Development of HgCdTe large format MBE arrays and and noise free high speed MOVPE arrays for ground based NIR astronomy G. Finger1, I. Baker2, M. Downing1, D. Alvarez1, D. Ives1, L. Mehrgan1, M. Meyer1, J. Stegmeier1, H. J. Weller2 1European Southern Observatory, GarchingGermany. 2 Selex ES Ltd, Southampton, United Kingdom. VLT / VLTI Interferometer the spatial resolution of the four 8m telescopes of the VLTI will outperform the ELT 200 m baseline (ELT 40m) fringe tracker IR AO WFS for each telescope high speed low noise sensor required European Extremely Large Telescope Large format detectors required (4Kx4K) Armazones Paranal The E-ELT • 40-m class telescope: largest optical- infrared telescope in the world. • Segmented primary mirror. • Active optics to maintain collimation and mirror figure. • Adaptive optics assisted telescope. • Diffraction limited performance. • Wide field of view: 10 arcmin. • Mid-latitude site (Armazones in Chile). • Fast instrument changes. • VLT level of efficiency in operations. FPA arrangement for MICADO Science Detectors Instrument Number of Det Pixel format Wavelength um MICADO 13-16* 4kx4k 0.8-2.5 HARMONI 8* 4kx4k 0.95-2.45 8 4kx4k 0.47-0.95 METIS 1 1kx1k 5-14(28) 6 2kx2k 3-5 ELT-MOS 6* 4kx4k 0.6-1.7 6-8 4kx4k or 6kx6k 0.37-1 ELT-HIRES 3* 4kx4k 0.8-2.45 5 9kx9k 0.3-0.8 ELT-PCS 4* 4kx4k 0.95-1.65 8 4kx2k 0.6-0.9 Large format LPE / MBE • LPE: homojunctions , not possible to vary bandgap panchromatic response, QE lower in J band, cosmetic worse, requires cooling to <60K, historical • MBE: heterojunctions , solid state engineering possible, vary bandgap for each molecular layer, solid state engineering • High QE > 80% • Low dark current: few electrons/hour • Low readout noise: DCS < 8 erms Fowler < 3 erms • Readout noise limited by IR diode, not by acquisition chain • Remaining problem: persistence Hawk-I mosaic : 2x2 2Kx2K Hwaii-2RG mosaic Hawk-I mosaic : 2x2 Hwaii-2RG