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UNIVERSITY OF GLOUCESTERSHIRE UNITED KINGDOM Developing a strategic framework in small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) Amina Basiouny Mousa Elshamly A thesis submitted to The University of Gloucestershire In accordance with the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy In the Faculty of Business, Education and Professional Studies In the School of Business & Management First supervisor Second supervisor Barry Davies (Prof) Tony GEAR (Prof) Associate Dean, Research Research Degree Supervisor University of Gloucestershire University of Gloucestershire Jun 2013 1 Abstract Aims: The purpose is to understand the strategy process approach within SMEs to gain a better understanding of how a SME performs the strategy process. The research aims to develop a strategy process framework through the findings of a case study within a SME, by comparing those findings with the existing literature. Methodology: The research paradigm is moderate constructionism that adopts first a deductive approach to obtain the required theoretical knowledge of how strategy process (phases, activities, and tools) function and how they have been used within empirical studies, with a specific focus on case studies in SMEs. This is achieved through the establishment of a conceptual framework of the strategy process including phases and activities. Second, an inductive approach is adopted to induce from the research findings how the strategy process of the SME evolves. This mixture of deductive and inductive approaches is known as abductive. The research adopts an abductive approach culminating in a strategy process framework based on the Balanced Scorecard (BSC), the findings of the case study, and the literature. The research strategy is a single case study using semi- structured interviews during which the interviewer conversationally obtained the required information. This was complemented by documentation evidence. The data analysis process used thematic analysis and an enumeration approach. Results: Whilst the literature lays out a systematic, sequential process, the picture presented by the case study in a SME is somewhat different. The SME was involved in several different aspects of strategy as defined in the literature review, including several phases of the strategy process, and the activities within each of these phases. Some activities were more frequently performed than others, in a very ad-hoc manner. Moreover, The SME did not have a coherent strategy process. The process that the SME uses is messy; it is not systematic; it is not sequential and is not clear. These results are incorporated in a revised conceptual framework to reflect the strategy process actuals used within the SME of the present study. The reasons that explain the finding and the need of the framework may be summarized as: Ambiguous communication of information, Inability to manage development, innovation without a flexible approach, a lack of systematic methods for defining strategy, short-term cash flow issues, and high risks in the SME. Originality/value is contribution to knowledge (theory and empirical): First: a comprehensive literature review investigated and extended the strategy process phases and activities literature, by establishment of a conceptual framework of the strategy process including phases and activities. Second: this conceptual framework was revised based on these findings to reflect the strategy process actually emplaced within the SME in the present study, this aided an overall understanding of the theory of the strategy process. Third: due to the lack of formal strategy the SME had much ‘emergent’ strategy, which it failed to deal with effectively. Normatively, it should work to overcome this, by implementing a more coherent and formal approach to the strategy process framework (using the BSC framework with support of other strategic tools [QFD and SWOT analysis]. Fourth: the methodological implementation of the research paradigm of moderate constructionism and validation through crystallization. 2 Declaration I declare that the work in this thesis was carried out in accordance with the regulations of the University of Gloucestershire and is original except where indicated by specific reference in the text. No part of the thesis has been submitted as part of any other academic award. The thesis has not been presented to any other education institution in the United Kingdom or overseas. Any views expressed in the thesis are those of the author and in no way represent those of the University. Amina Basiouny Mousa Elshamly Jun 2013 3 Acknowledgements In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful First and foremost I give thanks to God Almighty, the Beneficent and Merciful, for sustaining me such that it became possible to complete this thesis successfully. Also, my eternal gratitude for the guidance of my supervisory team, Professor Antony Gear and Professor Barry Davies, as they followed me through the most difficult stages of completing this thesis. Special thanks to Professor Hussien Sharara, who supervised me during my MBA in Egypt and as part of this joint scholarship program. I am indebted to the staff of the Student Achievement Centre Aina Wylie and Crispin Wassell who have countless times reviewed my thesis for its language utilization and grammatical structure. My nostalgic remembrance of parents, my sisters, my brothers and my friends Zienab Abdala and Sally Ali reminds me of their encouragement and continuous moral support throughout a lifetime of study, without which the completion of this thesis would have been no more than a dream. And last, but by no means least, my dear husband, his unlimited support, patience, sacrifice and enthusiasm during the course of my research. I am very grateful to him. I hope he will be successful in his life. 4 The Author Amina Elshamly is an Egyptian student, who has attended Ain Shams University in Cairo, Egypt, graduating with a Bachelor of Commerce in Business. She was appointed as a tutor at the Business School, University of Gloucestershire, in marketing research for both undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Prior to her PhD, she held the position of assistant Lecturer in Cairo, Egypt at the Faculty of Commerce, and in the Cairo Academy within the Faculty of Commerce, at Sadat Academy. Her teaching experience has predominantly been at undergraduate level, mainly in the field of Management. She also taught the following courses: Operations Management, Financial management, Business Strategy, Mathematics, Marketing research and Statistics. During the period that she attained her MBA degree (a two year course with thesis), with the dissertation title: “A Proposed Approach to Achieve the Integration between Decision Support Systems and ISO 9000: An Empirical Study on the Pharmaceuticals Sector”, she held a position as assistant supervisor for the Department of Management, Faculty of Commerce, Ain Shams University. She expects to publish the following papers:  The developments of the strategy process stages: phases and activities (Submitted to international journal of management review)  A Business Strategy Development Framework for SMEs ( the paper has been accepted in the 6th Annual EuroMed Conference 2013)  Developing a strategic framework for the strategy process in small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs).  The developments evaluation of the Balanced Scorecard generations.  Integration of the BSC with other strategy management tools (SWOT and QFD).  Evaluation of strategy process phases and activities in small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). 5 Contents Abstract .......................................................................................................... 2 Declaration ...................................................................................................... 3 Acknowledgements .......................................................................................... 4 The Author ...................................................................................................... 5 Contents .......................................................................................................... 6 List of Abbreviations ...................................................................................... 17 Chapter one: Introduction ....................................................................... 18 Introduction .................................................................................................... 18 Research context (SMEs) .................................................................................. 18 Criteria for defining SMEs in the present study .................................................... 19 Importance of SMEs ........................................................................................ 19 Reasons for investigating the strategy of SMEs .................................................... 19 Research Aim, Objectives and Questions ............................................................ 20 The SME investigated in the present study .......................................................... 22 Contributions to knowledge .............................................................................. 23 Thesis Structure .............................................................................................. 24 Chapter Two: Strategy process ............................................................... 28 Introduction .................................................................................................... 29 Origin of strategy ............................................................................................ 29 Characteristics of SMEs ................................................................................... 31 Strategy process .............................................................................................. 34 Stage 1: Rational (deliberate) strategy approach vs. emergent strategy approach ....................................................................................................... 35 Rational (deliberate) strategy approach ............................................................ 35 Criticism of the deliberate approach ................................................................ 36 Emergent strategy approach ........................................................................... 37 6 Stage 2: Deliberate and Emergent strategy approaches (strategy formation process) ............................................................................ 40 Strategy formation process ............................................................................. 42 Stage 3 strategy process .................................................................................. 45 Strategy dimension ....................................................................................... 45 Modern Strategy process: ‘processual approach’, ‘strategy as practice’ and ‘post- processual strategy approach’. ........................................................................ 47 Strategy process phases, including activities ..................................................... 51 Introduction .................................................................................................... 51 Phase one (environmental analysis) ................................................................. 53 Phase two (strategy formulation) ..................................................................... 57 Phase three (strategy implementation) ............................................................. 61 Phase four (strategy review and control) .......................................................... 65 BSC framework and strategy process .............................................................. 69 Chapter Three: BSC and the strategy process ....................................... 74 Introduction and background to the BSC (origin) .................................................. 75 Application of the BSC ..................................................................................... 77 Application of the BSC in SMEs ........................................................................ 78 Introduction ................................................................................................. 78 BSC in SMEs and large organizations .............................................................. 80 Limitations of the BSC for SMEs .................................................................... 80 Why SMEs fail when using BSC ..................................................................... 81 The benefits of using BSC ............................................................................. 82 BSC in SMEs in different countries ................................................................. 82 The benefits and limitations of BSC ................................................................. 84 Positive accounts of BSC ............................................................................... 84 Negative accounts of BSC .............................................................................. 87 Evaluating the BSC Approach ........................................................................ 90 7 First generation ............................................................................................. 93 Second generation .......................................................................................... 96 Third generation ............................................................................................ 99 Characteristics of the third generation BSC .................................................... 103 Coherency and balance ................................................................................ 104 Cause-effect relationship and quantification ................................................... 105 Strategy map ............................................................................................. 107 Strategy focused organizations ..................................................................... 108 Performance measurement ........................................................................... 110 Key performance indicator ........................................................................... 111 Summary .................................................................................................... 113 Chapter Four: Integration of the BSC with other strategy management tools (SWOT and QFD) ................................................... 115 Introduction .................................................................................................. 115 Overview of strategic tools ............................................................................. 115 SWOT analysis ............................................................................................. 118 Quality Function Deployment (QFD) ............................................................... 119 Definition .................................................................................................. 119 Quality function deployment process ............................................................. 121 House of strategy (HoS) .............................................................................. 125 Section One: Integration overview for large organization ............................... 125 The Integration of BSC and SWOT .................................................................. 126 The Integration of BSC and QFD ..................................................................... 134 BSQ (integrating BSC with SWOT and QFD).................................................... 140 Section Two: Integration overview for SMEs ................................................. 148 Operating SWOT analysis in SMEs .................................................................. 148 Operating QFD in SMEs ................................................................................. 150 Operating BSC in SMEs ................................................................................. 152 8 The integration between BSC and SWOT analysis in SMEs ................................. 154 The integration between BSC and QFD in SMEs ................................................ 155 The integration between BSC and QFD and SWOT analysis in SMEs ................... 157 Summary ..................................................................................................... 158 Chapter Five: Methodology .................................................................... 163 Introduction .................................................................................................. 163 Research paradigm ......................................................................................... 165 Research approach ......................................................................................... 169 The conceptual framework (deducted from theory) ........................................ 172 Content, context, and process ....................................................................... 174 Sequential/interactive .................................................................................. 174 Emergent/deliberate strategy approach (and how emergent works) ..................... 175 Micro/macro view....................................................................................... 176 Activities ................................................................................................... 177 Qualitative or quantitative ............................................................................... 178 Justification for Qualitative research ................................................................. 179 Research strategy ........................................................................................... 180 Design of Case study ...................................................................................... 181 Single case study justification .......................................................................... 183 Units of analysis and case selection .................................................................. 186 Case study protocol ........................................................................................ 187 Interview ...................................................................................................... 189 Data analysis process .................................................................................... 192 Steps of the coding process .......................................................................... 196 Quality criteria for a qualitative approach (case study based research) .................... 200 Introduction ............................................................................................... 200 Factors for consideration .............................................................................. 200 Credibility ................................................................................................. 202 9 Transferability (external) ............................................................................. 203 Dependability (reliability) ............................................................................ 204 Conformability (objectivity) ......................................................................... 205 Ethical consideration ...................................................................................... 206 Summary .................................................................................................... 206 Chapter Six: Analysis and discussion .................................................. 208 Introduction .................................................................................................. 209 Section one: Environmental Analysis (EA) phase ........................................... 211 Activity one: Analysis of External Environment ............................................. 212 Review of Actors’ data ................................................................................ 217 Discussion of the External Environmental Analysis Activity ............................. 218 Activity Two: Analysis of Internal Environment Activity ................................ 221 Review of Actors’ data ................................................................................ 224 Discussion of the Internal Environmental Analysis Activity .............................. 225 Activity Three: Evaluation of opportunities Activity ....................................... 226 Review of Actors’ data ................................................................................ 227 Discussion of the ‘Evaluation of Opportunities Activity’ .................................. 227 Activity Four: Strategic fit Activity ............................................................... 228 Review of Actors’ data ................................................................................ 230 Discussion of the Strategic fit Activity ........................................................... 231 The overall interpretation ............................................................................. 232 Summary .................................................................................................... 235 Section two: Strategy formulation (SF) phase ................................................. 238 Introduction .................................................................................................. 239 Developing Mission, Vision Statement Activity / Goal Setting Activity / Objective Setting Activity 239 Review of Actors’ data ................................................................................ 245 Discussion ................................................................................................. 246 10

In the School of Business & Management. First supervisor. Barry Davies . She was appointed as a tutor at the Business School, •Evaluation of strategy process phases and activities in small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs).
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