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Preview Design and Stability Analysis for Anytime Control via Stochastic Scheduling

IEEETRANSACTIONSONAUTOMATICCONTROL,VOL.56,NO.3,MARCH2011 571 Design and Stability Analysis for Anytime Control via Stochastic Scheduling LucaGreco,Member,IEEE, DanieleFontanelli,Member,IEEE,and Antonio Bicchi,Fellow,IEEE Abstract—In this paper, we consider the problem of designing plementingcontrol algorithms areusually highly time critical, controllers for linear plants to be implemented in embedded and have traditionally imposed very conservative scheduling platforms under stringent real-time constraints. These include approaches,wherebyexecutiontimeisallottedstatically.This preemptive scheduling schemes, under which the execution time makestheoverallarchitectureextremelyrigid,hardlyreconfig- allowedforcontrolsoftwaretasksisuncertain.Inaconservative urableforadditionsorchangesofcomponents,andoftenunder- HardReal-Time(HRT)designapproach,onlyacontrolalgorithm that (in the worst case) is executable within the minimum time performing. slotguaranteedbytheschedulerwouldbeemployed.Inthespirit Modern multitasking Real-Time Operating Systems of modern Soft Real-Time (SRT) approaches, we consider here (RTOSs), running, e.g., on embedded Electronic Control an ”anytime control” design technique, based on a hierarchy of Units (ECUs) in the automotive domain, schedule their tasks controllersforthesameplant.Highercontrollersinthehierarchy dynamically,adaptingtovaryingloadconditionsandQualityof providebetterclosed-loopperformance,whiletypicallyrequiring Service(QoS)requirements.Real-timepreemptivealgorithms, longer execution time. Stochastic models of the scheduler and of algorithm execution times are used to infer probabilities that such as, e.g., Rate Monotonic (RM) and Earliest Deadline controllers of different complexity can be executed at different First (EDF) [1]–[3] can suspend the execution of a task in the periods. We propose a strategy for choosing among executable presenceofrequestsbyother,higherprioritytasks. controllers, maximizing the usage of higher controllers, which Tomakeagivensetoftasksschedulableandtoavoiddeadline affordsbetterexploitationofthecomputationalplatformthanthe misses, conservative assumptions are made in so-called Hard HRT designwhileguaranteeingstability(inasuitablestochastic Real-Time systems [1], including Worst Case Execution Time sense). Resultsontherobustnesswithrespecttouncertaintiesaffecting (WCET)estimatesfortasks.Theseentail underexploitationof theschedulermodel,andonbumplesstransferfortrackingprob- thecomputationalplatformand,ultimately,costinefficiencies. lems are also reported. Simulation results on the control of two Conversely,whenthecomputationalpowerbudgetisgivenand prototypical mechanical systems show that performance is sub- fixed(ascommoninindustrialpractice),thencontrolalgorithms stantiallyenhancedbyouranytimecontroltechniquew.r.t.worst may have to be drastically simplified to be computable within case-basedscheduling. the allotted time. This clearly reflects in a degradation of the Index Terms—Anytime algorithms, embedded control, sto- overallperformanceoftheensuingclosed-loopsystem. chasticscheduling,switchedsystems. Substantialperformanceimprovementwouldbegainedifless conservativeusage could bemade of the platform.Indeed, as- sumingthattheRTOSguaranteesaminimumtime forthe I. INTRODUCTION executionofthecontroltask,itisoftenthecasethat,formost A general tendency can be observed in embedded systems oftheCPUcycles,atime couldbemadeavailablefor towards implementation of a great variety of concurrent control. real-timetasksonthesameplatform,thusreducingtheoverall A current trend in embedded system design is to relax hard HW cost and development time. Among such tasks, those im- schedulability constraints and introduce “softer” models of computation (viz. “resource reservations” [4], “weakly hard” [5] and “firm” [6] RTOSs). Here, occasional deadline misses ManuscriptreceivedAugust19,2008;revisedMay06,2009;acceptedJune are tolerated for tasks whose execution time may largely vary 14,2010.DateofpublicationJuly15,2010;dateofcurrentversionMarch09, 2011.ThisworkwassupportedinpartbytheEuropeanCommissionunderFP7 (duee.g.,todata-drivenbranchingand/ortheuseofcachesand withContractCHAT–ControlofHeterogeneousAutomationSystems:Tech- pipelines). Instead of using gross WCET bounds, the random nologiesforscalability,reconfigurabilityandsecurityISTFP7-2007-2-224428 distributionpatternandaverageofsuchmissesarequantifiedby andContractHYCON2NetworkofExcellence,Highly-complexandnetworked QoSmetrics,intermsofwhichdesignconstraintsaretypically controlsystemsICTFP7–2009–5–257462.RecommendedbyAssociateEditor J.Lygeros. set [7]. L.GrecoiswiththeDIIMA,UniversityofSalerno,Fisciano(SA)84084, In this paper, we propose a strategy to design and schedule Italy and with the LSS – Supélec, Gif sur Yvette 91192, France (e-mail linear controllers in a soft RT environment, so that the limits [email protected];[email protected]). D.Fontanelli is withthe InterdepartmentalResearch Center”E. Piaggio,” ofcurrentpracticeareovercomeandbetterexploitationcanbe UniversityofPisa,Pisa,ItalyandwiththeDepartmentofInformationEngi- obtainedofthesameresources. neeringandComputerScience(DISI),UniversityofTrento,Povo(TN),Trento 38100,Italy,(e-mail:[email protected]). A. AnytimeControlAlgorithms A.BicchiiswiththeInterdepartmentalResearchCenter”E.Piaggio”,Univer- sityofPisa,Pisa56100,ItalyandwiththeIIT–IstitutoItalianodiTecnologia, The key idea is to design controllers which can be imple- Genova,Genova,Italy(e-mail:[email protected]). mented so that a useful result is guaranteed whenever the al- Colorversionsofoneormoreofthefiguresinthispaperareavailableonline gorithm is run for at least ; however, better results can be athttp://ieeexplore.ieee.org. DigitalObjectIdentifier10.1109/TAC.2010.2058497 providediflongertimesareallowed. 0018-9286/$26.00©2010IEEE 572 IEEETRANSACTIONSONAUTOMATICCONTROL,VOL.56,NO.3,MARCH2011 The idea of anytime algorithms is borrowed from the field B. PriorWorkandOutline of imprecise computation, that has been proposed in the real- A first attempt to apply the anytime computation paradigm time systems literature [8], [9]. The characteristic of anytime to control is reported in [11], [12], where standard system algorithmsistoalwaysreturnananswerondemand;however, reduction methods (balanced truncation or modal decompo- the longer they are allowed to compute, the better (e.g., more sition) are used to decompose a target controller in simpler precise)ananswertheywillreturn.Thus,ananytimealgorithm ones. If the simplified controllers are individually stabilizing, canbeinterruptedprematurely,stillprovidingavalidresultand stabilityunderswitchingisguaranteedby[11],[12]onlyunder improving the output accuracyas the availabletimeincreases. the implicit assumption that a long enough (but unquantified) A periodic task is split in a mandatory part and one or more dwelling time is allowed by the scheduler between switches. optional parts. Functionallycritical subtasks are consideredin Veryrecentlyaspecularapproach,usingasequenceofincreas- themandatorypart.Ifallmandatorypartsofasetoftasksare inglymoreaccuratemodelsoftheopenloopsystem,hasbeen schedulable,thefeasiblemandatoryconstraintissatisfied[8]. presentedin[13]. Indigitalfilterdesign[10],thisphilosophyhasbeenpursued On the other hand, the substantial literature on switching by decomposing the full-order filter in a series of lower order system stability (see e.g., [14]–[17] and references therein) filterswhoseexecutionisprioritized.Executionofcodeimple- provides much inspiration and ideas for the problem at hand, mentingthefirstblockisalwaysguaranteedwithin ;code but few results can be used directly. For instance, application for blocks in the cascade is then executed sequentially, until a of the important results of [18] would provide state-space deadlineeventtakesover.Thelatestcomputedblockoutputis realizations of different stabilizing controllers such that the usedastheanytimefilteroutput.Theoverallperformanceofthe overall closed-loop systems would remain stable under any filterwasshownin[10]tobesuperiortotheconservativesolu- switching law. Unfortunately, however, the method is thought tionofalwaysusingonlythefirstfilterblock. fora differentapplication, andassumesthatallcontrollersare Toadopttheanytimeapproachinthecontroldomain,aclas- designedbytheinternal-modelapproach,thushavingthesame sicalmonolithiccontroltaskshouldbereplacedbyahierarchy (rather heavy) computational complexity. Most importantly, ofcontroltasksofincreasingcomplexity,eachprovidingacor- at each switching instant, a state-space transformation has to respondinglyincreasingperformanceofthecontrolledsystem. be applied, whose complexity is comparable to that of the Forinstance,thesimplestcontroltaskinthehierarchy,couldbe controllers themselves. By the same practicality argument, designedtoguaranteeonlystabilityoftheclosedloopsystem, algorithms for switched system stabilization (such as e.g., while whenever the scheduler provides ”surplus” time, other [19]–[22]) requiring the computation of complex functions of moresophisticatedcontrolalgorithmscouldbeexecutedtoob- the state to ascertain which subsystem can be activated next tainbetterqualityofcontrol. time, are not applicable to the anytime control problem as we However, application of the anytime algorithm idea to con- considerithere. trolismuchmorechallengingthanitmaysuperficiallyappear. Thethreadofworkclosesttooursisprobablythatrelatedto Themainconceptualroadblockisthat,asopposedtomostany- FirmRealTimeSystems(FRTSs)[5],[6].Inaseriesofpapers timecomputationand filteringalgorithms, anytimecontrollers [7],[23]–[25],Lemmonandco-workersconsiderperformance interact in feedback with dynamic systems, which fact entails ofNetworked ControlSystems (NCSs)inaFRTS framework, issuessuchas: introduce a stochastic model to describe the task dropout (cid:129) Switched System Performance: unpredictable preemption process, and provide a general QoS constraint encompassing events introduce stochastic switching among different classical metrics such as average- or window-based dropout closed-loop systems, which can subvert naïve expecta- measures. tions—e.g.,switchingbetweenstabilizingcontrollersmay Probabilistic modeling of real-time systems is by now a wellresultinoverallinstability.Moregenerally,closed-loop widely accepted approach to avoid overconservatism of de- performanceisstronglyinfluencedbyswitching; terministic (WCET-based) models, to which an ample and (cid:129) Practicality: implementation of both control and sched- growing literature [26]–[28] is devoted. Within stochastic uling algorithms must be numerically accurate, yet very models of RT systems, the use of Markov chains (cf. e.g., simple and noninvasive, not to contradict the very nature [25], [29], [30]) is one of the most promising avenues to ac- ofthelimited-resource,embeddedcontrolproblem; curately compute the response time distribution (and deadline (cid:129) Hierarchical Design: the design of a set of controllers as miss probabilities) of different tasks in systems ranging from progressiveapproximationstowardsagiventargetdesign fixed-priority(e.g.,RM)todynamic-priority(e.g.,EDF). does not typically provide the desired performance hier- Inthispaper,whichbuildsupon[31],wealsoadoptaMarkov archy.Indeed,performanceofclosed-loopsystemsarenot Chainmodeltodescribethesequenceoftimeslotsallottedby triviallyrelatedtohowclosecontrollerapproximationsare aschedulerforthe executionofa controltask(formethods to tothetarget,asitise.g.,infilterdesign; infer the parameters of the stochastic model of the scheduler, (cid:129) Modularity: the computational structure of control algo- see e.g., [28], [29]). Our model differs from the one used in rithmsshouldbeinheritedthroughthehierarchylevels,so theFRTSsliteraturecitedabove,aswedefineourprobabilities thatthecomputationofhighercontrollersinthehierarchy onthespaceofexecutiontimesratherthanondeadlinemisses. exploits results of computations executed for lower con- A more substantial difference, however, is that we regard the trollers. Although this property is not strictly required, it scheduler characteristics to be a given in our problem, rather cangreatlyenhanceeffectivenessofanytimecontrol. thanadesignobjective.Inouranytimecontrolsetup,different Wewilldiscusstheseissuesfurtherintherestofthepaper. control subroutines can be alternatively activated in different GRECOetal.:DESIGNANDSTABILITYANALYSISFORANYTIMECONTROL 573 periods to control the same plant, and we developa switching The following sufficient condition for AS-stability was policythataffordsbetterexploitationofthecomputationalplat- provenin[32]: form while guaranteeing overall closed-loop stability. As the Theorem1(1–StepAverageContractivity): [32]Ifthereex- systemresultingfromswitchingunderstochasticconstraintsisa istsamatrixnorm ,suchthat MarkovJumpLinearSystem(MJLS),stabilityisstudiedinthe probabilisticsenseof“AlmostSure”(AS)stability[32],[33]. (4) II. BACKGROUNDMATERIAL thentheMJLS(2)isAS-stable. Let be a given linear, discrete time, in- Inequality (4) can be interpreted as an averagecontractivity variantSISOplantandlet , ,beafamily ofthestatenormoveraone-stephorizon.Aconditionlessre- ofcontrollersfor suchthatthefeedbackconnectionof with strictive than (4), and involving the average contractivity over isasymptoticallystableforall .Lettheclosed-loopsystem amulti-stephorizonhasbeenpresentedin[33].Namely,anew thusobtainedbedenotedas andletitsdynamicsbe MJLS, called “lifting of period ”,is associated to the MJLS (2).Sucha systemrepresentsthe sampling ofthe originalone at timeinstants , , andits stabilitypropertiesmirror (1) thoseoftheoriginalsystem.Moreprecisely, theliftedversion ofperiod ofsystem(2)isdefinedby The set of controllers is assumed to provide a hierarchy of performance and complexity. In other terms, we assume that application of controller provides better closed-loop performancethancontroller if ,andthatitssoftwareim- with , , plementation typically requires longer execution time. Which . Moreover, controller will be actually executedat eachperiod depends on isaMarkovprocesstakingvaluesin the time allotted by the RTOS scheduler and on the execution time of different controllers, both nondeterministic quantities. andcharacterizedasfollows:for and The main tool used in this paper to address stability of the , the transition probability matrix switchingsystemensuingfromprobabilisticschedulingmodels has elements given by isthetheoryofAlmostSurestability. . This process has i.p.d. given by . A. AlmostSureStability The 1–step average contractivity condition applied to the liftedsystemyields Inthissection,abriefreviewofresultsonAlmostSuresta- Theorem2( –StepAverageContractivity): [33]If bility (AS-stability) for discrete-time systems is reported fol- lowing [33]. Consider the discrete-time Markov Jump Linear (5) System(MJLS) (2) thentheMJLS(2)isAS-stable. Theimportanceofcondition(5)isrelatedtothefactthatfor where , , ,and is increasingvaluesof itprovidesasequenceofsufficientcon- a finite-state discrete-time homogeneous irreducible aperiodic ditionsand,mostimportantly,tothefollowingresult (FSHIA) Markov chain taking values in the finite state space Theorem3: [33]System(2)isAS-stableifandonlyif , with transition probability matrix , suchthatcondition(5)holds. , and with initial proba- bilitymeasure .Theevolutionoftheprobabilitydistribu- III. STOCHASTICMODELINGOFTHESCHEDULINGPROCESS tion oftheprocess attime isgivenby Weconsiderasingle-processorplatformwithamultitasking RTOS, and a periodic control task with period . We further (3) assume that control inputs and outputs are time-triggered and synchronized,i.e.,measurementsareacquiredatthebeginning We will denote by the unique invariant probability distri- of each period and control inputs are released at the end. As bution (i.p.d.) of the irreducible and aperiodic Markov chain, a consequence, the control task is not affected by jitter, while correspondingtothesteady-stateprobabilitydistributionforthe the constant unit delay can be easily accounted for directly in process (i.e., forany ). the design of the individual controllers [34]. Assume the pe- Definition 1: The MJLS (2) is said exponentially almost riod tobe dividedin timeslices oflength ,and surely stable (AS-stable) if there exists such that, for thateachcontroller isimplementedbyahomonymoussoft- any andanyinitialdistribution ,thefollowing waresubroutine.Boththetimeallottedbytheschedulertothe conditionholds: controltask,andtheexecutiontimesofanysubroutine,are fi- nitemultiplesof .Let ,with , and . 574 IEEETRANSACTIONSONAUTOMATICCONTROL,VOL.56,NO.3,MARCH2011 Letthetimeallottedtothecontroltaskduringthe -thsam- with plingperiodbedescribedbythediscreterandomvariable takingonvaluesintheset .Asimplestochasticdescription . oftherandomsequence canbegivenintermsofan . . independently and identically distributed (i.i.d.) process, with probabilitydistributiondenotedby .Moti- vated by the stochastic model of RT systems in [29], [30], we adoptinwhatfollowsamoregeneralmodelbasedonMarkov astochasticmatrix.If isaMarkovchain,then istime chains. Accordingly, will denote a FSHIA Markov chain dependent,thoughnotnecessarilyaMarkovchain. taking values in , with transition probability matrix and Remark 1: The assumption can be easily i.p.d. . dropped. Indeed, if , it is sufficient to add to Sinceitisassumedthatnodeterministicinformationisavail- the event , with the meaning “ iff in the -th ableinadvanceontheeffectivetimeallowanceforthecontrol periodnocontrollerscanbeexecuted.”Inthiscase,matrix task, subroutines must be computed sequentially, i.e., the ismodifiedbyaddingonitstoparow ,where computationof cannotstartuntilthecomputationof has isthecumulativedistributionthatnocontrollercanbe terminated.Therefore,theexecutiontimefrom to ismod- executed. eledasadiscreterandomvariable definedon ,withprob- Remark2: Inourpreviouswork[31],adeterministicmodel ability distribution , with of the controller execution time was considered. This can be and .The(time-independent)probabilitydistribu- regardedasaparticularcaseofthepresenttreatment,where tionof isdescribedby . ischosenasavectorhavinga1in -thpositionif , We now combine the probabilistic models above into a sto- and0elsewhere.Moreover,if islimitedtothesetofallthe chastic description of the highest-index executable controller WCETs, namely , then in each period. This will be referred to as the (unconditioned) becomestheidentitymatrixand coincideswiththeFSHIA schedulerprocess .Indeed, representsthehighestindexofa Markovchain . schedulablecontroller,i.e.,thecontrollersuchthatitsexecution timeisthelargestamongthoseshorterthantheavailabletime. IV. PROBLEMFORMULATION Assumefirstthatthesimplestcontroller (whoseworst-case execution time is ) is considered to be mandatory in Given a set of controllers , the associated closed loop theanytimescheme,andthatthefeasiblemandatoryconstraint dynamics ,andaprobabilisticdescriptionoftheprocess modeling the maximum schedulable controller, a degree of issatisfied.Lettherandomprocess freedomislefttothecontroltaskdesignertomakeanexplicit takingonvaluesin bedefinedas“ choiceofthecontrollertobeactuallyexecutedineachperiod. iffinthe -thperiodallcontrollers butnocontroller We will refer to such choice as the switching policy, which is canbeexecuted.”Becausecontrollersarecomputed definedasamap , determiningtheupper sequentially, this is equivalent to stating that “ iff in bound to the index of the controller to be executed the -thperiod canbeexecutedbut cannot.”. attime .Inotherterms,attime ,thecontroltaskcomputes Let . From controllers until ,unlessadeadlineeventoccurs ,itfollows: forcing it to provide only , the highest controller computed beforethedeadline. Applicationofaswitchingpolicy toasetoffeedbacksys- tems underagivenscheduler generatesaswitched Toexpress intermsofdistributions linear system which, under general hypotheses, is a ,letuswrite stochastic JLS with a conditioned i.p.d. . As an example, themostconservativepolicyistoset ,i.e.,forcingal- waystheexecutionofthesimplestcontroller ,regardlessof the probable availability of more computational time ( ).Ifthefeasiblemandatoryconstraint is satisfied, this (non-switching) policy guarantees stability because the two events are mutually exclusive. oftheresultingclosedloopsystem. Recalling that controllers are computed sequen- On the opposite, a “greedy” strategy would set , tially, implies , hence whichleadstocomputing forall (hence ). Al- and thoughthispolicyattemptsatmaximizingtheutilizationofthe mostperformingcontroller,itiswellknownthatswitchingar- Defining the cumulative distribution of as bitrarilyamongasymptoticallystablesystems mayeasilyre- , we can write sultinanunstablebehavior[35].Asufficientconditionforthe . The relation greedyswitchingpolicytoprovideanAS-stablesystemispro- betweenthestochasticprocesses and isthengivenby vided by Theorem 1, where and . Notice thathereweassumethatallclosed-loopsystemshavethesame (6) number of states, which coincide with the sum of the number GRECOetal.:DESIGNANDSTABILITYANALYSISFORANYTIMECONTROL 575 ofstatesoftheplantandofthelargestcontroller(theactualar- Inconclusion,westatethefollowingproblem rangementofthestatevectorsforclosed-loopsystemsisillus- Problem 1 (Optimal SwitchingPolicy (OSP) Problem): For tratedindetailintheimplementationSectionVII). agivenplant ,asetofcontrollers ,withassociatedperfor- Ifthisconditionisnotverified,itisimportanttoinvestigate manceindex andprobabilisticexecutiontime ,andaprob- whether there exist scheduling policies which can ensure abilistic scheduler process , find a switching policy that AS-stability other than the over-conservative non-switching maximizes ,subjectto . choice.Todoso,assumethattheset V. INDEPENDENTSTOCHASTICSWITCHINGPOLICY In this section, we tackleproblem 1 abovebyintroducing a switchinglawwhichisitselfstochastic,andisbasedonthecon- is not empty for some matrix norm. Given a scheduler i.p.d. ceptofaconditioningMarkovchain.Thestochasticproperties ,inorderforacompatibleandstabilizingconditionedi.p.d. oftheschedulerprocessandconditioningchaininteracttopro- to exist, further constraints have to be satisfied. In- ducearesultingswitchedsystem.Tostudysuchinteraction,we deed,let .Foraswitchingpolicytoexistwhichcanalter willmakeuseoftheoperationsofmergingandaggregatingsto- a given scheduler probability distribution into , chasticprocesses. thefollowingmusthold: ThemergingoftwofinitestateMarkovchains and , definedonthestatespaces and ,respectively,isthesto- chastic process defined on such that .Thefollowingholds: . Theorem 4: For two independent, FSHIA Markov . . chains and with transition probability matrices and , and initial probability distributions and , let and denote their where ,and . respective (unique) invariant probability distributions. Then, Inequalities – take into account the fact that no forthemerging ,itholds switching law can alter the scheduler so as to give more com- i) is a FSHIA Markov chain whose statis- putationaltimetocontroltasksthanitismadeavailablebythe tics are given by the transition probability matrix scheduler.Furthermore,constraints – modelthefact and by the initial that the probability of the -th controller can be increased probability distribution ( onlyattheexpensesofareductionoftheprobabilities , denotestheKroneckerproduct); ofmorecomplexcontrollers. ii) theevolutionofthechain isgivenby Definition2: Givenasetofmatrices , ,andasched- uleri.p.d. ,thesetoffeasibleAS-stabilizingschedulingprob- (8) abilitiesisdefinedas ,with with . Moreover, converges to the unique i.p.d. (9) foranyinitialdistribution . Proof: SeetheAppendix. Considerfurtherastochasticprocess definedonthefinite state space and a function mapping in anotherfinitestatespace .Theaggregationof withrespect to is the stochastic process defined on the quotient space Assuming that , it is natural to consider a Quality of by the equivalence relation iff . of Control (QoC) metric within the set of feasible stabilizing NoticethattheaggregatedprocessisnotnecessarilyMarkovian schedules. Based on the hypothesis that controllers are hierar- eveniftheoriginalprocessis. chically ordered by their closed-loop performance, so that use Coming back to the stochastic processes describing the ofcontroller providesbetterresultsthan , ,anatural scheduling and execution of controllers, consider an indepen- QoCmetricfortheproblemathandcanbesimplygivenas dent FSHIA Markov chain defined ona finite statespace . We will associate a switching law to the stochasticprocess inthefollowingexplicitsense: (7) IndependentStochasticSwitchingPolicy(ISSP). Atthe –thperiod,thecontroltaskproducestheresultsofthe i.e.,thesecondmomentofarandomvariable -thcontroller iff withi.p.d. ,where istheperformanceindexassociatedwith 1) and ;or , , . 2) and . 576 IEEETRANSACTIONSONAUTOMATICCONTROL,VOL.56,NO.3,MARCH2011 The fact that process may not be a Markov chain im- and inDefinition2areautomaticallysatisfiedbyani.p.d. pliesthatthemergedprocess isalsonota asin(13).Furthermore,forsuch ,constraint canbe Markovchainingeneral.However,theprobabilitydistribution rewritten(withtheprovisothat )as of islinearlyrelatedtothedistribution of themergedMarkovchain .Indeed,fromtheindependence of the random variables and , by the mixed productrulewecanwrite By introducing the QoC vector , , such that (10) , using (13) and rearranging with theidentitymatrix. terms,theOSPproblemrestrictedtotheISSPclasscanbestated Weidentifystatesof resultingintheexecutionofthesame asaclassicallinearprogrammingproblemintheunknown : controllerbyintroducingtheaggregatingfunction OSPProblem with . The switching law choice above amountstosettingtheconditionedprobabilitydistribution equalto ,whichistheprobabilitydistributionoftheaggre- gatedprocess .Itcanbeeasilyverifiedthattheevolution of isgivenby (11) with suchthat and where and . Noticethat indicateshereadesiredcontractivitymargin, whiletheuseofnon-strictinequalitiesin2)impliesthatanon- irreducibleMarkovchain isacceptedasapossiblesolution. Remark3: Becauseofthelinearmappings(10)and(11)the ItisalsoworthnotingthatanecessaryconditionforOSPtobe process admitsani.p.d.towhicheachinitialdistribution feasibleisthat suchthat .Thismayeasilynotbe oftype converges.Inparticular, thecaseforanarbitrarymatrixnorm.Ontheotherhand,ifama- we have trixnormforwhich ischosen,and (whichisreasonabletoassume),thenfeasibilityisguaranteed. (12) Whilefindingsuchanormisalwayspossibleif isSchur, thechoiceofsuchan –adaptednormtendstobiassolutions with . Hence the contractivity condition of the ofOSPtowardsusingthesimplestcontrollermoreoften.This AS-stabilityanalysisappliesto . inturntendstoproducelowperformanceindex .Therefore,it Remark4: Itcanbeobservedthatthechoiceofaswitching canbeusefultoconsideramoregeneralpositionofthesched- law by a Markov chain independent from the scheduler ulingproblem,whichisdescribednext. process isnotthemostgeneralpossiblechoice.However, besides simplifying the analysis considerably, this choice has B. Multi-StepAverageContractivityCondition the advantage of not requiring on-line computations. Indeed, Theadvantageofusing -stepcontractivityisillustratedby an arbitrary realization of the process can be computed thefollowingLemma: off-lineandusedasaswitchinglaw ,whichfactiscrucial Lemma1: If suchthat isSchur,thenforanygiven fromapracticalitypointofview. matrixnorm , and suchthatthesolution A. One-StepAverageContractivityCondition setisnotempty,i.e. Basedonresultsoftheprevioussection,weseekasolutionof Problem1withastructuresuchasin(12).Theconditionedi.p.d. ,whichfornotationalsimplicitywewilldenotehenceforth as ,canbewrittenmoreexplicitlyas Proof: If isSchur,then suchthat . (13) Let and .Hence suchthat, forallprobabilitydistributionswith , where . , . Itactuallyturnsoutthatthestructureof describedin(13), This result guarantees that a -step stabilizing switching resultingfromthechoiceofanindependentconditioningchain, policy exists, for large enough : by the assumption that simplifies the formulation of the synthesis problem substan- , it is indeed sufficient to choose in tially.Indeed,itcanbeprovenbysimpleiflengthyarguments the Lemma above. To exploit the more general -step con- (see Lemma 2 in the Appendix), that constraints , , tractivity condition (5), we introduce a switching law such GRECOetal.:DESIGNANDSTABILITYANALYSISFORANYTIMECONTROL 577 that some control patterns, i.e., sequences of symbols in , VI. ROBUSTSYNTHESIS are preferentially used with respect to others. This may imply We consider now the case that an exact stochastic model of associating to a matrix sequence a steady-state probability of the scheduler is not available, rather it is subject to Unknown occurrence different from the product of the probabilities of But Bounded (UBB) uncertainties. For the sake of simplicity, each matrix. Accordingly, an unconstrained chain will be we limit our robustness analysis to the one-step average con- used for conditioning (as opposed to using a lifted version of tractivitycondition. the one-step conditioning chain ), which can be interpreted Assume first that UBB uncertainties affect the steady-state assuggestingthesequenceofcontrollerstobeexecutedinthe probabilities that a time is allotted to the control task, but next steps. thattheprobabilisticcomputationalmodelofthedifferentcon- Let denotetheliftedMarkovchaindescribingthetimeal- trollersisknown.Inotherterms,weassumethatthematrix lottedtocontroltaskcomputationinthenext periods,whose isgiven,while isonlyconstrainedtobelongtoapolytopic states are sequences of the original symbols defined in the setwithafinitenumberofvertices,i.e., ,with new statespace with cardinality . Alsolet denote the ( denotestheconvexhulloperator). liftedschedulerprocessand itsstates( ). Due to the linearity of the mapping between and To compute the distribution of the lifted process defined , is mapped in the polytopic set on , consider the matrix , whose entry is , ,where , , with the sequence . and . Recallingthe meaning ofthe process , Thisuncertaintydescriptionlendsitselftoaverysimplero- thisprobabilitycanbewrittenas bustnessproblemformulation.Indeed,beingthatproblemOSP islinear,henceconvex,w.r.t. ,thesetof solvingOSPfor every can be characterized simply by replacing the firstinequalityinOSPwith inequalities,oneforeachvertex .Hence,thenewsolutionsetisthepolytope where we used the stationarity of the random variables . Fromtheindependenceofthevariables and with . Exploiting the lin- ,wehave earity of the index function in OSP w.r.t. both and , the searchforarobustoptimalswitchingpolicycanbecastasabi- linearprogrammingproblemwithdisjointconstraints: ROSPProblem (14) Suchaproblemadmitsanoptimalsolution where where , times. and [36] (with denoting Thedistributionof and arehencelinearlyrelatedthrough the set of vertices of ). Applying von Neumann’s minimax .ConsidertheconditioningMarkovchain with states theorem[37],anequivalentformulationofROSPisgivenby takingvaluesinafinitestatespace .Fornotationalsimplicity, let denoteasequenceofsymbols ,sothatwe have . A -step equivalent of Problem 1 is directly obtainedbyreplacing , and with , and ,re- An optimal solution to ROSP can then be found by spectively. thefollowingalgorithm: If a set of steady-state probability distributions exists 1) , solve the linear solvingthe -stepversionofProblem1,thesynthesisproblem program isagaintofindasteady-stateprobabilitydistribution forthe chain suchthattheaggregatedprocess hassteady-state distribution , with the aggregation induced by the element-wiseminimumfunction. andbuildtheset ; Finally,aQoCmetricgeneralizing(7)isobtainedbysetting 2) Exhaustivelysearch andfind ,with ( times).Indeed,in thiscaseanyweight istheproductofweightsrelatedtothe sequence .Withthesestipulations,anoptimal multistep switching problemfor fixed can be formulatedin Considernowthemorerealisticcasethatthetransitionprob- theparameters inthesametermsastheOSP. abilitymatrix oftheMarkovchain isalsoaffectedbyUBB 578 IEEETRANSACTIONSONAUTOMATICCONTROL,VOL.56,NO.3,MARCH2011 uncertainties, described by a polytope of stochastic matrices TABLEI suchthat ,andlet COMPUTATIONALCOMPLEXITY(CONSIDEREDASTHENUMBEROF MULTIPLICATIONSEXCEPTBY0OR1)ANDNUMERICALRELIABILITYOF DIFFERENTSTATE-SPACEREALIZATIONSOFASTRICTLYPROPERTRANSFER FUNCTION(cid:0)(cid:0)(cid:2)(cid:2)WITH(cid:3) POLES.THEGENERICCASEASSUMES NOPARTICULARSTRUCTUREINTHESYSTEMSMATRICES denote the simplex of probability distributions. The set of steady-statedistributions correspondingto ,i.e. isunfortunatelynotconvexingeneral.Infact,if denotethe according to the switching policy proposed steady-statevectorscorrespondingtovertexmatrices ,there above. isnoguaranteethat isincludedin . ForASstabilityanalysispurposesonly,itisconvenienttoset AnumericallytractableconditionforrobustAS-stabilitycan upa compoundstate vector ,with beobtainedbyconstructingapolytope providinganouter , which includes the states of the plant and those of (conservative)approximationof ,i.e., . eachcontroller.Thecorrespondingclosed-loopmatrices Consider the image under of a set , de- arecomputedasfollows: noted as . As a conse- quence of the linearity of the map, if is a polytope (16) , then also is a polytope, described by . Because where,assumingthatthe“sleeping”statescorrespondingtoin- activecontrollers , areresettozero,wehave is the set of all fixed points for the map , i.e., , suchthat ,itholds .Forthesame reason,for ,itholds .Itisworthnotingthat ingeneral ,but,being and , clearly .Thissuggeststhefollowingiterative algorithm: withthe non-zeroblocks in the –th block positions.It should be noticed that this independent controller design approach is the simplest but does not provide any modularity: indeed, in such a mutually exclusive scheme, all computation results for providing a non-increasing sequence of outer polytopic areeventuallydiscarded. approximations for as desired. If UBB uncertain- To obtain a modular design for anytime control, one could ties also affect the mapping , i.e., if we assume pursueatop-downapproach,startingwiththedesignofacom- , then the approximating plex,high-performancecontroller (by,e.g.,a technique polytope ismapped bymeansofallthemappingsin in applied to the full set of performance requirements). Progres- thepolytope .Thegeneral sively simpler controllers , may then be obtained by e.g., model reduction techniques. As already re- ROSP problem is therefore restated by simply replacing the marked, however, this approach does not systematically guar- polytope with . anteeclosed-loopperformanceunderswitching. Moreover, most model reduction techniques require VII. IMPLEMENTATIONOFANYTIMECONTROLSYSTEMS state-space realizations with full dynamic matrices , which Inthissectionwediscusstheproblemofdesigninganordered makes them impractical in real-time embedded applications. setoffeedbackcontrolalgorithmsforthegivenplant ,whose Indeed, practicality requirements imply careful consideration state andoutput evolvewiththeinput as of algorithmic implementations of control laws [38]. Table I reports a comparison among three different state space repre- sentationsforSISOsystems. (15) We propose a simple, bottom-up design technique which is suitable for addressing the main requirements of anytime A first, straightforward approachconsists of designinga set control algorithms. The method is based on classical cascade of independentcontrollers design. Consider the two design stages illustrated in Fig. 1, in which controllers are designed to ensure increasing per- formance by any classical synthesis technique. The scheme in Fig. 1 cannot be implemented as a modular anytime con- where . A hierarchical design, with trol, because after computation of the a) scheme, the input and increasing performance, can be made e.g., by adopting to the block needs to be recomputed completely if the a sequence of design procedures of increasing sophistication b) scheme is to be applied. However, by simple block ma- and/orbyintroducingsuccessiverefinementsofdesignspecifi- nipulations, the scheme in Fig. 2 can be obtained, where we cations.Controllersarethencomputedsequentiallyintheorder set The scheme in Fig. 2 is suitable GRECOetal.:DESIGNANDSTABILITYANALYSISFORANYTIMECONTROL 579 A. TrackingControlandBumplessTransfer ThescheduleconditioningtechniqueofSectionVisableto address the switched system performance issue satisfactorily whenaregulationproblemisconsidered.Inreference-tracking tasks, however, performance can be severely impaired by switching between different controllers. Indeed, some of the controllers may remain idle for a certain number of periods, withtheirstatesina“sleeping”condition.Suddenre-activation of sleeping states may produce ”bumps” in the states and out- puts,anddegradeperformance,iftheactivepartofthesystem hasgonethroughsignificantchangesinthemeantime. The design of bumpless-control techniques has been exten- sivelyconsideredintheliteraturesinceatleastthe80’s([39]), Fig.1. Stagesofaclassicalcascadedesignprocedure. andisstillanactiveareaofresearch([40]–[42]).However,most oftheexistingresultsarenotmeantforresource-limitedappli- cationsasthosetargetedhere,anddonotcomplywiththeprac- ticality requirements which are at a premium in anytime con- trol.Wedescribebelowasimplemethodforbumplesscontrol thatappliestothemodularanytimestructureinFig.2,andthat generalizesittotrackingproblemsforset-pointreferences whichvaryslowlywithrespecttotheschedulingswitches. Weassumeinwhatfollowsthattheinputreferenceisscaled, ascustomaryintrackingproblems,intheprefilterblock (see Fig.2. Switchedcontrolschemesuitableforanytimecontrolimplementation. Fig.2),bythesteady-stategainofthecorrespondingclosedloop TheschemeisequivalenttoFig.1(a)whentheswitchesareinthe(cid:0)(cid:0)(cid:2)position, andtoFig.1(b)for(cid:0) (cid:0) (cid:3). systemwithcontroller , .Let denotethestateof thecontrolledplant,and bethestateofthe –thcontroller component .Supposenowthat,atsomeinstantintime , the –th level controller is active and the system components for anytime implementation. Indeed the series of and havereachedasteady-stateequilibriumunderaconstantrefer- is in open-loop (hence equivalent to an anytime filter ence .Let , ,and denotethecorrespondingequi- ),whiletheparallelconnectioninthefeedbackloop libriumvaluesofthestatesandoutput. is simply obtained by summing the value computed in Consider the event that, at time , the execution to the value computed previously in . Using of the –th level controller is imposed, by either the occur- Jordanformrealizationsoftheblocksprovidesgoodnumerical renceofadeadlineoraconditionedscheduleswitch,whilethe accuracyaswellaslowcomputationalcomplexity.Thecascade reference remains unchanged from . If (high-to-low designmethodcanbeappliediterativelytoprovideacomplete level switching), it can be easily verified that the active parts hierarchy of controllers, satisfactorily addressing the issues ofthesystemstateremainat .Ifinstead ofhierarchicaldesign,practicality,andmodularity. (low-to-highlevelswitching),theevolutionofthewholesystem ForASstabilityanalysis,considerthesequenceoffeedback for dependsuponthevaluesofthesleepingstatesattime controllers . ,i.e., , .Thedynamicsofcontrollerstates Let the dynamics of the component controllers be realized during their idle periods is therefore an important degree-of- in a –dimensional state space with . freedom in switching control design. Straightforward policies Astate-spacerealizationfor isthengivenby for managing sleeping states, such as e.g., keeping them con- stantduringsleep,maybeadequatefortheregulationproblem, butnotfortracking(ifthereferencechangesevenslowlyduring theidletimeofacontrollercomponent,outputbumpswillnec- essarily result at re-activation of that component). It is worth- whilenoticingexplicitlythatzeroingthesleepingstates,either instantaneously–asassumedintheprevioussection–orpro- gressively with a simple and computationally inexpensive dy- Accordingly,andassumingagainthatthestatesofinactivecon- trollersareresettozero,thecorrespondingclosed-loopmatrices namics as e.g., in [11], effectively avoid bumps only for zero- havethesamestructureasin(16)withthenew regulationproblems. blockdefinitions When the active part of the system is at steady state in under a constant reference , perfectly smooth low-to-high switchingwouldbeachievedifandonlyifthestateofthe -th (17) componentcontroller( )isre-initializedas (18) (19) (20) 580 IEEETRANSACTIONSONAUTOMATICCONTROL,VOL.56,NO.3,MARCH2011 TABLEII SAMPLED-TIMETRANSFERFUNCTIONSFORSYSTEMSINFIGS.3AND7,ANDHIERARCHICALCONTROLLERSUSEDINSIMULATIONS Observingthat andsetting , onecanrewrite(20)as (21) Wereplacethisre-initializationformulawiththefollowingone: (22) whichisequivalentto(20)providedthat Fig.3. ModelofFurutapendulumwithzerooffset([43]). . This holds true under the hypothesis that the system is at steady-state before the switch. Indeed, using the definition of andanuncertainschedulermodel.AconditioningMarkovchain and Woodbury’s matrix inversion lemma, it is straightfor- solvingtheOSPandROSPproblems,respectively,isobtained wardtoprovethat .Ifthesystemisnot which satisfies the 1-step average contractivity condition. The exactlyatsteady-stateat ,butthereferenceisvaryingslowly, second example illustrates application of -step average con- thedifference issmallandapplicationofthe tractivesolutionstotheOSPproblem,andtheeffectivenessof twoformulaswillslightlydiffer. the proposed bumpless transfer technique to track piecewise- Fromacomputationalviewpoint,thisre-initializationscheme constant references. In both cases, the unit delay between the introduces negligible overhead, because matrices can be output sampling instant and the application of the control ac- easilypre-computed,and(22)needstobeevaluatedonlyonce tionhasbeenexplicitlyconsidered. when a low-to-high transition occurs for the reactivated con- Forthesakeofbrevity,intheexamplesweconsideradeter- trollers.However,forthesakeofASstabilityanalysis,itisin- ministicWCETmodelofcontrollerexecutiontime,sothat,in strumentaltoconsideranequivalentsystemwhereallsleeping the light of Remark 2, the process is described by a FSHIA statesarere-initializedateverytimeinstantas Markov chain. The same transition probability matrix of the nominal scheduler process will be assumed in both examples, which is (the re-initialization of states clearly has no effect on the closed-loop system until they remain inactivated). Therefore, (24) theclosed-loopmatrices havethesamestructure asin(16),(17)and(18),butwith(19)replacedby Thecorrespondingsteady-stateprobabilitydistributionisgiven (23) by . In the application of the contractivity condition for solving Inconclusion,thesolutionoftheOSP(ROSP)problemwith (R)OSPproblems,asuitablechoiceoftheadoptedmatrixnorm matricescomputedasin(16),(17),(18),and(23),providesthe canconsiderablyhelp.Inourexamplesweusethemethodpro- (robust)optimalswitchingpolicyfortheintendedcontrollerhi- posedby[32]tochooseavectornorm andinduced erarchy ,whilealsoguaranteeingASstabilityofthebumpless matrixnorm ,where isanon-singularma- transfertechnique(22). trixsatisfyingtheconditionthat suchthat (thisconditiongeneralizesdirectlytothemultistepproblem). VIII. EXAMPLES Example 1 (One-Step Contractivity With Robustness): A The control of two mechanical systems will be used to il- model of Furuta pendulum with zero offset ([43]) is depicted lustrate the application of the proposed technique. In the first inFig. 3and its sampled-time linearized dynamics is reported example we consider a regulation problem for both a nominal inTableII.WithreferencetotheconnectionschemeinFig.2,

Modern multitasking Real-Time Operating Systems. (RTOSs), running, e.g., on . algorithms for switched system stabilization (such as e.g.,. [19]–[22])
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