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Contact angle, wettability and adhesion. / Volume 5 PDF

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This volume chronicles the proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Contact Angle, Wettability and Adhesion. Toronto, Canada, June 2006. Wettability is of pivotal importance in many and varied arenas, ranging from mundane to micro-and nanofl uidics to lithography to biomedical. It should be underscored that in the last years there has been burgeoning interest in replicating the so-called “Lotus Leaf Effect” to create superhydrophobic surfaces. This volume contains a total of 19 papers covering many facets of contact angle, wettability and adhesion. All manuscripts were rigorously peer-reviewed and revised and edited before inclusion in this book. Concomitantly, this Contact Angle, volume represents an archival publication of the highest standard. This book (5th volume in the series) is divided into three Wettability K C parts: Part 1: Contact Angle Measurements and Solid .L o Surface Free Energy; Part 2: Relevance of Wetting in . M nt Cleaning and Adhesion; Part 3: Superhydrophobic Surfaces. i a t c The topics covered include: Fundamental aspects of ta t and Adhesion contact angle and its measurement; solidifi cation contact l A ( angles of micro-droplets; microscopic wettability of E n d g wood call walls; dynamic vapor-liquid interfacial tension; .) l e surface free energy of polymeric materials; surface , Volume 5 cleanliness evaluation from wettability measurements; W wettability parameters affecting surface cleanability e t of stainless steel and textiles; wetting and adhesion in t a fi brous materials; wettability and adhesion of coatings; b Edited by adhesion of hydrophobizing agents; modulation of il i surface properties of polymers; graft effi ciency and t K.L. Mittal y adhesion; relevance of interfacial free energy in cell a adhesion; various approaches to create superhydrophobic n surfaces; adsorption of surfactants on hydrophobic and d superhydrophobic surfaces. A d h e s i o n , V o l u m e 5 ISBN: 978-90-04-15864-1 VSP 9 789004 158641 www.brill.nl mmiittttaall0033..iinndddd 11 0055--0055--22000088 1111::1100::1100 Contact Angle, Wettability and Adhesion Volume 5 TThhiiss ppaaggee iinntteennttiioonnaallllyy lleefftt bbllaannkk Contact Angle, Wettability and Adhesion Volume 5 Editor K.L. Mittal LEIDEN • BOSTON 2008 CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300 Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742 © 2008 by VSP CRC Press is an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business No claim to original U.S. Government works Version Date: 20120525 International Standard Book Number-13: 978-9-04-742999-9 (eBook - PDF) This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or the consequences of their use. The authors and publishers have attempted to trace the copyright holders of all material reproduced in this publication and apologize to copyright holders if permission to publish in this form has not been obtained. If any copyright material has not been acknowledged please write and let us know so we may rectify in any future reprint. Except as permitted under U.S. Copyright Law, no part of this book may be reprinted, reproduced, trans- mitted, or utilized in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying, microfilming, and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the publishers. For permission to photocopy or use material electronically from this work, please access www.copyright. com (http://www.copyright.com/) or contact the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC), 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, 978-750-8400. CCC is a not-for-profit organization that provides licenses and registration for a variety of users. For organizations that have been granted a photocopy license by the CCC, a separate system of payment has been arranged. Trademark Notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe. Visit the Taylor & Francis Web site at http://www.taylorandfrancis.com and the CRC Press Web site at http://www.crcpress.com Contents Preface vii Part1: ContactAngleMeasurementsandSolidSurfaceFreeEnergy Effectsofsurfacestructureonthebehaviorofaheated contactline M.Ojha,G.Dalakos,S.Panchamgam,P.C.WaynerJr. andJ.L.Plawsky 3 Apparentsolidificationcontactanglesofmicro-droplets depositedonsolidsurfaces RiLi,N.Ashgriz,S.Chandra,J.R.AndrewsandS.Drappel 25 Microscopicwettabilityofsoftwoodtracheidcellwalls: Effectsofwallsculpturing,sapsolutes,anddrying M.M.Kohonen 47 Theeffectofbinaryfattyacidssystemsonpartitioning,IFTand wettabilityofcalcitesurfaces O.KaroussiandA.A.Hamouda 59 Mechanisticmodelingofdynamicvapor-liquidinterfacial tensionincomplexpetroleumfluids S.C.AyiralaandD.N.Rao 73 Influenceofambienthumidityontheapparentsurfacefree energyofpoly(methylmethacrylate)(PMMA) L.Holysz,E.ChibowskiandK.Terpilowski 95 Part2: RelevanceofWettinginCleaningandAdhesion Wettabilitymeasurementsandcleanlinessevaluationwithout substantialcost J.B.DurkeeandA.Kuhn 115 Wettabilityparameterscontrollingthesurfacecleanability ofstainlesssteel L.Boulangé-Petermann,J.-C.JoudandB.Baroux 139 vi Contents Functionaltopcoatsoncoatedtextilesforimprovedor self-attainedcleanability T.Bahners,L.Prager,B.MarquardtandE.Schollmeyer 153 Wettingandadhesioninfibrousmaterials: Stochasticmodeling andsimulation W.Zhong,N.PanandD.Lukas 173 Adhesionofhydrophobizingagents:Acomparisonofvalues determinedbycontactangleandtheJKRapproaches J.Lindfors,J.LaineandP.Stenius 191 Wettabilityaspectsandtheimprovementofadhesionof UVcurablepowdercoatingsonpolypropylenesubstrates M.WoutersandP.CastellMuixí 207 Modulationofthesurfacepropertiesofreactivepolymersby photo-Friesrearrangement S.Temmel,T.HöflerandW.Kern 229 Effectofgraftingefficiencyonpeelstrength,contactangle, particlesizeandviscosityofbutylacrylate–PUDhybrid adhesivesforplasticlaminates S.K.Patel,R.N.JagtapandN.Khatik 239 Celladhesiontopolystyrenesubstrates:Relevanceofinterfacial freeenergy A.CarréandV.Lacarrière 253 Part3: SuperhydrophobicSurfaces Superhydrophobicaluminumsurfacesobtainedbychemical etching D.K. SarkarandM.Farzaneh 271 Effectoftemperatureonsuperhydrophobiczincoxidenanotowers N.Saleema,D.K.SarkarandM.Farzaneh 279 Superhydrophobicpropertiesofsilvercoatedcopper A.Safaee,D.K.SarkarandM.Farzaneh 287 Surfactantsadsorptionathydrophobicandsuperhydrophobic solidsurfaces M.Ferrari 295 ContactAngle,WettabilityandAdhesion,Vol.5,pp.vii–viii Ed.K.L.Mittal VSP2008 Preface This volume chronicles the proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on ContactAngle,WettabilityandAdhesionheldundertheaegisofMSTConferences in Toronto, Canada, June 21–23, 2006. The premier symposium with the same title was held in 1992 in honor of Prof. Robert J. Good as a part of the American Chemical Society meeting in San Francisco, California and the second, third and fourth events in this series were held in 2000 in Newark, New Jersey, 2002 in Providence, Rhode Island, and 2004 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, respectively. Theproceedings oftheseearlier symposia havebeenproperly documented asfour hard-bound books [1–4]. Because of the high tempo of research and tremendous technological importance of this topic, the next (Sixth) symposium in this vein is plannedtobeheldinOrono,Maine,July14–16,2008. As pointed out in the Prefaces to the previous volumes, wettability is of pivotal importance in many and varied arenas, ranging from mundane (e.g., washing clothes) to high-tech (e.g., micro- and nanofluidics, lithography) to biomedical (e.g., contact lenses). It should be underscored that in the last years there has been burgeoning interest in replicating the so-called “Lotus Leaf Effect” to create superhydrophobic surfaces. A superhydrophobic surface is defined as the one with water contact angle greater than 150◦, and it is based on the right combination of surface energy and surface topography. Even a cursory look at the literature will evince that recently there has been an accelerated pace of research in many and varied (of course, simple, practical and inexpensive) means to impart superhydrophobic character to a variety of surfaces – metallic, ceramic and polymeric. This high tempo of interest in these materials emanates from their applications, ranging from self-cleaning windows to controlling flow behavior in nanofluidics to tribological phenomena. Apropos, certain creatures (animals) capitalize on the superhydrophobic nature of certain parts of their body to collect water early in the morning (from dew) for subsequent use. Also it should be emphasized that there has been considerable interest in modulating the wetting characteristics of surfaces by electrical phenomena, the field known as “Electrowetting”. Now coming to this volume, it contains a total of 19 papers covering many facets of contact angle, wettability and adhesion. It must be recorded that all manuscripts wererigorously peer-reviewed and revised (some twiceorthrice) and properlyeditedbeforeinclusioninthisbook. Concomitantly,thisvolumerepresents an archival publication of the highest standard. It should not be considered a proceedingsvolumeintheusualandordinarysense,asmanyso-calledproceedings viii Preface areneitherpeer-reviewednoradequatelyedited. Bytheway,thetechnicalprogram forthesymposiumcomprisedmanymorepapers,butthosearenotincludedinthis volumeforavarietyofreasons(includingsomewhichcouldnotpassmuster). This book (designated as Volume 5) is divided into three parts: Part 1: Contact AngleMeasurementsandSolidSurfaceFreeEnergy;Part2: RelevanceofWetting in Cleaning and Adhesion; and Part 3: Superhydrophobic Surfaces. The topics covered include: Fundamental aspects of contact angle and its measurement; solidificationcontactanglesofmicro-droplets;microscopicwettabilityofwoodcell walls; dynamic vapor–liquid interfacial tension; surface free energy of polymeric materials;surfacecleanlinessevaluationfromwettabilitymeasurements;wettability parameters affecting surface cleanability of stainless steel and textiles; wetting and adhesion in fibrous materials; wettability and adhesion of coatings; adhesion of hydrophobizing agents; modulation of surface properties of polymers; graft efficiencyandadhesion;relevanceofinterfacialfreeenergyincelladhesion;various approaches to create superhydrophobic surfaces; and adsorption of surfactants on hydrophobicandsuperhydrophobic surfaces. Thisvolume anditspredecessors [1–4] containing bountiful information (atotal of∼2900pages)onvariousramificationsofcontactangle,wettabilityandadhesion provideacomprehensivereferencesourceandthesevolumesreflectthecumulative wisdomofalegion ofactiveresearchers engaged inunderstanding andharnessing the wettability phenomena. I sincerely hope these volumes would be of great interestandvaluetobothneophytes(asagatewaytothefield)aswellastoveterans (asacommentaryoncontemporaryresearch). Acknowledgements Nowitismypleasuretothankallthosewhohelpedinthisendeavor. First,asusual, myheart-feltthanksgotoDr. RobertH.Lacombe,adearfriendandcolleague, for taking care of the myriad details entailed in the organization of the symposium. Second, I would like to acknowledge the reviewers for their time and effort in providing manyvaluable commentswhich,mostcertainly, improvedthequalityof manuscriptscontainedinthisvolume. Specialthanksareextendedtotheauthorsfor theirinterest, cooperation andforproviding writtenaccounts oftheirpresentations which formed the basis for this book. Finally myappreciation goes tothe staff of BrillAcademicPublishersforgivingabodyformtothisbook. K.L.Mittal P.O.Box1280 HopewellJct.,NY12533 1. K.L.Mittal(Ed.),ContactAngle,WettabilityandAdhesion,VSP,Utrecht(1993). 2. K.L.Mittal(Ed.),ContactAngle,WettabilityandAdhesion,Vol.2,VSP,Utrecht(2002). 3. K.L.Mittal(Ed.),ContactAngle,WettabilityandAdhesion,Vol.3,VSP,Utrecht(2003). 4. K.L.Mittal(Ed.),ContactAngle,WettabilityandAdhesion,Vol.4,VSP/Brill,Leiden(2006). Part 1 Contact Angle Measurements and Solid Surface Free Energy

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