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AUTHOR INDEX Volume 47 January - June 1993 Aday; CL. »: 242 Fahim, M.S., 107 ALLEL, A.; 483 Fahim, Z., 107 Aguayo, E.L., 515 Fahmy, K., 483 Aisien, A.O., 149 Fan, B-c, 527 Akhter, H., 569 Faundes, A., 169 Alvarez, F., 37 Feng, L.X., 251 Amatya, R.N., 569 Forcelledo, M.L., 317 Amor, S.R., 387 Fotherby K., 527 Back, D.J., 263 Franssen, E., 43 Bardin, C.W., 413, 499, 597, 609 Frick, J., 303 Begum, K., 569 Geelen, J.A.A., 215 Belenguer, A., 387 Genazzani, A.D., 229 Berni, S., S91 Genazzani, A.R., 229 Blumenthal, P.D., 193 Gerais, A.S., 513 Boehm, B.O., 55 Ghoneim, M., 483 Borggaard, O., 349 Gioia, D., 591 Bounds, W., 367 Giuliani, A., 591 Brache, V., 37 Green, F., 241 Buonocore, G., 592 Gross, W., 69 Bustan, M.N., 241 Grubb, G.S., 23 Bydgeman, M., 295 Gu, J., S39 Calventi, V., 515 Gu, Q-Q, 307 Campbell, M.J., 539 Gui, Y-I, 527 Cardenas, H., 317 Guillebaud, J., 367 Chan, Y.F., 85 Hammerstein, J., 263 Chang, C.C., 413, 597, 609 Harel, L., 469 Chen, J-k, 527 He, M-I, 527 Chi, i-c, 1, 325 Hellstrom, W.J.G., 401 Chowdhury, T., 569 Hendrixkx, A.G., 307 Coelingh-Bennink, H.J.T., 251 Hilditch, J.R., 43 Coker, A.L., 241 He, P.€.<85, -123 Coutinho, E.M., 97 Hoffmann, G., 283 Croxxato, H.B., 317 Hoogland, H.J., 583 Cullins, V.E., 193 Huggins, G.R., 193 Danielsson, K.G., 295 Hurkadli, K.S., 491 Daume, E., 263 Insler, V., 475 Davies, G.C., 251 Juchem, M., 283 ae Sitva,. 2., SiS Jung-Hoffmann, C., 55, ‘GS Df{az, J. 33, 166 Kadam, P.A., 499 Diaz, M., 169 Kakis, G., 131 Diza, -S.,; 37 Kaplan, B., 469 Dighe, N., 569 Katz, Z., 475 Dogan, P., 421 Kettering, J., 559 Bunson, F.R., 23; Si5,. 569 Kjaer, A., 349 edmekci, A., 385 Koide, S.S., 499 EEnink, M.J.D., 215 Kose, K., 421 Eisa, I., 483 Krueger, S.L., 569 El-Gazar, A., 483 Kuhi, H.,. 55, 49 Elger, W., 283 Lasley, B.L., 307 618 Contraception Laursen, K., 349 Silferi, M., 229 Lebech, P-E, 349 Simon, A.,; 263 Li, L-m, 527 Singh, S.K., 303 im, C=h, 527 Sivin, E:., 37 Lurie, S., 475 Skouby, S.0O., 583 Ma, H.K., 85, 123 Song; &:.,. 527 Maassen, G.C.T., 215 Spicer; D.V..,. 427 Macera, C.A., 241 Stacey, V.E., 387 Marchi, N., 169 Steiner, G., 131 Marshall, A., 131 Stern, J., 37 Marz, W., 69 Ssutecu, B.F., 107 Massafra, C., 591 Swahn, M.L., 295 Masson, S., 43 Tarantal, A.F., 307 Matlin, S.A., 397,387 Thowas, C.A.A., 307 McLaurin, V.L., 23, 515 Thormann, L., 349 Menevse, S., 385 Towobola, O.A., 149 Mobus, V., 283 Trebichavsk¥, I., 205 Monder, C., 597 Vanage, G., 499 Nair, A.G.R., 401 Van Beck, A., 251 Neiss, A., 263 van der Wardt, J.T.H., 215 Newman, B., 367 Van Look, P.F.A., 307 Newton, J.R., 251 Vernekar, V.J., 491 Nichols, M., 367 Vessey, M.P., 161 Nyklicek, O., 205 Vezzosi, P., 591 Ogunkeye, 0.0., 149 Villard-Mackintosh, L., 161 Orhan, G., 385 Vinci, P:M., 307 Otubu, J.A.M., 149 Vineze, I., S07 Oyelola, 0.0., 445 Volpe, A., 229 Ozesmi, C., 421 Voortman, G., 215 Paul, D., 359 Wang, M., 107 Pavez, M., 37 Wang, W-c, 413, 597, 609 Pearce, C.M., 387 Ward, S., 263 Pike, A., 427 Weber, J., 55, 69 Pike, M.C., 427 Winkler, U.H., 263 Pollow, K., 283 WHO Task Force on Long-Acting Powell, M.G., 43, 131 Systemic Agents for Fertility Gian, 8.2. 387 Regulation, 177, 455 Rahman, S., 569 Ku, ¥.,. 387 Rajasekaran, M., 401 Yang, P-j, 527 Remsburg, R.E., 193 Yang, Q-y, 527 Richardson, A., 359 Youngquist, R.S., 107 Richardson, J., 427 Zhang, J.W., 387 Robinson, G., 367 Rossman, A.W., 23 Rovan, E., 303 Rude, R., 427 Sampoerno, D., 241 Sanders, J.K.M., 387 Schindler, A.E., 263 Serani, R.G., 515 Sheth, A.R., 491 Shoupe, D., 427 Siekmeier, R., 69 Sikka, S.C., 401 SUBJECT INDEX Volume 47 January - June 1993 Anordiol, synthesis of derivatives, 507 Anordrin + RU 486, 317, 597 Anordrin/anordiol + RU 486, 413, 619 Antifertility effect, human seminal plasma inhibin immunization, 491 tamoxifen, 307 Antioxidant erythrocyte enzyme activities, OC use, 591 Bacille Calmette Guerin, intravasal application, 303 Barrier efficacy, condoms, 559 Biphasic OC, 55, 69 Bleeding patterns, 3-ketodesogestrel, 251 nomegestrol acetate, 97 triphasic OCs, 43 Blood loss, termination of pregnancy, 85 Blood pressure, monophasic OCs, 367 Breast cancer and OC use, 241 Breast cancer prevention, prototype contraceptive, 427 Carbohydrate metabolism, biphasic OC, 55 Cells adherent to IUDs, 205 Chemical male sterilization, 107 Condom choice for contraception, 539 Contraception, older women, 229 Contraceptive choice determinants, 539 Contraceptive potential, tamoxifen, 307 Copper IUDs, 37 Copper release, Cu IUDs, 349 CuT-200, 349, 483 Depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate, 177, 445 Derivatives synthesis, anordiol, 507 Determinants of contraceptive choice, 539 Efficacy, POCs, 1 Endometrial suction, 469 Endometrial trace elements, IUDs, 483 Epididymal injection, zinc arginine, 107 Epostane + RU 486, 499 Erythrocyte enzyme activities, OC use, 591 Ethinyl estradiol desogestrel, 55, 69, 229, 263, 367, 591 Ethinyl estradiol gestodene, 263, 367, 583 Ethinyl estradiol levonorgestrel, 43, 367, 421, 515 Ethinyl estradiol norethindrone, 43, 131 Ethinyl estradiol norethisterone acetate, 367, 421 Ethinyl estradiol norgestrel, 131, 445 Ethinyl estradiol, metabolism, 263 pharmacokinetics, 263 Gemeprost + mefipristone, 75 Genotoxic effect, gossypol acetic acid, 385 Gonadotropin hormone agonist + replacement hormones, 427 620 Contraception Gossypol acetic acid, genotoxic effect, 385 Gyne T 380, 37 Hormonal parameters, biphasic OC, 55 Human seminal plasma inhibin immunization, 491 Immunization, human seminal plasma inhibin, 491 Implanon™, 3-keto-desogestrel, 215, 251 Injectable contraceptive, depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate, 177, 445 Intrauterine device (IUD), CuT-200, 349, 483 Gyne T 380, 37 levonorgestrel-releasing, 169, 325 Lippes loop, 483 Multiload-375, 325 Nova-T, 325, 349 TCu-380A (Ag), 325 Intravasal Bacille Calmette Guerin, 303 IUD (intrauterine device) IUD choice for contraception, 539 IUD use, safety monitor, 359 IUDs, tumor necrosis factor alpha, 205 3-Keto-desogestrel, subdermal implant, 215, 251 Lactating women, POC use, 23 Latex condoms, barrier efficacy, 559 Levonorgestrel, menstrual blood loss, 455 subdermal implant, 149, 193, 569 Levonorgestrel IUD, 169, 325 Lipid metabolisn, biphasic OC, 69 depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate, 177, 445 ethinylestradiol + norgestrel, 445 levonorgestrel, 149 triphasic OCs, 131 Lipid peroxidation, OCs, 421 Lippes loop, 483 Lupron Depot® + Premarin® + Provera®, 427 Male antifertility compounds, Triptergium wilfordii, 387 Male fertility control, 303 Male sterilization, 197 Mechanism of action, POCs, 1 Mefipristone + gemeprost, 85 Mefipristone + sulprostone, 123 Menstrual blood loss, levonorgestrel, 455 Misoprostol + RU 486, 295 Mollugo pentaphylla, spermicidal activity, 401 Monitor, safety of IUD use, 359 Monophasic OCs, 367 Multiload-375, 325 Multiple sclerosis incidence, oc use, 161 reproductive factors, 161 Nomegestrol acetate, subdermal implant, 97 Non-hormonal contraception, endometrial suction, 469 Contraception Norethisterone, 527 Norgestimate, metabolism, 283 receptor binding, 283 Norgestrel POC, 23 Norgestr¢l use, lactating women, 23 Norplant™, 149, 193, 569 Nova-T, 325, 349 oc use, multiple sclerosis incidence, 161 oc use and breast cancer, 241 OCs (oral contraceptives) Older women, contraception, 229 Ovarian activity, 3-ketodesogestrel, 251 ultrasound, 583 Ovarian function, norethisterone, 527 Performance, levonorgestrel-releasing IUD, 169 Pharmacokinetics, ethinyl estradiol, 263 Pill choice for contraception, 539 Pill-free interval, blood pressure, 367 POC use, lactating women, 23 POCs (progestogen-only contraceptives) Postcoital non-hormonal contraception, 469 Postcoital use, anordrin/anordiol + RU 486, 413 Pregnancy termination, RU 486 + anordrin, 317, 597 RU 486 + anordrin/anordiol, 609 Premenopause, OC use, 229 Progestogen-only contraceptives (POCs), 1, 23 Prostaglandin E9 , extraovular, 475 Prostaglandin Fog, intra-amniotic, 475 Radioimmunoassay development, anordrin, 507 Receptor binding, norgestimate, 283 Release characteristics, 3-ketodesogestrel, 251 Replacement hormones + gonadotropin hormone agonist, 427 Reproductive factors, multiple sclerosis incidence, 161 RU 486 + anordrin, 317, 597 RU 486 + anordrin/anordiol, 413, 609 RU 486 + epostane, 499 RU 486 + misoprostol, 295 Safety, POCs, 1 Safety monitor, IUDs, 359 Spermicidal activity, Mollugo pentaphylla, 401 Sterilization, zinc arginine, 107 Subdermal implant, 3-keto-desogestrel, 215, 251 levonorgestrel, 149, 193, 569 nomegestrol acetate, 97 Sulprostone + mifepristone, 123 Tamoxifen, 307 TCu-380A (Ag), 325 Termination of pregnancy, 85, 123, 475, 499 Thermoplastic elastomer condom, barrier efficacy, 559 Trace elements, IUDs, 483 622 Contraception Triphasic OCs, 43, 131, 515 Tripterygium wilfordii, antifertility compounds, 387 Triterpenoid saponin, mollugogenol-A, 401 Tumor necrosis factor alpha, IUDs, 205 Ultrasound, ovarian activity, 583 Uniplant, nomegestrol acetate, 97 Uterine contractility, RU 486 + misoprostol, 295 Vacuum aspiration, 85 Vaginal ring, releasing levonorgestrel, 455 Visiting pill, norethisterone, 527 Zinc arginine, sterilization, 107

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