1 Cooling Codes: Thermal-Management Coding for High-Performance Interconnects Yeow Meng Cheex, Tuvi Etzion∗, Han Mao Kiahx, Alexander Vardy+x xSchool of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore ∗Computer Science Department, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel, the work was done while the author was visiting SPMS, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California 7 +Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, San Diego, CA 92093, USA 1 0 [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] 2 n a J 6 2 Abstract ] T I High temperatures have dramatic negative effects on interconnect performance and, hence, numerous techniques . s havebeenproposedtoreducethepowerconsumptionofon-chipbuses.However,existingmethodsfallshortoffully c [ addressingthethermalchallengesposedbyhigh-performanceinterconnects.Inthispaper,weintroducenewefficient 1 coding schemes that make it possible to directly control the peak temperature of a bus by effectively cooling its v hottest wires. This is achieved by avoiding state transitions on the hottest wires for as long as necessary until their 2 7 temperature drops off. At the same time, we reduce the average power consumption by making sure that the total 8 numberofstatetransitionsonallthewiresisbelowaprescribedthreshold.Thesetwofeaturesareobtainedseparately 7 0 or simultaneously. In addition, error-correction for the transmitted information can also be provided with each one . 1 of the two features and when they both obtained simultaneously. 0 Oursolutionscallforsomeredundancy:weuse n>k wirestoencodeagiven k-bitbus.Therefore,itisimpor- 7 1 tanttodeterminetheoreticallytheminimumpossiblenumberofwiresnneededtoencodek bitswhilesatisfyingthe : v desired properties. We provide full theoretical analysis in each case, and show that the number of additional wires Xi required to cool the t hottest wires becomes negligible when k is large. Moreover, although the proposed thermal- r management techniques make use of sophisticated tools from combinatorics, discrete geometry, linear algebra, and a coding theory, the resulting encoders and decoders are fully practical. They do not require significant computational overhead and can be im- plemented without sacrificing a large circuit area. I. INTRODUCTION Powerandheatdissipationlimitshaveemergedasafirst-orderdesignconstraintforchips,whethertargetedforbat- tery-powereddevicesorforhigh-endsystems.Withthemigrationtoprocessgeometriesof65nmandbelow,power dissipation has become as important an issue as timing and signal integrity. Aggressive technology scaling results in smaller feature size, greater packing density, increasing microarchitectural complexity, and higher clock frequen- cies. This is pushing chip level power consumption to the edge. It is not uncommon for on-chip hot spots to have temperatures exceeding 100°C, while inter-chip temperature differentials often exceed 20°C. 2 Power-aware design alone is not sufficient to address this thermal challenge, since it does not directly target the spatial and temporal behavior of the operating environment. For this reason, thermally-aware approaches have emerged as one of the most important domains of research in chip design today. High temperatures have dramatic negative effects on circuit behavior, with interconnects being among the most impacted circuit components. This is due, in part, to the ever decreasing interconnect pitch and the introduction of low-k dielectric insulation which has low thermal conductivity. For example, as shown in [3], the Elmore delay of an interconnect increases 5% to 6% for every 10°C increase in temperature, whereas the leakage current grows exponentiallywithtemperature.Therefore,minimizingthetemperatureofinterconnectsisofparamountimportance for thermally-aware design. Figure1. Blockdiagramoftheproposedbusarchitecture A. Related Work Numerous encoding techniques have been proposed in the literature [4,9,10,28,35,39,41,46,47] in order to reduce the overall power consumption of both on-chip and off-chip buses. It is well established [11,31,40,42,46,47] that bus power is directly proportional to the product of line capacitance and the average number of state transitions on the bus wires. Thus the general idea is to encode the data transmitted over the bus so as to reduce the aver- age number of transitions. For example, the “bus-invert” code of [41] potentially complements the data on all the wires, according to the Hamming distance between consecutive transmissions, thereby ensuring that the total num- berofstatetransitionsonnbuswiresneverexceedsn/2.Unfortunately,encodingtechniquesdesignedtominimize power consumption, do not directly address peak temperature minimization. In order to reduce the temperature of a wire, it is not sufficient to minimize its average switching activity. Rather, it is necessary to control the temporal distribution of the state transitions on the wire. To reduce the peak temperature of an interconnect, it is necessary to exercise such control for all of its constituent wires. In [46,47], the authors propose a thermal spreading approach. They present an efficient encoding scheme that evenly spreads the switching activity among all the bus wires, using a simple architecture consisting of a shift- register and a crossbar logic. This is designed to avoid the situation where a few wires get hot while the majority are at a lower temperature. This spreading approach is further extended in [9,39] using on-line monitoring of the switching activity on all the wires. Thermal spreading can be regarded as an attempt to control peak temperature indirectly, by equalizing the distribution of signal transitions over all the wires. 3 B. Our Contributions Astechnologycontinuestoscale,existingmethodsmayfallshortoffullyaddressingthethermalchallengesposedby high-performance interconnects in deep submicron (DSM) circuits. In this paper, we introduce new efficient coding schemesthatsimultaneouslycontrolboththepeaktemperatureandtheaveragepowerconsumptionofinterconnects. The proposed coding schemes are distinguished from existing state-of-the-art by having some or all of the fol- lowing features: A. Wedirectlycontrolthepeaktemperatureofabusbyeffectivelycoolingitshottestwires.Thisisachievedby avoidingstatetransitionsonthehottestwiresforaslongasnecessaryuntiltheirtemperaturedecreases. B. Wereducetheoverallpowerdissipationbyguaranteeingthatthetotalnumberoftransitionsonthebuswires isbelowaspecifiedthresholdineverytransmission. C. We combine properties A and/or B with coding for improved reliability (e.g., for low-swing signaling), usingexistingerror-correctingcodes. Toachievethesedesirablefeatures,weproposetoinsertattheinterfaceofthebusspecializedcircuitsimplementing the encoding and decoding functions, denoted herein by E and D, respectively. This is illustrated in Figure1. The variouscodingschemesintroducedinthispaperemploytoolsfromvariousfieldssuchascombinatorics,graphtheory, block designs, discrete geometry, linear algebra, and the theory of error-correcting codes. Nonetheless, in each case theresultingencoders/decodersE andD areefficient:theydonotrequiresignificantcomputationaloverheadandcan beimplementedwithoutsacrificingalargecircuitarea.ThisisespeciallytrueforPropertyA,wherethecomplexityof encodinganddecodingscaleslinearlywiththenumberofwires. Weconsiderbothadaptiveandnonadaptive(memoryless)codingschemes.Theadvantageofnonadaptiveschemes is thatthey are easierto implement anddo not requirememory. The disadvantageis thatit is notpossible to imple- mentPropertyAwithnonadaptiveencoding.Forthisreason,mostofthecodingschemesdevelopedinthispaperwill beadaptive,basedontheideaof differential encoding.Notably,however,allofourschemesrequiretheencoderand decodercircuitstokeeptrackof only one(themostrecent)previoustransmission. Unlike the thermal spreading methods of [39,46,47] that lead to irredundant coding schemes, the solutions we proposedointroduceredundancy:werequiren > kwirestoencodeagivenk-bitbus.Akeyconsiderationinthissit- uationisthe area overhead due to the additional n−k wires.Therefore,itisimportanttodeterminethetheoretically minimumpossiblenumberofwiresnneededtoencodekbitswhilesatisfyingthedesiredproperties.Weprovidefull theoreticalanalysisineachcase.WemoreovershowthatthenumberofadditionalwiresrequiredtosatisfyPropertyA becomesnegligiblewhenkislarge. C. Thermal Model Chiang,Banerjee,andSaraswat[11]cameupwithananalyticmodelthatcharacterizesthermaleffectsduetoJoule heatinginhigh-performanceCu/low-kinterconnects,underbothsteady-stateandtransientstressconditions.Shortly thereafter,SotiriadisandChandrakasan[40]gaveapowerdissipationmodelforDSMbuses.Thesetwomodels,ac- countingforthermalandpowereffectsseparately,werelaterunifiedandrefinedbySundaresanandMahapatra[42]. 4 Finally, building upon this work, Wang, Xie,Vijaykrishnan, and Irwin [47] proposed a more accurate thermal-and- powermodelforDSMbuses.Inallthesepapers,ann-bitbus(illustratedinFigure2)ismodeledinterms Rinter … wire wire wire (1) (2) (n) Rspread tILD heat flow to substrate layer Rrect Figure2.GeometryusedforcalculatingRspread,Rrect,andRinter Rinter … R1 C1 P1 R2 C2 P2 Rn Cn Pn substrate at ambient temperature Figure3.EquivalentthermalRC-networkforak-bitbus oftheequivalentthermal-RCnetworkinFigure3.SundaresanandMahapatra[42]showthatthisthermal-RCnetwork isgovernedbythefollowingdifferentialequations: ∂θ θ −θ θ −θ P = C 1 + 1 0 + 1 2 , (1) 1 1 ∂t R R 1 inter P = C ∂θk + θk−θ0 + θk−θk−1 , and (2) n k ∂t R R k inter P = C ∂θi + θi−θ0 + 2θi−θi−1−θi+1 (3) i i ∂t R R i inter fori =2,3,...,n−1,whereP istheinstantaneouspowerdissipatedbywirei,C isthethermalcapacitanceperunit i i length of wire i, R = R +R is the thermal resistance per unit length of wire i along the heat transfer path i spread rect downwards,R isthelateralthermalresistanceusedtoaccountfortheparallelthermalcouplingeffectbetweenthe inter wires,θ isthetemperatureofwirei,andθ isthesubstrateambienttemperature. i 0 Inanybusmodelforwhich(1)–(3)hold,thetemperatureofawirewillincreasewheneverthewireundergoesastatetran- sition; conversely, in the absence of state transitions, the temperature will gradually decrease. We let σ denote the i switchingactivityofwirei,whichisthenumberoftimesthewirechangesstate.Thenthepowerdissipatedbyabus isdeterminedbyits total switching activityσ +σ +···+σ . 1 2 n In order to directly control the peak temperature of a bus by avoiding transitions on its hottest wires,we need to knowwhichwiresarethehottestateverytransmission.Therearetwogeneralwaystoobtainthisinformation.Wecan useananalyticalmodel[42],suchas(1)–(3),toestimatethecurrenttemperaturesofthewires.Foreachwire,such anestimatecanbeimplementedwithacounterthatisincrementedontransitionanddecrementedonnon-transition, where the precise magnitude of the increments/decrements is determined by the model. Alternatively, we can have actualtemperaturesensorsforeachwire.ForDSMbuses,accuratetemperaturesensingcanbeimplementedusing,for 5 example,ringoscillators[13].Asshownin[13],sensorsbasedonringoscillatorsprovidearesolutionof1°Cwhile consuminganactivepowerofonly65–112µW. D. Organization Therestofthispaperisorganizedasfollows.Webegininthenextsectionwithapreciseformulationofthecoding problems that result from the thermal-management features we propose to implement — namely, Properties A, B, andC.InSectionIII,wepresentanonadaptivecodingschemethatcombinesPropertyB(reducingtheaveragepower dissipation)withthethermalspreadingapproachof[47].OurconstructionsinSectionIIIarebasedonthenotionsof anticodes and quorum systems, and use key results from the theory of combinatorial designs. SectionIV is devoted to PropertyA: we show how state transitions on the t hottest wires can be avoided by using only t+1 additional buslines.Thisoptimalconstructionisbasedoncombining differential codingwiththenotionof spreadsand partial spreadsinprojectivegeometry.Theoptimalconstructioncanbeappliedwhent+1(cid:54)(n+1)/2.Whent+1> (n+ 1)/2 we use another technique from the theory of error-correcting codes to construct efficient codes. The designed codes can be viewed as sunflowers, while the partial spreads, are also sunflowers, and hence can be also viewed as a special case of these codes. The technique used is generalized with the notion of generalized Hamming weights. In SectionV, we show how Properties A and B can be all achieved at the same time. That is, we design coding schemes that simultaneously control peak temperature and average power consumption in every transmission. For this purpose, we present three types of constructions. The first construction is based upon the Baranyai theorem on complete hypergraph decomposition into pairwise disjoint perfect matchings. The second construction is based on concatenation of low weights codes based on appropriate non-binary dual codes or non-binary partial spreads. The thirdconstructionistheprevioussunflowerconstruction,whichalsosatisfyPropertyB.SectionVIisdevotedtocodes whichsatisfyPropertyCsimultaneouslywitheitherPropertyAorPropertyBorboth,i.e.weaddalsocorrectionfor possible transmission errors on the bus wires. The constructions in this section will also be of two types. The first type of constructions is based on resolutions in block design. The second type of constructions will be to employ thepreviouslygivenconstructions,whereoursetoftransitionsisrestrictedtothesetofcodewordsinagivenerror- correcting code. In all these sections our bounds and constructions are applied for infinite sets of parameters, but thereisnoasymptoticanalysisinanyofthesecases.TheasymptoticanalysisispostponedtoSectionVII,wherethe asymptoticbehaviorofourcodesisanalyzed.Inparticularweanalyzeareaoverheadofourconstructionsandprove that when k is large enough, the additional number of wires required to satisfy the desired properties is negligible. Finally, SectionVIII summarizes our comprehensive work and presents a brief discussion of possible directions for futureresearch. II. PROBLEMFORMULATIONANDPRELIMINARIES Let us now elaborate upon Properties A, B, C introduced in the previous section. For each of these properties, we willcharacterizetheperformanceofthecorrespondingcodingschemebya single integer parameter.Allofourcod- ingschemeswillusen > kwirestoencodeak-bitbus.Weassumethatcommunicationacrossthebusissynchronous, occurringinclockedcyclescalled transmissions.Thisleadstothefollowingdefinition. 6 Definition1.Consideracodingschemeforcommunicationoverabusconsistingof n wires.Let t, w, e bepositive integerslessthann.Wesaythatthecodingschemehas PropertyA(t):ifeverytransmissiondoesnotcausestatetransitionsonthethottestwires; PropertyB(w):ifthetotalnumberofstatetransitionsonallthewiresisatmostw,ineverytransmission; PropertyC(e):ifuptoetransmissionerrors (0receivedas1,or 1receivedas0)onthenwirescanbecorrected. Wepresumethat,atthetimeoftransmission,itisknownwhich t wiresarethehottest;PropertyA(t) isrequiredto holdassumingthat anytwirescanbedesignatedasthehottest. The values of t, w, e are design parameters, to be determined by the specific thermal requirements of specific interconnects. The proposed coding schemes will work for various values of t, w, and e. Nevertheless, it might be helpfultothinkoftasasmallconstant,sincesignificantreductionsinthepeaktemperaturecanbeachievedbycooling onlyafewofthehottestwires.Thus,themostimportantvaluesoftaresmallones,say,lessthanhalfofthebuswires. But,ourconstructionsinthefollowingsectionswillconsideralsosolutionsforlargevaluesoft,specifically,anyvalue oft.Similarly,wisalsousuallysmallsincelargewmeansalargenumberofstatetransitionsonallthewires,which mightresultintoomanyhotwires.Finally,wealsoexpectetobesmall,especiallyasitmustbesmallerthanw/2as otherwisewewon’tbeabletocorrecttheerrors. CodeswhichsatisfyPropertiesA(t),B(w),andC(e)simultaneouslyineverytransmission,willbecalled(n,t,w,e)- low-powererror-correctingcoolingcodesor(n,t,w,e)-LPECCcodesforshort.Whenanonemptymeaningfulsubset ofthethreeproperties(propertyC(e)isnotinterestingaloneinourcontext)willbesatisfied,onlytheparametersand description related to this subset of properties will remain in the name. For example, (n,t,e)-LPEC codes stands for (n,t,e)-low-power error-correcting codes. Six such nonempty subsets exist and for each one we suggest coding schemes and related codes. It the conclusion of Section VIII a pointer will be given, where each one of these six subsetswasconsidered. Weviewthecollectivestateofthenwiresduringeachtransmissionasabinaryvectorx= (x ,x ,...,x ).Theset 1 2 n ofallsuchbinaryvectorsisthe Hamming n-spaceH(n) = {0,1}n.WewillidentifyH(n)withthevectorspaceFn. 2 Givenanyx,y∈Fn,the Hamming distance d(x,y) isthenumberofpositionswherexandydiffer.The Hamming 2 weightofavectorx∈Fn,denotedwt(x),isthenumberofnonzeropositionsinx. 2 Conventionally,abinary code C of length n issimplyasubsetofFn.TheelementsofCarecalled codewords. 2 GivenacodeC,its minimum distanced(C)and diameterdiam(C)aredefinedasfollows: d(C)d=ef min d(x,y) and diam(C)d=ef maxd(x,y). x,y∈C x,y∈C Later,inSectionsIVandV,wewillneedtomodifyandgeneralizethisconventionaldefinitionofbinarycodesinan importantway.ThismodificationwillbeneededforcodeswhichsatisfyPropertyA(t). III. NONADAPTIVELOW-POWERCODES Theencodingschemesconsideredinthissectionbelongtothe nonadaptivekind,inthatthechoicewhichcodeword totransmitacrossthebusinthecurrenttransmissiondoesnotdependoncodewordsthathavebeentransmittedearlier. Suchcodingschemesarealsoknownas memoryless.Theadvantageofnonadaptiveschemesisthattheyaresimpler 7 to implement: they do not need a continuously changing data model, and they do not require memory to track the historyofprevioustransmissions. Inthenonadaptivecase,an n-bit coding schemeforasourceS⊆Fk isatripleE= (cid:104)C,E,D(cid:105),where 2 1) Cisabinarycodeoflengthn, 2) E:S→Cisabijectivemapcalledanencoding function, 3) D:C→Sisabijectivemapcalledadecoding function,suchthatD(cid:0)E(u)(cid:1) =uforallu∈S. EncodinganddecodingcircuitsthatimplementE andDareinsertedattheinterfaceofthebus(seeFigure1). Supposeu,v∈Saretwowordsthataretobecommunicatedacrossthebusduringconsecutivetransmissions.Inthe absenceofacodingscheme,thetotalswitchingactivityofthebusisthengivenby|{i : u (cid:54)= v }|.Thisisprecisely i i the Hamming distance d(u,v), which could be as high as k. If an n-bit coding scheme is used, then x = E(u) and y= E(v)aretransmittedinstead.Theresultingtotalswitchingactivityofthebusistherefored(x,y),whichisupper boundedbydiam(C). Itfollowsthatthecodingscheme satisfies PropertyB(w) if and only if diam(C)(cid:54)w.Asthepowerconsump- tionofabusisdirectlyrelatedtoitstotalswitchingactivity,wecallsuchacodeCan(n,w)-low-power code((n,w)- LPcodeforshort). In this section, we are interested in (n,w)-LP codes that also achieve low peak temperatures by spreading the switching activitiesamongthebuswiresasuniformlyaspossible.Indoingso,wearefollowingtheanalysisof[10, 46,47]andtheresulting thermal spreadingapproach[10,39,46].Inordertoquantifythethermalspreadingachieved byagivencodingschemeE = (cid:104)C,E,D(cid:105),letustreatthesourceSasarandomvariabletakingonvaluesinFk,and 2 assumethatSisuniformlydistributed.Thisisacommonassumptioninbusanalysis—see,forexample,[40].With thisassumption,theexpectedswitchingactivityofwireiisgivenby µi = |S1|2 ∑ (cid:12)(cid:12)E(u)i−E(v)i(cid:12)(cid:12) = 2ri(||CS||2−ri) (4) u,v∈S where r is the number of codewords (x ,x ,...,x )∈C such that x = 1. If µ ,µ ,...,µ are all equal, we say i 1 2 n i 1 2 n that the code C is thermal-optimal, since the expected switching activities of the bus wires are then uniformly dis- tributed.Thisleadstothefollowingproblem: Givennandw,determinethemaximumsizeofathermal-optimal(n,w)-low-powercode (5) The size of C is important because we wish to minimize the area overhead introduced by our coding scheme. This overheadislargelydeterminedbythenumbern−kofadditionalwiresthatweneedtoencodeagivensourceS⊆Fk. 2 Clearly,toencodesuchasource,weneedacodeCwith|C|(cid:62)2k. It is easy to see from (4) that µ ,µ ,...,µ are all equal if and only if r ,r ,...,r are all equal. Hence in a 1 2 n 1 2 n thermal-opti- mal code C, the number of codewords (x ,x ,...,x )∈C having x =1 is the same for all i. Such 1 2 n i codesaresaidtobeequireplicateinthecombinatoricsliterature.Toconstructsuchcodes,wewillneedtoolsfromthe theoryofsetsystemsaswassuggestedbyChee,Colbourn,andLing[10]. A. Set Systems Givenapositiveintegern,theset{1,2,...,n}isabbreviatedas[n].ForafinitesetXandk(cid:54)|X|,wedefine (cid:18) (cid:19) 2X d=ef(cid:8)A : A ⊆ X(cid:9) and X d=ef(cid:8)A ∈2X : |A| = k(cid:9) k 8 A set system of order n is a pair (X,A), where X is a finite set of n points and A ⊆ 2X. The elements of A arecalled blocks.Asetsystem(X,2X)isacomplete set system.The replication numberofx∈X isthenumberof blockscontainingx.Asetsystemis equireplicateifitsreplicationnumbersareallequal. There is a natural one-to-one correspondence between the Hamming n-space Fn and the complete set system 2 ([n],2[n])ofordern.Foravectorx= (x ,x ,...,x )∈Fn,the support of xisdefinedas 1 2 n 2 supp(x) d=ef (cid:8)i ∈ [n] : x (cid:54)=0(cid:9) i With this, the positions of vectors in Fn correspond to points in [n], each vector x∈Fn corresponds to the block 2 2 supp(x), and d(x,y) = |supp(x)(cid:52) supp(y)|, where (cid:52) stands for the symmetric difference. It follows from the above that there is a 1-1 correspondence between the set of all codes of length n and the set of all set systems of ordern.Thuswemayspeakofthe set system of a codeorthe code of a set system. B. Thermal-Optimal Low-Power Codes Thesetsystem([n],A)ofathermal-optimal(n,w)-low-powercodeisdefinedbythefollowingproperties: 1) |A (cid:52)A |(cid:54)wforall A ,A ∈ A,and 1 2 1 2 2) ([n],A)isequireplicate. Itfollowsthatourproblemin(5)canberecastasanequivalentprobleminextremalsetsystems,asfollows: Givennandw,determineT(n,w),themaximumsizeofanequireplicateset (6) system(X,A)ofordernsuchthat|A (cid:52)A |(cid:54)wforall A ,A ∈A 1 2 1 2 Iftheequireplicationconditionisremoved,theresultingsetsystemisknownasan anticode of length n and diame- ter w.Hence,thermal-optimallow-powercodesareequivalentto equi- replicate anticodes.Anticodesingeneral,and thesizeofanticodesofmaximumsizehavebeenasubjectofintensiveresearchincodingtheory,see[1,2,8,15,32, 38]andreferencestherein. Thedeterminationofequireplicateanticodesofmaximumsizeappearstobeanewproblem,alsotothecombina- torics and coding theory communities. However, the maximum size of an anticode has been completely determined byKleitman[27],andevenearlierbyKatona[25],inadifferentbutequivalentsetting.Thusthefollowingtheoremis from[25]and[27]. Theorem1. Let T(n,w) be the maximum number of blocks in a set system ([n],A) with |A (cid:52)A | (cid:54) w for all 1 2 A1,A2∈A.Then w∑/2(cid:18)ni(cid:19) if w ≡0 (mod 2) T(n,w) = i=0 (cid:18)nw−−11(cid:19) + w∑−21(cid:18)ni(cid:19) if w ≡1 (mod 2) 2 i=0 Forallevenw,anextremalsetsystem([n],A)withT(n,w)blocksisgivenby: w(cid:91)/2(cid:18)[n](cid:19) A = (7) i i=0 Ifwisodd,letxbeanyfixedelementof[n].Thenanextremalsetsystem([n],A)isgivenby: w(cid:91)−21(cid:18)[n](cid:19) (cid:91) (cid:40) (cid:18)[n]\{x}(cid:19)(cid:41) A = A∪{x} : A ∈ (8) i w−1 i=0 2 9 Weobservehere thatwhen w iseven, theextremalsetsystem inTheorem1 isequireplicate. Itconsistsofallthe vectorsoflengthnandweightatmostw/2.Hence,wehavethefollowingresult,whichsolves(5)and(6)forevenw. Corollary2. w∑/2(cid:18)n(cid:19) T(n,w) = when w ≡0(mod 2) i i=0 The situation when w is odd is much more difficult. The set system in (8) is not equireplicate. In particular, we do not know if there exists an equireplicate anticode of order n and diameter w having size T(n,w). Hence, from Theorem1wecanderiveonlythatforalloddw,wehave: w∑−21(cid:18)n(cid:19) (cid:54) T(n,w) (cid:54) (cid:18)n−1(cid:19) + w∑−21(cid:18)n(cid:19) (9) i w−1 i i=0 2 i=0 Thelefthandsideoftheequationisobtainedfromacodewhichconsistsofallthevectorsoflengthnandweightat most(w−1)/2.TherighthandsideisobtainedfromtheupperboundonT(n,w)giveninTheorem1. ThenextthreepropositionsestablishessomeexactvaluesofT(n,w)foroddw. Proposition3. T(n,1) = 1 for n(cid:62)2. Proof:Sincethedistancebetweentwodifferentvectorsoflengthnandweightoneistwo,itfollowsthatT(n,1) = 1whenn(cid:62)2.Acodewithmaximumsizeconsistsoftheuniqueall-zerovectoroflengthn. Proposition4. T(n,n−1) = 2n−1 for n(cid:62)3 . Proof: When the distance between two codeword is at most n−1, the code cannot contain two complement codewordsandhenceitssizeisatmost2n−1.Foroddn,anequireplicatesetsystemofsize2n−1 isobtainedfromall vectorsoflengthnandweightatmostn/2.Forevenn,wegivethefollowingconstruction(whichalsoworksforany oddn(cid:62)5ifinductionisapplied).Let([n−1],A)beasetsystemwhichattainsT(n−1,n−2) =2n−2.Wedefine thefollowingsetsystem([n],B). B d=ef {X∪{n} : X ∈ A}(cid:91){X : X ∈ A}. WeclaimthatB isanequireplicatesetsystemwhichattains T(n,n−1) = 2n−1.Clearly,|B| = 2|A| = 2n−1 and the fact that A does not contain complement blocks immediately implies that also B does not contain complement blocks. Finally, since A is equireplicate and its size is 2n−2, it follows that each element of [n−1] is contained in 2n−3 blocksofA.Now,iseasytoverifythatifeachi ∈ [n−1]iscontainedin2n−3 blocksofA,theneachi ∈ [n] iscontainedin2n−2elementsinB.Hence,BisanequireplicatesetsystemwhichattainsT(n,n−1) =2n−1. Proposition5. T(n,3) = n+1 for n(cid:62)5. Proof: Firstnote,thatbyProposition4wehaveT(4,3) = 8.Also,T(n,2) = ∑1 (n) = n+1foralln (cid:62) 2. i=0 i Finally, it is easy to verify that T(5,3) = 6, These facts will be used in the current proof that T(n,3) = n+1 if n >4.LetCbethelargestpossibleequireplicateanticodeoflengthn >5anddiameter3. 10 LetxandzbetwocodewordsofCsuchthatd(x,z) = 3.W.l.o.g.xandzdifferinthelastthreecoordinatesand thefirstn−3coordinatesinbothhavex1,x2,...,xn−3. Letαβγandα¯β¯γ¯ bethevaluesofthelastthreecoordinatesinxandz,respectively.Thereisnoothercodewordin Cwhichendswitheitherαβγorα¯β¯γ¯ sincesuchacodewordshouldalsostartwithx1,x2,...,xn−3,toavoiddistance greaterthan3fromeitherxorz,andhencesuchacodewordwillbeequaltoeitherxorz.Sinceeachoneofthelast threecolumnshasatleastone zeroandatleastone oneandtheanticodeisequireplicate,itfollowsthattheweightof acolumnisatleast1andatmost |C|−1.TheHammingdistanceofanytwoof100,010,001,111is2andhence theprefixesoflengthn−3relatedtothecodewordsendingwiththesesufficesdifferinatmostonecoordinate.Since anticodewithdiameteronehasatmosttwocodewords,itfollowsthatallcodewordswiththesesuffices(ifdiffer)have differentvaluesinexactlythesamecoordinate(intheprefixoflengthn−3).Thesameargumentholdsalsoforthe codewordsendingwith011,101,110,and000(theyhavethesamevaluesinn−4outofthefirstn−3coordinates). Notethatsincethesuffixofeitherxorzisin{100,010,001,111}andtheothersuffiexisin{011,101,110,000},it followsthatalltheothern−5coordinates(whichdon’thavedifferentvalues)ofxandzhavethesamevaluesforall thecodewords.Sincen > 5,itfollowsthateachoneofthen−5coordinates(whichexist)formseitheracolumnof zeroesoracolumnof ones.Ifthecolumnconsistsof zeroeswehaveacontradictionsincetheweightofthecolumn is0whichissmallerthan1.Ifthecolumnconsistsof oneswehaveacontradictionsincetheweightofthecolumnis |C|whichisgreaterthan|C|−1. Thus, for n > 5 there are no two codewords for which the Hamming distance is three. and hence for n > 6, T(n,3) = T(n,2) = n+1,whichcompletestheproof. For other odd values of w, we start with the extremal anticode A of diameter w−1 in (7) and add blocks to A whilemaintainingtheequireplicationrequirement.Suchblocksmustcontainexactly (w+1)/2pointstomakesure thattheirdistancewiththeblocksofAwith(w−1)/2points,orless,willnotexceedw+1.Anytwoblockswith (w+1)/2 points must intersect in at least one point as otherwise their distance will be w+1. Interestingly, these propertiespreciselydefinea regular uniform quorum systemofrank(w+1)/2.Quorumsystemshavebeenstudied extensivelyintheliteratureonfault-tolerantanddistributedcomputing—see[45]forarecentsurvey.Therearemany typesofsuchsystems.Forexample,if(w+1)/2 = q+1,n = q2+q+1,andqisaprimepower,thenanoptimal suchsystemconsistsofq2+q+1blockswhichformaprojectiveplaneoforderq[44,p.224].Inotherwords Proposition6.Ifw =2q+1,qisaprimepower,then T(q2+q+1,2q+1) = ∑q (cid:18)q2+q+1(cid:19)+q2+q+1. i i=0 For a proof of this proposition and other similar constructions, we refer the reader to the work in [12], where such systemsareconstructedfromcombinatorialdesigns. IV. COOLINGCODES Unfortunately, it is not possible to satisfy PropertyA(t) with nonadaptive coding schemes, even for t = 1. Indeed, suppose we wish to avoid state transitions on just the one hottest wire, say wire i. If the encoder does not know the current state of wire i, the only way to guarantee that there is no state transition is to have x = y for any i i