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AMAZONIANA XIII (3/4): 325-416 Kiel, Dezember 1995 Description of nine new centipede species from Amazonia and related matters on Neotropical geophilomorphs (Chilopoda: Geophilomorpha) by Luis Alberto Pereira, Alessandro Minelli & Francesco Barbieri Dr. Luis Alberto Pereira, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Paseo del Bosque s.n., 1900 La Plata, R. Argentina. Prof. Dr. Alessandro Minelli and Dr. Francesco Barbieri, Dipartimento di Biologia, Università degli Studi di Padova, Via Trieste 15,135121Padova, Italy. (Accepted for publication: September, 1995). Abstract Nine new species of geophilomorph centipedes, all from Amazonian sites, are described: one species belongs to Ballophilidae (ltyphilus demoraisi n.sp.), three to Geophilidae (Ribautia (Schizoribautia) dfficilis n.sp.,R. (R.)ducalis n.sp.,R. (R.)proxina n.sp.),andfivetoSchendylidae(Pectiniunguistlucalis n.sp.). The d allotype of Ityphilus craåil/i PEREIRA, MINELLI & BARBIERI, 1994 is designated and described. Descriptive data and/or taxonomic comments are given for several Neotropical species of the genus Ribautia'. R. (SchiToribautía) nrontana KRAUS, I 954 is regarded as a good species and redescribed fromtypematerial. R.(5.)seydi RIBAUT, 1923,R.(5.)peruana VERHOEFF, 1941 and R.(5.)titicacde TURK, 1955 are regarded here as distinct species. Ribau¡ia si/v¿n¿ KRAUS, 1954 is placed in the subgenus Ribautia (Schiaoribautia) and the d holotype is described. Keywords: Amazon, Neotropics, Chilopoda, Geophilomorpha. Resumo Nove espécies de cenkrpéias geofilomorfas, todas da região da Arnazônia, são descritas: unra espécie representa os Ballophilidae (ltyphilus denoraisi n.sp.), trôs os Geophilidae (Ribautia (Schiaoribautia) dfficilis n.sp., R. (R.) ducalis n.sp., R. (R.) proxina n.sp., cinco os Schendylidae (Peuiniungus ducalis n.sp., Schendylurus continuus n,sp., S. janauarius n.sp., S. marchantariae n.sp., S. oligopns n.sp.). O d alotipo de ltyphilus crabilli PEREIRA, MINELLI & BARBIERI, 1994 é designado e descrikr. Dados descritívos e/ou comentários taxonômicos são dados para várias espécies Neotropicais do gênero Ribautia: R. (SchiToribautia) montana KRAUS, 1954, é considerada uma espécie válida e redescrita baseada enr material tipo; R. (S.) seydi RIBAUT, 1923, R. (5.) peruana VERHOEFF, l94l e R. (5.) titicacae TURK, I 955 são consideradas espécies dis1. rtas. Ribautia silv¿na KRA US, I 95 4 é colocada no subgênero Rlåattla (Schizoribautia) e redescrita baseada no cl hol<itipo. ISSN 0065-6755119921325/ @ MPI für Limnologie, AG Tropenökologie, Pliin; INPA, Manaus 324 325 I Introduction Type locality. - Brazil: Arnazonas: Rio Tarumã Mirím, igapír. Known range. - Brazil: Anlazonas: Rio Tarunlã Mirínt, igapó; Reserva Fl. A. Ducke. The recent collections of Doz. Dr. J. ADIS (Plön) in the Amazonian region are rapidly Remarks. - This species was described on the basis of a single specinren (female holotype) by revealing an amazing diversity of undescribed centipedes. A new genus and five new pEREIRA, MINELLI & BARBIERI (1994: 16s). species, all of them collected in the very selective environment of the Amazonian inundation forests near Manaus, have been recently described by us (pEREIRA, Description MINELLI & BARBIERI,1994), but many more new taxa are still awaiting description. Male allotype. - 4l p.1., b.l. l5 mm, maximum body width 0.6 mnr. All features similar to those in the fenrale except for the shape and chaetotaxy of the last leg-bearing In this paper we describe nine new species and provide some additional descriptive segment and terminal segments. notes and taxonomic comments on other Neotropical species of some of the genera Last leg-bearing segment: form and chaetotaxy of sternum and tergum as in Figs. I -2. Coxopleura with involved. numerous setae on v. side, the remaining surface with few setae (Figs. l-2). Last legs with seven podonreres, strongly thickened, subconically narrowing fronl base to distal end, form and chaetotaxy as in Figs. 1-2. Material Terminal segments: intermediate tergum with posterictr border convex; intermediate stemum with posterior border slightly concave; first genital sternunr with posterior border slightly concave medially, Hoìotypes, allotypes and some paratypes ofthe new species, as well as most non-type specimens, have slightly convex laterally (Figs. I -2). Gonopods apparently uniarticulate, with ca. 5-7 setae; penis seemingly been deposited in the colÌection of the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas cla Amazonia, Manaus (INPA); some without apico-dorsal setae (Fig. l). paratypes and other specimens are in the following collections: Museum of La Plata (MLp), Coll. A. Variation. - All the three males we have seen have 47 pairs of legs. The females have 4'1 ,49 or 5l MINELLI, Padova (AM) and Coll. J. ADIS, Pliin (JA), as indicated rhereafter. pairs of legs. The following abbreviations are used throughout tbe text and in the figure legends: a.a. : antennal article(s);b.1.:bodylength;d.:dorsal;1.:left;p.1.:pair(s)oflegs;r-right;v.:ventral. Ityphilus demoraisi n.sp. (Figs. 3-42) Descriptions Diagnosis. - An ltyphilus species with pore fields present fronì the first to the penultimate sternum and forcipular ungulum with intemal edge serrate. Of the remaining Neotropical species of the genus, those Family Ballophilidae closest to I. demoraisi n. sp. seem t<¡be I. calinus CHAMBERLIN,I95l,I. craàil/l PEREIRA. MINELLI & BARBIERI, 1994, I. guianensls CHAMBERLIN, l92l, I. idanus CRABILL, 1960, I. Iilacinus COOK, Genus ltyphilus COOK, 1899 \899,1. perrieri (BRöLEMANN, 1909) and I. sat,anus CHAMBERLIN, 1943. For clifferential characters see table l. Diagnosis. - Antennae conspicuously clavate. Central arc of labrunr membranous, without teeth or with Type material examined. - Holotype 9,69 p.1., b.1.32 nrm. Brazil: Amazonas: Reserva Fl. A. Ducke, minute hairlike structures. Forcipular coxostemum with complele or virtually complete chitinlines; meclial 6.9.1983, J. W. de MORAIS legit. Paratype 9,67 p.1., b.l.27 mnr, sarne locality and collector,5.l.l983 edge of tarsungulum unarmed to conspicuously serrate. Ventral pores arranged in transversally elliptical (all INPA). or subcircular fields. Coxopleura of the last leg-bearing segment each with two intemal coxal organs of Othermaterial examined. - I I juv. with only l+l coxal organs,69 p.1., b.l. l8 nìm, sanìe locality and simple structure ("homogeneous coxal glands") sensu BRÖLEMANN & RIBAUT, lgl2. Last pair of legs with seven podomeres, praetarsus in form of a setiform structure. basally "tubercle-like". collector, I 3.3.1983 (INPA). Description Female holotype. - 69 pairs of legs, body length 32 mm, maxinrum body width I mm. Colour of Ityphilus crabílli PEREIRA, MINELLI & BARBIERI, 1994 (Figs. r-2) preserved specimen pale ochre. Antennae ca. 2.1 times as long as the cephalic plate, distally conspicuously clavate. The apical club Ityphilus cr¿áll/i PEREIRA, MINELLI & BARBIERI, 1994 - Amazoniana l3 (l/2): 165. extends over a.a. IX to XIV of which a.a. IX is transitional, being narrow at the base and strongly widening distad. Articles, the last excepted, all wider than long. Ventral chaek)taxy: setae on a.a. I-VIII of Type ntaterial. - Allotype cl", here designated, with mature spermatozoa visible by transparence inside different lengths and few in number, those ofremaining articles nruch shorter and very nunìerous (Fig. 3); the body, 4l p.l.,b.l. l5 mm. Brazil: Amazonas: Reserva Fl. A. Ducke, 10.11.1982, J.W. DE MORAIS d. chaetotaxy: setae on a.a. I-VIII similar to those on v. side, setae on a.a. IX-XIV larger and much less legir (INPA). numerous than those on v. side (Fig. 4). Terminal a.a. with ca. 22 claviform sensory setae on the external Other additional material examined. All from the same locality and collector as the allotype: I ct" with border and ca. l2 on the intemal border (Fig. 12). Distal end of this a.a. with ca. l9 very snrall hyaline mmantru,r8e. 9s.pl9er8n2ìa t(oAzM<ta).,4 71 Ip .1ju.,v b. .wl. ilt3h nolnmly, 1l+9.l1 .1c9o8x2a l (oMrgLaPn)s. ,I4 9c t pw.1i.t,h b m.la. t1ur2em smpe,r m1a2t.o4z.1o9a8, 34 (7A pM.1).,. bI. lj.u vl3. specialized setae apparently not split apically (Fig. l2). Dorsal and v. surface ofa.a. II, V, IX and XIII o4((sJf9e A sxp)p?..)e l .Ir'w m 9biat,.h kl4. r oz9lno9 pal y.,nl 5.rl,lm+ bl,p.6 l.c..I9 .o,l. 3x ba1 .ml9l .o8 mlr38g, a (6mMn.s9mL,.41P,9 9)1 8.0 p3.I.1 1 (1.gJ,. A1 bj9u)..8lv.2 .l w0( iAtmhMm o),.n 1lIy1 g.7t .+w19li t8hc3 o txh(Aael M two)ro.g aIs npIse ,rw m4i7atht e ptc.ha1ee. , tbwfu.1oll. 7sop fem srmmpea,6rtme.9caa.r1eo9 z8fou3al,l rswåee ipsttahreee t avsae er(nreFyt ei tghds.m i cb5kay)el;l r t sawap.anoe.d c dV iavifl,eif zerIeyXrd e s naismtne dttialy aepXr e wItsIoIh: itc¿whh oia tsnhoedn Io åtnht.y e tpT hveey. p aaseip d aedenx dasore efIt a trtheeye spa tertreie cår tmve edsine rytata oltc haa (i.nnFa . ii gna(stane.,d m b6 na,- o8lF t)li .aga tS.pe p6irceo)a.c- ailAalpyl.ii azcd-.ae ilvId Ii adwsreeeidattah ,ae t nIyo dptn yeap rdeeó. side are represented by three different types: ¿ and å, sinlilar to ¿i and å of v. side and type c setae, 326 327 "spine-like" (or "claviform"), much bigger and much darker (ochraceous) in colour (a, b, c,Fig.10). Type nìonophyly and its precise circumscription from related genera. However, the description of three new a and å setae occupy the extemal-medial apical area of the specified a.a., whereas type c setae are nìore Amazonian species of Rlånulir¡ gives us the opportunity to revise other Neotropical species of this genus. widely distributed on the surface of the articles. A.a. II with I type a seta (Fig. 9); a.a. V with I type a, Two subgenera can be recognized, Ribautia BRÖLEMANN, 1909, and Srhizoribautia BRöLEMANN, Itypeåand9typecsetae(Fig.l0);a.a.lx\¡vithltypea,2typeåand8typecsetae(Fig.ll)anda.a. 1912, the first including the species with coxal organs opening independently on the coxopleura, the XIII with 1 type a, 4 type b and 6 type c serae (Fig. l2). second those with coxal organs grouped in l-3 clusters. Cephalic plate slightly wider than long (ratio l.l: l), shape and chaetotaxy as in Fig. 13. Clypeus with 4 setae near the anterior margin of the head and 2 setae on the middle; praelabral setae absent (Figs. l4-15). Ribautia (Ribautia) bouvieri BRÖLEMANN, 1909 (Figs. 43.45) Labrum without teeth on the central arc, lateral pieces with 5+5 very small teeth (Fig. l6). Mandible: dentate lamella not subdivided into blocks, with 12 teeth (Fig. l7); pectinate lamella with Ribautia bouvieri BRÖLEMANN, 1909a - Arch. Zool. exp. gén., sér 5 (3): 336 (without clescription). ca. 30 hyaline teeth. Ribau¡iabouvieri BRÖLEMANN, 1909b - Bull. Mus. Hisr. Nat. Paris n.7: 421. First maxillae with palps on both coxostemunr and telopodite, those of coxosternum rudimentary (Fig. Ribautia bouvieri, RIBAUT, l9l2 - Ménr. Soc. Neuchâtel. 5: 83, 84, 85, 86. l9). Coxostemum without setae, median projections of coxostemunl well cleveloped, subtriangular and Ribautia bouvieri, CHAMBERLIN, 1914 - Bull. Mus. Conrp. Zool. Harvard Coll. 58(3): 214. provided with l+1 setae. Article lI of telopodite with l+l v. setae and 5+4 cl. sensilla (Figs. 1S-19). Ribautiabouvieri, RIBAUT, 1923 - N. Caledonia, A.Z<t<tl.3 (l): 70. Second nrax il lae with 8+ I 0 setae on coxosternunl arranged as in Fig. I 8. Apical cl aw of te lopoclite Ribautia bouvieri, ATTEMS, 1928 - Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 26: 173. well developed, bipectinate, the d. edge with ca. 29 teeth (Fig.20), the v. with ca.20 teeth (Fig.2l). Ribautia bouvieri, ATTEMS, 1929 - Das Tierreich 52 281 . Forcipulae: when closed, telopodites do not extend beyond the anterior margin of the head; basal plate Ribautia bouvieri, BRöLEMANN, 193 I - Arch. Zool. exp. gén. 12: 308. with ca. 35 setae dispersed on almost the whole surface. Coxosternum with conrplete chitinlines. All Ribautia bouvieri, VERHOEFF, 1939 - Ann. Natal Mus. 9(2):222. articles of telopodites lack teeth. Tarsungulum basally with an intemal small blunt and very poorly Ribautia bouvieri, ATTEMS, 1952-1953 - Ann. Mus. Royal Congo Belge ser. n'8, l8: 123, 124, 126. pigmented projection. Proximal half of the internal edge of the ungulum serrate (Figs. 22-24). Calyx <'tf Ribautia (Ribautia) bouvieri, KRAUS, 1954 - Senck. 34 (416): 313,314. poison gland short and subcylindrical (Fig. 24); chaetotaxy of coxostemum and telopodites as in Figs. Ribautia bouvieri, CHAMBERLIN, 1955-1956 - Acta Univ. Lund Avd.2 N. S.5l(5): 17. 22-23. Diagnosis. - Among the known Neotropical species of the subgenus Ribautia (Ribautia), only in this Legs (last pair excepted) with chaetotaxy uniform throughout the body length (Fig. 25). Claws species, in R. (R.) proxima n. sp. and in R. (R.) ducalis n. sp. the last pairs oflegs have a tubercle-like ventrobasally with three very small spines, their arrangement and relative size as in Fig.26. praetarsus. Characters differentiating these three species are given in Table 2. Stema: pore fields present from the first k) the penultimate sternum, all fields unclivided and placed Type locality. - Brazil: Haut-Carsévène. This is the only locality known to date. on a subcircular-subovoidal raised prominence. Form and relative size of fields changing along the trunk as in Figs. 27-36. Nunrber of pores on selected sterna: on sternum I, 19 pores; on II, 32; on IV, 63; on IX, 78; on XVIII, ll3; on XXX, 100; on XXXVI,87; on L,59; on LXIII,56; on LXVIII,50. Ribautia (Ribautia) ducølis n. sp. (l'igs. 46-87) Last leg-bearing segntent with pleurites at the sides of praetergum. Praestemum apparently divided along the sagittal plane; forrn and chaetotaxy of sternum and tergum as in Figs. 37-38. Coxopleura with Diagnosis. - A Ribautia (Ribautia) species with praetarsus of last pair of legs in form of a small numerous setae on v. side, the remaining surface with few setae. Two single ("homogeneous") coxal organs tubercle. Characters in table 2 differentiate it from the two other Neotropical species of the subgenus on each coxopleuron opening on the membrane between coxopleuron and sternum (Fig. 39). Last legs with sharing the same trait. seven podtlmeres, strongly thickened, subconically narrowing from base to distal end, form and chaetotaxy Type material. - All specimens from Brazil: Amazonas: Reserva Fl. A. Ducke, J. W. de MORAIS legit. as in Figs. 37-38. Praetarsus represented by a long, straight, setiform structure, accompanied by a very Holotype 9, 41 p.1., b.l. I I mm, 5.6.1983; allotype d, 4l p.1., b.l. l4 mm, 8.12.1982; paratype A (ð), 4l small spine (Figs. 40-41). p.1., b.l. l2 mm, 10.5.1983; paratype B (è),41 p.1., b.l. l3 nrm, 13.10.1982; paratype C (ð),4l p.1., b. l. withT epromstienraiol rs emgmaregnitns : silnigtehrmtlye dcioantev etexr;g ufimrs tw gitehn pitaosl tsetreiornr umma rwgiinth s tproonsgtelyr iocor nmveaxrg, iinn temrmedeidailalyte csotnecrnauvem, JI A3 m(pmar,a It y2p. eI . 1C9).83. Depository of types: INPA (holotype, allotype); AM (paratype A); MLP (paratype B); Gonopods uniarticulare (Fig. aÐ. Other material examined. - All specimens from the same locality and collector as the type series. 1 I Male. - Unknown- juv. with <tnly 2+2 coxal organs, 43 p.1., b.l. 9 mm, 8.9.I 982 (MLP). I I juv. with <tnly 2+2 coxal organs, Etymology.- This species is nanred after the collector J. W. de MORAIS. 41 p.1., b.1.7 mm, 10.11.1982 (MLP). I d,4l p.1., b.1.8 mm; I juv. with only l+l coxal organs (sex?), 4l p.f ., b.l. 6.5 mm and I fragmentary juv. (sex?), 12.1.1983, (MLP). I I juv. with only 2+2 coxal organs, 41 p.|., b.l. 1 mm, 12.2.1983 (INPA). I incomplete specimen (sex?), 13.3.1983, (AM). I cl, 4l p.I., b.l. l2 Family Geophilidae mm, 10.5.1983, (AM). I d,4l p.1., b.l. I I mm,9.ó.1983, (AM). I fragmentary juv. with only 2+2 coxal Genus Ribautia BRÖLEMANN, 1909 organs, 11.7.1983, (JA). I juv. (sex?) with only l+2 coxal organs, 4i p.1., b.l. 6 mm, I1.7.1983, (JA). I 9, 43 p.1., b.l. I I mm, 6.9.1983, (JA). Diagnosis. - Coxostemites of the second maxillae united by a small bridge only, antero-internal comers of coxostemum with a more or less developed process. Forcipulae: pleurocoxosternal sutures extend Description obliquely beyond to the outer nrargin, òhitinlines present. Coxopleura ofthe last leg-bearing segment each Female holotype. - 4l pairs of legs, body length I I mm, maximum body width 0.45 mm. Colour (of with numerous coxal organs opening separately or joined in one to three clusters. Praetarsus of last legs preserved specimen in alcohol) pale yellowish with forcipular segment pale ochre. claw-like or tubercle-like. Antennae ca. 2.2 times longer than the cephalic plate, distally very slightly attenuate. Setae on a.a. I We are not ready to offer a comprehensive review of this genus. We are even in doubt as t<t its 328 329 I to V-VI ofdilferent lengths and few in nunrber, those ofremaining articles progressively shorter and rnore 81-82. numerous towards the tip ofthe appendage (Figs.46-47). Terminal a.a. with ca. l0 clavifornt sensory setae Terminal segnìents: interniediate tergunt with posterior nrargin convex; internlecliate sternunì and first on the extemal border and ca. l2 on the internal border (Fig. 55). Distal encl of this a.a. with ca. 5 very genital sternutn with posterior margin concave. Gonopods inarticulate ventrally, dorsally inconspicuously sntall specialized setae which al the light nricroscope look as in Fig. 55. Dorsal and v. surface of a.a. II, articulated, each gonopod with ca. 9-l I setae (Fig. 8l); penis dorsally with 2+2 apical setae (Fig. 83). V, IX and XIII with very snrall specialized setae. On the v. side these are restrictecl tg an internal Variation. - The number of pairs of legs in the females is 4l or 43; in the nrales always 41. Iatero-apical area and occur in two different types: ri ancl å, Type ¿ setae are very thin ancl not clivicled In all adult speciniens there are 3 coxal organs in each coxopleuron, in a few cases the anlerior organ apically, type å setae are thicker than t)vpe c, have two dinrinutive api,:al branches an{ are pale in colour is smaller than the other two (maturus junior specinrens?), (Figs. 86-87); in other cases even having similar (a' b'Fig.50). A.a. II with I type å sera (Fig. 48); a.a. v, IX and XIIt (Figs.49-5 l) with I type a and I size than the remaining, it can be difficult kr be seen in ventral view becatrse it can be covered (in different type å setae. Similar specialized setae are also present on d. side and are restricted to an externaì degrees) by the middle one (Fig. 84). latero-apicalarea.A.a.llandVwithltypeaandltypeåsetae(Figs.52-53);a.a.lXwithltypedand Other characters (pilosity, number of teeth of labrunr, etc.) with no significative variations (the usual 2 type b setae (Fig. 54) and a.a. XIII with I type a and 3 rype D serae (Fig. 55). in this group). Cephalic plate nearly rectangular but sides curved, distinctly longer than wicle (ratio 1.5: I ), shape and chaetotaxy as in Fig. 56. Clypeus with 1+l antero-lateral setae; two pairs of setae located on the clypeal area an¿ also 2 nrore Ribautiø (Ribautia) proxima n, sp. (Figs. 88-122) posterior setae on the middle (Fig. 57). Clypeal area with surface very denseÌy reticulatecl (Fig. -58). Labrum: midpiece well developed and sclerotized, with 2 short and sharp pointecl teeth on the ntiddle Diagnosis. - This species is very closely related to R. (R.) bouvieriBROLEMANN, 1909, from which and l+2 long hyaline filaments on both sides. Side pieces with 5+3 long hyaline filanrents (Fig. 59). it can be differentiated as follows (characters in R. (R.) bouvieri are given in parentheses): first sternunr Mandible: pectinate lamella with ca. l0 hyaline teeth, shape as in Fig. 60. without pore fields (with pore fields); a maximum <'¡f 20 o/o of the posterior border of the lateral pieces of First nlaxillae without palps on coxostemunl, telopodites with a very small palp (Fig. 62). labrum providcd with hyaline filaments, Figs. 97, I 22 (half of the posterior border of the Iateral pieces of Coxosternum without setae; nredian projections ofcoxosternunr subtriangular, well clevelopecl and provideil labrum provided with hyaline filaments; Fig. 43). These differences are stable enough in rhis group of with 3+3 setae. Article II of telopodite with2+2 v. serae and 2+l d. sensilla (Figs.6l-62). geophilomorphs k) allow us to describe our specinrens as belonging to a new species. The differences Second maxillae: the two coxites bearing 5+5 setae near the intemal ntargins and l+l sensilla near the between R. (R.) proxinra n. sp., R. (R.) bouvieri and R. (R.) ducalis n.sp. are sunlnlarized in table 2. lateral margins are joined centrally only by a non-areolate nrembranous isthmus (Fig. 6l). Chaetotaxy of Type material. - AII specinrens from Brazil: Amazr¡nas: Reserva Fl. A. Ducke, J. W. de MORAIS legit. telopodites represented by setae of different thickness as shown in Figs. 63-65. Holotype 9, 75 p.1., b.l. 39 mm; allotype ð,75 p.1., b.l. 37 mnr, 6.9. 1983 (both INPA). Pararype A (d). Forcipulae: when closed telopodites reach the level of the anterior margin of the head or slightly 75 p.1., b.1.43 mm, 10.11.1982 (AM). Paratype B (ê),75 p.1., b.1.28 nrnr, 12.1.1983 (MLP). Paratype C project beyond. Basal plate with an irregular transverse row of 6 large setae near the posterior margin. (?),77 p.1., b.I.38 mm,6.7.1983 (JA). Telopodites: trochanteropraefemur apically with a poorly pigmented tooth on nredial eclge and proximally Other material examined. - All from the sâme locality and collector as the type series. I cl', 77 p.1., b.l. near the vestigial suture between trochanter and praefemur with an unpignrented poorly developecl 35 mm, 12.1.1983 (MLP). I 9,77 p.1., b.1.40 mnr, 12.2.1983, (MLP). I cr,73 p.|., b.1.26 nrnr,6.9.1983, protuberance. Tarsungulum basally with a poorly pigmented denticle; ungular blade not serrulate. Calyx (MLP). I fragmentary d, 10.11.1982, (INPA). I fragmentary 9, 13.3.1983, (INPA). I juv. (sex?),77 p.I., of poison gland as in Figs. 67-68; chaekrtaxy of coxosternum and telopoclites as in Fig. 66. b.f. 24 mm, 11.7.1983, (INPA). | ?,19 p.1., b.l. 26 mnr, 12.4.1983, (AM). 1 d, 73 p.1., b.l. 28 nrnr, Legs (last pair excepted) with chaetotaxy (Fig. 69) uniform throughout the bocly length. Claws 9.8.1983 (AM). 1 d, 75 p.1., b.l. 32 mm, 8.9.1982, (JA). I 9, 79 p.1., b.l. 26 nrm, 10.11.1982, (JA). I ventrobasally with one anterior and one posterior spine (Fig. 70). fragmentary 9, 9.ó.1983, (JA). Stema: pore fields present from the second to the penultimate sternum. Fielcls un{ivided on stema II-XIII and XXXVI-XL, but divided in two subsynrnretrical areas on sterna XIV-XXXV. Form of fields Description changing along the trunk as in Figs. Tl-76. Numberofpores on selected sterna: on sternun¡ II,9 pores; on Female holotype. - 75 pairs of legs, body length 39 nrnr, maximum body width 0.9 nrnr. Colour (of III, l4; on VI,23; on XIV,8+9; on XXXVII, l8; on XL, 12. preserved specimen in alcohol) pale ochre, forcipular segnìent darker. Last leg-bearing segment without pleurites at the sidcs of praetergurn. Praesternurìì not divided along Antennae ca.2.l times as long as the cephalic plate, distally attenuate. Setae on a.a. I kr VI of the sagittal plane; form and chaefotaxy of sternuÍn and tergum as in Figs. 77-78. Coxopleura slightly different thickness and length and few in nunrber, those of remaining articles progressively shorter and protruding at their distal v. ends, setae snrall and numerous on the distal internal edge, the remaining more numerous towards the tip of the appendage (Figs. 88-89). Relative size and thickness of v. setae of surface with few bigger setae. Three single ("homogeneous") coxal organs on each cgxspleuron, opening a.a. I-V as in Fig. 90. Ternrinal a.a. with ca. l8 clavifornl sensory setae on tht: external border and ca. near the menrbrane between coxopleuion and stemum (Figs. 77,79). Last legs with seven podomeres, form ll-13 on the internal border (Fig.93). Distal end olthis a.a. with ca.4 very snrall specialized setae, and chaetotaxy as in Figs. 77-78. Praetarsus as a very small tubercle with 1 snlall apical spine (Fig. 80). apparently not split apically (Fig. 93). Dorsal and v. surfaces of a.a. II, V, IX anil XIll with very snrall Terminal segments: interrnediate tergum with posterior margin convex, intcrnìediate stemum apparently specialized setae, which on the v. side are restricted to an internal latero-apical area and are represented covered in part by the stemum of the last leg-bearing segntent, IÌrst gcnital stcmuÌì.t as in Fig. 77; anal by two different types: .¡ and å. Type ¿ setae are very thin and not split apically. Type å setae are thicker organs present. than type a, have two diminute (almost inrperceptible) apical branches and are pale in colour (a, D, Fig. Male allotype. - 4l pairs of legs, body length l4 nrrn, maxirnum body width 0.5 nlnr. All features 9l). A.a. II with I type å seta; a.a. V, IX and XIII (Fig.9l) with I type n and I type ó seta. Sinrilar similar to those in the fenlale except for the shape ancl chaetotaxy of the last leg-bearing segnrent and the specialized setae also occur on an extemal latero-apical area of the d. side. A.a. II and V with I type c and ternlinal segments. Itypebsetae;a.a. IXwithltypeaand2typebsetaeanda.a.Xlll(Fig.92)withltypenand3typeå Last leg-bearing segnlent: form and chaekrtaxy of stemunì and tergunr as in Figs. 8 I -82. C1¡xopleura setae. protruding at their distal v. ends, setae snrall anrl nunìerous on the distal v. half, the renraining surface with Cephalic plate nearly rectangular, but sides curved distinctly longer than widc (ratio 1.7: I ), shapc and few setae of different lengths. Podonreres of terminal legs inflated, with shape and chaetotaxy as in Figs. chaetotaxy as in Fig. 94. 330 331 Clypeus with 3+3 antero-medial setae and l+l setae in the mi<!dle (Fig. 95). Surface of clypeal area of their posteri<lr edge; this character is very constant in all specimens of our large series" very densely reticulated (Fig. 96). Etynxrlogy. - The nanre of this species refers to its close sinrilarity to R. (R.) I¡out'ieri. Labrum: ntidpiece well developed and sclerotized, separating the sidepieces and partially overlapped by them, with I robust dark and sharply pointed teeth in the miclclle and l+1 long hyaline filanrents on bo¡h sides. Side pieces with 3+3 long hyaline filanrents (Fig. 97). Ribautia (Schizorihautia) diÍficilís n. sp. (Figs. 123-152) Mandible: pectinate lamella with ca. 28 hyaline teeth, shape as in Fig. 98. First maxillae without palps on coxosternunr, telopodites alnrost without palps (Fig. l0l). Coxosternum Diagnosis. - A Ribnutia (Schizoribautia) species with coxal organs grouped in 3+3 clusters and ventral without setae; median projections of coxostemum subtriangular, well develope<i and provided with 6+7 pores present on anteriur as well as posterior sterna. Among the Neotropical species of the subgenus which setae (Fig. 99). Article ll of telopodite with 5+5 v. setae with thickness as in Fig. 100; d. side with 5+5 share these traits it seems nrore closely related to R. (5.) montana KRAUS, 1954 and R. (5.) peruana sensilla (Fig. l0l). VERHOEFF, 1941. Differential characters are given in Table 3. Second maxillae: the two coxites with 6+6 setae near the internal margins and2+2 sensilla near the Type ntaterial. - Holotype è,49 p.1., b.1.22 m¡n from Brazil: Amazonas: Lago Janauarí, mixedwater Ìateral margins are joined only by a non-areolate nlernbranous isthmus (Fig. 99). Chaekrtaxy of telopoclites inundation forest,31.7.l987, J. ADIS leg. Allolype e with 49 p.1., b.l. l7 mm; paratype cl with 47 p.1., represenfed by setae of different thickness as in Figs. 102-103. Apical claw of telopodite very well b.l. l8 mm, same locality, 14.8.1987, J. ADIS leg. - Depository of types. - INPA (holotype, allotype); AM developed, not bipectinate and almosr straight (shape as in Figs. 102-103). (paratype). Forcipulae: when closed, telopodites reach the level of the anterior margin of the head or slightly Other nraterial examined. - I immature 9, 49 p.1., b.l. 16 mm, same locality, 14.2.1988, J. ADIS legit project beyond; basal plate with an irregular transverse row of 6 large setae near the posterior margin. (AM). Telopodites: trochanteropraefemur apically with a conspicuous subtriangular deeply pigmentecl tooth on the medial edge, proximally and contiguous to it there is an unpigmented projection. Femur and tibia with a Description proxinraÌ unpigmented projection. Tarsungulum basaììy with a well developed deeply pigmented denticle, Male holotype - 49 pairs of legs, body length 22 nm, maximum body width 0.6 mnr. Colour (of ungular blade with d. and v. edges not serrulate. Calyx of poison gland subtriangular (Figs. 105-106); preserved specimen in alcohol) pale orange, forcipular segment darker (ochreous). chaetotaxy of coxosternum and telopodites as in Fig. I 04. Antennae ca. 3.1 times longer than the cephalic plate, distally attenuate, all articles longer than wide. Legs (last pair excepted) with chaetotaxy (Fig. 107) uniform throughout the body length. Claws Setae on a.a. I-VI ofdifferent lengths and few in number; those ofremaining articles progressively shorter ventrobasally with one anterior and one posterior spine (Fig. 108). and more numerous towards the tip ofthe appendage (Figs. 123-124). Terminal a.a. with ca.20 claviform Sterna: pore fields present from the second to the penultinrate stemum. All pore fields undividecl, sensory setae on the extemal border and ca. 10 on the internal border. Distal end of this a.a. with ca. 5-7 subcircular in form (Figs. 1 09- I I 4). Nunrber of pores on selected stema: on sternum II, 48 pores; on IV, very small specialized setae apparently notdivided apically. Dorsal and v. surface ofa.a. II, V, lX and XIll 96; on VIII, 120; on XIX, 112; on XXXV,78; on LXXIV,79. with very small specialized setae which on the v. side are restricted to an intemal latero-apical area and are Last leg-bearing segment without pleurites at the sides of praetergum. Praestemum clivided along the represented by two different types: ¿z and å. Type .z setae are very thin and not divided apically, type å sagittal plane; shape and chaetotaxy of stemum and tergum as in Figs. l15-116. Coxopleura slightly setaearethickerandverysinrilartothoseonthedistal endof theternlinal a.a.(a,b, Fig. I25).A.a. Il,V protruding at their distal v. ends, setae small and numerous on distal internal edge, the remaining surface (Fig. 125)andlXwithltypeaand2typeåsetae;a.a.XIIIwithltypeaand2-3typeåsetae.Special- with few bigger setae. Each coxopleuron with ca. I 0 single coxal organs opening indepen<iently on nearly ized setae on d. side restricted k) an external latero-apical area and represented by three different types: ¿? the whole surface (Figs. I l5-l l7). and å, similar to type rz and å of v. side, type c setae similar to type å but a little smaller and having Last legs with seven podomeres, shape and chaetotaxy as in Figs. I I 5- I I 6. Praetarsus as a very sntall basally, still within the a.a. a snrall dark semicircular-semiovoidal structure (a, b, c,Fig. 127). A.a. ll with tubcrcle with I small apical spine (Figs. I l8-l l9). ltypea and 1 typeåsetae1Fig.126);a.a. Vwith I typeaand2typeb setae;a.a.IXwith ltypea,4 Ternlinal segments: intermediate tergum with posterior nìargin convex, intermediate stemum seemingly type å and 2 type c setae and a.a. XIII with I type a, 6-10 type b and2-3 type c setae (Fig. 121). covered by lhe stemum of the last leg-bearing segnrent; first genital sternum as in Fig. I 15. Anal organs Cephalic plate nearly rectangular but with curved sides, distinctly longer than wide (ratio 1,53: l), prescnt. shape and chaetotaxy as in Fig. 128. Male allotype. - 75 pairs of legs, body length 37 mrn, maximum body width 0.8 mm. All features Clypeus with 4 antero-central setae on a subcircular clypeal area and 5 snraller setae on the central part sinrilar kr those in thc fenlale except frrr the shape and chaetotaxy of lhe last leg-bearing segment and the of the anterior half (Fig. I 29). Surface of clypeal area very densely reticulated (Fig. I 30). terminal segments. Labrum: midpiece large, with I 2 hyaline teeth, the central ones shorter than the lateral ones. Sidepiec- Last leg-bearing segment: fomr and chaekrtaxy ofstemu¡n and tergum as in Figs. 120-121. Coxopleura es vvith 8+8 hyaline ñlaments (Fig. l3l). sligthly protruding at their distal v. ends, setae snlall and r)unìerous on the distal v. half, the remaining Mandible: pectinate Iarnella with ca. l8 hyaline teeth, shape as in Fig. 132. surface with few setae ofdifferent lengths. Podomeres ofterminal legs inflated, with shape and chaekrtaxy First nraxillae without palps on coxosternum; telopodites with rudimentary palps (Fig. 13a). as in Figs. 120-121. Coxosternum without setae; median projections ofcoxosternum subtriangular, well developed and provided Terminal segnìents: intenltcdiate tergun with posterior nrargin convex; intermediate stemum with with 7+ó setae. Article II of telopodite with 3+3 v. setae and 3+3 d. sensilla (Figs. 133-134). posterior nrargin concavc; first genital stemunl with posterior margin as in Fig. 120. Gonopods seemingly Second nraxillae. The two coxites bearing l3+14 small setae are joined only by a non-areolate uniarticulate, with ca. l2-15 setae (Fig. 120); penis dorsally with 3+4 apical setae. membranous isthrnus (Fig. 133). Apical claw of telopodite well developed and without teeth. Variation. - The nunrber of pairs of legs is 73, '75 t>r 77 in the nrales; 75,77 or 79 in the females. In Forcipulae: when closed, the telopodites are at the sane level of the anlerior margin of head or extend sonre specintens thc midpiecc oflabrurl'l has a robust, dark and sharply pointed tooth and hyaline filanrents slightly beyond it. Basal plate with an irregular tfansverse rt¡w of 6 large setae near the posterior margin at both sides (Fig. 97), but in other specinrens it lacks the central tooth (Fig. 122). and a few additional snraller setae dispersed on the surface of the posterior half. Telopodites: Other characters with no significant variation. trochanteropraefemur with two denticles, the distal one deeply pigmented and subtriangular, proximal In àll specimens studied the lateral pieces of labrum present hyaline filaments only on the 20olo or less denticle shorter than the distal and unpigmented (Fig. 137). Fenrur and tibia without denticles. -) -) .1, -t -)-) I Tarsungulunr basally with a well developed and deeply pignrented denticlc; cl. an<ì v. edge of the ungular present only on the anterior region 0f the body, but on Ribautia ntonÍana and Ribautia peruana the porc blade not serrulate. Calyx of poison gland subtliangular (Figs. I 38- l -19). Chaetotaxy of coxosternunr an¿ fields are present along all the body, in consequence the two last cannot be conspecific with the first. lelrpodites as in Fig. ì.1ó. Second, as explained in the following (see also KRAUS, 1954) R. montano has two significative diffèrenc- Legs (last pair excepted) with chaetotaxy (Fig. 140) unifurm throughout the body length. Claws es with R. peruana and for that reason these two species should be difft:rent and valicl 9nes. ventrobasally with one anterior and one posterior spine (Fig. I 4l ). Diagnosis. - A Ribautia (Schiv.tribautia) species with coxal organs grou¡lecl in 3+3 clusters an{ ventral Stema: pore fields present from the second to the penultinrate sternum. Fields undivided on sterna pores present on both anterior and posterior sterna. Anìong the Neotropical species of the genus which II-XIV and XLVIII, but divided in two subsynìmetrical areas on sterna XV-XLVII. Fornr 6f fiel¿s share these traits it seems more closely related to R. (5.) dilJitilis n.sp. arrd R. (5.) peruana VERHOEI.-F. changing along the trunk as in Figs. I 42- I 48. Nunrber of pores on selected stema: on stemum II, 44 pores; ft. (5.) montana can be differentiated fronr these species by nreans of the characters in table 3. on V,64; <>nlX,7'7; on XIV,68; on XV,5l+49; on XLVll,2O+26; on XLVIII, 32. Type material examined. -'Pararypoid' I with 55 (57 ?) p.Ì., b.l, 24 nrm. peru: Hacienda Tau- Last leg-bearing segment without pleurites at the sides of praetergunr. Praesternunr not divided along lis (6"50'S; 79'10'W), Quebrada Pajonal, (mountain forest at ni 2700 a.s.l.) KOEPCKE \eg.27.12.1952 the sagittal plane; form and chaetotaxy of sternunr and tergum as in Figs. I 49- 1 50. Coxopleura protrucling (SMF 2146ll). This specimen is preserved partly in one slide (the twc last leg-bearing segments and at their distal v. ends, setae snrall and numerous on distal internaì eclge. the renraining surface with few temrinal segments) partly in alcohol (forcipular segment followed by 53 leg-bearing segments, hea{ and larger setae. Coxal organs arranged in 3+3 clusters, the anterior pore opens on the membrane between nrouth parts). - KRAUS says in the original description: "Beinpaare: 4i (Typus), 53 ocler 57 coxopleuron and praesternum, covered by the latter; middle and posterior pores open on the mentbrane (Paratypoide)". Because the paratypoid studied by us has 55 pairs of legs, we do not know if this is a between coxopleuron and sternunr, covered by the latter (cf. fentale. Fig. 151). Last legs with seven typographic mistake or 2 leg-bearing segments are ntissing in the specinren. podomeres, form and chaetotaxy as in Figs. 149-150. Praetarsus unguifornr, relatively snlaller than those Type locality. - Peru: At Km 35 of the Route Olnlos-Jaen 6'10'S,79'10'W, ntountain woodland at nr of the preceding legs. 1400 a.s.l., under stones and logs. Terminal segments: intermediate tergunr with posterior nrargin convex, intermediate sternum and first Known range. - Peru: Knl 35 along the way fronl Olmos to Jaen, at 6' l0'S,79. l0'W. genital sternum with posterior margin concave. Gonopods apparently r¡niarticulate (suture between Depository of type. - Senckenberg Museunr Frankfurt. presumptive basal and apical articles not evident) with ca. I I setae (Fig. 149); penis with 3+3 apical setae Additional information based on I 'Paratypoid'SMF 214611. Wirh 55 (57 ?) pairs of legs, body dorsally. Anal organs present. lenglh 24 mm, maximum body width 0.8 mnr. Female allotype. - 49 pairs of legs, body length 17 nrnt, nraximum body width 0.6 nrm. Colour (of preserved specimen in alcohol) yellowish, forcipular segment pale ochre. All features siniilar to those in the nrale except for the shape and pilosity of the last leg-bearing Antennae ca. 2.5 tinres longer than the cephalic plate, distally attenuate, all articles longer than wi¿e. segment and terminal segntents. Cephalic plate nearly rectangular but sides curved, distinctly longer than wide (ratio 1.54: I ). Lastleg-bearingsegment:formandchaetotaxyof sternumandtergunrasinFigs. l5l-l52.Coxopleura Clypeus with 3 antero-central setae placed on a subcircular clypeal area and 3 bigger setae on the sligthly protruding at their distal v. ends, setae snrall and nunìerous on the distal intemal edge, the antero-central part of the antertor half. Surface of clypeal area very densely reticulated (Fig. I 54). rernaining surface with few bigger setae. Podomeres of terminal legs with shape and chaetotaxy as in Figs. Labrum: midpiece large, separating sidepieces and slightly overlapped by thenr, with ca. 9 hyaline 151-152. teeth, the more central ones shorter than the lateral ones. Sidepieces with ca. l3+13 hyaline filantents. Terminal segments: shape and chaetotaxy as in Figs. l5l-152. First maxillae without palps on coxosternum; telopoclites with a very snrall palp (Fig. 156). Variation. - In our small series, the nunrber of pairs of legs varies as follows: in the ntales 4'7 and,49., Coxosternum without setae; median projections of coxosternum subtriangular, well developed ancl providecl the females only show 49. with l1+Tsetae.Articlelloftelopoditewith5+4v.setaean<Ì3+3d.sensilla(Figs.155-156). Second maxillae: the two coxites with 7+8 setae near the internal ntargins and 4+6 sensilla ¡rear the lateral margins are joined centrally only by a non-areolate mentbranous isthmus (Fig. I55). Apical claw of Ribautia (Schixorihautia) limaensis KRAUS, 1957 (Fig. 153) telopodite well developed ancl without teeth. Forcipulae: basal plate with an irregular transverse row of7 large setae near the posterior nrargin antl Ribautia (Schi¿oribautia) linraensis KRAUS, 1957 - Senck. biol. 38(5/6): 376 a few additional smaller setae dispersed on the surface of the posterior half. Telopoc.lites: trochanteropraefemur with two denticles, the distal one deeply pignrented, the proxinral denticle nluch Diagnosis. - Among the known Neotropical specics of the subgenus R ibautia ( St'hiz.oribaut ia) only th is shorterthanthedistalandunpigmented(relativesizeofbothteethasinFig.158).Tarsungulumbasally species and R. (5,) silvana present only one clus¡er of coxal organs on each coxopleuron. They can be with a well developed and deeply pigmented denticle; ungular blade with dorsal ancl ventral eciges n¡t differentiated as in Table 4. serrulate (Fig. 158). Calyx of poison gland subtriangular (Fig. 159). Type locality. - Peru: Lomas de Atocongo, close to Linla. This is also the only locality known to datc. Stema: the undivided subovoidal pore fields are slightly longer than wide (Fig. 160), sternunl VII with 161 pores. Last leg-bearing segment without pleurites at the sides ofpraetergunt. Praesternunl apparently divided Ribaulia (Schizorihautia) montana KRAUS, 1954 (Figs. 154-160) along the sagittal plane. Remarks. - This description is inconrplete, because the antennal setae of this specimen are lost, the Ribautia (Scltiaoribautia) monton(t KRAUS, 1954 - Senckenbergiana 34(4-6): 315 small specialized setae are also nrissing and the terminal segnìents of thc bocly are badly collapsetl in the slide. Remarks. - This species described by KRAUS in 1 954 was subsequently regarded by the sanrc author (KRAUS 1957:318) as a synonym of Ribautia sayrli RIBAUT, 1923. KRAUS (1957: 378) als¡ regar6ccl Ribautia peruana VERHOEFF, 1941 as another synonynì t¡f Ril¡au¡ia (Schitoribnuria) seyrlr. However we believe that there are reasons for revalidating these species. First, in Ribautia seydi the pore fields are 334 335 I l Ribautia (Schizoribautia) peruana VERHOEFF, l94f (Fig. l6l) two leg-bearing segments with terminal segments; (7) last left le¡¡. - Depository of type. - Senckenberg Museum Frankfurt (SMF 2152). Schizoribautia peruana VERHOEFF, 1 94 1 - Beiträge zur Fauna Perus I (2): 7 I . Type locality. - Peru: Hacienda Monteseco,6" 50' S; 79" l0' W. This is also the only locality known Ribautia peruana, ATTEMS, 1947 - Ann. Naturhistor. Mus. Wien 55: 143. to date. Schizoribautia peruana, CHAMBERLIN, 1957 - Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 70: 27. St'hizoribautia peruana peruÕna, TURK, 1955 - Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 125(3-4): 487. Redescription Diagnosis. - This species seenls to be closely related to R. (5.) montana; R. (S.) ti¡icacae and R. (S.) Male holotype. - 49 pairs of legs, body length l4 mm, maxinrurn body width 0.7 ninr. Colour of diJJicilis n. sp. For differential characters see table 3. preserved specimen on slides apparently pale yellowish with forcipular segment a little darker. Type locality. - Peru: Sivia. Antennae ca. 3.2 times longer than the cephalic plate, distally slight.y attenuate, all articles longer than Known range. - Peru: Sivia (VERHOEFF, l94l); Quebrada de Cajuraga (TURK, 1955). wide. Setae on a.a. I to VII of different length and few in number, those,of remaining articles progressively Remarks. - The type material of this species is unfortunately lost. However, according to literature shorter and more numerous towards the tip of the appendage (Figs. lf,2-163). Terminal a.a. with ca. ll descriptions this species must be considered as a valid one, not as a synonym of R. (S.) seydi as suggested claviform sensory setae on the external border and ca. l2 on the internal borcler (Fig. 165). Distal end of by KRAUS 11957:358t. this a.a. with ca.5 very small specialized setae apparently not split apically (Fig. 165). Dorsal and v. surface of a.a. II, V, IX and XIII with very snrall specialized setae, which on the v. sicle are restricted kr Ribautia (Schizoribautia) seydi RIBAUT, 1923 an internal latero-apical area and are represented by two different types: d and å. Type d setae are very thin and not split apically. Type å setae are thicker and very similar kr those on the distaì end of the Ribautia seydl RIBAUT, 1923 - N. Caledonia, Zool.3 (Lief. l):71. terminal a.a. (a, I), Fig. ló4). A.a. II with i type á sera; a.a. v (Fig. 164), IX and XIII with I type a and Ribautia seydi, ATTEMS, 1928 - Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 26: 173. I type å seta. Ribautia seydi, ATTEMS, 1929 - Das Tierreich 52: 295. Cephalicplatenearlyrectangular,butsidescurveddistinctlylongerthanwide(ratio 1.45:l),shapeand Ribautia zeydi (sic.), VERHOEFF, l94l - Beiträge zur Fauna Perus 1(2): 72. chaetotaxy as in Fig. 166. Schizoribautia seydi, KRAUS, 1954 - Senck. 34(416):315. Clypeus with 4 antero-cenlral setae placed on a subcircular clypeal area and 2+2 setae on the Schizoribautia seydi, TURK, 1955 - Proc. Zool. Soc. London 125: 485-487. postero-central partof theanteriorhalf (Fig. 167).surfaceof clypeal areadenselyreticulated(Fig. 168). Ribautia seydi, CHAMBERLIN, 1955-1956 - Acta Univ. Lund Avd.2 N.S.51(5): 17. Labrum: midpiece well developed with 13 teeth, the more external longer than the central ones. Schizoribautia seydi, CHAMBERLIN, 1957 - Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 70: 28. Sidepieces with ca. 9+10 hyaline filaments (Fig. 1ó9). Ribautia (Schizt¡ribautia) seydi, KRAUS, 195'7 - Senck. biol. 38(5/6): 378. Mandible: the mandibles are not dissected from the head capsule in the original slide of KRAUS, their Remarks. - Contrary to the opinion of KRAUS ( 1 957: 378) that Schizoribautia peruana VERHOEFF position on this slide does not allow us to observe the number of teeth of the pectinate lanrellae. and Ribautia (Sthircribautia) mr¡ntana KRAUS are synonyms of this species, we regard the characters First maxillae without palps on both coxosternum and telopodites. Coxosternum without setae; nredian given in table 3 as sÍrong enough k) support the validity of these three species. projections of coxosternum subtriangular, well developed and provicle<l with 4+4 setae. Article II of Type locality. - Peru (without specification of locality). telopodite with2+2 setae and l+l small sensilla on v. side (Fig. 170), d. side not clearly lrom the slide. Known range. - Peru: 40 mi. E of Abancay; Cajamanca (m 2700 a.s.l.). Second maxillae: the two coxites with 4+4 setae near the internal margins and l+l sensilla near the lateral margins are joined only by a non-areolate membranous isthmus (Fig. 170). Apical claw of telopodite well developed, not bipectinate and almost straight, shape and chaetotaxy of telopodites as in Fig. I 70. Ribautia (SchiToribautia) silvana KRAUS, 1954 (Figs. 162-18ó) Forcipulae: basal plate with an irregular transverse row of 7 large setae near the posterior margin an¿ a few additional snraller setae dispersed on the remaining surface. Telopodites: trochanteropraefenìur Ribautia (Ribautia) sllvana KRAUS, 1954 - Senck. 34 (416): 3'13. distally with a well developed and deeply pignìented tooth on medial edge. Femur and tibia without teeth. Ribautia (Ribautia?) silvana, KRAUS, 1957 - Senck. biol. 38 (5/6): 379. Tarsungulum basally with a well developed and deeply pignrented tooth, ungular blade with d. and v. Remarks. - This species was originaly described by KRAUS as a member of the subgenus Ribau¡ia edges not serrulate. Calyx ofpoison gland as inFig.172; chaetotaxy ofcoxosternum and telopodites as in (Ribautia). Later, the same author (1957:379\ cited this species as "Ribautia (Ribautia?) si1vana", his Fig. l7l. doubts concerning the subgeneric assignment being probably due kr the kind ofcoxal organs present in this Legs (last pair excepted) with chaetotaxy (Fig. 173) unifornt throughout the bocty length. Claws species. Thanks k) the great kindness of Dr. M. GRASSHOFF we were able to study the holotype of this ventrobasally with one anterior and one posterior spine (Fig. 174). species. So, we can agree with Prof. KRAUS as for the need to change the subgeneric position of this Stema: pore fields present from the second to the peni¡ltinìate stemum. All pore fields undivided, species. In fact, the coxal organs are grouped in one cluster in each coxopleuron. For this reason sl/yana fields of anterior and posterior stema subovoidal, those of nliddle part of the body subcircular in fornr must be referred to Ribautia (SchiToribautia). We give a redescription of this species below, including (Figs. 175-181). Number of pores on selected stema: on sternum II, 26 pores; on III, 40; on VI, 4g; on details of characters not included in the original description. XXXV, l4; on XXXVIII, l8; on XLIV, 35; on XLVIII, 45. Diagnosis. - A Ribctutia species with coxal organs grouped in one cluster on each side. Of the Last leg-bearing segment apparently without pleurites at the sides of praetergunì. Praesternum Neotropical species of the genus, only this species and Ribautia (5.) linnensis KRAUS share this trait. apparently divided along the sagittal plane; shape and chaetotaxy of sternum and tergum as in Figs. These two species can be differentiated as in table 4. 182-183. Coxopleura apparently slightly protruding at their <ìistal v. ends, setae small and nunìerous on Type nraterial examined. Hokrtyps d, 49 p.1., b.l. l4 mnl. Peru: Haoiencla Monteseco, 6'50'S; distal intemal edge, the remaining surface with few bigger setae. Each coxopìeuron with one clustcr of 79"10'W, mountain woodland at m 1200 a.s.l., under logs and stones: specimen on 7 slides: (l) head coxal organs,9 coxal organs on the r. coxopleuron and l0 on the l. (Fig. 182). capsule and mandibles; (2) first and second maxillae; (3) forcipular segnìent followed by the first two Last legs with seven podomeres, shape and chaetotaxy as in Figs. 184-185. Praetarsus as a very snraìl leg-bearing segments; (4) leg-bearing segnrents III to XI; (5) leg-bearing segments XII to XLVII; (6) last tubercle with I smaìl apical spine (Fig. 186). 336 J3t I l Terminal segments: Gonopods apparently biarticulate with ca. 6 basal setâe and ca. 4 distal ones, penis 8.9.1982 (INPA). I cr" juv. with only l+l coxal organs, 67 p.1., b.l l5 mm, 13.10.1982 (INPA). I I juv. dorsally with 3+3 apical setae. Anal organs present. (A) with only l+l coxal organs,69 p.1., b.l. l8 mnr, 13.10.1982 (INPA). I 9,67 p.1., b.l. 40 mm; I g, Fenale. - Unknown. ó9 p.1., b.l. 17 nrni,8.12.1982 (INPA). I 9,65 p.1., b.1.20 mm, l1ì.1.1983 (MLP). I 9,67 p.1., b.l. l6 Remarks. - KRAUS stated in his original description: "Clypealarea mit nur einer Borste" but on the ilil, 12.2.1983 (MLP). I d juv. with only 1+1 coxal organs,67 p.1., b.l.2l mm, 13.3.1983 (MLP). I C contrary there are three setae on the clypeal area, he also stated "Ohne Terniinalporen" but the anal organs juv. with only l+1 coxal organs, 67 p.1., b.l. 22 mm, 13.3.1983 (MLP). 1 fragnrentary specimen, l2.4Jgg3 are present. We are not able t<l give details of the special sensory setae r¡n d. side of a.a. II, V, IX and (AM). I 9,67 p.1.,b.1.25 nim, 12.4. 1983 (AM). I cr,65 p.1., b.1.37 mnr; I ç,65 p.1., b.1.26 mm, XIII, nor ft¡rther details of the last leg-bearing segment and the ternrinal segments, owing to their poor 10.5.1983 (AM). I õ,67 p.1., b.1.23 nrm,5.6.1983 (AM). I I juv u,ith only l+l coxal organs, ó? p.I., condition in the slides. b.l. l7 nrm,9.8.1983 (JA). 1 C juv with only 1+l coxal organs,69 p.1., b.l.20 nrnr,6.9.1983 (JA). I I, 69 p.1., b.l. 24 nrm, 6.9.1983 (JA). Ribautia (Schixoribautia) titicacøe TURK, 1955 (Fig. 187) Description Male holotype. - 67 pairs of legs, body length 52 nrm, maxinrum body width 1.60 mm. Colour (of Schizoribautia peruana subsp. titicacae TURK, I 955 - Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 125(314): 487. preserved specimen in alcohol) pale orange, forcipular segnìent darker (ochreous-orange). Schizoribautia titicat'ae, CHAMBERLIN, 1957 - Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 70: 27. Antennae ca. 4.3 tinres as long as the cephalic plate, distally slightly attenuate; all articles longer than Remarks. - The characters cited by TURK for this taxon are enough to recognize it as a good species. wide. Setae on a.a. I to VI-VII of different lengths and few in nuniber, those of remaining articles It is not clear why KRAUS (1957) regarded R. (5.) andecol¿ KRAUS, 1954 as a synonym of it. R. (S.) progressively shorter and ntore numerous towards the tip of the appendage (Figs. I 8S- I S9). Terminal a.a. andecola has 2+2 clusters of coxal organs, but in the case <>f titicaca¿, which TURK considered as a with ca. 34 claviform sensory setae on the extemal border and only I on the inrernal border (Fig. 194). subspecies of peruana, it is reasonable to suspect, even though TURK did not specify it, that in titicacae Distal end of this a.a. with ca. 8 very small specialized setae apparently not divided apically (Fig. 195). there are 3+3 clusters of coxal organs. For differences between R. (5,). montona and R. (5.) peruana see Dorsal and v. surfaces of a.a. ll, V, IX and XIII with very snrall specialized setae which on the v. side are table 3. restricted to an intemal latero-apical area and are very similar to those of the apex of the terminal a.a. but Type locality. - Peru: Puno (m. 3900 a.s.l.). Only confidently known from this locality. a little thicker and shorter. Each ofa.a. II (Fig. 190), V, IX and XIII (Fig. 191) with I seta. Specialized setae on d. side are restricted to an extemal latero-apical area and are represented by two types: a and b. Type a setae are very similar to the specialized setae on the v. side; type å setae are equal in shape to Family Schendylidae thcrse ofthe apex ofthe terminal a.a. but darker (pale ochreous) in colour (a, b,Fig.193). A.a. II (Fig. 192)andVwithltype¿seta;a.a.lX(Fig.l93)andXlllwithltypeaandltypeåseta. Genus Pectiniungøis BOLLMAN, 1889 Cephalic plate longer than wide (ratio 1 3:1), shape and chaetotaxy as in Fig. 196. Clypeus with 1+1 post antennal setae, l0+8 median setae and l+l praelabral setae (Fig. 197). Diagnosis. - Pleurites of second nraxillae not fused with coxostemum; apical claw of second maxillae Labrum with l5 robust, dark and round-tipped teeth, sidepieces with l4+15 teeth very different in pectinate on both d. and v. edges. Stema with pore fields. Last pair of legs with seven podomeres; shape, size and colour from those of the midpiece, looking like long hyaline filaments (Fig. I98). praetarsus in form of a small. pilose tubercle or replaced by a small spine or altogether absent; coxopleura Mandible: dentate lamella subdivided into three distinct blocks, L mandible with 3,3,7 teeth, r. ofthe last leg-bearing segment each with two intemal coxal organs ofcomposite structure ("heterogeneous nandible with 3,3,5 teeth (Figs. 199-200); pectinare lamella with ca.26 hyaline teeth. coxal glancls" sensu BRÖLEMANN & RIBAUT, l9l2). First nraxillae with well developed palps on both coxosternunr and telopodites (Fig. 202). Coxostemum with 7 setae arranged as in Fig. 201; median projections ofcoxostemum subtriangular, well developed ancl provided with 3+3 setae. Article II of the telopodite with 5+5 v. sctae and 9+12 d. sensilla (Figs. 201-202). Pectiniunguis ducalis n.sp. (Figs. 188-225) Second maxillae (Figs.201,203-204) with l4+17 setae on the coxosternum, arranged as in Fig.201. Diagnosis. - A Pectiniungu ls species with pore fields present on anterior and posterior sterna. Among Apical claw of telopodite well developed, bipectinate, v. edge with ca. l0 teeth (Fig. 20a), d. edge with ca. 12 teeth. the Neotropical species currently included in the genus Pectiniunguis, it seems more closely related to P. galgei (CHAMBERLIN, l92l). P. ducalis n. sp. can be differentiated fronr this species by means of the plateF woricthip ualna eir:r ewghuelanr ctlroasnesdv,e rtshee mteelodpiaond irteosw doof 6no lta ergxete snedt abee ayonndd a tfheew a andtedriitoiorn narla srgnilna lolefr tsheet ahee asccla; tbtearseadl following characters (the corresponding ones in P. gaigei are given in parentheses): teeth of lateral pieces on the posterior half. Trochanteropraefemur of telopodite with a snrall round-tipped tooth on the apical of labrunr very different in shape, size and colour from those of the rnidpiece and resembling long hyaline medial edge; remaining articles without teeth. Calyx of poison gland cylindrical (Fig.206). Chaetotaxy of filanrents, Fig. I 98 (teeth of the lateral pieces snrall, subtriangular with a sharp medial extention); I with coxosternunì and telopodites as in Fig. 205. 65,67 or 69 pairs of legs, d with 65 or ó7 pairs of legs (9 with 55 or 57 pairs of legs, ct with 53 pairs Legs (last pair excepted) with chaetotaxy (Fig. 207) unifornr throughout the body length; claws of legs); ventral pores prescnt liom second to penultimate sternum (frorn second to antepenultimate); last ventrobasally with one anterior spine and two posterior spines of different size (Fig. 208). Ieg-bearing segnìent without pleurites at the sides of praetergum (with pleurites). Stema: pore fields present from the second tr¡ penultimate sternunì. All pore fields undivided and HoloTtyyppee ndt,a6te7ri apl.. |.-, Abl.ll . s5p2e cnim¡men,s 1 f0r.o1m1. 1B9r8a2z. ilA: Allontlayzpoen a9s,: 6R9e spe.1rv.,a b F.ll.. 5A2. Dnrumck, e6, .9J..1 W98. 3d.e P MarOaRryApeIS , 4l e(g9i)t,. sstuebmciarc: uolna r.s tFeronrunmr o lfl ,f iSe6ld pso crehsa;n ognin gV aI,l olnl9g ; fhoen tXruInVk, a1s4 2in; oFnig Xs.X 2I0I,9 -125155; . oNnu LnrIbIIe,r5 ol;fo pnor eLsX oVn, slel3le;c toend 69 p.1., b.l. 44 mm, 8.9. 1982. Paratype B (è), 67 p.|., b.1. 32 nrm, 1 3.3. 1 983. Paratype C (c¡), 65 p.1., b.l. LXVI,9I. 36 mm, 6.9. 1983. - Depository of typcs. - INPA (holotype, allotype); MLP (pararype,,l); AM (paratype B); Last leg-bearing segment without pleurites at the sides of praetergunt. Praesternunt not divided along JA (paratype C). the sagittal plane; shape and chaekrtaxy ofsternum and tergunr as in Figs.216-217. Coxopleura slightly Other nraterial examined. - Sanre locality ancl collector as the type series. I fragnrentary specimen, protruding at their distal v. ends, setae snraìl and nunrerous on the distal v. half, the renraining surface with 338 339 I l few larger setae. T\ryo compound ("heterogeneous") coxal organs on each coxopleuron (Figs. 216,218). mm (32 mnt); length of specialized setae on the apex of the terminal a. a. conspicuously Ionger than the coxal organs open on the membrane between coxopleuron and stemum, covered by the latter (Fig.2ló). clavifornr setae, Fig. 235 (distinctly shorter than the claviform isetae); pa¡ps of coxosternum of first Last legs moderately inflated, with seven podomeres, shape and chaetotaxy as in Figs. 216-217. Praetarsus nraxillae very small (well developed); all sterna with pore fields lacking additional pores at the sides ofthe as a very small tubercle with ca.9-13 small apical spines (Fig.2l9). nrain pore area (some stema of anterior region of the body with a few additional pores at the anterior sides Terminal segments: internrediate tergum with posterior margin convex, intermediate sternum with of the main pore area); last leg-bearing segnìent with pleurites at the sides of praetergum (without posterior margin ntedially slightly convex; first genital stemum with posterior margin medially slightly pleurites); anterior coxal organs internally with a single area of sper:ialized epithelium, posterior coxal convex, laterally slightly concave (Fig. 2ló). Gonopods biarticulate, basal article wilh ca. l8 setae and organs with ca. 2-3 areas of specialized epithelium (anterior and post:rior coxal organs internally with a apical with ca. I I setae (Fig. 220), penis dorsally with 1+1 apical setae (Fig.22l). single specialized area). Female allotype. - 69 pairs of legs, body length 52 mm, maximum body width 1.60 mm. Among the remaining Neotropical species of the genus, S. con¡inuus n.sp. seenìs to be also closely All features similar to those in the male except for the shape and chaetotaxy of the last leg-bearing related t() S. lesnei BRÖLEMANN & RIBAUT, l9l 1 , but it can be difièrentiate<i from the latter by means segment and terminal segnìents. of the following characters (the corresponding ones in S. lesnei are given in parentheses): pore fields Last leg-bearing segment: form and chaetotaxy of stemum and tergum as in Figs. 222-223. Coxopleura present from second to penultimate sternum (from second to antepenultinrate); last leg-bearing segment slightly protruding at their distal v. ends, setae small and numerous on the distal half, the remaining with pleurites at the sides ofpraetergum (without pleurites); anterior coxal organs internally with a single surface with few setae of different lengths. Podomeres of terminal legs with shape and chaetotaxy as in area ofspecializedepithelium, posterior with ca. 2-3 areas ofspecialized epithelium (anterior and posterior Figs.222-223. coxal organs internally with a single area); lateral pieces ol labrum anteriorly separated frorn the clypeus Terminal segments (Figs. 222-225\: intermediate tergum with posterior margin convex, intermediate ("elles ne sont pas circonscrites en avant par une bande claire"). stemum with posterior margin medially slightly convex, laterally slightly concave; first genital sternum Type material. - Holotype ?,43 p.1., b.l. l8 mnl, Brazil: A¡nazonas: Reserva Fl. A. Ducke, 12.1.1983, with posterior margin straight (Fig.222). Gonopods uniarticulate (Fig.222). J. W. de MORAIS legir (INPA). Variation. - There is variation in the number of pairs of legs: 65 or ó7 in the males; 65, 67 or 69 in Other material examined. - I 9 juv.,43 p.1., b.1.9 nim, Brazil: Amazonas: Reserva Fl. A. Ducke, the females. 10.5.1983, J. W. de MORAIS legit (AM¡. I cl" juv., 4l p.I., b.l. 8 mrn, sanre locality and collector, Etymology. - The name of this species refers to its type locality. 6.9.1983 (AM). I I juv.,43 p.I., b.l. l0 mm, same locality and colleckrr,6.9.l9S3, (JA). I 9 juv. (adolescens I ?) with only 1+1 coxal organs and ventral pores only on anterior half of the body, 45 p.1., b.1.7 mm, Brazil: Amazonas: Lago Janauarí, mixedwafer inundation forest, 10.11.1987, J. ADIS et al. G enus Schendylørøs SILVESTRI, I 907 legerunt. (JA). Diagnosis. - Pleurites of second nraxillae not fused to the coxostemum; apical claw of second maxillae Description pectinate on both d. and v. edges. Stema with pore fields. Last pair of legs with seven podomeres; Fentale holotype. - 43 pairs of legs, body length l8 mm, nraximum body width 0.7 mm. Colour (of praetarsus in form of a small pilose tubercle or replaced by a small spine or altogether absent; coxopleura preserved specimen in alcohol) pale ochre with forcipular segment darker. of the last leg-bearing segment each with t\¡/o internal coxal organs of simple structure ('homogeneous Antennae ca. 3 times as long as the cephalic plate, distally slightly attenuate; all articles, the first coxal glands" sensu BRÓLEMANN & RIBAUT, l9l2). excepted, longer than wide. Setae on a.a. I to V of different lengths and few in number, those of renraining articles progressively shorter and more nunìerous towards the tip of the appendage (Figs. 229-230). Terminal a.a. with ca. I 5 claviform sensory setae on the extemal border and ca. 9 on {he internal border S c h e n d y I u ru s o nd e s ic o I a CHAMBERLIN, I 957 (F igs. 226 -228) (Figs. 235, 2zt0). Distal end of this a.a. with ca. 6 very snrall specialized setae, which are larger than the claviform setae and apparently split into two very diminute apical branches (Figs. 2.15, 240). Dorsal and Schendylurus andesicola CHAMBERLIN , 1957 - Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 70: 2l . v. surfaces of a.a. II, V, IX and XIII with very small specialized setae which on the v. side are restricted Schendylurus andesicola, PEREIRA, 1983 - Rev. Soc. ent. Arg.42:56. to an internal latero-apical area and are very sinrilar to those of the apex of the terminal a.a. Each of a.a. Schendylurus andesicola, PEREIRA, 1985 - Boll. Lab. Ent. agr. Filippo Silvestri,42: 51. II, V, IX and XIII with 1 seta (Figs. 231-234). Specialized setae on d. side are restricted to an external Schendylurus andesict¡la, PEREIRA & MINELLI, 1993 - Tropical Zool<tgy, Special lssue, N" l: 120, latero-apical area and are represented by two types: a and b. Type a setae are very similar to the speciaì- 122. ized setae on the v. side; type å setae are bigger, not divided apically and much darker (ochreous) in Type locality. - Equator: 30 miles South of Alausi, m 4000 a.s.l. (Chimborazo). colour (a, b,Fig.237), A.a. II with I type ¿r sera (Fig. 236); a.a. V with I type a and I type /r setae (Fig. Known range. - Equak)r: .10 miles South of Alausi, Chimborazo; Province of Coktpaxi, 5 Km E of 237); a.a. IX and XIII with I type aand2 type å setae (Figs.238-239). Zumbahua, nl. 4000 a.s.l.; Province of Pichincha: l5 Km E of Pifo. Cephalic plate slightly longer than wide (ratio 1.2:1 ), shape and chaeroraxy as in Fig. 241. Clypeus with 1+1 postantennal setae,3+2 selae on the nriddle and I praelabral seta(Fig.242). Labrum with 29 teeth, those of the central arc dark and round tipped, the lateral ones less sclerotized, Schendylurus conlinuus n. sp. (Figs. 229-265) each with a relatively long, very sharp medial extension (Fig. 2a3). Mandible: dentate lamella subdivided into three distinct blocks with 3,3,2 teeth (Figs.244-245\; Diagnosis. - A Schendylunrs species with all pore fields undivided, occurring in an unintermrpted pectinate lamella with ca. l6 hyaline teeth. series from the second to p€nultimate sternum. Anrong the Neotropical species of the genus only the First maxillae with palps on b()th coxosternunr and telopodites, those ofcoxosternunr very snrall (Fig. present species and, S. ct¡lombi¿n¡¿s CHAMBERLIN, l92l share this Írait. S. continuls n.sp. can be 247). Coxostemum without setae, median projections r¡f coxostemunt subtriangular, well developed and differentiated from the latter by means of the following characters (the corresponding ones in S. provided with 2+2 setae. Article II of the telopodite with 2+3 v. setae and 5+5 d. sensilla (Figs.246-24'7). colombianus are given in parentheses): I with 43 pairs of legs (d with 59 pairs of legs); body length I 8 Second maxillae (Figs. 246, 248-249): with 8+9 setae on coxostemum, arranged as in Fig. 246. Apical 340 341 claw of telopodite bipectinare, rhe v. and d. edge with ca. I reeth (Fig. 24g). to an intemal latero-apical area and are very sinrilar to those of the apex of the ternrinal a.a. Each of a.a. Forcipulae; when closed, the telopodites do not extend beyond the anterior nrargin of the head; basal It, V, IX and XIII (Fig. 268) with I seta. Sinrilar specialized setae are also prêsent on the d. sicle, where plate with an irregular transverse median row of I I setae. All articles of the telopodites lack sclerolizecl they are restricted k) an extemal latero-apical area. Each of a.a. II and V with I seÍa; each of a.a. IX and dark teeth, trochanteropraefemur with a very small and not sclerotizecl round-tipped prominence on apical XIII with 2 setae. nteclial edge. Calyx of poison gland cylindrical and short (Fig. 252); chaetotaxy of coxosternum and cephalic plate slighrly longer than wide (ratio I . l: I ), shape and chaeroraxy as in Fig. 269. telopodites as in Figs. 250-251. Clypeus with 8+4 setae on the anterior haìf and I +l praelabral setae (Fig. 270). Legs (last pair excepted) with chaetotaxy (Fig. 253) uniform throughout the bocly length; claws Labrunt with 2l teeth, those ofcentral arc dark and round tipped, the lar.eral ones less sclerotize¿, each ventrobasally wilh one anterior and two posterior spines (Fig. 254). with a relatively long and very sharp medial extension (Fig. 271). Stema: pore fields present from the second kr the penultimate sternunt. All pore fielcls undividecl ancl Mandible: dentate lanrella subdivided into three distinct blocks, l. nlandible with 4,3,2 teeth, r. subcircular in form (Figs. 255-260). Number of pores on selected stema: on stemum II, 36 pores; on VII, mandible with 3,3.2 teeth; pectinate lamellae with ca. l6 hyaline teeth. 60; on XII,57; on XX,53; on XXXIII, 32; on XLII, 19. First maxillae with palps on both coxosternum and telopodites, thosr: of coxosternum very poorly Last leg-bearing segnlent with pleurites at the sides ofthe praetergum. Praesternunr not divi6ed along developed (Fig. 273). Coxostemum without setae, median projections of coxostemunr subtriangular, the sagittal plane; form and chaetotaxy of sternuni and tergum as in Figs. 261-262. Coxopleura slightly well-developed and provided with 1+l setae. Article II of the telopodite with l+2 v. setae and 3+3 d. protruding at their distal v. ends, with chaetotaxy as in Figs. 261-262. Two single ("honrogeneous',) coxal sensilla (Figs. 212-273). organs on each coxopleuron. Anterior coxal organs intemally with a single area of specialized epithelium; Second maxillae (Figs. 212,274-215) with 8+8 setae on the coxosternum, arranged as in Fig. 212. posterior coxal organs intemally with two or three independent areas of specializecl epitheliunr; extemally, Apical claw of telopodite well developed, bipectinate, the d. edge with ca. 10 teeth (Fig. 274), the v. edge the anterior organs are unìlobed, Ihe posterior inconspicuously bilobed (Figs. 263-264). Coxal organs open with ca. 7 teeth. on the menìbrane between coxopleuron and stemum, partially coverecl by the Ìatter (Fig.261). Last legs Forcipulae: when closed, the teiopodites do not extencl beyond anterior nrargin of head; basal plate with seven podomeres, shape and chaetotaxy as in Figs. 261-262, Praetarsus as a very small tubercle with with an irregular transverse median row of l2 large setae and a few additional smaller ones, scattered on 2-3 small apical spines (Fig.265). the posterior half. All articles of the telopodites ìack sclerotized dark teeth. Tarsungulunr with a snrall Terminal segnents: intermediate tergum with posterior margin convex, internlediate sternum with round-tipped prominence on the basal medial edge. Calyx of poison glancl subcircular (Fig. 271\; posterior margin slightly cOnvex. First genital sternum as in Fig.26l. chaetotaxy of coxosternum and telopodites as in Fig. 276. Variation. - Other fentale specimen with 45 pairs of legs. Legs (last pair excepted) with chaetotaxy (Fig. 278) uniform throughout the body length; claws Male. - With 4l pairs of legs. All features apparently similar to those in the female, except for the ventrobasally with two spines (one anterior, one posterior), a third smaller spine occurs intemally, very shape and chaetotaxy of the last leg-bearing segment and terminal segments. close to the posterior one (Fig. 279). Etymoìogy. - The nante of this species refers to the uninterrupted series of stemal pore areas. Stema: pore fields on sterna II-XV only. Form of fiel<.ls changing along the trunk as in Figs. 280-2g7. Renrarks. - The fcmale holt>type presents all the characters of an aclult specimen, including the Number of pores on selected sterna: on sternum II, 2l pores; on III, 29; on IV, 34; on V, 40; on vlll, 46; presence of spermatccae full of spermatozoa and also the presencc of nrature eggs. The two spermatecae on X, 54; on XI, 45; on XV, 16. are very clearly visible by transparence at level of segments XXXIX and XL. Last leg-bearing segnrent without pleurites at the sides of praetergunr. Praesternum not divided along Our only nrale specinten,is an immatr¡re one, so it seems to us inappropriate to describe or illustrate the sagittal plane; shape and chaetotaxy of stemunr and tergum as in Figs. 288-289. Coxopleura slightly here the nxrrphology of the last leg-bearing segment and terminal segnìents. protruding at their distal v. ends, setae snrall and nunlerous on the distal meclial eclge, the remaining surface with few and larger setae. Two single ("honrogeneous") coxal organs on each coxopleuron (Fig. 290). Coxal organs open on the membrane between coxopleuron and sternum, covered by the latter (Figs. Schendylurus janauarius n. sp. (Figs. 266-293) 288,290)' Last legs with seven podomeres, shape and chaetotaxy as in Figs. 288-2gg. praetarsus as a very snrall tubercle with 3-4 small apical spines (Fig. 291). Diagntrsis. - A Sthendylunrs species lacking pore field on the first sternum and with pore fields Terminal segments: intermediate tergum with posterior nrargin convex, internre¿iate sternunl with present only on s()nle anterior sterna. Among the Neotropical species of the genus which share these traits posterior margin slightly concave; first genital sternum with posterior nrargin medially convex, laterally the ptesent s¡recies seems 1() bc very closely related t<¡ S. andesicola CHAMBERLIN which is distributecì slightly concave (Fig.292). Gonopods biarticulate, basal article with ca. 7 serae and apical with ca. 4 setae in the high Andes of Equator at about rn 4000 a.s.l. Differential characlers are given in table 5. (Fig. 29-l), penis dorsally with 0+l apical serae. Type nraterial. - Holotype d,43 p.1., b.l.2l nrrn; paratype d,43 p.1., b.l. 17 nlm. Brazil: Amazonas: Female. - Unknown. Lago Janauarí, ntixedwater inundatioÍr forest, K, 14.09.1987, J. ADIS legit. - Depository of types: Il,lpA. Etymology. - The name of this species refers to the type krcality. f)escription Male holotype. - 43 pairs of legs, body length 21 nrnr, maximunt bocly width 0.6 mm. Colour (of Schendylurus iguøpensís VERHOEFI', l93B (Figs, 294-299 Table 6) prescrved specimen in alcohol) yellowish. Antennae ca.4.7 times longer than the cephalic plate, distally slightly attenuate; all articles, the first Schendylurus iguapensis VERHOEFF, 1938 - Zool. Jahrb., Sysr. 7l:37t. cxcepted, longer than wide. Sctae on a.a. I-lll ofdifferent lengths and few in number, those ofrenraining Sthendylurus iguapensis, BÙCHERL, l94l-42a - Mem. Inst. Butanran l5: 203. articles progressively shorter and nrore numerous towards the tip of the appendage (Figs. 266-267). schendylurus (schendylurus) iguapensis, BÜcHERL, l94l-42b -Mem. Insr. Butanran l5: 349. Terntinal a.a. with ca. l7 clavifornì sensory setae on the extemal border and ca. 3 on the internal border. schendylurus (schendylotyn) iguapensis, ATTEMS, l94j - A,nn. Naturhisr. Mus. wien 55: 87. Distal end of this a.a. with ca. 5 very snrall specialized setae apparently not divided apically. Dorsal and Schendylurus iguapensis, CRABILL, 1972 - Proc. ent. Soc. Wash. 74( I ): 20. v. surfaces ofa.a. II, V, IX and XIII with very snrall specialized setae which on the v. side are restricted schendylurus iguapensis, PEREIRA & MINELLI, 1993 - Tropical zo<tlogy, SpcciaÌ Issue, l: l2l 342 343

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