Invent.math.153,631–678(2003) DOI:10.1007/s00222-003-0303-x Connected components of the moduli spaces of Abelian differentials with prescribed singularities MaximKontsevich1,AntonZorich2 1 InstitutdesHautesE´tudesScientifiques,LeBois-Marie,35RoutedeChartres,F-91440 Bures-sur-Yvette,France(e-mail:[email protected]) 2 Institut Mathe´matique de Rennes, Universite´ Rennes-1, Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes,cedex,France(e-mail:[email protected]) Oblatum29-XI-2002&24-II-2003 Publishedonline:6June2003–Springer-Verlag2003 Abstract. Consider themoduli space ofpairs (C,ω)whereC isasmooth compact complex curve of a given genus and ω is a holomorphic 1-form on C with a given list of multiplicities of zeroes. We describe connected components of this space. This classification is important in the study of dynamics of interval exchange transformations and billiards in rational polygons, andinthestudyofgeometryoftranslation surfaces. Contents 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 631 2 Formulationofresults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 636 3 SpinstructuredeterminedbyanAbeliandifferential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 641 4 Preparationofasurgerytoolkit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 643 5 Connectedcomponentsofthestrata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 654 AppendixA. Rauzyclassesandzipperedrectangles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 670 AppendixB. Abeliandifferentialsonhyperellipticcurves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 676 References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 677 1. Introduction 1.1. StratificationofthemodulispaceofAbeliandifferentials. Forinte- gerg ≥2wedefinethespaceH asthemodulispaceofpairs(C,ω)where g C is a smooth compact complex curve of genus g and ω is a holomorphic 1-form on C (i.e. an Abelian differential) which is not equal identically to zero. Obviously, H is a complex algebraic orbifold (in other words, g asmoothstack)ofdimension4g−3.ItisfiberedoverthemodulispaceM g 632 M.Kontsevich,A.Zorich ofcurveswiththefiberover[C]∈M equaltothepunctured vectorspace g Γ(C,Ω1)\{0}(modulotheactionofafinitegroup Aut(C)). C Orbifold Hg is naturally stratified by the multiplicities of zeroes(cid:1)of ω. Letk ,...,k beasequenceofpositiveintegers,n ≥ 1withthesum k 1 n i i equalto2g−2.WedenotebyH(k ,...,k )thesubspaceofH consisting 1 n of equivalence classes of pairs (C,ω) where ω has exactly n zeroes and their multiplicities are equal to k ,...,k (for some ordering of zeroes). 1 n Our notation is symmetric, H(k1,...,kn) = H(kπ(1),...,kπ(n)) for any permutation π ∈ S .Onehasthen n (cid:2) H = H(k ,...,k ). g 1 n n,(k1,...,kn) k1≤···≤kn k1+···+kn=2g−2 Thus,wehaveastratificationofthemodulispaceH .Itiswell-knownthat g eachstratumH(k ,...,k )isanalgebraic orbifoldofdimension 1 n (1) dimCH(k1,...,kn)=2g+n−1 (see [11], [17], [19]). Moreover, it carries a natural holomorphic affine structure. Hereisthedescription ofthisstructure. Withanypair(C,ω)weassociateanelement[ω]∈H1(C,Zeroes(ω);C), thecohomologyclassofpair(C,Zeroes(ω))representedbyclosedcomplex- valued1-formω.Locallyneareachpoint x ofH(k ,...,k )wecaniden- 1 n tify cohomology spaces H1(C,Zeroes(ω);C) with each other using the Gauss–Maninconnection.(Forpointsx =(C,ω)withnontrivialsymmetry we would need to pass first to a finite covering of the neighborhood of x). Thus,weobtain(locally)aperiodmappingfromH(k ,...,k )toadomain 1 n in a complex vector space. It is well known that this mapping is holomor- phicandlocallyone-to-one.Thepullbackofthetautologicalaffinestructure on H1(C,Zeroes(ω);C) gives an affine structure on H(k ,...,k ). (See 1 n also[6]forarelatedconstruction concerning smoothclosed1-forms.) Ingeneral,thestrataH(k ,...,k )arenotfiberbundlesoverthemoduli 1 n spaceofcurvesM .Forexample,thedimensionofthestratumH(2g−2) g for g ≥ 2 equals 2g, while dimension of the moduli space of curves M g equals3g−3whichisstrictly largerthan2gfor g ≥ 4. The goal of this paper is to describe the set of connected components ofall strata H(k ,...,k ).Surprisingly, wefound that the answer isquite 1 n complicated, some strata have up to 3 connected components. The full descriptionoftheconnectedcomponentsofstrataisgiveninSect.2.3.This resultwasannounced inthepaper[7]. Rema(cid:1)rk1. For any sequence (k1,...,kn) of positive integers ki ≥ 1 such that k = 2g − 2 we define Hnum(k ,...,k ) the moduli space of i i 1 n Abelian differentials on curves with numbered zeroes such that the first zerohasmultiplicity k etc.Orbifold Hnum(k ,...,k )isafinitecovering 1 1 n ofH(k ,...,k ).Onecanshowthatpreimageofanyconnectedcomponent 1 n ConnectedcomponentsofthemodulispacesofAbeliandifferentials 633 of H(k ,...,k ) in Hnum(k ,...,k ) is connected, i.e. the classification 1 n 1 n of connected components is essentially identical in both cases, no matter whetherthezeroesarenumberedornot. 1.2. Applicationstointervalexchangetransformations. Themotivation forourstudy camefrom dynamical systems, namely from thetheory ofso calledintervalexchangetransformations. Firstofall,thereisanalternativedescriptionofH intermsofdifferential g geometry. Outside of zeroes of an Abelian differential ω one can chose locally a complex coordinate z in such way that ω = dz. This coordinate is defined up to a constant, z = z(cid:4) +const, so it determines a natural flat metric |dz2| on the Riemann surface C punctured at zeroes of ω. At zero of ω of multiplicity k the metric has a conical singularity with the cone i angle2π(k +1).Thisflatmetrichastrivialholonomyinthegroup SO(2): i a parallel transport of a vector tangent to the Riemann surface C along any closed path avoiding conical singularities brings the vector back to itself. Thus, choosing a tangent direction at any nonsingular point we can extenditusingtheparalleltransporttoallothernonsingular points,getting a smooth distribution on the punctured Riemann surface. This distribution is integrable: it defines a foliation with singularities at the conical points. Theoriented foliation definedbythepositiverealdirection x incoordinate z = x+iyiscalledhorizontal;theorientedfoliationdefinedbythepositive purelyimaginarydirectionyiscalledvertical.Ataconicalpointwithacone angle2π(k +1)onegetsk +1horizontal (vertical) directions. i i Conversely, aflatstructure withtrivial SO(2)-holonomyhaving several cone type singularities plus a choice of, say, horizontal direction uniquely determines a complex structure on the surface, and an Abelian differential inthiscomplexstructure. An Abelian differential ω defines also two smooth closed real-valued 1-forms ωv = Re(ω) and ωh = Im(ω) on C considered as a smooth orientedtwo-dimensionalsurface M2.Theverticalandhorizontalfoliations described above are the kernel foliations of the 1-forms ωv and ωh corres- pondingly. Conversely, let M2 be a compact smooth oriented surface of genus g with a pair of closed 1-forms ωv,ωh such that ωv ∧ ωh > 0 everywhere on M2 outside of a finite set. Then there is a unique point [(C,ω)] ∈ H g producing such M2 withformsωv,ωh. There is a non-holomorphic continuous action on H of the group g GL(2,R)+ (the group of matrices with positive determinants). In terms ofpairs of 1-forms (ωv,ωh) = (Re(ω),Im(ω))this action is given simply bylineartransformations (ωv,ωh)(cid:6)→(aωv+bωh,cωv+dωh). Later in this text we shall use all descriptions of H : the algebro- g geometricone,theoneintermsofflatsurfaceswithachoiceofthehorizontal direction, andtheoneintermsofpairsofmeasuredorientedfoliations. 634 M.Kontsevich,A.Zorich It wasproved by H.Masur, see [11] and by W.A.Veech (see [17]) that for a generic (with respect to the Lebesgue measure) point of any stratum H(k ,...,k )thehorizontalfoliation(andalsotheverticalone)isuniquely 1 n ergodic. Letustakeanyinterval I onthesurface M2 transversal tothever- tical foliation, with the canonical induced length element. The first return mapT : I −→ I (definedalmosteverywhereon I)isaninterval exchange map, i.e. a one-to-one map with finitely many discontinuity points such that the derivative of T is equal almost everywhere to +1. The interval exchangemapisparametrizedbythenumberm ofmaximalopensubinter- vals (Ii)i=1,...,m of continuity of the transformation T, by the sequence of lengths of these subintervals λ ,...,λ where λ > 0, i = 1,...,m, and 1 m i byapermutation π ∈ S describing theorder inwhichintervals T(I )are m i placed in I: the k-th interval is sent to the place π(k). It follows from the uniqueergodicitythatthepermutationπ isirreducible,whichmeansinour contextthat∀k =1,...,m −1wehaveπ({1,...,k})(cid:9)={1,...,k}. Conversely, for any interval exchange map T one can construct an Abelian differential ω and a horizontal interval I on a complex curve C such that the first return map to I along the vertical foliation of ω is the given map T, see [11], [17]. Though the Abelian differential ω is not uniquelydeterminedbytheintervalexchangemap,thecollection ofmulti- plicities of zeroes (k ,...,k ) of ω and even the connected component of 1 n themodulispaceH(k ,...,k )containing point[(C,ω)]areuniquely de- 1 n terminedbythepermutationπ,see[11],[17].Thusonemaydecomposethe set of irreducible permutations into groups called extended Rauzy classes corresponding toconnected components ofthestrataH(k ,...,k ). 1 n The application of our result to the theory of interval exchange maps is based on the corollary of the fundamental theorem of H. Masur [11] and W. Veech [17] which we present in the next section. The corollary is as follows: dynamical properties of a generic interval exchange map dependonlyontheextendedRauzyclassofthepermutationofsubintervals. Genericity isunderstood herewithrespecttotheLebesguemeasureonthe spaceRm+parameterizinglengths(λi)1≤i≤m ofsubintervalsunderexchange. Actually, the extended Rauzy classes can be defined in purely com- binatorial terms, see Appendix 5.4 for details. Thus the problem of the description of the extended Rauzy classes, and hence, of the description of connected components of the strata of Abelian differentials, is purely combinatorial. However, it seems to be very hard to solve it directly. Still, forsmallgeneratheproblemistractable. W.Veechshowedin[19]thatthe stratum H(4) has two connected components. P. Arnoux proved that the stratumH(6)hasthreeconnected components. In the present paper wegive a classification of extended Rauzy classes usingnotonlycombinatoricsbutalsotoolsofalgebraicgeometry,topology andofdynamical systems. 1.3. Ergodic components of the Teichmüller geodesic flow. There is a natural immersion of the moduli space of Abelian differentials into the ConnectedcomponentsofthemodulispacesofAbeliandifferentials 635 moduli space of holomorphic quadratic differentials: we associate to an Abelian differential its square. With every quadratic differential we can againassociateaflatmetricwithconicalsingularities.ThegroupGL(2,R)+ acts naturally on this larger moduli space as well; this action leaves the immersed moduli space of Abelian differentials invariant, moreover, on theimmersed subspace itcoincides withthe action defined inthe previous section. Thisaction preserves the natural stratification ofthe moduli space ofquadratic differentials bymultiplicities ofzeroes. The action of the diagonal subgroup of SL(2,R) ⊂ GL(2,R)+ on the moduli space of quadratic differentials can be naturally identified withthe geodesicflowonthemodulispaceofcurvesforTeichmüllermetric(which ispiecewisereal-analyticFinslermetriconM ).GroupSL(2,R)preserves g the hypersurface in the moduli space of quadratic differentials consisting of those ones for which the associated flat metric has the total area equal to1. Numerous important results in the theory of interval exchange maps, of measured foliations, of billiards in rational polygons, of dynamics on translationsurfacesarebasedonthefollowingfundamentalobservation by H.Masur[11]andW.Veech[17]: Theorem (H.Masur;W.Veech). TheTeichmüllergeodesicflowactsergod- ically on every connected component ofevery stratum of the moduli space of quadratic differentials with total area equal to 1; the corresponding invariant measureonthestratumisafiniteLebesgueequivalent measure. ThusourclassificationofconnectedcomponentsofthestrataofAbelian differentials gives the classification of ergodic components of the Teich- müllergeodesicflowonthestrataofsquaresofAbeliandifferentials inthe modulispaceofquadratic differentials. Thecompleteclassification ofconnected components ofstrataofquad- raticdifferentialsisinprogress(seeanannouncementin[8]).Forexample, thestratumofthosequadraticdifferentialsonacurveofgenusg =4,which cannotberepresentedasasquareofanAbeliandifferential,andwhichhave asinglezeroofdegree12,hastwoconnectedcomponents,butatthemoment atopologicalinvariantwhichwoulddistinguishrepresentativesofthesetwo connected components isnotknownyet. Ingeneral,itseemstobeveryinterestingtodescribeinvariantsubmani- folds (closures of orbits, invariant measures) for the action of GL(2,R)+ on the moduli spaces. Connected components of the strata are only the simplest invariant submanifolds, there are many others. For example the Teichmüller disks of Veech curves form the smallest possible invariant submanifolds. One can use a submanifold invariant under the action of GL(2,R)+ to produce other invariant submanifolds in higher genera applying some fixed ramified covering construction to all pairs (C,ω) constituting the initial invariant submanifold. In Sect. 2.1 we use a particular case of this construction todefinesomespecialconnected components ofsomestrata. 636 M.Kontsevich,A.Zorich 2. Formulationofresults 2.1. Hyperelliptic components. First of all, we introduce the moduli spacesofmeromorphic quadratic differentials. Definition1. Forintegerg ≥(cid:1)0andcollection(l1,...,ln),n ≥ 1suchthat l ≥ −1,l (cid:9)= 0forall j and l = 4g−4,denote by Q(l ,...,l )the j j j j 1 n moduli space of pairs (C,φ) where C is asmooth compact complex curve ofgenus gand φ isameromorphic quadratic differential onC withzeroes ofordersl (simplepolesifl =−1)suchthatφisnotequaltothesquare j j ofanAbeliandifferential. Itisknown(see[19])thatQ(l ,...,l )isacomplexalgebraic orbifold 1 n ofdimension (2) dimCQ(l1,...,ln)=2g+n−2. Sometimesweshalluse“exponential”notationtodenotemultiplezeroes (simple poles) of the same degree, for example Q(−15,1) := Q(−1,−1,−1,−1,−1,1). The condition that φ is not a square is auto- maticallysatisfiedifatleastoneofparametersl isodd. j One can canonically associate with every meromorphic quadratic dif- ferential (C,φ) another connected curve C(cid:4) with an Abelian differential ω on it. Namely, C(cid:4) is the unique double covering of C (maybe ramified at singularitiesofφ),suchthatthepullbackofφisasquareofanAbeliandif- ferential ω.Wehave automatically σ∗(ω) = −ω where σ isthe involution onC(cid:4)interchangingpointsinthegenericfiberoverC.CurveC(cid:4)isconnected becauseofthecondition thatφisnotasquareofanAbeliandifferential. Thus, weobtain amap from the stratum Q(l ,...,l )of meromorphic 1 n quadraticdifferentialstothestratumH(k ,...,k )ofAbeliandifferentials, 1 m where numbers (k ) are obtained from (l ) by the following rule: to each i j evenl > 0 we associate a pair of zeroes of ω of orders (l /2,l /2) in the j j j list (k ), to each odd l > 0 we associate one zero of order l + 1, and i j j associate nothingtosimplepoles(e.g.tol =−1). j Lemma1. Thecanonical mapdescribed above Q(l ,...,l )→H(k ,...,k ) 1 n 1 m isanimmersion. Proof. Denote as above by C(cid:4) the double covering of C with Abelian differential ωandinvolution σ. Considertheinduced involution σ∗ : H1(C(cid:4),Zeroes(ω);C) → H1(C(cid:4),Zeroes(ω);C). It defines decomposition H1(C(cid:4),Zeroes(ω);C) (cid:12) V1 ⊕ V−1 of the first cohomology into the direct sum of subspaces invariant and anti invariant ConnectedcomponentsofthemodulispacesofAbeliandifferentials 637 under the involution σ∗. By construction [ω] ∈ V−1. Thus, we obtain (lo- cally)amappingfromQ(l ,...,l )toadomaininthecomplexvectorspace 1 n V−1 ⊆ H1(C(cid:4),Zeroes(ω);C). It is well known that this mapping is holo- morphic and locally one-to-one. Since the space H(k ,...,k ) is locally 1 m identifiedwith H1(C(cid:4),Zeroes(ω);C)bymeansoftheperiodmapping,this completestheproofoflemma. (cid:15)(cid:16) Thefollowingtwoseriesofmapsofthiskindwouldplayaspecialrole forus: Q(−12g(cid:4)+1,2g(cid:4)−3) →H(2g(cid:4)−2) (3) Q(−12g(cid:4)+2,2g(cid:4)−2) →H(g(cid:4)−1,g(cid:4)−1), where g(cid:4) ≥ 2 in both cases. In both cases curve C is rational (i.e. g = 0), and hence curve C(cid:4) is hyperelliptic of genus g(cid:4). In these two cases the dimension oftheimagestratum ofAbeliandifferentials coincides withthe dimension of the original stratum of meromorphic quadratic differentials. Indeed, formula(2)gives dimCQ(−12g(cid:4)+1,2g(cid:4)−3)=2·0+(2g(cid:4)+2)−2 =2g(cid:4) dimCQ(−12g(cid:4)+2,2g(cid:4)−2)=2·0+(2g(cid:4)+3)−2 =2g(cid:4)+1, whileformula(1)givesthefollowingdimensionsoftheimagestrata: dimCH(2g(cid:4)−2) =2g(cid:4)+1−1=2g(cid:4) dimCH(g(cid:4)−1,g(cid:4) −1)= 2g(cid:4)+2−1=2g(cid:4)+1. Remark2. We have constructed a map Q(l ,...,l ) → H(k ,...,k ) 1 n 1 m using certain canonical double covering C(cid:4) → C. Choosing some other (ramified)coveringofsomefixedtypeonecanconstructsomeother(local) maps between moduli spaces of quadratic or Abelian differentials. The readercanfindadetaileddescriptionofallmapsofthiskindbetweenmoduli spacesofquadratic differentials, whichgivecoincidence ofdimensions, in paper[8]. Beforereturningtomaps(3)whichareofaparticularinterestforuswe needtoprovethefollowingstatement. Proposition1. Inthecase g = 0everystratum Q(l ,...,l )ofmeromor- 1 n phicquadratic differentials isnonempty andconnected. Proof. ForanydivisoronCP1 withgivenmultiplicities thecorresponding meromorphic quadratic differential exists and is unique up to a non-zero scalar.Thus,wehave Q(l ,...,l )/C∗ ∼= 1(cid:3) n (cid:4) (cid:3) (cid:4) (CP1)n\diagonals / PSL(2,C)×(finitesymmetrygroup) . ThereforetheorbifoldQ(l ,...,l )isnonemptyandconnected. (cid:15)(cid:16) 1 n 638 M.Kontsevich,A.Zorich Lemma 1, the observation on coincidence of dimensions of the cor- responding strata in (3), together with Proposition 1 justify the following definition. Definition2. Byhyperellipticcomponentswecallthefollowingconnected components of the following strata of Abelian differentials on compact complexcurvesofgenera g ≥2: The connected component Hhyp(2g − 2) of the stratum H(2g − 2) consisting of Abelian differentials on hyperelliptic curves of genus g cor- responding totheorbifoldQ(−12g+1,2g−3); The connected component Hhyp(g − 1,g − 1) of H(g − 1,g − 1) corresponding totheorbifold Q(−12g+2,2g−2). Remark3. PointsofHhyp(2g−2)(respectivelyofHhyp(g−1,g−1))are Abeliandifferentialsonhyperellipticcurvesofgenusgwhichhaveasingle zero of multiplicity 2g − 2 invariant under the hyperelliptic involution (respectively apairofzeroes oforders g−1symmetric toeachotherwith respecttothehyperelliptic involution). Note that if an Abelian differential on a hyperelliptic curve has a sin- gle zero of order 2g −2 then this zero is necessarily invariant under the hyperelliptic involution σ, because σ∗(ω) = −ω for any Abelian differ- ential ω. Therefore, this Abelian differential belongs to the component Hhyp(2g − 2). However, if an Abelian differential ω has two zeroes of degrees g−1,therearetwopossibilities: thezeroesmightbeinterchanged bythehyperellipticinvolution,andtheymightbeinvariantunderthehyper- elliptic involution. In the first case the Abelian differential belongs to the component Hhyp(g−1,g−1),whileinthesecondcaseitdoesnot. 2.2. Parityofaspinstructure:adefinition. Definition3. A spin structure on a smooth compact complex curve C is achoiceofahalfofthecanonicalclass,i.e.ofanelementα ∈ Pic(C)such that 2α = K :=−c (T ). C 1 C Theparityofthespinstructure istheresiduemodulo2ofthedimension dimΓ(C,L)=dim H0(C,L) forlinebundle L withc (L)=α. 1 Onacurveofgenus g ≥ 1thereare22g differentspinstructuresamong which 22g−1 + 2g−1 are even and 22g−1 − 2g−1 are odd. It follows from the results of M. Atiyah [1] and D. Mumford [14] that the parity of a spin structure isinvariant undercontinuous deformations. LetωbeanAbeliandifferential withevenmultiplicities ofzeroes, k = i 2l foralli,i = 1,...,n.Thedivisorofzeroesofω i Zeroes(ω)=2l P +···+2l P 1 1 n n ConnectedcomponentsofthemodulispacesofAbeliandifferentials 639 representsthecanonicalclass K .Thus,wehaveacanonicalspinstructure C onC definedby αω :=[l1P1+···+lnPn] ∈ Pic(C). Bycontinuitytheparityofthisspinstructureisconstantoneachconnected componentofstratumH(2l ,...,2l ). 1 n Definition4. We say that a connected component of H(2l ,...,2l ) has 1 n evenoroddspinstructure depending onwhether αω isevenorodd, where ωbelongs tothecorresponding connected component. In Sect. 3.1 we present an equivalent definition of the parity of spin structure intermsofelementary differential topology. 2.3. Mainresults. Firstofall,wedescribeconnectedcomponentsofstrata inthe“stablerange”whenthegenusofthecurveissufficiently large. Theorem1. Allconnected componentsofanystratumofAbeliandifferen- tialsonacurveofgenus g ≥ 4aredescribed bythefollowing list: The stratum H(2g−2) has three connected components: the hyperel- liptic one, Hhyp(2g−2), and two other components: Heven(2g−2) and Hodd(2g−2)corresponding toevenandoddspinstructures. The stratum H(2l,2l), l ≥ 2 has three connected components: the hyperelliptic one, Hhyp(2l,2l), and two other components: Heven(2l,2l) andHodd(2l,2l). All the other strata of the form H(2l ,...,2l ), where alll ≥ 1, have 1 n i two connected components: Heven(2l ,...,2l ) and Hodd(2l ,...,2l ), 1 n 1 n corresponding toevenandoddspinstructures. ThestrataH(2l−1,2l−1),l ≥2,havetwoconnectedcomponents;one ofthem:Hhyp(2l−1,2l−1)ishyperelliptic;theotherHnonhyp(2l−1,2l−1) isnot. AlltheotherstrataofAbeliandifferentialsonthecurvesofgenerag ≥ 4 arenonemptyandconnected. Finallyweconsiderthelistofconnectedcomponentsinthecaseofsmall genera1≤ g ≤3,wheresomecomponentsaremissingincomparisonwith thegeneralcase. Theorem2. ThemodulispaceofAbeliandifferentials onacurveofgenus g = 2 contains two strata: H(1,1) and H(2). Each of them is connected andcoincides withitshyperelliptic component. Each of the strata H(2,2), H(4) of the moduli space of Abelian dif- ferentials on a curve of genus g = 3 has two connected components: the hyperelliptic one, and one having odd spin structure. The other strata are connected forgenus g =3. Parities of spin structures for hyperelliptic strata are calculated in the AppendixA.4,Corollary5. Theorems1and2wereannounced in[7]. 640 M.Kontsevich,A.Zorich 2.4. Plan of the proof. We possess two invariants of connected compo- nents: the components could be either hyperelliptic or not, and in the case of even multiplicities the associated spin structure could be either even or odd.Weshowthattheseinvariantsclassifytheconnectedcomponents.The maximal number of connected components is 3, and it is achieved for the strataH(2g−2)for g ≥4.WecallthestratumH(2g−2)minimal. Ourplanoftheproofisthefollowing: In Sect. 3 we give an alternative description of the parity of the spin structure defined byanAbelian differential having zeroes ofeven degrees. For a special class of Abelian differentials introduced in Sect. 4 this de- scriptionintermsofdifferentialtopologywillmakethecomputationofthe parityofthespinstructure especially easy. Thesubsetofpoints[(C,ω)]whosehorizontalfoliationhasonlyclosed leaves, is dense in every stratum. In Sect. 4.1 we consider Abelian dif- ferentials only of this type. We propose a combinatorial way to represent suchAbeliandifferentials bydiagrams,anditisparticularlyconvenient for the minimal stratum. In Sect. 4.1 we establish a criterion for diagrams se- lecting the ones associated to Abelian differentials. Wecall corresponding diagramsrealizable. AlsoinSect.4.1wedescribediagramscorresponding tohyperelliptic Abeliandifferentials. We complete Sect. 4 by introducing a surgery (“bubbling a handle”) whichallowsustoconstructanAbeliandifferential intheminimalstratum in genus g +1 from an Abelian differential from the minimal stratum in genus g. This surgery can be applied to any Abelian differential; however, when the horizontal foliation of an Abelian differential has only closed leaves, one can apply the surgery in such way that the horizontal folia- tion of the resulting Abelian differential also has only closed leaves. In this particular case the surgery can be described in terms of diagrams. Also we describe how the parity of the spin structure changes under the surgery. In Sect. 5 we prove the classification theorem. First we prove it for the minimal stratum. In Sect. 5.1 we study possible transformations of realizable diagrams representing points in the minimal stratum preserving the connected component. We prove by induction in genus g ≥ 2 that the classification ofconnected components oftheminimalstratum H(2g−2) is as in Theorems 1 and 2. We have to note that a surgery used in the step of induction (“tearing off a handle”) is based on combinatorial Lemma 20 fromAppendix A.3concerning extendedRauzyclasses. InSect.5.2westudythetopology oftheadjacency ofstrata, andprove that the number of connected components in every stratum adjacent to the minimal stratum is bounded above by the number of connected compo- nents of the minimal stratum. More precisely, we identify the set of such components withaquotient ofthesetπ (H(2g−2)). 0 InSect.5.3weprovethatanyAbeliandifferentialwhichdoesnotbelong totheminimalstratum,canbedegeneratedtoadifferentialwithlesszeroes. Thus,byinduction weprovethatanyconnected componentofanystratum