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CONVEX CONSTRAINED SEMIALGEBRAIC VOLUME 1 OPTIMIZATION: APPLICATION IN SYSTEMS AND CONTROL Ashkan Jasour, Constantino Lagoa School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Pennsylvania State University Abstract Abstract- In this paper, we generalize the chance optimization problems and introduce constrained volume 7 optimizationwhereenablesustoobtainconvexformulationforchallengingproblemsinsystemsandcontrol.Weshow 1 thatmanydifferentproblemscanbecastasaparticularcasesofthisframework.Inconstrainedvolumeoptimization, 0 we aim at maximizing the volume of a semialgebraic set under some semialgebraic constraints. Building on the 2 theory of measures and moments, a sequence of semidefinite programs are provided, whose sequence of optimal values is shown to converge to the optimal value of the original problem. We show that different problems in the n areaofsystemsandcontrolthatareknowntobenonconvexcanbereformulatedasspecialcasesofthisframework. a J Particularly, in this work, we address the problems of probabilistic control of uncertain systems as well as inner approximationofregionofattractionandinvariantsetsofpolynomialsystems.Numericalexamplesarepresentedto 1 illustrate the computational performance of the proposed approach. 3 ] C Index Terms O measureandmomenttheory,polynomialsystems,sumofsquarespolynomials,semialgebraicset,SDPrelaxation. . h t a m I. INTRODUCTION Thepurposeoftheproposedapproachistodevelopconvextractablerelaxationsfordifferentproblemsinthearea [ of systems and control that are known to be ”hard”. We introduce the so-called constrained volume optimization 1 and show that many challenging problems can be cast as a particular type of this framework. More precisely, we v aim at maximizing the volume of a semialgebraic set under some semialgebraic constraints; i.e., let S (a) and 0 1 S (a) be semialgebraic sets described by set of polynomial inequalities as follows 1 2 9 8 S (a):={x∈χ: P (x,a)≥0,j =1,...,o } (1) 0 1 1j 1 . 1 0 S2(a):={x∈χ: P2j(x,a)≥0,j =1,...,o2} (2) 7 where a denotes the vector of design parameters. The objective is to find a parameter vector a such that maximizes 1 : the volume of the set S1(a) under the constraint S1(a)⊆S2(a). More precisely, we aim at solving the following v problem i X P∗ := sup vol S (a), (3) r vol µx 1 a∈A a s.t. S (a)⊆S (a) (3a) 1 2 (cid:82) where, vol S (a) = dµ is the volume of the set S (a) with respect to a given measure µ . Many well- µx 1 S1(a) x 1 x known problems can be formulated as a constrained volume optimization problem. As an example, consider the problemoffindingthemaximalregionofattraction(ROA)setfordynamicalsystems.Foragivenpolynomialsystem x˙ =f(x), maximal ROA set is the largest set of all initial states whose trajectories converge to the origin. This set can be approximated by level sets of a polynomial Lyapunov function V(x). The level set of Lyapunov function {x ∈ Rn : 0 ≤ V(x) ≤ 1} is ROA set if it is contained in the region described by {x ∈ Rn : V˙(x) ≤ (cid:15)(cid:107)x(cid:107)2}. 2 By characterizing V(x) with a finite order polynomial with unknown coefficients vector a and defining S (a) := 1 (cid:110) (cid:111) {x∈Rn : 0≤V(x,a)≤1} and S (a) := x∈Rn : V˙(x,a)≤(cid:15)(cid:107)x(cid:107)2 , the problem of finding maximal ROA 2 2 set can be reformulated as a constrained volume optimization problem. More details are provided in Section IV where we reformulate different problems in system and control area as constrained volume optimization problems. More precisely, we address the problems of probabilistic control of uncertain systems, inner approximation of region of attraction set and invariant set of polynomial systems, and we also introduce generalized sum of squares problems. The defined constrained volume optimization problem in this workisingeneralnon-convexoptimizationproblem.Inthiswork,relyingonmeasuresandmomentstheoryaswell as sum of squares theory, we provide a sequence of convex relaxations whose solution converge to the solution of the original problem. A. Previous Work Several approaches have been proposed to solve the problem of approximating the volume of a given set. For example, in [1] using theory of measures and moments, hierarchy of SDP problems are proposed to compute the volumeofagivencompactsemialgebraicset.Inthismethod,volumeproblemcanbereformulatedasamaximization problem over finite Borel measures supported on the given set and restricted by the Lebesgue measure on a simple set containing the semialgebraic set of interest. As a particular case of the setting in this paper, there exist some approaches to approximate the probability of a given set. In ([2], [3], [4]) a method called scenario approach to find a tractable approximation for chance constraints problems are provided where probabilistic constraints are replaced by a large number of deterministic constraints. In ([5], [6]), to solve the problems with convex constraints that are affine in random vector, a method called Bernstein approximation is proposed where a convex conservative approximation of chance constraints is constructedusinggeneratingfunctions.In([7],[8]),analternativeapproachisproposedwheredeterminesanupper bound on the probability of constraints. This method can only be applied to specific uncertainty structures. In ([9], [10], [11]) convex relaxations of chance constrained problems are presented by introducing the concept of polynomial kinship function to estimate an upper bound on the probability of constraint. It is shown that as the degree of the polynomial kinship function increases, solutions to the relaxed problem converges to a solution of the original problem. Using the theory of moments, in ([12], [11]), an equivalent convex formulation is provided, where the probability is approximated by computing polynomial approximations of indicator functions. Buildingontheoryofmeasuresandmomentsaswellastheoryofsumofsquarespolynomials,manyapproaches have been proposed to reformulate different problems in the area of control and system as a convex optimization problems with Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMI). The methods in ([13], [14], [15], [16]), provide hierarchy of finite dimensional LMI relaxations to compute polynomial outer approximation of the region of attraction set and maximumcontrolledinvariantsetforpolynomialsystems.Theconceptofoccupationmeasureisusedtoreformulate theoriginalproblemtotruncatedmomentproblem.ItisshownthattheoptimalvalueoftheprovidedLMIconverges to the volume of desired sets and on the other hand the optimal value of the dual problem in continuous function spaceconvergestothepolynomialouterapproximationoftheset.Thisproposedmethodismodifiedin[14]toobtain a inner approximation for region of attraction set for finite time-horizon polynomial systems. In this case, outer approximations of complement of region of attraction set is computed. In ([17], [18]) sum of square formulation to find a suitable Lyapunov function for dynamical system and approximation of region of attraction set is provided. In provided approach, one needs to look for SOS Lyapunov function whose negative derivative is also SOS. Also, a repetitive control design approach is provided where enables to maximize the ROA set of the system. The purpose of this work, is to develop convex tractable relaxations for different problems in the area of systems and control. In this paper, we introduce constrained volume optimization problem and show that many problems can be cast as a particular case of this problem. Inourpreviouswork,weaddressedthechanceconstrainedoptimizationproblemswhereoneaimsatmaximizing the probability of a set defined by polynomial inequalities, (see [19], [20], [21], [16]). Based on the theory of measuresandmoments,wedevelopedasequenceofconvexrelaxationswhosesequenceofoptimalvaluesconverge to the optimal value of the original problem. In the provided convex problem, we look for the nonnegative Borel measure with maximum possible mass on the given semialgebraic set, while simultaneously searching for an upper bound probability measure over a simple set containing the semialgebraic set and restricting the Borel measure. In this paper, we generalize the obtained results in chance constrained problem and introduce the so-called constrained semialgebraic volume optimization problem. This framework enables us to find a convex equivalent problem for different problems with deterministic or probabilistic nature. To develop a sequence of convex SDP 2 problems, we use results on moments of measures, known as Lasserre’s hierarchy (e.g., see [22], [23], [24], [25]), as well as duality theory which results in sum of squares (SOS) polynomial relaxations (e.g., see [26], [24]). B. The Sequel The outline of the paper is as follows. In Section II, the notation adopted in the paper and preliminary results on measureandpolynomialtheoryarepresented.InSectionIII,wepreciselydefinetheconstrainedvolumeoptimization problem with respect to semialgebraic constraints. In Section IV, some well-known nonconvex problems in system andcontrolareaarereformulatedasconstrainedvolumeoptimizationproblems.InSectionsV,weproposeequivalent convex problem and sequences of SDP relaxations to the original problem and show that the sequence of optimal solutions to SDP relaxations converges to the solutions of the original problems. In Section VI, the problems dual to the convex problems given in Section V are provided. In Section VII, some numerical results are presented to illustrate the numerical performance of the proposed approach, and finally, conclusion is stated in Section VIII. II. NOTATIONANDPRELIMINARYRESULTS In this paper, building on the theory of measure and moments as well as theory of polynomials, we develop our semidefinite programs to approximate the optimal solution of the original problems. Hence, in this paper the mathematical background and some basic definitions on polynomial and measure theory as well as linear and semidefinite programming are presented. A. Polynomial Functions LetR[x]betheringofrealpolynomialsinthevariablesx∈Rn.GivenP ∈R[x],werepresentP as(cid:80) p xα α∈Nn α usingthestandardbasis{xα}α∈Nn ofR[x],andp={pα}α∈Nn denotesthepolynomialcoefficients.Weassumethat the elements of the coefficient vector p = {pα}α∈Nn are sorted according to grevlex order on the corresponding monomial exponent α. Given n and d in N, we define S := (cid:0)d+n(cid:1) and Nn := {α ∈ Nn : (cid:107)α(cid:107) ≤ d}. Let n,d n d 1 R [x]⊂R[x] denote the set of polynomials of degree at most d∈N, which is indeed a vector space of dimension d Sn,d.SimilarlytoP ∈R[x],givenP ∈Rd[x],p={pα}α∈Nnd issortedsuchthatNnd (cid:51)0=α(1) <g ...<g α(Sn,d), where S is the number of components in p. n,d Now, consider the following definitions on polynomials. Sum of Squares Polynomials: Let S2[x] ⊂ R[x] be the set of sum of squares (SOS) polynomials. Polynomial s : Rn → R is an SOS polynomial if it can be written as a sum of finitely many squared polynomials, i.e., s(x)=(cid:80)(cid:96) h (x)2 for some (cid:96)<∞ and h ∈R[x] for 1≤j ≤(cid:96), ([24], [27]). j=1 j j Quadratic Module: For a given set of polynomials P (x)∈R[x],j =1,...,(cid:96), the quadratic module generated j by these polynomials is denoted by QM(P ,...,P )⊂R[x] and defined as ([23], [24]) 1 (cid:96) (cid:96) (cid:88) QM(P ,...,P ):=s (x)+ s (x)P , {s }(cid:96) ⊂S2[x] (4) 1 (cid:96) 0 j j j j=0 j=1 Putinar’s property: A closed semialgebraic set K = {x ∈ Rn : P (x) ≥ 0, j = 1,2,...,(cid:96) } defined by j polynomials P ∈ R[x] satisfies Putinar’s property [28] if there exists U ∈ R[x] such that {x : U(x) ≥ 0} j is compact and U = s + (cid:80)(cid:96) s P for some SOS polynomials {s }(cid:96) ⊂ S2[x] – see [28], [23], [29]. 0 j=1 j j j j=0 Putinar’s property holds if the level set {x : P (x) ≥ 0} is compact for some j, or if all P are affine and K j j is compact - see [29]. Putinar’s property is not a geometric property of the semi-algebraic set K, but rather an algebraic property related to the representation of the set by its defining polynomials. Hence, if there exits M >0 such that the polynomial P (x) := M − (cid:107)x(cid:107)2 ≥ 0 for all x ∈ K, then the new representation of the set (cid:96)+1 K={x∈Rn :P (x)≥0, j =1,2,...,(cid:96)+1 } satisfies Putinar’s property, [19]. j B. Measures and Moments Let M(χ) be the space of finite Borel measures and M (χ) be the cone of finite nonnegative Borel measures + µ such that supp(µ) ⊂ χ, where supp(µ) denotes the support of the measure µ; i.e., the smallest closed set that contains all measurable sets with strictly positive µ measure. Also, let C ⊂Rn, Σ(C) denotes the Borel σ-algebra 3 over C. Given two measures µ and µ on a Borel σ-algebra Σ, the notation µ (cid:52) µ means µ (S) ≤ µ (S) 1 2 1 2 1 2 for any set S ∈ Σ. Moreover, if µ and µ are both measures on Borel σ-algebras Σ and Σ , respectively, then 1 2 1 2 µ=µ ×µ denotes the product measure satisfying µ(S ×S )=µ (S )µ (S ) for any measurable sets S ∈Σ , 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 S ∈Σ [1]. 2 2 Let RN denote the vector space of real sequences. Given y = {yα}α∈Nn ⊂ RN, let Ly : R[x] → R be a linear map defined as ([22], [23]) P (cid:55)→ L (P)= (cid:88) p y , where P(x)= (cid:88) p xα (5) y α α α α∈Nn α∈Nn A sequence y ={yα}α∈Nn ∈RN is said to have a representing measure, if there exists a finite Borel measure µ on Rn such that y =(cid:82) xαdµ for every α∈Nn – see ([22], [23]). In this case, y is called the moment sequence α of the measure µ. Given two square symmetric matrices A and B, the notation A(cid:60)0 denotes that A is positive semidefinite, and A(cid:60)B stands for A−B being positive semidefinite. MomentMatrix:Givenr ≥1andthesequence{yα}α∈Nn,themomentmatrixMr(y)∈RSn,r×Sn,r,containing all the moments up to order 2r, is a symmetric matrix and its (i,j)-th entry is defined as follows ([22], [23], [25]): (cid:16) (cid:17) M (y)(i,j):=L xα(i)+α(j) =y (6) r y α(i)+α(j) where 1≤i,j ≤Sn,r, Nnr (cid:51)0=α(1) <g ...<g α(Sn,2r) and Sn,2r is the number of moments in Rn up to order (cid:104) (cid:105)T 2r. Let BT = xα(1),...,xα(Sn,r) denote the vector comprised of the monomial basis of R [x]. Note that the r r moment matrix can be written as M (y) = L (cid:0)B BT(cid:1); here, the linear map L operates componentwise on the r y r r y matrix of polynomials, B BT. For instance, let r = 2 and n = 2; the moment matrix containing moments up to r r order 2r is given as   y | y y | y y y 00 10 01 20 11 02  − − − − − −     y10 | y20 y11| y30 y21 y12    M2(y)= y01−| y−11 −y02| y−21 −y12−y03  (7)    y20 | y30 y21| y40 y31 y22     y11 | y21 y12| y31 y22 y13  y | y y | y y y 02 12 03 22 13 04 Localizing Matrix: Given a polynomial P ∈ R[x], let p = {pγ}γ∈Nn be its coefficient sequence in standard monomial basis, i.e., P(x) = (cid:80)α∈Nnpαxα, the (i,j)-th entry of the localizing matrix Mr(y;P) ∈ RSn,r×Sn,r with respect to y and p is defined as follows ([22], [23], [25]): M (y;P)(i,j):=L (cid:16)Pxα(i)+α(j)(cid:17)= (cid:88) p y (8) r y γ γ+α(i)+α(j) γ∈Nn where, 1≤i,j ≤S . Equivalently, M (y,P)=L (cid:0)PB BT(cid:1), where L operates componentwise on PB BT. n,d r y r r y r r For example, given y={yα}α∈N2 and the coefficient sequence p={pα}α∈N2 corresponding to polynomial P, P(x ,x )=bx −cx2, (9) 1 2 1 2 the localizing matrix for r =1 is formed as follows (cid:34) (cid:35) by −cy by −cy by −cy 10 02 20 12 11 03 M (y;P)= by −cy by −cy by −cy (10) 1 20 12 30 22 21 13 by −cy by −cy by −cy 11 03 21 13 12 04 C. Preliminary Results on Measures and Polynomials In this section, we state some standard results found in the literature that will be referred to later in this thesis. Moment Condition: The following lemmas give necessary, and sufficient conditions for sequence of moments y to have a representing measure µ – for details see [1], [26], [23], [19]. 4 Lemma 1: Let µ be a finite Borel measure on Rn, and y = {yα}α∈Nn such that yα = (cid:82) xαdµ for all α ∈ Nn. Then M (y)(cid:60)0 for all d∈N. d Lemma 2: Let y={yα}α∈Nn be a real sequence. If Md(y)(cid:60)0 for some d≥1, then (cid:26) (cid:27) |y |≤max y , max L (cid:0)x2d(cid:1) ∀α∈Nn . α 0 y i 2d i=1,...,n Lemma 3: If there exist a constant c > 0 such that M (y) (cid:60) 0 and |y | ≤ c for all d ∈ N and α ∈ Nn, then d α there exists a representing measure µ with support on [−1,1]n. Lemma 4: Let µ be a Borel probability measure supported on the hyper-cube [−1,1]n. Its moment sequence y∈RN satisfies (cid:107)y(cid:107) ≤1. ∞ Given polynomials P ∈R[x], let p be its coefficient sequence in standard monomial basis for j =1,2,...,(cid:96); j j consider the semialgebraic set K defined as K={x∈Rn :P (x)≥0, j =1,2,...,(cid:96) }. (11) j The following lemma gives a necessary and sufficient condition for y to have a representing measure µ supported on K – see [1], [26], [23], [22]. Lemma 5: If K defined in (11) satisfies Putinar’s property, then the sequence y={yα}α∈Nn has a representing finite Borel measure µ on the set K, if and only if M (y)(cid:60)0, M (y;p )(cid:60)0, j =1,...,(cid:96), for all d∈N. d d j Measure of Compact Set: The following lemma, proven in [1], shows that the Borel measure of a compact set is equal to the optimal value of an infinite dimensional LP problem. Lemma 6: Let Σ be the Borel σ-algebra on Rn, and µ be a measure on a compact set B ⊂ Σ. Then for any 1 given K∈Σ such that K⊆B, one has (cid:90) (cid:26)(cid:90) (cid:27) µ (K)= dµ = sup dµ :µ (cid:52)µ , 1 1 2 2 1 K µ2∈M(K) where M(K) is the set of finite Borel measures on K. SOS Representation: The following lemma gives a sufficient condition for f ∈R[x] to be nonnegative on the set K– see [30], [26], [22], [23]. Lemma 7: Assume K defined in (11) satisfies Putinar’s property. If P ∈ R[x] is strictly positive on K, then P ∈QM({P }(cid:96) ). Hence, j j=1 (cid:96) (cid:88) P =s + s P , s ∈S2[x], j =0,...,(cid:96) 0 j j j j=1 Duality:Thefollowingtheoremsshowtherelationshipbetweenmeasures,continuousfunctionsandpolynomials: i)Stone-WeierstrassTheorem:Everycontinuousfunctiondefinedonaclosedsetcanbeuniformlyapproximated as closely as desired by a polynomial function, [31]. ii) Riesz Representation Theorem: Let C(χ) be the Banach space of continuous functions on χ with associated norm (cid:107)f(cid:107):=sup |f(x)| for f ∈C and C (χ):={f ∈C :f ≥0 on χ} be the cone of nonnegative continuous x∈χ + functions. The cone of nonnegative measures is dual to the cone of nonnegative continuous functions with inner (cid:82) product (cid:104)µ,f(cid:105) := fdµ, µ ∈ M (χ), f ∈ C (χ); i.e., any µ ∈ M (χ) belongs to the space of all linear χ + + + functional on C (χ) - see ([32], Section 21.5, [30], [33]). + D. Linear and Semidefinite Programming In this section preliminary results on linear program and semidefinite programs are presented. Consider the linear programming (LP) problem in standard form P∗ := max(cid:104)x,c(cid:105) (12) s.t. Ax≤b (12a) x≥0. (12b) 5 where, x∈Rn is variable vector, A:Rn →Rm is the linear operator, b∈Rm are real matrices and vector.Also, (cid:104)x,c(cid:105)=cTx. Based on standard results on LP [30], [33], the dual problem of (12) reads as P∗ := min(cid:104)b,y(cid:105) (13) Dual s.t. A∗y ≥c (13a) y ≥0. (13b) where, A∗ : Rm → Rn denotes the adjoint operator of A, i.e., (cid:104)A∗y,x(cid:105) = (cid:104)y,Ax(cid:105). The following theorem shows the relationship of primal and dual problems. Theorem1:StrongDuality:Ifinproblem(12),(cid:104)x,c(cid:105)isfinitevalueandtheset{(Ax,(cid:104)x,c(cid:105)):x≥0)}isclosed, then there is no duality gap between (12) and (13), i.e., P∗ =P∗ , ([30], Theorem 3.10, [33], Theorem 7.2) Dual Consider the semidefinite programming (SDP) problem in standard form P∗ := min(cid:104)C,X(cid:105) (14) s.t. (cid:104)A ,X(cid:105)=b , i=1,...,m (14a) i i X (cid:60)0. (14b) where, A ,C ∈Rn×Rn, vector b∈Rm, and X ∈Rn×Rn, (cid:104)C,X(cid:105)=trace(CX). Based on standard results on i SDP [34], [35], the dual problem of (14) reads as P∗ := maxbTy (15) Dual m (cid:88) s.t. C− A y (cid:60)0 (15a) i i i=1 The following theorem shows the relationship of primal and dual problems. Theorem 2: Slater’s sufficient condition: if the feasible set of strictly positive matrices in constraint of primal SDP is nonempty, then there is no duality gap between (14) and (15), i.e., P∗ =P∗ , ([34], [35]) . Dual III. PROBLEMSTATEMENT In this work, we consider constrained volume optimization problems defined as follows: Let (χ,Σ ,µ ) be a x x given measure space with Σ denoting the Borel σ-algebra of χ⊂Rn and µ denoting a finite nonnegative Borel x x measure on Σ . Consider semialgebraic sets S :Rn →Σ and S :Rn →Σ as follows x 1 x 2 x S (a):={x∈χ: P (x,a)≥0,j =1,...,o } (16) 1 1j 1 S (a):={x∈χ: P (x,a)≥0,j =1,...,o } (17) 2 2j 2 where P : Rn×Rm → R, j = 1,2,...,o , and P : Rn×Rm → R, j = 1,2,...,o are given polynomials. 1j 1 2j 2 We focus on the following problem. P∗ := sup vol S (a), (18) vol µx 1 a∈A s.t. S (a)⊆S (a) (18a) 1 2 (cid:82) where, vol S (a) = dµ is the volume of the set S (a) with respect to given finite Borel measure µ . In the problemµx(118), we arSe1(lao)okinxg for a∈A⊂Rm, the para1meters of sets S and S , such that volume of thxe set 1 2 S (a) becomes maximum while it is contained in the set S (a). 1 2 IV. APPLICATIONSINSYSTEMSANDCONTROL In this section we focus on some well-known challenging problems in the area of system and control which are, in general, nonconvex and computationally hard. As an first step in the development of convex relaxations of these problems, we reformulate them as a constrained volume optimization problem. 6 A. Region of Attraction Consider a continuous-time system of the form x˙ =f(x) (19) where, f : Rn → Rn is a polynomial function, x ∈ χ ⊂ Rn are system states and χ is compact that contains the origin. Let the origin x=0 be an asymptotically stable equilibrium point for the system. The region of attraction (ROA) set R ⊆χ is defined as largest set of all initial states whose trajectories converge to the origin. x For the system in (19), assume there exist a function V(x) such that V(0)=0,V(x)>0 for x(cid:54)=0 (20) The level set defined as R = {x∈χ:V(x)≤r} is an inner approximation of ROA if V˙(x) < 0 for all x ∈ R and V˙(x)=0for x=0 [36].In thiscase functionV(x) isa Lyapunovfunction forthe systemin (19).Weassume that polynomial system in (19) admits a polynomial Lyapunov function (see [37] for discussion on existence of a polynomial Lyapunov function). Hence, we can describe it as a finite order polynomial V(x) = (cid:80) a xi ∈ (cid:107)i(cid:107)1≤d i Rd[s], where a∈A⊂RSn,d is a vector of unknown coefficients, ([38], [39]). The following optimization problem can be used to find V(x) and corresponding inner approximation of maximal ROA. For a given system in (19) and given compact sets χ and A, solve P∗ := maxvol (R) (21) ROA a∈A µx (cid:88) s.t. V(x)= a xi, V(0)=0 (21a) i (cid:107)i(cid:107)1≤d V(x)>0, for all x(cid:54)=0 (21b) R={x∈χ: 0≤V(x)≤r} (21c) (cid:110) (cid:111) R⊆ x∈χ:V˙(x)≤−(cid:15) (cid:107)x(cid:107)2 (21d) r 2 (cid:82) where, vol (R) = dµ is the volume of the set R with respect to Lebesgue measure µ supported on χ, µx R x x (cid:107).(cid:107) is l norm and r > 0 and (cid:15) > 0 are given constants. By solving problem in (21), we are in fact looking 2 2 r for a Lyapunov function V(x) among the space of polynomial functions of order at most d. By defining the sets S (a) = {x ∈ χ : 0 ≤ V(x,a) ≤ r} and S (a) = {x ∈ χ : V˙(x,a) ≤ −(cid:15) (cid:107)x(cid:107)2}, problem in (21) can be 1 2 r 2 restated as volume optimization problem in (18). With the same reasoning, one can extend the problem in (21) for discrete-time systems x = f(x ) by replacing the derivative of Lyapunov function V˙(x) with the difference k+1 k Lyapunov function (cid:52)V(x)=V(x )−V(x ). k+1 k B. Maximal Invariant Set Consider a discrete time system x =f(x ) (22) k+1 k where, f : Rn → Rn is a polynomial function and x ∈ χ ⊂ Rn are system states. Given a compact set k ext χ⊂χ , the set V ⊂χ is robustly invariant if ext f(x)∈V, for all x∈V (23) Hence, maximal invariant set is the maximal set of all initial states whose trajectories remains inside the set. The following statement holds true for robustly invariant sets. Consider the set V ={x∈χ: P(x)≥0}, for bounded above function P(x). The set V is an robustly invariant set for dynamical system above if P(f(x)) (cid:62) 0 for all x∈V. In order to find a polynomial approximation of maximal robustly invariant set for dynamical system (22), we characterizethefunctionP(x)withfiniteorderpolynomialasP(x)=(cid:80)(cid:107)i(cid:107)1≤daixi ∈Rd[x],wherea∈A⊂RSn,d isvectorofunknowncoefficients.Then,weconsiderfollowingoptimizationproblemtoobtainunknowncoefficients. 7 Assumethatthegivencompactsetχcanbedescribedasχ={x∈Rn :P (x)≥0}⊂Rn,forsomepolynomial χ Pχ(x). Then for a given system in (22) and given compact sets χ⊂Rn and A⊂RSn,d, solve P∗ := maxvol (V) (24) INV a∈A µx s.t. P(x)= (cid:88) a xi, (24a) i (cid:107)i(cid:107)1≤d V ={x∈χ: P(x)≥0} (24b) V ⊂{x∈χ:P(f(x))≥0} (24c) (cid:82) where, vol (V)= dµ is the volume of the set V with respect to Lebesgue measure µ supported on χ . µx V x x ext By defining the sets S (a)={x∈χ:P(x,a)≥0} and S (a)={x∈χ:P(f(x),a)≥0}, problem (24) can 1 2 be restated as volume optimization problem (18). C. Probabilistic Control of Uncertain Systems Consider the following discrete-time stochastic dynamical system x =f(x ,u ,ω ,δ) (25) k+1 k k k where f : Rnx+nu+nω+nδ → Rnx is a polynomial function, xk ∈ χ ⊆ Rnx is system state, uk ∈ ψ ⊆ Rnu is control input, and ωk ∈Ω⊆Rmω is disturbance, at time step k, and δ ∈∆⊆Rnδ is uncertain model parameter. The initial state x ∈χ ⊆χ, model parameter δ, and disturbance ω at time k are independent random variables 0 0 k with probability measure µ , µ , and µ supported on χ , ∆, and Ω, respectively. We assume that χ ,∆, and x0 δ ωk 0 0 Ω are compact semialgebraic sets of the form χ0 = {x ∈ χ : P0(x) ≥ 0}, ∆ = {δ ∈ Rnδ : Pδ(δ) ≥ 0}, Ω={ω ∈Rnω :Pω(ω)≥0}forgivenpolynomialsP0,Pδ,Pω.LetN beagivenintegerandχN begivendesired terminal set. Also, χ is given compact feasible set for states of the system at time k. xk In probabilistic control, we aim at finding a polynomial state feedback control input to maximize the probability that x belongs to the feasible set χ and states of system reach the target set χ in at most N steps [21]. We k xk N assume that the desired terminal set χ and the feasible sets χ are defined as the compact semialgebraic sets as N xk χ ={x∈χ:P (x)≥0} (26) N N χ ={x∈χ:P (x)≥0} (27) xk k Also, control input u(xk):Rnx →Rnu takes the state feedback form as (cid:88) u (x )= a xi, j =1,...,n (28) j k ji k u ||i||1≤du where uj : Rnx → R is polynomial of order no more that du and a ∈ A ⊂ RSnx,du×nu is a vector of unknowncoefficients.Underthedefinitionsprovidedabove,probabilisticcontrolproblemcanbestatedasfollowing optimization problem. P∗ := maxProb (cid:8)x ∈χ ,{x ∈χ }N−1(cid:9) (29) PC a∈A µx0,µδ,{µωk}Nk=−01 N N k xk k=1 s.t. x =f(x ,u(x ),ω ,δ), (29a) k+1 k k k (cid:88) u (x )= a xi,j =1,...,n (29b) j k ji k u ||i||1≤du x ∼µ ,δ ∼µ ,ω ∼µ ,k =0,...,N −1 (29c) 0 x0 δ k ωk Clearly, x can explicitly be written in terms of control coefficients vector a, initial states x , uncertain parameters k 0 δ, and disturbances {ω }k−1, using the dynamical system given in (25) as x = P (x ,δ,{ω }k−1,a) where j j=0 k xk 0 i i=0 Pxk : Rnx+nδ+k×nω+Snx,du×nu → Rnx is a polynomial. Then, probabilistic control problem in (29) can be restated as a volume optimization problem as in (18) as follow: P∗ :=maxvol S (a) (30) PC a∈A µx0,µδ,{µωk}Nk=−01 1 8 where the objective function reads as (cid:90) vol S (a)= dµ dµ dµ ...dµ =Prob S (a) (31) µx0,µδ,{µωk}kN=−01 1 S1(a) x0 δ ω0 ωN−1 µx0,µδ,{µωk}Nk=−01 1 The semialgebraic set S (a) is defined as 1 (cid:26) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:110) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:111)N−1(cid:27) S1(a)= (x0,δ,{ωk}Nk=−01):PN PxN(x0,δ,{ωk}Nk=−01,a) ≥0, Pk Pxk(x0,δ,{ωi}ik=−01,a) ≥0 k=1 (32) In defined volume optimization (30), the set S2 is Rnx. D. Generalized Sum of Squares Problem Using SOS representation Lemma 7, we can find a polynomial that is strictly positive on the given semialgebraic set. Many different problems in system and control can be reformulated as SOS representation problem which results in semidefinite programming problems. In this work, we generalize the notion of SOS and introduce a new class of SOS problems where enable us to find a strictly positive polynomial on some unknown semialgebraic sets. More precisely, we define the Generalized Sum of Squares (GSOS) problem as follow. Generalized Sum of Squares: Consider polynomial P(x,a) ∈ R [x] and semialgebraic set S (a) := d 1 {x∈χ: P (x,a)≥0,j =1,...,o }wherea∈A⊂Rm areunknownparameters.Weaimatfindingparameters 1j 1 a such that polynomial P(x,a) is strictly positive on the set S (a). 1 This problem can be restated as a volume optimization problem in (18) by defining the set S (a) := 2 {x∈χ: P(x,a)≥0}. As an example of GSOS, we could consider the problem of finding polynomial Lyapunov function as in section IV-A where we are looking for a polynomial (cid:15)||x||2−V˙(x) to be strictly positive on the set 2 {x∈χ: 0≤V(x)≤r}, where (cid:15)<0 and r >0. V. EQUIVALENTCONVEXPROBLEMONMEASURESANDMOMENTS In this section, we first provide an equivalent infinite linear program (LP) on finite nonnegative Borel measures to solve the constrained volume optimization problem in (18). Then, we provide a finite dimensional semidefinite program (SDP) in moment space. Consider the sets of volume optimization problem S and S defined in (16) 1 2 and (17). Given polynomials P :Rn×Rm →R for j =1,2,...,o , and polynomials P :Rn×Rm →R for 1j 1 2j j =1,2,...,o , we define following sets as 2 K :={(x,a):P (x,a)≥0,j =1,...,o } (33) 1 1j 1 K :={(x,a):P (x,a)≥0,j =1,...,o } (34) 2 2j 2 Assumption 1: Assume that K and K satisfy Putinar’s property represented in Section II-A. This implies that 1 2 setsK andK arecompact;HencetheprojectionsofthesetsK andK ontox-coordinatesandontoa-coordinates 1 2 1 2 are also compact. Also, we assume without loss of generality that x ∈ χ := [−1,1]n and a ∈ A := [−1,1]m and the set (χ×A)\K ={(x,a)∈χ×A:(x,a)∈/ K } has a nonempty interior. 1 1 A. Linear Program on Measures As an intermediate step in the development of finite convex relaxations of the original problem in (18), a related infinite dimensional convex problem on measures is provided as follows. Let µ be the given measure supported x on χ defined in constrained volume problem (18). The sets K and K are defined as (33) and (34) and let K be 1 2 1 the complement of the set K . Consider the following problem on measures 1 (cid:90) P∗ := sup dµ, (35) measure µ,µa s.t. µ(cid:52)µ ×µ , (35a) a x µ is a probability measure, µ ∈M (A), (35b) a a + µ ×µ ∈M (K ∪K ), µ∈M (K ). (35c) a x + 1 2 + 1 9 In the problem (35), we are looking for measures µ and µ supported on K and A, such that µ is bounded by a 1 product measure µ ×µ supported on K ∪K . The following theorem, shows the equivalency of the problem in a x 1 2 (35) and the original volume problem in (18). Theorem 3: The optimization problem in (18) is equivalent to the infinite LP in (35) in the following sense: i) The optimal values are the same, i.e., P∗ =P∗ . vol measure ii) If an optimal solution to (35) exists, call it µ∗, then any a∗ ∈supp(µ∗) is an optimal solution to (18). a a iii) If an optimal solution to (18) exists, call it a∗, then µ = δ , Dirac measure at a∗, and µ = δ ×µ is an a a∗ a∗ x optimal solution to (35). Proof 1: See Appendix A. Problem(35),requiresinformationofthesetK anditscomplementK .Fromanumericalimplementationpoint 1 1 of view, this results on an ill conditioned problem. To solve problem (35), we first need to obtain finite relaxations that provide an outer approximation of the sets of problem (35). The outer approximation of the sets K and K 1 1 intersect and thus poor performance of the solution is observed. To solve this, we modify the provided problem on measures as follows. Wefirstaimatfindingtheapproximationoftheconstraintoftheoriginalproblem(18).Thesetthatapproximates the constraint of volume problem includes all design parameters a∈A for which the set S (a) is a subset of the 1 set S (a). Next, we look for parameter a inside the obtained set that maximizes the volume of the set S (a). 2 1 Let A be the set of all parameters a∈A for which the set S (a) is a subset of the set S (a), i.e. F 1 2 A :={a∈A:S (a)⊆S (a)} (36) F 1 2 To obtain the approximation of the set A , consider the following infinite LP on continuous functions: F (cid:90) P∗ := inf f(a)dµ , (37) Af f∈C(a) A A s.t. f(a)≥1 on K ∩K , (37a) 1 2 f(a)≥0 on χ×A. (37b) where, f ∈C(a) and K is the complement of the set K . 2 2 Then, following Theorem holds true. Theorem 4: Let µ be the Lebesgue measure of the set A. Also, let I be the indicator function of the set A AF A :={a∈A:S (a)(cid:54)⊆S (a)}; i.e., I (a)=1 if a∈A and 0 otherwise. Then F 1 2 AF F i) There is a sequence of continuous functions f (a) to Problem (37) that converges to the I in L -norm (cid:82) i AF 1 sense, i.e., lim |f (a)−I (a)|da=0. i→∞ A i AF ii) ThesetA ={a∈A: f (a)<1}convergestothesetA ,i.e.,lim µ (A −A )=0,andA ⊆A . fi i F i→∞ A F fi fi F Proof 2: See Appendix B. Now,toobtainanapproximateofthesolutionoftheoriginalvolumeproblem(18),considerinfiniteLPonmeasures as follows. Let, µ be the given measure supported on χ as in problem (18) and K be the set as in (33). Then, x 1 consider the following problem (cid:90) P∗ := sup dµ, (38) fi µ,µa s.t. µ(cid:52)µ ×µ , (38a) a x µ is a probability measure, (38b) a A ={a∈A: f (a)<1}, (38c) fi i µ ∈M (A ), µ∈M (K ). (38d) a + fi + 1 Now,followingtheoremestablishestheequivalenceofvolumeoptimizationproblemin(18)andinfiniteLPin(38). Theorem5:Let,(µ∗(f ),µ∗(f ),P∗)beanoptimalsolutionandvalueoftheLPin(38)fortheobtainedfunction a i i fi f and the set A solving Problem (37). Also, assume that volume problem (18) has a unique optimal solution i fi and value (a∗,P∗ ). As the set A ={a∈A: f (a)<1} defined in Theorem (4) converges to the set A , we vol fi i F have the following results: 10

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