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R N M E NT OF MAHARA E S V H O T G R A PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS REGION , AURANGABAD PUBLIC WORKS CIRCLE, AURANGABAD PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION , JALNA TENDER DOCUMENTS e-tendering system FOR THE WORK OF IMPROVEMENT TO AJANTA BULDHANA ROAD SH-24 KM 196/00 TO 202/00 TQ.BHOKARDAN 1.Amount put to Tender : `. 2,75,81,688.00 2.Earnest Money : `. 2,76,000.00 http://pwd.maharashtra.etenders.in EXECUTIVE ENGINEER PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION, JALNA ( a ) NAME OF WORK: IMPROVEMENT TO AJANTA BULDHANA ROAD SH- 24 KM 196/00 TO 202/00 TQ.BHOKARDAN INDEX Page No. Sr. No Chapter From To 1. Brief Tender Notice …………...………………….…………… 01 02 2. General Information of Contract ….…………………………. 03 05 3. Detailed Tender Notice …………………………………….… 06 48 4. Work and Site Condition……………...……………………… 49 50 5. Agreement Form B-1………………………………………….. 51 97 6. Additional General Conditions and Specifications………… 98 180 7. Quality Assurance & Maintenance Clause………………….. 181 181 8. Conditions of Insurance of Contract Work………. ………... 182 182 9. Price Variation Clause …………………….………………….. 183 191 10. Schedule 'A' ...………………………………………………… 192 193 11. Conditions of Materials to be Brought by Contractor……... 194 201 12. Specifications for BUSG/M.P.M…………………………. 202 222 13. Model Form of Bank Guarantee Bond for Security Deposit. 223 225 14. Declaration of the Contractor………………………………… 226 226 15. Schedule 'B' ……………………..………………………….. 227 234 16. Schedule ‘C’ .………………………………………………….. 235 239 17. Drawings……………………………………………………….. 240 240 18. Bar Chart. (For DTP Only)…………………………………… 241 241 (1) GOVERNMENT OF MAHARASHTRA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT E-TENDER NOTICE NO. 16 of 2015-16 ONLINE TENDER No. ________ Online Tenders (e-tender) in B-1 form for the following work are invited by the Executive Engineer, Public Works Division, Jalna E-mail: jalna.ee@mahapwd.com On Government of Maharashtra Electronic Tender Management System http://maharashtra.etenders.in SYSTEM TENDER NO. ___ NIT NO. _______ dated ________ (Online) Online queries invited upto 18.12.2015 at 15:00 Hrs The details can be viewed and downloaded online directly from the Government of Maharashtra e- Tendering Portal http://maharashtra.etenders.in on Sub Portal of Public Works Department http://pwd.maharashtra.etenders.in from 02.12.2015 at 19:31 hrs to 28.12.2015 at 23:00 Hrs Sr Name of Work Estimated System Time limit in Earnest Cost of Class of No Cost in Generated Calendar Money Blank Contract Rupees Tender Months Tender or 1. IMPROVEMENT TO ````. 06 ````. ````. Class – III AJANTA BULDHANA 2,75,81,688/- (Six) 2,76,000/- 10,000/- and ROAD SH-24 KM 196/00 TO 202/00 Calendar Above TQ.BHOKARDAN Months For more details on the tender and bidding process you may please visit the above mentioned portal. Document tender fees and EMD shall be paid through online mode only. If EMD exempted then EMD exemption certificate shall be uploaded online. NOTE : 1. All eligible/interested contractors are mandated to get enrolled on e-Tendering portal (http://maharashtra.etenders.in) 2. To process the tenders online, to encrypt their bid and to sign the bid hashes, bidders are required to obtain digital certificate. For details bidders be contact Help Desk. 3. Contractors can contact Help Desk for any clarification of their doubts regarding the process of Electronic Tendering System. Help Desk at through Email ID support.gom@nextenders.com or Phone No. 020-30187500 Executive Engineer Public Works Division Jalna Contractor. No. of Corrections Executive Engineer. (2) COPIES OF PUBLISHED TENDER NOTICE ON (cid:1) WEB SITE (cid:1) NIT (cid:1) NEWS PAP ERS Contractor. No. of Corrections Executive Engineer. (3) GOVERNMENT OF MAHARASHTRA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ORIGINAL AGREEMENT NO. B-1 NAME OF WORK: IMPROVEMENT TO AJANTA BULDHANA ROAD SH-24 KM 196/00 TO 202/00 TQ.BHOKARDAN 1) Name of Contractor. : 2) Date of receipt of Tender. : 3) No. & Date of Work Order : 4) Amount put to Tender : ````. 2,75,81,688.00 5) Percentage quoted. : 6) Amount of Contract. : 7) Date of Commencement. : 8) Time stipulated for completion : Six (06) Calendar months of work. (including monsoon) 9) Date of completion as per : Agreement 10) Actual date of completion. : 11) Reference to sanction of : 1) _________________________ extension of time 2) _________________________ 3) _________________________ Certified that this original agreement contains Pages 1 to ________ Fly leaves _________ Nos. Drawings _________ Nos. Contractor. No. of Corrections Executive Engineer. (4) DETAILS OF WORK NAME OF WORK: IMPROVEMENT TO AJANTA BULDHANA ROAD SH-24 KM 196/00 TO 202/00 TQ.BHOKARDAN Estimated cost put to tender : ````. 2,75,81,688.00. Earnest money : ````. 2,76,000/- ( ````. Two Lakhs Seventy Six Thousand Only) The EMD applicable amount shall be paid via online mode only. In case of EMD exemption, valid EMD exemption certificate shall be uploaded online at the time of submission. Total Security Deposit 4 % (Four Percent) ````. 11,04,000 /- (50 % in cash at the time of agreement and 50 % from R.A. bills ). Time stipulated for completion is 06 (Six) Calendar months which will include the monsoon period. TO BE FILLED BY THE CONTRACTOR I/WE have quoted my/our offer in percentage rate in words as well as in figures. I/WE further undertake to enter into contract in regular “B-1” form in Public Works Department. Name & Signature of Contractor / Power of Attorney holder with complete address. Contractor. No. of Corrections Executive Engineer. (5) NAME OF WORK: IMPROVEMENT TO AJANTA BULDHANA ROAD SH-24 KM 196/00 TO 202/00 TQ.BHOKARDAN Estimated cost put to tender : ````. 2,75,81,688.00. Earnest money : ````. 2,76,000/- Completion time : 06 (Six) Months TENDER SCHEDULE Cost of Tender Form : Rs. 10,000/- Period for DownloadingTender Forms : Refer Online schedule on portal https://pwd.maharashtra.etenders.in Date of Pre-bid meeting : Refer Online schedule on portal https://pwd.maharashtra.etenders.in Last date and time for online bid preparation and : Refer Online schedule on portal hash submission (technical and financial) https://pwd.maharashtra.etenders.in Date and time for online bid data decryption and : Refer Online schedule on portal re-encryption (technical and commercial) https://pwd.maharashtra.etenders.in Receipt of online EMD / If EMD exempted then : Refer Online schedule on portal EMD exemption Certificate, stamp paper of Rs. https://pwd.maharashtra.etenders.in 100/- bond Affidavit (Original) in prescribed format given in Annexure I sworn before Executive Magistrate / Notary and Tender Document fees, to be paid online only via Payment Gateway mode / TDR of Additional performance Security Deposit (If required) / Location Map of Hot Mix Plant Registration class of Contractor : Class III and above Contractor. No. of Corrections Executive Engineer. (6) GOVERNMENT OF MAHARASHTRA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT INVITATION FOR TENDERS DETAILED TENDER NOTICE 1. Online percentage rate tenders in ‘B-1’ Form are invited by the Executive Engineer, Public Works Division, Jalna for the following work from contractors registered in appropriate class of Public Works Department of Maharashtra State. The Name of Work, Estimated Cost, Earnest Money, Security Deposit, Time limit for Completion etc. are as under Sr Name of Work Estimated Cost Earnest Security Class of Time limit No. in Rupees Money Deposit Contract in or Calendar Months IMPROVEMENT TO 1. AJANTA BULDHANA ````.2,75,81,688/- ````. ````.11,04,000/- Class – 06 ROAD SH-24 KM 196/00 2,76,000/- III and (Six) TO 202/00 TQ.BHOKARDAN Above Calendar Months Tender form, conditions of contract, specifications and contract drawings can be downloaded from the e-tendering portal of Public Works Department, Government of Maharashtra i.e. http://pwd.maharashtra.etenders.in after entering the details of payment of ````. 10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand Only) shall be paid online using payment gateway. The fees of tender document will be non-refundable. Further information regarding the work can be obtained from the above office. The tender form, conditions of contract, specifications & contract drawings can be downloaded online using payment gateway. The EMD applicable amount shall be paid via online mode only. In case of EMD exemption, the valid EMD exemption certificate shall be uploaded online. Bids will be opened as per tender schedule, in the Contractor. No. of Corrections Executive Engineer. (7) presence of such intending tenderers or his/their authorized representatives who may be present at time. TENDERING PROCEDURE: - 1.1 A. Blank Tender Forms. Tender Forms can be downloaded from the e-tendering Portal of Public Works Department, Government of Maharashtra i.e. http://pwd.maharashtra.etenders.in after paying tender fees via online mode as per the Tender Schedule. 1.2.1 Tenderers should have valid Class II / III Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) obtained from any Certifying Authorities. In case of requirement of DSC, interested Bidders should go to http://maharashtra.etenders.in/mah/DigitalCerti.asp and follow the procedure mentioned in the document ‘Procedure for application of Digital Certificate’. 1.2.2 PRE-TENDER CONFERENCE : (ONLINE QUERIES) Online pre tender conference open to all prospective tenderers who have downloaded tender form before the date of pre-tender conference will be held through online, wherein prospective tenderers will have an opportunity to obtain clarifications regarding the work and the tender conditions. The clarification and C.S.D will be given online which will be the part of main tender document. 1.2.2a)PRE BID Meeting i) The bidder or his official representative is invited to attend a pre-bid meeting at the office Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Aurangabad on ____________at _______Hrs ii) The purpose of the meeting will be to clarify issues and to answer queries on any matter that may raise at that stage iii) The bidder is requested to submit any question in writing by fax or e-mail to reach the employer well before the date and timing of pre-bid meeting. 1.2.3 The Tenderers have to make a payment of Rs .1054/- online as service charges for the use of Electronic Tendering during Online Bid Data Decryption and Re- encryption stage of the Tender. Contractor. No. of Corrections Executive Engineer. (8) 1.2.4 For any assistance on the use of Electronic Tendering System, the Users may call the below numbers: Landline No. - 020 - 30187500 1.2.5 Tenderers should install the Mandatory Components available on the Home Page of http://maharashtra.etenders.in under the section ‘Mandatory Components’ and make the necessary Browser Settings provided under section ‘Internet Explorer Settings’ 1.3 Guidelines to Bidders on the operations of Electronic Tendering System of Public Works Department. http://pwd.maharashtra.etenders.in A. Pre-requisites to participate in the Tenders processed by PWD: 1. Enrolment and Empanelment of Contractors on Electronic Tendering System: The Contractors interested in participating in the Tenders of Public Works Department –processed using the Electronic Tendering System shall be required to enroll on the Electronic Tendering System to obtain User ID. After submission of application for enrolment on the System, the application information shall be verified by the Authorized Representative of the Service Provider. If the information is found to be complete, the enrolment submitted by the Vendor shall be approved. For participating in Limited and Restricted tenders the registered vendors have to apply for empanelment on the sub-portal of PWD in an appropriate class of registration. The empanelment will have to be approved by the respective officer from the PWD. Only empanelled vendors will be allowed to participate in such tenders. The Contractors may obtain the necessary information on the process of enrolment and empanelment either from Helpdesk Support Team or may visit the information published under the link Enrol under the section E-Tendering Toolkit for Bidders on the Home Page of the Electronic Tendering System. Contractor. No. of Corrections Executive Engineer.

IMPROVEMENT TO AJANTA BULDHANA ROAD SH-24. KM 196/00 .. required to install Utilities available under the section Mandatory Installation.
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