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COURSE BREAK UP OF AGRO-POLYTECHNIC (AGRICULTURE SCIENCE) 1ST YEAR 1ST SEMESTER           Sl.no Course Title Course Number Credit hrs 1 Rainfed Agriculture PTAg-111 1+1 2 Soil Fertility & Nutrient Management PTAg-112 1+1 3 Fundamental of soil science PTAg-113 1+1 4 Principles & Practices of Agroforestry PTAg-114 1+1 5 Physiology of crop plants PTAg-115- 2+1 6 Fundamentals of plant pathology PTAg-116 1+1 7 Rural sociology & community PTAg-117 2+1 Development 8 Principles of insect pestmanagement PTAg-118 1+1 9 Agro-meteorology PTAg-119 1+1 Total=10+10=20 SL. NO COURSE NAME COURSE NO CREDIT NO OF CLASSES TO BE HOUR TAKEN 1 Rainfed PTAg-111 1+1 16 theory class +16 Agriculture practical class LESSON NO THEORY CLASS CLASS TEACHING NO(Each METHODS class – 50 TO BE USED minute) Lesson -1 Dry land farming – definitions, constrains - climate, soil, 2 technological and socio-economic. Lesson -2 Geological distribution of dry land of India. 1 Lesson -3 Drought- definition, effect on plant growth, drought 3 management. Principles for moisture conservation and alternate land use system. Interactive Lesson -4 Contingent crop planning for different agro climatic zones 2 teaching of the state. & Lesson -5 Watershed management – definition, objective, factors 2 Group affecting the operation of water shed. Data required for Discussion management planning according to capability. Lesson -6 Water harvesting and recycling. 1 Lesson -7 Mechanical measures for soil and water conservation. 2 Lesson -8 Biological measures for soil and water conservation. 1 Lesson -9 Pasture development, agro forestry, Animal husbandry and 1 Pisciculture. Lesson -10 Evaluation of watershed cost: benefits analysis 1 TOTAL CLASS 16 LESSON NO PRACTICAL CLASS CLASS REMARKS NO(Each class – 1hr40 minute) Lesson -1 Study on compost, vermicompost, their preparation, 2 application and advantages. Lesson -2 Study on biofertilizers and their uses. 1 Lesson -3 Study on efficient rainfed cropping systems including 2 relay cropping, intercropping, mixed cropping & working Site for out their indices. experiment is Lesson -4 Calculation of fertilizer dose in intercropping system & 1 KVK efficient method of fertilizer application. Vermicompost Lesson -5 Study on insitu methods of soil and water conservation 2 unit, including summer ploughing, deep ploughing, contour and RRTTS bunding, graded bunding, mulching, etc. Agro Lesson -6 Study of agrometeorological observatory and measurement 2 meteorological of meteorological parameters. observatory Lesson -7 Study of seed hardening and seed priming. 2 unit. Lesson -8 Determination of soil moisture content: i) 2 Thermogravimetric method ii)Volumetric method Lesson -9 Determination of BD and PD of soil. 1 Lesson -10 Determination of Field capacity and PWP of soil. 1 TOTAL CLASS 16 SL. NO COURSE NAME COURSE NO CREDIT NO OF CLASSES TO HOUR BE TAKEN 2 Soil Fertility & PTAg-112 1+1 16 theory class +16 Nutrient practical class Management LESSON NO THEORY CLASS CLASS TEACHING NO(Each METHODS class – 50 TO BE USED minute) Lesson -1 Soil fertility and productivity- factors affecting, features of 2 good soil management. Lesson -2 Problems of supply and availability of nutrients, relation 1 between nutrient supply and crop growth. Lesson -3 Organic farming – basic concepts and definitions. 1 Lesson -4 Criteria of essentiality of nutrients- Essential plant nutrients- 2 Interactive their functions, nutrient deficiency symptoms. teaching Lesson -5 Transformation and dynamics of major plant nutrients. 1 & Lesson -6 Preparation and use of farmyard manure-compost, green 2 Group manures, vermicompost, biofertilizers and other organic Discussion. concentrates their composition availability and crop responses. Lesson -7 Recycling of organic wastes and residue management. 1 Lesson -8 Commercial fertilizers, composition, relative fertilizer value 2 and cost; crop response to different nutrients. Lesson -9 Residual effects and fertilizer use efficiency, fertilizer mixtures 1 and grades, agronomic, chemical and physiological methods of increasing fertilizer use efficiency nutrient interactions Lesson -10 Time and methods of manures and fertilizers application, foliar 1 application and its concept Lesson -11 Relative performance of organic and inorganic manures, 1 Lesson -12 Economics of fertilizer use, Integrated nutrient management, 1 use of vermicompost & residual waste in crops. TOTAL CLASS 16 LESSON NO PRACTICAL CLASS CLASS REMARKS NO(Each class – 1hr40 minute) Lesson -1 Determination of pH, EC. 2 Lesson -2 Determination of organic C in soils. 2 Site for experiment is Lesson -3 Determination of total N in soils. 2 KVK soil Lesson -4 Determination of total N,P,K ,S in soils. 4 testing laboratory. Lesson -5 Determination of available N,P,K ,S in plantss. 4 Lesson -6 Interpretation of interaction effects, computation of economic 2 and yield. TOTAL CLASS 16 SL. NO COURSE NAME COURSE NO CREDIT NO OF CLASSES TO HOUR BE TAKEN 3 Fundamental of soil PTAg-113 1+1 16 theory class +16 science practical class LESSON NO THEORY CLASS CLASS TEACHING NO(Each METHODS class – 50 TO BE USED minute) Lesson -1 Definition of soil, soil as a medium for plant growth 1 Lesson -2 Soil profile, surface soil and sub soil. 1 Interactive Lesson -3 Composition of surface soil 1 teaching Lesson -4 Rocks &Minerals 3 & Group Lesson -5 Weathering, soil formation 3 Discussion. Lesson -6 Soil physical,. 2 Lesson -7 chemical and biological properties 2 Lesson -8 Soils of Odisha 2 Lesson -9 Importance of soil organic matter. 1 TOTAL CLASS 16 LESSON NO PRACTICAL CLASS CLASS REMARKS NO(Each class – 1hr40 minute) Lesson -1 Study of soil profile. 1 Lesson -2 Acquaintance with different types of soils of Odisha. 3 Lesson -3 Soil sample collection . 2 Lesson -4 Soil processing ,Determination of soil texture. 2 Site for experiment is Lesson -5 Determination of soil pH & Electrical conductance. 1 KVK soil Lesson -6 Determination of water holding capacity. 2 testing laboratory. Lesson -7 Determination of Soil organic matter. 2 Lesson -8 Measurement of biological activity through soil respiration. 3 TOTAL CLASS 16 SL. NO COURSE NAME COURSE NO CREDIT NO OF CLASSES TO HOUR BE TAKEN 4 Principles & PTAg-114 1+1 16 theory class +16 Practices of practical class Agroforestry LESSON NO THEORY CLASS CLASS TEACHING NO(Each METHODS class – 50 TO BE USED minute) Lesson -1 Agro forestry - definition, objectives and scope. Advantages 2 and disadvantages of agroforestry. Lesson -2 Classification of Agro forestry systems - structural, 2 functional, socio-economic and ecological basis. Lesson -3 Agro forestry and soil productivity. Tree-crop interaction in 1 Interactive agro forestry. teaching Lesson -4 Principles of species selection for Agro forestry. Trees 2 & suitable for Agroforestry and their characteristics. Group Lesson -5 Tree architecture, canopy management - lopping, pruning, 2 Discussion. pollarding and hedging. Lesson -6 Diagnosis and Design. Procedure of agroforestry D & D. 2 Lesson -7 Agroforestry systems in different agro climatic zones of 2 Odisha Components, production and management techniques. Lesson -8 Economics of Agroforestry systems. 1 Lesson -9 Agroforestry for wasteland and watershed management. 2 Lesson -10 Agroforestry and maintenance of biodiversity. 2 Lesson -11 Agroforestry for climate change adaptation and mitigation. 2 TOTAL CLASS 16 LESSON NO PRACTICAL CLASS CLASS REMARKS NO(Each class – 1hr40 minute) Lesson -1 Study of agroforestry layout 2 Lesson -2 Sequence of operations in management of the system 2 Site for experiment is Lesson -3 Visit to farmer’s field where agroforestry is practised 2 KVK Lesson -4 Study of agroforestry systems/ practices 2 Agroforestry Lesson -5 Study different traditional agroforestry systems in field 2 unit and visit Lesson -6 designing the improved models 2 nearby villages Lesson -7 Visit to rural areas to study the land use pattern 2 to APC Lesson -8 preparing suitable designs for the farmers of the area 2 TOTAL CLASS 16 SL. NO COURSE NAME COURSE NO CREDIT NO OF CLASSES TO HOUR BE TAKEN 5 Physiology of crop PTAg-115 2+1 32 theory class +16 plants practical class LESSON NO THEORY CLASS CLASS TEACHING NO(Each METHODS class – 50 TO BE USED minute) Lesson -1 Introduction to crop physiology 1 Lesson -2 Role of water in plant, Osmosis, Imbibition, Water potential, 3 Absorption of water. Lesson -3 Loss of water from plant, Factors affecting water loss and 2 water absorption by plants. Lesson -4 Importance of Photosynthesis, C3, C4 & CAM plants, 5 factors affecting photosynthesis. Lesson -5 Plant respiration and importance of respiration. 3 Lesson -6 Essential elements-criteria for essentiality, classification, 4 function, deficiency symptoms of individual elements and Interactive their remedial measures. teaching Lesson -7 Seed development, Seed germination, factors affecting 3 & germination. Group Lesson -8 Seed dormancy, Causes of dormancy and breaking of seed 3 Discussion dormancy, advantages & disadvantages of Dormancy. Lesson -9 Growth regulating substances, classification, physiological 3 role & their application in Crop improvement. Lesson -10 Photoperiodism, Vernalization, Types of photoperiodic 3 responses, significance of Vernalisation. Lesson -11 Type of stresses, Effect of water and temperature stress on 2 crop plants TOTAL CLASS 32 LESSON NO PRACTICAL CLASS CLASS REMARKS NO(Each class – 1hr40 minute) Lesson -1 Preparation of different standard solutions. 4 Lesson -2 Determination of osmotic potential & water potential of plant 1 tissues. Only theory Lesson -3 Effect of temperature on seed imbibitions. 1 part is taught Lesson -4 Effect of seed coat & osmotic concentration on imbibitions. 1 by showing Lesson -5 Measurement of transpiration & absorption in plants. 2 diagrams can’t Lesson -6 Measurement of water content, RWC & RWD of plant 2 be samples. demonstrated Lesson -7 Determination of Chlorophyll content of leaf samples. 1 due to Lesson -8 Determination of OM ,ash content and qualitative test of plant 2 unavailability ash for ions. of requisites. Lesson -9 Methods of breaking seed dormancy. 1 Lesson -10 Quick viability test of different crop seeds. 1 TOTAL CLASS 16 SL. NO COURSE NAME COURSE NO CREDIT NO OF CLASSES TO HOUR BE TAKEN 6 Fundamentals of PTAg-116 1+1 16 theory class +16 plant pathology practical class LESSON NO THEORY CLASS CLASS TEACHING NO(Each METHODS class – 50 TO BE USED minute) Lesson -1 Introduction, History of Plant Pathology. 1 Lesson -2 Important plant pathogenic organisms, different groups, 3 fungi, bacteria, fastidious vesicular bacteria, phytoplasmas, viruses, viriods, algae, protozoa and phanerogamic parasites with examples of disease caused by them. Lesson -3 General characters of fungi, definition of fungus, somatic 3 Interactive structures, types of fungal thalli, fungal tissues, modifications teaching of thallus, Reproduction in fungi (asexual and sexual). & Lesson -4 Definition and objectives of plant Pathology, Terms and 1 Group concepts in Plant pathology Discussion Lesson -5 Survival and dispersal of plant pathogens, Plant disease 1 epidemiology. Lesson -6 General principles of plant disease management- Importance, 2 general Principles- avoidance, exclusion, protection. Lesson -7 Role and mechanisms of biological control and PGPR 3 Physical Methods- Heat, Chemical methods- Methods of application of fungicides. Lesson -8 Host plant resistance. 1 Lesson -9 Integrated plant disease management (IDM) - Concept 1 advantages and importance TOTAL CLASS 16 LESSON NO PRACTICAL CLASS CLASS REMARKS NO(Each class – 1hr40 minute) Lesson -1 General instruction, Familiarization with instruments, 1   materials, glassware etc. in a laboratory:   Lesson -2 Practice of Aseptic methods: Evaluation of aseptic techniques 1   with Routine culture media tubes,   Lesson -3 Evaluation of aseptic technique with a Potato dextrose agar 2   plate   Lesson -4 Methods of Sterilization and preparation of media, Preparation 2 Can’t be of Potato dextrose agar, Potato dextrose agar plates and slants demonstrated Lesson -5 Sterilization of glassware by Dry heating 1 due to Lesson -6 Plating methods for Isolation and Purification of bacteria 1 unavailability Lesson -7 Isolation of bacteria by Streak plate and pour plate methods 1 of requisites  Lesson -8 Plant disease symptom identification and preservation of 1 disease samples Lesson -9 Isolation techniques for plant pathogens, Study of common 1 fungal pathogens Lesson -10 Demonstration of Koch’s postulates, Study of different groups 1 of fungicides and antibiotics Lesson -11 Preparation of fungicides- Bordeaux mixture, Bordeaux paste, 1 Chestnut compound Lesson -12 Methods of application of fungicides- seed, soil and foliar 2 Lesson -13 Bio-control of plant pathogens- dual culture techniques, seed 1 treatment. TOTAL CLASS 16 SL. NO COURSE NAME COURSE NO CREDIT NO OF CLASSES TO HOUR BE TAKEN 7 Rural sociology & PTAg-117 2+1 32 theory class +16 community practical class Development LESSON NO THEORY CLASS CLASS TEACHING NO(Each METHODS class – 50 TO BE USED minute) Lesson -1 Sociology and Rural Sociology, Meaning, Definition, Scope. 2 Lesson -2 Importance of Rural Sociology in Agricultural Extension. 3 Interrelationship between Rural Sociology & Agricultural Extension. Lesson -3 Indian Rural Society, Important characteristics, Differences 2 between Rural and Urban societies. Lesson -4 Social Groups – Meaning, Definition, Classification, 2 Motivation in group formation. Lesson -5 Social Stratification –Meaning, Definition, Functions. 2 Interactive Lesson -6 Cultural concepts –Culture, Customs, Folkways, Mores, 3 teaching Taboos, Rituals and Traditions. & Lesson -7 Social Values and Attitudes – Meaning, Definition. 3 Group Discussion Lesson -8 Social Institutions– Meaning, Definition Major institutions in 3 Rural society, Functions and their Role in Agricultural Extension. Lesson -9 Social Control – Meaning, Definition. 2 Lesson-10 Social change – Meaning, Definition, Nature of Social 2 change. Lesson -11 Leadership – Meaning, Definition, Classification, Roles of a 3 leader, Lesson -12 Community Development Process-Meaning, Objective, Steps 5 & Principles, Panchayati Raj System. TOTAL CLASS 32 LESSON NO PRACTICAL CLASS CLASS REMARKS NO(Each class – 1hr40 minute) Lesson -1 Preparation of Interview Schedule to collect information from 4 villager Site for Lesson -2 Identification of various social and cultural patterns of rural 4 experiment is society through field visit KVK training Lesson -3 Identification of leaders through various methods 4 hall and visit Lesson -4 Visit to various rural institutions to study their structure & 4 nearby villages function and report submission to APC . TOTAL CLASS 16 SL. NO COURSE NAME COURSE NO CREDIT NO OF CLASSES TO HOUR BE TAKEN 8 Principles of insect PTAg-118 1+1 16 theory class +16 pest management practical class LESSON NO THEORY CLASS CLASS TEACHING NO(Each METHODS class – 50 TO BE USED minute) Lesson -1 Definition and categories of pest, brief history of pest control 1  Lesson -2 Pest control options: physical, Mechanical, Cultural control 1  Biological control, Common predators, parasites, steps involved in biological control, important bio-control agents and their use. Lesson -3 Host plant resistance 2  Interactive Lesson -4 legislative, genetical and chemical methods 2  teaching Lesson -5 Classification of insecticides , their mode of action , newer 2  & molecules Group Lesson -6 Insect pheromone, hormone, chitin inhibitors, naturalites etc. 2  Discussion Lesson -7 Insect resistance , resurgence, secondary pest outbreak, 2  pesticide compatibility, synergists, pesticide residues, bio- magnification and food chain contamination, Safe use of pesticides, Symptoms of poisoning, first aid measures, and recommended antidotes. Lesson -8 Integrated pest management: Definition, concepts, decision 3  making tools, pest monitoring social, ecological and economic aspects of IPM. Future of IPM in Odisha. TOTAL CLASS 16 LESSON NO PRACTICAL CLASS CLASS REMARKS NO(Each class – 1hr40 minute) Lesson -1 Acquaintance with commonly used insecticides, acaricides, 3 rodentocides. Lesson -2 Preparation of spray solutions 1 Lesson -3 Various additives like emulsifier, stickers, spreaders, wetting 2 agent, inter materials etc and their use Taught but Lesson -4 Various plant protection appliances 2

Rural sociology & community. Development. PTAg-117. 2+1. 8. Principles of insect pest management. PTAg-118. 1+1. 9. Agro-meteorology. PTAg-119.
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