- filter's attenuation being larger at the higher frequen- jection. Zener dlode networks eliminated most of the cy. Additional causes include errors in the number. OE C~L component. turns on the polyphase transformer windings, variation in the leakage inductance from one phase winding to Data Taking another, lack of symmetry in circuit resistances, and imbalances between phases of the power line or gen- The manual keyboard at the computer driven erator. scope was used to specify the point in the ZGS cycle lor the start of data taking (e. g. 250 ms after the start The magnitude of the low frequency ripple com- of flattop). The keyboard was then used to enter the ponents may be reduced on flattop by properly retard- niimber of data samples of the ripple voltage that are ing or advancing the firing time of each of the 12- to be taken. The computer then generates requisitions phase rectifiers with respect to the others. fcr all of the data points. Measurements are made at Proper adjustment of the firing delays of cach of ZOO us intervals and alternate between the reference the 12 phases is extremely difficult by trial and error wave: and the ripple wave. methods and an optimum is difficult to determine by When the operator pushes &e DISPLAY NEW eye. For these reasons, analytical methods are re- SET key, a new set of data is taken on the next ZGS quired. cycle. These data are then displayed on the scope A swept frequency spectrum analyzer was used screen. Figure 3 top plots the samples taken on the relerence wave. The points that are circled are on the ::::Work performed under the auspices of the U. S. rising and falling slopes of the reference. Fig1n-e 3 Atomic Energy Commission. bottom plots the samples taken on the ripple wave. 516 searches the reference wave data points, Fig. 3 top, to locate all the positive-going edges. It counts the number of data points in each cycle and calculates the fractional intervals at the beginning and end of each cycle. These fractional intervals are calculated from the position of the circled points, Fig. 3 top. The to- tal number of intervals is then divided into 360 to get the number of degrees per interval. Od for the first data point in each cycle and the frequency of each cy- cle are displayed on the scope screen. A value of Od for each data point is then assigned. Fig. 1 Phase Lock Loop Waveforms The computer uses the equations (4),( 5), and (8) to compute the amplitude and phase of the first 12 The computer operator, by inspection of the harmonic components. The sums, equations (4)a nd scope display, determines that the amplitude range of (5), may be extended over more than one cycle if the the data is acceptable and that enough points are taken. operator so specifies. He may then proceed to analyze the data by pushing the ANALYZE button on the scope. The phase angles, xr of equation (7), are then corrected for the phase shifts produced by the ZGS Analysis passive filter, shown in Fig. 2. The results give the phase angle of each frequency component at the output A finite, periodic function V(t) may be written as of the rectifier. Display Derived Ripple n The operator may push the DISPLAY DERIVED where . . . -2lT RIPPLE button to check the computation. In this n=O. 1, 2, 3. and w = mode, the computer uses the phases and amplitudes of the ripple components derived from the data to calcu- and the coefficients are given by late V(t) at each value of Bd. The graph is shown in .7 Fig. 3 center. The amplitudes and phase angles of (2) the components are given in the table at the bottom of . . Fig. 3. +L z n = O , l , 2 . . A measure of the error is given by a number 2 JL labelled FIT. This number is found by taking the dif- B = - Vtsb ntut dt Ti ference between each measured ripple voltage and the -2 voltage calculated from the phases and amplitudes of the ripple. This difference is divided by the measured where Bo = 0 and A. = twice the dc value of the signal. voltage at each point and the ratio is squared. The number FIT is one minus the mean of this ratio. If we make k measurements during one period of the function V(t), we may approximate the integrals Graph Phasor Set (2) and (3) by the following: -.k_ The operator may see the results of the harmon- a = v cd~(r e,) r = 0, 1, 2, 3 . . . (4) ic analysis by pushing a button labelled GRAPH d d=l PHASOR SET. This activates a subroutine that con- structs the graphic display that is shown in Fig. 4. $k1 b = Vc sln (re,) (5) The top lines on the right of Fig. 4 give the date and time of day for starting to take the set of data. d=l The remaining lines on the right give the point in the . ZGS cycle at which the data taking began. In this case ThenV(t)=la t a c a r c u t t a m 2 w t t . . it was 400.0 ms after the start of block 16 (flattop). 2 0 1 2 . . (6) t b sin w t t b 2sh 2ot+. 1 or V(t) = -1 a t c1 sln (cuttxl) + cz sin (ottx,) t . . (7) 15. mH $ 7250 2 0 7 u F (e) 1 I IN OUT where d- b cr = and x = arctan (8) 2 200 I OHM T PF with the restriction -180° < xr S + 180'. The first step in the analysis is to assign an angle Bd to each of the data points. The computer Fig. 2 ZGS Passive Filter 5 17 - PHASOR 0 0 0 a 15 NOV. 1973 21:04:36 0 0 a START AT 16 400.0 300 SAMPLES TAKEN 2 PERIOD ANALYSIS HZ 1 ST THETA I 50.15 4.82 2 50.10 2.28 RETAINED SET ALPHA SET AMP. PHASE AMP. PHASE ALPHA SET 0 0 0 - .2 0 dc 0 0 0 0 I .I 29.3 I 0 0 0 0 0 I .I -I 11.7 2 0 0 0 0 .2 -I 12.0 3 0 0 0 0 0 .3 -130. I 4 0 0 0 0 .I -145.9 5 0 0 0 0 0 I .4 - 76.6 6 0 0 0 0 .I - 82.1 7 0 0 .o 0 138.0 8 0 0 0 .o 11.1 9 0 0 .o 47.8 IO 0 0 .o - 5.9 I I 0 0 .6 15.6 12 0 0 Fig 3. Display New Set and Derived Ripple Three hundred data samples were taken and two peri- The lower part of Fig. 4 lists several sets of ods were analyzed. The first period had a frequency numeric data. The column in the center lists dc and of 50.15 Hz, while the second had 50.10 Hz. This dif- phases 1-12. The two columns to the left of center ference is caused by the slowing down of the generator give the amplitudes in volts and the phase angles in during the ZGS cycle. The angle 8d for the first data degrees for the 12 phases and the amplitude of the dc point in each cycle was 4.82O and 2.27O. component. These are the values used to calculate the derived ripple plotted at the top of Fig. 4. The top graph gives the reconstructed ripple data that was calculated from the amplitudes and The table of numbers at the lower left records phases of the derived ripple components. The FIT the alpha angle settings for the 12 phases and in addi- number is also given. This graph is included in Fig. tion, the full rectify setting. These are the settings 4, as well as in Fig. 3, for identification purposes and of the ZCS control system that produced the ripple re- because many people get a better "feel" for the data constructed at the top of Fig. 4. The numbers are in from an analog type display. octal code and represent deviations from the ideal uni- form spacing of rectifier firing angles. These num- The upper bar graph of Fig. 4 plots the dc com- bers are recorded in the exact format in which they ponent and the amplitudes of the first 12 harmonics of appear on the control panel of the digital firing angle the generator frequency. The vertical scale for this control system. plot is shown above and to the left of the bar graph. The scale factor in volts per inch is changeable at will These numbers are entered through the use of through the scope keyboard. These amplitudes are for the ENTER/MODIFY ALPHA SET subroutine, and the filtered voltage applied to the ring magnet. can be used by the operator when desired. The lower bar graph of Fig. 4 plots the phase Retained Set angles x for the first 12 harmonics. The range of angles isrfixed at t 180° to -180° in accordance with The operator may save a set of results, such as the restriction on xr in equation (8). These angles that presented in Fig. 4, by pushing the button labelled have been corrected for the phase shifts produced by RETAIN THIS PHASOR SET. This activates a sub- the passive filter of Fig. 2. They are, therefore, the routine that stores the information in computer memo- phase angles of the harmonic components at the output ry for comparison with future data. of the rectifiers. This is done to make it possible to determine which rectifier firing angles should be re- The operator may then analyze a new set of data tarded or advanced to reduce the amplitudes of the rip- and call for GRAPH PHASOR SET. The result is the ple components. generation of a display such as shown in Fig. 5. 518 PHASOR 15 NOV. 1973 21 : 04 : 36 1.00 START AT 16 400.0 I 300 SAMPLES TAKEN AMP. MAG. I I I I 2 PERIOD ANALYSIS HZ 1 ST THETA I 50.15 4.82 P. s. 2 50.10 2.28 -180 RETAINED SET ALPHA SET AMP. PHASE AMP. PHASE ALPHA SET 77 36 77 - .2 0 dc 0 0 0 0 0 I ,I 29.3 I nV 37 76 36 I .I -I 11.7 2 0 0 0 -2 -I 12.0 3 0 76 36 77 .3 -I 30. I 4 0 0 0 .I -145.9 5 0 36 74 36 1.4 - 76.6 6 0 0 0 .I - 82.1 7 0 .o 472 138.0 8 0 .o 11.1 9 0 .o 47.8 IO 0 .o - 5.9 I1 0 .6 15.6 12 0 Fig. 4 Graph PHASOR Set The numeric information at the top right of Fig. COPY NEW SET -- similar to Fig. 3, 5 is similar to that of Fig. 4 except it is for the new COPY LEFT SHIFTED -- that portion of Fig. 3 set of data. The derived ripple curve and the FIT that was analyzed, number are aIso for the new set of data. COPY DERIVED - - derived ripple, COPY PHASOR ?Ai LPHA SET -- similar to The bar graph for the amplitude now has two Fig. 4, 5. lines at each harmonic locstion. The left line in each The 'hard-copy" unit can produce a print in about ten pair gives the amplitude of that harmonic component seconds. No line printer output is provided. in the new set of data, while the right line in each pair gives the amplitude of that harmonic component in the Calibration retained set. In this way, the amplitudes may be com- pared visually to determine the effect of the changes The effects produced by changes in rectifier fir- in the firing angles. ing angle were experimentally investigated. For ex- The bar graph for the phases also has a pair of ample, the firing angle of phase number 1 was ad- lines at each harmonic location. The left line in each vanced several electrical degrees to produce a large pair gives the phase angle for that harmonic compo- ripple on flattop. PHASOR was then used to measure nent in the new set of data, while the right line gives the amplitude and phase of the harmonic components the phase angle of that harmonic component in the re- of the ripple thus produced. This procedure was re- tained set. peated for several combinations of change s in firing angles of selected rectifiers. The numeric information, at the bottom of Fig. 5 on the right, gives the amplitude and phase angles for The calibration data were useful in predicting the retained set and in addition the alpha set that pro- which of the 12 rectifier groups should have their fir- duced them, The numeric information, at the bottom ing angles altered to reduce a given observed ripple. on the left, gives the amplitude and phase angles for the new set of data and the corresponding alpha set. Discus sion output Analyses of ripple data were made for a variety of firing angle combinations during the calibration runs The program PHASOR is an interactive one so and for many actual operating conditions while ripple that most of the output is through visual observation of reduction adjustments were made. In all cases, the the computer driven scope display. Several options in bar graphs similar to Figs. 4 and 5 showed very small the interaction can produce copies of the scope display or no amplitudes for the 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, IOth, and on 8%" x 11" photographic paper. These include: 1 lth harmonics. The phase angles computed for these 519 ... PHASOR 15 NOV. 1973 23:2 5 : 16 START AT 16 600,O 500 SAMPLES TAKEN AM 2 PERIOD ANALYSIS HZ 1 ST THETA I 48.82 4#58 s. P. 2 48.76 3.27 ' -180 RETAINED SET ALPHA SET AMP. PHASE AMP. PHASE ALPHA SET 77 32 77 - -6 0 dc -. \.o 0 77 50 77 .3 26.4 I .3 - 106.3 32 76 32 .3 170.8 2 .I 43.I 46 76 47 .2 - 96.2 3 .I - 153.2 101 32 77 .2 - 117.8 4 .I - 158.2 76 47 77 .o - 146.0 5 .I - 73.6 32 76 32 .I - 78.3 6 2.0 - 77.1 46 74 46 .o - 63.7 7 *I -90.2 47 3 .o - 166.4 8 .I I 38.3 470 .o - 30.I 9 .o - 153.7 .o - 68.0 10 .o -131.3 .o 78.I I1 .o - 136.6 ,2 , 42.0 12 .7 136.0 Fig. 5 Graph PHASOR Set With Retained Set for Comparison harmonic components varied widely from one data set A perfect rectifier system will produce only the to the next which leads us to the conslusion that these 12th harmonic, therefore this cannot be eliminated or effectively reduced by adjusting firing angles. On the harmonic components are largely the result of "noise" or inaccuracies in the input data. other hand, the 6th harmonic can be increased or de- creased in only one way. That is, all even numbered We were not able to find a combination of recti- phases should be advanced an equal amount and all qdd fier firing angles that produced large or significant numbered phases retarded by the same amount. This amounts of 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, loth, and Ilth, harmon- method reduced the 6th harmonic amplitude to a mini- ics. We therefore have amplitude and phase mea- mum but would not make it vanish. The data indicate aurements at harmonic numbers l, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12 that the phase shift between our delta and wye connect- for a total of 12 measurements. ed transformers is only 28' rather than the theoretical The control system has adjustments for each of 30°. the 12 phases but only 11 of these are independent var- The first harmonic amplitude may be reduced by iables as far as ripple is concerned. The 12th phase changing all of the 12 angles. In this case, the control and the "full rectify" control adjust the slope changes are distributed sinusoidally with the peak of of the flattop. This slope is adjusted to zero before the distribution determined by the phase angle of the the ripple measurements are made. 1st harmonic of the ripple. The 2nd harmonic may be Some thought was given to writing a program reduced by a similar procedure except that the sinus- that would compute new firing angle settings from the oid for the distribution is the 2nd harmonic. ripple component amplitudes and phase angles. There This program was used successfully to reduce appear to be enough measurements to permit the solv- the flattop ripple at the ZGS with the distributions for ing of a set of 12 equations. No adequate algorithm alpha angle changes determined manually. It is hoped for this was developed in the very limited effort ex- that additional subroutines can soon be added to per- pended. mit the computer to calculate the alpha settings that Inspection of the problem indicates that the rip- will minimize the ripple. ple may be reduced one component at a time. This is the procedure used. 5 20

Nov 15, 1973 The digital parts of the control system shown in the block diagram of Fig Rectifier #12 varies from 345O to 530° .. Data Taking. The manual keyboard at the computer driven JL Vtsb ntut dt. - 2 where Bo = 0 .. -ihc rit'v hardware rind a program i n the mr-5) t~ stwc . The motor-gen
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