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Preview Development of Fractal Geometry in a 1+1 Dimensional Universe

Development of Fra tal Geometry in a 1+1 Dimensional Universe Bru e N. Miller Department of Physi s and Astronomy, Texas Christian University∗, Fort Worth, Texas 76129 Jean-Louis Rouet Institut des S ien es de la Terre d'Orléans (ISTO) - UMR 6113 CNRS/Université d'Orléans, 1A, rue de la Férollerie and Laboratoire de Mathématique, Appli ations et Physique Mathématique - UMR 6628 CNRS/Université d'Orléans, UFR des S ien es, F-45067 Orléans Cedex 2, Fran e 7 Emmanuel Le Guirre 0 Laboratoire de Mathématique, 0 Appli ations et Physique Mathématique - UMR 6628 CNRS/Université d'Orléans, 2 UFR des S ien es, F-45067 Orléans Cedex 2, Fran e n (Dated: February 6, 2008) a J Observationsofgalaxiesoverlargedistan esrevealthepossibilityofafra taldistributionoftheir 3 positions. The sour e of fra tal behavior is thela k of a length s ale in the two body gravitational intera tion. However,evenwithnew,larger,samplesizesfromre entsurveys,itisdi(cid:30) ulttoextra t 1 information on erning fra tal properties with on(cid:28)den e. Similarly,simulationswith a billion par- v ti lesonlyprovideathousandparti lesperdimension,fartoosmallfora urate on lusions. With 5 onedimensional models these limitations an be over omeby arrying outsimulations with on the 0 orderofaquarterofamillionparti leswithout ompromisingthe omputationofthegravitational 0 for e. Herethemultifra talpropertiesofagroupofthesemodelsthatin orporatedi(cid:27)erentfeatures 1 of the dynami al equations governing the evolution of a matter dominated universe are ompared. 0 Theresultsshareimportantsimilaritieswithgalaxyobservations,su hashierar hi al lusteringand 7 apparent bifra tal geometry. They also provide insights on erning possible onstraints on length 0 andtimes ales forfra tal stru ture. They learly demonstratethatfra tal geometryevolves inthe / µ h (position, velo ity) spa e. The observed properties are simply a shadow (proje tion) of higher p dimensionalstru ture. - h PACSnumbers: 05.10.-a,05.45.-a,98.65.-r,98.80.-k t a m I. INTRODUCTION the intergala ti distan e seemed to support the fra tal : v onje ture. In fa t, in the past it has been argued by i Pietroneroand olleaguesthat the universemay even be X Starting with the work of Vau oulours,[1℄ questions fra tal on all s ales.[4℄[6℄ Of ourse, if this were true it r a have been posed about the geometri properties of the would wreak havo with the on lusions of osmologi al distribution of matter in the universe. Ne essary for theory. all modern osmologies are the assumptions of homo- M Cauley haslookedat this issuefrom afew di(cid:27)erent geneity and isotropy of the mass distribution on large perspe tives. He points out that sin e the powerlawbe- length s ales.[2℄ However, observations have shown the havior of the orrelation fun tion is only quantitatively existen e of very large stru tures su h as super- lusters orre t over a (cid:28)nite length s ale, the universe ould not and voids.[3℄ Moreover, as te hnology has advan ed, so beasimple(mono)fra tal.[7℄Thenthelogi alnextques- has the length s ale of the largest observed stru tures. tion is whether or not the matter distribution is multi- (Forare entreviewseeJoneset. al.[4℄.) Itwasproposed fra tal. By onsidering ounts in ells, Bailin and S ha- by Mandelbrot,[5℄ based on work of Peebles,[2℄ that the e(cid:27)erhypothesizedsometimeagothatthedistributionof matterdistributionintheuniverseisfra tal. Supportfor matter is approximately bifra tal, i.e. a superposition of this onje ture ame primarily from the omputation of fra tals with two distin t s aling laws.[8℄ M Cauley has thepair orrelationfun tionforthepositionsofgalaxies, also addressed the possibility of inhomogeneity. Work- aswellasfromdire tobservation. Thefa tthatthe or- ing with Martin Kers her, he investigated whether the relation fun tion was well represented by a power law in universehas multifra tal geometry. His approa hwasto examine the point-wise dimension [9℄ by looking for lo- al s aling of the density around individual galaxies in ∗ Ele troni address: b.millert u.edu; two atalogues. Their on lusion was that, even if lo al URL:http://personal.t u.edu/bmiller s aling were present, there are large (cid:29)u tuations in the 2 s aling law. Moreover, the sample sizes were not su(cid:30)- tivity. [15℄ Then a question arises on erning the in lu- ient to be able to extra t good lo al s aling exponents. sion of the Hubble (cid:29)ow into the dynami al formulation. Althoughlargergalaxy atalogueshavebe omeavailable This has been addressed in two ways: In the earliest, sin e their analysis, they do not meet the restri tive ri- arriedoutby Rouetand Feix,thes alefun tionwasdi- teria of su(cid:30) ient size, as well as uniform extension in re tlyinsertedintotheonedimensionaldynami s.[16,17℄ all dire tions, ne essaryto measurelo al dimensions. [4℄ Alternatively, starting with the usual three dimensional Their(cid:28)nal on lusionwasthat,whilethegeometryofthe equationsofmotionandembeddingastrati(cid:28)edmassdis- observeduniverseis ertainlynotmonofra tal,itwasnot tribution, Fanelli and Aurell obtained a similar set of possibletoirrefutably on ludewhetheritismultifra tal, oupleddi(cid:27)erentialequationsfortheevolutionofthesys- orwhethertheassumptionsofhomogeneityandisotropy tem in phase spa e.[18℄ While the approa hes are di(cid:27)er- prevail at large length s ales.[7℄ ent, from the standpoint of mathemati s the twomodels If urrent observations aren't able to let us determine are very similar and di(cid:27)er only in the values of a single the geometry of the universe, then we need to turn to (cid:28)xed parameter, the e(cid:27)e tive fri tion onstant. Follow- theory and simulation. For the most part, we are on- ing Fanelli,[18℄ we refer to the former as the RF model erned with the evolution of matter after the period of and the latter as the Quinti , or Q, model. re ombination. Consequently the Hubble expansion has By introdu ing s aling in both position and time, in sloweddownsu(cid:30) iently thatNewtoniandynami sisap- ea hmodelautonomousequationsofmotionareobtained pli able, at least within a (cid:28)nite region of spa e.[10℄ A in the omoving frame. In addition to the ontribution number of theoreti al approa hes to the omputation of for the gravitational (cid:28)eld, there is now a ba kground fra tal dimensions have been investigated. Ea h of them term, orresponding to a onstant negative mass distri- is predi ated on some external assumption whi h is not bution, and a linear fri tion term. By eliminating the yet veri(cid:28)ed. For example, de Vega et. al. assume that fri tion term a Hamiltonian version an also be on- the universe is lose to a thermodynami riti al point stru ted. At least three other one dimensional mod- [11℄ , while Gruji explores a (cid:28)eld theory where va uum els have also been investigated, one onsisting of New- energy predominates over inert matter, and the latter is tonian mass sheets whi h sti k together whenever they assumed to have a fra tal stru turing [12℄. An exam- ross,[19℄ one evolved by dire tly integrating the Zel- ination of the re ent literature reveals that theory has dovi h equations,[20, 21℄ and the ontinuoussystem sat- not onverged on a ompelling and uniformly a epted isfyingBurger'sequation[22℄. Inaddition,fra talbehav- theory of fra tal stru ture in the universe. ior has been studied in the autonomous one dimensional In the last few de ades dynami al N-body simula- systemwherethereisnoba kgroundHubble(cid:29)ow.[23,24℄ tion of old dark matter CDM has experien ed rapid In dynami al simulations, both the RF and Quinti advan es due to improvements in both algorithms and model learly manifest the development of hierar hi al µ te hnology.[13, 14℄ It is now possible to arry 1o0u9t grav- lusteringin both on(cid:28)gurationand spa e(the proje - itational N-body simulations with upwards of point tionofthephasespa eontheposition-velo ityplane). In mass parti les. However, in order to employ simulation ommonwiththeobservationofgalaxypositions,astime methods for systems evolving over osmologi al time, evolves both dense lusters and relatively empty regions it is ne essary to ompromise the representation of the (voids)develop. Intheirseminalwork,by omputingthe gravitationalintera tionoverboth longand shortlength box ounting dimension for the RF model, Rouet and s ales. For example, tree methods are frequently em- Feix were able to dire tly demonstrate the formation of ployed for large separations, typi ally the gravitational fra talstru ture.[16, 17℄Theyfound avalueofabout0.6 (cid:28)eldis omputedfromagrid,andashortrange ut-o(cid:27)is for the box ounting dimension of the well evolved mass employedto ontrolthesingularityintheNewtonianpair points in the on(cid:28)guration spa e, indi ating the forma- potential.[13, 14℄ Unfortunatel1y0,9even if the simulations tion of a robust fra tal geometry. In a later work,Miller w10e3reperfe t,asystemofeven parti lesprovidesonly and Rouet investigated the generalized dimension of the parti lesperdimensionandwouldthusbeinsu(cid:30) ient RFmodel.[25℄In ommonwiththeanalysisofgalaxyob- to investigate the fra tal geometry with on(cid:28)den e. servationsbyBailinandS hae(cid:27)er[8℄theyfoundeviden e As a logi al onsequen e of these di(cid:30) ulties it was for bi-fra tal geometry. Although they did not ompute natural that physi ists would look to lower dimensional a tual dimensions, later Fanelli et. al. also found a sug- models for insight. Although this sa ri(cid:28) es the orre t gestion of bi-fra tal behavior in the model without fri - dynami s, it provides an arena where a urate ompu- tion [26℄. It is then not surprising that the autonomous, tations with large numbers of parti les an be arried isolated,gravitationalsystemwhi hdoesnotin orporate out for signi(cid:28) ant osmologi al time. It is hoped that the Hubble (cid:29)ow alsomanifests fra tal behaviorfor short insights gainedfrom makingthis trade-o(cid:27) arebene(cid:28) ial. times as long as the virial ratio realized by the initial In one dimension, Newtonian gravity orresponds to a onditions is very small.[23, 24℄ In addition, in the one systemofin(cid:28)nitesimallythin, parallel,masssheetsofin- dimensional model of turbulen e governed by Burger's (cid:28)nite spatial extent. Sin e there is no urvature in a equation, the formation of sho ks has the appearan e of 1+1dimensional gravitationalsystem, we annot expe t densitysingularitiesthataresimilartothe lustersfound to obtain equationsof motion dire tly from general rela- in theRF and Quinti model. Atypeofbi-fra talgeom- 3 etry has also been demonstrated for this system.[22℄ du tion, we are interested in the development of den- Belowwepresenttheresultsofourre entinvestigation sity (cid:29)u tuations following the time of re ombination so of multifra tal properties of the Quinti model and the that ele tromagneti for es an be ignored. For that, modelwithoutfri tion. Inse tionIIwewill(cid:28)rstdes ribe and later, epo hs, the Hubble expansion has slowed suf- the systems. Then we will give a straightforwardderiva- (cid:28) iently that Newtonian dynami s provides an adequate tion of the equations of motion and explain how they representationof the motion in a (cid:28)nite region.[10℄ Then, 3+1 di(cid:27)erfromtheothermodelsmentionedabove. Inse tion ina dimensionaluniverse,theNewtonianequations III we will explain how the simulations were arried out governinga mass point are simply and des ribe their qualitative features. In se tion IV we de(cid:28)ne the generalized dimension and other fra tal mea- dr dv =v, =E (r,t) sures and present our approa h for omputing them. In dt dt g (2) se tion V we will present the results of the multifra tal analysis. Finally on lusions will be presented in se tion Eg(r,t) where,here, isthegravitational(cid:28)eld. Wewishto VI. followthe motionin aframeofreferen ewhere theaver- age density remains onstant, i.e. the o-moving frame. II. DESCRIPTION OF THE SYSTEM Thereforewetransformto anewAs(pta) e oordinrat=ewAh(ti) xh s ales the distan e a ordingto . Writing we obtain We onsider a one dimensional gravitational system N (OGS) of parallel, in(cid:28)nitesmimally thin, mass sheets d2x 2 dAdx 1 d2A 1 ea h with mass per unit area . The sheets are on- dt2 + A dt dt + A dt2 x=A3Eg(x,t) (3) strained to move perpendi ular to their surfa e. There- x fore we an onstru t a Cartesian axis perpendi ular N to the sheets. We imagine that the sheets are labeled where, in the above we have taken advantage of the in- j = 1,...,N x beay h sheet an.beFraosmsigintsedinttheerse otoiordninwaittehxtjheand-axthise, Evegr(sxe,stq)u=areAd12eEpegn(rd,etn) wehofertehethgreavfuitna ttiioonnaall(cid:28)deeldpetnodwerni tee v orrespondingvelo ity j. FromGauss'law,thefor eon is preserved. In a matter dominated (Einstein deSitter) ea hsheetisa onstantproportionaltothenetdi(cid:27)eren e universe we (cid:28)nd that between the total "mass" (really surfa e density) to its 2 right and left. The equations of motion are A(t)= t 3 , ρ (t)= 6πGt2 −1 b (cid:18)t0(cid:19) (4) dx dv (cid:0) (cid:1) i i =v , =E =2πmG[N N ] i i R,i L,i dt dt − (1) t0 where issomearbitraryinitialtime orresponding,say, G wthhere Ei is theNgRra,ivitNatLio,inal (cid:28)eld experien ed by the ttiootnhael eopnos thanotf,raen odmρbb(int)atisiotnh,eaviesrtahgee,uunnivifeorrsmal,gdreanvsititay- i parti le and ( ) is the number of parti les frequently referred to as the ba kground density. These (sheets) to its right (left) . Be ause the a eleration of results anbeobtaineddire tlyfromEq.3bynotingthat ea hparti leis onstantbetween rossings,theequations if the density is uniform, so that all matter is moving of motion an be integrated exa tly. Therefore it is not with the Hubble (cid:29)ow, the (cid:28)rst two terms in Eq.3 van- ne essary to use numeri al integration to follow the tra- A ishwhereasthethird term(times ) mustbeequatedto je tory in phase spa e. As a onsequen e it was possible to study the system dynami s on the earliest omputers the gravitational (cid:28)eld resulting from the uniformlyAdxis- tributed mass ontained within a sphere of radius | |. and it an be onsidered the gravitational analogue of Then the third term of Eq.3 is simply the ontribution the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam system.[27℄ It was (cid:28)rst employed bNy Le ar and Cohen to investigate the relaxation of an dareinssinitgybfryomsubthtreas ptihnegret.[h2e℄ N(cid:28)eoltdindgutehattoAth3eρbb(ta) k=grρobu(tn0d) body gravitational system.[28℄ Although it was (cid:28)rst N for es the result. Alternatively, also for the ase of uni- thought that the body system would reNa 2h equilib- form density, taking the divergen e of ea h side of Eq. 3 riumwith arelaxationtimeproportionalto ,[29℄ this andassertingthePoissonequationfor esthesameresult. was not born out by simulations.[30℄ Partially be ause ThustheFriedmans alingis onsistentwiththe oupling of its relu tan e to rea h equilibrium, both single and of a uniform Hubble (cid:29)ow with Newtonian dynami s.[2℄ two omponentversionsof the system havebeen studied For omputational purposes it is useful to obtain au- exhaustively in re ent years.[31, 32℄[33℄[34℄[35℄[36℄ Most tonomous equations of motion whi h do not depend ex- re ently it has been demonstrated that, for short times pli itlyonthetime. This anbee(cid:27)e tivelya omplished and spe ial initial onditions, the system evolution an [16,17℄bytransformingthetime oordinatea ordingto be modeled by an exa tly integrable system.[37℄ To onstru t and explorea osmologi alversionofthe A(t) t OGSweintrodu ethes alefa tor foramatterdom- dt=B(t)dτ, B(t)= inated universe.[2℄ Moreover, as dis ussed in the intro- t0 (5) 4 σ2 yielding the autonomous equations where v isthevarian eofthevelo ityattheinitialtime, v = σ = a/√3 a T v is the thermal velo ity, and is the d2x + 1 dx 2 x=E (x). maximalabsolutevelo ityvalue giventoaparti le[ wah,aen dτ2 3t0 dτ − 9t20 g (6) the initial distribution of velo ities is unifLor=mnoλn,− 0<℄. j Then, with the further requirement that n<N, in these units our equations are For the Newtonian dynami s onsidered here it is ne - essary to on(cid:28)ne our attention to a bounded region of Ω Ω d2x 1 dx 1 n spa e, . It is ustomary to hoose a ube for and as- i i + x = [N N ]. sumeperiodi boundary onditions. Thusourequations dτ2 √6 dτ − 3 i (cid:16)N(cid:17) R,i− L,i (13) orrespond to a dissipative dynami al system in the o- 1/3t0 movingframewithfri tion onstant andwithfor es Thereisstilla(cid:28)nalissuethatwehavetoaddress. Ifwe arisingfrom(cid:29)u tuationsinthelo aldensitywithrespe t assumeforthemomentthatthesheetsareuniformlydis- to a uniform ba kground. tributedand movingwith theHubble(cid:29)ow, thenthe(cid:28)rst For the spe ial ase of a strati(cid:28)ed mass distribution t two terms above are zero. Unfortunately, if we take the the lo al density at time is given by averageoverea h remaining term, we (cid:28)nd that they dif- fer by a fa tor of three. This seeming dis repan y arises ρ(x,t)= mj(t)δ(x xj) be ausewestartedwithspheri alsymmetryaboutanar- − (7) X bitrary point for the Hubble (cid:29)ow and are now imposing mj(t) jth axial symmetry. If we imagine that we are in a lo al re- where is the mass per unit area of the sheet gionwithastrati(cid:28)edgeometry,thesymmetryisdi(cid:27)erent and, from symmetry, the gravitational (cid:28)eld only has a x andthishastobere(cid:29)e tedintheba kgroundterm. This omponent in the dire tion. Then, for the spe ial ase of equal masses mj(t) = m(t), the orre t form of the apparentxidis repan y anbe re ti(cid:28)ed by multiplying the term in by three. Our (cid:28)nal equations of evolution are gravitational(cid:28)eldo urringon therighthandside ofEq i then 6 at the lo ation of parti le is then d2x 1 dx n i i Eg(xi)=2πm(t0)G[NR,i−NL,i] (8) dτ2 + √6 dτ −xi=(cid:16)N(cid:17)[NR,i−NL,i]. (14) sminj (et)w=e malr(et0a)d/yAi2mpli itly a ounted for the fa t that The des ription is ompleted by assuming that the sys- in Eq.6. The equations are further m(t0) temsatis(cid:28)esperiodi boundary onditionsontheinterval simpli(cid:28)ed by establishing the onne tion between 2L ρb(t0). , i.e. when a parti le leaves the primitive ell de(cid:28)ned andtheba kgrounddensityattheinitialtime, Let 2L < x < 2L 2N by − on the right, it re-enters at the left us assume that we have parti les (sheets) on(cid:28)ned 2L 2L<x<2L hand boundary with the identi al velo ity. Note that, in within a slab with width , i.e. − . Then omputing the (cid:28)eld, we do not attempt to in lude on- x i tributions from the images of outside of the primitive ρb(to)= 6πGt2o −1 =(cid:18)NL(cid:19)m(t0), (9) ell. (cid:0) (cid:1) Finally, we mention that the RF model is obtained fromthereversesequen ewhereone(cid:28)rstrestri tsthege- we may express the (cid:28)eld by ometryto1+1dimensionsandthenintrodu esthetrans- formation to the omoving frame. In this approa h it is 2 L Eg(xi)=2πm(t0)G[NR,i−NL,i]= 3t20 (cid:18)N(cid:19)[NR,i−NL,i], onfotxinea sewsseardyidtohemxrea.kTehthiseisadqjuuis tkmlyenseteinnbtyheno otien(cid:30)g tihenatt thedivergen eof isthreetimes greaterthan thediver- (10) xxˆ gen e of whi h one would obtain by dire tly starting and the equations of motion for a parti le in the system with the one dimensional model. However, in the RF now read model, the oe(cid:30) ient of the (cid:28)rst derivative term (the 1/√2 1/√6 d2x 1 dx 2 2 L fri tion onstant) is instead of . This simply i i dτ2 + 3t0 dτ − 9t20xi=3t20 (cid:18)N(cid:19)[NR,i−NL,i]. (11) milleunstsrioanteasl tuhnaivt,erssine, ethtehreereisisandoeg ruerevaotfuarerbiintraar1in+e1ssdiin- hoosing the (cid:28)nal model. It annot be obtained solely Itis onvenienttorefertoJeanstheoryforthe(cid:28)nal hoi e from General Relativity. For a dis ussion of this point of units of time and length [38℄ see Mann et. al. . [15℄ A Hamiltonian version an also 3 be onsidered by setting the fri tion onstant to zero. T =ω−1 =(4πGρ)−1/2 = t j j r2 o Intheirearlierwork,usingthe linearizedVlasov-Poisson equations, Rouet and Feix arried out a stability analy- 3 λj =λj =vT/ωjq3σv2/ωj2 = √2σvto, (12) sis of the model without fri tion. They determined that thesystemfollowedtheexpe ted behavior,i.e. when the 5 system size is greater than the Jean's length, instability o urs and lustering be omes possible.[16, 17℄ We men- tan(2θ)=(1+ρ+ρ )/γ, b tionthat, whenthefri tiontermisnotpresent,both the (18) Q and RF models are identi al so, with the assumption θ where de(cid:28)nesthe anglewith the oordinateaxisin the that the fri tion term won't have a large in(cid:29)uen e on µ spa e. Thus,inregionsoflowdensity, weexpe ttosee short time, linear, stability, the analysis of the Hamilto- linesofmassbeingstret hedwith onstantpositiveslope nian version applies equally to ea h version. inthephaseplane. Wewillseebelowthatthispredi tion The Vlasov-Poisson limit for the system is obtained N m 0 by letting → ∞ and → while onstraining the is a urately born out by simulations. density and energy (at a given time). Then, in the o- movingframe, thesystemisrepresentedbya(cid:29)uidinthe µ f(x,v;t) III. SIMULATIONS spa e. Let representthe normalized distribu- (x,v) t tion of mass in the phase plane at time . From f mass onservation, satis(cid:28)es the ontinuity equation An attra tion of these one-dimensional gravitational systems is their ease of simulation. In both the au- ∂f ∂f ∂af ∂φT(x) tonomous(purelyNewtonianwithoutexpansion)andRF +v + =0, a= γv ∂t ∂x ∂v − − ∂x (15) models it is possible to integrate the motion of the in- dividual parti les between rossings analyti ally. Then whi h an also be derived using the identi al s aling as the temporalevolution ofthe system anbe obtained by a(x,v) aboveS. In Eq. (15), is the lo al a eleration and followingthe su essive rossingsofthe individual, adja- φ T isthepotentialfun tionindu edbythetotaldensity, ent, parti le traje tories. This is true as well for the Q ρb yi = xi+1 xi in ludingthee(cid:27)e tivenegativeba kgrounddensity,− . model. If we let − , where we have ordered a(x,v) φ T Note that both and are linear fun tionals of the parti le labels from left to right, then we (cid:28)nd that f(x,v;t) y i . Coupling Eq. (15) with the Poisson equation the di(cid:27)erential equation for ea h is the same, namely yieldsthe ompleteVlasov-Poissonsystemgoverningthe f(x,v;t) evolution of . Depending on the (cid:28)nal hoi e of d2y 1 dy 2n γ i + i y = . thefri tion onstant, ,the ontinuumlimitofeitherthe dτ2 √6 dτ − i −N (19) Quinti orRF model an be representedby Eq.15. Note that an exa t solution is The general solution of the homogenious version of ρ v2 E. 19 is a sum of exponentials. By in luding the par- b f(x,v,t)= √|2πσ| 2 exp−2σ2, σ(t)=σ0exp−γt ti ular solution of the inhomogenius equation (simply a onstant) we obtain a (cid:28)fth order algebrai equation in u = exp(τ/√6) (16) . Hen e the name Q, or Quinti , model. Using dynami al simulation, we will see that it is ex- These an be solved numeri ally in terms of the initial tremelyunstablewhenthesystemsizeex eedstheJeans' onditions by analyti ally bounding the roots and em- length at the initial time. ployingthe Newton-Raphson method.[39℄ (Note that for Useful information an be had without onstru ting the RF model a ubi equation is obtained.) A sophis- an expli it solution. For example, we qui kly (cid:28)nd that ti ated, event driven, algorithm was designed to exe ute thesystemenergyde reasesatarateproportionaltothe thesimulations. Twoimportantfeaturesofthealgorithm kineti energy. The Tsallis entropy is de(cid:28)ned by are that it only updates the positions and velo ities of a pair of parti les when they a tually ross, and it main- 1 fqdxdv tains the orre t ordering of ea h parti le's position on S = − , fdxdv =1 q Rq 1 Z Z (17) the line. Using this algorithm we were able to arry out − runsforsigni(cid:28) ant osmologi altimewithlargenumbers q 1 S q Inthelimit → , redu estotheusualGibbsentropy, of parti les. S1 = flnfdxdv −R R . By asserting the Vlasov-PoissSo1n Typi alnumeNri a=ls2i1m8ulationswere arriedoutforsys- evolution,we(cid:28)ndthattheBolztmann-Gibbsentropy, , temswithupto parti les. Initial onditionswere 2γ q > 1 S q de reases at the onstant rate − while, for , hosen by equally spa ing the parti les on the line and de reases exponentially in time. This tells us that the randomly hoosing their velo ities from a uniform dis- mass is being on entrated in regions of de reasing area tribution within a (cid:28)xed interval. For histori al reasons of the phase plane, suggesting the development of stru - we all this a waterbag. Other initial onditions, su h ture. These properties are immediately evident for the as Normally distributed velo ities, as well as a Brown- trivial solution given above. By imposing a Eu lidean ian motion representation, whi h more losely imitates metri in the phase plane, we an also investigate lo al a osmologi al setting, were also investigated. The sim- properties su h as the dire tions of maximum stret hing ulations were arried forward for approximately (cid:28)fteen and ompression, as well as the lo al vorti ity. We eas- dimensionless time units. ily (cid:28)nd that the rate of separation between two nearby In F21i7g. 1 we present a visualization of a typi al run points is a maximum in the dire tion given by with parti les. The system onsists of the Q model 6 µ with an initial waterbag distribution in the spa e. Ini- the multifra tal analysisdes ribed table I below in some tially the velo ity spread is (-12.5, 12.5) in the dimen- detail. sionlessunitsemployedhereandthesystem ontainsap- proximately 16,000 Jeans' lengths. In the left olumn we present a histogram of the parti les positions at in- IV. FRACTAL MEASURES reasing time frames, while on the right we display the µ orresponding parti le lo ations in (position, velo ity) Itisnatural to assumethatthe apparentlyself similar spa e. It is lear from the panels that hierar hi al lus- stru turewhi hdevelopsinthephaseplane(seeFigs.1,2) teringiso urring,i.e. small lustersarejoiningtogether astimeevolveshasfra talgeometry,but wewillseethat to form largerones, sothe lustering me hanism is (cid:16)bot- things aren't so simple. In their earlier study of the RF toms up(cid:17)[2℄. The (cid:28)rst lusters are roughly thτe=siz6e of a model, Rouet and Feix found a box ounting dimension Jean's length and seem toτ a=pp1e4ar at about and for the parti le positions of about 0.6 for an initial wa- there are many while bµy there are on the order terbag distribution (uniform on a re tangle in the phase of 30 lusters. In the spa e we observe that between plane-see above) and a fra tal dimension of about 0.8 in the lusters matter is distributed along linear paths. As the on(cid:28)gurationspa e(i.e. oftheproje tionofthesetof µ time progresses the size of the linear segments in reases. pointsin spa eonthepositionaxis). [17℄. Asfaraswe Thebehaviorofthµeseunder-denseregionsisgovernedby know, Bailin and Shae(cid:27)er were the (cid:28)rst to suggest that the stret hing in spa e predi ted by Vlasov theory ex- the distribution ofgalaxypositions are onsistentwith a plainedabove(seebeforeEq.(18)). Theslopesoftheseg- bifra tal geometry [40℄ . Their idea was that the geome- ments are the same and in quantitative agreement with tryofthegalaxydistributionwasdi(cid:27)erentinthe lusters Eq. (18). Qualitatively similar histories are obtained andvoidsand,asa(cid:28)rstapproximation,this ouldberep- for the RF model and the model without fri tion (see resented as a superposition of two independent fra tals. below), as well as for the di(cid:27)erent boundary onditions Of ourse, their analysis was restri ted solely to galaxy mentioned above. However, there are some subtle dif- positions. Sin e the stru tureswhi h evolveare strongly feren es. In Fig. 2 we zoomµin and show a sequen e of inhomogeneous, to gain further insight we have arried magni(cid:28)ed inserts from the spa e at time T=14. The out a multi-fra tal analysis [41℄ in both the phase plane hierar hi al stru ture observed in these models suggests and the position oordinate. theexisten eofafra talstru ture,but arefulanalysisis Themultifra talformalismsharesanumberoffeatures requiredto determine if this is orre t. Simulationshave with thermodynami s. To implement it we partitioned µ alsobeenperformedwherethesystemsizeislessthanthe ea h spa e on(cid:28)guration spa e and spa e, into ells of l Jean'slength. Theresultssupportthestandardstability length . Atea htimeofobservationinthesimulation,a µ =N (t)/N i N (t) analysisinthathierar hi al lusteringisnotobservedfor measure i i wasassignedto ell ,where i i t N these initial onditions. is the population of ell at time and is the total Histori ally,powerlawbehaviorin the density-density number of parti les in the simulation. The generalized q orrelationfuntionhasbeentakenasthemostimportant dimension of order is de(cid:28)ned by [41℄ signature of self similar behavior of the distribution of galaxypositions.[4℄ In Figure 3 weprovidea log-logplot 1 lnC C(r) D = lim q, C =Σµq. of the orrelation fun tion at T=14 de(cid:28)ned by q q 1l→0 lnl q i (20) − 1 r+∆ wheNre(NCq(l)1)is the e(cid:27)e tive partition fun tion [9℄, D0 is C(r)=<δρ(y+r)δρ(y)>∼ ∆Zr i,Xj,i6=jδ(r′−(yi−yj))t−he boqxL 2−ou1ntindgrd′imension, D1, obtained by takinDg2the  limit → ,is the information dimqension, and 0is the orrelationdimension [41℄[9℄. As in reasesabove , i j L/4<x <3L/4 D i,j q whereparti les and aresu hthat the provideinformationonthegeometryof ellswith ∆ toavoidboundarye(cid:27)e tsand isthebinsize. Notethe higher population. 0.1 < ln(l) < l 0 existen e of a s aling region from about In pra ti e, it is not possible to take the limit → 30 l , a range of about 2.5 de ades in . Note also the witha(cid:28)nitesample. Instead,onelooksforas alingrela- lnl noise present at larger s ales. Sin e the (cid:29)u tuations are tion overa substantial rangeof with the expe tation lnC lnl q vanishingly small at s ales on the order of the system that a linear relation between and o urs, sug- C l q size, this is most likely attributable to the presen e of gesting power law dependen e of on . Then, in the shot noise. This ouldberedu edbytakingan ensemble mostfavorable ase,the slopeofthelinear regionshould γ q 1 average over many runs. By omputing the slope, say provide the orre t power and, after dividing by − , D q , of the log-log plot in Fig. 3 we are able to obtain an thegeneralizeddimension . Asarule,orguide,ifs al- D2 =1 γ estimateofthe orrelationdimension − foraone ing anbefound eitherfromobservationor omputation γ = .42 l dimensional system. We (cid:28)nd that for a s aling overthreede adesof ,thenwetypi allyinfer thatthere l region of about two de ades in . This suggests that is good eviden e of fra talτqstru tureC.[q7℄ Alτlqso of interelst the orrelation dimension is approximately 0.6, whi h is is the global s alingindex , where ∼ for small . τ D q q in agreement within the standard numeri al error with It anbe shownthat and arerelatedto ea hother 7 µ 217 Figure 1: Evolution in on(cid:28)guration and spa e for the quinti model with parti les from T=0 to T=14. The initial distribution is a waterbag with velo ities in therange (-12.5, 12.5) and a size of about16,000 Jeans' lengths. D (1 q)=τ q q throughaLegendretransformationby − for dominant, we (cid:28)nd a simple relation between the global q =1 τ α q 6 [9℄. Here wepresentthe resultsofourfra tal anal- index, , and , ysis of the parti le positions on the line (position only) µ and the plane (position, velo ity olr spa e). τq =αq f(α). If it exists, a s aling range of is de(cid:28)ned as the in- − (22) lnC lnl q terval on whi h plots of qv=ers1us are lΣinµealrn.(µO)f µ ourslne,(lf)or the spe ial ase of we plot − i i Re all that a Eu lidean metri ωjis =imp1o,sed on the - vs. to obtain the infoDrmation dimension. [9℄ If a spa e. Be ause, in ∆ouxr =uni∆tsv, weLdivide it s alingrange anbe found, q isobtained by taking the inLto e1l0ls,0s0u0 h that . Then, as is large appropriatederivative. Itiswellestablishedbyproofand ( ≈ ), so is the extent of the partition in the example that, for a normal, homogeneous, fra tal, all of velo ity spa e. On this s ale the initial distribution of the generalized dimensions are equal, while for an inho- parti ules appears as a line so that the initial dimen- mogeneous fra tal, e.g. the Henon attra tor,Dq+1 ≤Dq sion is also about unity. In fa t, initially the velo ity of l C (l) [41℄. Inthelimitofsmall , thepartitionfun tion, q , the parti les is a perturbation. It is not large enough analsobede omposedintoasumof ontributionsfrom to allow parti les to ross the entire system in a unit of regions of the inhomogeneous fra tal sharing the same time. During the initial period the virial ratio rapidly α point-wise dimension, , os illates. Afterawhilethegranularityofthesysµtemde- stroys the approximate symmetry of the initial -spa e C (l)= dαlαqρ(α)exp[ f(α)] distribution. Breaking the symmetry leads to the short q Z − (21) time dissipative mixing that results in the separation of thesysteminto lusters. Althoughtheembeddingdimen- f(α) where is the fra tal dimension of its support sionisdi(cid:27)erent,thebehaviorofthedistributionofpoints q [41℄[42℄[9℄. Then if, for a range of , a single region is in on(cid:28)gurationspa eissimilar. Theinitialdimensionis 8 5000 As time progresses, however, for the initial onditions q >0 dis ussedabove,for typi allytwoindependents al- 4000 ing regimes developed. Of ourse this is in addition to l the trivial s alingregionsobtained forvery small , or- l 3000 responding to isolated points, and to large on the or- der of the system size, for whi h the matter distribution v 2000 lookssmooth. Theobservedsizeofea hs alingrangede- pendedonboth theelapsedtimeintothesimulationand q 1000 the value of . While the length of ea h s aling regime q varied with both and time, in some instan es it was l 0 possibleto(cid:28)nd goods alingoverup1 tlonfCourde adelsniln ! In Fig. 4 we provide plots of q−1 q versus in µ q −1000 -spa e for four di(cid:27)erent values of overing most of 56000 57000 58000 59000 60000 61000 62000 63000 64000 5 < q < 10 (a) x the range we investigated (− ). To guarantee that the fra tal stru ture was fully developed, we hose T = 14 for the time of observation and the initial on- q = 5 q = 0 2500 ditions are those given above. For − and we learly observe a single, large, s aling range where 0.5 < lnl < 8 , orresponding to about three de ades in 2000 l q . In the remaining panels ( , d), where we in rease 5 10 to , and then , we see a dramati hange. The large v s alingrangehassplitintotwosmallerregionsseparated 1500 l =1.5 at about , and the slope of the region with larger l has de reased ompared with the s aling region on its 1.5 < lnl < 1.5 l left (− ). The s aling range with larger , 1000 1.5 < lnl < 8.5, orresponds to just over three de ades l in . Note that in panels and d of Fig. 4, the s aling l range with larger is more robust. 58450 58500 58550 58600 58650 58700 58750 58800 58850 (b) x Now that we have identi(cid:28)ed the important s ales, we D q are able to ompute the generalized dimension, , and τ D q q q the global index, . In Fig. 5(a) we plot vs al- Figure2: Conse utiveexpansions(zooms)onsu essivesmall µ T = 14 µ ulated in the -spa e for the quinti model at squaressele tedinthe spa epanelsatT=14forthequinti q > 0 model. They have theappearan e of a randomfra tal whi h for for the ase of the larger s aling range. As suggests self-similarity. expe ted, it is a de reasing fun tion and µ learly demon- strates multifra tal behavior. Although spa e is two D0 D0 > D1 dimensional, is about 0.9. While is typ- i al for multifra tals (information dimension overs the D q importantregion), the fa tthat is stri tlyde reasing suggests greater"fra tality"from in reasingly overdense regions, i.e. the system is strongly inhomogeneous. In τ q q Fig. 5b we plot versus in mu spa e. Two linear re- 0 < q < 1 1 < q < 10 gions ( and ) an be distinguished suggestingbifra talgeometry,i.e. asuperpositionoftwo α f(α) fra tals with unique values of and . We have seen that the one dimensional gravitational systemrevealsfra talgeometryinthehigherdimensional µ spa e (frequently referred to as phase spa e in the as- tronomi al literature). Histori ally self similar behavior was (cid:28)rst inferred in gravitational systems by studying the distribution of galaxy lo ations, i.e in the system's on(cid:28)guration spa e, and sear hing for powerlaw behav- Figure 3: Figure 3. The orrelation fun tion at T=14 whi h iorinthe orrelationfun tion(seeabove).[40℄In ommon shows as alingregion fromabout0.3toabout30,arangeof withthisapproa h,weproje tthemuspa edistribution γ =.42 about 2 de ades with a s aling exponent . on the (position) line to study the geometry of the on- (cid:28)guration spa e. In Fig. 6 a,b, ,d, we provide plots of 1/(q 1)ln(I ) ln(l) x q − vs in ( on(cid:28)guration)spa eforthe nearly one until lustering ommen es. At this time the quinti model prepared as above at T=14. In ommon µ µ q = 5 q =0 dimensions in -spa e and on(cid:28)guration spa e separate. withthe -spa edistribution,for − and ,there 9 −9 1 −9.5 0.95 q,l)) −10 C( 0.9 n( −1)) l −10.5 q,l) 0.85 1/(q −11 D( ( −11.5 0.8 −12 0.75 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10 (a) ln(l) 0.7 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10 (a) q −4 7 q,l)) C( −6 6 n( −1)) l −8 5 q 1/( 4 ( −10 q,l) 3 ( t −12 2 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10 (b) ln(l) 1 −2 0 −4 −1 C(q,l)) −6 (b) 0 2 4 q 6 8 10 n( 1/(q−1)) l −8 sF iagluinreg5in:dGexenτeqrvasl.izqed(pdaimneelnbs)ioinnµD-qspvas .eqfo(pratnheelqau)inatnid mgloobdaell ( q>0 −10 at T=14 with . −12 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10 q = 10 (d) the existen e of two s aling ranges be omes (c) ln(l) 4 < ln(l) < 0 0 < ln(l) < 8 q = 5 apparent, − and for −2 3<ln(l)<1 1<ln(l)<8 (about3.3de ades),− and for q = 10 (about 3 de ades). Note that the s aling ranges −4 µ are similar for both the and on(cid:28)guration spa e, but q,l)) they are not identi al. C( −6 −1)) ln( −8 dimInenFsiigounreD7qwanedilluglsotbraatleitnhdeeTxbe=τhqa1vf4oiorrtohfeth eogne(cid:28)ngeurraaltizioend 1/(q spa eof the quinti modedl a=t 1 D0 . Althoug0h.7now the ( embedding dimension is , is about so the −10 distributionisde(cid:28)nitely fra tal. As anti ipated from the µ D q q -spa e distribution, is a de reasing fun tion of so −12 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10 it is also inhomogeneousand multifra tal. In Fig. 7b we τ q (d) ln(l) plot q vs in on(cid:28)guration spa e, for the same system. µ In ontrast with the -spa e index, here we observe a Figure 4: S aling behaviorin µ-spa e. Plots of q−11lnCq ver- nearly linear fun tion withqslight onvexity (de reasing lnl derivative with respe t to ). Perhaps this results from sus are providedforfour valuesof q: a) q=-5,b) q=0. ) α q=5, d) q=10. the sfu(pαe)rposition of0t<hrqee<li1n.e5ar1r.5eg<ionqs<w7ith7d<isqtin< t10 and , say with ; ; , butthis annotbeinferredfromtheplotwithoutfurther analysis. 3<ln(l)<3 q = 5 isasingle,larges alingregion(− for − For ompleteness, in Fig. 8 we examine the behavior 2<ln(l)<6 q =0 q =5 D τ q < 0 q q q and− for ). Similarly,at ( )and of and for . In general, negative is im- 10 −9 0.8 −9.5 0.75 q,l)) −10 0.7 C( n( −1)) l −10.5 q,l) 0.65 1/(q −11 D( 0.6 ( −11.5 0.55 −12 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10 0.5 (a) ln(l) 0.45 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10 (a) q −4 6 q,l)) n(C( −6 5 −1)) l −8 4 q 1/( ( −10 q,l) 3 ( t 2 −12 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10 1 (b) ln(l) −2 0 −4 −1 C(q,l)) −6 (b) 0 2 4 q 6 8 10 n( 1/(q−1)) l −8 sF iagluinreg7i:ndGeexneτrqavlsi.zeqdd(pimaneenlsibo)niDnq ovns.(cid:28)gqu(rpaatnioenla()xa)nspdag leobfoarl ( q>0. −10 thequinti model at T=14 with . −12 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10 an e - it is in reasing. The sour e of the problem an be (c) ln(l) τq determined by examiningthe behaviorof . It is nearly −2 10 < q < 0 onstant over the range − with a value of τ 1 q approximately ≃ − , implying that the underdense −4 regions are dominated by a single lo al dimension. q,l)) Part of our goal is to ompare how fra tal geometry C( −6 n( arises in a family of related models. So far we have pre- −1)) l −8 sented results for the quinti , or Q, model. However we 1/(q have also arried out similar studies of the Rouet-Feix ( (RF) model, the model without fri tion (whi h an be −10 obtained from either of the former by nullifying the (cid:28)rst derivative ontributioninEq(14), andsimplyanisolated −12 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10 system without fri tion or ba kground. The latter is (d) ln(l) a purely Newtonian model without a osmologi al on- ne tion. In Table I we list the important hara teris- 1/(q−1)ln(Cq) ln(l) x ti dimensions and exponents for the the quinti model Figure6: Plotsof vs in on(cid:28)guration( ) spa e for thequinti modeql prepqa=red−a5s aboqve=a0t T=q14=ar5e and the model without fri tion for omparison. While provided for four values of : a) , b) , ) , there are similarities in the fra tal stru ture of ea h of q=10 d) . these models, they are not the same. For example in D q the quinti model the generalized fra tal dimension, , is onsistently smaller in ea h manifold than the orre- portantforrevealingthegeometryoflowdensityregions sponding dimension in the model without fri tion. It is D q (voids). We see that has a very unphysi al appear- noteworththatthebox ountingdimensioninthe on(cid:28)g-

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